HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-14, Page 5THP eveter tworate, Ia published every Thursday teeming, at the Office, b•SAIN-STREET, -- EXETER, —By the— ADVOCATE PUBL SH I NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance S1.51.11 if not so paid, 21..d.r.rcarts.o5.1.2.a Rata.% .27...ppittca- tiosa. No paper discontinued until allarre rage are paid, Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal diacount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord. ars, Ike. for advertising, subscriptions,ete.t o be made payable to Chas.11. Sanders/ EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, & DR. A. R, KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Streef,Eketer. LDR.D. ALTON ANDERSON, (D.D.S.,L.D.B.,) honors (*raduate of the Toronto Uni- raty and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Ohio° over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical Da.T.P. MoLAUGIRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons , ntario. Physician, Surgeon and A.coorich- L ur. Office, Dashwood, Out. Legal. VIICESON 5r, CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Diolsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 5% per oent. Office Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. CA member of the firm will be at Bengali on Thursday of each week.) I. R. CARLING, B. A., L. R. Dicxsos. W. OLADMAN.(successor to Elliot & e (ilaclinau,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Moe Main Street, , Exeter. Auction eerfi rr BOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed Auctioneer for County Fltiron. Sales promptly.attended. to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. BROWN,Wincheisea. Licensed Anat- . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- senbale.Sales arranged. at Post office, Win- ithelsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, ' 'Insurance Agent, Blain St. Exeter r.,........... 1 IT PAS -pi 41 To read the big stores' mi- ll vertisements ..... ; 04, : sroPT TtiisK I 41 • • NI For whose 'good are we in 111 41 the furniture business? For A yours and ours. If we are not 1 -1 useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got tq carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the righbprices. Come and see for yourself.... SAIDLEY & SON Furniture, Undertaking, OPERA .HOUSE BLOCK. er—tir The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament , 1855.) Paid up Capital $2,500,000. —Best Fund 1,625,000 Head office Montreal F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esti., GENERAL M.1.NA GER. Money advanced to good. Farmers on tl eir aw-znotes with one or more endorsers per cent. per annum. EXETER BRANCH— Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1. pan. A general banking business transacted. CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at SY,. Dfcgsciti SiVCARtf N.D. HURDON; Solicitors. Manager. li,i'dY4V1,8,16/CiMANSotrail~a/a4 iA;)„.',N9.1f„,5 0; ,7.4,..? Oa DAM) 41 10 I'''Plr'l 0 471 041 4° I 1 ° A 1- /1 Ili er4 if it ty, , .. ,6 , . k iii KIIID OF PAITI OR 10 19,C;MB.'„ ri7ESNAL OR EXTEEtIAL, 0 Ttlirf ??..i714ittl.r_Ft 1.751E.L MDT RE. 1.9Z1/E. ) LOOK OUT TOR livilTATIONS AND SUB- a, t GTITtlTi:3. THS Gi:NUME BOTTLE BEARS TH.5. NAME, Vail:Sr', iDAVIO A new airship invented by 1-Ierr 'Weissman has been tried at Berlin. It ascended tvventy metres and fleW fif- teen, landing safely. "Preserve and prosper." If you take T-tood's Sarsaparilla faithfully for scrofulaf salt rheum, boils, eruptions, dyspepsia, it will cure you., GRAY Why let all your neigh- bors and friends think you must be twenty years older than you are? Yet it's impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair. It's sad to see young persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be- cause it's all unneces- sary; for gray hair may always be re- stored to its n a t - ural color by us- ing -- For over half a cen- tury this has been the standard hair prepara- tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops fall- ing of the hair; makes the hair grow; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. Si .00 a bottle. All druggists. I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor. for over 20 years and I can heartily recommend it to the public as the best hair tonic inexistence." Mrs. G. L. ALDERSON, April 24, 1899. Eetor, Tex. if you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the Vigor, write the Doctor about it. Address, Drs. J. C. AYER, r. Lowell. OLD TIMES, OLD FRIENDS, OLD LOVE. There are no days like the good old days— The days when we were youthful; When humankind were pure of mind And speech and deeds were truthful; Before a love for sordid gold Became man's ruling passion And before each dame and maid became • Slaves to the tyrant fashion. There are no girls like the good old girls— Against the world rd stake 'em— As buxom and smart and clean of heart As the Lord knew how to make 'em. They were rich in spirit and common sense, A. piety all supportin; Theyneould bake and brew and had taught school, too, ' And they made the likeliest courtin. There are no boys like the good old boys . When we were boys together, When the grass was sweet to the brown bare feet That dimpled the,laughing heather, When the pewee sung to the summer davrn Of the bee in the billowy clover, Or down by the mill the whippoorwill Echoed his night song over. There is no love like the good old love— The love that mother gave us. We are old; old men, yet we pine again For that precious grace—Cod save us. So we drearn and dream of the good old time, And our hearts grow tenderer, fonder, •.A8 those dear old dreams bring.soothing gleams Of heaven away off yonder. , To Save Hu Child, From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., applied Bucklen's ArD ica Salve to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruption, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, and Piles. 25c. Cures guaranteed by all druggists. OMMON SENSE OMMANDS that you should call and inspect the lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS 'that we have placed. in our store You will find in this new stock Quality and Price..,. to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. EUREKA VETINARY. tIIALItnrmtic CAUSTIC BALSAM A reliable remedy for Clubs, Splints, Spavin, Sweeney, Lameness froth any Cause, nint Sore Throat, in Horses, and Lump Jaw in CiatLle. See PamphIcl, Satisfaction guaranteed All Druggists and general sttrekceners Itoop it. Drenared by EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE Co., LONDON, ONTARIO, C!=:) 111 Can; min CZ MNIMIMIS Kruger's Bluster to a and Carried Out London, June 7, -- Lord Roberts telegraphs to the War Oflice as fol- lows: "Pretoria, June 5.—(5.35 p.m.) — The occupation of the town passed off most satisfactorily, and the British flag is now hoisted on top of the Government ofnces. The troops met with a much more enthesiastdc •re-- ception than. I 'anticipated. The third battalion of the Grenadier Guards, lined the square when the march ,past took place. Owing to their having been on duty at some distance around the town, very few cavalry and infantry were able to take part in the ceremony, Several of our officers who had been prisoners were among the onlookers." KRUGER'S BLUSTER. Says That the Transvaal Capital Is Where Me Is and That Me Won't Be Taken a Prisoner. London, June 8. -- (,3 a.m.)—The execu,tive offices of the Transvaal Government are in a rallwa,y car, which is shunted on, a switch at Ma- chadorp station. President Kruger caused the interior of file coo.e1i to be reconstructed some time ago, with a view to contingencies' that have now arrived. A correspondent of The Daily Express, who went from Lorenzo Marquez to , see President Kruger, was received yesterday. The President sat smoking a long pipe. He looked worried, but his .bearing was -quiet' and determined. He did not make the least objection to be- ing interviewed. The correspondent was equipped ler the interview by cables from London. "1/es,"said President Kruger, ``it is quite true that the British have occupied Pretoria. This, however, does not end the war. The burghers are fully determined to fight to the last. They will never surrender so long as 500 armed men remain in the country. I feel. deeply encourag- ed by the fine work Steyn and Dewet are doing in the Free State." The correspondent suggested that the war was over, inasmuch as the capital had been taken. "The capital," exclaimed Mr. Kru- ger, with energy; "what is a capital? It does not consist of any particular collection of bricks and mortar. The capital of the Republic, the seat of Government, is Here in this car. There is no magic about any special site. Our country is invaded, it is true, but it is not conquered, The Government is still effectiven' Referring to the reasons why he left Pretoria, he said,: "I was not foolish enough, to be *taken prisoner. I provided this means of locomotion for the same reason as our burghers supply themselves with horses -when they take the field. It is necessary that I should be able to move easily from place to place. That is all. By and by this car will take me back to Pretoria. For the present, It enables me to keep away from I'retoria,, where I could' be of no ser- vice, and where I should only play into the hands of the enemy." "They say, Mr. Kruger," remarked the correspondent, "that you have brought with you geld to the value of £2,000,000." "It is not true," replied the Presi- dent. "Whatever monetary resources may have with me are simply those which we require for state purposes. • At the same time, I am not going to tell you where our treasure is. Let Lord Roberts find it if he can." "They also say in England, Mr. Kruger, that you contemplate taking refuge on a Dutch man-of-war at Lorenzo IV lrquez." That egain is a lie," retorted the President with vehemence. "it know of no Dutch vessel. I arn not con- templating taking refuge anywhere. I shall not leave my country. There will be no need for me to do any- thing of the kind." , The correspondent—Then, Sir, there is much surprise' at your having left Mrs. Kruger behind. President Kruger—But why?, Mrs. Kruger is quite safe in Pretoria, She would only be put to personal incon- vemence here. All communication between us is stopped, of course; but she will await my return with calm- ness and courage. She is, a brave worna,n, 1 am here awaiting further information. We are surrounded by faithful burghers and are qtifte safe, State Secrete ry Reitz roma rked : "You may depend upon it that, the war is not yet Over. Guerilla war- fare will contintte over an enormous area. We intend to fight Co the bit- ter end and shall prohahly retire upon Lydenburg, where we can hold out for many months," "Yes," observed Mr. Kruger, "it is only now that the real struggle has begun. T fear that there will still be Leech bloodshed, but the fault, is that exclatmeth "The time has passed for us to talk. We have done plenty of (changed every Wednesday) EXETER MARKETS, that, but it has done us no good. There is nothing left for us to do but to keep on fighting, to keep on fight- ing," The correspondent who secured the interview trelegraphed it immedaitely from Machado* Station yesterday, when the wires were working as us- ual to Lorenzo Marquez, CABLE; 1,1103I BULLER. A tlashInz. Assault Planned and Curried Out by Gun, HilaYliall• London, June 9. — The War Ofhce has received the following despatch from Gen. Buller; w Booni Farm, Tune S. ---On June 6, Gen. Talbot Coke, with the 1.0th Brigade and the South African Light Horse seized Van Wyke 1-1111. The enemy made some resistance and a good deal of sniping occurred, 0 ur casualties were about four killed and 13 wounded, `Turing that day and the follow- ing we got two 4.7 and two 1.2 - pounder naval gunS on Van Wyke Hill and two five -inch guns on .to the southwestern spur of flnkewelo, Gibkyard,s Dash; ott Assault, " 'Icier cover of their fire, General Hildyard to -day assaulted all the spurs of the Berg between Botha's Pass and Inkewelo . The at tack,which was Planned by Plildyard and carried t With immense dash, by the trOops, for whom no mountains were too steep, outflanked the enemy, who were forced to retire from their very strong position. I think we did not have any casualties: and I hope I have obtained a position from which I can render Laing's Nek untenable." COMBliNIDATIoN:S CUT. Boers Destroy Railway at Itoodeyal North lirouoscud. London, June 11.—(8.30 a, m.)— The Boers have torn up 21 miles of -Lord Roberts' vital line of railway 1Detwee0 America Siding and Roode - val.. It is a bold raid, and vexa- tious, but does not disquiet the mili- tary authorities as yet, for they ex- pect General Kelly -Kenny to drive off the marauders and to reopen the line. - The rapidity of the advance of Lord Roberts cannot have permitted him to accumulate large reserves of stores. Therefore, the interruption of the railway, even for a week, must embarrass the army, and man bring the forward operations to a standstill. Nothing has been heard from Lord Roberts for three days. This raid on the railway, the strenuous oppos- ition to Gen. Rundle, .and the nimble escape of Commandant Gen. Botha es division, forced the War' Office observ- ers t� the reluctant conclusion that, the war is not yet over, although even the occasional civilian, Boer sympathizer cannot see how the Boers will be able to do anything to change the result. Gen. Buller is in Boer territpre. Despatches of correspondents wite him, filed yesterday at sunset, de- scribe the corps as camping at Gaa- solei, ..closa;, to tile point where the frontiefs of the Free Stane, tee Transvall and Natal meet. "The British marched eight miles yesterday," says a Reuter corres- pondent, "before encountering any opposition. The Boers, who had one gun, withdrew under heavy ordnance fire to a ridge just ahead of the camp." The longerange, running skirmish will doubtless be resumed this morn- ing. General Buller is expect- ed to make rapid progress now, and to throw the weight of 20,000 men into Lord Roberts' Transvaal combination. The Beers in Three Columns. London, June 11.—Gen. Sir Forest- er Walker wires to the War Office from Cape Town under yesterday's date as follows: "Information receiv- ed from natives early yesterday (Sat- urday) reports the enemy in three columns near Honing Spruit. The railway has been: almost completely destroyed between America and Rooi- deval." Hunter at Ventersdorp. Lichtenburg, aline 7, — Gen. Hun- ter's advance column occupied Ven- tersdorp to -day, the Boers quietly surrendering in. small bodies. Con- siderable looting had been done. Gen. Mahon's columi has rejoined Hunter, Boetnetipoort .Calien After Elehtiee. Lorenzo Marquez, June 9. — It is reported that the British have occu- pied Koomatipoort after fighting. President Kruger is said to have a large quantity of personal valuables with him. Itoberts Imprisoas All Males. London, June 11.—It is reported in London this morning that Lord Rob- erts has imprisoned .ons the race course all male residents at Pretoria, Tour Will.,1 und 25 Injured, Providence, June 11.—A collision took place in Warwick, on the Subur- ban line of the Union Railway Com- pany, yesterday. Two regular cars struck end on. Four were killed and about 25 injured, of whom three are probably' fatally hurt. Lieut, Gov- ernor 0. 0. Kimball is among those who were not expected to live. Two Men Fell a Hundr.,,d Feet. liawkesbury, Ont., June 9. ---While working on the new Groat Northern Railway bridge across . the Ottawa about 5 o'clock yesterday, two men fell 100 feet into the rapids. An eddy brought one of the men to shore uninjured, ;but his companion, Mich- ael Focoutt, Nvas carried down the river, The body has not been found, Captain Boll ReturoilaY. Ottawa, ,Tune Bell, ate A .D.C. to the Governor-General, who WOES in charge of the "Ma,xim , guns with the first Came dian contingent, is expected to arrive in Ottawa in a, feW days, 1 -Te is convalescing, atter a severe attack of enteric fever. He wilt resume his position as A.D.O. to Lord Minto. Filipino's Leader Captured. Manila, June 0.Pio clot tee. Filinino leader, bee been. of tile Brit Gt)verniriont." , •1 cai)turec tleal a ii Then, raishig voice to an al- most passionate heighl,, Arr. Kruger , Wheat per buehel..., .. . 64 to 01 Fleur per ewt„,,,„„,,,,..... ..... , .. .. „...1.80 to 2.00 13arley.. 35 to 30 Ots.... . .. . . .. ...... ... . 27 to 20 Peas 55 to 60 Buttor 13 to 14 ...... 11 , 40 7,00 to 800 to jotalmet5.i,kot, pt:eheryst opne r bag . Dried A.pples per lb Turkeys Goose ..... Corn._ Chzelten .. ...... .. . „.. . .. .. T Clover Wool, , 1.6 15 1 25 to 1 50 ,450 to 525 ,..10 to 1.7 "latlieSVolfrolMalEnaliW Don't Stop taking Scott's Emulsion be- cause it's warm weather. , Keep taking it until you are I cured. It will heal your lungs and give you rich blood in sum- mer as in winter. It's cod liver oil made easy. 50c. and $ 1. All druggists. .41111\41.111/111401110MIND THE CITY OF HONGKONG. It In One of the Most Unhealthy Spots on the Globe. In Site of all the precautions that have been taken, the perfect sanitation of the city, the fine natural drainage, the cleanliness of the streets, Hong- kong is one of the most unhealthful spots on the globe. With its tropical heat the lofty peaks that half encircle it catch the clouds that the rapid evaporation create, and they are squeezed like a spoug,e, the floods of rain pouring down in streaming tor- rents. The houses lack light, although they are built as well as they could be, with perforated ceilings, through which the air circulates, admitted from openings pierced by the outer walls. The floors are brilliantly waxed, carpets, owing to the great dampness, being dispens- ed with. The great difficulty is to se- cure light and proper ventilation. The streets are very narrow, and the tower- ing walls of buildings opposite ob- struct the light in front, while at the rear the courts of terraces crowded with foliage cast a heavy shade from that direction. In the gardens, while plants flourish luxuriantly, there is no grass, but the ground is green with moss, jnst as it grows in damp, shady places in cooler climates. The heat and the great humidity are destructive to health, and it is doubtful if there is a single normal liver in the whole of Hongkong. English. women who come out with complexions of cream, and roses grow thin and sallow. The Hongkong com- plexion is a startling grayish green, and the old resident has with this pal- lor dark bluish circles under the eyes. The least exertion includes exhaust- ing perspiration, and people become gaiint'and thin. ' The lInb,tt Finest. Stranger—I notice there are several policemen gathered at that corner and conversing in an excited manner. What Is the trouble? Bostonian—When I passed them just now, they were wrangling over the pronunciation of the word "intuition." —Chicago Tribune. Financial Difficulties. "Pa, what is financial difficulty?" "Well, it is having so much inoney you don't know what to do with it or having so little reoney that you can't do a thing." The famous clock in the Patois de Justice in Paris dates from 13" 0 and Is the work of the celebrated Le Vick, whose turret clocks are the earliest on reliable record. Pearls are sometimes found in mus- sel shells. - Watch the Skin and Eyes! They are Unfailing Thermometers of Health. The skin and eyes are two unfailing thermometers of health. If the skin has spots, eruptions, an unhealthy pallor or a yellow appearance, and the a glazed look, with yellowish whites, it is high time to parify and cleanse the blood and regulate the liver and kidneys. Paine's Celery Compound pure, bright red blood. and relieves the liver and kidneys of the strain that is brought upon them whenever impure blood is pouring through their substance. It has been proved by iminent medi- cal men that Paine's Celery Compound supplies that needed and appropriate food that overworkecl nerves are too feeble to extract from ordinary food taken into the stomach. Paine's Oel- ery Compoand increases the appetite and puts the digestive organs into shape to pass the food over to the blood in such a perfectly prepared con- dition that the change into nerve. brain and tissue substance is eaisly and fully brought about 'without waste of nervous energy or wear upon the liver, kidneys or stomach. In a word, Paine's Celery Compound builds up the w ea k, wnsting and dis- eased, body; it gives all the conditiote of health that guarantee a long and happy life. No other remedy it the 3,Tor1d has ever done such a true and noble wOrk fOr suffering, hiunanity. Make tria1 of one bottle, dear reader; it will convince you that you ha,ve feund what you most need to make you well and sttong. if ON'T DO NOT RUN from a question that must interest yoiL Have you your New Suit ? If not, drop in and see no at the first opportunity and let us show you a few prices of the Fancy, Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have you seen the new Staples and Therringbone patterns. They are beatities. A. bio- range of Blues and Binek, Irish' Serges the old prices. 12 yOu want a black we have what you want in 'Twills, Venetians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, Cur s, Naps and Montanacts. All work done in the latest style aiid fit guuranteed. J 14. GIRIEVE Opposite Post Office Snell's,ar COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawksh aw's Hotel, or at the Livery • Stable,Christie's old Staid will receive prompt at- tention. rr elephone TernisReasozable Conneation 11 Ofi111,0110 Yes, we havejustreceived another' carload of furniture. which when • added to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, most hand- some and cheapest things on the. market. THE STOOK . . We have bhe Stock—yon have the money—We want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in ansi see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We &we the Ictrgest and best assortEd stock in town. R. N. po'sivE FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESzED TONGUE. CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. One door North of R. Pickard.'s stare. LOUIS DAY Pfoprietor., SMITH'S Repair Shop. Now is the time to get your Wheel Re- paired, Cleaned or Enameled. RED BIRD. We have a large stock of Bill 11 tfor:d Red Birds on hand, the best Bicy- cle on the market, which we sell at right prices. SUNDRIES We have in stock, Bicycle Sundries, tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN MOWERS, HORSE CLIPPERS We sharpen Lawn Mowers, Horse clip- pers, scissors, Razors, _Knives, etc, EVERYTHING REPAIRED. I. SMITH. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET., For Fresh, good and tlae choisest cuts of meat, 01111 on the undersigned, While all 003.' cuts of meat aro thi=. nnest, make a specialty 02 )0(2311 delicacies. eat dOilYOred to all parts ef lie, . . town . (John Manning