Exeter Advocate, 1900-6-28, Page 3.1,
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iAGAINsT AGNocrurnai
31 RAO in
'Dr. TaiMageS Reasona for Belle
in the E3ible.
Tao llarect Teachious 1/
M allay -rho Char,,te of Infitiela That
Christians Are a Galltbl..,1Peopi,..3 ite•
fated by.the li'autuus Pro:tenor.
Washington, June 21.—In the
great conitiet now ,raging iu Merope
,as in this country betwi.ien Chri.itiail-
,ity and agnostici.ens Dr. Taiamtge lets
taken a decided Stand and in this
'sermon deelares his unwavering Le
.lief in the divine origin of the Scrip-
tures; text, Matthew vii, 16, "Do
men gather grapes 61 thorns?'
Not in, this country.' Not in any
country. Thorns stipk, thorns la-
cerate, but all the taoras mut to-
gether never yielded one cluster. 01
Catawba er Isabella, grapes. Cririst,,
who, was the Master of apt and po-
ent illustration, is thus setting forth
what yeti and I well know, that you
cannet get that which is pleasant
and healthful and good from that
which is bad. If you find a round,
'argon 'beautiful Muster of graees,
you know it was produced by a good
grape vine and not from a tenges of
Canada thistle. Now, if I. can ehow
you that this holy Bible yields guod
fruit, grand fruit, splendid fruit, you
will come to the conclusion it a
good Bible, and' all the arguments of
the skimtie against it when he tries
to show it is a bad book will 'go
"Do men gather grapes of thorns'?"
Can a bad boOk yield good results?
Skeptics with great vehemence de-
clare that the Bible is a cruel book.
They read the story of the extermin-
ation of 'the Canaanite s and of . all
the ancient wars and of the -history
of David ahd Joshua, and they come.
to the conclusion that the 'Bible is
In favor of laceration and men -
slaughter and massaere. Now, a bad
book will produce a bad result; a
cruel book will produce a .cruel 're-
just, loyinne oamipoteet, eaSan—e, of those splendid hanging garilenSe in 10 minuteS. .I.3y the present mode
lost sinner, 'Invo destinies—one for and in Ult% 81.1Mitler thee the ground, of transit it takes 30 athletes. It
will he (mimed by the Prince of Wales
that home and only those destroyed to the Prophecy, ' onEejlumniests21.1;ist ' received at London
frorn the Whitehouse-Ilarrison expedi-
ers; all who aeeept Christ reachieg 0101. pahYlon deStroYed according
who destroy themselves; only those Whore is TYre? In the daY of ita tion to Abysinnia., which safely re -
come to the precipiee and Junin ort, men loin dry their nets ,where ' fills tamed to Mombasa, on the east
coast of .Africa, aune 10, show. that
who' turn their back upon ChriSt and PoMp the ProPhet said, "The fisher -
for Cod neYer pushes a man off, eitY stands." If you should g° to
Ito juinps off. Now, in these sour that Place to -day, You would find the explorers found the districts
great doctrines all the Bible writers that liteeally. The fishermen are dry- deserted, and that the inhabitants
around Lakes Rudolf and Stephanie
agree. ing their nets on the rocks where the had either died or left the country. It
You must remember also that the city 01 Tyre once stood. Tartar and is added that, the kraals were discov-
authors of the i'Mble came froM dlf- Turk and Saracen drying their nets ered to be full Of skeletons.
tnries. They had no connatinication ''Well,'' says some one, "n°1v I am CA:SuAnTists. '
farent ages and froin different cent on the Tocks•
with each other; tie' did not liave ready to talso the New Testament as James Ward, grocer, was struck
an idea as to, what was the' chief de- from the heart of Christi and i ara and killed by a Grand Trunk express
in LondOn, Ont., Friday mormeg.
sign 01 the Bible, and yet their eyrie_ ready to believe the prophecies. rrhe
ings, set 'up from all these different evideece is beyond all ' dispute. . But Little Joseph Roy, aged 5,, ran in
believers, the other for unneuem aetually blisters the feet of the travd
'You have friends who ha,-ve been in
the habit of reading' the Bible a meat
many years. flave you noticed an
tendency to cruelty on their part?
Have you ever heard any of them
cense out and practically say,
have been reading the story about
the exterinination of the Canaanitss,
and I am seized upon with a dispos-
ition to cut and slash and maul and
pinch and raurder ased knock to
pieces, everything I can lay my "hands
on?" Have your 'friends in propor-
tion as they become diligent, :Bible
, students and disciples 'of the Christ
of the Bible shown a tendency to-
ward massacre and murder and man-
slaughter'? Has that been your ob-
. What has been the'effect upon your
children of this cruel book?. Or if
you do not allow the book to be
read in your household, what has,
been the effect upon the children of
other households where the word of
God is honored'? Have they re-
sult of readieg this cruel book gone
forth with a cruel spirit to pull the
wiegs off flies and to pinion grass-
hoppers and to 'rob birds' nets?
A cruel book ought to make cruel
peoplef If they diligently read,
It and get absorbed with its
pr in ci pl es that cause must, pro-
duce that effect. At what time
did you notice that ,the teach-
ings of this holy Bible created cruel-
ly in the heart and the life of George
Peabody, of Miss Dix, of Florence
Nightingale, of John Howard, of
John Frederick Oberlin, of Abbot
Laurence? Have you ooticed in 3 -Red-
ing the biography of these people
that in proportion they became
friends of the Bible they' became en-
emies to humanity? Have you not,
on the contrary, noticed that all the
institutions of mercy established
-Were chiefly supported by the friends
' f thl^ bookn
foa:t Lthe peri*siU n
Praetical People - Personal. Political
1,011(.10/1 iS from an epideni-
l0 of suicide, 00 cesee being reported
hn lti8le'clia2t'sh. of July 15:000 Orange-
men will noels to Ottawa. A mon-
ster Procession will tele° place:
' fihroughout the British West Indies
there have been unparalleled demon-
strations of joy at the 13ritish sec-
cesses in South Africa:.
No rain has fallen in Manitoba and
there are no signs of it. If a wet
period !does not set in this eek it
will be a "seriouS matter for the farm-
Sir William Vernon Harcoert con-
tradicts the report that it is his in-
tention to retire frem political life
at the tinie of the next general elec-
Ones Central Trades and Labor
liinion of St. Louis, Mo., solicit from
organized labor throughout the world
$100,000 to be used in establishing
busses ea that city.
The seventh biennial convention of
the Ontario Deaf Metes' Association
opened at Belleville at the" Deaf and
Dunil) Institution, with 200 delegates
present on Saturday. -
The oldest son of Lord Chesham,
Charles Cavendish, just killed in
South Africa, wa,s engaged to Lady
Alexandra Beauelerk, youngest sister
of 'the Duke of St. Albans.
The Houston; Texas, Post on Fri-
day printed a list of fifteen women
and children who have been burned to
death since June 7, as the result of
explosion of kerosene oil cans.
The London dock strike, involving
canriot be all this story al)out- Adam 10,000 mem mill probably be arnica_
you must remember," says my friend, front of a trolley car at Ottawa cm
lands and all these differeut ages and „ . Friday and was instantly killed, his
all these dirre,enL cent,tiries, coming (not the peopheeles are only a
. sma Pal 0 body, being terribly mangle .
11 st f the old book. , You
together make a perfect harmony in Tea lives were lost, and six people
don't expect us nee believe all the old
the opinion of the very best scholars were badly lejured durMg a fire
c?f all lands. Is not that a 11LOSt re- which almost totally destroyed the
book." .., if you .found one of your
1 a letters in an envelope
good, 101.1QS , old five -storey teeement, al Jackson
maricable fact? with .10 or 20 cruel, lying, filthy let -
Again, infidels vehemently charge street, in New York, early on Fri -
tors how loeg would you allow
'ff. ' '''' -
that the Bible is an unscienti
'1 • 9 f
half a minute you would either, 13ritish Guia,na mail news report*
when a boat with 23 persons was
book. In a former discourse I shOw- hmlest letter to .11
another river' accident on June 10,
ed you thatethere was no collision
snatch it out of the envelope or you
between science 'and revelatnin, and
went from point, to point in the would destroy whole' envelope.
discussion, but now let us have au_ Now, do you suppose the Lord God precipitated over the falls of Cuyuni
River and dashed to Pieces. All
thority in this matter. You and alloev these pure prophecies,
cannot give 40 or 50 or 30 years e - Frank O. Hill, a finisher fa 'roron-'
hands were lost.
prophecies which you admit
must have come from the hand of
' . 1.t,to
some raen give. Let, us have author- ,
taod, from mottle inspiration—do you to, was drowned on Sunday, while
elusively to the study of science that -, . a • • .,
ity in this matter. York street. He was . an expert
swimming in the bay at the foot of
e .. .
suppose God would allow ,these Pure
Who says there is a collision be- prophecies to be boned up and put swimmer, but was seized with cramps
tween science and revelation? Well, in the same envelope with the Book
Herbert Spencer, . Tyndall, Darwin. of Job, aad the book of Psalms, and while in the water. ,
Henry Sieppel, blacksmith, of NI-
They say there is a discord between the, book of Deuteronomy, and the agn,ra Falls, N. Y, while working
science and revelation; but I will .
other books, if those books were not on. the Canadian end of the canti-
bring you aaro.es of men who have good. boons? ' lever bridge Friday, morning, fell 88
found a perfect accord between sci- Besides that„ you must remember
ence and revelation—men as much that this book has been under fire for feet on the stone abutment below
higher in intellectual character above icieleatittiroiefs,thaend'sakfotpetricas1101thaellbothmeleacrodo: and was instantly, killed.
those whom I have mentioned as the Daniel O'Brien; a farmer living
Alp and Mount Washington and the turies they have not knocked out of four miles from .Centralia, Ont.,
Himalayas are higher than the hill thls 13ible a piece as large as the while closing a gate during Wednes-
back, of your house. Herschel, Kep_ small end of a sharp needle, Oh, how day night's electric storm, was
ler, Leibnitz, Ross, Isaac Newton. the old book sticks together. un- struck by lightning and instantly,
My friends, , we are in respectable sanctified. geologists. try to pull away killed. He was unmarried.
company ' when. we believe in the the book of Genesis. They say they .An unusually severe electric storm
word of God ---very respectable :Com- do not believe it; it cannot, be • there
was light before the sun shone; it passed over Hempstead, L. I., Fri-
pany. ,
day night. One man was , killed.
Now, I lTlight, as infidels have others were struck, horses were kill -
and Eve; and they pull at the book of bly settled by the London Chaniber of
Comraerce, whose offer to arbitrate
has been accepted by the strikers.
The condition of Jamaica's finan-
'bes is so bad that a law was passed
Thursday authorizing, the Govern -
to borrow $750,000 from the
Imperial Treasury at 2% per cent.,
to meet, the, deficits.
The Washington Grand Lodge of
Masons, in session in Tacoma, has
voted 'not • to admit liquor dealers. 1,o
membership in the order, and directs
present members who are in the
business to withdraw.
Over 6,000,000 persons are now re-
ceiving relief irt India. There was all
ineVeaase in Bombay of 200,000 last
week, owing to the return of, desti-
tette people who deserted the works
00 account of the cholera. '
The Norwegian steamer Antarctic,
vvith the Danish East Greenland ex-
Pedition, commanded by Lieut. Auld-
rup sailed Thursday Irons Copenhag-
ed and a train, buildings! and trees
cruel book, that the Bible is an were struck and torn by lightning.
impure book, that the Bible is a con- Floyd N. 'Thomas, a raachinist, died
tradictory book, that, the Bible is an early Friday morning at the Emer-
unscientific hook—I might move a
failed to prove that the Bible is a
Genesis, and they have Iseen pulling a
great while, yet where is. the book of
Genesis'? Standing just where it stood
all the time. There is not a rnan on
earth who has ever erased it from
the Bible.
Then all the undevout astronomers
went to to pull away the book
of. Joshua. They say, 'vrliat cannot
be true, the sun's halting .above Gib -
eon and the moon over the valley of
Ajalon; it cannot be possible, we
must pull that ' book O'f Joshua
awava'` And they „pull away at it,
and they pull away at it; and 'yet
what has become of the ,boolt of'
joshisia?' Like the sea above Gibeon
arid like the moon over the, valley of
Ajalon, it stands still. All the uncle-
vout a.natomists and physiologasts
get hold of the book of Jonah, and
they pull away and they say, "That
story about Jonah and the whale
't be true " Every infidel carries
galley Hospital front injuries received
nonsuit in this case of Infidelity, the on Thursday af,ternoon, while at work
Com -
plaintiff, against Christainity, the
in the Northey Manufacturing Com -
defendant, but I Will not take adva,n, pan y 's manufactory at Toronto. De-
tage..of the circumstances, for when ceased was only 13 years of age.
.the skeptic goes on to say that we A serious aecident occurred at Ayr
are a gullible people, when he goes on Sunday morning near Fair's farm. A
to ' say,,. ,as ,,he often does, deaf and dumb man named Winter -
that l ',the greater the imprOa bourne of Washington, was walking.
bability the more we like to believe Aitt the track mid WO. S struck by a
it, when -he goes on to say that the freight going west. 1 -le lived only a
Bible. istinade up of a lot of manu- short time after being moved to the
scripten,one picked up here and an- town.
other 'there ansi, another from some CRIME AND CRIMINALS.
other place and that the whole thing Joseph Wynne, who was shot at
is an inmositiOn on the credulity of Trenton recent] y wh i I e entering Ire,
'charge. ' land's bicycle shop, was on Saturday
theleurnan rare., I must reply Lo that
sentenced to 10 daye in jail by Judge
.Testament e,nd 'Incs New • Testament. Lazier. ' ' •
a harpeon especially ,for that whale, .
and theY Pull away at the book of en, to ' explore' the coast between.
Cape, Brewster and, Agga, Island. '
Jonah but where is the book of Jon- British workmen have put up four
t,houaaad Pounds to 'be applied ' in
erecting a Ruskin Han in ,',3t.,. Louis,
The Bible is utade up of: the Old
Charles R. Myrick, aged 42, of Gil -
Why do I .believe it?" Why do I take bertsville, N.Y., shot and instantly.
it'to my hsart? It is because it can killed his wife, 40 years old, at his
ah to -day? Just where it has been
all the time—the grandese thing that;
was ever written to prove that when
God send.s a man to Nineveh, he can-
not get to Tarshish, if God to stop
him has to upset the 'Mediterranean
sea with a cyclone:
And so the infidels have been trying
to pull 'away the miracles, pulling
away at the blasted fig tree, at the
turning of the wateP into wine, at
the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
Can you shoW Inca Bible from which
one of these miracles has been erased?
How saaarvelously the old book sticks
together! All the striking at these
,chapters only driving them in deeper
until they are clinched on the other
side with the hammers of eternity.
And the book is going to keep righta
on until the fires of the' day are
kindled.. Sorne of them will begia on
ong side and some en the other -side
of the old book. They will not find
a bundle 9f loose manescripts easily
consumed by the fire. When the fires
of the last day are kindled, some will
urn on this side, from Genesis to-
ward Revelation and others will burn
on this side 'from Revelation toward
Genesis and in all their way they
will not find a single chapter a
Let us. take the New Testae:lent first.
be traced "batik ' to the divine lietert Another's home!, at Gilbeetseille . on
. Priddy. Myrick then shot himself in
traced tb that :dour; .and that aisle. the heads .dying. instantly,
just as . -as that aisle,: can be
It is an act of reciprocity to-
wards the founder of the Oxford Rs-
oriHall by 11Ir. Vrooman of St.
Louis. , •
°wine. to the anti -tithe trouble in
the SsairTaa district:, Bulgaria, a shuad-
ron of cavalry sent to the village of
1)urankultil: was fired on during the
-march and two orlieer's killed. The
soldiers retuthed the fire, wounding
SO peasants.
Everything appears to foreslaa,dow
a soft coal famine in. Montreal, and
at the different St. Lawrence ports
before the end of the present season
namigatibre 'Ile price of coal
has, of course, sliffened very consid-
eralsly in consequence of this fact.
James Lynch of Ancestor has a
freak of nature in the shape of a
calf, which was born Tuesday. The
aherial's bacle legs are the sarne as
its front ones, and it can walls ,back-
wards as well as forwards. Mr.
Lynch expects the animal to live.,
Prof. Henry Crew of the Chair of
Physics in Northwestern University,
Chicago, soreowfully announces tha,t
all the photographs he took of the
well eclipse of the sun were under -exposed
to that door. • Avina, Boura.ssa, the wife murder.;
Jerome and. Euselpitts in the first er, was found guilty on Friday and
tury and other writet's in tlie. third at Montreal, to be ;hanged, on Aug.
century and Origen. in the Second cen- sentenced by -.Sir Alexander LaCoste
and fourth centuries gave a, list of l3oimassa. clasped his crucifix
was innocent. •
the New Testament writers just ex- and said that God alone knew he
actly corresponding with our list,
show ing that the sarne New Testa- During the course of a heated argu-
ment 'which eve have they had in 1110 meat over the strike at St. Louis, on
fourth century ,anel the third century Thursday, Sheri -nen C. .Pateerson,
and the second 'century!. and the first president of :the Ideal Street IlailWay
century. Butl where did they get .the Men's Union, was stabbed in the neck
lIrenaeus..Where did Irenaeue get 1t( 'Canty. Ctenty was .arrested. • .
He. gotiat from Iitolycarp. Where did George. Johnson was sentenced to
Poiycarp .get it? He got it- fromi St. - - .
seven years,. imprisonment in Montrea,1
John, who '-WaS - the personal associ for intent to kill. He recently was
ate . of the ' Lord "Jesus • Cbrist. My made.a ticket -of -leave 'man, .but broke
grandfathers gaye a book to my. fa- his parole by crossing into the . Unit-
ther, my father gave iia to me, I,give ed States, . which .has issued. a war -
'New' Testamept? '.They got.. it. from andd mortally .Wounded by Edward
liSti CHEMISTS Oda -0
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Send at once if you desire one.
it to my child. Is there any difficul- rant for his .surrender. to the 'Cana-
ty in tracing this line?
clian authorities at Buffalo.
On communion day 1 will start the THE FLEE RECORD.
chalice at the end of the aisle, and Moscow, Livingston County, N. Y.,
the chalice will pass along to the
a town of SOO population, was
other end of the aisle. Will it be pevept by a, disastrous fire Sunday
difficult, to trace elm inc1of that holy morning, which wiped out the busi-
Again, infields go on and most ve- chalice? No difficulty at all. ,lhas
hemently charge that this Bible is an pne will say, gave it to that
one " and this one will say, "I gave
it to that one.' But it will not be
so long a line as this to trace the
New Testament. It is easier to get
at tlau fact. Dull you say, ''Although
this was handled right down in that
way, who knows lut they -Avere
inipostors? How can you take
their te,stimony?'' They died for t.he
truth of that lsook. Men never die
for a lie cheerfully and triumphantly.
They were not lying impostors. They
died in triumph for the truth of that
Nesv Testaisient.
impure book. You all know that an
impure book produces impure resells.
No amount of money, could hire you
'to allow your child to read, an un-
clean book. Now, if the Bible be an
impure book, where are the victims?.
Yoer father read it ----did it make him
a had man? Your mother read it—
did it make her a bad woman'? Your
sister 15 years in heaven died
in the faith of this gespel--did it de-
spoil her nature? Soine say there
aee 200,000,000 copies of the Bible
in existence, some say there are 400,-
000,000 copies of the Bible. It is
impossible to get the a,ccurato sta-
tistics', but suppose there are 200,-
000,000 copies of the Bible a,broad,
this one book read 331.01.8 thdll. any 20
books that 'the world ever :printed,
this book abroad for ages, for cen-
turies—where are the victims? Show
ne 1,000. Show rue 500 victims of
an inepure bools. StIONV me 100 de-
spoiled of the Bible. Show nee 50.
Shney me 10. Snow me two. ShoW
rao one! Two hundred Million copies
of an' impure book and not one
tim of the impurity! On the con-
trary, you know very well that it is
where the Bible has the most power
that the family institution is most
Again, ag,nostics go on still fur-
ther, and they say the Bible .is a
rules of contradictioes, and they put,
prophet, 'against prophet, evangel S
,agaie st cyan gel s apostle .e.ge, st
apoetle, and they say if this be tree,
then, cat that be true?' :Nix. Mill,
who Wns .a frieed of the Bible, said
he had discovered i-10,000 different
readings of the Scripthree, and yet
not one important' ifference--n ot
one important difference out of 30,-
000—oniy the d rferen ee that you
alight expect Morn the fact that the
book came down from generation to
"Well," says some one, "now I ani
ready to believe that the New Testa-
ment is from the heart of Chriet, but
how about the Old Testaneent? Wh-
do you believe that?" I i believe the
Old ,Testament because the prophe-
cies foretold eyents hundreds and
thousands of yea rs ahead-2-evon
which afterwards took place. Dow
far can you see ahead? Two thous-
and year*? Can you see ahead a hen-
tned years? Can you see ahead Inc
minutes.? No, no ! uman 'prophecy
amOunts to nothing. Here these olU
prophets stood thouea,rids of yeare
back, and they foretold evente which
came accurately' true far on in the
futine centtnies.
You must remember that Tyre find
Babylon and Neneveh were in full
points a.nd splenchir Wh011 therm pro-
phecies, these old prophecies, eaid
they will be , destroyed. Those cit-
ies had architectere that, make the
houses of modern cities perfectly Oa
significant. Yet these old prophets
IP right 1.1 ti T
walked o.oue lose maam
cen streets and said'. !'This hae 011
t to COMC dOwn. ThiS all , go-
ing, to be.leveled.''
,,SuppoSe a man silo-1dd :stand up in
these cities to -day and say, ''There
will be hativeste of wheal: rind corn
\where 01006 eibies HOW Stand, and
theee streets will be pasture for cat -
single verse out of place. That 1 and are valueless. His pictures were
be the first them we•can e.flord to do obtained ad the United States Naval
without the Bible. Observatory in. Griffin, Ga.Se
But 1 ft not' think we will give up Beginning ia July, London will have
'the Bible even at that time. I think
in operation the longest electric, un -
We will want the L'ible in heaven. I derground railway in the world. It
really think the fires of the last day runs from Shepherdbush., the extreme
will not consume the last copy, for western suburb, to the -Mansion
when you and I get our dead children_
House, six miles• The fare will be oil, points to incendiarism.
out of the dust we want to show four cents, and the trip will be made '
them just the passagee, ...just, the
ness centre and all dwellings save
those on the outskirts. The loss is
about $7,5,000.
A small fire broke out Thursday
in the machinery section of the Vin-
cennes Annex " of the Paris Exposi-
tion, burning the floor between the
German and Austrian exhibits of lo-
comotoves and cars. The discovery
of a, bundle of wood, soaked with
Isrnorance of 'National CnistOnkt
Leads to Disatereeable Results.
"I had a rather embarrassing but
Instructive experience recently," remsial-
ed a clubman of this city. "A gentleman
from Breslau, who had just arrived iai
New Orleans on a pleasure trip, was in-
troduced to me by a friend, who had met
him on the cars, and we strolled into the
St. Charles cafe. Going in, We enemata. -
:brae:. another friend, making a party of
four altogether, and we sat down to
"Iu a nutmeat or two the stranger from
Breslau beckoned a waiter and ordezet
a glass of Rhine wine. To my atter
amazement lse said not a word above our
joining him, and when the wine arrive&
he proceeded to sip it with perfect sang
frold. , In spite et all this, I saw that he
was unquestionably a gentleman Of
breeding. and refinement, and, while 1:
was strongly tenipted to order soniethinf
for the balance of the party I refrained
from doing so lest he would observe me
paying and feel mortified. The others
looked bewildered and said nothing, brit
the friend who joined us at the door took
early occasion to excuse himself an&
walk off. He is a fine type of the old
school, hospitable southerner, and 1.
sure he felt extremely indignant at wir..,17
he considered an exhibition of foreign
"The fact is that our American custom
of 'treating,' is alniost entirely unkuownt
in many parts of Germany and elee-
where in Europe. There it would be
considered very bad form to offer to .pas
foe the refreshments of a chance ae-
quaintance, and our friend from Breslau
was simply deporting himself according
to the custom of his country. When Pee
becomes better acquainted with Amer-
ican idiosyncrasies, I am sure he will ht
covered with chagrin. After all, how-
ever, treating is an idiotic usage, and I:
meet coufess a private sympathy weals
the foreign point of view." ,
"That reminds me of a whimsical little
incident evhich I witnessed in 1$05 e
cafe in Antwerp." said one of the listen-
ers to the foregoing, "I was spending et
few weeks in the city and used to drev
in at a place to which I refer to read zee
paper over a glass and cigar. The -pub-
lic room was equipped with a number a
little tables oil a sanded floor, and rangaa1,
along one of the walls were several seaSse
inets or lockers where residents' kept
their private bottles. The house supplieet
the liquor, and they strolled in whenevest
they felt like it and helped themselvee
a nip.
"One day when I was sitting' in arse
favorite corner a stout gentleman, wine
was evidently an old citizen, came 7.19'
with an American whom he seemed to be.
showing the sights. The American mar,
erect and slender, with a dignified age
riage and an iron gray, seminailitimf
mustache. They tOok the adjoining; tz-
b1 e, and presently the portly native waM
died aver to the cabinet and returnee
with a long necked wine bottle and ow.
glass. He poured out a drink very
liberately and then eecorlsed the hetfle,
the American looking on with ail expeeee
sion of amazement. 'Your health, eels:,
tain,' said the native in French, mud
raised the Ones to his lips. Tbe Ames'
ican's eyes blazed. tr,erditionl' he rear,
ed, springing to his feet. 'Do you morn
to insult me?' And lie swept the bete*
off the table with a blow of his cane. lit
course there was a frightful row. Er.
erybody talked at once, and the gers-
darmes rushed in and took several rem*
of memoranda.
"The funny part of it was that lase
portly gentleman couldn't understand
how he had possibly given offense.,
heard him dieensFs it several times atisese
ward, and when I htft it was still a
found mystery, mystery, only to be eiepleined
the well known eccentricity of ell Arnee-
icans."---New Orleans Times -Democrat.
promises, which comforted us here in reseseessweesesTseneatassvarnisaaSneasswe
the dark day of interment, and WO
will want to talk over with Christ-
ians who have had triale and steer,-
gles, and we will want to show
them the promises that especially re-
freshed us. I think we shall have
the Bible in heaven.
Oh, I want to. hear David with his
own voice read, . • f`The Lord is my
shepherd." I want to hear Paul with
Ids own voice read, "Thanks be unto
God these giveth us the, vietory.'' I
want to hear the archa,ngel play
the' same 't,rinepet with which he thoroughly won the e,onficlence of the so Tepidly that I ordered twelve
Chase raore.
"I can say frankly that this treat-
ment has no equal in the medical
world. While using Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food Icould feel, my systees being
built up until tiow I am stronf and
healthy. "I cannot recommend it too
highly for weak, nervous people."
thp medicines that have steed the test of years in
practice and made famous the name of Dr, A. W. Chas
Paell's.march, of the vesurrection with Seldom if ever has a physician So two boxes, and my health improved
awoke the dead, 0 blessed 4ok, people as has .r. . .
good enough for eatth, good enough through the absolete, reliability of his
Recipe Book and the wonderful effi-
for heaven. Dear '.old book'— book
bespattered with the blood Of mar-
tyrs who died for its defense—book
sprinkled all over with the tears of
those who by it evere comforted. Put
it in the hand of your children On
tileiv birthday. Put it on the table
in the sitling room when yeti. begin
to^ keep house. Put it under your
ltead wlien yolk die. Dear old. book!
I prates it to my heart, I' press it to
my lies.
'minions and ths Voice.
A sieges; in grand opera contra-
dicts the statement frequently made
that lenlois juice ie excelleut to re-
lieve a slight hoarseness. It may
clear the veice iirst, but only, for
generation ,and was copied by a ft Short time, and the etrcmg acid is
great 'many hands. And yet, I put lee." ietich a Man weuld he Sent ,to extremely injurlooe to 'the vocal
before you this fact toscin,y., that all the 11150110 ass/lune Yet the old chords. . To soothe anti relieve the
tee Tete, wt'! bus agree in tee leer prophets did that very thing. Where eongee GI on the t preducss the hearse.
greet nectemes of she semle, ' is Iial)Ylcui to-daY? YOU go an4 walk itess thie einger S;.1Y8 01:1t 1:10thing is
W310,1,' are those inin• great doe._ over tile. ruins, of 13abY,lon and yoli better thei Ike \.71') 110 0 10 egg
trines? God—good, kind, OtI01)t. willnOt 11" a• ioidf or a grass blade vibloPerl to a stiff froth,
Ste .
ency of his great ,prescriptions.
Mr. John Broderick:, Newmarket,
Ont., writes :-"I have been troubled
for thirty yeare witt salt -rheum. I
used remedies, and was tveated by
physicians all that time, but all fail-
ed to cure nie. The doetorS said there
was no cure for inc.-I ;spent hundeetts
of dollars trying to get relief, but
all in vain. My son, brought 1113 aa,
trial sample ,box of Dr. Chase's ()int -
merit. I found greal: re 1011, ,ntl hill
the Eirst night's rest 'iT1 years. .11:
stopPecl the itching immeclietely. One,
box mecca me. Publish thee° facts
to suffering htirnamity."
Mr. A. T. 0. Lala.me, railwey agent
11 Clarenseville, Que., writhe :-"For
twelve years I have been run down
with bervous debility. I suffere(i
mach; and consulted doctors, and used
medicines in vain. Some months ago T
beard of Dr. Chase's Nene() Vood„ used
Mrs. W 11b. Fisher, Freston, Ont.,
states: -"I can -reeommend Dr: Chase's
Kiclnoarehiver Pills for conStipatibn I
was troubled for about nine years,
a.nd have spent hundreds of dollars
with doettoes and for remedies 1 hearal
ofabot they failed to even give relief,
Hearing. of Dr. Chase'e Kidney-Livein'
Pills I proctred a box, and they have
,ciired me of- this long-st.anding cora-
pleint. I don't have to use thetrt any
more, at; all, whieh goes to ahOW that
the care is coinnlete and, permenent."
Imitetors of Dr. Chase's Remedies'
don't dare to reproduce his pertrait
end signature, which ere on every
box Of hihi ge,t1U1110 remedies. Fot sale
at all dealers, or Edmanson, Dates al
Campany, terovio.
Settled It.
lfi'udge-We came Pretty near having 6
quarrel at otir house. It was all aloseg
of a cat and n dog. We had it cat that
my wire thoeght everything of; end -wiles,
I brought holm' a deg she said, it caul -thee.
stny, end I said that the eat -hoist go.
Brulg'et-And how did yen'tettle the dis..
Futlee-Oh, we didn't' settle- it at er„.
The dog did awl t1eki11o1 the eat
Soi1aI61 TbirPt Ewe I111014e,nedip.`1/4,2.
$ti1:111 Soil-Papat;Whit'is the diffess
mice between ervier Plete-,t end Ni 01134
,Fethev-the cleleaplate io1ds codilst
halls And the riveter a.i10;14,1t1s ciftmeg,
balis.-DetroitIorce E'r!'esS