HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-7, Page 5• yf THE iter. Te publiehed. eyery Thursday Morning,. at the Moe, .KAIN-STRET, — EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PUBL 1811 I elO 00.MPAN't TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum el paid in Ad.vience *1.50 if not se paid, ma.p.tcr cp2sk No paper discontinued. until all a,rre rage mire paid.. Advertisements without eyeeifie directions •will be publiehed till forbid and eharged.accordingly. Libera1 discountrnade or transcient advertisements inserted for long Periods, Eeeery description• of JOB PRINTING turnei out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, money ord.- ern &infer aevertising,subscriptiansiete,to be made payable to ClietS .11. Sanders, EDITOR Alen PROP JP'irofessional Cards. H, KINSMAN, Lt I). S. & DR,. A.. R. KINSMAN, L D SDD.S.JOor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any lead effects. °Mee in Fansoxi's Block, west aide Main Street, Exeter. - 4.4 • relt...D, ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.2) J.J.• honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity anddloyal College of Dental Surgeons Of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Ellio't & Elliot's law office -opposite ,Central Efotel-Exeter, Medical P. MeLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF .1./ the College of Pliesiciane and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Wealth of hair is wealth indeed', especial- ly to a woman. EALT1 Every other •physical• attraction is secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you • that I, tells just how to care 4 for the hair. If your hair is too ( thin— - or los- nt) ing its luster, Get Legal. • . f .,. TNICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, .1., , Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Comenissionere,. Solicitors for the Maisons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 54 per cent, Office Fanson's Blecle,, Main St., Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at aeasall on Thursday of each week.) C. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. II. DicHsoii, . FW. GI, ADMA.N. (suecessor to Elliot & i." Orlaclue an ,) Barrister. Solieitdr, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. ' ••••••••••••••• ••••=smorgaggaimmas. Auctioneers BOSSENBERHY,Grand Bend, Licensed J.jL. Auctioneer for County Fluron. Sales promptly attended. to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. TJ BROWN, "Winchelsea. Licensed Auot- 1.1., ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale,Sales arranged. at Post office. 'Fin- ehelsea. " b a a 1 f 1 n " Insurance. LLIOT, E .. ' • Insurance Agent, • Main St. ' •Exeter 45&28..41..3fis' 3,firdkjftr„,0.0‘. 1 -. '41 A 15 11 -Al 7, ,i I 5 5 5 4 :44 4 Air* IT PAS. To read the big stores' ad- • vertisements ...... TOP! THINK! For whose good are we in the furniture . business? For yours and. ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use - ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the g-oocis you want at the prices you want or we can - not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing • business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the • right prices. Come and see for yourself.... ' S. GIDLEY 8t_ SON, . . Furniture. Undertaking, • OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. , t 1; C 1 r c „ 1 i ( t , 01 1 I nr-J5F. sliOr"liK7fir .lor 'V' 'Iiir-lik II/ilr Paid Rest :, F. their at Open p.m; • the stitute, •K The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) up Capital. .. ... ......$2,500,000. Fund-- ..... , ..........1,025,000 • se Head dffice Montreal, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., • GENERAL Msi-pi.es ,- , Money advaneede to good Farmers own note4,m-ftli one or more endorsers 7 per,pent.t6er annum. ..lf ' EXETER BRANCH— • on 3 on every lawful day from 10 a,m. to" Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted. , CURRENT RATES allowed for money Deposit Receipts. Sayings Bank at 3%. DiCirsox & CARLING, ED.HERRON; Solicitors. Manager, TO THE DEAF. --A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in 'Head. by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drurns, has Sent $1,000 to his In- so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drtuns may have thezn free. Apply to Department A. 8. N, The Institute, "Longcott," Grin tiersbury, London, W., England , 61M1i4TAISinli4italtagMlet -;v4' ' Wiwi'. ALL "IC:313F1 rillE93 WITH . Bel se ' Pa i ri- Pki iier 51 tle.d"r..1.tiii Chest !a Itself. slio,,.10,,tstro and fltilold CuO for gOriViMPS'‘IWRIVITOEA COLICHS,, N poor Rtift"1111/14111311 L. , 25 arid 50 kr ')i -rt Baffles. 2"..F.V.ii\FiE OP IMITATIONS. AK ' eel° Oielee 'Vele GeelineE. eel PERRY bieVeS' raWizsItiZV,L%*"4f$M-451314101Aigg Growth becomes vigorous and all dan- druff is removed. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your' youth ; don't look old before your time. 51.00 a bottle. Ail druggist3., "I have used your Hair Vigor now for about 25 years and I have found it splendid and satisfactory in every way. I believe I have recommended this flair Vigor to hundreds of my friends, and they all tell the same story. • If any- body 'wants the best kind ot a Hair Vigor I shalt certainly recommend to them just as strongly as I can that tliey get a bottle of Ayer's Iiair Vi§forrse,N• E Nov. 28, 1808, * H *lNorwiciiuILToN; en Y. Write the Vector. • it you don't obtain all the heneata • you desire from the use of the • write the Doctol about it, Address, c4. DR, J. C. AYER, •Lowell, mese, ez,Pee...—neeietenen.e_ei, Clinton: Mr. Joseph Taylor, eldest rather of Mr. Jacob Taylor, leaves bout the first of August with his wife nd three children for Yorkshire, ngland, where they will make their Aare home. Mr. Taylor goes to ngland to undertake the manage- ent of a $20,000 estate, of which he the heir. A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why woman endure ackache, Headache, Nervonsness, elancholy, Fainting and Dizzy sPells hen thousands have proved that lectric Bitters will quickly cure such roubles. "I suffered for years with idney trouble," writes Mrs. Phoebe herley of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame tick pained me so 1 could not dress 1y -self, but Electric Bitters wholly ured me, and, although 73 years old, now am able to do all my house- ork." It overcomes Constipation, inpro yes appetite, gives perfect health. nly 50c. at all drug stores. iffinser1 imam owner 11111111•1111 THE HOUSE OF AYER. The well-known proprietary medi- ine firm of the 3. C. Ayer Co., Lowell ass., has recently opened an office in he Bell Telephone Building, Montreal, ia order to give closer attention to heir Canadian 'business. It is not enerally known that they ah•eady ave -a large laboratory in Montreal, aving manufactured there for several ears. The intention is to make the usiness thoroughly Canadian and to trengthen their facilities se as to keep ace with a constant growing demand. he J. C. Ayer Co. are not only one of he largest maaufacturine- concerns of his kind in the world, but they are non g the largest, advertisers, spend - :3g a million dollars every year in ews paper advertising. For sixty ears the leaders in regard to family medicines, they are more in evidence than ever. The home office has just completed improvements costing $100,- 00, which represent new ideas and new methods in tile manufacture of Ayer preparations. They intend that very 8 ottle of the Ayer remedies shall e prepared as carefully as a druggist ompounds a medicine by prescription, and in • re.-irganising their Canadian facilities they anticipate in advance a argely inereased business. TIORS EMEN TRADE :Ann. CAUSTIC BALSAM A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin EuREICA Sweeney; Leinthese from any cause, Allci Sore T in fIorse; and Lunm Jew m Q. . h • ' ettle See Pamphlet. Setisiaetion guaranteed Alliereggists ancl general 0 London, lefa,y 31. (3,12 a.m.) -- Dairy Mail publishes the folloWing de- spatch from the Earl ut Rosslyn, who was a prisoner at Pretoria, and who, as a civilian, appears to have been re - loused: 'Pretoria, Wednesday, May 30. -- (11.40 a.m.) — Pretoria will be oc- cupied in about two hours without resistance. "The President has gone to Water- valboven. "The burgomaster, DcSousa, is au- thorized to receive the British. He with an influential committee of citi- • zone, including Chief Justice Gregor- owski, has been appointed to preserve life and property during the interreg- num. 'Everything is quiet, but crowds are wait Mg expectantly in Church Square for the arrival of the' Brit- ish. sterekeepereeeep it. Preeared by EUREKik1hTE1UNRYMEDICINE Co„ LONDON, • --- ONTARIO. THE LEADING Feared the British Prisoners. ',Fearing a possible disturbance and bloodshed among he prisoners of war at \Vaterval, United States Con- sul Hay and Mr, Leigh Wood insisted upon 20 officers being liberated on parole to go to the men. Their ac- tion cannot be too highly praised, '1 was permitted to accompany the officers. Everything was quiet. ' Dictating Terms to Boers. Pretoria„ Wednesday, May 80. -- British officers are now at .Tohannes- burg dictating tering of surrender. The British advance guard is half way between Johannesburg and Pre- toria. • It is reported that there is a force also at Hatherly. All the forces have been dismissed from the forts around Pretoria. • President Kruger is now at Water- valboven. MRAT MARKET. --- —wow For Fresh, good and the choiscst cuts of meat, call on the undersigned. While all our cuts of meat arc the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies, teat deiivered to all paetoi of the . town. . John Manning CANADA CELEBRATED. Thousands of Persons Went Wild With Enthusiasm and Sang "God Save the Queen" With Genuine Feeling. Toronto, May 31,—On the receipt of the above news concerning Pre- toria, Toronto simply .went, wild. It was the greatest exhibition of en- thusiastic unity ever seen in Canada, or likely to be seen again in a gen- eration. There was no discordant, note, and the heart-throb of Empire filled each breast, Pro cessio tie were. formed fireworks were let off flags and bunting were. thrown to the breeze, and the people, thentsel Yee cheered themselves hoarse. The deal- onstra.tions began last night on re- ceipt of the news, and were contin- ued all day to -day, the Mayor baying proclaimed a public holiday. • Hews came from all over the pro viiice, from. Winnipeg and Quebec that half and whole holidays had been I iro • claim' "1 in honor of the event and that -elebratio were held In popu- lar form eviv,-#ete. JOBANNEt;I:LaG OCCUPIED. holding, th pioro whichI directed him to do, u,orth of Johannesburg, Two officers were -vountied amd fwo men were killed and 27 wounded eolvild Had Hard righting:, Johannesburg, June (9,25 -- Sir Henry Gob ille, in re- porting the arrival of the Highland Brigade, at Beilbron, May 29, states that he was opposed more oP less the Whole way from Ventersburg. Eight Men *ere killed and four officers and 82 men were wounded, Colville says the Lancashire Bat. tery of field art:illery did excellent work. Grant's naval guns wore must valuable and the troops, behaved in a most soldierly manner throughout the trying march, . Rundle telegraphs that his cztsual-. ties were 32 killed and 150 men wounded. , Roberti' Liiies LiterruptaiL Orange Grove, June 2. — Owing to the irt terrcip t Lon of the. telegraph lines, 1 only to -day received a report from Col. Sprigg that his battalion of Imperial Yeomanry was attacT;:ecl„ between Kr0Qnstad and Lindley, • May 29. Casualties to follow. The shops in Johannesburg are beieg ,pp - end, and there seems to be a. general feeling of relief at the peaceful OC011=, pa Lion of the town. The 'proClama- tion 'announcing the annexation oe the Orange Free State was made - known at Bloemfontein, May 26, by Gen. Prettyrun,n (Military G-overnor). The troops, under Gen. Kelly -Kenny, ormed a square, the Royal Standard was hoisted, the trooPs saluted, a royal, salute was fired, the Queen was cheered. The name, 'Orange Ri'ver Colony,' was Well received, Re- ceved a report yesterday that • four prisoners had escaped from 'Pretoria. Commandant Botha Taken. Orange Grove, June 2.—johandese burg is quiet. The people are surren- dering arms and ponies. • Only three Boer guns were left in the fort, The Queenslanders captured May, 30, a Creusot, with 11 wagons of stores and ammunition, e Commandant Botha of Zoutpans- berg, his field cornet and 100 prison - ecu ever° taken in the fighting around Johannesburg, some belonging to the foreign contingents and the Irish bri.- .g,ade. • • The 13th Yeomanree were attacked, May 29, be't,Ween Kroonstad and Lindley. • 'There were some casual- ties. EXETER MARKETS. rY WedneedaY) 01 to 45 . .. . ..1.85 to 2.09 . ....55 to 14) 27 to 30 (Chet/aged eve "the.a t per bushoi...,.. Flour iper Owt,..,.,... . . .. . .. . Oats Peas ,Dietter 55 to 68 '118o12 Potatoes per bag ...,.... . . . 40 Flay per ton....-.., . ... . ..-- ......,..... ,....„7.30 to SA Dried Applee per Iti J lfurke,ys.... ..... , .... .... . . ...,, 8 to 8 Cliielten, • ----- . 5e lb Dunks , . , , Geese. . ... ..,..,...._.. ... .... .. . . ....,..,... Dorn,. , 40 to 15 rinletliy 1 2109 1 50 Clover .450 to 525 BOERS AROIJND PRETOCJA. On Thursday There 'Were 10.000 Men Sur- rounding the Capital. Lorenzo Marquez, June 2.—Presi- dent Kruger yesterday was still at Machadeciorp (about half way be- tween the Transvaal capital and Dela- goa ,Bay). Boer commandos totaling about 10,000 men held, Thursday, all the positions and bills around' Pre- toria. Telegraphic • communication -with the Transvaal is closed to the public. The object of the trip here of - Frichie Riot, President Kruger's son- in-law, and Er. Heyman, the Presi- dent's physician, appears to have been ,to place a large :amount of • ,gold in ',Safety. The Boers Are `surrounfied. Maseru, Basutoland, May 3L—Gen. Brabant has practically surrounded the Boers five miles outside of Ficks- burg. The only side open for the Boers' retreat is the Basutoland bor- der, where thousands of Basutos un- ed,‘eeraCtsh.ief Jonathan are awaiting' The British Flag Now ..3'ioats Over Government nuildipcs. London, .Tune 4. —The War Office has received the following reports from General .Lord Roberts: Johannesburg, May 31.—Despatched at 8.30 a.m. June,I. — The occupa- tion of Johannesburg passed off quite satisfactorily, thanks to the ex- cellent arrangements made by Dr. Krause, the Transvaal commandant here, and order prevailed throughout the 't,own. Dr. Krause met me on my entrance to Johannesburg, and rod -a by my side to the Government offices, 'where he introduced me to the heads of the .sevcral departments, all of whom acceded to my request that they would continue "to parry on their respective duties until they could be relieved of them. Johannesburg • is very empty, but a good crowd of people had assembled in 'the,' main square by' the time the British flag was being hoisted. A royal salute was fired, and three „cheers for the Queen were given. At the end of the ceremony the eleventh and seventh di- visions marched past with the naval brigade, the heavy artillery and two brigade divisions of the Royal Field Artillery. Gen. Hamilton'column and 'the cavalry division and mounted Infantry were too far away to take part in the ceremony. The troops looked very -workmanlike and evident- ly took keen interest in the pro- ceedings. The 14th and Wit vell's Bri.- "gacle have been left ±11 Johannesburg to preserve order, while tbc'rernain- 'Jer of the force le encamped north of the town on the Pretoria road. French :Was Opliosed. Johannesburg:. May — (0.40 a. in.) -- French's report of his op- erations clurinQ; 23 and 29 reach- ed me at 3 a.m. to -day. Tie was op- posed throughout his timrch. , but managed to drive off the enemy froin the sir ong positiens they esn cceesively held With very little lose; otits is noTY TRIED TO BLOW UP MINES. Grenadier Guards Lost liteavily. Maseru, Basutoland, June 2.—The Grenadier Guards were the heaviest sufferers during Gen. Rem dle's fight- ing. They lost 80 men killed and had 88 men wounded. Now Story of the Irig,ht. Cape Town, Thursday, May 31. -- Last Tuesday Gen. Sir Charles War- ren, the Governor of Grisqualancl West, with 700 men, occupied a strong defensive position at Faber Spruit near Douglas. At dawn on Wednesday 1,000 rebels surrounded and fiercely attacked his force after stampeding the horses. The Britist quickly concentrated and repulsed the rebels. A sinall party that was hold- ing a garden continued to fight ten- aciously and only evacuated the po- sition when the Volunteer Rifles started a charge. Rundle Drove Off Boers. ' Winburg, May 31. --- After consid- erable -fighting the Boers, with two guns and several Maxim-Nordentelt guns, are making a plucky stand 8 miles east of Senekel. Gen. Rundle has succeeded in driving off the Fecl- erals, thus permitting, unopposed, the reoccupation of Lindley, • .Jude Hook Has Been Arrested on a Charge of Ineendiarism. Johannesburg, May 30, by despatch rider to Pretoria and via Lorenzo Marquez, June 2, 1.30 p.m.—Judge Koehn who attempted to blow up the i -nines yesterday, was arrested by Special Commandant Dr. Krause. He was placed in jail on the (Marge of in cendiarism ONE CANADIAN KILLED, 8 WOUNDED ka the vprismg at Douglas by the Gape Colony Dutch Rebels. Ottawa, June 4. — Col, Aylmer, re- ceived Saturday morning a cable from Major Ogilvie, commanding "E" special sarvice battery, dated Doug- las, June 2, reporting the fellowitig as killedand wounded in a night attack on I'abre's Farm: Killed—No, 482, Bombardier (Cor- poral in nominal roil) W. I_,Eitiiner, 1.5th SheiTord, Itailibec Field Battery. Wounded—No. 408, Corp, II. 11, Brown, severely, No. 420, tombadier 3. MeAskill, '�Y' Brit tory'Ie'ings ton severely-. No. 411, Dri\-er J. Kane, slightly. No. 445, G. H. Ross, -33" Battery, No, 529, gunner H, 13. Taite, slightly. No 531, Gunner CI, Wollerd, 18th Field Battery, Winnipeg, slighLly, No, -125, G. F. Fletcher, 131igis,riol:t1;c',17:01, C. Jackson, Pictou C0t1r- risen Art'illery, You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver obi! with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea- tures. It is cod-liver oil, the 'purest and the best in the world, but made so palata- ble that almost everybody can, take it. Nearly all children like it and ask for morel SeryTr'S • EMULSION . looks like cream; it nour- ishes the wasted body of 'the baby, child F.,r adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It bears about the same rela- tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any *experience with other so-called “just as good" preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypophosphites that are , combined with the cod.liver oil give additional value to it because they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole body. soc.and Sr oo, all druggists. SCOTT 8c.BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. Clinton: Elliott Dayment met wit a painful accident on Wednesda week at the factory. As he was wal Mg across the floor he stepped on roller and fell. He put out his righ hand to save hirnself catching th slide of a boring machine and the bi went throuo-hhis hand, me• akinnast wound. STEITEIIIETS. That Command Attentio and Inspire Elope. Pairs Bolero 001111/01111 THE NEVER-DISARPOINTING BANISHER OF SICKNESS AND DISEASE The statement that Paine's Cele Compound builds up sickly, weak a rundown people, is true in every pa tieular. It is also true that Pain Celery Compound is the only medici in the world that can successful grapple with obstinate and long-stan ing cases of disease and give to suff ers active limbs, pure blood, de complexion, healthy appetite a perfect digestion. Scores of able a reliable and physicians, promine druggists, legislators, nierehants a leaders in society Call bear testizno to the wonderful cures wrought Paine's Celery Compound during t past spring months. Such facts and statements shou be sufficient to convince all doubti end despondent sufferers, and inspi them with a determination to test t world's great health -giver. Mr. Ch W: Ross, Department of Railwa andl'Oanals,' Ottawa, writes thus: • 'For a long period of time 1 suff er , from the paines and tortures neuralgia, and the effects to my g eral system were so serions and alar ing that my doctor ordered an oce trip. 1 went to England' at consid able expense,' nut Ilsd to return Canada almost as had as when 1 I it. After getting home determin to commence the use of Paine's Cele Compormil as it was strongly reco mended for sterile troublee. After big the medicine for a short time results were -Most pleasing- and gr -Eying. The attacks became less f tient and less severe, and soon the whole trouble was completely banish- ed. T have not experienced a pain or ache -for months. 1 tnlee great plersure in rocomniending Snell a marvellous ;Medic:Me to • all neuralgia Riders. Paine's Celery Compound has aston- ishing virtues and powers, and will certainly overcome any, form, 01 ilepl. g ia DON'T DO NOT RUN ht.rn 711uestion that must interest you.. Nave you your New Suit? If not, drop in and see us at the first opportunity and let 'us shovi- you a few prices of the Fancy', Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have you seen the new Staples and Therringbone pattern:, They ape beauties, 4 bio• range a,Blues and_ Black, Irish •• Serges at the old prices. If you want a black we have what you want in Twills, Venetians and • Clays. • OVERCOATS • Overcoats ha Bea,vers, Melbons, Curls, Naps and Montanacts. All work done in the latest style and fit guaranteed. F{. GRIEVE • Opp ite Post Office Exeter----ir • ROLLE• R PA ILLS. ,"."...."- ..... ......... .... ... • ALWAYS READY. Flour, Mill Feed and Corn con- stantly kept in stock. STAR FLOUR Reduced to $1.80. • J. COBBLEDICK & SON. II G111111110 . . . Yes, we have just received another carload of furniture, which whea added. to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, most hand- some and cheapest things on the market. a r - 16 THE STOOK . . . We have the Stock—you have the money—we want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in and see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We have, the largest and best assort3d stock in town. R. It ROIIVE FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRES.ED TONGUE, • CORNED BEEF; SALT. • FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS/ 7 Call at d r- The Family Butcher Shop. , s se One door North of ELTickard's store. ly a- LOUIS DAY r- Proprietor, ix id td nt SMITH'S id lY Repair Shope ,y ae kl. Now is the time to get your wheel Re lg paired, Cleaned or Enameled. re he RED BIRD. Ls. We have a large stock of Brantforc Ys Red Birds on hand, the best Bicy ole on the market, which we sell a nr.- right prices. of SUNDRIES n- We have in stack, Bicycle Sundries an tires, cements, oils, etc. '1.". LAWN MOWERS, HORSE CLIPPER° to ' qt, We sharpen Lawn Mowers, BOrse clit ed pers, scissors, Razors, ICtives, et( rY EVERYTHING REPAIRED, ca, is- I. SMITH he HIS HEAD CUT OFF. Blyth, 111110 To0110 body of an tIllk,110WIA young RUM WnS found on the railroad frock near here with, his head completely severed from h'S body. Tbe head WRS f,011I1C1 Redl.q.y 01'00-021.1dI6eI"S Of a mile farther down i -,he track, It is supposed he Cell from . a ,eireus tram, which passed through, hero Ilst, night en' route tO IcinCardinu frO:f1