HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-14, Page 2reribere alio (la not reeeivetbete pepsrs easzu rly will please 'stales, ue tonee. apply at thie oillee foraelvertising rates TiiE EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JUNE 14 moo WISE AND OTHERWISE. What persons are by starts they are by nature. Indecision and delay are the parents of failure. jealousy is sustained as often by pride as by affection.. Idleness is both a great sin and the cause of many more. ' A gentleman is a rarer thing than some of us think for. Joy never feasts so high as when the first course is misery. Nothing can be further apart than true humility and servility. In effectve womanly beauty form is more than face, anti manner more than either. No sadder proof can he given by a man of his own littleness than disbe- lief in reat men. In friendship, as in love, we are nften happier through OW ignorance than our knowledge. When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart it is pretty tertain that she has his. Much of the good or evil that befalls persons arises from the well or ill managing of their conversation. Do you know what is more hard to bear than the reverses of fortune? It is the baseness, the hideous ingrati- tude of men. They Drove Pimples Away.—A face severed with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since ba.ve been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know.that the blood protests. laarnaelee's Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin elear and clean. Try them, and theta will be another witness to their excel- lence. A Fortune Wasted. "A two -dollar bill came into the hands of a relative of *nine," writes a lady in Boston, "which speaks vol- umes on the horrors of strong drink or the traffic in it. There was writ- ten in red ink on the back. of it the following: "Wife, children, and $40,- 000 all gone. I am alone responsible. When I was twenty-one years old I had a fortune. I am not yet thirty- .ve years old. I have killed my beau- tiful wife, who died of a broken heart; have murdered my children with neglect. •When this bill is gone, I do not know how I ca.n get my next meal. I shall be a drunken pauper. •This is my last money and my history. If this bill comes into the hands of any man who drinks, let lins take warning from my life's ruin." Are you not well ? Are youpale,.weak- ly, depressed in spirits, melaneholy, tired, aservous and irritable? Then try Miller's Compound Iron Pills. They will build you up, tone up your nervous system, give you energy. Followed Instructions. It was a little Hancock county girl, who, after rushing through her even- ing prayer so rapidly that the siords were scarcely intelligible, while yet• 'kneeling, looked up and softly said: "Mamma, I couldn't help saying my prayer fast, for I was going to hiccough, and you know what it said on my Sunday school card about pray- ing without ceasing, and so I didn't want to stop." A Small PHI, but Powerful.—They that judge of the powers of a pill by its size 'would consider Parmelee's Veg,etable Pills to be lacking. It is a little wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it makes ep in potency. The remedies which 11 carries are put up in these small doses, because they are so ,powerful that only small doses ase reqtured. The full strength of the extracts is secured in this form and do their work. thoronghly. And bike Didn't Tell. "Now, madam," said the crotchety judge, who Lad been annoyed by the diaxessions of previous female wit- nesses, we want no hearsay evidence. Tell me only what you know. Your name, please.'' "Mary ,Tones," replied the witness. 'Your age?'' 'Well—or—I only have hearsay evi- dence on that point, so I won't an- swer.'' Millard's Iiilliment Cllrfis Distellincr, Joke Was on the Lawyer. Barrister—I was deceived in regard to that man whom I defended on a charge of embezzling half a million. Friend—You found he was guilty? Barrister7-No, confound it I He was innocent, and hadn't a penny to pay rao with. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Diecourassing women. "Some of the most successful MOE in politics," he said, thoughtfully, "have been those who have had little fa SEW. Naturally she was indignant, "There you go!' she exclaimed. 'Always doing your best to discour- ager womom" Health for the children—Miller's Worm VoTleys. DYSPEPSIA'S VICTIMS The Cause of the Trouble and HhW to Overcome It. IS Frequently Produces Headache, Efeartburn, Dizziness and Other Dis- tressing Symptoms—.A Victim Tells of Her Release. From. the Telegraph, Quebec. The primary cause of indigestion or dyspepsia is lack of vitality; the ab- sence of nerve force; the loss of the life-sustainang elements in the blood. No organ can properly perform its fuuctions when the source of nutri- ment fails. When the stomach is rob- bed of the nutriment demanded by na- ture, assimilation ceases, unnatural gases are generated and the entire system responds to the discord. A practical illustration of the symp- toms and torture a dyspepsia is fur- nished by the case of Mrs, A.Labonte, who lives in the village of Stadacona, Que. When interviewed by a reporter of the Quebec Telegraph, Mrs.Laboute looked the picture of vigorous health, showing no traces of the malady that had made her life for the time misera- ble. Speaking of her illness, Mrs. Labonte said: "For about.two years I suffered dreadfully. My digestive organs were impaired, and the food I ate did not assimilate, and left me with a feeling of flatulency, pain and acidity of the stomach, and frequent- ly heartburn. This condition of affairs soon told on my system in other ways, with the result that I had frequent headaches, dizziness, and at times a dimness of vision with spots apparent- ly dancing before my eyes. I became so much run down that it was with difficulty I could do my household work, and at all times I felt weak, depressed and nervous. While I was at my worst, one of my friends, see- ing that the doctor was not helping me, urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My husband then got me half a dozen boxes and I began taking them. After I had. used two boxes I began to enjoy my meals and the vari- ous synaptoms of my trouble began to disappear. I continued the pills until I had used the half dozen boxes, when I again felt perfectly well. My stom- ach was as healthy as ever it had been. I could sleep well and my head was clear and free from the dizziness and aches that so long helped make me miserable. It is more than a year since I stopped taking the pills, and health has continued better than it was for years before." Mrs. Labonte added that she will always feel grate- ful t� Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the misery they have released her frem, and she always advises friends who are ailing to use them. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid .imi- tations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wil- liams' Piak Pills for Pale People. If your dealer does ,not keep them they will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by address- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville. Ont. Don't Answer Impertinent Questions. Impertinent questions are to be met with firni and dignified politeness. Any queition about another's personal affairs, about the price of one's cloth- ing, the amount of one's earnings, the reasons one has for entirely private condtict, is impertinent. Would I answer such questions? Not at all. TJsually, by a little tact, one can settle such questioners. If there is no other way, I counsel a plain but cour- teou sincerity—a simple refusal to answer. One might just say: "Par- don me, I prefer not to give any in- formation whatever on this matter." —Margaret E. Sangster in the Ladies' Horne Journal. There is danger in neglecting, a cote. .3.‘,Iaby who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure, followed by a cold which sal:Jed on their nines; and in a short time thcy Were beyond the skill of the best physician. Had they usedBiekteas Amti-Consuropti ve Syrup, hefore it was too late, their lives wouldhave been spared. This medicine has no equal for curing coughs, colds and all aftections ,of the throat and lues. A Pleasant Thought. Friend (in railway train)—You say you are getting influenza from that lady's) open window, and yet you seen:, to be very gleefal about soute- thing. What is it? Passenger --I know she must be get- ting pneumonia. A new back for 50 cents. Kidney Pills and Plaster. Matter or Ipeon otriy. Bingo—I think, after all, I shall go to Europe with my family. Twickenham—Why, I thought you couldn't afford it? "Well, it's cheaper for me to go *vith them than to let them go alone.'' nIsinisnMST, The Beet Age for :ilea to Marry. Edward Bok, writing in the Ladies' Home Xournal, on "A Boy for a Hus- band, contends that ''no young man ander twentv-tive years of age is in any sense competeut to take auto him- self awite. Before that age ho isaamp- ly a boy who has absolutely nothing svhieh he can offer to a airl as a safe foundation for life happiness. He is unformed in his character, unsettled in his ideas, absolutely ignorant of the first essentials of what considera- tion or love for a woman means. Ho doesn't know himself, let alone know- ine. a woman. He is full of fancies, and it is his boyish nature to flit from one fancy to another. He is in- capable of the affection upon which love is based, because he has not lived long enough to know what the feeling or even the word means. He is full of theories, each one of which,' when he °canes to put it into practice, will fail. Ile is a boy, pure and simple, Passing through that trying period through which every boy must pass before he becomes a man. But that period is liot the =raying time. For as his opinions of life are to change, so are his fancies of the girl he es- teems as the only girl in the world to snake him happy. The man of thirty rarely weds the girl whom he fancied when he was twenty." Sore Feet.—Mts. E. J. Neill, New Arm- agh, P. Q, writes: "For nearly six months I was troubled with burning exiles and pains in my feet to such an ex- tent that I could not sleep at night, and as my feet were badly swollen I could not wear my boots for weeks. At last I got a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil and resolved to try it and to my astonish- ment I got almost instant relief, and the one bottle accomplished a perfect cure. Her Papa's Stook in Trade. Rev. Joseph Whyte, a prominent Methodist divine now stationed in Northern California, has an except- ionally bright little daughter. One day himself and wife, with his little lassie, aged four years, were riding in the cars. Twa little boys, the sons of commercial travellers, were talking to the little girl about their respective papas and what they did. One little lad said: "My papa sells shoes," and the other said: "Mine sells paper, and," turning to the little girl, "what ',does your papa sell?" For a moment the child hesi- tated, but, not to be outdone by boys, she replied, with the air of a duchess: "My papa sells talk." MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use it. HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C.B. Illuminants and the Eye. The number of winks in a given time is found by Koiz, a Russian' phys- English and Americans Preferred. ician, to furnish a fairly accurate The queen of Italy is fond of the measure of the degree of eye fatigue English and Americans, showing them caused by various illuminants. This special courtesy at the Italian court. ,r,!!"9"!,1...pavv,v.mapsostostaaiwrwmaraloovutoosorsvocvo,..aamouvergsvenotslanamemvveuraranestuniwpatwummveravow.arvroxerubv................n, Was There liver Any Other Kind? "I'm going to be proud of that small boy of mine one of these days," he ex- claimed earnestly. "Is lie talented'?" "No. He's going to be a business man. I told him last week that if he'd be a good boy I'd take hum to the cir- cus. Instead of taking me right up he thought the proposition over for a min- ute and then asked me if I thought it was a good circus."—Washington Star. She Was the BOVII. The census taker rang the bell at the house of General Underthum. The general's wife responded. "Who is the head of this house, mad- am?" asked the census man. "I am," said she promptly. "And—er—have you any profession or occupation?" "Well, you can put me down as a general manager."—Philadelphia Press. odEIMINESEMILIAIMI•110•10,4•111 d98 are the only medicine that 1 g iv)iriltl cure pla- t1 11 eBaeVsleill.tth'sis' 1:1)di sse: ( ease was in - °I' Dodcrcs cue uPniitlisi 1 S cured it. Doctors I themselves confess that without Dodd's laidney Pills they are powerless against Dia- betes. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations—box, name and pill, are advertised to do so, but the medicine that does cure iabotes IIs Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's Kidney Pills are , fifty cents a box at all druggists. Kept His Heart Out of the Way. A private in the Dublin Fusiliers, who collected a quite surprising num- ber of bullets in his body, and is even more bored by inquisitive visitors to the 1Vlooi River Hospital, was assailed by a pompous legislator from Cape- town. He wearily described his wounds. Two bullets through his helmet, one in his shoulder, another in "tat," and two explosive bullets through his left breast. "It's a wonder you weren't killed, " said the legislator, "they must have passed perilously near the region csf your heart." "They did that, bedad,? said the Fusilier "but I was right enough, for sure me heart was in my mouth for safety." Weak constitutions are built up by Miller's Compound. Iron Pills. Miller's Worm Powders cure .fits in children. method gave the following unexpect- ed results from readings of ten min- utes: With a candle, 6.8 winks per minute; city gas, 2.8; sunlight, 2.2; electric light, 1.8. Salt rheum and all eczematous . con- ditions of the skin are cured by the use of .1'$/filler's Compound Iran Pills. Sachem's Plain. In 1642 a battle occurred on this plain, located near Norwich, Conn., between the Narragansetts and Moho- ga,us. Miantonomoh, the chief of the Narrangansetts, after whom one of our war vessels is named, fell mortal- ly wounded during action, and in 1842 a granite monument was erected to his memory, Millard's Dant Cures Colds, Etc, The Beast. "Mrs. Youngly 'is going to sue for a divorce. 'On what ground?' "Intolerable. cruelty. Last week her husband locked her for two hours in the same room with five new frocks and two new hats—and no mirror." Pale sickla, children should., ase Mother Grave's Worm Eatertninator. Wornis are one of the principal ;causes of sefferieg in children and ehould.be,expelled from the system. The Pigmy Camels of Persia. The western part of Persia is in- habited by a species of camel which is the pigmy of its kind. They are snow white, and are on that account almost worshipped by the people, Are youi coma; harcler to remove than those that others have had ? ,FIeve they not had the same Idea ? Have they not' been cured by using Holloway's Corn Cure? Try a oottle, Eillard' Lillilliont Cures 11theria,. 1315- TIOspital in Mosce.. Moscow ha a the largest hospital: in Europe, With 7,000 beds. There are 96 physicians and 000 nu:rSOki And abotit, 1,5,000 patients are taken care of eVerY year. Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. TH E rtem OF JOHN LABATT ionflon 9 Are undoubtedty tE1 BEST. Tetaimonials from 4 •chernititS, 10 medals, 11 diplomas. The most wholesothe of beveriiges. Recommended by Physicians. For gale every. wbero. RULES FOR HORSE TRADERS. Memphis Men Who Could Give David Harps= Points on the Business. David Hamm was a good horse trad- er, but a recent transaction in horse- flesh which was made by a well known Memphian shows tha t there are others who know how to get the long end of a horse trade. Several weeks ago this Memphis man saw a fine buggy horse which he thought he wanted. He lo- cated the owner and asked the price. "One fifty," was the reply. After look - leg the animal over closely and trying her speed he concluded it was a good trade and without more ado wrote a check for the amount. The `next day he found that the mare was as blind as a bat, but this did not hinder her speed or detract from her general appear- ance. He drove the animal for several weeks and succeeded in attracting the ' admiration of another lover of horse - Lest', who made a proposal to purchase.' "Well," said the Memphian, "I gave' one fifty for her, but I will let you have her for one sixty-five." The prospective owner looked the an- imal over and concluded be had a bar- gain. He paid over the money and took the mare, When the animal was unharnessed, the first thing she did was to run against a post and :then by way of emphasizing the fact that she was blind fell over ,a barrel. 'The next day the buyer came back to the Mem- phian with blood in his eye. "Colonel, you know that mare you sold me," he began., "Well, she's stone "I know it," replied the colonel, with an easy air. "You didn't say anything to me about It," said the purchaser, his face red - dolling, with anger. , "Well, I'll tell you," replied the colo- nel, "Unit fellow who sold her ,to me didn't tell me about it, and 1 just con- cluded that he didn't want it known." The new owner took his" medicine find is now'on the lookout for.a friend on whom he can even things.—Mem- phis Commerciat itsinog too &tar. First Claws In Logic, ricarse "But hew," asked the bard featured men wiis looking at the picenes, "do you know this is an accurate likeness of Homer?" "Do you know, sir, of anybody else it lookS liker demanded the artist allo.e `"I'llen of cousse Homer."—Chica- go Tribune. 4, d'1441.441 1144.41.W 04.44' Ae; e4t,a a, 441- docipt:A "lax, 4:A a •*a.p.„/ etAvvei ded9 dva 16.0-4 etZu-e-4.. elv 4041.0 spin ced Ensphasig. A gentleman who spoilt a summer In a small village in Maine tells how a kind-hearted woman, without the slightest idea of making hit . ralicul- ous, gave his frieads and fellow boarders a chance of a hearty laugh at his exPonse. ' We had haddock for supper one night, and happening to be peculiarly hungry, I ate heartily of it, but un- fortunately swallowed. a bone. One of the young women ofthe family endeavored to comfort me by saying that no harm would ever come from, a fish bone, as it would dissolve of it- self. Mrs. H. had been observing me anx- iously, and now spoke. "Don't be, too sdre about that," she said; "I think you ought to take something right away, Mr. S. for we lost a hog once by his getting a fish bone in his throat." Run It by Water. A young lumberman whose habiti of drinking had given the "blind stag- gers" to his business, reformed and ran his sawmill with profit. While in the transition period he met Tom, an old friend. "How are you?" asked Tom. "Pretty well, thank you; but I have just seen a doctor to have him examine ray throat. "'What's the matter?" "Well, the doctor couldn't give me any encouragement. At least,. he could not find what I wanted to find. "What did you expect him to find?" "I asked him to look down my throat for the sawmill and farm that had gone down there in drink." "And did he see anything of them?" "No; but he advised me if ever I got another mill to run it by water." Miller's Worm Powders cure all ail- ments of children like magic. Women Doctors in England. The South African war has depriv- ed many English hospitals of the ser. vices of tnale doctors, and the • wOMell medicos are now reaping their re. ward. lifillarl's Liniment Cures Gargot in Cows British Naval Divers. Divers in the British navy, before being passed as proficient in their craft, have to be able to work in 12 fathoms of water for an hour .and in 20 fathoms for a Quarter of an hour. MANITOBA The Government Crop ililetit issued December 12th. 1899, gives the following statistics for the year : • CROPS --- ACRES AVERAGE YIELD TOTAL Wheat ...1,620)05 17.13 bus. Oats 575,138 28,80 " Parley—182,912 29.4 " Potatoes18131 168.5 " STOCK --- 27,922,230 V318,378 ' 5,379,156 " 3,226,80 Beef Cattle exported during the year.... 125:450000 Stockers exported 3 $470, Total value dairy products 559.09 10,500 Farm Lab,i r rs. Came from Eastern Oanada to assist in the har- vest fields of Manitoba in 1899--an6, the detnaud wax not fully satisfied. ata F r era are Prosperous. Partners erected last 9,1,1 011101 buildings tallied al one and one-ludf million dollars. Manitoba Lands—For sale by the Provincial Gov- ernment. Over 1,600.090 11105 00 choice land in al, ;al- P oP the Province are now ()tiered at from 8200.to 011)5 per acre. Payments extend over eight, 3e01.1. 83 t,CIAT, ATTENTION is directed to 500,000 acres along the line of the Manitoba North.vestorn Railway at 0304 aud 53.50 per acre. Free Momestoads are still available in many parts of the Province, I I For full information, maps, etc., FREE, address J. A. DAVIDSON, Minister ef Agriculture see immigration, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, PIE fig C. H. JEFFERYS, Manitoba Emigration After*. Union Station, TORONTO, ONT. a. 10 PACKARD'S Shoe Orossing 8 AVE OFTEN HINE HOE ALL mains roe. ALL LEATHERS. For saki by nil firsteeme bliGh DEALERS. L. 11. Packard Pt 00. Sti o 11, Marker,RoportS. The editor was busy when he called and asked: "How are the markets?" He was refereed to the office wit, who looked wisely and said: Young men, uasteady ; girls, lively, willing and in demand; papas, firm but declining; mammas, unsettled but waiting for higher bids; ooffee, oonsiderably mix- ed; fresh fish, active and slippery; wheat, a grain better than barley; eggs, quiet, but expect to open up shortly; whisky, till going down; onions, strong aucl rising; breaclstuffs, heavy; boots and shoes, thcfse in the market are soled and are constantly going up and, down; hats and caps, not as high as last year, except foolscap, which is stationary; tobacco, very. low and has a downward tendency silver, close, but not close enough to, get hold of; cheese, lively. How's This! We offer One Hunared Dollars reward fn. any case of Catarrh that caneet be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. a. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have knewn J. Cheney for the lust 15 years, and believr him perfectly beeorable In all business transactioes and finiencially able to eerry out any obligations, made by their firm, WRST & TRAUX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALDING, KINN.A.11 & mATt- Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly epon the blood and mucous turfaces of the system. Testimonials seet free.Price 75c per buttle. seid by nil ()rug-. gists. Conjugating a Veda, A United States consul recently re- turned here gives the following ac- count of how English is taught in Ole French schools: "Jean, you will Stand up," said the master to his brightest pupil upon the occasion of' the consul's visit. "Now conjugate the verb `I have a gold mine.' '"`I have a gold mine," responded the bright pupil, with scarcely an accent, "thom hast a gold thine, he has a gold hisen, we have a gold ourn, von have a gold yourn, they have a gold theirn." DomestieRepartee. She—I always speak out when have 'anything to say. He—Yes, but the trouble is that you do not limit yourself to speaking out when you have anything to say. Miracles. Bobby—Mamma, do miracles ever happen now? Mamma --Sometimes. Your father came home from the lodge last night, and 1 did' any cloves. WILL RUN Home Seekers' 60 !lay Excursions To the Canadian North West AT RETURN FARES Winnipeg ...' Deloraine.... Antler 20 Estevan Bbascarth.., Moosomin Harniota Swan River Regina s3 IVfoosejaw Yorkton Prince Albert) $35 Calgary I Red Deer ... 1 $40 Edmonton Going June 19th Returning until Aug. 20t1's f All I11.11 or S.S. Alberta) Ina' July lath Returning until Sept. 1211h (All Raii only) Going July v7th Returning until Sept. tetb (Allhail or s.S, Alberta) For tickets and further Infornaation Apply to any Oanndian Pacific Agent, or to A, X, NOTIVIAN, AsHt. Gout. Agt„ 1 Xing St. Bast, Toronto, ,Coiled and tithes. fence wire at re- duced prices. The Gem Fenca Machine for only $5 00. Agents wanted. Write McGregor, Blom & Co.,'Windsor,Ont. FOR OYER FIFTY YEARS WAS. WINSLOW'S ROOTEUNG SYRUP has been 'used by soothers for their children teething. It soo bess the ohild, softens the gums, allays pain,cures wind, colio, and is the best remedy for dirsrrhcea. 25e.a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 'Be arse, and risk for !Sirs. Wins ow's Snothin s Syrup." 11 , iSTOTT 'PED FREE. Permanent- ly Cured. DR. ,51115108 GREAT' , NERVE imsrrotten. Positive cure , for all Netivous Dilleadeg, Fits,' . Epilepsy, Spasms and St. Vitus' Dance. No, , Pits or NerVOilln,e,S after ' first day's use: Treatifif.). :111(1 $2 trial bottle sent throtigh Canadian Ars'e.Icy 111111) to lilt pationtS, they paying ex-preJs ellargesonist when received.. Send. to Dr liltne,1,3) Arch st., EhLadelphia.Pa. T. N. IT, 275 CATROLIC PRAYER """"', fitses, Scapulars. Religious Pictures, Statuary and Chinch Orrut- trients, Tilducationftl \‘-orics, Mail 01 do, s receive prompt attention.,D, Sart I ior 41c Co. MentrIl. FURS. FURS. IthnOrti'M and exporter of Raw tans and Skins, Con- signmeets solicited; nigh- , est priCes paid for ginsing. If. JOHNSON, 424 St. Paul strait, Montreal