HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-28, Page 4OX.et Al'infor at e,
Chas. H, Sa.nders, Dittor and prop
South Attica as a storm centre
rapidly losing newspaper interest, al
China looms ominously into yiew. 1
the dark continent two republics
anid-centuey growth disappear fro
the map and one of the oldest mo
amides of earth has begun to vanis
aed. roll away in Asia. HOW Stvorig
biugs ehape themselves as viewed 1
men, but proving ever in theft shit
ing the righteousness of God. Whe
the Saviour of mankind preached uP0
eaLt} theie was nothing that fell u
der His condemnation as the sin
hypocrisy. This century has probab
seen, no greater hypoerite ia a hig
position than the one time preside'.
of the Transvaal, The MOrlD.013, J
Smith, deceivedonly the shallow) an
ignorant but -Paul Krugee has mac
converts of some of the ablest me
and women in the very land again
whose majesty he was plotting an
whose subjects he was endeavoring t
enslave. The true state of the dispu
with the Boer leaders has been state
so often in Parliament and on ti
platform by political' and lecture
that one wonders how the "stop th
war' party can find an audience t
tolerate for one moment their bran
parent theories. But we are astouish
ed at their following. While the issu
was unceetain there was but little clan
ger of the men who have done so mule
harm in the past gettino the ear of Oa
nation. He is a poor kind of an English
man who will maie peace while his en
emy is unconqueretl,and but t one states
man,Mr. Gladstone, has successfull
attempted it, and he is not bein g copie
very slavishly just now. The greate
danger is before us when the• govern
anent in England and Africa, th
statesmen in Loudon, Cape Colony an
Natal, are face to face with the condi
tions of peace. Rebels in Capetown
and little Englanders at home will cry
for mercy on an institution that has
been a stumbling; block in the way of
civilization too long. Britain can and
will befall of mercy to theD utch farmer
and hunter. She can afford to be and. it
would be against her splendid record
to be otherwise,but mercy -upon there -
publics -she can have none. She owes
it to the brave soldiers, to the loyal
colonies to her own life, to stamp out
forever the last shred. of authority
from elements so bloodthirsty, ainbiti-
ous and cruel. British colonies, both
republics, are by conquest and of an-
cient right and. such (with for many
years limited power) they must now
be. The first and. the last of the cen-
tury shall not know them as independ-
ent governments. Island prisons for
Kruger, Steyn and Reitz would be pro-
per justice. They played for high
stakes, they have lost and must pay
the gamblers forfeit.
The game is just opening in China.
We read of millions of•Chineselsoldiers
in arms of forts taken and hear the
rnea,sured trump of marching men and
await anxiously thE issue. That China
cam stand against Europe united, or
one single first-class European power,'
no one for a moment believes. But
what then? After conquest who will
divide the spoils ? Whip?
The House of Commons beganmorn-
ing sittings this week and prorogation
is looked for about the beginning, of
Repent amendments to the school
.act permit rural School boards to spend
$200 a year for promoting athletics.
Teachers retiring after 20 years' service
May be granted superannuation, not
exceeding the salaries at the time of
'retirement. The service required of
teachers and inspectors before yoltin-
: tary superannuation has beet" short-
ened from.35 to 30 years.
The reports of the conditions of the
crops gathered by the agents of the
Northern Pacific Railway Company --
along their branches for the period
, ending June 21 are -very unfavorable.
With the exception of slight showers
on the 18th ins., there has .been no
rain and the cropswill be a failure un-
less heavy rains come immediately.
The weather continues dry and ex-
tremely hot.
• Frequently, says the Toronto Star
(with a great deal of good sense), the
Call ad jilt) papers have protested
-against the rohnst humor of the cheese-
makers in this country who put boa.
ties in cheese for export to the English
market, ,and deposit in the bottles let-
ters asking whoever opens the cheese
to Write to some address in Canada.
Last year about belt' a dozen instances
of the Same kind were repotted in the
English press and when so many cases
cane to light the thing must be almost
a regular custom among some of our
cheesemakers. Many bottles have
been found in cheeses from Canada -
we recall one letter contaihing an offer
of inarelage-also one revolver and a
clay pipe. The oneese (rade of this
country is too important to he played
With in any such wiy, nd tho; e inter-
ested in the bnsiness should, restrain
the boisteeous humor of their em-
Children Cry for
A recent decision in divisioo court
inings put ,once inore the point so of-
ten overlooked that an endorsee of a
note is not liable uoless he signs alter
the payee. The pey&-i-, to whose order
the note is made must endorse the
note to make it negotiable and if he
does it, after the other man he assumes
the respensi bility,--io other words he
goes secoriiN foe the note instead of
the man who was intended to stand.
as security. If you want security get
a joint note.
The fel:meta of the United Statee
are ibeginning to take notice of the
way ia which the Canadians are driv-
ing them out of the British market
for butter. In 1897 the average ex-
port of butter from Canada to the
Euglish market were 892,000 pounds
per month. In August,1899, the Ire-
niendous total was neeotaled cif 1,024,-
000 pounds, of 52,387 pounds of butter
pmeiteaday. The yburtotleir export,
psoalittl, glsa
ihigh price, and the demand for it
seems almost unlimited. 'United
States butter makers are watching the
situation with concern.
Rem is a story that has just come to
hands Kruger sent a man over to
England some time ago to find out if
there were still any men left in the
country, and on the man's arrival in
Brighton he sent a telegram to Kruger
"Thousands of men here." He then
paid a visit to London, and from there
wired "Millions here." The next town
was Birmiughain. From there he wir-
ed, "Hundreds of thousands," Next he
went to Staffordshire andsaw the men
coming up from the mine in cages. So
he telegraphed, For God's sake stop
the war. They are bringing them up
from H— here, eight at a time."
The Grand Marais Herald, of Michi-
gan, notes the following, which refers
to an old Kippen boy: "Ori Wednes-
day of this week Attorney C. D. Doig,
of this city, was duly appointed judge
of the 'probate court of this county by
Governor Penigree, to succeed H. N.
Morris, who resigned last week. The
appointment of Mr. Doig to this office
will Meet with hearty approval
throughout the county, which was
shown by the many indorsements giv-
en him. He will make is good officer
in this capacity, being perfectly fitted
for the office. His many friends
throughout the county will be glad to
learn of his appointment
"The probability is that the street
railway strike will be settled in a few
days," said sectettuy McLean of the
Trades and Labor Council in London
to a reporter. "Negotiations have
been in progress for some time past,
and the terms of settlement have just
about been agreed. to. The majority
of the old men are to be taken back
and given their former runs, on con-
sideration that the strike be called off
and the recognition of the union dropp-
ed. The men will be allowed to join
the union if they see fit, but it will not
be compulsory. The men will receive
the same wages as they did previous
to the strike." '
The Dominion Government proposes
to take the census next year under- the
de jure system. Under this system,
those who are away from Canada at
the time the census is taken are count-
ed, if their relatives state that they are
likely to return to Canada again. In Ca
this way, a large number of nadians
whoreside in the United States are
counted by our census takers, and the
population of Canada is made to ap-
pear larger than it really is. When
the Liberals were in opposition they
denounced. this method of taking the
census, and demanded that it be taken
under the de facto system, that is, by
counting only those actnallk residing
here. Now, however, they want to
make as good a showing as possible,
arid so adopt the system under which
they- can count the largest number.
June Sitting's
The June County Court and General
Sessions opened on Tuesday, Jane 12
before His Honor Judge Masson.
The following gentlemen were sworn
in as grand jurors: -J. R. Williams, of
Gorrie, (foreman); Robert _Armstrong,
Stanley; H. B. Chaut, Clinton; John
Elder, Hay; Allan Fraliek, E. Wawa,
nosh; Thos. Hamilton, Ilullett; Wrn,
Hicks, Stephen; .Tno. Kerslake, -U5-
borne; Alteheson Laird, Ilowick; bon-
ald N. McKenzie, Ashfield; john Me -
Ewan, Stinky; Patrick O'Connor, IV,
Wawanosh.; John Walker, nickel. -
The first case taken up was Steep vs.
Warren. James Steep, apple dealer,
of Clinton, sued Henry Warren, farm-
er,,of Holletttownship, for loss occas-
ioned to -plaintiff by reason of defend-
ant's having 'delivered to him 'apples'
of inferior grade, some of which were
shipped to the Ohl -Country and sold
at a loss and others stored in . Clinton
and afterwards repacked at a loss.
The plaintiff clair»ed to have bargained
For first-class apples only, at $1.75 per
barrel, a,nd had paid hirneat this rate
less the sum of $29.25. The transac-
tion took place in the fall of 1808. .1t
T. Garrpw, R. C., for Ott ;E. Campion
Q.Ce for deft.' Fifteen witnesses were
examined in this case. The jury ren-
dered a verdict for plaintiff for $100
and costs, less the amount of defend-
ant's counter -claim, $29.25, and costs of
coo n ter claim.
The Queen, ys..Benj. Allen was'. tried
next. The obarge was that of cornmen
itssault, the complainant being Alexan-
der (".Dad") Bogie, of Colborne tow 0 -
ship. The essaillt upon Bogie was al-
leged to have ben '.eornmitted on the
18th May, 1898, at the Carlow hotel.
The heaving of the case occasioned
considerable; interest,. County' CroWn
attottey Lewis prosecuted. and Philip
Q0., .a,ppeared for the. defence.
The jury -retained a yeediet of "not
VS. '14ChlYe----.AO action forth('
pride of building a house. Henry 13s -
ken, the plaintiff, a c0t) trafittfr, resid-
ing in West Wawanosh, coutracted
.with- the defendant, Daniel teddy, a
'0 fillet, of the sane township, to blind
for Vie latter a house for. the saw of
$175; part of the .outterial to be sop -
plied by defendant The defeadant
c.cl Iott the huildaeg was; I
erected in a -Iyotkinishlilse manner oe
acCording to the specifigations and
Weitild not allow the piaimitUi to finish
tlio Work. He had ,paid plaintiff $100
0000)111 51(1 claimed, that this was
move than he AVUS eptitled to. E.
cauwi,pa, Q, C., for p111, W. Peoudfoot
foecleft. The evidence of a huge num-
ber of witnesses was taken. The jury
brought in a verdict for plaitilid 100
The Queen vs. Alex, Mitchell for
fraudulently disposing of property,
was next heard. M. G. Cameron ap-
peared for the Crown and J. T. Gar
row, Q.0., condimted the defence.
The jury rencleved a verdict of " not
e .
In the other cases against the Mitch-
ell brothers, Alex., James and John foe
fraud and perjury, the'Orown, on ac-
count of reetitution being Ina e, pro-
duced no evidence and the defendants
were found not guilty" on all charg-
es. These cases arose out of the re-
cent proceedings in regard to the in-
solvent estate of Alex. Mitchell.
Denby vs. Lee. --Action to rank on
Hai estate of Alex. Mitchell, insolvent
the delentiant being the assignee. The
plaintiff, George Danby, of Stanley,
had a promissory note made by Mitch-
ell for $100 With interest and also a
claim of $178 for wages. , J. T. Garrow,
QC., for plff., Philip „Holt, Q,C., for
deft. By consent of consel Iiis Honor
directed that judgment be entered
plaintiff to rank on Alexander
Mitchell's separate estate for his wages
with statutory lien for three naonths'
wages, and on an equal footing with
the other creditors of Elliotl & Mitchell
foe the balance of his, with costs to
plaintiff out of insolyent's estate.
Butler vs. McMicken.-The plaintiff,
John Butler, of Goderich, claimed
3122.87, With interest, on a judgment
given in 1877 againstflefendants. The
defendant H. G. MeMicken is in LOO -
don, Eng. J. T. Garrow, Q.0„ for
plff.; Philip Holt, Q.C., for deft. Judg
went was reserved. -
Court adjourned Friday afternoon
until Tuesday morning.
The following presentment was
handed. in by the grand jury:
The jurors for our Lady the Queen
beg leave to report as follows: -They
have examined the jail and find the
VOOILIS and everything therein clean
and in good order.
There is one person in the jail, a
young womaa of unsoand mind.
They would recommend a more suit-
able residence for the jailer and his
family than this one now occupied by
The rooms are very unsanitary and
inconvenient and we think the jailer's
family should not be compelled to live
so closely with the prisoners.
They also went to Clinton and exam-
ined the House of Refuge and found
therein eighty-four inmates. The ac-
commodation is for seventy-five only
and the balance have to sleep in the
basement, which is not very seitable.
The house and grounds are kept in
excellent order, and Mr. and Mrs.
French (the manager and matron) ap-
pear to be well adapted for the posi-
SeventeenYears of Torture.
"111)1(1 1 bad c000 rotseventeen
years" \VritOS Mrs, 8anel Hamilton
of Bawnville, Tenn- "No doctor or
medicine could cure it until a year ago
I begari to use Dr. King's New Discov-
ery 16r consumption, which did me
more good than any other medicines I
ever used. It is truly a grand cure
for stubborn Coughs, ()olds and Throat
and Lung troubles." Positively cures
Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip, Bron-
chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever and Croup.
Price 50o. and 31.00. Guaranteed.
Trial bottles free at drug store.
Ailsa Craig,,, Tune 21. -The annual
meeting of the North Middlesex. Re-
form Association Wa$ held -in the Town
Hall, here, on Monday afternoon. The
meeting was large and representative,
delegates from ell parts of the riding
being presant. After the routine busi-
ness was concluded, addresses were de-
livered by Messrs. 'W. H. Taylor, M.P.
P.; Dr. Wilson, Parkhill; V. Ratz, M.P.,
and T.. 0. Davis, M.P,, Sasketchewan.
The meeting Was very entansiastic.
resolution ot confidence in the Laurier
Government was passed, also a vote of
thanks to Mr. Davis for his address.
The meeting closed with cheets for the
Queen and. Sir 'Wilfred Laurier.
Montreal, Jane 21.L -Sack Roach, the
notorious crook, who was supposed
to hayie been mixed up in the Na -
()110O hank '1,,obbery, but Who escaped
punishment- in that -cennectioa Was
sentenced to twenty years in the St
Aih'eent de Paul Penitentiary to -day.
He was convicted some time ago of
robbing:a merchant named Roney in
• .
-a bold manner in his store. The po-
lice had been after him for some
time, but he Managed to elude them
until lately. Evangelist Joly, who
Was cenvieted Of robbing the. Dbmin-
ionExpress Co. of about '39,000 at the
C.P.R. -station at Juliette, was sent to
the same institation for nine years..
Goderich Grand Jury Room,
June 15th, 1900.
On Tuesday morning the Court re-
sumed. The question of costs in the
action of Baker vs. Leddy was argued
by counsel. The plaintiff was allowed
Division Court costs, fixed by consent
of parties at $25, and His Honor certi-
fied to prevent the defendant, setting
off County Court costs of defence.
Gardner vs. Cooper was then taken
up. The plaintiff, John B. Gardner, is
a plasterer, and the defendant, S. S.
Cooper, a building contractor, both
residing in Clinton. Plaintiff dicl
plastering for defendant- for two years,
and the question at issue between
them is the price per yard to be paid
for the Work. W. Proudfoot for pllf.;
James Scott, Clinton, for deft. The
case was not concluded until noon
yesterday, when his honor announced
that judgment would be reserved un-
til next Tuesclay,morning.
Fite broke oat Thursday night in
the house of Samuel 'Btisbois,whose
family were all asleep. Napoleon, a
boy of.10,yeats, ;aid his.little baby sis-
ter werabutnedto death. The husband
'and wife, when all Chance of 'teSetting.•
their childrenwas gone, barely man-
aged to escape by juinping from a
"Never Quit Certainty
For Hope."
You may take Hood's Sarsaparilla for
all diseases arising frorn or promoted by
impure blood with perfect confidence that
it will do you good. Never take any sub-
stitute. In Hood's Sarsaparilla you have
the best medicine money can buy. It
cures, - completely and permanently, -
when others fail to do any good.
Tortic-`1 have taken Hood's Sarsa-
parilla as a ionic and general builder of
the system with expellent results. J re-
stores vitality, drives away that fired feel-
ing, quiets the nerves and brings refreshing
sleep." John Y. Patterson, Whitby, Ont.
Conductor Martin Smuck, of the G.
T.R., Sarnia, had one of his legs am-
putated at Victoria Hospital Wednes-
day night, the result of an accident in
London. The accident was a very
simple one. Smack had just come in
on his freight train ancl had given or-
ders to his engineer to proceed, Climb
ing down from the cab, he stepped on-
to the next track at the naomeut that
an engine shunting, froni the coal
shute tender first came along. Smuck
Who IS a big man, weighing 230pounds,
was knocked down ancl had. a close
call for his life. He managed, how-
ever, to get clear of the rails except
his right leg below the knee, which
was mangled. Dr. English, assisted
by Dr. Burke, took his leg off at the
knee. The unfortunate man has a
wife and large family. Smock is do-
ing nicely And will recover. He is 42
years of age.
°Wilmer Bros. & Bethune's elevator
at Pilot Mound was - burned down
Saturday, ancl 3,000 bushels of wheat
destroyed. -The flames also spread to
and burned the 0.P.R, stockyards and
out buildings. '
Mr. Arthur Granvelle, of Renfrew,
who was called as an expert for the de-
fence in the Napanee bank robbery
trial, opened a safe that was in the
Hull branch of the Merchants' Bank
during the big fire. '
Work on the wood ware establish-
ment and planing mill of E. B. Eddy
& Co.will commence' at once. The
building will be a three story one. It
is expectedthat this branch of, the
Eddy business will be in operation in
a month's time. The paper mill ruins
are pretty well cleared away and work
on new buildings will commence short-
ly. Mr. Eddy thinks he will be turn-
ing out paper by November 1st. The
Mind output of paper, it is expected,
will be 40 tons a day. '
WithWork At Night.
Countless' thousands have fonncl
blessing 46 the body in Dr. King's.
New Life Pills, which positively cure
'Constipation, Sick headache, Dizziness
Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and ague end,
all Liver and Stomach- troubles. Pul.e,
ly- vegetable; neVer-Or weaken;
Only 25 cents at all drug' stores.
WIEBERG.-In 137:h;;Cpod; On .June 21,
the NVitp of Fred Wieberga .of a
Tge.,47414 777.4 -,----
BALKWILL----OLVERAt the residence
of the rector, Exeter, on Tuesday.
June 26, by the Rev. J. Mr, Ten Eyck
Mn-. Richard Balkwill, •of -Hibbert, to
Miss Rebecca Olver, Of Mitchell.
STEWART-In Carlisle, on Wednesday
'Sone 13th, Mrs.. James Stewart,
aged 57 yea,rs, 6 months and 15 days.
BUTCHER -ID 81. Marys, On June 18,
Margaret Aileen, infant daughter of
W. R. and Mabel Butcher, aged 3
months and 17 days.
.McKKEvEn-a-On Saturday, June 161h.
James McKeever, townline Stephen
end MeGillivray, aged 12 years.
A 'Radical Change in Marketb
inc, Methods
as Applied to Sewing Machines
An original plan under which you can obtain
easier ternttere value in theeh
7r.e• yvor amolls 1NiaPethritietehaonf
ellIurit,;:rifoer,o0u,r elegaenYte'Ir-1-1)Teic°a7alcogifueer°,edn'cl detailed particulars. How
we jriusz ii the purchase of a high-grade sewing mao:hpionre_
a_ tt ca"Z' we can offer, either direct from
sa featly or through our regtilar authorized agents. This is an
unity you cannot afford to pass. you know z). s know
tits rnabufticturers. Therefore, a"cietaiMescriptiou 6? thrraaaM and
auctiO11.17Mne'cessary. Tf you have an old machine to ameba," e
we can, offer niost iberl terros„,Write to -day. Address in full. e
WitIn StVIM ItiAtIliNg COMPANY,' (Dep't CintIiMi ,
For sale by O. MART FM, Exet,?r.
1010111111111,01111111111I1111111111111P/1(11111111/111111tlif 1
0 i 7r
........, 111111,15111 / 1 /
----- —r-, _,...-
I .
1111111111111111111/011 1111 I1F111011111111 IIIITITrili i1(1111111717,111/11111E
ZS. ..
AVege table Prep aration forAs -
simliali ng theiooct acictRegtita-
ling the Stomachs amtBosveLs of
Co ,
,.; " ' '4' ktilTirri iall
., ,, .... ahas ....
Ress and Rest.Contains neither
Opiunt-Morphine' uorIl.ineral.
NoT NAL,: s cyr 1 c .
______. , ................_.
iimpiin J',..wd*
dfix.Setwar •
Adler& Salts -
Alin 302.4 ,,,
ApPeindar -,_
A Can3onatdialo •
ihinv..fccd -
anima' &gar . ,
iffrArsvVien, rhino:
.-.......„, ...____
APerfec t Remedy for Cons tipa-
lion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoea,
!less and LOs5 OF SLEEP,
TacSimile Signature of
IsTroW YC1,11K.
----- 0
flo.storia Is ant lap one -Size bottles only,
a ant sold in bulk, Dot't allow anyone to seli
on anything else on the plea or promise that
s "jnet as good/laud "will answer every pia -
(me," -0Z-Bee that you get 04 -8 -T -0 -R -I -A.
age over?
• vrappor,
4111111.1.104.1haller,RagaVlseznattkaila ateasMao5,
Pald-up Capital, $1,200,000. Reserve Fund, $815,000.
JOHN MoOLANY, Esq., President. A. 8. EMERY. Iraq.. We -President.
Interest allowed On DOROSits at Three and One-half per oesef.,
paid or compounded half -yearly. Married Women and Minors e4O
W deposit and draw out money in their own names.
Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest than
Deposits. interest payable half -yearly. The Dohootopes of this
00nittaray are such a high ohms of security that they are accepted
by the Donrksion novernesent as a Deposit from Eire and Lilo
Anstotainee Oonspanies as 800tarity for their Policy Holders.
Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in thee&
Debentures. The Act of Parliament, under which the Coixtpany is incorper-
ated, restricts their business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, 00,
Municipal and other Debentnies, which aro the safest securities
Doolinion affords.
Money loaned on Mosritgagefit oits Real Estate at low rates of
For full particulars apply to
OfItee-e..or. Handset*. and Market Lame, LONDON, T.
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e ...
IFIE.youtrrow 'rind &snot, eel* weak or debilitated; tired mornings; no ani..
Es; memory poor; wispy fatigned; excitable and irritable;
oyes sunken red and bl...rred; impletal larnioface; dreams and nicht
nossoir, restless; hegFard looki gl• weak back;Lbo e pl)ai
maricccole; deposit rrine drain et stool;ndistruastiala;
energy and strength-- VIE CAN cuaE YOU -1 wanoteti outlfnefris;. sore throat;
dance; lack af
RESTORED TO ill /ANN 00 D 13Y DRS. K. &
LEFORIZ 5.ILIZAT:11.7.1.iT. Arilun rJnCArrisrr. .13.1SFOlta TH.1,1A.TMEXT. A2TEII
John A.i I10sayai__.»IWflS0020f the conntIess
tiia of early lguoranco commenced it 15 years of age. 1
trieij 0o7e5 medical firms and spent $1100 without avail.
' 1 gave ap in despair. Rho drains on my ayetern were
weultanIng lay intellect as wall as my sexual end physical '1
life. My brother advised me as a last resort to commit
D18. :Kennedy a:F.:Armin. 1 commenced their New Method
Treatment and iri a few, weeks WaS a new man with new
lil'o end lra',.it'o; 11 .o.ir years ago, and now 1
1111nataiod. and happy. 1 recommend those reliable 1
specialists to an my r..1."..1 icted fo1 I o%; mon,"
2,117/T.hoLleasrs oofue,narisegbgbinnfgl laiii;iiciteh;?.pre°s'":rlinroll0tCf:'1:11oor fit, nd'iy- &Jo p i'lin rryi [col/Inc
1.1., 17 ,
nN2eoeurravYagsnticin 1)7 E?f),1131, fewlieted:vii-Itirl'35'111'(;)k7i ;1 c''..:7,'-'''I'S'iy'tOlea; Itli i1 1'1 iej rt01; re'l :cal 81(ad'i l'11:2-,11 'yitit'''';'11i81rnto0of, I,/ i I' ri i; 0 1 i 6
fall out, hone pains, uh,ors in rn,q1111, sad on tonnno,
bI°tcils°ab7Qt,Z4 fl1'nk0,'dll....t;'1Pgr1Kern. ge) rtore,!ietcIe.,,1•rs,;: Tifi(zdnrIc‘tudtl:tplaegc." CHAS. POWEP.S.
,,i0.- YVe. I rea I axd cure Val"?*,:eV7.'. .. ... d., LS 5 4,71.. S, A ervo:t.7.1)az.,.. ea Ses• ;I a/
Weakness, Glee!, Sii?efure, ,.‘,J)li.;72:s, ?-...'005/0201 .Discharvs, Se{,f Abuse,
Kidney and .1fladder Diceas,,,s.
17 YEARS IN nErnol ,,,... 2,00,000 CURED. NO RisK.
NnewF.NATetiphoEd TProllttrAu:11)1,3'1,C:ruillnt:17::k7;in?7,:l.:C:1.11;').c., Id:ea? 01 others t will do for ‘ OM
. Z u ',, I ag,;( t 2,1. ,,,,n, .,,,00,-, 1.,00 0 11,ake;‘.1! 11114a'Vr'le Toc'it; /C11°) !Di l'I''Y'r'''ttrikital Ot 1 n97 7110anr;
CO NS LILTA'ffe IS IF 50E. No matter who h P IA 1150)1(1 11)1, write for an honsat opinion Free
of Charge, Ohaxgoi rposziable. 5001S.; FREE -"m0 Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on
Dis'ennei of Mon. Incloa,, rioiltag,,, ii ..;,,iliq. Pm:to.
it -?2, -NO NAlvirES Li.st-..r) VviTI501..y" V.RITTEN CONSENT. PRI-
VATE. No rnedi,lint4 ;1 lit C. O. 5.) Mo names on boxes or envei...
DileoculliattOPME441g11.0A ifoticialWiTriNga7.4cMgli i'a'
mopeensi, FE.i.t3:(1.2ily.thing 4.,.,..Inficlt:;;ILietl. Qu4.1t,itior; list ariciv:o,cs.,t, o,6:,,iTreat-
0,0 I 3 folk 0 111012 nit.LP
nlitq rritiimr.n, .)„ kli.-pci A ill Nei.. I48 SHELBY ST.
1 cl.A.Husuu9 fi.D.!:Ttio!T., PA 10,1-1_
.....,sP.............................n,.krIAIiwrxtnte.•*,.'....... __ ...„..,,,....„,....,
Five hotses were binned lo death 1 n Josephl-larrison, of Norwood, wen
i s fire 'which destroyed a stable occit- with Ins thirteen -year-old son to Trent,
pied by the Gee/iodide Ice Company on bridge, fishing. His body was found
the south side of the Esplanade cast of Washed as ieue, lifeless, The boy's holy
Clio:tell street, Toronto, on Saturday, has' not bonn founa,