Exeter Advocate, 1900-6-28, Page 67, a, .ser.thers who do reeeiveeneis papt. luriy tictilfy tie as onee. 274 t1114 office for gitvertising, TI-I1JRSD4Y, JUNE 2S, 1000, SEED THOUGHTS, Sin has no depth to which there is not a depth of mercy iu God to cor- eespond. If the life of Christ be not your pat- 1be death of Christ Will n.eVesbe 7-0111 pardon. Religion does not consist in eett3 tp an amount of steara and then sub- siding. It means enduratme, The surrender ol self -assertiveness leads to an experienee more manifest- ly divine than any we have known before. In living together, our main duty is to compromise, not priuciples, but those things, especially our own, ~which yet cannot be indulged its with- out injustiee or injury to others. It seems as if heroes had done al- most all for the worlct that can be done; and not ramela more can come natil common men awake and take their common tasks. I believe the common man's task is the hardest. Be There a Will, Wisdom Points the Way.—The sick man pines for relief but lie dislikes sending for the doctor, which eueans bottles of drugs never consumed. He has not the resolution to load his stomach with compounds which smell esillianously and taste worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attentiou efio Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which, as a specific for indigestiou and disorders of the digestive organs, have no equal. ' Sheep Do Not Dislike ..Silage. Silage is good for sheep as well as for other farm stook. The time is not far distant when silage for sheep will be provided for summer as well as for winter•nse. The sheep have to be- come a.coustomed to eat it readily, but that is the case with the dairy .cow. The men that have tried to feed silage to sheep and have failed have generally abandoned the attempt too soon. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron 'Pills. Should Honor Their Calling. In order that •the farming industry 'may be raised to its proper place, as head of all others, it is necessary that the farmers themselves should think more of it and give increased atten- tion. "I was weak, scarcely able to drag ray - self about, easily worried, and quite dis- couraged; Miller's Compound Iron Pills rapidly brought about a change; I never felt better in my life than.I do now;" this es frequently heard. Think of Your Ancestors. The farmer who complains that farming nowadays is hard work, should think of his grandfathers. with their scythe and cradle, when he is sitting upon his mowing ma- chine. likard's Livdracit Cum Diniqtlicria, Was a Notable Event. George Croall, still in Edinburgh., was present at the annual theatrical fund dinner in 1S27, when Sir Walter Scott proclaimed himself the author of "Waverley." He distinctly re- members the great enthusiasm aroused en that occasion. It is because they improve the powers of aseimilation that Miller's Compound Iron Pills cause the red eorpuscles to multiply and the weight to increase so rapidly. Black Diamonds Are Rare. The only place where "bleck dia- monds" are found is in the Brazilian province of Bahia. •They are usually found in river beds and are brought up by divers. Others are obtained by trinneling mountains. The largest specimen ever found was worth $20,poo. The healthy glow disappe.aring from the cheek and moaning and restlessness at night are sure symptoms of worms in hilcirere Do not fail to get a bottle of other Graves' Worm Exterminator e it an effectual medicine., Paradoxical. "Women are 20 inconsistent!" "Aren't they? I gave my wife ten tollars to use in the ,.'wotaan.'s move- ment' and she uses it to buy a pair of corsets that she cannot move a hair's breadth. in." Miller's Werra Powders are the best laxative medicine for children; as nice as sugar. The Electric T.eecomotive. The electric locomotive, while slow So make its appearance on the rail- roads of thit country, is finding much use on the '`industrial'' railways of snanufe.cturing establishments. There are a number of varieties of corms Holloway's Corn Cure will remove any of them. Call on your .druggisb and get a bottle at once: Banana Stain. Stain of •banana juice is almost in. telible. It does not proceed Isom the ;stalk or plant alone, but exists in the green fruit as well. Lilli1110llt aliTH Digtcin r, At Wbakarewarewa, Xew Zealand, there are geysers, hot springs, boiling ,poolls,, mud volcanoes and hot water JritillSintiO ililLCS ViCtiP1S CAN OBTAIN NEW NEALTH IF PROPERLY TREATED. 13 wee Thought Mass Lizzie Staub, Of 'Waterford, was in Cum onsption, Tent item Pfeeith i1a llxeenftestered—een V0& to 51:a1lar lltrLM From the Star, Waterford, Ont. Throughout Canada there ace thou- earids of 'girls who owe the bloom of health shown in their cheeks, the brightness oS eye Lula elasticity of step, to Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale J?eceple, There are Sew girls in the first years of womanhood who do not euffer more or less from anae- mia. W,e eee them everywhere, and they are easily recognized by a sal- lowness of complexion, or perhaps extreme pallor, they are subject to headaches, dizziness, palpitation Of the heart, and feel tired and worn out ox the least exertion. To those who suffer in this manner Dr. WU- liains' Pink Pills offer speedy and cer- tain relief, Proof of this may be had in our own town. Miss Lizzie S.mith, daughter of Mr. Win. Smith, is to- day the embodiment of health asid activity, yet net so long ag,o her friends feared that consumption had fastened its fange upon her., de re- presentative of the Star recently in- terviewed Mrs. Smith as to the means 6naployed to restore her daughter's health. Mrs. Smith's unhesitating re- ply was that Dr. Willies:us' Pink Pills were entitled to the credit. Mrs. Smith said: "My daughter is nine- teen years of age. For some years she has not been very strong and was subject to sick headaches. Last sum- mer she went to work in an esta.b- lis.hment in Paris, and had not been there long when her health grew much worse. She consulted a doctor there who said. that her blood was in such a bad state that the trouble was likely to develop into consump- tion, and on hearing this Lizzie at once returned home, When we saw her we feared she was in a decline, She suffered very much from head- aches ; was as white as chalk, with dark oircle,s under her eyes and the eyes shrunken— Her appetite was very fickle and she ate very little. She was -eery de.spondent and at W times said she did not ears hether she lived or not. "I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, which I heard were so highly recommended in cases like hers a trial. She had only taken the pills for a couple of weeks when we could see an iraproveraent. By the tixne she had used a couple of boxes her appetite was much im- proved, her headaches less frequent, and the spirit of depression passed away. Four boxes more fully restor- ed her health, and to -day she is as well and as active -as though Shs had never had a day's illness. I really think Dr. Williams' Pink Pale, saved her life, and believe they are worth their weight ihOgold to girls suffering as she did." Dr. Vieillfams' Pink Pills xnake rich, red blood, strengthen the nerves, bring the glow of health to pale and • sallow cheeks, and make the feeble and deepondent fee that life is once more worth living. The genuine are sold only in boxes, the wrappers bear- ing the full name "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People..." May be had from ali dealer e or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by ad- dressing the Dr. Williaras•, Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Five cantons of Switzerland have admitted wonaeu to the business schools and reported good results. According to the London eheeniele the telescope which Napoleon I. used to carry has turned up in Turin. St. Vi tus Dance rapidly cured by Xliller's Compound Iron Pills. Cases of years' standing now enjoying the best of health as a result of taking them. Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in children. Disagreeable Companion. The Kicker—I hate him. Fri end—Why? The Kicker—He always agrees with me, and never gives me a chance to argue. A new back for 50 cents. Miller' Kidney Pills nnd Plaster. Satisfied With Sinai'. Pay. Women employed on Japanese tea farms work 12 hours and are paid 15 nuts a day. Wle,VAZTPI=AMNZMNDCr,==MILLIZINMAt THE WELL DRE,SSED MAN. A Pew Valuable Toilet Hints For Men of Limited Means. It is of course, e man's duty to appear as well as possible at all times in the presence and socier6'^ of other ii: For him of little moues, here must be such a thing as dressing for occasions—that is, gauging his clothes according to what he expects to do and the people he expects to meet. It is far better to wear one's old suits to one's business, provided they are Dot shabby, and one' e less expensive' ties, and one's somewhat worn glovee, and to keep one's newer and more ex- pensive clothes for the strictly social side of life. The man of limited income will find it is better policy to look badly at the times when it counts least an smartly at the tinleS 11.110r1 it counts most than to take the middle course and, as a re- sult, look ne het one nor the other at any time. Always keep one or two good suits, a pair of fresh gloves, a few pretty shirts, etc., in reserve, and then if a man says to you on Saturday morning, "Come out this afternoon and spend Sundae' with me," you may accept without mis- givings as to how your clothes look and what kind of an appearauce you will pre- sent. Whenever a suit is taken off it should be well brushed, the coat and waistcoat hung carefully over the hanger, the trou- sers neatly folded and put away. Shoes should be cleaned of mud or dust by the use of a damp cloth if necessary and al- ways kept on trees, which can be bought for $1. a pair at almost any bootshop. Once in the course of every two or three weeks one ought to give one's wardrobe a thorough and critical examination, • with a view to discovering, not only whether any buttons need tightening, , any 'small spots need removing, but also what collars, ties, gloves, shirts, etc., would better be dismissed entirely or called from the reserve ranks into regu- lar service. Just a few words as to the buying of ready made clothes. One may often see an inexpensive set or coat of good cut and finish, be tempted to buy it without much regard to the quality of the mate- rial or much thought of how it will wear, and find that after a few weeks it looks shabby in spite of the best of care. This is rather apt to be the case with raised materials, and in purchasing inexpensive suits it is always best to get plain black or dark blue clothes.—Vogue. ANEW YORK CRCESUS. Egyptian CIUMV1111 Trip That Ile Projected and Abandoned. "Some years ago," said a St. Louis man, "I spent a winter in Cairo, Egypt, and while I was there a young New Yorker arrived who was the talk of the place as long as he staid. He had. noth- ing bet lnoney, was not afraid te hem it and was exceedingly fond of the smell of the smoke it made. A diverting series of balls, dinners and slumming parties followed his advent, and he finally an- nounced his intention of bringing, his py- rotechnic career in the country of the pharaohs to a fitting close by making the journey to the second cataract of the Nile. No dahabeah being available eto make the trip in by water—they all hav- ing been engaged by more farsighted travelers—the young Crcesus perforce elected to make his trip by caravan and straightway started -out to make it the most gorgeous and complete caravan that had ever crossed the desert, and he suc- ceeded. For days all Cairo talked about it, and the morning set for the leave tak- ing all Cairo turned out on the outskirts of the city to see the start. .It went off with great pomp and circumstance, and, as the camels disappeared over the des- ert sands, we made our way back to Shepheard's hotel. "On account of the :field heat of the middle of the day in Egypt a caravan journeys in the early morning and in the evening. During the heat of the noon hours the tents are pitched, and men and beasts get through it as best they can. Judge of our surprise that evening when that eorgeoes caravan again ap- peared in Ciro and announcement was made that the trip had been definitely given up. One of the guests explained the trouble later. It seemed that when luncheon was served the host drank off a glass of champagne and jumped to his feet in a rage. 'Where's the ice?' he demanded of his terrified valet, who was acting as butler. 'Ice, sir! How can you get ice in such a place as this?' replied the servant. "'Do you mean to say I've got to drink hot champagne for two months?' hie irate master demanded. And upon being in- formed that he had be promptly ordered the caravan beck to Cairo, despite the protests of his guests and that by so do- ing he had expended $10,000 for noth- ing."—New York Tribune. Dreatifnl Uncertainty. The Wife—Don't you think our daugh- ter's voice improves? The Husband—I don't know. It may be that as we grow older our heering be- comes less acute. -- Philadelphia North American. or JOHN LABATT, Landoll) Are undoubtedly THE BEST.): Teetimoninls from 4 chemists, 30 medals, 15 diploma)). The most wholeaoine of beverages. Recommended by Physicians. For fiat) every- where., -0:dirn...aeo 1,4 eel" w>, evg-deZe4 ;€.% 4 ri-e44,vrng4et owtiv16. 413,;•.tdif„, /21,01.7.:47- 4%.* -1)"1%-;?'/— ,, ./47 ..7=72/MiltRI7M517.*79 eleeleer ereer"7 AP, GOLD DOLLARS , As. rtia PROTTI EST ..PASY AN CANADA, The Handsomest Baby Gets The Handsomest Prize. ALI. JUDGED•FROM PHOTOGRAPHS ORLY To interest Canadian mothers in a standard preparation throughout the world ME BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY PROPRIETOF.IS OE ARE GOING TO G VE, WITHOUT Ge)ST lil MP/ WAY, A TWENTY DOLLAR COLD PIECE to the prettiest baby in Canada. A TEN rioLLAR COLD PIECE to the 2nd prettiest. A FIVE DOLLAR 'COLD PIECE to the 3rd prettiest. A TWO. AND -A -HALF DOLLAR COLD PIECE in order of merit to each of the next 10 prettiest babies. A OHE DOLLAR COLD PIECE in order of merit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, while to every mother sending her baby's photograph, will also be given FREE our ILLUSTRATED DOCK, "MOTHERHOOD," on the Care of Cltildren in Health and Disease on receipt of ten cents to cover cost of mailing. CO MTIONS: REA CAREFULLyi intending to send photograph of baby, must send us post card at 0911.1e stating wheEnvetrYlhellephTn to will reach us. Ail photos sent in must reach us not later than July 14th. Do not send photos of children ove.r 3 years cid; they will not be considered. Photos must be plainly marked with age, sex, name of the child and full mune and post office address of the parents. The smallest picture will receive as mnch consideration as the largest. The piece will be awarded by a committee of seven disinterested ladies, and distributed by mail to the respective winners, templet 4th, 1900. • The pictures of all babies competing will be published in beautiful half -tone oosvavings in Toronto Globe, begilinilig Saturday, August 4tb, 19Q0. Photos returnable ou receipt of postage. As we have no lime to answer needless correspondence, please do not ask for Anther infor- mation, simply send post card, stetting when picture will be sent. Address) BRITISH CHEMIST'S COMPAR'M9 Dept. ICS Victoria *Street, TORONTO CANADA Cruelty of Natives of Congo. The Nieuwe • Gazet of Antwerp gives authentic details of cruelties in- flioted by _Belgians on the natives of Congo renion. In one ease 22 women were ()hot for not having come in time to carry away a load of rubber. Isa another case GO Women were put in chains and allowed to starve to (loath because their village had not eupolied any rubber. is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor.has said, "1 never yet mad e a post-mortem ex- amination ina. case of death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubtes, and most widely imitated is A Noted Noble Oarsman. For his years, Sir Charles Dilke is probably as tine an oarsman as can be found'. One of Sir Charles' favor ito recreation is sculling. When at his riverside retreat at Sheppertou he is often to be seen in a pair -oared boat in company with some famous roevine man, pulling away with as much energy as an athlete half his age. HOW'S Mit§ ! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case' of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hales Catarrh Cure. F. .T. CHENEY. & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 Years, and believe hint perfectly honorable in all business tramSactions and fmamclally able to carry out any oblientions merle he • Their firm WEST & TItACT.K., Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. 'WA LDIND, DZINNAN & MATZ- 'N/TN, Wholesale 1)ruggists. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Curt Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous' surfaces of the system. Tes.tInionlals sent free. Price 75e per bottle. SOlti. by r.11 drug- gists. HOW to Arrange, a Room. It has been suggested that to itn- prove the aermagement of one's room it should be studied from a camera point of view. The importance of de- tails will be quickly demonstrated in this way. Health for the children --Miller's Worm Powders. The Wonder ful West. "Is 'this a healthy town?" inquired the man who eva); in search of a balmy climate. "Healthy!" echoed the ltind agent. "Why, Jinni, the only undertaker in the town leed to VI ow out the gas to give himself a job." dose of leeiller's Wer111 Powders occa sionally WI I I keep the children healthy. 4 ng.,0azt frlan's,rievimge. A Readiess, Pa mci who was obliged to pee* '4500 damag'es in a breaele of Mann ieee se I t hee married.. the Yining. Women,' This is sine way of go tting,.enein 11 He Expected to Ride Free. One of the companies'whose steam- boats ply on the great lakes has a standing rule that clergymen and In- dians may, •travel on its boats half fare. A short time ago an, azent of the line was approached by au Indiaa preacher from Canada, who' asked for free transportation on the ground that he was entitled to sine half rebate be- cause he was an Indian, and the other half because he was a clergy- man. Prevent Disorder. -At the first syinp- 'toms of internal disorder, Porn:6166's vegetable Pills should be resorted to im mediately. TWO or three of these- salu- tary pellets. taken before, going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pilis for two or theee nights in succession, serve as apreventive of attacks of dys- pepsia and all the discomforts aVedeli fol- low in the train of elier. 'felt disorder. The means are eienple when the Way is knoevo. 'Why MeCoeker Weakened. "It Is shameful the way Marnmduke McCloskey has treated Miss Fitzpere "What did he de?" "Ob. be stimulated ber to banirove her mind and then. brake theengage- ment on the ground that he was afraid to Marry a woman Who knew so Much."—Indianapolis Preis. MillaPd's 1,1111innt- rJuhs Cp1.4, Etc, y. Lawyer—Did the defendant, to your knowlege, ever Omit° another to per- jury? Witness --Yes, I once heard him ask a woman her age. Can Recommend 20,—dir. Enos Born - berry, Tuscarora, writes: "I am . pleased to say that Do. Tlionetie leclectric .011 is all that; you cln.im it to be, as ' we have been using it fax years, botln internally and externally, and have always received benefit, from its use. .F,f. Ot.lr family medicine, a ml 1 take. great pleasure iu recommending it. Five ()Mock Ftinetions. Five o'clock functions are never served in the living room or dining room, but in- the drawing room—or .on the hospitable verandah, where the tea must be made by the hostess. TITS OWN FREE -WILL. Dear Sirs, --I cannot speak too strongly of the excellence of ellinARD'S. LINI- MENT. „It is THE remedy in my house- hold for burns, sprains, etc., and )ve would no be without it. It is truly a wonderful -medicine, JOHN A. MACDONALD, Publisher Arnerior Chronicle, Travel That Counts. . A reasonably fictive /nen walks about 297,200 miles—Inure than ten . times the eartla's circumference—in 84 years, just trotting about the house andsoffice. You ncecl not cough all night and dis- turb yonr friends t there is no occasion for yOU 100 hp the rieie of contracting 10- flamination of the lungs or consur,notion, while you can get leiclehes Anti -Con sumptive eSyrup. This medicine cures coughs, cold, inflammation of the luegs and all throat and chest troubles. It pro - M of es a free and !NOW expectoration, which iminediat,ele, relieves the throat, and lungs from viscid phlegm. Loadonle Big Striolte Olotta. Every day, there hangs over London vast smoke cloud that is estimated to weigh about 300 Aione, .. Amiremeammn....--••••- Ria rauic1ro Ene,elish. The following amusing notice le - written in a cemetery at Rio janeiro^ in several languages: "Noble mes- dames and gentlemen who may desire a dog to follow in this tombyard not be permission -unless him drawn, by a cable round hiiai throttle." "Remember " cried the indionante landlady, "that you are among ladiea, and gentlemen." "I don't know," grunted the 00/11.- edian boarder, as he tack -led a section, of skin; "this appears to be a :pretty " tough joint." • Money Saved ' and pain relieved. by the. leading household remedy, Dr. Thomase Eclectric Oil—a small quantity of whic4 'usually suffices to cure a cough, heal is sore, cut, bruise or sprain, relieve lumba- go, rheumatism, neuralgia, excoriated) nipples, or inflamed leveast. Germs Aro Not Long -Urea. Experiments by E. Klein indicate that, contrary to common belief, such germs as those of cholera, typhus and diphtheria do not survive more than three or four weeks after burial in the Coiled and other fence wire at re- d uceci prices. The Gem Fence Machine for only $5.00. Agents wanted. Write eleGregor, Banwe & Co.,Windsor,Ont. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We also make Steel Flex Staffs. Grain Grinders, Iron and Wood 2'u1l1p0, nee Supplies. Send For New Oat- alorruo. Hotel' .Balillor.al FOR OVER P7PTV YEARS MRS. WliTSLOW'S SOOTFITNO SYRUP has been used by cr,others f or their children teething. It soot hes, the child, 'softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind. colic, and is the best remedy -roc diarrhma. 23e,o, bottle. 05,1 al1 druggists threme,bout the world. Be sure and e51c for " Mrs. Wins' ow's Soothing Syrup." STOPPED TREE. Permanent- ly Gicroul. DE. KLINE'S GIMAT. 0511170 P, E ST 0 ft ER. Positive cure for ill Ne.rvims Diseases, FRS,. Epilepsy, Spasms and St. Vitus:Dance. N6. Fits or iiervousneAs after first day's -Use- ° Treatise and Sf.?, trial bottle sow: through Canadian Agvuey 01100', to Fit pnticutZ,, ey pay i n express eh ges only when received, Sencl to Dr'Eatne, 031 Archst., P hit adolph id, Pa T. N. U. 277 CATHOLIC PRAYER nIx'5,',Rg,"1,1;1.:.0541.3,1:"e'-. Religious Pictures, Ste.)uary Luta °Introit Orna, mauls, Tr,ducational Wm.ks. Mali order", Toccive. prOMPt ti on. D. & :sn,di 01 ,FURS. FUO • Importer n,ncl exenorter of 4*^'A Raw Euro and Sliene. Con.- signiunnts .sol icited. Itieh - est pie To,(ei ,13,1))();lifielrlsyi,si. f,?e(g;),i;),1.1g. 4114 51; "Pn,E1 St1'0611", ''AryniTara' 145 1,1