HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-28, Page 11g
ellingsvo t Prices
elow we hav, e priced a number of lines that we have decided to clear out
at extraordinary reduction. This is an exceptionally low price to save
money. Come early as these goods cannot help but go rapidly at the prices
Boys plain White Duck Boy's Unbleaced Linen Buy Patrotic Suits
Washing Suits, 99c. Crash. Blouse Suits with Khaki color, Military
largeSailor Collar trimm- style, very latest,
--....waingia..... ed with White Tape, very 99c.
cool and nobby, 99c.
Special in a,diesi India Kid Ox-
f9rd Shoes, 99c. (J. D. King's make.)
Men's summer suits, unlined. A
special Suit for hot weather, $2.949.
Men's Homespun Bicycle Suits,
pure wool, will wash, the latest style
Special in Men's Bicycle Shoes,
Men's Fine Silk -Finished Black lus-
tre Coats, -1.49.
A big snap in Ribbons. Regular
25c. line, 5 inch wide; 15. A large
quantity to clear Sc.
1110T1IER DROP 111 B1011ER TWitiE
Probably the most shocessful straw-
berry festival ever held in ccumection
with the ii teriair elinreh here we s
held Tuesday night last,' Over eight:
hundred. people were in attendence
aind a most pleasant thee Was spent by
all. The Exeter band furnished the
music md it goes without saying that
it MIS nnich appreciated. The pro:-
ceeds of 'the evening amounted to be-
tween $00 and $1007
Mrs. l.11izahebh Etillens, of Hay, was
up before. 'Magistrates Smillie and Arn-
old on Saturday, chargectwith risSaul-
ting Henry Elsie. A fine of $1 and
costs was imposed, Mr: Dickson ap-
peared' for Mrs. Fullens and IVIr, Stan
bury for Mr. Elsie.
Last week we made another reduction in Binder
Twine. It will interest you, come and see us. We han-
, Sanders! 5th concession
of Stephen, met with a bad accident
last week which will lay Min up for a
time. 'In turaing his horses around
in C. Boxes yard the wagon became
cramped, pitching him out and the
box falling on topof him, bruised
his side and one arm very severely, al-
though no bones were broken. Miss
Arabella Box, who happened. to he
standing near by, stopped the horses
in time to. prevent the wheel from
passing over him, and thus save him
from more serious injury.—Mr. 0.
Box raised the frame of his new barn
on Thursday last. It is erected on
stone stabling and when finished will
be one a the finest barns in the Town-
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or yillage property, at
owest rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
Samwell's Block Exeter
The 100 acre farm situated in the town-
ship of McGillivray:being Lot 4, concession
3, is offered for rent. For further particu-
lars' apply to Mrs. Henry Miller, on the pre-
mises, or to Centralia P.O.
There strayed from the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 4, South Boundary, Hay,on
or about Tune 21, 1900, 5 head ot cattle -2 two
year -old -steers, dark red, with long horns; 1
one -year-old steer„roan; one steer, one-year
old, light red with white hind legs, and a
year-old heifer, roan. Any person returning
or giving information that will lead
to their recovery will be suitably rewarded.
AN14. DEARING', Exeter.
To thevalue of English Stock Food.
I had nine young pigs, they were all
sick and some of them died. I then
began to feed English Stock Food,
when those remaining all recovered
and are now doing well. I also feed
it to young calves and think it an ex-
cellent food for calves and.young pigs.
Mr. W. Stout, of Sarnia, is home
spending his vacation for two weeks.
—A large number attended the Union
School picnic here on Saturday.—Mr.
W. Keller of Hespeler, paid Kirkton a.
flying visit.—Mr. J. 0. Chappel and
wife returned. home last week after
spending their vacation in Hespeler.—
The Kirkton athletic games and sports
will be held. on Dominion Day in the
fair ground, consisting of three bicy-
cle races five, three and one nliles and
base ball games.—Miss Delta Clark, of
London, was the guest of Miss Ettia
Fletcher on Thursclay.—Mrs. John Mc-
Curdy, is improving under the care of
Dr. Ferguson.
Grand Bend
if you want your Repairing well done
go to a Ilice..s—Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry a ,specialty. .
Marriage Licenses issu ed an d Wed-
Fanson's Block,:Exeter
dingRings always en hand.
The cottages on the Parkhill and
London grounds are fast being filled
and the prospects look good this sea-
son.—Mr. Watson, of Parkhill is here
enlarging his cottage.—Mr. Itountree,
of London, has returned for the sea-
son. Mr. Baird, of •Corbett, has also
returned for the season.—Mr: Addison
Bossenbery, after an absence of about
two years in different parts of Mani-
toba has returned hoine—Mr. Hea-
man, of London, has arrived here and
is putting up a fine cottage on the
London grounds.—Mr. Pedlar, of Ailsa
Craig, visited his brothers, Messrs
Jos. and Ed. Gill for a few days last,
week—Mr. Chas. Southcott, of Toron-
to has purchased two handred acres of
land here and is erecting a fine cot-
tage thereon.—The 2nd of July pro -
Mises to be a big day here, horse rac-
ing foot racing and many other sports
will be seen.
St. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. P. Beaver are at pre-
sent visiting friends in Hamburp; and
Berlin.—Mr. R. O'Brien, Jr., t.ricl sis-
Perths were visiting their sister,
The garden party of the Boston
Methodist church held last week was
a decided success. The program was
varied and was highly interesting.
The proceeds •amounted to $37.50.—
Mr. Elliott, of Centralia, and John
Brown, of Greenway, passed through
here last week with nine horses which
they bought in the vicinity of Thed-
ford.--Mr. C. Rohn spent several clays
last week visiting friends in Dashwood.
—Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Elimville,
preached a very interesting and in-
structive sermon in Boston Methodist
church last Sabbath.—Mr. AlbertBoo-
per visited friends here last week.—
r. Thomas Stinson, Jr.; merchant, of
Bayfield, visited his cousin, Mrs. W.
J. Wilson, last Monday.—Mrs. Chas.
Carts and her mother-in-law, Mrs. J.
Curts, attended service in Dashwood
last Sabbath.—The Presbyterians of
Corbett are to hold their annual gar-
den party at the residence of Mr. J.
McGregor Friday evening next.—Mr.
3. MacLachlan and sister visited Mr.
J. McWilliams Sunday.
Sunday last -Was midSummer and,
the Weather fully proved, the date.—
The Rev. Mr. Long, of Kippen, wi.1.1
P.'each, here on Sunday next in the ab-
sence of otir pastor, :Who will preach
anniversary service's in that pittee.—
Miss Marian' Elston was the guest of
Miss Flora Esser, y 5 unfitly. --Mr. Harry
.ParsonS, of lilltindale, Ohio, spent
few days here, the guiest, of Mr. Chas.
Haggith, —A special meeting of the
members of the Centralia, L.O.L. will
be held Saturday evening,' July 1th,
All members are requested to be pres-
ent. ---Mr. 'and 1VIrs. George Webber, of
Devon. spent Sunday here, the gutest
Mrs. Richard•Raudford.
FESTIVAL.—Be sure and attend the
grand Strawberry festival and mnsie
by the London Hat•pers'on the 2nd of
july; Dorninion Day. Sports and ad-
dresses in the afternoon and a popular
lecture for evening by Rev. T. Wilson,
of London, 'On the War With lime light
views. Only 40e. to all. Harpers will
play at night. Come and have a good
(Too late 'for last week)
, (Prom another source)
30/111 Stacey, an aged man residing
on the Lake road, here, was brought
before Magistrate Lewis at Orediton
last week chirged with cruelty to an-
imals, having beaten some cattle in a
field near his home. He was proven
guilty of the charge and was fined
sothething over $0 or thirty clays hi
jail. Not having the necessary amount
and. refusing toletothers settle he de-
• cided to take the term in limbo. It
seems almost too bad that any action
should have been taken in the matter
as the cattle were not badly hurt and
thepoor old man is over SO years
of age it should have been overlooked.
Sclioon REPORT. —The following is
a correct report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No. 7, Usborne, the
names being in order of merit. Class
V --Bertha Taylor. Sr. IV—Ethel
Gory ett, Effie Taylor, Lila Taylor,
Perla Batten, Annie Squire, Thomas
Lingard. Jr. IV --Minnie Hero, Allen
Parkinson, Della Peart, Ida }fern, Roy
Goulds, Russel Peart; Perla He 11.
Sr. :LII—Edna, Taylor, Vora Batten,
May Stephens, Orville Roweliffei Jeff-
rey Jacques, Mable Parkinson, Roy
Stephens, Mortle Dennison, Bertha
I3atten, Clarence Levy; Sr. II—Ed-
gar Gorvett, Chester G-orvett, Allen
;raves, Loftus Herm Mary Smith,
George Squire. Sr. Pt. H—EblielPnr-
kinson, May Squire, Wilbert Batten.
Jr: Pt II—Cora Batten, Archie Peart,
Willie Peart. Sr. Pt. I—Arnold Tay-
lor Elmer Eciwcli He, ertie Jaques,
Mrs, T. Hart on, of Lemley, on Sun- Elsie Squire, Mary Pearl:, Frank Lin-
, ,
daY.—Mr. and Mrs: .)", O'Brien, of Sex- gard, Olive Batten. Jr. Pt. I—Wel-
smith, were the gilests of. Mr. and ling) on ,Batten, Chester Couli is, Wal -
Mrs. D. Wilson, Sunday.—The road ter Stephens, Nelson Jaques,
grader has been' at work on the Lake E. G, E,eid, Teacher.
Road, South of here during the past -00'
week and has made a great improve- Seaforth: Mr. H. Humber, who has
to' the roads.—t:u: 'e numbers of been engaged in the jewelry business
hc,re for about three years, ha.s decided
to Close ovithis biisiness, NV1th the m-
tention Of going to Nelson, B:C.
goosonialivo OfilivoRtioo
Nortli Middlesex Selects a
Mr. John Sherritt, Reeve of the Town-
ship of Stephen, the Un mimous
Messrs, Richard Hicks and P. Curtin
returned home last Friday from a visit
out west. They report having had a
splendid time and have taken up land
in the West. —Messrs. William Hicks,
Philip Lane and Richard Hill, of Fair-
field, who have been in Goderich for
the past week as juryman, returned
home Friday.—The Rey. S. Salton has
returned by the consent of the confer-
ence to this circuit for another year.
We extend our heartiest welcome to
him and wish him every success in his
fourth year of ministeriallabor among
us.—Mr. A. Nevin attended the semi-
annual connty meeting of the L.O.L.,
held at Hensall last Friday and ar-
rangements were arrived at to hold.
the annual twelfth of July. in Seaforth.
The semi-annnal district meeting of
Bidclulph. Orange Lodge was held here
Thursday and a representation from
all the lodges were present. —The Indi-
an Pamine Fund taken up a few Sun-
days ago in our church was liberally
supported. The subscriptions, together
with a, donation of $1 from the Royal
Scarlet 'Chapter of the Orange Associ-
ation of the Biciclulph District and $5
from the Women'sMissioary Auxili-
ary, amounts to nearly $60 which is an
excellent offering for this community.
—Mrs. Sabine, of London, is visiting
here, the guest of Mrs. Bawslatigh.—
The Rev. Salton lately purchased a fine
phaeton in London.—Mrs. Rollaway
spent a few days of last week in. Hen-
sall with her son, Henry Hooper, who
has opened out a store in that place.—
There were nearly 70tickets sold at
this station Friday to the excursion to
the Model Farm,Guelph.
number of the young; and •promising
farmer boys of this vicinity, together
with 'a number ofithe fair sex, gathered
and drove to Grand Bend to spend the
day. The weather was all that could
be desired and the gay and merry
crowd enjoyed a splendid time. Not a
ripple stirred the water and the boats
were hastily and happily sped over the
clear old Huron. The ladies amply
provided for the inner man and on the
whole a pleasant tine was spent.
3. G. STANBURy, B.A., (formerly Collins
SD Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Conveyancer psonev to loanExeter, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wenzel, of
Cavalier, N. Dak. and Kate Wenzel,
of Detroit, are the guests of 11):: and
Mrs. W. H. Wenzel.—Mr. and Mrs.
Sathuel Brown and family spent last
'Sunday with Mr. John -Preeter, of
ZtiriehHeMrs. 3. E. Brown has retUrn-
ed'fronibetreit; Where she has, been
visiting relatives thepast two Months.
—Messrs. Jos. Grant and Garnet
Baker wheeled to Granton last Satur-
day.—Mr. Ezra Faist is visitingfriends
in Kilmanagh, Mich., this week. No
doubt Ezra got lonesome. The "Kin-
dertag" Festival of the Evangelical
church will be held in their church
on Sunday, June 30. Excellent pro-
-0Tarnmes will be gisPen by the choir
and Sunday school pupils in the after-
noon and. evening.—Mr. Wm. Lewis,
C.D.0.,was elected. President of the
Reform Association of N. Middlesex
at their animal meeting held in Ailsa
Oraig last Tuesday. We must con-
gratulate Mr. Lewis on attaining this
covetedposition.---:BlissRannah Zwick-
er returned to London last Friday
after spending a few days here, the
guest of her brother, Charles.—Messrs.
August Heist and George Palmer have
reshingled their barns.—Miss Lydia
11/anginas, of London, is visitingher
parents here this week.—Mr. and. Mrs.
Hill, of Clinton, are the guests of Dr.,
and Mrs. Rivers.—Mr; Henry: Either
is in Parry Sound District this week
on business.—While Mr. John Treitz's
son was driving out of the hank barn
on Monday, the rack shifted and slid
onto the horses, which caused them to
run away. Mr. Treitz tried to stop
the tearn by running in front of
them. He was struck by thetongue
whichknocked him down,the team ancl
wagon passing over him; rendering
him unconscious. His son was thrown
out and badly bruised. The team ran
onto theroad and Were caught near
Creditor), Mr. Treitz and son event/NV
under the doctor's care and are doing
as well as can be expected.
TnE Omo HounA.Y:—CreditOn's
Civic holiday has coine and gone.
most enjoyable thhe was spent at the
Grand Bend Park. Six large 'busses
besides a large number of rigs,left our
burg at an early hour. In the forenoon
game of base -bail between the single
men and Married -men was played, re-
sulting in the married men wintin
by one run. J. 11. Holtzman aete
as tanpire. The afternoon was taken
Up by sports. The farmers' race, un-
der 40, was won by Wm. IVIawhinney
—prize, a „neckyoke given by Monza
Rodgine; Farmers race; oyer 40; won
by David Mawhinneyprize, a, Whip
given by A. J. Clark. The unlacing
and lacing of shoes was Won by jack
Wein. The two ladies races were
won by Mrs. Thos. Lawson and Mrs.
Wm. LewiS. The racist interesting of
the contests was the • "Smoking ton-
test"—prize, box Of cigars, giVen. by
August Hill. About 25 men entered
the contest and were 6itch given' a
eigar and two matches. The one
smoking the most of his cigar in two
minutes won, Some Of thorn worked
bard for the prize, especially Barney
and Gottlieb, but it was of no use,
Wm. Gaiser got ahead of them. The
speetators were nearly Suffocated by
the smoke. After a few more g.anies
and lay° games of foot -ball between
the School -boys and young men which
Were won by the juniors, the peeple
went to oldHormi Where the reinaand-
or of the day Was spent it Nithing
and boating, the bedroom. set .given
by:Chas. H. ZWICker by gueSing .the
number of stones in a bottle was won,
MrS..AlonZaTiodgins, Who gnessed
the exact number ribiL Civic Holiday
only banes but (moo a, year .Init when
Crediton has One it ISA huge Sitheess,
Everybody geee to have a good time:
The annual school pic-nic took place
on Friday as was intimated in your
last issue and although the day was
wet all seemed to have a good time.
The exercise by the children could not
have been better, especially the flag
drill by sixteen little girls.—On Thurs-
day last the home of Mr. Fred Wis.-
berg was gladdened by the appear-
ance of a babylgirl.—Mrs. John Rhode,
Sr, took a paralytic stroke Friday
night from which she has not yet re-
covered and is now lying in a precari-
ous condi tion.—Mr. anti Mrs. Hintz, of
Michigan, are visiting relatives in this
vicinity.—Farrriers in tbis locality
have already commenced haying. --
Rev. M. L. Wing, of Berlin, conduct-
ed quarterly service in the church
here on Sunday.—Strawberries are
very plentiful in this locality and are
a good sample.—Mr. John Roffman
has erected a platform and verendah
along the south side of his already
well equipped factory, thus adding to
the convenience of storing away order-
ed stock.—Mr. and Mrs. ID. M. Broken.°
shire spent Sunday with -friends on
the Bablon Line. The strawberry fes-
tival on Tuesday evening WaS huge
success and fully up to the expecta-
tion of the young people here. The
night was all that could be desired for
such an occasion and the pleased coun-
tenance on all told how everything'
was going, The proceeds a motinted
to $35 whieh goes to the Y.P.A. trea-
sury.—Dr. McLaughlin and Mr. Henry
Willert attended the Conservative
Convention at Ansa Craig on Toes -
visitors from Zurich anc surround:lig
country can be seen , daily wending
their way to the shores of Lake Mir-.
011 With rod and line and ATI nearly all
cases are rewarded with nice strings of
the finny tribe.-- VVhere are you go-
ing on the let of ;troy ? why to the
Bend to be sure, Where, else.P
Children Cry for
The Liberal Conservatives of North
Middlesex met in convention at Ailsa
Craig Tuesday afternoon :Ind untam-
imously selected Sohn Shertitt, reeve
of the township of Stephen, .as their
standard-bearer in the Dominion elec-
tion now said to be so close at hand.
The convention was one of the most ,
if not the most, harmonious in the his-
tory of the North Middlesex Conserv-
ative Association, and in Mr. Sherritt
the workers feel assured that they
have a candidate who will carry the
constituency by a handsome majority,
no matter who the Liberals may see
fit to put in -the field. Mr. Sherritt
was, as it were, a dark horse,. his name
aving been first -Mentioned m connec-
tion with the matter only a short time
ago, and every other nominee in a
-field of over a dozen retired in his favor „
at which more than one hundred dele-
gates from all parts of tbe constitu-
ency expressed their approval by
cheering for some 'Mantes. Mr. Sher-
ritt is one of the most respected resi-
dents of the riding, and to him the
Conservative electors can point with
pride. He moved to the township of
Stephen fourteen years ago and took
up farming-, and the following year he
was elected a member of the,township
council, with which he has been con-
tinuonsly identified since, the last two
years filling, the Reeve's chair- by ac-
clamation. Valentine Ratz, who is at
present representing the riding in the
Liberal interests, is also a resident of
Stephen, but his course in Parliament
has not met with the approval of many
strong members of the party in North
Middlesex, and while he is almost sure
of seeking re-electiou, just so sure is
he of being retired to private life.
The interest taken in Tuesday's con-
vention was shown by the number of ,
delegates present. Each municipality
in the riding sent some of its most
prominent citizens, who were repaid
by seeing Mr. Sherritt placed in noun -
nation without a dissenting voice being
raised. The delegates were:—
Exeter.--:Dr. Rollins. D. Mill. T. B.
Carling Wm, Balkwill, D. Davis, Jos.
Senior, 1. Armstrong, IV. Dignan, M.
J. White, F. Wood.
Stephen—W. Anderson, 5. Stanlak.e,
Jos. Lawson, Geo. Lawson, P. Baker,
J. B. Hodgins, D. O'Brien, H. IVillert,
Dr. McLaughlin, T. Cou,rhlin, ex.M.P.
East Williams—C. Cl. -.Ji.,e-wart, 3. W.
McIntosh, D. W. Campbell, J. Boswell
W. A. McKenzie, A. Levie,,Tos.Harris,
JOhn M. Dewar, Duncan McArthur.
ParkhillArthrtr O'Leary, Jas. Gun-
nister, M. .Tackson, J. Hall, Jas. Man,
Wm. Stanley, T. L. Rogers, H. B.
Quarry, N. Phippen, T. Magladderry.
Lucan—John Fox, W. E. Stanley,
C. C. Hodgins, W. Reid, C. 0. Quin. -
ley, G. A. Stanley, N. Doupe, W.
Stanley, E. J. Philips, C. Stanley,
McGillvray--Jantes McWilson, John
Billings, S. Scott, James Doyle, Geo.
Seale, Ben. Marr, R. Hutchinson'Jas,
Cunningham, W. L. Corbett, Wm.
Biddialph—A. K. Hodgins, Saniu.el
trodgins, John Coursey, George Craw-
ley, Richard Hodgins, W. D. Hodgins,
B. W. Stanley. Richard Coursey.
Ailsa Craig—Wm. Drought, R. Rob-
inson, John Danneey, Wm. Siddell,
Hugh McDonald, Alf Calhoun, Bert
Munro, Ed. Hutchinson and Alex. C.
West Williams—Alex. McNeil, Adam
Elliott, Richard Haskett, Wm. Has-
kett. Thos. johnson, John Campbell,
Wm. McPhenson and John Attmore..
The chair Was occupied by the presi-
dent, MT. Christopher Walker, who
was dismissed from the postmaster -
ship of Ailsa Craig because he did not
see eye -to -eye in politicaImattersWith
the Grit Government. Mr. Charles
Stanley, of Lucan, acted as secretary,
Nicholas Flood Davin, member for
West Assiniboia, and Mr. McInerny,
one of New Brunswiek's able represen-
tatives, Were expected to address the
electors at a public meeting following
the convention, and both were detain-
ed at Ottawa by hamortant business in
the fIouse. Mr. A. W. Wright, Con-
servative organizer for Ontario, was
present, however", and. delivered a few
timely remarks.
When President Walker called, the.
convention to order at 130 o'clock, the
hall was completely filled. The advis-
ability of placing a candidate in the
field at the present time was discussed
briefly, the delegates agreeing that a
selection should be made arid work
immediately begun, although it was
not definitely known -when the elec-
tions would be held. The following
nominations were inade:—Dr. Rollins,
Exeter; John Sherritt, Stephen: John
Fox, taican., C. C. Hodgins, Bidclulph:
John Laughton, Parkhill; T. L. Rod-
gers, Parkhill; L. H. Dickson, Exeter;
P. H. 13artletl, London; E. 0. Jones,
Clandeboye; T. Carling, Exeter; G. A.
Stanley, Liman; W. L. Corbett, Mc-
Gillivray; Dr, MeLatighlin, Dashwood,
ht3 (I T. Coughlin, ex 1J. P., Stephen.
Following the nominations, short
addresses were made by the nominees,
all of whom retired in favor of Mr. '
Sherrite—London Free Press.
For Infants and Children.
' e.44 Vara,
Around About Us
Hay: Mr. Robert Luker, who re-
cently returned from Manitoba, has
become enamoured with that country.
He has sold his farm on the Zurich
read, in this township, to his neighbor,
Mr. Daniel Bell. The farm contains
75 acres and was sold for $3,900. Mr.
Luker has purchased. 640 acres from
David McNaught, of Rapid City, and
intends removing there shortly:. This
land is situated within about six miles
of Rapid C/ity.
Wingham: On Tuesday afternoon,
while driving near Glenannan, Walter
Carrathurs was thrown from his buggy
and received serious injuries. Besides
being badly shaken up, one of his legs
was broken near the thigh. Under
ordinary. circumstances, this would be
bad enongh for the young man, but it
is still more serious frotn the fact that
Walter had never recovered from the
effects of a fall from a barn about
three years ago, and is unable to move
about without assistance.
Wingham: A. serious accident hap-
pened to Wm. Bond on Friday while
at his work in the Union factory. He
was running the sander and stopped
to soap the belt, when his 11213:1 tvas
quickly drawn around the prilley and
broken in two plades. The bone ap-
pears to have been literally twisted
off, almost in an instant. The acci-
dent will lay him aside from work for
some time. Besides being broken, the
arm is badly bruised, hut hopes' are
entertained that it may be saved,
Brucefieldt Mr. David McTavish,
youngest son of the htte Mr. Peter
McTavish,' of the Mill Road, Tucker -
smith, passed away on Sunday last,
at the earlys,,ge of twenty years: He
had been in MaAitOba for simile time,
and only returned home 't Month ago.
Constimption, the result of a severe
cold which be Contracted in the.NOrth-
west Was the cause of death. Be was
a bright, genial young:man and was a
universal favorite with all who knew
hirn. His early death Wili be regretted
by many.
He Is A Wonder,
Ail who see M3'. E. C. Collier, of
Cherokee. Iowa, as. he is novv, cheer-
ful, erect, vigorous, without an ache,
could hardly believe he his the same
man who, a Short time ago, had to sit
in a chair, propped np by cushions,
seffering intensely from an aching
back, in. agony if he tried to stoop --1111
caused by chronic kidney trouble, that
no medicine helped till he used Elec-
tric Bitters and Was wholly cured by
three bottles. PositiVely cures
Back -
80110, Xervenstiessf Loss of Appetite,
alMidney troubles.' Only 50e it all
drug stores.
:Be sure to heed the first symptoms
of indigestion, nervousness and im-
pure blood, and thus avoid chronic
dyspepsia, nervous prostration and all
the evils produced by bad blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is your safegu(l rd.
it quickly sets the stomach right,
strengthens and quiets the nerves,
purifies, enriches and vitalizes the
blood "Ind keeps up the health tone.
All liver ills are cured by Hood's
Pills. 251.