HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-14, Page 811111111111111111.11111111111111111111111g=11011SIMMINIIME11111111111s MEN'S STARCHED & . SOFT TOP SHIRTS. Our sales in these goods have been immense this season. We have six or seven dozens left of these ready-to-wear Shirts and our price for the dollar ones is 05 cents, and our price for the 5.1.25 ones is 75 cents. Buy one from us as they am the best goods made by the Standard Manu- facturing Co. of Montreal. A Job Lot of Men's Shirts in Flannellette, half wool, all wool, Ging- ham, Black Sateen, Black cords at 50 cents each, anyone of which is easily worth 75 cents. Our sizes range from 14 to 17, and our variety con- sists of 35 doz. to select from. A Job Lot of Men's Cashmere Socks, which were 50 cents, our price is 25 cents, guaranteed extra quality, pure wool, fast dye, special heels and toes. A big bargain for you. lis Milliftery we sell our Ladies' Sailors. A big range at 25c. each. Shirt Waists the biggest variety in town. Buy one from us as they are the very latest goods. EaI• j . Headquarters for W. E.ISandfor' d's Clothing. iongiamsamensamonaniffisigua BlISSIIIES Brightness BOligS $110USS. STUDENTS A D:141TTE)) AT ANY TIME Central ' ST13/1TFOtibl ONT. Before you decide to attend any odder echool let us correspond with you. Our magnificent catalogue explains our superior Advantages. Students al‘e in attendance this year from Canada, United States and ' Newfoundland. A large number of our re, cent students liave entered olaoloe positionS. Enter now. W J, .16311011t, Principal LOCAL DOINGS. askaaftelazte.sevuteka - Try the Exeter Laundry for ,firet- obese work. B. Maacues. Capt. -Kemp is beantifying his'dwel- ling by a fresh coat, of paint The Presbyterian choir will attend a pie-nic at Kirkton on Monday. The (Ath year of cetieen Vietoria's reign begiue next IVednesday, June 20th. The wool season is here and corn - petition seents quite keen among the buyers. • Many from here intend taking in the Exceesion to the Model. Fenn, to -morrow (Friday.) The Exeter Fire Companies,together with their wives and friends will pic- nic at Grand Bend to -day (Thursday.) The partial eclipse of tae moral on Tuesday night Was not a ver- .attrac- tive sight, the eelipse being merely vis- ible. Bring your 'boots andshoes aad have them repaired by Geo. Manson. The taking of the United States census began last week. It will cost fifteen million dollars before it is com- pleted. The town Band gave the first open air concert of the season Friday night and dispersed some beautiful and much appreciated musk:. Geo. Peters, Walter Bradford end A. E. Short, of Lond.on,were the other day charged with violating the Liquor Act by selling brandy elsocolates. Principal Boyd, of our public school, has been appointed associate examiner oC the educational department in To - rent°. His duties will commence in July. • A new wire fence has been placed around the front and smith side of the Main street Methodist °le u rob property, adding greatly to the appearance of the premises. For derangements of the stomach and liver use Dix Little Liver Pills. Forsale at Lutz's drug store. The drain for the water anain on front street has been completed and the piping will soon be laid. The en- gine room near the river is also about completed. Remember Manson sews all shoes free that you buy from him. It has been noticed that almost in- variably the new comers to a town buy their goods in stores which invite trade through an a dvereiseinent in the local papers. Several farmers are compl ainin g that grasshoppers are already becoming a nuisance and in some places are so numerous that they are injuring the growing crpps. Clinton and Seaforth lacrosse teams played a game on the intermediate series on the latter's grounds Tuesday, reSultine in favor of Seaforth by a score of7 to 0. 1 A Lame Stock of Ladies' Belts. Belt Ribbons and Belt Rings. All , new and down to date at Stewart's. - On June 6th, a happy event was cel ebrated at the home of Mr. Alex. Me Donald, Thames Road, when his eldest daughter, Miss Mary ,T., was united in marriage to John Russell, of Wood - ha m. Loose paper littered about the streets makes a place look beggarly which alone should condemn the practice if no other objection could be taken to it. Cremation is a better mode of disposing of the sweepings from stores, offices and houses. Revd. GrOSSiey and 1ln iter con d e ed special seuvices M St, Marys Opera House on Sunday last to men only, r.flue Coenty Council closed its June sessiop on Saturday moraiag, and on Friday evening, by S votes to 0, it agreed to hold the December sit- ting in Winglann. A deputation of the entertainment committee 'waited on the Council and asked for a grant to help entertain the Huron elld Boys when they visit Goderich ./uly 4. After some discussion $100 was granted, though not imam - i ma uslv. G.T,R. detectives report that there is not one tramp on the railroad this year to twenty last season. This change is due to the company's aggres- sive method in having all their em- ployees report every morning on the number of knights of the eoad they saw the previous , day, Tramps keep in themselves posted on all such struc- tions by calling at country newspaper offices and asking far the latest city exchanges, and govern themselves ac- cordingly. We understand it is the intention of the Government to issue two cent stamps in small book form. The bottle will contain 24 cents worth of stamps and will have 6 stamps in a sheet with a sheet of paper between them to keep them from sticking. The price of the book. will be 25 cents, thus there is only the one cent claimed by the Government to pay the expense of making this handy little pocket ar- ticle. Mr. N. Cobbledick, of the firm of J. Cobbledick & Son was united in mar- riage at Bowanville yesterday (Wed- nesday) to an estimable young lady of that towri named Miss Irene Jewell. After a honeymoon trip they will take up their residence here. We have ladies' slippers at 50 cents per pair. Geo. Manson. The " newest industry " is thus de- scribed by a newspaper man, who avers that he read the following on a sign in a Western city:—" Complexion stained to inamitate nature. If you can't afford a summer vacation come in and see us. Faces tanned while you wait" Now that spring has arrived. people are packing away the winter clothing and laying all sorts of schemes to pre- serve the goods from the ravages of moth. By placing some twigs of cedar with your woollene and furs you may save them. Moths will not visit where there is ceder. Turkish Scalp Food feeds the hair, nature restores the color, cuers bald- ness, removes dandruff, restores faded hair to its natural color and vitality. Only 50c. a bottle at Lutz's Drug Store. • Hers is a few points that fishermen should rem ern ber:—Speckled trout less ' than six inches in length must not be kept. no black bass less than 10 inches meet he kept, black bass must not be caught between April 15 and June • 15, and not less important, rio fishing of any kind cerf be clone on Sunday. The residence of Mr, Eli Snell, Huron street, was the scene of a very pleas- ant gatheriog on Thursday night last, the ()erasion being the reception of Mr. Wesley Lyne and bride, Miss Kath Dinaey, who were married in Oshawa the day previous. The affair was a most pleasant and becoming one. Leave your orders at Manson's for hand -made boots and shoes. The Iticiertendent Order Foresters will attend divine worship in the Presayterian chetah an Sunday next when the Rev. Mr. Martin will occupy the pulpit. Members are requested to meet at., the lodge room at 1.30. Ser- vice at 2.30, Members of outside lodges are cordially invited to attend. Patronize home indestry by sending yottr linens to the Exeter Laundry. 1 A Very Swell Lot of new home spun suitings for lathes, also a new lot of narrow valancense laces at Stewart's. • The June Sessions cf the County Court open at Goderich, on Tuesday before His Honor Judge Masson with a long list of cases. The leading CHM- inal ones will be those against the Mitchell brothers, who were commit- ted for trial a few months since, on a charge of defrauding their creditors. They were before the P.M. Friday and Saturday, charged with perjury in connection with a civil suit before Mr. Justice MacMahoa at the Spring As- sizes, Considerable evidence was sub- initted and at the dose of the case a committal order was made. We have men's plough shoes at $1 Pain Geo. Manson. After the first of July next exporters of apples will be required to mark the barrel with the initials and full sur- name of the packer, with the size of fruit in inches across the core, with thename of the variety, and with a designation. of the grade of the fruit. The above measures are calculated to prevent fraud be.ing perpetrated. Last year so much inferior fruit was worked off on shippers and dealers that a ser- ious blow was dealt the reputation the Canadian fruit had gained in the Eng- lish market. It is too bad that fruit growers and especially packers of the middle -man type would not consider their own interest better than to at- tempt the fraud. Manson keeps good goods and sells cheap. Mr. W. Taylor, cattier and aim- chinist, who for seyeral years has done business in a van at different towns in Ontario and will be well re- membered as doing business here on several occasions but wlao of late has been located in St. Marys, died at the residence of his son at Ransil - ton, on Tuesday, May 29. The de- ceased was an expert mechanic. hay- ing learned his trade as a cuttler at Sheffield, England, On the death of his wife, several years ago, he had a van built and travelled about from town to town for a time. About five years ago he located. in St. Marys and has since lived there. A short time ago he was taken ill and went for a. visit to his son at Hamilton, where he died as stated. He has a family of several sons. For men's nobby shoes go to Ge.ore,re Manson. The Exeter Lacrosse Club journey- ed to Mitchell on Friday afternoon last and. played the -first of a series of league games with the team of that town. But for the brutal slugging of one of the Mitchell team, who by - the way was an imported "red skin"' and who so deliberately displayed the characteristic ferocities peculiar to his tribe, . in slashing and maiming so many of our boys, some of whom will carry the marks for life, the game throughout would have been a good one and much enjoyed by both spec- tators and players. After a play of ninety minutes the score stood 6-4 in favor •of Mitchell. A. °acne of the series will be played heret'between Sea - forth and Exeter teams on June 22nd, A Mitchell correspondent of the Stratford Herald, speaking of the game, says:—" The lacrosse game in Keterson Park on Friday afternoon, between the Exeter and Mitchell teams, was pretty well attended. During the first half Mitchell seemed to have everything their own way, 5 to 1 in favor of the home team. Dur- ing the next half, the stalwart team from Exeter made a far better show- ing and when time was called the game stood 6 to 4 in favor of Mitchell. The game was pretty rough at tirnes. Dentist Kinsman, of the Exeter team, received a had blow over the left eye, which closed it up and a deep cut was also made. He was at once taken to a doctor, who dressed the wound. Sev- eral others of both teams got stretched out but soon recovered and the game went on. Apprentice Wanted—Dressmaker. Apprentice wanted to learn Dress- making. Apply over Messrs. Carling Bros. store. Eye Specialist. Mr. T. P. Smith, eye Specialist, will be at'the Commercial House, Exeter, on June 29th and 30th. For particu- lars see " ad " in another column. Strawberry Festival, The Ladies Aid of James Street cleureh of Exeter, will hold their annu- al Strawberry Festival, on Monday evening, June 25th. Evety person cordially invited. Exeter School Report. The following is the report of Miss Walrond's room of the Exeter Public School, omitted from the report last week, owing to the death of her father. Sr. III.—Vera Rowe, 011ie Quance, Annie Brown, John Halton, Araile Reid, Martha Carling, Jr. III. ---Lina Hun tea, Herbie Sou th cat, Chas. Longi Ena *Thereon, Harvey Gardiners John Ross. No. �xi roll 47, average 39. Prof. Robertson, Who has returned to Ottawa from Paris, says that Can- ada's exhibit is one of the best at the great shoes. Strawberry Festival. Te Ladie& Aid of the Callen Presby- terian church will hold a strawberry festiyal in the basement of the church on Tuesday, June 19. Everybody wel- come. As Others See Us, London Free Press: --f The Exeter AnvoakeTE has passed its thhteenth mile -stone and continues to hold its end in with the best of Wein. Long may it remain." Stratford Herald:—"The Exeter AD- ITOCATPI has been celebrating its attain- ment of thirteen years. The ADVO- CATE is a bright local paper. Conservative Convention. The Liberal Couservatives of North Middlesex will meet in Convention at the Town Hall, Ansa, Craig, on Tues- day, June 26th, at one o'clock pan., tor the perpose of nominating a can - (Eclat e to represent the riding of North Middlesex in the Dominion Paella- ment A public- meeting will be held at four o'clock, at which addresses will be delivered by Mr, Nicholas Flood Davin, Dominion inember for West assiniboia; Ma Geo. V. 1SIcTnerney, Dominion member for Kent, N.B. Everybody welcome. The Lamest Words. In talkiug over jaw -breakers and in our research with a friend we give be- low nine of the longest words in the English language at the present time and they are orthographical monsters, too. Here they are, take off your hat and engage them for a inoment or two in your spare time: Suticonstitution- alist, incomprehensibility, philopro- e eenitiveness honorificibilitudinity, anthropophagenerian, disproportion- ableness, velocipedestrianistical, pro- antitionsubstationist, transubstan bia tionableness. Masonic Excursion. At the last regular meeting of Le- banon Forest Lodge, No. 133,. A.F. & A.M. held Monday night, it was deci- ded to run their annual excursion. The objective point has not yet been decided upon, but the matter has been placed in the bands of a good live com- mittee and it will likely be run either to Brantford or Hamilton. Messrs. J. A. Stewart and C. H. Sanders, Wor. Master and Secretary, respectfully, have been appointed delegates to Tor- onto to interview M. C. biekson, the general passenger agent of the G.T.R. to complete arrangements as to fare, time, etc. Bus Service. The Exeter -Grand. Bend Bus will run this season as follows: Mondays, Wed- nesdays, Saturdays, starting June 25 and continuing till July 9, after which bus will run four times a week, Mon- days, Wednesdays, Thorsdays and Sat- urdays, and continuing till August 20, when bus will run three times a week as in first instance. Bus will call at all hotels at 9.15 after which it will meet the London train, then proceeding to Grand Bend, arriving at about 11.45. Bus retueninng will leave Grand Bend a.t 2 o'clock to connect with evening trains. Persons arriving on es -ening trains will be conveyed to Bend same night at reasonable rates. Fare 50c.; baggage carried reasonably; special rates to families. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to. Liv- ery in connection. P. MaIsaac, Prop., Dashwood. Surglarly. On Friday night last burglars broke into Messrs. H. Bishop and Sons' gen- eral store and stole considerable goods. They first tried to effect an entrance by boring'holes through the door at the rear of the hardware department, but finding this ineffectual owning to the door being lined on the inside with galvanized lion resorted to other means which was by placing a ladder against the back wall a.nd ascending it pried up one of the windows. This done they had full access to the store. The articles stolen consisted mostly of ladies wear, including hose, ties, rib- bons, handkerchiefs, tea, canned goods, etc. • There is no dale wleatever to the guilty parties. The manager of the Molsons Bank informs as -that the same night some person tried the north entrance of the Bank at a late hour. council Proceedings. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, June 8th. All present. Minutes of prerioue meeting read and confirmed, Evans --Arm- strong, that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasnrer for Sartlet—The Waterous Engine Works co., account. $2.15; G.N.W. Telegraph Co., 25c.; A. E. Fuke, salary as Assessor, $10; Truant 01ficer's hook, $5; stationery and postage. $1.75; W. G. Bissett, expenses of himself and Councillor Levett to Bowmanville, $30; Tames Weeks, repairing fire engine,$5; Jas. Creech, express on pump repairs, 50c.; Wm. Creech, labor, 63c.; S. Hand- ford, do., $1.05; Do., streetwaterine, $L50; George Snaallacombe, do., $20.75; John Moore, labor, $1.50; W. 3. Bis- sett, do., $1.50; Thos. Welsh, do., 63c.; 3. W. Creech, do., $2.05: G. H. Bissett postage $1; Tremaine &Snell, Electric Light account to June 1, $76.60. --Car- ried. Levett—Muir, that John Vail be granted the sum of of $5, charity. -- Ca rri ed. Evan s—Arni stron g, that Council adjourn to Tuesday, June 12, at 8 o'clock p.m. Council met pursuant to adjoern- ment at Town Hall, June 12. All pres- ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Evans—Levett, that the • assessment as revised be adopted and a rate of 16 cents per foot be levied and the Clerk notify the par- ties interested and a Court oi Revision for same be held on Monday, june 25, at 8 o'clock p.m.--Cartied, Armstrong Muir, that the Clerk ask for tenders up to June 25th, for streetwatering, tenders to etate price per week. Water ter he taken from 'Town Hall tanks.— Carried. Armstrong—Evatis, that the following accounts be 'reseed and or- ders dravvii on Treaeurer for same:— W. J. Bissett $40e part payment on drain; lames Creech, $5, charity to John Vail. —Ca r tied. Levett—Evans, that Council adjourn to Friday, June 15, at 8 o'clock p.m. -'Carried. - G. H. DISSUTT, Clerk. PERSONAL. statesetet Mrs. 1. BOwerniat is visitiug in Elirnville this week. John Williams, of 'Zurich, was in tOWD on Tuesday, L. IL Dickson spent Saturday in. Godevich on business. Mr. and 111.rs. P. L. Bishop are rusti- cating at Grand Bend, ' Mr. Robert Pickard spent 'Tuesday in London on busiuess. Mrs. J. V. Crocker is at present xis- iting friends in Bayfield, Fred Kestle and William Dale, of Bryanston, spent Sunday here. Mrs. Foster, of Wiarton, is the guest of Mrs, John Hawkshaw. Miss Hattie Follick is visiting her brot•her, Dr. Follick at St. Marys. Mrs, M. A. Fanson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Harrison, Detroit, Mr. R. C. C. Tifemaine and Mrs. Tremaiue visited in Seaforth last week. Jas. Hodgson has returned to Palmerston, accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Fisher. Enos Crelmore and sister, Clara, vis- ited friends and relatives in Kieleton Sunday. airs, Thee. Welsh, Huron street, is at present very low, suffering from lung trouble. Rev. Geo. Brown, of Toronto, is here spending a few clays with his son, Rev, C. IV. Brown. Mrs, Brown, Exeter, after a pleas- ant visit at Taylors grove returned home Tuesday. Rev.J. A. and Mrs, Snell, of Oil City, are spending a few days with the former's parents. Mr. Chas. Southcott, of Toronto, spent a few days in town during the week with old friends. Miss Bowey, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. A. Bowey, returned to Chicago, Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Hodg.ert, wife) moved to Ripley a few weeks ago with his fam- ily, has returned to town. Mrs. Samuel Sanders continues to improve and has been able to leave her bed for short intervals. Mr. W. J. Westcott left on Thursday last for Bracebridge where her has se- cured a position as printeie The Misses Taylor, who were the guests of the Misses Brown, Exeter North, have returned home. Mr. John Cudmore. who has been suffering from an abtack of inflame - tion of the bowels, is recoveriug. Mrs. Levitt underwent a successful surgical operation at the hands of Dr. Wishert, in London on Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson, who has been visiting her mother in Mitchell for some tinie, returned home Monday. Lieut Boyd T Weetcott and Geo. Harness left Friday to attend camp at London. Mr. Boyd returned Monday morning. Messrs. Robt. Knight, Arthur Davis, Wm. Lang, John Moore were in Goderich tlais week acting in the capa- city of jurors. Thos. Hatter, who.has been confin- ed to the London Asylum for some months, was allowed to return to his home here on Monday. Messrs Bawden and AlcDonell left yesterday (Wednesday) morning for the Old Country. They intend visit- ing Paris before returning. Glen Elliott, who has been visiting here'for some time past, left Tuesday morning for Sault St. Marie, where he expects to take a situation. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. L,yne,after spend- ing their honeymoon trip here, left Wednesday evening for Toronto where they will take up housekeeping. Mr. S. P. Yule, of Sudbury, has ac- cepted a position as drug clerk with Dr. Browning. Mr. Yule occupied the same position some years ago. Mr. W. C. Huston, left last week for Princeton, where he will visit until the 19th inst., when he purposes leav- ing for the West accompanied by Mr. Wm.McNevin. Mr. Jas. Morrow, of Silver Springs, Man., was a pleasant caller at the AD- vocATE office, Thursday last. Mr. Morrow was a former resident of this section and he and his wife are now vis- iting friends and relatives near Rip- pe». He thinks there is no country like the West for farming. Miss Nettie Penhale, Huron street, who has been sojourning at Medicine Hat, Ascii., for several months for the benefit of her health", returned honie on Thursday last. That country has apparently had the desired effect on Miss Penhale as she is looking the picture of health and has fully recover- ed. Clinton: Hugh Brewer sustained an ugly cut on one of his fingers Tues- day by falling upon a broken bottle. Seaforth: There is a prospect of the Van Egmoncl woollen mills being start- eclagain soon and will be run by a strong joint stock company-. Wingham: On Monday last there passed away one of Wingbarn's early and respected settlers, Mr. P. Deans, Sen., at the ripe age of 80 years. Wiugham: On Friday, Robt. Car - ratio, allowed his hand to come in con- tagt with the shaper in the chair fac- tory; the result was a cut that requir- ed seven stitches. On the same day, Doc. Dinsley had two fingers badly cut by the buzz planer in Bell's fac- tory. St. Marys: Sotne person broke into the planing rnill of the 3. D. Moore Co. between Saturday night and Monday morning and carried away carpenters' tools to the value of $35. • SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST • T, P, SMITS . Will be at the . COMMERCIAL HOUSE, EXETER —Two days only— FR1DAV AND SATURDAY, JUNE 29 30 Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services, as this is a ram op- portunity to toast your eyee properly tested, free of charge. No geese work but a scientific ceitainty. Diffieult cases accurately fitted ALL evolue CiTJA RANTEED. A full line of Artifical Eyes added to our Stock, twa, witrVwcama NoxoN . Mew Victoria BINDER. • 5FT., 5IFT, AND 6 FT. CUT. Highest Drive Wheel Made. Brass Boxes. Roller Bearings. Seventh Roller for Eleyator. Latest and best improvements. THE Ox °lid Clipper, FRONT AND REAR CUT 4k-- MOWERS 71- - 7IN ALL SIZES. With Roller and Ball Bearings. Sereated Ledger Plates if desired Ask our Agent to show you the New Patented. Ball Bearing •• Knife Clip. Supplied when special& ordered. steeestasea -416 itkalkariugucant....c.c.m. ;YAW/my tleateetee P*011Va 41141htialo We also manufacture the best and most complete line Cultivators and Seeding implements on Darth, comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators, (fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired.) Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, Crain Drills, (all kinds,) Horse Rakes, (friction and rachet dump,) etc., etc. If ), on need anything in our line send for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent free) You will find it e Ty much to your Intel est to do so. THE NOXON CO" LTD. INGERSOLL ONT. EXETER LUMBER YARD East side of Main street, opposite planing mill. • —STOCK -- We have in stock, dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in., 14- in.., 1-1- in. and 2 in. Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on hand. A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Call and Examine - Jas. Willis, • Proprietor. LOGS AND BOLTS WANTED. RIGI1EST PRIC S PAID, Custom Sawing Done. THE SUTHERLAND-INNE8 Co., (Late Gould's Mill) • E. C. KESSEL, . • Foreinan, Exeter ROLLER ALWAYS READY. Flour, Mill Feed and Corn con- stantly kept in stock, STAR FLOUR Reduced to $1.80. J. COBBLEDICK & SOL EXETER, ONT. Light your home with . . The Radiant Home Automatic Acetylene Gas Generator. The Radiant Home Automatic Aeety- lene GAS Generator has numerous tes- timonials and each Machine is Guar- anteed to give every satisfaction. Manufactured by MELVILLE & MORRISON EXETER, ONT. An a•tteirmt to wreck an electric street aur on the Penite.nitavy hill, Kingston, was inade by placing a large wane" Beedlen of Guelph, at- hotilder- Oh the by 0.1:‘ was de" tempted suicide tit Hamilton Tucedayrailed but no one Was hetet.