HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-21, Page 5!), TH 05x.cter buorate, pliblished every Thursday Morning, at the °Oleo, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. Sy t he ----- ADVOCATE PU'BLISHINq COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar Or annum if paid in Advance 01.50 if not so paid. ' 23LE,-roortic..49.:a.a, MZo,t0.0 Oat, .2i-plaltoo,- tical, No paper disco nti nued until all arre rage ere paid. Advertisements without syecific directions will be published till forbid and Charged accordingly, Liberal discount naade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord. ors, &c. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc.to be made payable to Chas. 11. Sanders, EDITOR min pitop Professional Card S. H, KINSMAN, L. D , S. & D. A. R. eaKINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.,;Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west aide Main Street, Exeter. DR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.DSQ) Ireity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons L honors Graduate of the Toronto Um - of Ontario, Teeth. extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. ()nice over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. Inedieal TAR.T.P. MeLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF • the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and A00011011 - our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. -nteRSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, .1.1 Solicitors, NotariesConveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loam at 5 and 5,A per cent. Office Fauson1s Block, Main St., Exeter. (A member of the firrn will be at Hensall on Thursday of each week.) L R. CARLING, B. A.. L. B.. DtexsoN. LIW. GLA.DMAN.(successor to Elliot & • ' (ladroan,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Office Main Street, Exeter, A.uctioneerS BOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed IA. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. TOR BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attendedtoanfterms rea - sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. Insurance., E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter IT PAS 1 A To read the big stores' a - 41 1 STOPT. Tf4I14,1( T. : vertisements te For whose good are we in 5 the furniture business? For 4yours and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- , not make a success of our, busi- ness. • :But we have been doing business right along for years, „ 1 which proves that we are the ? right kind of people with the e, * right prices. Come and see for ar yourself. .... ? 1 81 GIDIAEY & . SON, ' 4 4 Furniture. Undertaking, 4 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament ,1855,) Paid up Capital $2,500,000. Rest Fund ., 1,625,000 Mead office Montreal F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER., Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers' atri per cent, per annum. -EXETER BRANCII- Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted. CURRENT RATES allowed for Money On Deposit Receipts. Savings_Bank at 3%. Drotts05 &CARLING, N.D. HuanON; Solicitors. Manager. 11WWWWitc4V01.40•WItigt.11,4,11,P.4 ALVII,31Y.3 ON HAIM Ili vot.roe os ton ttitin OF rain on JUNE, fOTERRIAL OR EXTERNAL, 111/21.1. /lin Me. LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IfyliTATIONO AND SUB- STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS TI -IE NAME, Ff ir.)AVIS & SOfele oaltwilet,42ASIAIAL241,M4.10".114614+ - Ayila Bourrassa was found gaiIty itt Montreal of the murder of hil wife hest April, teed Was sentenced to be Imaged on •Aelieust 24 When you atty your blood 19 impure, and appetite poor you Plre admitting your need of Hoods Sarsaparilla. 13e - gin taking it at once, "g111."11"aa'ala'""al''' odhasihaellaieettaaea. So many persons have hair that is stubborn and dull. •It won't r o w What's the reason? Hair needs help just as anything else does at times. The roots re- quire feeding. When hair stops growing it loses its lus- ter. It looks dead. acts almost instantly on such hair. It awakens new life in the hair bulbs. The effect is astonishing. Your hair grows, be- comes thicker, and all • dandruff is removed. And the original color of early life is restored to faded or gray hair. This is always the case. $1.00 a bottle. Ail druggists, "5 have used Ayers Hair -Vigor. and am really astonished at the good it has done in keeping any hair from Mining out. it IS the best tonic I have tried, and I shall continue to recommend it to my friends.' MATTre HOLT, Sept. 24, 1898. Burlington, N. C. If you do not obtain all the beneZts you expected Item the use oi i he Bair Vigor, write the Doctor about it, 'DU. 3.0, ATER, Lowell, Mass. Exeter, Ontario, to Generail3uller Yer's to' ee General Beller-you're the stuff -- That you coined from dear old Devon, haint no bluff; From Downes neae.Kirton Town A place of girt renown, And her's proud of you enuff- • Gude old chap. In the land of cream and zider you was born, '4 And us like 'ee and the army thee adorn; If you was near my house • Us 'ed have a good carouse Usoed kep it up from sunset till the morn - bear old chap. They zay you've tooked Laing's Nekaa that is gude- FroM they Boers that be tretcherous arid rude Now I'll drink My Mug of eider, Putt the bred and cheese beside her, Don't 'ee wish you had such fudea- Brave old chap, 'When you get back to Devon, artenall The fitin yeti hey dun, Won't they ba,w1, They'll treat 'ee like a kink, And -yer praises they will zing • And they'll 'ee to a ball, Ise fay -Brave old man. N.D.B. .Tames D. Ward, of London. Ont., was ruti over at a crossing of the G. T. R. and instantly killed. The House of Commons will, hold m orning sittings next week, and the .expectations is that Parliament will be prorogued in, three weeks. flOMMON SENSE OPIUM that you should call ancl inspect the lines of • GENT'S FURNISHINGS that we have placed in our store You Will find in this new stock Quality. and Price.... to atilt you. 'FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. HORS EMEN P,1312EKA VPAINARY. T0A1)11 MARI: CAUSTIC BALSAM A rel a1 remedy for Curbs, SplInts, Spa vin, Sir CCM ay, Lamailegg :Joni any 04010, and riere Throat, in 110i heS, and Lump Jaw in Otittle. Sae Pamphlet 8ativfaction uutmumeed All Druggists and general qcrekecpers keep it. Prepared by EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE 0.1 LOND 01Y, QNTA IO, HE BET ON THE SE VE A GANIF3LEWS SCHEME THAT VaQR ED WELL FOR AWHILE. BOERS ARE BARBARIANS. • How They Bulued Cho Property o; the Ke He Porgot One Very 'important Wiling., However, aud lLia Lust Plunging Wager Brought Ruin. and Tragedy In Its Wake. A gentleman who lives in the Blue Grass and who has been a very ex- tensive traveler has a Silver service's° magnificent in design and heavy in weight that its peers in the who world may be numbered on the fli'ige of one hand. The owner is even nos when past middle age, a "good fellow who loves conviviality, and no game too hazardous for him if he has ti amount of the stakes. He takes plea ure in telling the history of his ser ice, as it concerns the most audaciou game of chance he ever witnessed. "When I was in Bolivia some yea. ago," he always begins, "I got in wit a crowd of men, English and native Whose passion for gambling knew n bounds. Strange'as it may seem, non of them knew poker, and I naade my self solid with them by teaching them but their great game was roulette. "There was a little shop in Bogott where they had a miniature Mout; Carlo, and many nights CIO we spen around the great wheel, with our mon ey and prospects hanging on the blacl or red. The wheel was entirely mad of wood, and when it was spun aroun a cover was put over the machine s that they could keep on betting whe It had ceased to turn. ' "There is a worm down there I that climate that gets into furnitur and bores until nothing but a 'shell left. You may, sit on a chair tha looks perfectly strong, but at the firs touch it collapses. This seems irrele vant, but it is not, as you may se later. In fact, that worm plays th title role in the tragedy I ain going t tell. "There was a wealthy Bolivian plant er who had been a general in the wa between Bolivia and Chile back in th early eighties. He was never absen a night from our games, but he woulc frequently stand about for a week am. never make a bet larger than $10 Then he would suddenly cry out jus as the operator was about to lift tbe cover and register the highest bet the house would permit. Next he would place all the money he could find tak ers for among the gentlemen present Before the season was far advanced he had won great sums, and we had all felt the results of his freakisb luck. It seemed that when he played 7- black he could not lose, and he seemed to realize it, for when he did call that number he would put all he owned in the balance. "Still he was a gentleman and a fa- mous duelist, and no one cared to question his methods. It went on this way for two months. Then one night the wheel stopped, and there was the silence of the prairies in the room. We could hear the ball fall into the compartment distinctly. an,r. e could hear the distant tinkling of a mandolin. The planter leaped up as from a cata- lepsy: 'Seven -black, senores. I will take all any of you or all of you will bet.' Well, I had been winning strong and was so much to the good that was reckless. " 'Five dollars,' I said. " 'Good, senor,' he replied. "He placed his entire fortune in dif- ferent wagers. There were a number of strangers present, and they all seemed big flush. Then slowly, as a Priest officiating at some solemn, bar- baric ceremony, the banker removed the top. We all stood for a moment. and the tension was such that a car- riage wheel on the cobblestones, out- side made us all start. 'Red,' came tbe announcement. "The Bolivian was white as snow, but his voice was unsbak-en as he said; 'Gentlemen, you shall all, be paid. As for me, I am ruined.' "That night he shot himself, and his will, which had been written just be- fore his death, arranged for the pay- ment of all his debts. I was to re- ceive the service for my share, tboug,b it is worth much. more. But what I valued much more than that was a note in which he expressed his attach- ment for me and asked me to accept the silver as a gift and not a debt. "He left also a curious manuscript, written some time before, which seem- ed to be a sorl of private journal. He stated in this°t that his ears were So accurate that be could detect the dif- ference between the fall of a pin and a needle. One night, so be says, he heard the ball fall into the compartment wit].) a hollow thud, and when the machine was opened he made note of the num- ber and color, '7 -black.' Later, when alone for a moment, he found that the aforesaid worm had bored under that compartment. He sounded the excava- tion with a straw and found that it extended no farther tban that one number. Then all he had to do was to listen and when his acute hearing told him that his number had come to get all the mon6' possible on it. "Yes, gentlemen, he had all Ills plans laid to perfection. There was only one weak spot in his calculations. Ile for- got that those worms could keep on boring." Not Respofteible. • "Say, what right leave you got to kick?" asked the man. "You never vote." . "That's just the reason 1 have a right to kick," Said the tall matt with the un- laanpy look. "As long as I don't vote am not to blame for the actions 01' the fellows that are clected."-Indian- apolis PreeS. Coronach is a name formerly used for the funeral dirge among the Irish and Scottish highlanders. The dirge, distieed irs SCOLISIld, IS In Ireland com- ettoels anoevu tile !seen, , 4( SI ',casuists fu eiaaa-uoateeileura occupied, I.ondon, june 18. - The War Of- fice has received the following mes- sage from. Lord Roberts: "Pretoria, June 16. -- Itustenburg Was ocaupied yesterday by Baelene Powell, A column starts from this place to -morrow to meet Baden Pow ell and repair the telegraph between Pretoria and Rustenberg, Hunter is moving from Potchefstroom., alis ad vane° briguale expects bo reach Jo- hannesburg ;rune 19. • 13uller, I hope, is at Standerton, Heidelberg 'will be occupied from this place, shortly and then tho Orange etiver Colony \vitt be cornpletely cut off from the Trans- vaal, Baden -Po well reports that the district through whica he pa,sseci is settling down satisfactorily, Over 1,- 000 stands of arms were surrendered and Hans laoff and Piet Kruger, son of the President, were to inaltaie sub- mission to hini yesterday, having been previously disarmed on tacit' farms. Botha's army has retired and is believed to be at Middleburg. His rear guard was surprised and entire- ly neuted by Tan Hamilton's mounted titian try .'' 4/(11'8 Are'llarbarians. The War Office has received the fol- lowing despatch from Gen. Buller: ``Laing's Nek,e june 15. -Now that Natal is clear of the enemy. I wish to call attention to the disgraceful way in which private property was treated in the part of the Colony they occupied. Their wilful and need- less damage is visible everywhere and houses, when not completely wreelc- ed, have been desecrated with filthy ingenuity. , That this has been done with the consent of the loaders is proved by the fact that while in Charlestown every house was wreck- ed, in Volksrust, two miles oil, but in the Transvaal every house was in- tact." Horses for British Army. New Orleans, .June 16. a-- The Bri- tish steauier Cervopa cleared for Cape Twain South' Africa, yesterday, with 875 horses for the British army. • rah s a, a ,,ea Claims Paid Up. Victoria, B. C., June teen thousand three intedred dollars hasbeen forwarded to collector Milne by the Department of Marine aad Fisheries in settlement of the remain- ing unsettled claims arising out of the Behring Sea seizures. MARKET REPORTS. The Rise io Wheat at Chica'tro Acted Pav- • orably ou Lirerpool ou Saturday -Ouotations. Liverpool, June 18. --Wheat fut- ures on Saturday responded to Fri- day's Chicago market, and advanced lagal to 1esed per cental. Liverpool, June 18. -Saturday's close -Spot wheat firm; No. 1 stand- ard Cal., 6s 2d to es 3d; Walla, 5s 96 .to 6s; Northern spring, 6s; fut- ures firm; July, 5s 11aad; Sept., 5s 117/ed. ironosero ST. LAYMEN/CB HARK ET Grautii- Wheat, white, bush. ... .80 68 to gi 70 " red, bush. . 0 68 0 69 " fife bush. " goose, bush Oats, bush Peas, bus - Buckwheat. bush 068 0119 031 081½ 040½ 050 .... 060 053.... Bay and Straw - Hay,, per ton 511 00 to $12 00 Hay, mixed, per ton 9 00• • • • Straw, sheaf, per ton ... 8 00 9 00 Straw, loose, pCr twa ... 4 00 5 b0 Dairy Produce - Butter, lb. rolls 50 15 to 50 39 Eggs, new -laid 0 121/2 0 16 Poultry.- Chickens, per pair 50 60 to 81 00 Turkeys, per lb. 0 10 0 12 Spring chickens, per pair0 50 1 25 Spring ducks, per pair. 1 00 1 70 Fruit and 'vegetables - apples, per bbl. 53 00 to 84 00 Potatoes, per bag 0 35 0 40 ToRctsTo LI:YE ST000. Toronto, June 16. -The run of live stock at the cattle market was light yesterday for Friday -a -4S carloads, all told, composed of 692 cattle, 1,- 540 hogs, 351 sheep and lambs and 34 calves. The quality of fat cat- tle was fairly good; there were a few lots of well-Bnished animals, both butchers' and exporters. The market was very firm, with prices' ,10c to 15c per cwt, higher for both butchers' and exporters of the best grades. &curt cattttlie, ce 55 00 to 55 35 4 75 4 90 " chOlce 4 40 4 05 " buns, tight s 75 4 00 Loads good butchers and exporters, mixed 4 40 Butchers' cattle, picked lots 4 130 " good 4 :35 " medium, mixed 4 00 4 25 " common ... 3 75 3 00 " inferior .... 3 50 3 65 Feeders heavy 7.) Feeders, light 4 00 4 25 cck . 3 50 3 75 bvvs 0 00 50 00 calves 2 00 10 00 Sheep, ewes, per cwt. :3 75 4 25 Sheep, bucks, per cwt. 3 25 3 50 Sheep, lambs, each 3 00 4 25 Sheep, butchers 3 00 4 00 Hogs, choice. over 1(10 and • up to 200 1111.....8 871/2 . Mogs, thick fats .. . 6 25 " ligbt, under 160 lbs. 6 00 " eorn-fed fl 00 4 65 4 80 4 '1) EAST BUFFALO CATTLE' 31ARKBI'. East Buffalo, June 18, -Cattle on Saturday --Steady. Calves steady, $6 to $6.50, Sheep and lambs-Un- ehanged. Lambs; choice to extra, $6.25 tO $6.40; good to choice, a6 to $6.25; common to fair, $4.50 to $5.50. Sheep, choice to extra, 55 to $5.25; good to choice, 54.75 to 55. 01511.11511 MAR1I1To. Shelburne, 0 et., ,Jure .1.8a-Sittur- (lay four factories boarded 600 boxes colored; 400 sold at 10; balance hel d. Ogdensburg, N.Y„ June 18. -Thir- teen lots -1,400 boxes -offered Sat- urday; 10c bid; no sales, tater on street all sold at 10tac. Belleville, Ont., , June 18. -Se tnr- day 24 factories hoarded 2205,boa- es, all white; :10tec offered for 1,330 boxes, and 1.0 1-16c for helmets. On- ly 250 boxes were sold at 10tae; bale unce unsold, piour p'(etericatwetged every Wednesday) EXETER IdAPIXETS, iA'lleat per bushel ......... ,..... . . . ......., ss to id • 1.85 to 2.00 Harley..„... ..... ...„ ... . .... . , . ;35 to 30 Oats wi te 98 i Peits Flutter 55 13 tlbo 140 06(IDI"'.6")Fi.):.fohlie°rgalrleirigiYxceslaloisold..cePtito:le.:1.iist• Polipli9lers bagpr 11)- 7.- - :: :: - . . ..... .. '.1. ..................................... Dueks ........ .. , . 7 , .7 Clover , . .. 10 to 49 450 to 525 ................... CONSUMPTION I A Then why stop taking I I never stops because the weather iS warm. a • SOOTT'S EMULSION I simply because it's summer? I Keep taking it. It will heal our sit lungs, and make them strong far ft, another winter. , R , 60c. and ti.co I all druggists. jk 0011.14100)20)050Wrs*M2*.**1%. The prohibition bill passed its second reading in the Manitoba Legislature without it division. Seawall: A great crowd ?tethered , at the Recreation grounds to' witness the Berlin-Seaforth football match which was called at 6:30. The game resulted in a victory for Seaforth, the score being 5 to 2. Three of the play- ers were slightly injured, W. Finlay- son and D, .4cLeod, of the home tea in. If the Rangers of Berlin play a game with the Riversides of Toronto, result - beg in a tie', Seaforth will stena a chance of winning the championship. STANDS FIRST AND HIGHEST. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND A NOTED PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION FOR THE BANISHENT OF DISEASE. Physicians, druggists and those corn- petent to judge, candidly acknowledge that Paine's Celery Compound has cal- led forth the moat reliable and the strongest testimonials ever priblished in the press of the country. Each letter or testimonial tells of the extermination and banishment of rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney troub- les, skiii diseases; dyspepsia and. head- aches. :Thegood work done ley Pails e's Celery Compound brings satisfaction, joy and .peace because the cures :tee always permanent. Thousands of the best men and women in Canada to- day, can g,iye to weary and despoin dent sufferers the blessed assurance that "Paine's Celery Compound makes sick people well." Paine's Celery Compound, the won- clerf el discovery of America's, greatest physicians, is now within reach of every ailing person, young and old, and should be used before sicknes and disease are aggravated by the coming hot Weather. If you entertain doubts regarding the curative and life-givingvirtues of Paine's Celery Compound, speak to your druggist About it or consulayour friends and tele:labors whohave been cured by it. Tuckersmith: Mr. Samuel Cluff, of the Stb concession, had an experience on Monday which: he will net soon for- get. A sow with a litter of small pigs had got bite a wheat field, and as Mr: Cluff was driving them out he acci- dentally stepped on One Of thelittle ones, causing it to squeal. As soon as the sow heard the little pig squeal, she jumped ,at ale Cita knocking hinndownand.then attacked hiin with 'her mouth.' She tore the flesh from his shoulder and leg and no doubt would. ,have inflicted more serious injuries but Mr. chaff's daughter came to his rescue, when the brute left Mr. Cuff and attacked the girl. She, however, succeeded in getting away before. she :was seriously injured, receiving only a few scratches on the face :and. arms. Mr, Cluff Will be laid lea for a few days. Mr. Robert Barr'who, as "Luke Sharp," is a popular auehor in the old world • and the new, has, the London American tells us, just become a landed proprietor in England, having bought a large piece of ground on the top ot the Surrey Hills, and is bialdina a handsome maiden° for himself. Ho is quite a oos- mopolitan as far as land -holding goes, having a winter place in Florida and a large grape farm and residence on the Canadian bank of the Detroit river. "Experience is the Best Teacher." The experience of millions ha.s demon- strated that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the perfect remedy for all troubles of the blood, stornach, nerves, 110,7)JetS, liVer arni kidneys, and that it imparts strength, vigor and vitality. Every testimonial Is the voice of experience to you. Dyspepsia -"Hood's Sarsaparat is a grand medicine. It has cured me of dyspepsia. My blood Was so poor that in the hottest weather I fell cold, This great medicine enriched my blood arid made me feet qvarrn." Mr6. fames Malyea, 222 Pinnicle St., Belleville, Ont, DO NOT RUN fawn a question that most in terestyou. Have you your New Suit ? If not, drop in and eee us at the fleet opportunity and let us show you a few prices of tir Fahey,' Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. ave you eeen the new Staples and Thereingbone patterns, They are aeauties, big range of Blues and Black, Irish Serges at the old prices. If you want a black we have what you want in Twills, \ enetians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, Curls, Naps and Montanacts. , All work done in the latest, style and fit gu n rante ed. FL G13IEVE Opposite Post Office Stiell's,sser COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Ha wk aw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,Christi e's old Stabd will receive, prompt. at- tention. . . . . rn.qeph.„„ Terms Reasouable .1. Connection 11 011111.0j10 . . . Yes, we ha,ve just received another carload of furniture. which when addedeto our already fine stock'we can supply the latest, most hand- some and cheapest things on the. market. ' TIIE STOOK,. We have the Stock -you have the, money -we want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in and see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We have the largest and best assortsd stook in town; R. H. -101AtE FOR FIRST CL ASS BEEF, LAMB, POR,K,. SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRES,-;ED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. One door North of a. Pickard's st.)re.* LOWS DAY Proprietor. SMITH'S Repair Shop. Now is the time to get your wheel Re- pa,ired, Cleaned or Enameled. RED BIRD. We have a large stock of Brantford. Red Birds on hand, the best Bicy-- cle on the market, which we sell at, right prices. SUNDRIES We have in stock, Bicycle Sundries, tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN MOWERS, HORSE CLIPPERS We sharpen Lawn Mowers, Horse clip pers, scissors, Razors, Knives, etc. EVERYTHING' REPAIRED. 1. SMITH, THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. Norm- -war ForoEfrleosohatg, oo ,,aoi end till co; coltelce)liest mis iessig While all our cats of `meat are tile finest, we make a SpeCialty Or Meat delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of the .•towie (John Manning