HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-21, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. -670. elli EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 2 elow we have priced a number of lines that we haVe decided to clear out at extraordinary reduction. This is an exceptionally low price to save money. Come early as these goods cannot help but go rapidly at the prices quoted. 0 BOYS fASHINO SUITS Boys plain White Duck Boy's Unbleaced Linen Washirig Suits, 99c. Crash Blouse Suits with large Sailor Collar trimm.- --...0040, ed with White Tape, very cool and nobby, 99c. Buy Patrotic Suits Khaki color, Military style, very latest, 99c. Special in Ladies' India Kid Ox- ford Shoes, 99c. (J. D. King's make.) Men's summer suits, unlined. A special Suit for hot weather, $2.99. Men's Homespun Bicycle Suits, pure wool, will wash, the latest style $4.99. Special in Men's BicYcle Shoes, $1.35. Men's Fine Silk -Finished Black lus- tre Coats, 1.49. A1Dig snap in Ribbons. Regular 25c. line, 5 inch wide, 15. A large quantity to clear 5c. EIN011101 DROP 10 BINDER T V 1,11.E Last week we made another reduction in Binder wine. It will interest you, come and see us. We han- dle PLYMOUTH SPECIAL, GOLD MEDAL. CEMENT: SCREET4. PORTLAND & TI1OROLD. BUY THE BEST. DOORS AND. LAWN 0 WERS. MONEY TO LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at owest rates of interest. DICKSON & CAKLING. Barristers, ete:, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms Rum SPACEMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter F.A.N.M TO RENT. The 100 acre farm, situated in the town- ship of McGillivray, being Lot 4, concession 3, is offered for rent. For farther partieu- leas apply to lire. Henry Miller, on the pre- mises, or to Centralia P.O. NOTICE The Tri Annual meeting of the Exeter Union Burial Ground will be held in the Town Hall on the evening ofJune the 27th, p. m. AU lot holders are requested to atteild this meeting. W D. WEEKS, See'y. TESTIMONIAL, OF THOMAS HUNKIN 9 To the value of English Stock Food. I had nine young pigs, they were all sick and some of them died. I then began to feed English Stock Food, when those remaining all recovered and are now doing well. I also feed it to young calves and think it an ex- cellent food for calves and young pigs. THOMBS RUNEIN. WhiChelsea The garden party at Sunshine on Friday evenirng last was a splendid suceess. The Kirktort Band furnished the music. A. number of the young men in attendance did not reflect much credit on themselves by their unseemly conduct that evening and if a few of them were made an example of it would serve as a warning to others of a like character. It was simply redieulous the way some of those young men acted. --Mr. W. J. Roy was in London on business last week. —Samuel Balkwill of Blanshard visited in Elimville Sunday.—Mr. Geo. Green, of Oxford Gen tre,visited Mr. H. Brown a few days ago. It is about forty years since Mr. Green visited Winchelsca.—In a few days, much to the delight of the scholars, school will be closed for the summer holidays. The little fctlk are anxioll sly waiting to be relieved of their studies and like- wise the teacher from his arducms task of wielding the birch. ---Two ladies on hikes collided while returning from the garden party Friday night. --Little Tommy Sawyer fell out of a road cart one day recently and one of the wheels passed over him, but luckily lae, was not seriously hurt. ---Road work is finished and so iS good roads for the next two months. Children Cry for CASTOR IA R. HICKS REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well done go to R. Firms—Watches, Clocks and jewelry a specialty. aiaNktasE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedandWed- dingRings alwayson band. . Fanson's Block, Exeter Sodom Mr. Fred Green lost a valuable horse on Monday, it rolled into a hollow in the barn yard and in struggling to re- gain its feet injured itselt internally, causing death. --Mr. J. Quinn, who has beerr residing with his sister, Mrs. G. Srxiith, left for Bitrtright on Saturday. —Mrs. Abe Dearing has been on the sick list but is now able to be out again.—Mr. and Mrs. Baker, of Exe- ter, visited their daughter, Mrs. A. Dearing on Tuesday.— Mr. 3. Wurtz, who has been very ill, is so far improv- ed as to be able to do light work. -- Road work is all the go at present and many bad places have been much im- proved. Eden The prospects of a very fair crop are good, the recent rains having made it decided improvement.—What was the matter with the picnic to the lake on Saturday? Try it again boys.—Miss Etha Caves is visiting her brother, Mr. Torn Caves, McGilliyray.—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rook on Sunday. —Miss Robertson, of 'Exeter, visited Miss Retta Essery on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skinner were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peart, of Usborne, on Sunday—League on Friday night to be taken by Rev, S.'Salton. Topic, "Abiding in Christ.''1A number from here took in the excu sion to Guelph Friday last. They report a good time. 1:27. • . McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town Hall,,McGillivray, June 4th. Present, R. Hutchinson, Reeve; P. P. Harding, M. Miller, A. H. Hod- gins iind J. McGregor, Councillors. .Minutes of last meeting read, approv- ed of and signed. Hodgins—Miller, that accounts amounting in all to $737.05 be paid. --Carried. Miller— Hodgins, that by-law No. 2, of 1000, to raise by loan and grant debentures for the building of a shool house in 506 - tion No. 5, as rend a first and second time, be now read a third and passed. .—Carried. Hodgins—Miller, that Mc - °Milan, of Lucan is hereby appoint- ed arbitrator on behalf of this town- ship to arbitrate as to the forming of it Union School section at Corbett, comprising lots from the Township of Stephen and PcleGillivray —Carried. Hardin e---MeGregor, that this Council i adjourn to meet n the Town Hall, the last Monday in June, at one o'clock, p. rin, when the final session of the CoUrt of Revision will be held, to open at two o'clock p.M.—Carried. ' War. Eitaszna, Clerk. Biddulph • A very pretty wedding took place 'at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, JOS. Bea,tson, Biddulph, on Tuesday, when their daughter, Selina was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. D. Bryan, son of Mr. James Bryan, councillor. The young couple are both popular and the guests werem any, several being present rom A distance. The bride,who looked charming in her wedding outfit, en- tered the new relations of life der the most happy auspices, and with the best 'wishes of all who knew her, for future happiness and well - fare of herself and her life companion - ion. Greenway Mary E. Wilson arrived here last week. She had it pleasant trip and came in about half the time it took it few years ago. She left Boston Mon- day at 11 a.m. and arrived in Parkhill Tuesday a little After one.—Rev. Alia Waddell, of Elimville, is to preach in Boston Methodist church next Sabbath at 2:80 p.m.—Mr. Thos. Stinson and wife, of Bayfield, visited their niece, W. Mr. W. lJ . Wilson, last Saturday. They re irned to then, home Monday. i Mr. utchinson had his foot badly hurt while assisting at a barn raising at Mr. J. M. Wilson's last Saturday. -- Mr. Elliott, of Centralia,passed through, here Monday buying horses. --Capt. W. T. Ulens, of the Infantry Co:, pre- sented the prize money won at the 24th celebration to Mr. Frank Wick eat. This shows generosity as Mr. Wickert has been blind for severalmonths. Grand Bend Mr. I. Snooks, of Wallaceburg, is here rafting his logs.—Picnickers are seen flocking -here everyday. Fishing is good now. Some good lifts are re- ported.—Mr. P. L. Bishop and wife, of Exeter,spent it few weeks here. —A few of Exeter's prominent citizens were here on Saturday morning before day break fishing, but their luck was very poor.—It looks like business here this year with two merry-go-rounds and it shooting galfery.--Mr. Chas. Sonthcott has bought about two acres of land here and is now erecting a fine cottage. His brother, John, is doing the car - pouting work. DEATH OF Mns. r. DISJARDINE.— This week we are called upon to re- cord the death of Mrs. Isaac Disjar- din e, who died at the family residence after a long illness, at the age of 50 years, Deceased was beloved ,nad es- teemed by all who made her acquaint- ance. She leaves to mourn her demise three daughters, two SODS and a loving husband, who have the deepest sympa- thy extended to them by the commun- ity. For Infants and Children, The foe. 11 goats?. '11•001.14•••!4•011111.111 ig011 14 t44": VIOPPOI. -2 0707 1900. ttenSall HOnis.:P ANI) STOLEN. ---Mr. Jas. MoAittliar: fal'iner, of this place, had valtaahle Mare, buggy aod harness stolen from his prennses on Sunchty last. The 'rig Was found in a hotel shed in Clinton the following day. It is supposed to have been ta.ken by two snspicions looking tramps, who were seen in the village the same day. Mr. McArthur is much pleased to have his outfit restored to him, he having travelled a great Many iniles in search of it, besides telephoning and tele- graphing to it groat many points to discover its whereabouts. Thames Road, Road work is the order of the day.— The crops are looking excellent in this section It is idways a pleasure to note the advent of our young men deserting the iatnks of single life and joining the great army of benedicts, but 'when we hem- of confirmed old bachelors taking upon themselves wifes it }iris; it double effect and we almost turn in- side -out with delight. We have an oecasion of this kind to rejoice over this week, We refer to the marriage of Mr. Andrew Gibson, who was unit- ed in,marrh-tge to Miss Ellen Kernick at Hensall yesterday (Wednesday), the Rev. Geo. Sewett officiating. We ex- tend congratulations Andrew. St. Joseph lgrs• (ReV.) Filipot, of Hamilton, preacihed a very interesting and in- structive sermon in the Methodist Clanreb here on Sunday evening. --Mr. D. Wilson purchased a horse from. Mr. J. Webb, of Stephen, to replace the one he lost some weeks ago.—S.S. No. 11 held their annual picnic at Mr. J. Spackman's park, Grand Bend, on Tries - day. All report having it good tithe. Our new hotel is doing it flourishing brisiness under the able managemen-'t of Mr. Hutcheson, Who seems to be the right Man in the right place.—Mr. H. .Eicher is in Michigan, where he went to attend the funeral of his grand child.—Our pathinasters are now hav- ing the statute labor performed and as alconsequence the roads are in it rather heavy condition, but we will be able to see the improvements later ha the season, we hope,—Whooping cough is very prevalent Among the children in these parts. Centralia, The Rev. ,Tames Snell preached an excellent sermon here on Sunday tci large congregation.—Mr. R. Hicks has returned from his trip to Manitoba. He. speaks highly of the courftry. ,DbarrnoN DAY SPOIITS.—.A. great tr6,:t is in store for all lovers of music. The noted London Harpers have been engaged for the Dominion Day Festi- val here, in addition to strawberries and games. In the evening of the 2nd of July the Rev. Thomas -Wilson, London, will give- his celebrated lee bare on "The War in South Africa' with lime light views. Mr. Wilson has recently purchased some entirely new views of the recent battles, in which our soldiers were engaged. The Rev, J. M. Long will,preach in Centralia on 1st of :July and attend the festivities on Monday, V. Ratz, M.P., Henry Eilber, M.P.P., Mr, T. B. Carling and others are,expected to take part in the addresses.' Zurich. Miss Edith Beers has finished the millinery season at Mr. Preeter's and is now spending a few days with her most intimate friends in town.—There is talk of it private horse race in the near future.—Mr. Alf. iVIellick, of the Bronson line, Met with it very sad and painful accident Tnesda.y evening. He, in company with his feather, was break- ing in a colt and it became unmanage- able and ran away, throwing them out against the fence. His father escaped with a slight shaking up, but Alf., it is feared, is hurt internally.—Mrs. H. Doan drove to Lucan Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mina —Miss Mullock of . , , London, is visiting her friend, Miss Skintell.—Mr. Sallows, of Goderich, was in town and vicinity taking views the other day. — PICNIC.—The Z.P.S. held their ami- ne' picnic at Grand Bend latt Wednes- day. The weather was fine and the people turned out and made the picnic a success. In the evening a slight fall of rain somewhat marred the pleasure of the day, but all felt that a very en- joyable and profitable time bad been spent. The most remarkable thing that took place was a tidal wave of 11 feet. This was witnessed bya num- ber of the picnickers and 1W 1,jpack- man. This is of very rare occurrence. ca. 1114 Cromarty D. HAY, Eromarty, Conainiseionor and Conveyancer, Monoy to loan Mk west rates of interest. Mr. James Miller is now rusticating in the state of Illinois with his brother, William, and from there will procee to his sister's hi Kansas. Mr. Miller intends spending some thne recruiting and enjoying himself a mong his friends and relatives there. -16 is now time that our pathmasters should see to having the thistles cut on the high- ways and if they neglect their duty in this respect they are liable to it fine. By attending to their duty in this mat- ter the pathmasters are not only ben- efitting th n sel ves but the communi ty in general. Our council should instruct the clerk to notify the pa thmasters in regard to their responsibilities in this matter and insist on them performing their drities.—Mr. D. Hay received a telegram from St. Marys last week that his daughter, Agnes, was very ill. He immediately drove down and bronght, her home. It was feared that she was suffering from an attaek of fever, but we are ,Ontsed to say it was only mensels and that she is convides- cent, It is unfortunate for her that she became ill, as she was preparing to write at the mid -summer examina- tion in a couple of weeks and this will necessitate her leaving it off for this C. II. SANDERS Dashwood The Oltildren's-day festival on Sun- day last in the Evangelical church here passed off pleaSantly andwas well represented, the capacity of the Spacious chuirch being tried to its ut- moSt at the afternoon and evening services. Hi the afternoon., besides numerous excercises by the Children, addi esses were delivered by the presi- dent at the school, , Mr. Edighoffer, of the 11 concession Hay; Rev, C. 'FMk- beiner, of Znricla, and Rev. T. G. Litt, of Crediton, in the evening Rev. S. A, Carriere, of Grand Bend; and the pas- tor gave addresses; beSides several ex- ercises by the children. The singing by the eh ior Was very ninelt appteciat- ed, in fact the whole day was well spent and all who availed .themSelves the opportunity of attending, were. repaid.—The School picnic on Friday promises to be well attended. Particulars next Week.—The Straw- berry festival on the eve»ing ef the 26th by the Y. P. A. Of this place will undoubtedly he a grand sucaessas the young people here never de anything by halves.--d‘liss Yennie Hall, who has been in London for some tinie, retni-n- ed her hOme, here Monday evening. —.Mr. John Brown is again confined to the house through illness. We hope he may soon rebos•,er.h.. F. Baker has finished sawing for another seasom—Strawberries are already on the market and the pherries are fast becoming ripe and soon the music of the sickle will sound upon our ears.— Friday of this week will be observed as civic holiday and all business places Will be closed pp till 0 pan onDgiDttiNtr7tyTlaueir by9tuThe;—raLhpea3P-e°11-isillol this village was very poorly attended, there being only a. few votes over half shown on the list polled. This is not its it should be on so important 0(10(51 - tion as was to have been decided by tbelballot. The village trustees may, at the expiration of a morath, again throw open the booth to the electors and so continue till enoughhas been vent in elections to pay one years in- stalment of the proposed by-law. What course will be pursued we are not prepared to say; but we think' the byriaw -to be fair mid reasonable and all liho voted:against it did so against their best interests. Creditoh ,T. G. STANBURY, B.A, (formerly Collins St Stan -bury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Oonve3rancer Money to loan—Exeter, Ont. Mr. Matthew Morlock has pat a me- tallic roof on his dwelling. The well known firm of J. G. Young & Son did the roofing.—The masons have C01D- pleted thelfoundation of Mr. Beaver's new block.—Rev. James Russet', B.D., has returned from Conference in St. Marys: We must congratulate Mr. Husser on receiving the title of Batch- elor of Divinity.—Miss Lizzie Wuerth is visiting friends in Elkton and Kil- ma,nagh, Mich.—Mr. Henry Sweitzer has torn the machinery out °Dais grist mill and is having more =Mena ma- chinery placed therein. Mr. Sweitzer will soon have one of the best mills in H.uron.—A number of our citizens at- tended the "Kinclertag" festival in Dashwood last Sundays—Mrs. -Wm. Sambrook and family are visiting rel- atives in.Noodhain.—V. Ratz, of Ottawa,speut Sunday at home with his family:—Miss Ball, of Exeter, spent Sunday here, the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers.—Our barber has taken the agencrfor the Parisian Steam Laun- dry of London.—The Choir of the Methodist church had their annual pic- nic at Grand Bend Saturday. They reporthaving it very pleasant time.— Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark, of Gran- ton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis last Sunday-. Miss Emma Lewis returned with them to Granton on Monday—Miss Hannah Zwicker is visiting her brother, Mr. 0. H. Zwicker. W. England has recovered most of the a,rtieles, which were stolen from his store it few weeks ago. They were found in Mr. Baker'S hay mow (con. 2) a few days ago. It is thought that the articles were stolen by one of the men belonging to Leman Bros. circus.—Mr. W. Lewis attended the Reform annual meeting in Ailsa Craig Monday.—Ar- rangement have been made with Rev. E. Crompton, of Carlisle, to occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church. next Sunday morning. His many old friends here will be glad to have the pleasure. of seeing and hearing him again. RILLEE BY LIG-RTNINT4.—D uring the severe,thunder stormon Wednesday evening of last week, 'Daniel O'Brien, of the Town line, McGilliyray, was killed by lightning. It appears he was closing the gate when the lightning struck a tree close by and at the same time striking him, rendering him un- conscious, atter 'which .be soon died. The deceased was 24 years of age and was highly respected in the commun- ity, as was evident by the large con- course attending the funeral, there be- ing over a hundred rigs in the proces- sion. He will be much missed, especi- ally by his parents, as he had :helped his fa titer to work the farm. His re- mains were i01301r05 in the Mt. Carmel cemetcn-y on Saturday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the com- munity in,their bereavement. Farquhar Mr. John Bray, who for many years was mail ciirrier and who was so well and favorably known betwe,m here and Dublin, has become very feeble and helpless during the past year and itlthough his weight is considerably less than it WaS, he weighs nearly 200 lbs. --Mr. George Beavers, one of our merchants here, was down to London on business Monday—Miss Rachael Kirk, assistant teacher here, Attended the antaivei,sary picnic in connection with the Kirkton Presbyterian church last Monday afternoon and reports having spent an enjoyable tim e.— During the latf;er part of last week a,nd the beginning- of this Mrs. Lizzie Gard- ner spent a few days visiting the sights of her youth on the 15th Concession, With her old friend, Mrs. Rutherford. --Mt'. John Pollen; who had beet so • EDITOR. poorly in health the past spring as to ince paei tate h im from attending to the,' carryil)g of Her ijajes ty's f'ront here to .Doblin, is again ;dale to take his plaee --The nma il piOnic in con- nection with S.S. No. 2, will be held. nu Friaa y of this week in Mr. Thomas Hunkin's grove. There is t.o be a foot - bill nutteh played between tile home and Rens:Ill teams. A good time is looked forward to, ,is the coiumittee is making ktetive paeparations. Brave Men Fall. victims to the stomach, liver 11115 kidney troubles ,turl feel the resnits in loss of' appetite, 1)1(1 (131 nervous - n es, he a d ach nil til'ed, ran-clo wn feeling, but, -Electric Bitters are just the thing for i man" writes S. W. ivedner, of Incl.,*"when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. 11 did me more to give me new strength and good appe tote than any thine: I could take. T can now eat anything and have it new lease on life." Only 50c. Every bot- tle guaranteed by all druggists. Around About trs Mitchell: The infant child, of Mr. Geo. Sawyer was buried to da in the Methodist cemetery. Rev. R Whit- ing conducted the service at the house and cemetery. Wingham in: Herman Voigt an em- ployee of Button & Fessent unfortun- ately had his head severely jammed be- tween a car :035 post. His ear and face were badly cut. Goderich: A youth named Bert Haley, who was brought home from Duloth on Friday suffering frona doub- le pneumonia, died 11 his mother's res- idence in this town Saturday evening. Winghani: There died in Toronto on Wednesday, Elias Smith, formerly of town, ,tiacl father of Samuel Smith, at one time a member of the foundry - staff. Deceased was in his 80th year Clinton: On Friday while Mrs. J. P. Doherty- was preparing dinner she placed the teapot on the table and while her back was turned her child pulled over the pot and scattered the boiling contents over his arm and chest, severely scalding him. Varna: Mr. WID. Reid of the 51h concession met with a very severe and almost fatal accident last Friday even- ing,. He was taking down ' it scaffold when a plank fell-- ancl struck him across the face, breaking his cheek bone and severely cutting his face. Clinton: We understand that Dr. Gunn has admitted. into partnership withhirnself Dr. F. A. Scott, a Well known Stanley tiny, rant who a couple of weeks ago returned frc3n London, Eng., where be held the position of house surgeon in one or the hospitals of that city. Parkhill: Miss Addie Wood: who for the past three years has so effici- ently filled the position of Post Office and Telegraph Cllerk in this town, has resigned, her position here and leaves on Saturday for Toronto where she has secured a position in the York Street Post Office in that city. Seaforth: On Tuesday the home of Mrs. D. Johnson wits the scene of a very pretty wedding when her eldest daughter Florence M., was united in marriage to W. D. McLean, second son of Mr. M. Y. McLean of this place. Rev. Mr. Russell performed the e.ere- mony which was witnessed by only • the immediate friends of the con- tracting parties. Logan: We were sorry to hear on Thursday mornirig of the death of Mr. John Longeway. He had been ailing for some time, but his friends did not expect death so soon. He was well known in Mitchell and surrounding country and respected by a large cir- cle of friends. Besides his widow it grown up family of three sons and five daughters survive him. Constance: We are sorry to learn that Elliott Spooner of near here had the misfortune to have his leg broken Monday morning by being kicked by a horse. It appears that he went mit to fetch in the horse from the field and when he was watching the other horses a colt that was near by kicked a,t the horse he was on and he receiv- ed the kick just above the ankle.— While George Hugill was riding his wheel Sunday evening last he had the misfortune to fall off and he received A severe gash en his knee; he is now under the doctor's care and will be laid up for"some time to come • In The Jaws of A Lion. The gallant Major Swaine tells of being knocked senseless by it bon that lacerated his arm. His thrilling es- cape from the jaws of death is only equalled by Dr. Kings New Discovery. for COnsimiption, which has saved thousands from desperate Throat and, Lung troubles. "All doctors said nay wife would soon die of Consumption, writes L. C. Overstreet, of 1D1gin, Tenn.but yu or wonderful medicine completely cured her, and saved her life." S;ttisfaction is guaranteed by all drugg,ists Who give trial bottles free. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. BIRTHS. Ku:Lay—in Exeter, on June 20, the wife of Herman Kelly, of a son. BRORIENSHIRE.--At Sharon, on june 15, the wife of Silas Brokenshire, of a son. mARRIAGEs- 13ilvA.N--BILY.rsoN2—On TueSday, JUDO 12, „Wm. D. 131y01), of Granton. to Selina V., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JOS. 13erttson, of Bidclulph, GIBSON—ICERNIO IC, —At the Methodist parsonage, liensitil, by the Rev. Geo. Jewett, on IVednesday, June 20t1; Mr. Andrew Gibson to Miss Ellen , Kernielc, youngest daughter of Mr. Dancel Kerniclz—all of the Thames Road, teborne.