HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-28, Page 5THE textter bfrocate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the ofliee, ISTAIN-STREET e — EXETER. --By the -- ADVOCATE PO BL I SH NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance h1.50 if not so Paid, No paper1isoontjnediuti1 all arre rage are %1.d Advertisements without speoifio directions will be published till forbid and. hargottaccordingly. Liberal discount made tor transeient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description of JOB PRINTING) turned. out in the finest style, ana at moderate rates. Cheques,rooney ord. ers,&e.for advertising, subscriptions,etoto be made payable to (3has. 11. Sanders, EDITOR AN» PROP Professional Curds. H, KINSMAN, L, D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1., D. S. D. D. S.,,Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extractecl without any pain )r any bs.d effects. Office in Fanson's Blooa., west aide Iftain S tree tl Exeter. D. ALTON ANDERSON, (D.D.S.,L.31S.,) -IV honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni. ratty and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ' of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to ditto. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter, Medical TILT, P. ItioLAXGRLIii", MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accotioh- our.• Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal rlICESON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, eel:loiters, Notaries, ConTeyancer,s, Cornonssidn,,ers, Solicitors for the Molsoris M Bank, etc. oney to loan at 6 and 51.4 per cent. 0 f6.oe Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A member of the firni will be at Hensel]. on Thursday of each week.) L R. CARLING, B. A.. L. H. I)1c • Et W. GLADIVIAN.(successor to Elliot Ss • Gladman,) Barrister. Solicitor, No tory Public Conveyancer, Eta. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter, Altetionee0 11 BOSSENBERRY,GrandBand, Licensed Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. HUI BROWN , Wincheisea. Lioensed • ioneertor the Counties of Verth and Middlesex, also for the tewns1243 ofUsborne Sales promptly attended. to and terms rea- d 0/1bale.Sales arranged.at Post office. Win- ohelsea. ft•0•00107000000000.4.4000,000000~ 11411llarahee. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, ?flail). St. Exeter ram ear.Ait.uarantalkafla-altsraikaitkl 1 IT PRYS 4 To read the big stores' ad- vertisernents sToP! THINK! P For whose -good are we in 41 the femniture business? For yours and ours. If we are not li useful to you we cannot be use ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at • tlie prices you want or we can- not make a success of our .busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself ... , GIDLEY & SON, Furniture, Undertaking, 4 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 0 The M Isons Bank.' (Chartered by Farlianaent , 1855.) Paid up Capital— „ ...... .$2,500,000. Rest Fund • 1,625,000 Bead office Montreal, WOLFERST4N THOMAS, ESte., GENgli,A.I. MANAGER,. Money advandecl. to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorser. &t7 per cent. per annum. —EXETER BRANCJII— Open every lawful day from 10 am. to 3 p,m; Saturdays 1:0 0“111. to 1 p,m. A general banking business traneacted. OtTRaFeeTT RATES allowed for D1011037 00 • Deposit Receipts. saviugs Bank at 3%, Dicitspig & CARLING, N.D. I -runner; solicitors. Manager C)111 ivi.l. -icwi SI! eJfrt pH lane, sm. ' k . 8,13o11. 4,1TE)wv..1 ,,Quilat: Curt ge,,- CiJY1F5, en ' 1r,r2 ^ 8EW.4'13.F. 0i MTAIDN 'PI • tuY C1'..1:`., THE. C-.5.:NWNE3'M nik‘fM' A bieetilme cateeteoplui occiteeecl 011 Le keMete pod 'IA COdar ifin, Q110,, re- stating in the deetvning of a fishing party, coosieting. (ef, Mr: James Xing, ex-el.P,P, for ildeganie; Mrs. Nolin, her eori atid theee roen narnecl Joseph Si. Pieree. Alfred DesCheinpleio sincl .Tosepli Foureler. tit hair a week you wish. guesswork Look i your mirror today. Take a last look at your gray hair. It sure- ly may be the last if you want it so; You needn'tkeep your gray longer than There's no about this; it's sure every time. To re- store color to gray hair use using it for two or three weeks notice how much younger you ap- pear, ten years younger at, least. • — Ayer's Hair Vigor also cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is Spten- did hair dressing, It cannot help but do these things, for it's a hair -food. When the hair is well fcd, it cannot help but grow. It makes the scalp healthy and this cures the disease that causes dandruff.. moo a bottle. All druggists. "My hair was coining out badly, but Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the falling and has made my hair very thick and mucil darker thartbefore. I think there is nothing like it for the hair." CORA IL LEA, April 25,1899. Narrow, L Write the Doctor. -41 If you do not obtain all the benefits you desire trout the use os the 'Vigor, write the doctor about it. Address, G. AYER, Lowell, Naas. 4.1. 6 cp (a cc 0 cf) CI 0 0 73 te) Z ru 2, ai w = c c o o a) . NI uj ?)cd co VI >4 ) (&) - I - ,16 °C) M 2 a., (E: a) tp fl: 0_j i .r....r C:l• s.. O c el vs fti U. _ as o a) cl 2 es T, ii '6 .- -Ses c et F- O le-, a.),- ,es e -so :4--.- o c o ce (13 _c ea c se in c t e 0 0 11) 0.) c '2 .4. ---- o 0 -0 o cL, Lali - ,.- ..c i P. „.., 4^ V) ,0 0) E 0 . _ 0 G.: o 0 c 1 :se Z (0 -0 as• W c 0. ..c 1- CIONIMON SENSE tOMMANOS thatyou should call and inspect the lines of - GENT'S FURNISHINGS that we have placed in our store You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. ITQRSEMEN EUREKA VBTINARY. TRADE MARI{ CAUSTIC BALSAM reliable remedy for Clurbs, Splints, Spavin, Sweeney, Lameness from any cause and Sore Throat in Horses, and Lump Jaw in Cattle.' See Pamphlet. Satiefamion guaranteed All 'Druggists and general stcrekeepem keep it. ' Preparedby EUREKA YgTEEINARY MEDICINE Co.: LONDON. - - ONTARIO. St, Marys: On Wednesday evening June 13, the residence of Mrs. Speck, was the so:!rie of a pleasing event, the Occasion being the marriage of her datighter, lilies Alice, to Mr. Robt. Rice, m prosperous young farmer of Fullerton Township. The ceremony was perfornied by the Rev. Mr. Sedge - worth, Bemtist minister of East Nis - scene, in the presence of about thirty guests. Little Grace Lochrie, of Chicago, was maid o.f honer and the bride was given atvey by her bro- ther,' Mr. George Speck. After a Sumptuous Wedding dinner, the happy couple left for their home, where the best wishes of their Many friends evill ollow them. Clinton: On Saboeday evening a furious runaway went through the main itreet and well through the town before the horse got tangled up in the :harness and was eompelled to stop. D sir in e- the a f te oo n a Kr. Nixon,from near .Listoweedelitsered a horse.he had , sold to McColl's livery 'and had putt, chased one to, take hthrie with hem from left. Burks, in Godeelish tp. Iti WaS the strange aiiimal that created all the Lyon hie, for juSt 00 Wis. Nixon W'115 leaving the livery baler the horse took frigb 5 end ran through town. In its wilo ettreee it eats into Mr. B. • Chinchilla buggy, which ems standing 011 the street, with (so e of Mr, Oh tirelo ill's girls in it, The rie was upset and smashed to recces, while the little girl eecaped with brit a little 5111111111 g up. The horse enn,on to the top oS the hill, buts wes obliged to stop thrinigh the hampering of its own wreckage, chciren Ory for ; Q. 1 London, June 25.-0 a.m.) — The position ofthe internatienal forces in the section of No:eller:1 China, Where 10,000 men are striving to keep a fboting and to suecor, the ,le- gations in Pekin, appears to seere,ase in peril with every fresh despatch. 'Pekin hes not been heard from ,direct for 14 days. The last despatch was one imploring eied, Admiral Sey- 'moues column of 2,000 was Ittet heard from 12 days ago, • At that time it was surrounded midway be- tween Pekin and Tien 'fain, Possibly now it has readied Pekin. 100,000 Alen Needed. The .8,000 . internationals at Tien Tsin were hard pressed and fighting for their lives on, Thursday and a relieving. force of less than 1,000 had been beaten' back to Taku Friday. • Observere on tb.e spot think that 100,000 men would not be too many to grasp China firmly. international roree Repulsed. The Admiralty has received the fol- lowing from the British roar admiral at Taku: "Che Foo, June 23. — Only oae runner has got through from Tien Tsin for five days. No information could be obtained except that the foreign settlement had. been almost entirely' destroyed and -that our peo- ple were fightlese berth NeeVe• i; ceiSesse ris- as this telegtain is despatched that an attempt to 'relieve Tien Tsin on June 22, was repulsed, 42vith some loss. The allied admirals are work- ing in perfect accord, with the Rus- sian vice -admiral as senior officer." Situation of Foreizners Desperate. A press • message •from Shanghai, datedl, yesterday at 4 pen., embodies some later information. It says: "Official telegrams confirm. . the re- ports of a defeat of the allied forces at Tien Tsin. The foreigners there are now placed 111 a desperate situa- tion. The Russian Ache -deal Plilledrat yesterday sent a mixed force of 4,000 front Ta.ku to attempt' the relief of Tien Tsin. Near' hail of the force consisted of Japanese. -The remaind- er was made up of contingents repre- senting the other nations. The guns of the Chinese around Tien Tsin are simeeior to any thing the defending European force has or is likely to have for some time. • Bombardment,Gontinued Friday. • "The bonibardinent of Tien Tsin tontinued Friday. Bombshelters Were hastily erectecl by the foreign troops, largely constructed of wetted piece goods. The food supplies are insufficient,, and the 00-nth-med shell- ing is reported to be telling terribly. Among these killedof the relief force Friday was the commander of MM. S. Barfleur. The foreign casualties, were 300. Japan le makieg every effort. Her troops are now arriving at Taku in large numbers. The Chi- nese troops in the Province of Oht Li. include 60,000 auxiliaries who have been drilled by Russian' and Gerinan officers." Chinese treed Machine GUI18. A Che FOG deSpeLeli to The Daily Mail, dated yesterciaei, says; The attack on the Tien Tsin relief force was made by 20)000 Chinese, using machine geme anci'modern field pieces. The allies were wise in retreating, Forwarding detachments in this man- ner is suicidal, and the defeats of the foreigners, even though • in 'small force; greatly aids the movements of the Boxers, which is gaining enor- mously through the inability of the foreigners to make head' against it. Practically the whole of Northern China is ablaze. Hostilities are now conducted on an extended scale, due to direct orders from Pekin. Gen. Yana Shi Kai, G-overner of Shan Tung, commands 11,000 'foreign - drilled treops, organized to a high pitch of excellence, and equipped with Misusers. It was in the plans 'that these troops should go to Taku, but She , seizure of the forts was effected before they could get there." Olay Some of the special despatches from Shanghai describe the great southern provinces of China as still 011155, but others assert that the news from the north is exciting the southerners to a clangorous height of feeling, and that millions ratty rise any day. Ir()II85IG51NIISSAIrf WilDNEISDAY. Shef‘e, Dirce,ts)v of Chineao Telegrfsphs, Gives Out Newt,. London, ,Ttmc 25 .—The Shanghai correspondent of The Times eays: "Shone, Director of Telegraphs, de- cleres that information \vas rec,eived to -day Cloriday), Sum.: 22, to the ef- foot tbat the foreigners in Pekin Were safo on Vie1151135iL57/, .fune 20, but that all the legations bad ,boon burned ex- c,ept, the .1)eitish1 Austrian and Ilel- ng seer, he iles 110'78 from re - kite by courier, to Shan Tt1ng, thut t110 10VOL3t1 Mird.514,ro jr). 'pekia are ,z1e- manding their passports, and that the Tsang ii Yamen is disposedto comply with their requests." If this newe be true it would im- ply the correctness ef the /Worts of the arrIval of Admiral SeYinour at Petkoi:l. idon, ..kine 25.—At Capton the Boxerer.Indansmatory Placards. ( Boxer ii are posting inflammatory pla- cards of which the following is a sample: "Kill all Germans, Americans and g I is la To have pe,a Oe pre vit i 1 in the hearts Europeans shoukt be driv- en out. This end can be attained in O few days if we unite our strength," rive mo 41 '1111, ()raiser's. The 13ritish Admiralty has ordered five more cruisers to go to China. This represents an additional 50,000 tons, the crews aggregating 3,000, U.S. Troops C.0,0.1,0,1. Washington, ;June .--The Navy Department yesterday afternoon is- sued. the allowing bulletin: "A telegram from Admiral Kempff, dat. od at Cee woo, Juno 24, says: "la ambuscade, um; Tien Tsin, on the 2ist. Pour or Waner's command mem anSi SOTOU wouuded, Names will be furnished as soon as received. Force or 2000 going to relieve Tien, Tsin. to -day. (Sgd.) Kempit, SEEK sERVICE, IN CHINA. CculPallY. at Victoria, Offer Or Serious Work. ' ViCLOriLl, B.O., June 25,—The men of A Company, Third R.C.R., who were diverted frow Halifax to assist in garrisoning Esquimale, have not been slow to show Chet that they are ready for more serious work than sentry duty at a military station, Saturday they placed in the hands of their C.O., Col, McKay, a memorial signed by every man from color-sergt. to bugler, asking that they be per- mitted to serve the Queen in China or elsewhere. Col. McKay enclosed his own request for service with that of the men and despatched, it to Ot- tawa, endorsed by Col. Benson, D.0. C., Victoria. Being only 14 days from China, all tht troops here re- gard their despatch thither as prob- able in case of emergency,* • McNINLIDY noosEvsLT. rresont President and Governor of New York the Republican Nominees. 'Philadelphia, June 22. -The Repub- lican Conesentionwns railed to order at. 10.38 yesterday raornine- amid the ,strains of the National Ltheen, played by the band. 'Archbishop Ryan of Philadelphia delivered the opening invocation. Chairman Lodge called for the nom- ination os onsiMeatba -Ttir the ieeests derecy, and Senator Foraker named, Wiilaini McKinley. PRESIDENT DPKINLEY,. At 12.87 the vote began. The tally clerks quicldy made the official summary and handed it to the chairman. Mr. Lodge took the paper, and ad- vancing to the front of the stage, said: 'The total vote cast is 930. Wil- liam n I ey has received 930 votes. It is a unanimous vote, and the chairmais declares that William Macioley is your nominee for the Presidency for the 'term beginning March 4, 1901; ' Now again 'pandemonium broke loose in one swelling chorus of en- thusiagm for the new candidate, and lasted five minutes. Roosevelt For Vice -President. . Colonel. Lafayette Young of Iowa took the platform to nominate Gov- ernor Roosevelt for Vice -President. Michael J. Murray of Massachusetts Seconded Roosevel's nomination. The vast assemblage sprang to its feet, and State emblems, pampas plumes, handkerchiefs, and hats fair.- ly filled the air. The band in the main gallery began to play: "There'll be a hot time in the old town to -night," and to the inspiring strains the delegates began marehing around the hall, filing past Governor Roosevelt as he sat in the New York delegation tend extending to him their congratulations. DEATIT OF COUNI` DIURANIEFF. , Bussian Statesman and Diplomat Carried Off by Apoplexy. St. Petersburg. .Tune 22,—The Mae- sian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Muravieff, died suddenly yes- terday morning, Count Nr1.1111Nieff had just. finished his morning cup of coffee and had or- dered his lunch, when he fell in tin apoplectic fit and expired. Count Muraviefilf was a,botiC 55 years of ageIle succeeded Prince Lobanoff-Tiostovsicy, who else died very suddenly at Klee on Aug, 30, 1806, etetile travelling with the Czar. The Venial -is 11 ere Deported. Now York, June 25,—Joseph 11±811 - let, "rille Dwarf," and JOIT1C8 nee_ harris, known as "Skin the Goat," see Irizthmen who Served s6venteen years in an Engligh prison for corn- PlicitY in the Ph oen 51 Park me:raters, and who arrived in this port on May 1)7 last, wore, dopovfbd on ov the Cunard Steamship Which so 11 - ed 115 I. o'clock, The Board of Spe- cial ineetire found they were persoes of itsorel etti.isitucle, teed not political ofreliders, , and their clepoe- to tion. EXETER MARKETS. or 35 to 50 Oat Vea per cropEWW)01:01rigetic:::::ats.. oet,:ei.(pse, gsb, 651,530st:1 54tti roi )11 . ... .. . .. ... to 28 ag fiirn Turlieys (ieese °I over ...... ............ 450 to 555 Fiellr per owt 1,85 to 2,5{) 513 Flay per ton Butter e 1)ried Apples per lb o thy'. . . ... . . ..... . . 03 to 17 , 7.00 to ai.150 „.7 40 to 45 50. lb, .7 " r? Nursing !Anthers edread hot weather. They know how it weakens and e how this affects the baby. All such mothers need Scott's Emulsion. It gives them strength and makes the baby's food richer and more abundant, soc. ,,,3 51 All dniggists. ( Seafortb: Mr. 111. Ransford. who has been ledger keeper in the Domin,- iOn Bank here for She past year, bas been removed. to Belville, where he will be promoted to the position as teller: • . Tuckersmith: Mr. John.P. W, Pat. terson, contractor, of Bensall, and Miss Marian S., daughter of Mr. Duncan McGregor, Of this place, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, at the resi- dence Of the bride's parents on ,Tune 20. An investigation is to be held at Ot- tawa into the death of Joseph Labelle, who is alleged to have beets set upon ns -;d brutally ill-used while returning from a wedding near Buckingham. On the C. P. R. at Grand Falls, N.E, Engine No. 508 was derailed at the Wage and crashed though it, taking seven freight cars into the water. The passenger cars followed, but only it tew people were hurt. Cob Tyrwhitt, M. P. South Simeoe, who only returnee, from Ottawa Fri- day evening, died at his family resi- dence at 10 o'clock Saturday night. The jonrney from Ottawa completely ex- hausted his wasted strength. • A sad drowning accident took place Sunday afternoon in Pinafore Lake at the park, about a mile from St. Thom - Inas. Albert, the eleven -year-old son of Mr. S. H. Woollen, M.C.R. brake- man, while heated wentin to swim and almost immediately was eeiesed Witli cram-' iscl sank He was in the water aleetig 45 minute, 112i01,PeingNe=z,;;;; Dr. Gestin and others worked for two honre to resuscitate hive, but their ef- forts were unavailing. He Fooled' The Sursons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton. of of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 months from 'Rectal ,Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation Was performed; but he cured himself with Bucklen's Salve, the best in the world. Surest Pile cure on earth. 25 cents a. box. Sold by all druggists. Cheap Cats. General Sir Herbert Ohermside was formerly a consul in Asia Minor. Once, in a weak moment, he sent a couple of beautiful Angora cats as es present to a lady in Constantinople. The lady was so pleased that she asked him to send some more. Sir Herbert gave his native servant some money an.d told him to go and buy two or three. Then came a demand for more cats from the consul's friends, and he gave his serv- ant more money with which to buy cats. This went on for two or three months, and the native servant waxed exceeding fat.' One morning, however, the general, on coming out of the con- Sulate, was surrounded by a host of infuriated veiled women, -who besought Mohammed to curse him because he had 'stolen all their cats. It appears that the native servant had pocketed the money for himself and gone round with a sack and confiscated everY cat in the place. WOiitall'SWeIfarL Pan Golgro Compollg Gives and Maintains a Perfect Condition of Bodily Health. DON' DO IttIOT RUN from a question that must ieterest you. Have vou your New Sole? If not, di,op in ansi see us at the first opportunity and let us show you a. few prices of the FalleY, Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have you seen the new Staples and Therringbone patterns. They are beauties. A big range of Blues and Black-, sh Serg•es at the old. prices. If you want a black we have what you want in Twills, Ve'netians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in, Beavers, Meltons, Naps and Montateacts. All work done in the latest fit genranteed, style auth--vE- Opposit5e Post Office COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,Cluistie's old Staid will receive prompt at- tention. . . . . Term5Reasenable5. erelephon Connection The great susceptibility of women to nervousness a,nd worry is heightened by the fact that,' in the majority of cases they lead confined ansi monoton- ous lives, narrowed down to the four walls of home the greater part of the Paine's Celery Compoundis lust what such nervous and depressed wo- men need to restore their 'nerves to energy and to lift them out of their coestiprited, dyspeptic habit of body. No other remedy known to medical men is so rich ja flesh-forraing and encrgy-prolllucing coosti tu en ts icir WO - (71011 as Paine's Celery Compound. 15 is also a teue )1ead unfailing regulator,. keeps the blood pare and rich', and ronmtains an even condition of good health that make.,,s a women ethetented and happy. Whs. Wileox,of Creemore, Ont., writes as follows: 'For yeasts 1 leeVe sliffered from con- etant sick headache iind nervousness. At times I have been so had that I. have been ramble to sleep two boars a night for weeks. I have tried many 1110d1011505 and; doeteted it gl'Oatdeal, hut never received it hundreth pare of the valee fieme them that obtained feom P5111308 Celery Compound, After nsing three bottles 1 can sleep well,my hendaches have eensod, and I feel healthier and 11,0811er than 1 have been for years.' • 0 Yes we have justrecei ved another of faViliktre,, which when added to our airead.y fine Stock we can supply the latest, malt hand- some and cheapest things ot the market. THE STOR We have the Stock—you have the money—we want to trade, and. if it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in and see oar dandy line before purchasing else- where. We haue the largest and best assortsd stook in town. R. RovttE FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LA31313, PORK, SAITSA.GE, BOLOGNA, PRES...tED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; gALT. FRESFif OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. One door North of R.Pichard's store. LOUIS -DAY Proprietor. SMITH'S Repair Shop. Now is the time to get your wheel Re- paired, ()leaned or Enameled. RED BIRD. We have it large stook of :Brantford Red Birds on hand, the best Bicy- cle on the market, which we sell ab right priees. SUNDRIES We have in stock, BlOyele Sundries tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN MOWERS, HORSE CLIPPERS We'Sharpert. Lawn Mowers, Horse clip- pers, seissorsi Razors, Knives, etc. EVERYTHING REPAIRED. I. SMITH. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. -RtSprotsn.,--= Fresh; good and the choi8est ents of moat; c.rall on the undeSsigned,. 'While all ous outs of moat ar'e. the attest, we Make t), specialty of meat 116110013±00. ' Meat dellVered to ,edl parIs of tlte . totVit tic)hn 1Wai71,?1;;',g