HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-21, Page 6amara00000.00,.....01,0.200 W40 410 1.?1e1.0 wooly will Olease eiooly 111•11;:act at. dee (Alice •oae edemane latee '"]11 ADVOCATE. o •-••• feSD AY, JUNE 21 Acycsn WHAT ONE WOMAN THINKS. Kindness is the secret of courtesy. A man is poor indeed. evil° it poor in charity. Oaildaen behave when out as they behave at home. Lots of women have dressee they are afraid to wear. man never loses any of his self respect by an honest apology. The clever womaa always laughs at a man's jokes, even if she has heard them before. It is no longer a puzzle as to 'who's got the button, Every smaztly-gown- ed woman can solve it. The devil, a coutemporaneous phil- osopher assures is, owes much of his sat:loess to the fact that he is always on haud. Some women wear simple gowns with the air of elegance that is en- tirely lost in the magnificence of some 'other womea's toilette. There uever was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of imply curatives being swill that were the germs of mieer and differently searad diseases rooted in rhe system of elle patient—what would relieve one ill in euro would aggravate the other. We have., however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound. unadulterated 'state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. Sy its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exeres on Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those wich whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreihing sleep— sinnerts vigor to the action a the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- out the -veins, serengthening the healthy atdmal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary resale, strengthening be frame, and giYing life to the diS:estive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—resalt, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to ehe public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sellit. This Clock Is a Wonder. Joseph Jenson, a clockma,k-er, of Richfield, -Utah, has just completed an interesting clock, which, besides striking the hours, halves and guar- trs and showing the phases of the 11a0012, tells what time it is in every city in the world. This is done by means of a globe which revolves with- in a transparent globular glass. On this glass is mark -ed a line represent- ing 12 o'clock noon, and as the globe revolves this line is always directly over that part of the iworld where it is noon at that time. There are other lines representing the different hours, and in this way It is a very simple matter to get the exact time at any given place. it may be ouly a trifling cold, but neg- lect it and it will fasten its fangs in yonr lungs, and you will soon be carried to an -untimely grave. In this country we have sudden changes and. must expect to have coughs and. cold.s. We cannot avoid them, hut we can effect a cure by using Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the medicine that has never been known to fail in cur- -Mg coughs, colds, bronchitis and, all af- fections of the throat, lungs and chest. 4 No Women Admitted.. NO feminine visitors are allowed to go through the Cramps' yard in Phil- adelphia, because every tan.° a wo- man passes through the shops every one of the 7,000 workmen raises his eyes from his work. and in one min- ute one man's work for a fortnight as lost to his employers. Rich, red blood is produced by Miller's Compound Iron Pills. They possess the great vitalizing principle upon which de - pond health and strength — — Th e Insult. The Instructor in Music—His life I shall have ! His 13riend—V7e11, yoa ought to have known you would get thrown out. He is too rich to allow his daughter to marry a musician. 'Ale, yes, 1 Juicier! I know 1 But does that jusiify his kicking me down the steps in rag time?" !W , illard's Liffinieni Gum Garret in Cows - olea,eing vessels of Rats. Dr, 30. Apeny, a Constantinople scientist, says ships and warehouses earl be cleared of rats by using car- bonic acid gas, which being heavier than air, will sink to the bottom and suffocate them. New life for a quarter. Com- polincl Iron Pills, Treating Prohibited by Law. A license to sell intoxicants was given to a man in Benton, Eye, with a proviso that no one should be allow- . 'Eal to "treat" in his bar room, and that every patron must pay for hie eewn liquor. Miller's Worm Powders make the eohildema healthy. Its Quality. Rivers—That's the longest cigar "holder I ever taw. Brooks—Yes. 1 era asioneit on thee last cigar you gave anee 1 theaght dietanee mierlet possibly lend eriohante ent to the flavor, but it doesn't. 11„'IRS OF 1:\ . Resulting From Sciatica in an Aggravated Form. Many Nights the sufferer 40ouid Not Lie in Bed, auk His Leg Was rre- quently Swollen to Twice Its Na- tural Size. From the journal, St Catharines. Mr. John T. Beuson, stationary en - glacier at the Ridley College, St. Cath- arines is kown by most of the resi- douts of the city. For years Mr. Ben- son suffered acute agony from sciatica. and notwithstauding numerous forms of teeatinent found lit•tie or no relief until he began the use of Dr. Wil - flame' Pink Pills. These pills speedi- ly restored his 'health as they have done that of thousands of others who have given them a fair trial. To the reporter who interviewed him Mr. Benson said: "1 certaithy owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,for they have released me fromo. form of torture that had afflicted me almost continuously for twenty years. The pain began that in my back, then shifted to nay hip and thence down my leg, It became so severe that it seemed as though the very marrow in my bones was being, scalded, and at times I could scarcely repress crying aloud froni the agony I endured. tried all sorts of liniments and lo- tions, but got no relief. 1 doOtored with several physicians, even going to Buffalo for treatment by a special- ist there, but in no ease did. I ever re- ceive more than temporaray relief. It may easily be imagined that the pain I endured told upon me in other ways and I became almost a nhysical wreck. At times my right leg would swell to almost twice its normal size. Then the pain and swelling would shift to my left leg, and the agony was some- thing awful. I suppose that during the period I was afflicted I have hun- dreds of times laid on my back on the iloor with ray foot and leg elevated on rt, chair in order to obtain slight ease frora the pain I endured. The muscles and sinews in my legs looked as though they had twisted and tied in knots. The trouble went on in this way until finally nothing but opiates would ,deaden the pain. A few years ago I read of a cure in a similar case through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to try them. For some time after I began their use, I could not see that they were helping me, but I decided that I would give them a fair trial. By the time I had used a half a dozen boxes, there was a decided improvement in my case, and I continued the use of the pills until I had taken twelve boxes, when I felt ray cure was complete. Several years have once passed and I have had no return of the trouble, so that I feel safe in saying that the cure has been permanent. ,g1 may also add thatr,my§wife has used the pills for indigestion. head- aches and dizziness, and has found great benefit from them. Words can- not express the great benefit Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have been to me, and I hope similar sufferers will profit by my experience." Dr: Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root cif the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. If your dealer does not keep them, they will be sent postpaid at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - ville, Ont. A Flattering indorsement. Father (to son who has recently en- tered the practice of law)—Well, my boy, are you making any headway in your profession? Son—Am I? Well, I think I have right to consider myself an adept now. Father—Indeed! What experience have you had to justify that confi- dence? Son—A man called me a liar today, and he was a pretty good judge too.— Boston Courier. unehanged. The lapse of years makes quite a difference in things, and Rip Van Win- kle was not to blame for feeling out of place after his long nap. "Everything is new," he murmured pitifully, the while a tear pushed man- fully away at his eyelid. "Nothing is like it used to be. Oh, for the sight of something familiar!" Wandering into a store, he carelessly picked up a comic paper, more to hide his emotion than anything else. Sud- denly he gave a cry of exceeding great joy. "The same old jokes!" he sobbed joy- fully. "The same old iokes!" ergeessgeseegsg......e.gggereggegggegelg.""e",e..g PE R 3Q NALIT1 N. p, Bunker tied wife of NeadalleO- port, Meese eeleleeated ou Monday, April. 30, the sixty-third anniversaer of theie wareiage. Joseph Chamberlain has changed his plans foe the American trip which he plauned for uext autumn and has poet- ponecl it intlefluitely. President Loubet of France is pos- ing for Dui e Tuech, the well known Frenell sculptor, who is inaleiug a bust el' the chief executive. 1Yhile playing in leateas City receet- ly Sir Henry Irving contributed ei50 toward Lite rebuilding of the conven- tion ltall whibe was (lestroyed by fire. 1)r. Moses M. Bagg, who has just died in Utica, N. Y., was oue of the or- ganizers of the Othiiila County Flistoe- ical society in 1877 and wrote a history of Utica and Oneidn, county. With a party of friends the, Rev. Mi- not J. Savage of New York will travel through southern Europe in a gasoline automobile built for six people and with plenty of room for higgage. Representative Small of North Caro- lina is devoting himself to the etudy of fishes and is incidentally trying to have establishecl on the coast of his state a station to investigate problems connected with marine fisheries. David T. Haraelen, who died recently at Roxbury, Mass., came of a family which for five generations had been en- gaged in the making of nausical instru- ments, and Haraden himself had been 76 years in the employ of one firm of piano naakers. Governor Roosevelt of New York said the other day that he believed strongly in the teaching of modern lan- guages io the public sehoola as theee came a time in thelife of nearly every one when such knowledge would be of the utmost use. Jules Guerin, recently well known for his failure to Start a revolution in Pa- ris, is most methodical in his efforts to undo the evil effects of prison life. Not wishing to grow stout, be takes regu- lar exercise daily and is doing a great deal of very solid reading. In London they are telling of a Seotchman who had a son in Washing- ton and posed as an authority on Amer- ican affairs. To try him some one ask- ed who was the former speaker of the house. "Oh, 1 dinna ken. But, at any rate, he wasna a Scot, like bonnie Da- vie Henderson." ' Henry C. Bliss of West Springfield, Mass., for many years has carried out a public spirited scheme of a novel character. Within 20 years be has planted over 1,000 trees about the town, doing the work systematically in a way which bas greatly beautified the streets and parks. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Young orchards should be regularly and thoroughly cultivated to induce a rapid and healthy growth. • In selecting trees, get those that are vigorous and thrifty. Get them when possible from the home nursery. It is an important item, so far as can be done, to pack the earth over the roots so that the hard winds will not loosen them. Clover and cowpeas are valuable crops to grow in the orchard. They supply nitrogen, an essential element of tree growth. • One of the best means of preventing borers and other pests from injuring trees is to put on tree protectors when the tree is set out. A small thrifty tree with good roots when set out will be a. good bearing tree sooner than a large one witla mu- tilated roots. The more small roots on a tree when transplanted the better. Generally apples and peaches grown commercially must be planted. on a sufficiently large scale to be shipped in carload lots. Then buyers will be on hand to take the crop as soon as ma- tured. One of the best ways of protecting trees from borers and other pests is to appleathe modern tree protectors when the tree is planted out. See that they fit close to the ground and not too close around the stem.—St. Louis Republic. Prussian Maid, 2:19, has foaled it filly at Park Ridge. Ills., by Star Pointer, 1:51A4. The filiy is marked with star, snip, left front and hind ankles white and stood 40 inches high an hour after birth. Tiala--aaaeira. er JOHN LABATT; London; Are undoubtedly TIIEBEST. Testimonials from 4 chemists, 10 medals, li diplomas. The most wholesome of beverages. Recommended by Physicians. Fot sale every- where. ......0aert.01xliret00200M1;001....V11.L.,10.0001.10010.1000•010c.10.112r0011,9•0000111•0•••••11010,01.500010ena01.6001401•401/040Wir0 dc-i-gi d , di--diee,e' 4 4 /4,11, izece--4,1&,(41,, faf:, erf ilitte, --gdfrien/ r , r asr' rrtr 11, irtnitirrMiliIMMEASSrtneYsvrrerastmarrerfa • garr .40 a.. et, ek' Oar• e7 - TKO GOLD DOLLARS TO The Handsomest Baby Gets The Handsomest Prize.; ALL JUDGED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY. ' To interest Canadian incitheio ie a standard preparatene tiardughoia the world THE BRITiSH C,IE:AIUSTS COMPANY pRof->RIF.70Fis op' San F gl "4 Li tuf Syr , An GING TO GIVW., WITHOUT COSI Iti Af1Y WAY, A TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD P'l'ECE to the pretbiest baby in Canada. A TEN DOLLAR GOLD PIECE to the 2nd prettiest. A FIVE BOLLAB GOLD PUCE to the 8rd prettiest. TWO- AND.A-110ALF DOLLAR. GOLD PIEIM in order of merit, to each of the'next 10 prettiest babies, Pi ONE BOLLAR 0131.10 PEEGE in order of merit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, while to every mother sending her baby's photograph, will also be given FREE our ILLU,F3TRATED DOCK, 64 MOTHERHOOD," on the Cam of Children in ReaRili and Disease, on receipt or ten cents to cover e0St of mailing, CON' rrioNs: READ CAREFULLY Every person intending to send photograph of baby, must send ett post card at once stating whett the photo will reach us. All photos Sent in must roach us not later than July 14th. DO not send photos of children over 3 years old ; they will not be considered. Photos must be plainly marked with age, sex, name of the child and full name and post office address of the parents, The smallest picture will receive as much consideration as the largest. The prizes will be awarded by a committee of seven disinterested ladies, and distributed by mail to the respective winners, August 4th, 1900. The pictures of alt babies competing will be published in beautiful half -tone engravings in Toronto Globe beginning Saturday, August 4th, 1900. Photos returnable on receipt of postage. As we have no time to answer needless correspondence, please do not ask for further infor- mation,eimply send post card, stating when picture will be sent. 181 10 „co • nt. 14 AWA1UU'TU• . 51701 ppern EST 850Y IN 0514000. keeilelee 0' Q Address, 78-289. BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, Dept. 108 Victoria Street, TORONTO, CANADA. re. A.. de.t The peculiar condition of the atmos- phere over Southern England and Western Prance on January 11 gave rise to extraordinary exhibitions of solar halos, or sun -dogs, described in the scientific journals of both coun- tries. The phenomena were very beautiful, the sun being surrounded with concentric circles and inverted arohes showing rainbow colors, while mock suns appeared among the halos. They were caused by clouds of min- ute ice crystals floating at great ele- vation. ileti attic is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid being there. If the kidneys actecb as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the system and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- ease, Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the cause of those fearful shootingpains and stiff, achingjoints. There is but one sure way— crs no 0 II The American Beauty rose originated in the conservatories of the Wbite EIouSe. The arst of the species was a freak flower, and the intelligent gar- dener saw that he had a "find" and cultivated the plane. The deserts of Arabia are specially renaarkable .for their pillars of sand Which are raised by tbe whirlwinds andhove a eery close resemblance in their appen ranee to waterspouts. Can't Set Type at Night. La Fronde, the woman's paper of Paris, on which all the work is done by women, has met it check in the law, Which does not, permit women to set typo af night. A ZieW back tor 50 rents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Planter. 'Women as Postal Clerks. Thirty thousand women are employ- ed in the British postal department. There are 150 head postmistresses and Over 6,000 subpostenisteesses. Dear Sirs'—Within the past year know of three fatty tomore on the head having been reinoved by the application of MIee- ARD'S LINIMENT without any surgical operation, and there is no indication of it return. CAPT, W. A. PITT, Clifton, N.B. Gundola Ferry. In Ilis Own Measure. ,"I believe your friend, tho apothe- cary, takes a dram occasionally." 'Oh, yes, I believe he has no 1 scruples againet it," Long llowsSicvo Labor. An exchange well illustrates the importance of long row -s by telling of a western farmer who had, plowed land 100 rods wide and a :half mile long. He artade three fields, each 33 rods wide and 10 rods long,' When planted in corn he found that his man could cultivate it the long way of the row in three days, while if going the ether way there was four days' work. Just one day extra was spent in turning around at the end three times as often. Do Not Delay.—When, through debili- tated digestive organs, poison finds its way into the blood, the prime consider- ation -is to get the poison out as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may mean disaster. Parinelee's Vege- table Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to assail the in- truder with, alley never fail. They go at once to the ,seat of the trouble and work a permanent cure. HOW to Clean Glass Globes. When the globebelonging to chan- deliers have become very dirty with smoke, they should be soaked itt warm soda water. Then add a few drops of ammonia, and. wash the globes well with a soaped flannel, rinse itt clean water and dry with a soft linen cloth. Miller's Worm Powders for restlessness and peevishness. Here Is a Peculiar Case. A young French peasant, seeing his child thrown from a mule, received such a shook that he became bald within eight days. After a time the hair began to grow again, but it was white. Millard's Liniment Cures Dinlitheria, He Couldn't Fool Het.. Mamma—Bessie, how many sisters has your new playmate? Bessie—He has one, mamma. He tried to fool me by saying he had two half sisters, but I guess he didn't know that I have studied fractions. Mental and physical vigorfollow the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pine, A Clear, Healthy Skin.—Eruptions of the skin and the blotches which blemish beauty are the result of impure blood , caused by unhealthy action of the Liver and Kidneys. In correcting this , un- healthy action and restoring the organs to their normal coudition, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. Don't Box Baby's Flays. A well known specialist on ear dis- eases has made the announcement that half the deafness prevalent at the present time can be traced to the prac- tice of boxing the ears of children. Millar d's Liniment Cllres Colds, Etc, An electric railway is now running between the north and seuth extremi- ties of Berlin. Health for the children—Miller' s Worm Powders. ' Narrow strips of tioleing tied to a piece of broomhandle is tho best ,whip to beat ueholstered furniture. liow's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catur en 111;.11 eiuniot Ie cured by lIalls Caterrh Cure. CHENEV. 4,, 00., TOleao, 0. We, the undersigned, 11a...2 3, Cheney tOr the iffSt 1;5 ye,irs, and believe Ott perfectly 100010111u all business tren,seetielie and ti 11111111111 :lble to edrry out any °bile:ado/Is nui(10 by thelt. lIrm. PA 1 & 1,AUX, Wholesale Druggists, Teiedo, 0. ‘VAI,OTNtl, KTNNAN & MAR. VIN Wholeseie Druggists, Toledo, 0. lisiiis entn urll Cre is takee inteenally, acting alive:fly upon the blood and nmeous surfaties of the 5451e01. e'estitnorlin Is eent free. Price 'tee per bottle. Sad by ell drug' gesis. Bing in Love and Witchcraft. The ring has figured out; not only in domestic concerns—in affairs of love and witchcraft—but in church and slate. The Greeks of ancient 'dnys elevated the ring from a mere bauble to a sentimental distinetion, and ever since that time the ring hee assumed a significance accorded to no other article of personal adornment. By thein it was regarded as a type of eternity, and became the emblem of stability and affection. Six Oils.—The 1.110SC conclusive testi- mony, repeatedly laid before the public in the columns of the daily press, proves that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil—an absolutely . pure. combination of six of the finest,. remedial oils in existence—remedies. 'rheumatic pain, eradicates affections of the throat ,and lungs', and cures piles,. Wounds, sores, lameness, tumors, burns, and injuries of horses and cattle. Origin of Olive Oil. Nearly all of the "pure olive imported into this country is cotton- seed oil made in the southern states, sent abroad and there refined and re- turned to us ItS the pure product of the Mediterranean olive. The best remedy for scrofula is Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cants. A Pair Unnecessary. Tommy—I know now why you wear - only one eyeglass. His Big Sister's Beau—Why? Tommy—Brother Jack says you ought to see with half an eye that sis- ter doesn't care anything about you. , Millard's Liniment Cures Dimmer. Cheek on Tardy Employes. A London inventor has perfected an, employe's checking (dock which in addition takes a picture of each em- ploye on his arrival and departure. Miller's Worm Powders for sallow skin; old or young, To Renovate Straw Hats. To clean straw hats use ammonia and water, or use an old' tooth brush and wash the straw with a little tepid water, spaaingly mixed with borax and white soap. Sponge off as much of the soap as possible before drying. Coiled and other fence wire at re- duced prices. The Gem Fence .Machine for only e_r;5.00. Agents wanted. Write McGregor, Bttnw1L & Co.,Windsor,Ont. 'Rotel almor ai Am P5100 nolt P. l oil. POR OVER FIPTV YEAPS MRS. WINSI,OW'S SOOTRTNO SYB.UP has been ward by niothers for their children teething. It SOO /ICU the child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind. collo, and lathe best remedy for diarrhcea. 25e.a bottle. Sold by till druggista throughout the world. Be sure naa ask for " NITS, Winsl CM'S Soothatt Syrup." ' STOPPED FREE. Permanent- ! 1YeVeC:1101. 5001555 NERVIi$T0R.0:1Yeeile for all Nervous Diseases, Fits, Epilepsy, Spasms and St. Vitus' Dance. No Fife or Nervousness after first day's use. Treatise and s2 trial bottle sent through Canadian Agency Fita6 to Fit patients, they paying express Charges only when received, Send to Dr. Kline, 981 Arch at., l'hiladelphia, Pa, T. IL 17. 276 • CATHOLIC PHAYER Hosa,ioN Ibsen, a fs. Religious 'Naturry es, Statuaand ChSe:twill urch Orna. monis, Educational Works. Mall orders receive prompt attention. D. .4.5 J. eadlier 000, Monte). ,4•ta ,FURS. FURS importer arid eXpoeter oe le Paw Furs and Skins. Com ' signets:tits solicited. Etigle est prices paid for gineing. 11. ,I0IINSON, OH St, Paul street, .Nionfreaa e