HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-21, Page 7reeseeasieeerieaseeeeeeaeaesseeseseasseee-aiaaseeeseeeferereaamerieeeseemaseeesereeseereeeeeeeteeeeeeeareafeseesseeeemeersese !fa LESSON XIII, SECOND QUARTER, IN- TERNATIONAL SERAES, JUNE 24. Text of the aeseme. a Comnreheuslve , Quarterly Review — Golden Text, Math. vi, 10—Commentary Prepared by the Rev. D. M. Stearns. (Copyright, moo, by D. M. Stearns.] LESSON- L—The beatitude e (Math. iv, 25, to v, 12). Golden Text, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Math. v, 8). The Teacher is God manifest in the flesh, and the words are the words of God (I Tim. iii, 10; John xis', 10), and the works are the veras of God, and He would reproduce both words and works in some measure in each be- liever if we were fully yielded to Him, for we a.re here "in Christ's stead" tbat the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal bodies (1I Cor. v, 20; iv, 10, 11). LESSON II.— Precepts and promises (Math. vii, 1-14). Ceolden Text, Math, vie 12, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them." This lesson is also part of the sermon on the mount, in which our Lord teaches us of the Father, His loye to us and care of us and What our attitude to Him and consequently to our fellow men should be. Knowing our Father and having confi- dence in Him takes away all anxious care and causes us to liye to His glory. LESSON III.—The daughter of Jairus raised (Mark v, 22-24, 35-43). Golden Text, "Be not afraid, only believe." The three instances of Christ raising the dead—the ruler's daughter, the widow's son and Lazarus—are suggestive of this among other things, that when Jesus conies to earth for His people there will be some who have just died, some bodies on the way to burial and some. corrupt- ing, like that of Lazarus, but all the dead bodies shall live again, they that are ;Christ's at His coming and the rest of the dead at the end of the thousand ,ye.ars (John v, 28; I Cor. xv, 23; Rev. xx, 5) - LESSON IV.—The centurion's servant aealed (Luke vii, 1-10). Golclen Text, Ps. oiii, 13, "Like as a father pitieta his chil- dren so the Lord pitieth theni that fear Him." It is a mistake to tbink that we can be worthy to receive anything from God. Redemption and all its benefits are given to us freely in Christ and for His sake (Rom. iii, 24: viii, 32). 1 -le alone is worthy, end it beemnes us to pray, "0 Lord, though our iniquities testify against us, do Thou it for Thy name's sake" (Jer. xis', 7). LESSON V.—Jesus and John the Bap- tist (Luke vii'1S-28). Golden Text, Mark, vie 37, "He bath done all things well." John' the Baptist, great in the sight of the Lord, no greater ever born of wo- man (Terse 28 and Luke i, 15), imprison- ed for righteousness' sake and seemingly neglected by. our Lord, sends messengers to ask our Lord if He is the Christ or ir there is to ,be another. It looks as if John was offended, for the Lord Jesus sent the message to him, "Blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in Me" <verse 23). LESSON VI.—Jesus warning and invit- ing (Math. xi, 20-30). Golden Text, Math xi, 28, "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and 1 will give you rest." To whom much is given of them shall much be required, and the cities here mentioned had privileges above Tyre and Sidon and Sodom which made their responsibility all the greater. There is much to discourage one in this world, much opposition to whet is right and much misjudgment of one's aims and actions, but there is rest in telling Jesus and in doing what He did, accept all as from God and say, "I thank Thee, 0 Fa- ther." LESSON VII.—Jesus at the Pharisee's house (Luke vii, 36-50). Golden Text, Luke vii, 50, "Thy faith hath saved thee." There is little hope for people who, like this Simon, consider themselves right- eous, for the Lord Jesus said, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners, to re- pentance." What a deception the devil practices upon us when he -enakes- us think that our clothing is good when it is only filthy rags and that we are rich and need nothing when we are poor and blind and need everything! (Isar. lxiv, 6; Rev. iii, 17, 15.) LESSON VIIL—Parable of the sower (Math. xiii, 1-8 and 18-23). Golden Teat, Luke viii, 11, "The seed is the word of God." The Simon of the last lesson'is a :sample of Israel as a nation, specially of her rulers and leaders, the priests. scribes and Pharisees. -They needed no Saviour, having a righteousness of their own (Rom. x, 3), and so rejected and crucified Christ. LassoN IX.--Parahles of the kingclom (Math. xiii, 24-33). Golden Text, Math. xiii, 38, "The field is the world." This is a continuation of last week's lesson and ebecribes more fully the phase of the ,kihgclom manifest in this present age. Among the children of God will be found the children of the devil to the end of the age. These children of the wicked one will be found in prominent places in the church, like the lards in the branches.- Lassoa X. — The twelve sent forth (Math. ix 35, to x, 8). Golden Text, Math. x, 20, -rt is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you." Those who are willing to be sent forth by Ilim as Ilis messengers, bearingthe precious seed eif ,I -lis word, must remember that they are as sheep in the midst of wolves, that they must not fear them which kill the body, that they must trust the Spirit for the words ; they are to speak and have no anxiety about temporal things. Lasso's XT.—Death of John the Bap- tist (Mark vi, 14-20). Golden Text, Eph. "I3e not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled- with the Spirit." Some think that if they are filled taith ihe Spirit they will be sure to accomplieh great things for God in the eyes of men. John was filled with the Spirit from his birth, yet he did no miracle. public work was only for a few Months; he was for months in prison and then .behentleda But in him God was glorified: Peter,ifill- ed with the Spirit, saw a multitude ;saved, while Stephen, filled with the Spir- it, received stones enough to kill him, LESSON XII.—The feeding of five thou- sand elohn vi 5-14). Golden Text, elstth. vi, 11, "Give us this clay our daily bread." There are hundreds of millions withoet the breed of life, and we are, ;like the disciples, incliheca to let them buy ' themselves bread as best they care Our Lord says, "Give ye them to eat." We, like Philip and Andrew, think it Cannot -be aone. The Lord is ae ready niid able to feed the hungry as when He fed those 4000. plE3LE IN aURNS' DIALECT. lirAidue Reading' of Ow (i"""ti Sru'ori rho Moivi t. A. recent decision of the German federal court indicates how carefully ''aside seeress' are protected in Gee, amay. It appears that a 'foramen iri ehe employ of 0 certain establi 31e - merit, la( (maid a substance whicn bis calf loyor used in finishing 'Muscling" velvet, The LISO of this su)seanee was considered a trade or business secret of the firm. The forernau however, imparted the compositeon to others, and the fremehad hira tried, and he was founcl gailty in the lower The case was appealed to the feder- al court and the clefonse made the point that the foreman had only im- parted his own invention to others; that the same was his intellectual property. The federal court dis- missed the appeal on the following The foreman was employed as such by the firm, and therefore it was his duty to try experiments by which the methods of work could be improved. His aehievement in inventing the substance was therefore only a part of the servicewhite' he owed to his employers. The 'invention belonged to his employers, and therefore the action of the foreman in imparting the secret to outsiders was in viola- tion of the law referred to. Only an employe is entrusted with experi- ments which may lead to such in- ventions. A stranger, whose labor does not belong to the establishment Is excluded from such experiments. The foreman -was admitted to the experimen Ls only on account of his employment by the firm, and it fol- lowed that the invention -in ques- tion was made by him in consequence of his employment by the firm for which he was paid. Fiction Made to Order. The publisher of fiction in paper covers was not feeling very amiable when the young lady novelist called on him. , "I called to see about my story," said the young lady novelist. "Oh, the one which is entitled 'Ma- rietta's Marriage; or, a Life, Story from a Book of -Cigarette Papers'?' " "Yes; that's it." "Well, it's a pretty good novel. But you must bear in mind that, as litteratoors, were responsible for the education of the public to a certain degree. We must not be too impro- bable. Soruetimes you have to be a little improbable now and then in order to fascinate your reader, but .you can be reasonable a good 'deal of the time." "But if you try that, isn't your reader likely to become unfascinat- ed?" she inquired. . "Not if you're jadicious. Now, the only objection I have to your story is the incident which represents the heroine as jumping out of a third - story window on to an awning over a meat store in order to escape the abductors who are on her track. It's too much to risk on an awning. And, besides, it's more than likely any abductor who knew his business would have a confederate posted out- side to catch her when she bounced off. Of course, You've got her cor- nered, and she's got to get away somehow. But I must say it doesn't sound quite artistic to me." She had been thinking while he talked, and she remarked: "Suppose we fix it up this way: She was on her way home from the milliner's, where she bought the most fashionable hat in the -window. She was walking through the park when she saw her pursuers on her track. She knew she must act quickly. Without a moment's hesitation she took off her hat, laid it on the ground, and then crouched behind the bunch of mammoth, hyacinth blos- soms, which the milliner had told her would cost her $17 extra. How she rejoiced that she had not carried out her threat to go without rather than pay so much! The men who had so often abducLed her were foiled at last. , They came within a few feet of her eliding place, and one of them paused, but only to remark that Ise had never before seen a flower bed and shrubbery in that part of the park. Marietta was saved!" And the publisher nodded his head approvingly and exclaimed: "Now, there's some sense to that." Quick were. The wonderful advance triade in the science of farming during the last few years is one of the best examples of Canadian progressiveness. A little incident recounted by an exchange is characteristic: One evening a short time ago a so- ciety in Jefferson needed a gallon of cream. The committee called up by telephone the proprietors of a milk farm two miles north of the town and asked if they could furnish it. The reply was that they could as soon as the nailking was done. In 30 minutes from the time the call was made the cream was delivered. The milk had been drawn from the cow, put into a separator, the cream extracted and sent to town by a man on a bicycle. A few years ago the committee would have had to send a boy in the afternoon, ''yesterday's milk'' would have had to be skimmed, and if the boy had not treed too many chip- munks on the way lie might have got back in time for the festival. Geed :Aloe 111es:A.1:s. Here are two recipes for making, a dressing ear shoes; No: 1 is as, fol - loves,. .Tai 9 drams of spermaieei oil, a ,outices of good molasses and 4 ounces of, finely powdered ivory blaale, and stir them toge.,ther theta oughlsa .; Then stir in half a pint Of good vinegar, and the dressingis ready for' use. ;14 gives a bright, clean , surface ahd makes the 'shoe, look almoet like new, ' .The eecon.adeessina is, for rainy weather, and ie said 'te make the shoes waterproof:, Take an °Mice of beeswax, an ounce of tarpontine ante a quarter of an ounce of Burgundy pitche Put them into half a pint of cottemseed oil and melt together (Mee 13, SLOW are, being careful that ;the mieture does not take are, a*maia-aresee-easeeeeeeseeaseasemeee""see Here are 'thiee swell summer gowns. The one at the right is of light gray etamine over crimson talfeta, trimmed with narrow black' velvet That at the left . . is of hello wool canvas, lined with vivid green. The one in the center is of the new French batiste In soft blue pastel. Now the warm days of summer are corning, and the lovely creature called "the summer girl" will soon be in evi- dence, for the artists are already making pictures to show her in all her glory of dainty. and fine and fluffy laciness. No one need ask anything more beauti- ful than the light and filmy materials made for the summer girl of this year of grace. I wender if the men away off in Japan, in Scotland, in England, in Italy; and France, who design all the patterns after which all the fabrics are woven or printed, ever think of the girls who are to wear their productions? If they do, they certainly must do their work with pleaeureato think of how pretty they Will look when on the bright and beautiful American girl. „ There is absolutely no girl on earth who can show up a pretty thin fabric as well as an American. The English girls look their best in tailor suits, and the Germans are not in the lista at all, while the French girls are relegated to the very simplest and plainest of all the season's. goods, though the married Frenchwomeu are so dressy. But the married women there have as girls been deprived of or- nate dresses of all kinds, and they prefo in their new freedom to have the richesi of all fabrics. So it all comes that out girls are the best and most tastefully dressed of all young girls. , Just now there is a fancy for the lac( applique robes made up over thin silk, and I think the favorite, at least for tles moment, is the liprre circular skirt, veitb a piece for making into a evaist and sleeves supplied to, match the figure ir the skirt. This comes in pure white and in cream; else in butter color, and this made over a lining of mat white taffete is beautiful. Lierre is the very close imitation of duchesse point, and it is also a (linen and strong lace. The whole outfit for a dress of the lierrelace costs from $12 tc $20, butit must be remembered that this lace is a fashionable and a standard qual; a:a and can be used in so many ways that it is more economical than even the lawns in the long 11111. For those who prefer them there ale some silk taffeta robe patterns done or net grounds, and it cannot be denied that they are most desirable in point of beau ty, though they cost all the way front $20 to $50, but'there are in this work many women to whom that sum is ver3 small. These taffeta applique dress pat terns all have the skirt made circular and there is a waist as well as' sleeves This is really handsome, and when h black or pure white the finished gown it elegant. But unfortunately there ars n:riny in all sotts of fancy colors, an they cheapen the whole output, so tha' I think the liking for these special dress es will be short lived. Lawn appliques are also among thi latest- of, the thin dress fabeics, and the are very effective for; the price, which it reasonable. The general plan is to hays the drees made up over a skirt of a coke of some kind, while the lawn applique is done over point d'esprit net. Some a them are all white, but the most havs the lawn part of some delicate tint, lilts lilac, pink, pale blue or a faint, soft yel low. Thie is one of the prettiest of then all. , The idea of having an applique of laws over net ie quite original. I should sae in this connection that all of them Ilea portions wrought expressly for an sleeves and waist, carrying the design Thus it is easy for the sunnteur drees maker to manage her own dreeemaking A very little black velvet ribbon or am other kind ,oe ribbon finishes such a dree well. leer old ladies there is a long line o spangled robe patterns. They are cal ciliated for warm summer afteenoons 01 the piazzas, where the hardest usage the; will have is just to look pretty while tle wearer sits around quietly, for the seen gled goods will not endure much heel usage and absolutely no moisture. Wo betide the woman who get8 caeght in I shower While wearing a. spangled gown But limy take a place for handsome sure mer wear that nettling else can, Tha axe only intended for middle aged Italie who begin to need the glittet of such things to distract the attention from the traces of approaching age. At the famous watering place hotels the dressing is always extravagant and at the same time inexpensive. I mean by that that there are times when simple things are indicated as the right ones and other times when one's habit should be as costly as the purse can buy, as Shakespeare says. The day is divided into many parts, and the earlier portion is for walking, sports and all sorts of ac- tive pleasures, while the afternoon is most often passed on the piazzas or in riding, or the younger part of the popu- lation goes in for golf or somethieg else as silly. The wardrobe of the young girl always contains enough of the outing -gowns to keep her so neat that her dearest friend eau find no flaw to talk about with the others. Then there are the pretty morn- ing frocks of dainty gingham and challie and the crisp muslins and the stout pi- ques and dimities. And there are dozens of others, all pretty and all neat and summery and exactly suited to the occa- sion. The skirts for wearing with these waists are always of heavy stuff, though they may be of cotton' or linen as well as woolen. There are some new crepons and so many different kinds and colors of wool fabrics that I despair of telling the half ofthem. The new grenadines are stylish, and the etamines, especially those with the waterproof finish, are extremely popular. Homespun cheviot has had a greater vogue tele season than for a long time; both in colors and black. The canvas and iron frame grenadine is unusually fashionable this summer,' and it is one of the few things that can be worn alike by old and young, the trim- ming marking the difference. For the elderly ladies the lining should be black, while the younger ones may have any colored silk lining. In one swell house I saw several hand- some imported gowns made of thin goods. Three of them may be seen in the illus- tration. That one. at the right is made of light gray etamine over crimson taffe- ta, and around the bottom there is a trimming of narrow black velvet ribbon set in arrow heads and in graduated lengths, which bring the trimming in points. The blouse waist is trimmed to match, and so are the sleeves, and there are 15 buttons on the waist—six large and mine small ones—set in clusters. Buttons are to be much used this coming fall as trimming, aside from any question of utility. The dress at the left is of light helio wool canvas, and the interlining is of a vivid green, which, however, does not look too green under the shifting of the semitransparent goods. There are a few tucks along the sides of the skirt, and the upper parts of the sleeves are also tucked. although tucks are not considered as fashionable as they were a few months ago. Around the bottom of the skirt are two rows of black velvet rib- bon, the wider one being uppermost, which I do not remember ever seeing be- fore. The waist of this was unusually pret- ty and had a figaro of ecru colored gui- pure, and between the two fronts there was an arrangement of surplice folds over a V shaped front of shirred white silk. The small revers and the high col- lar had a quilling of narrow black lace on the edges. The lower parts of the sleeves were made plain, with a quilling of the lace at the elbows and wrists. A. crush belt of white silk, with a fancy bow, finiehed what I call a very novel costume. The center figure shows a dress of the lovely new French batiste in a soft blue pastel shade, and these Pastel ehades are now in the very height of their populari- ty. This on6 had a highly novel trim- ming for goeds ef so light a weave, as it consieted of an elaborate braiding in nar- row black silk soutaclie, pet on in form of shawl poini in thr rront, and around the bottom it was high, and seine might think that that alone was eneugh of trim- ming on the skirt. The waist *as CON, °red with braiding, and there wits a sort of sailor smiler of the same stuff, and that, too, was trimmed with braiding. Menaemeem ,77,77 JOHN BROWN'S BODY. • PROTECTION are TRADE SECRETS. Canadian 'Who Cl,wil"" "" "ye Writti. They Are eAcre,i Property t" Famotlef ,% sr S00d,... • am a Co,eadia,n. Early in life began to rhyme. One Sunday all the family aacl gone to church, eight miles distant, 1 was eo get dinner Lor them and have it ready on their return. Seating myself at the win- dow I was poen deep in the spirit of John Brown, and as I read on and on I -became more and more fill- ed wita admiration ,for one that seemed to me at once a saint, a hero and a prophet. A young friend came in with a let- ter he had from my brother. Plac- ing it on the table we both read it. Pie wrote: '"The boys want you to make a song for them." At once my companion urged me to please my brother. I consented to try, on condition he would cook dinner. I was fillea to overflowing with the worship of John Brown, so the song I wrote was the message con- veyed to my mind from that stern, still face I saw in my fancy laing in the coffin beneath the gallows in Old Virginia. The following are the words and the only words I wrote. The hallelujah chorus was not my work. I do not know anything of its authorship or origin. John Brown's body lies a -mouldering In the ground, And the slaves think that freedom has re- ceived a mortal wound— But the day of fate is coming—don't you hear the dreadful sound?— As his soul goes marching on! He is coming! Ile is coming' with the glo- rious jubilee! He Is coming! He is coming, for to set the negro free! He is coming with a message, and it Is foe you and me, As his soul goes marching on! He captured Harper's Ferry with bis men He frightened old -Virginia till she trembl- ed through and through, Tlaey hanged him on the gallows, the cruel, coward crew, But his soul goes marching on! Only this and nothing more. Years passed. My brother had written home, "The boys like the song and are putting a tail to it." The war was long over when one day I saw in an American song book the words of this song. I at once recognized it. When it became known ' through Governor Russell of Massachusetts that I was the author, many good people wrote me for copies of the song in my own handwriting, and as far as possible I obliged them. C. C. Carlyle. Coal Branch, Kent County, N. B. A aoy's Essay e,, Hornets. A hornet is the smartest bug that (lies any -where. , He comes when he pleases, and goes when he gets ready. One way a hornet shows his smart- ness is by attending to his own busi- ness, and making everybody who in- terferes with him wish they had done the same thing. When a hornet stings a fellow he knows it, and never stops talking about it as long as his friends will listen to him. One day a hornet stung my pa (my pa is a preacher) on the nose and he did not do any pastoral visiting for a month .with- out talking about that hornet. Another way a hornet shows his smartness is by not procrastinating. If be has any business with you he will attend to it at once, and then leave you to think it over to your- eself. He don't do like the mosquito, who comes fooling around for half an hour singing, ,"Cousin, cousin," and then when he leas bled you all he ca, dash away yelling: "No kin." A hornet never bleeds you; but if he sticks eeou, you will go off on a swell. I don't know ,anything more about hornets, only that .Tosh 13illings says: "A hornet is an inflammiale (Josh was a poor speller) buzzer, sudden in his impreshuns, and rather hasty in his 'conclusions,, or end. • It 1)1d0•1 Work Juvt A. fond mother reproved her son for asserting his dislike of a certain rough playmate. "When he wants to fight don't you fight with him," she said, ''but remember the proverb about 'coals of fire.' The next time he becomes disagreeable offer to share with him something that you have. It will be much better in every way." And Harold said he would. The next clay he invested ten cents in a baker's pie, and just as he had purchased it he met the odious Jerry. "Hello, kid!" shouted the latter ; .guess I will have ter lic yer agin.1' I For answer Harold broke the pie in twain and..ga.ve the larger half to the warlike youth, -cello gulpecl. it down with grunts of aeriazement and eatisflea satisfaction„ "Say kid," he -mumbled, "these was fine What maele aer gimme it?" "Because you nit me yesterday," was, the gentle reply.' Jerry drew'. off and planted a: thumping •blow on Harold's ' chest that nearly' knocked him "Now, go git another pie." The World's Curse. A brilliant young man thirty years ago was beginning to form the habit of indulgence in the wine cup. He knew that other men were drunkards but he felt that he himself was strong, and would never be anything but clear-eyed and strong of nerve and firm of flesh. The years went by. He has had honor and position. He has become a drunkard, with it all, and his honors have been for nothing. Whisky raid wine have done for him what they have done for all the rest, and wbra, they Will do fur all who are foolish enough to be deceived by themle he could In would deter young men from follow- ing in his footsteps, but lee will not in all en cc th ern. Th eel will think of him eitn ply as an 010 drunkard mei S03' that he was a fool not to have controlled himself a little, And they will follow him on to death. They Are A lewd et War. One cause of the increase of trarnie gration into the 'United 8tates is said to be the tipnreheneion of a great war in EtIrope. The religioup world is greatly in- terested ia the experiment now being tried in Scotland of printing the liab- le in the Scottish dialect, The task of translating has aeen satisfactorily accomplished by etr, Gardner, of Paisley, and en a short, tine very few homes througliout Scotland will be witeaut -Bibles so written that all can understand and comprehend the contests. Your correspondent was permitted to see 0 portion of the Gospel of St. Mathew in its aew form, and ie able to emote, the Beati- tudes as they Will appear in the Scot- tish Bible. The fatal ;chapter of St. Matthew or)ans thus: "And, seeild the Vera lig o' folk, I -le good up inta a mountain; and whan He was sutten-don, fdie disciples gather't aboot, And He open't His moote, ad instruetit them; aelel aim He; "Happy the Spiras that are town and cannie", for lainadmin Beetain is waitin' for -them! "Happy they that are makieg, their mean, for they sal fin' comfort an' peace. "Happy the lowly an' meek o' tee yirth, for the earth sal be their aim hadden. '''Efappy they whase hurt ger a ' clrouth are a' for holiness, for theee sal be steghed. ''Happy the pitifue for they sal win pitie theirsels. "Happy the pure heartit, for their eon sal dwell upon God. , "Happy the imackers'up o' strife,. for they sal be coontie for bairns o' God. • "Happy the ill-treatit aees for the • sake o' .gude, for theease hae t,he Kingdom o' God. "I-Iappy Sal ye be when folks sal ye, and ill-treat ye, and say all things again ye wrangouslie for My saee. Teeth. "I'd hate to pay that woman's den- tist bills," said a business man to a_ friend on. a South Side L train the other day. Across the aisle from the men was a woman who showed en- ough gold every time she opened her mouth to make a man want to leave and try his fortunes in the Enondilee. Two ef lier upper teciLle had been replacc:d by pieces of bur- nished metal, and one of her lower teeth, also had a 22 -carat sheen about it. Her companion had only 0110, gold tooth, but she kept it doing the work of three by a constant, smile. "That's another case of the old ad- age, 'All that glitters is not gold."' remarked the business man's friend. ''One of the dental noeielties maiies gold teeth possible to any one at a small cost and without even sacri- ficing a healthy incisor to make rooire for the metal. For a quarter youi can get a sliall that can be stuck over any front tooth, and with an excuse to smile you can present a re- gular gold mine to the astonished, public. Actresses first affected the gold tooth, a,nd then the Yankee man got an idea. In a short time there was an epidemic of gold teeth. The nov- elty man came out with his plated shells and sold them like hot cakes.. No one but tem dentist has any kick against the imitation gold tooth, and as a daemler it is bard to beat. The. woman's teeth may be the real stuff, but I- believo she can slip them off when she wants to and get thear plated when they get tarnished." rites of Ilie Do -r. A British corennander-in-chief while on actiae service receives £75 a week - In proportion to its size Great Britain has eight times as many rail- ways as the United States. It takes a span of 54 oxen to move Long Tom, the, 4.7 -inch gun belong- ing eo the British Naval Brigade. In 1.S99 buildings worth, with the; property in thani, over $153,000,000 were destroyed by fire in the United, States, A Sheffield (England) arm has pro- duced a steel plate 3.16 inches thick which can not be drilled or piercedi by a Lee-Metfoid bullet. An Ellsworth "(Me.) man recently found in his garden a petrified po- tato, perfect in forms. arid with every eye showing distinctly. The annual report of the fire de - pertinent shows that 196,S00 acres of territory and 277 miles of water front are protected in New York. City. The Jaegersfontein diamond mine,: 70 miles southwest. of Bloemfontein, produces stones to the annual valua of $2,000,000, and their quality is excellent. The Wrolia reeket. The other day two ladies enterecl a street car at a time when seats were a possibility. One was a stout, over- dressed lady, the other was evident- ly her daughter. "Shall I pay the fare, mamma? r have my purse with me," said the yousig lady, sweetly. "Oh, no. I'll pay. I have plenty of change." Thereupon she leaned sideways and comaenced the intricate process ot searching her draperies for her pock- et. After a minute or two of am- bling, during which her face grew an apopletic red, she exclaimed, tragicel. ly: "Laura! That shall I do? leta been robbed! My purse is gone --- my pocket is witirely empty," "Perhaps, madam," said the gett- tleman by her side, ' in whose coat pocket she had been 'franbling all the time, 'Merhape if ;volt search yoer own pocket instead of mine yeti will be more likely to find your purse. 11""OVi $41e011e ctoot COielioined W11.114. S1110ke on, calchnineci walls may be remoieed by Hibbing the soiled place, 1ige:11y wale sea 10 brad, chang ina the piecee of beefed sea socm as they become so i led . Tie is team malce 1,110 epot a little lighter than the 111)1' - rounding SOI'laC,0; in eviiieh case' 'pease a piece of cileesecloeh over tile working toevierds and over the light part, as teie will take 11 lit Me al the 00101' over, send so sllade up to e light spee t,i)at, it will r ot bo aleria Parloa in the La -- dime HpIOC Jourival.