HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-21, Page 8Bussines's Brightness Brings Success,
Th Central
sT1RTF013b, ONT.
Before yoii decide to, attend any other
school let us correspond with you. Our
magnificent catalogue explains our superior
adyantages. 'Students are in attendance
this year from Canada United qtates and
Newfoundland. A large number of our re -
coat students have entered choice positions.
Euter now.
W. J. Ettiott, Principal
'We aoknowledge with thanks a kind
invitation from II. McLaughlan, of
°Wen Sound, to spend a part, or all of
the season of 1900 at that famous spot,
Balmy Beach Stommer Resort and Mc-
Lauchlan Park on Georgian Bay, three
miles from Owen Soinal, also a compli-
mentary season ticket for the new
electric -lighted ferry steamer "Mazep-
pa" plying hourly between the town
and Beach. The grand Anniversary
of the opening of this famous resort
and park will take place on Monday,
Tilly 2nd, 1900, when A monster cele-
bration will be held, including three
distinct programs—morning after-
noon and evening.
e 4
Band has been organized. Winga-
Next Sunday,Midscimmer day, will
be the longest day in the year. '
School quits for the saintlier holidays
a Week from to -morrow (Friday.)
About fifty tickets were sold for the
'. Model Farm excursion to Guelph last
Rev. Jas Snell preached in Main
street Methodist church last Sunday
The Firemen picnicked at Grand
Bend and a delightful time was re,
ported. by all.
Mr, -Charles Box, of Stephen, will
raise the frame work of a large barn
'to -day (Thursday).
Mr. R. 13. Samuel purchased last
week Mr. L. H. Dickson's pony and
'entire, driving outfit.
Rev. R. Aylward, of Parkhill, and
'Rev. Wm. Martin will .exchange - pul-
pits on Sunday next. .
The 'annual picnic of S.S. No. 2 will
take place in nankin's grove, Usborne,
to -morrow (Friday) afternoon.
The Picnic season at the Grand Bend
has thoroughly commenced, over a
thousand people haying visited the
Bend last week.
The neat little stamp book .just is-
sued by the Postoffiee Department are
• in great demand, and requisitions are
flowing in for them from all over the
Are your feet tired, Weary and sore
during the hot weather; if so, try Foot
'Ease, Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter, Price
25c, per box.
The Synod. of Toronto adopted a mo-
tion ti siking the Government to appoint
a Sunday as thanksgiving day, with
the Monday following as a public holi-
Caen Church Sunday School will
hold their annual picnic on the school
grounds. Monday, July 2nd, the trus-
tees haying kindly granted the use of
the grounds for the day.
At the last regular meeting of the
Royal Templars all the officers were
elected by acclamation. The ia ext two
meetings will be held on Wednesday
evening instead Of Monday, evening.
The vacant store in the Post office
;block is undergoing repairs prepara-
tory to being occupied by Messrs.
Chas. Tom and Wm. Yet), both former
• residents of Exeter; who Will open oat
a general store therein.
Tbe Sutherland -Innis Will close down
. their stave 'works- here on Saturday
night for about three weeks. All the
hands will go to Bryanston for that
period in order to work up a quantity
•of timber in that -place.
"Louia,, the six year old daughter of
Mr. John Asphen, while returning
home from school Tuesday, was
accidentally run over by a passing rig.
Luckily she escaped' with very little
injury, but it Was a close call.
Try the Exeter Laundry for first-
class work. B. MA -K. -iris.
Mr. Alex. MCPherson, taxidermist,
• reeeiyed a Very peculiar freak of na-
ture on Monday from Brussels in the
shape of a colt, it being entirely void
of the front lege. Mr. McPherson will
Stuff it and return it again to the
A few instances'are known of boys
interfering with the nests of birds,des-
trelying eggs and capturing the fledge-
lings. Those interested in this kind
of sport had better stop before they
are taught a lesson before a Magis-
Fred, eldest son of Mr. Peter Baw-
den had the misfortune on Thursday
last to run a large musty nail into his
foot, causing a very painful and what
threatened to be a serious Wound. He
is confined to the house but apparent -
1j, all danger of blood -poisoning is
Use Dix Little Liver Pills for head-
ache and biliousness. Sold by C. Lutz,
The G. T. R. authorities have given
warning to parents to keep their child-
ren away from the stations. Any per-
son not having business must keep off
the platform and trains and away from
the premises. Detectives are being
sent over the line to see that this is
carried out.
The Red coats returned from Lon-
don Saturday. Jndging from the
shadiness of their complexions in past
years the boys evidently took advan-
tage of the privilege of wearing large
straw head gear this season. This is a
change that, should have been in-
augurated years ago.
Mr. Fred Treble, while attempting
to shoe a horse, in one of the St.
Mary's blacksmith shops on Saturday
last the beast reared ap and struck'
him with its front foot on the arm,
dislocating the shotilder, and as a con-
sequence he has been compelled to lay
off work. He returned to his home
here Tuesday and will remain until he
'e0OVers of 13i8 injuries. ,
The following has rather a fishy
tinge but it is vouched for as being
correct—Seven years ago a farmer
-Minn is vest in the barn yard; a calf
chewed the pocket in the garment, in
which was a, gold watch. One day -the
animal, a staid old cow, was butcher-
ed for beef, and the watch was found
in such tbpoE,ition betvveen the hings
ofthe cow that the proeess of respira-
tion—the closing in and filling of the
Jung—kept the stemwinder Wound
up, and the watch had lost hot four
minutes in the seven years.
Turkish Scalp Food restores the
color of grey bans, relieves itehes of
the scalp, removes dandruff', promotes
hair growth; is AD elegant dreseing for
the hair. Sold by 0, Lutz', Exeter,
title, a bottle,
The • Exeter FlOurine, :mills started
out Monday 'with an almost entirely
new staff, the old hands, Messrs. Alex.
and Win McNevin, John Fuss and
Thos. Brown, having all resigned and
taken other positions. Mr. Geo.
Tho -
mac, who has Worked at the -mill since
its inception, will be fernidserving the
many customers of the firm in his us-
ual obliging and prompt Manner,
While the new staff will be composed
of Messrs. 13. Elasdell, of Wingham;
head miller; A. Otto, • of Dashood, as-
sistant; Jae. Sanders, of Stephen, chop-
per, and. Mr. John .Modland, of Sea -
forth, Will have charge of the engine.
AU come well recommended and their
out -put undoubtedly will give the best
of satisfaction,
For Sale.
A number of sinall pigs, ready to go,
also one Well-bred calf.
Wm. Balkwill, London Road.
ApPrentice Wanted—Dreasinaker.
Apprentice wanted to learn Dress-
making: Apply over Messrs. Carling
Bros. store.
Strawberry Festival.
The Ladies. Aid of James Street
church of Exeter, will hold their annu-
al Strawberry Festival; on Monday
evening, :June 25th. Every person
ccirdially invited.
Seafortb. va. Exeter.
The Seaforth and Exeter Lacrosse
teams will play it game on the inter -
Mediate series here to -morrow (Fri-
day). The pe.ople may look for. a good
game between these two teams and
we dont think they will be at all dis-i
appointed. Let every person turn out
and encourage the boys.
Royal Templars' Pic-nic.
The Royal Templars will hold their
annual Picnic at Grand Bend on July'
6th. Any outsiders desiring to go
may do so by paying 50c. and: provid-
ing their own provisi.ons. Rigs will
'leave here at six o'clock in the morn-
ing Names left with Mr. Follick not
later than July 3rd will receive atten-
Conservative Meeting.
A meeting of the Liberal Conserv-
vative Association of Exeter will be
held in the Town Hall, on Thursday,
June 21s5 at 8 o'clock, p.m., for the
purpose of selecting delegates to at-
tend a Convention at Ailsa Craig, on
the 26th hist., at 'Which a Candidate
will be nominated for the House of
Coinmons for North:Middlesex.
Foresters Attend Church,
The Independent Order of Foresters
attended Divine worship at the PresL
byterian church on Sunday afternoon.
rhe brethern, about seventy-five in
number, assembled, at the lodge room
and at abont 2.15 formed: in procession
and marched to the °Much, marshalled
by Bro. Geo. Anlerson, and headed
by the Exeter Brass band, which play-
ed several beautiful airs while on the
way. The pastor, Rev. W. M. Martin,
occupied, the pulpit and delivered a
very earnest and practical discourse,
taking for his text James 1-27. At the
close of the service the brethern re-
formed and.. marched to the hall,where
hearty vote of thanks was passed to
be tendered the Rev. Mr. Martin for
his excellent discourse
Toronto Star: —A pretty June wed-
ding was quitely celebrated at "Orch-
ard -Villa ' the residence of Mrs. Isaac
jewel!, Tic-mina/wine; on the 18th inst.,
when her eldest daughter, Miss Iren
O. B. Jewell, was married to Mr. Nel-
son B. Cobbledick, Exeter. Aboutfifty
invited guests witnessed the event, the
nuptial not being 'tied by Rev. J. A.
Jewell, B.A., uncle of the bride. The
bride was -prettily attired in white or-
gandie and chiffon, carrying bridal
roses, and was assisted by her sister,
Miss Velma, attired in white organdie
over pale blue, and caannving pink car-
nations. The groom was supported by
Mr. Frank Downs, Bowmanville. After
the ceremony the bridal party repaired
to the supper room, where the tables
were decorated with white roses and
ferns and individual bouquets of for-
get-me-nots. Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick
left on the evening train for the east
for a short tour, previous to taking up
residence in Exeter."
school Board Minutes.
Minutes of Board meeting held in
the Town Hall, Monday, June 18th.
Absent, J. Senior. The following- is
the order of business duly submitted
and approved. Per chairman, minutes
of previous meeting. Per R. N. Rowe
and H. Huston that an. inspectoral
visit of the Board be made to the
school, Tuesday 19th, at 2 p.m., to de-
cide on the repairs and. improvements
to be effected during the ensuing- holi-
days. Per R. N. Rowe and W. Treve-
thick that the re -valuation of school
property and additional insurance of
eleven hundred dollars effected on the
same and increasing the total carried
to $8000, be approved. Per W. J. Car-
ling and W. Trevethick that the Board
regretfully accept the resignation of
Miss A. 'W. Ball and that the vacancy
thus created be filled by the Teachers
Supply Committee. Per R. N. Rowe
and H. Huston, that the request of the
Presbyterian S.S. for the use of the
school grounds be grantecl conditional
to their arrangement with the Janitor
for his attendance, supervision and
proper remuneration. Per W. J. Car-
ling, R. N. Rowe, that the following
accounts be passed: W. J. Heaman,
pally, 13c.; H. Bishop & Son, iron pipes,
etc., $15.70; W. Balkwill, labor etc.,
*4. Per H. Huston and W. J. darling
thatthe parents and guardians be re-
spectfully notified that the School Act
empowers the Board to require certifi-
cates of vaccination from •the pupils
before being permitted to return to
school and that it is desirable that all
u nvaceinated 'children sh tild. be vac-
cinated early in the holiday season and
secure their return to school under the
most favorable conditions. Per H.
Huston and R. N. Rowe that the sal-
ary of the Principal for the ensuing
year be $750. Adjournment per :W.
I. Carling.
J. GRIGG, Seey.
Press Opinions.
Witigharn Advance:—"The Exeter
ADVOCATE has entered its fotirteenth
year, as bright as ever. We wish it
continued success."
Goderich Signal:—" Last week The
Exeter ADVOCATE passed the thir-
teenth milestone in its history. We
wish for it many more years of pros-
perous existence.
St. Marys Argus:—"The Exeter AD-
VOCATE, edited by C/has. H. Sanders,
now enters its thirteenth year under
cheering prospects despite dicourage-
ments and drawbacks of the past."
• Seatorth Expositor:—"The Exeter
ADVOCATE has DOW entered upon the
fourteenth year of its publication.
The AnvocATE is a bright, newsy pa-
per, and we trust that the worthy edi-
tor may still continue to prosper and
grow fat."
Clinton New Era: --"The Exeter AD-
VOCATE, under the able management
of Editor Sanders, has finished its thir-
teenth year of publication. In this
time it has served the wants of Exeter
and ranks to -day as a bright, newsy
weekly. We congratulate Bro. San-
ders on the success he has met with,
and hope we may claim him as a con-
frere for some time to come."
Clinton News Record:—"An Editor
in Luck. ---The Anyon&TE celebrated
the thirteenth anniversary of its
birthday last week and. gave s expres-
sion to a justifiable pride at its age
and progress. The ADVOCATE is
a well-conducted paper and deserv-
ing of the liberal patronage which its
advertising columns indicate it is re-
ceiving. The News -Record tenders
congratulations and .good wishes.
Editor Sanders we hear. intends visit-
ing the Paris Exposition in July."
Parkhill Gazette -Review: -"The Ex-
eter ADVOCATE has completed its thir-
teenth year of publication and estab-
lished for itself a name and repntation
of which the editoe and proprietor,Mr.
C. H. Sanders, need not be aShamed.
Its position as one of the leading jour-
nals of Huron is assured,and as we look
over its bright, newsy pages we are
not surprised to learn that it is a wel-
come visitor in the homes of its sub -
subscribers. May the ADVOCATE,flour-
ish and always advocate, as it has in
the past, what is pure and good and
what is in the interest of the commun-
Wingham Times:—"joined the thir-
teenth club.—The issue of the Exeter
ADVOCATE of June 7th, marks the
close of thirteen years of publication.
Like Rory O'More wo truat the AD-
VOCATE may find luck in odd num-
bers. Country first, party next,
is the motto of the editor—a very
good motto too, and we trust that no
politinian will ever corrapt such good
principals by offering the ADVOCATE
than atrv wicked "root" for party pur-
poses. any
Anvociarl is a credit to
its village, and we hope that the gods
of ink may add many More bakers'
(10ZeDS of years to its already acquire,d
thirteeni"' '
Danger in Coal oil.
The Houston, Texas Post, printed a
list of fifteen women and children,who
had been burned to death since June
7, as the result, of the explosion of ker-
osene oil cans. In every case except
one the person was attempting to kin-
dle a fire with kerosene. - The state-
ment is made, that since January 1,00
less than 45 persons have been burned
to death in Texas as the result of.kero-
sene can explosions.
Strawberry Festival.
The Ladies' Aid of the James street
Methodist church will hold their an-
nual Strawberry Festival in the lec-
ture room of the church on Monday,
evening, June 25th. The Ladies' Aid
have an enviable reputation for oc-
casions of this kind and without a
doubt this will be equal to anything of
the kind held in the church. A liter-
ary and musical program well be ren-
dered after the festival. Everybody
attend and spend a pleasant evening.
See Posters.
Exantinatio :15.
High School Entrance, June 275b,
28th, 29th. The following willpreside:
—Goderich, J. E. Tom, I. P. S.; Bay-
field, E. J. Hagan; Dungannon, Geo.
S. Woods; Exeter, Geo. Bloomfield;
Crediton, Peter Gowans; Kintail, R.
E. Brown; St. Helens, Thos. G. Allen;
Zurich, J. Delgaty: Hensall, Geo. W.
Holman. Public School Leaving, July
3rd, 4th and 55h. Junior Matricula-
tion, July 6th and 7th. Presiding Ex-
aminers:--Goderich, J. E. Torn, I.P.S.;
Bayfield, Geo. Baird, Sr.; Dungannon,
J. II. Tigert; Exeter, Wm. McKay;
Crediton, S. J. A. Boyd; Zurich, W.
H. Johnston; Hensall, W. B. Bagshaw;
Kintail, Allen Bowles. The subjects
for Junior Matriculation, Part I, are
English, Grammar, Arithmetic and
council Proceedings.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, June 15. All pre-
sent except I. Armstrong. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed.
Levett—Muir, that the following ac-
counts be passed and orders drawn on
Treasurer for same. James Creech,
charity to Mrs. Sutton, $6; Do. to IVIrs.
McIntosh, $5.00; Alfred Sheere, repair-
ing pavement, $2.00; Silas Handlord,
labor, $3.50; Do. street watering, $1.50.
Carried. Tenders for laying 212 inch
main from pump to Town Hall tanks
was received as follows:—W.J. Bissett
$29.50; Melville & Morrison $40.00.
Evans --,Muir, that W. J. Bissitt's ten-
der, bein g the lowest, be accepted; work
to he done to the satisfaction, of Coon-
eil.—Carried. Levett--Evans, that
Council adjourn to meet at call of
Geo. H. BISSETT, Clerk.
Festival awl Entertainment.
An ideal evening and a fair crowd
greeted the Ladies' Aid of Caven Pres-
loyteria,n church on Tuesday evening
upon the event of their strawberry
festival held at the church. As this
was the first of the kind this season,
the berries were relished by those pres-
ent. After supper the church was well
filled with those desirous of hearing
the excellent program. provided. The
flrst number was a quartette by Mes-
srs. Martin. Vincent, Senior and Pop-
lcstone. Then followed a novelty by
Miss Reta Stanhtiry, Elocutionist, of
Bayfield, entitled, "The Eastern Tem-
ple Drill " which was given with much
gracefulness. Others who took part
in the program Were Misses Ball, Johns
Hardy and White and Dr, Kinsnian,
sill of whom were heartily received.
MiSS Stanbury also gave a number of
recitations in a manner which 'won
much applause from the audience.
The lleareulY Inheritance,
We are in receipt of a' enpY of the
book entitled "The Heavenly Inherit-
atlee" written by Mr. D. Stewart, of
Bewail. The author's theme is to
portray the Heavenly Inheritance, or
reasonable and Scriptural thoughts
regarding, Heaven and the state and
condition of the redeemed. Mr.
Stewart's descriptive powers have
been set forth most clearly in this in-
teresting little work and to peruse its
contents is to appreciate the authors
efforts of much bright thought. A
copy of this interesting little book
may be had from the author for 15c.
Mr. E. IQ. Kessell spent :Friday in
Chatham. :
Mrs, Sallies Dignan visiting friends
in NoriVick.
Mrs. R. EllWorthy -visited in Strath-
roy:last week.
l -'Mr. 'R. R: Rodgers waa in London
:fiaturclaY on business,
Mr: J. El TOM, I.P.S., spent Sunday
With his parents here. •
' Mrs, John V.:Crocker left for Brus-
sels Friday to visit 'friends.
, 11.1iSS Charlotte Sweet left ,TnesdaY
to Visit friends in Seaforth.
Rev, W. W. Madge, of California, is
visiting relatives in ,Usborn 6..
Mrs. E. Jones left Monday evening
to visit her sons in Manitoba,'
Rev.: Mr. Ten Eyck is in Lendon
this -week attending the Synod.
Miss:Laura McFalls, of Crediton;' is
the guest of Mrs. -Thos. Willis, Jr.
Miss Maggie Russel, Of St. Marys, is
Visiting at her liOnae; Exeter North.'
Mrs. ,Joseph Bawden is spending a
fews -days in London with her sons.
Mr. Jas. Willis: and son Frank, were.
in Foreat Saturday last on business.'
Miss Stanbury; of Bayfield; isspend-
ing a few days in town with - friends.
Rev. J. Follicke of Kingston, is vis-
iting his brother, Mr. E. Follick of
T. A. Russell, of Toronto, is visiting
at his home, Riverside Farm, Thames.
Miss Hattie Folliek has returned
home from St. Marys after a week's
Mr. H. S. Parsons, .of
Ohio, is spending a few days with rel-
atives here.
Messrs. H.ERoss, H. B, Reining and
L. Stephens wheeled to London and
back ,SUM day.
W. A. and Edgar Westcott and
Frank Dennis spent Sunday with.
friends in Mitchell.
Mrs. Crocker has retulrned to S.t.
'Marys after spending two months with
her sister, Mrs, John's,
Miss Emiline Howard returned
honie from London after spending the
millinery season in London.
Mrs. Geo. Windsor, of Brown City,
Mich., is the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Ed. Maguire, Exeter North.
Mrs. Wright, Exeter North, who
has been in very poor health for some
thne, stull wain ties very IOW.
Miss Loraine Hooper, Who has been
taking a coursein the business College,
London, returned home Friday.
Mrs. T. W. Havikshaw and little
daughter, Myrta, are holichiying, at
Brantford; Toronto and Hainilton.
MrIlWm. Borten left Thursday for
PortlElgin where he will spend sever-
al days; fishing and visiting friends.,
'Messrs. F. Willis, W. A. Westcott
and J. Spackman attended a straw-
berry party at Zurich Tuesday night.
Mrs. Thirtle and Mrs. Nicklin, who
have been the guests of Mrs. WiffiaI32
Parsons for some time, returned to
their homes last week.
Mr. Wm. McNevin left town Mon-
day evening for London and. Tuesday
morning he and Mr. W. C. Huston
left en a trip to Calgary. Alta., where
they intend spending the summer, if
not longer.
Miss Hattie Fitton left Tuesday for
Owen Sound where she will take the
boat for Vancouver, B. C., where she
will spend the summer with her sister,
Mrs. G. H. Tom. '
Miss Edith Balkwill,.:Who has been
visiting relatives and:friends here for
the past five weeks,. left Tuesday for
Glencoe to spend a few days prior to
leaving for her hoine in Dutton.
'Mr. Chas. Wilson, formerly of the
Mansion' House, here, -moves to -day
(Thursday) with his family to Grand
Bend Where he. takes charge of the
Dining Hall olf,Mrl John Spackma,n's
IL F. Heming, junior clerk of this
branch of the: Molsona Bank, has been
transferred to the Toronto branch and
left for that city Tuesday. The vacan-
cy has been filled- here by 'Mr.. B. E.
Young, of Aylmer.
Mr. Chas. Abbott, of London, is
snendmg a few days - in town with'
friends prier to leaving for , Manches-
ter, England. Hir-wiffe and family
are also here and will emaiu during
his absence,' He leaves Fridtiy.
Mr. N. 'Cobbledick and bride, return-
ed home from their ,.honeymoon trip
at Peterborough yesterday (Wednes
day). They:.will take • Op their resi-
dence in the house at the rear Of the
grist mill recently vacated: by Mr. A.
Clinton: Mrs. Irwin, mother of Mr.
R. Irwin, passed away to her long
home Friday.
T, P,
.• Will be at the
—Two days only --
Call early a,nd avail yourself of his
valuable services, as this is a rare op-
portniiity to have your eyes properly
tested, free of charge. No guess work
but a scientific ceetainty.- Difficult
eases a Guava tely fitted. •Ann WORK
A full lite o Arttfteat Eyes added t� Our
Stock. '
;VA' • ',A;•••••• • , ese.' ,40 ,
• Our sales in these goods have been immense this season. We have
six or seven dozens left of these ready-to-wear Shirts and our price for
the dollar ones is 05 cents, and our price for the *1.25 ones is 75 cent
Buy one from us as they are the best goods made by tie Standard Mam
facturing Co. of Montreal.
A Job Lot of Men's Shirts in Flannellette, half wool,' all wool, Ging
ham, Black Sateen J3lack cords at 50 cents each, anyone of which I
easily worth 75 cents. Our sizes range from 14 to 17, and our variety cm
sists of 35 doz. to select from.
A Job Lot of Men's Cashmere Soeke, which were 50 cents, our prie
is 25 cents, guaranteed extra quality, pure -wool, fast, dye, special heel
and toes. A big bargain for you.
In Millibery we sell our Ladies' Sailors. A big range at 25e. each,
Shirt Waists the biggest variety in town. Buy one from us as the
8,120 the very latest goods.
Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothin
svvnt, •
ti tli!')2YVIZIM9,frIt;.buid,pargt.t
New Victoria
5FT., ka‘T. AND 0 ET. OUT
Highest Drive Wheel Ma
Brass Boxes.
Roller Bearings.
Seventh Roller for Eleyat
Latest and best improYern
Oxford Clipper
L44 MOWERS )`4
With Roller and:Ball Bearings.
Serrated Ledger Plates if desired
Ask our Agent to show you the
New Patented Ball Bearing
Knife Clip.
Supplied when specially ordered.
- 4,14142..
'!? r " •
We also manufacture the best and most complete line
Cultivators and Seeding implements on
Earth, comprising spring Tooth Cultivators,
(fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired.)
Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, Disc
Drills, (all kinds) Horse
Rakes, (friction Grain
aanidnrachet dump,) etc., etc.
If you need anything in our line send for our 1909 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent free) You will
very much to your interest to do so
find it
East side of Main street,
opposite planing mill.
We have in stock. dressed
and matched siding, flooring
and ceiling, also dressed pine
1 in., 1 in., 1 in. and 2 in.
Shingles, lath and cedar
posts always on hand.
A large stock of barn lum-
ber just arrived.
Call and Examine..
Jas. Willis,
Flour, Mill Feed and Corn con-
stantly kept in stock,
Reduced to $1.80.
The Senate has thrown out the Gaspe
short-iine railway bill.
Custom Sawing D
(Late Gould's Mill)
Light your home with
• The Radiant Home
Automatic Acetylene
Gas Generator.
The Radiant Home Automatic
lene Gas Generator has nurneroi
tinionials and each 'Machine is
anteed to give every satisfaction
Manufactured by
Clinton!, The inothotte- pf Geo.
iipplonaopt agent, pawl away
home fri Holthesville Friday at
of 74 years.