HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-7, Page 1TJIIRTEENTH
YEAR. -670.
JUNE 7, 1900u1
E have just received a large sliiioinent of Ladies'
White Lawn Blouses, lin9
en Collars and cuffs 59c.
misses and
50 doz. pair Ladies' Summer Corsets. A good net Corset, 2 bone strip,
5 hook clasp, 2 side steel, perfect fit. All sizes, color white. A snap at
50 doz. pair Men's Braces, These are going out rapidly, and now no
wonder, as this lot consists of 25c,, 20c. and 15c. lines bought very
cheap. To loe cleared at 8c,
35 doz. pair Linen Mich Towel's, plain top ends. A splendid towel
for 20c. Will be cleared at the extremely low price of 14 cents a
We will continue the sale of Misses and Children's Cotton Hose ,..:,,uar-
anteecl stainless. All sizes still left Take advantage of this offer be
they are all gone. 5c.
Buy PLYMOUTH and get your MONEY'S worth.
East Tothan, Hall's Westbury, Carters Elephant, Yellow
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
owest rates of interest,
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
&unwell's 73look Exeter
Notice is hereby given that I will not be
(011n3Vponsib1e for anydebtsincurred ,othor,
;than contracted by_nlif
Wm. COTTRILL, Centralia
Su1e Regt
jUNE • OTIL—Dairv. COWS. -10
"Ciros with calves. at foot and 9 cpws due to
calve,the property of SturgeonW. Campbell.
Sale on the Old market grounds, Exeter, at
one o'clock p.m. Thos. Cameron, smct.
TIDIRSDAY,TUNE 14.—Eight acres of land
,. in the Village ofExeter, the property ,of Ed.
Gill; being part of Lot 21. Sale at 2 o'clock.
For particulars apply to John Gill Auction-
The 100 acre farm, situated in the town -
Shp of McGillivray, being Lot 4. concession
3, is offered for rent. For further particu-
lars apply to Mrs. Henry Miller, on the pre -
Mises, or to Centralia P.O.
Men wantedat once for No. 0 Co., 33rd
Batt., Huron Infantry., (Exeter pompanie)
Age between 18 itrid. '.15 years'height mini-
mum, 5 feet 6 inches, chest' ro,easurement
minimum, 91 inches. Pay 80c pax, day. Ap-
ply at once toLieut'. Davi: or. .13;eyd,Exister.
Thosts intend joining will pleaeo ds
o o at
'On cc. ' ,
No. Co., 33rd. Batt:
McKilloin_ On Frida y last, the grim
messenger death entered the home' of
Mr. James Mann, Ilth concession, and)
took away his second son, William.
For a year past he had been suffering
with consumption and although every-
thing possible was clone to stop the
l'aVageS of the disease, they proved
ineffectual, and he passed away AS
Stal ed above, The deceased was just
in the first blush of Manhood, being
only 2.3 years of age.
SEALEO TENDERS 'addressed to the under-
signed and endorsed "Tender for Close Riling.
Owen Sound, Grey,. Ont.," will be received at this
office -anti] Friday, 15th day of June, 1900, for the
construction of close piling'at Owen Sound,County 6f
Grey, Ontario, according to a plan and in specification
to be seen at the office of H. A. Gray, Esq., Resident
Engineer, 'Confederation Life Building, Toronto,
Ont., on application to the Custom House Officer at
Owen Sound, Ont., and at the Department or
Public Works, Ottawa.
Tenders will not be considered unless made on the
form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures
of to,tiqrs.
'A'nRailed bank cheque, payable to the order of
the Minis of Public Works, for three thousand
dollars 03,000.'00), must accompany each tender.
The cheque will fie forfeited if the party, decline the
contract or fail to complete thework contracted for,
and will be returned in case of non-aceeptance of
The Department does not bind itself to accept the
lowest Of any tender.
By Order
Acting Secretary.
Departinent'of Public Works,
• Ottawa, May 23rd, 1900. f
Newspapers inserting this advertisement without
authority, from the Department, will not be paid for
To the value of Englisli Stock Food:
This is to. certify that I have used
English:Stock Food for young calves.
The calves have clone r.eina,rkably well
under its use, I think it a most excel.
lent food for young calves especially
whenthey are ted on,separated
Hensall: Mr...Tames Murray of this
place, has solcl his fa,rni tO Mr, Albert
Bell, son of the late Robert Bell, who
has already taken possession, This
farm is the, last one on the London
Road in the township of Tuckersmitin
It is one of the beSt m the county.
SBALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned
and endorsed "Tender for 'Meaford Harbour
'Works," will be received at this office until Wednes-
day, 130h June, 1900, for the construction of 'close
pile work, an extention to the breakwater, removal
ofold pier and dredging, at Meaford, flaunty of
any, Ontario, according to a plan and specification
to be seen at the office Of H. A. Gray, Esq., Engineer
in charge harbour works, Ontario., Confederation
LifeBuilding, Toronto; on application to the Post-
master of Mealord, and at the Department of Public
Works, Ottawa.
Tenders will, not be considered unless made on
the form' supplied and signed With the actual 'sig-
natures of tenderers.
An accepted bank cheque, payable to the order
of the Minister of Public Works, for seven thou.
sand dollars 07,000.00), must, accompany each
tender. The cheque will be forfeited if the party
decline the contract for fail to eomplete the work
contracted for,, and will be returned in. case of
non-acceptance of tender..
The Department does not bind itself to accept
the lowest or any tender.
' By Order,JOS, t. ROY
Department of Pulilio Works, ) Acting StcretarY'
Ottawa, May 290h, 1000. f
Newspapers inserting this advertisement without
authority from the Department will not be paid for
If you is your Repairing well done
go to R. .Eie:Ks—Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry a specialty.
, ,
Marriage Licenses iSsueclancl Wed-
dingItings a,lways on hand.
FiL/1$01.1'S 13100k, Exeter
Kirkton: The laying of the corner
stone of the new St. Paul's Church,
and the semi-annual meeting of the
Rural Deanery of Perth,will take place
here- to -day, (Thursday.) The Deanery
ineeting will 000v000 at 10 a.m., and
tire eorner-stone ceremony, at, which
the Bishop of Huron will officiate, will
take place at 3 p.m.
A young man named NVilliam Bell
W00 drowned in Lake Winnipeg while
SCHOOL REPORT.—The monthly re-
port for S. S. No. 2, for the month
of 1Viray is as follows. Names aro in
order of 1(101 it, 1V, II, T. Johns-
ton, Northcott, Gertie Harvey;
Sun IV, Daisy Dilling, Cora Munn,
Luella Morin; Sen. 111, W, J. Russell,
A. W. Johnston, Ethel [Sarver Jr.
III, Mary 3 :this' 011. W. ,T, Go uld, A.
Cat WTI; Second, Edgar frfunn; Sr.
Second Pt,, Ballentyne, NV, North-
cott, Carrie Northeott; Jr. Second Pt.,
Chester Harvey, A. 111cfrialion, 13.
Melick; First Part, Violet Dining, R.
Wildfong, B. Munn, The best in the
thly spelling matches Were:—$1=,
IV, Freeborn Johnston; Jr. EV, Cora
Mo :m; SP. I if, A. W. Johnston; .1r.
TIT, Mary Johnston; Sr. II Pt., Willie
Northcott; Jr, II Pt., Chesterl-Lirvey;
Pt. I, Violet Dining.
St. Joseph
Mrs. Cooper'of New York, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Treffry, who is at
present vei.y ill, --Several from these
parts attended Lemen Brothers Circus
at Exeter on Fridity last, while a num-
ber more iittended it at, Goderich on
Satorday.---Mr. David Wilson has had
the misfortune to lose a very valuable
mare on Friday. Mr. Wilson has been
very unfoitunate lately, li;rving had
another valinible becist crippled for
life last winter while engaged in haul-
ing wood to the brickyard. ---Miss Kate
Byrock, who has been in Detroit for
some time with her sister, has return-
ed hoine.—The congregation of the
Methodist church are doir,g some ex-
tensive 1.Lp 1.11 irig both in and outside
of the building. This is a step in the
right direction zind Will be such appre-
ciated bv both pastor and congrega-
tion.—Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Crien were
visiting their son at Zurich on Sun-
D. HAY, Cromarty, Commiseioner and
Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest.
(Too late for last week.)
As announced previously the council
and other parties in a drain out -let
met opposite Mr. Thomas (,ameron's a
short time ago to an differences,
but as no agreement was arrived at
the engineer is to be called on to de-
cide. It appears a waste of time and
money to take such a course.—We are
glad to see that Mr. John Pollen our
old mail carrier, who has been very
poorly few some time, is convalescent
and hope to see his ,genial countenance
once more in her Majesty's service.—
Miss Laura McNicol who has been in
Stratford for some time, spent a few
days lately at the home of her parents
here. —Mrs. J ohn Hewitt, who spent the
-winter ‘vith her sister, Mrs. Scott, of
Blyth, is home here again and is look
ugremiirk:ibly well.—Miss Agnes
Ann Hay, who is attending the St.
Marys Collegiate, passed through here
one day last week on her way home to
visit her parents at, Cromarty.
(To late for last week.)
The court of Revision for the pur-
pose of hearing appeals against the
assessment and correcting the voters
list was held in the Town Hall, Staffa,
on Monday last and although there
were only two appeals against the as-
sessment, yet there are many others
who express themselves as dissatisfied.
—Mr. James Hislop, our postmaster
and merchant, among others,atthnded.
the ceremony in connection with the
laying of the corner stone of the new
Roman Catholic Church at Dublin on
Sunday last.—Mr. Farncombe, civil
engineer, London, is making a survey
this week under the Drainage Act,
east of the centre road, on the 12th
and 13th concession of the big ditch
that runs into Whyte's creek. The
contract for this work, will cost, it is
thought, considerble over $1000 and
will give employment to our ditchers
for some time.—Messrs. Daniel and
Peter Stewart, of Hensall, spent the
24th in Glenquaich among the scenes
of their youth visiting friends and re-
newingacquaintances. It is over 12
years since they were residents in this
part.—We regret to learn that Mr.
Robert Varley, of Chiselhorst, who
had been visiting at Mr. Thomas Hog-
gath's a short time ago has had a sev-
ere attack of pleuirsy shortly after re-
turning home. We understand he is
improving.—Mr. Peter Skaiey, and
family, of Dixie, have leased Mr. Geo.
Wren's vacant house, on the 121h con.
and moved in a short time ago.—Mr.
Alexander McLachlan had the misfor-
tune to lose a valuable horse last week.
It had been grazing in the bush and it
trampled on one end of a stick and
the other end ran up into its abdomen
and killed itr—Messrs. Geo. NVilson
and A. McLachlan had their barns
moved and raised last week and are
now ready for the erection of the walls
underneath them.
MED.—Another of our early:settlers
passed away from this life to the
bourne from whence there is no re-
turn, in the person of Mrs. Thomas
Laing, at the age of 69 years, on Wed-
nesday, May 2:3rd. Deceased, though
never very rugged, was in about her
usual state of health and had lain
down to rest herself for a little when
a visitor came in, then she got up and
expired a very few minutes afterwards
owing to weakness of the heart. She
Was quiet, inoffensive W011lan, ifl
every way attached to her home, She
was 0 consistent member of the Pres-
byterian church here and a faithful
and devoted wife, a kind, loving ;aid
affectionate mother. She leaves be-
hind her aged partener in life, three
daughters, Mrs. Andrew Hodgert,Mrs.
James Scott, Mrs, Neil Gillespie and
two sons JaIlleS and John. The high
esteem in which she was held and the
deep sympathy for the bereaved was
shown by the large number that, fol-
lowed her remains to the Cromarty
cemetery here on Friday afternoon.
Children Cry forCASTOR
SCHOOL REPORTS—The foliowing is a
correct report of S.S. No. 5, for the
month of May. Report is based on
work and attenclanee of pupils. Names
are in order of merit. V--Ettle (iough-
1151. Coughlin. Sr. IV.—Oorti
Short, Sosephine Coughlin, Willie
Lewis, Tommy Lightfoot, May Me-
Grory, Lily 1_,1g1s1foot, I-Iarry LewiS,
III.—Pearl Short, Erwin Scott, Sennet
111:kgflire, Ltwis, Gladys Short.
Sr. —Allie 'Wilson, Arnold 00 ugh -
lin, Lottie Welsh. Jr, 'T.—Ad:am
Coughlin, Adeline Hoffman, friable
Lightfoot, Rayniond Coughlin. Part
IL—Clara Lewis, Fred LelVis, Edward
Jones, ("Mester Morley, Erin ScOtt,
Eliza Hudgins, 1.---Wi1lie .,Magnire,
May Faulder, Allie Lightfoot, Ella
Hudgins, Violet Short, Christine ffoff-
man, Ettie Welsh. No, on roll 39,
average attendance 86.
J. Tr LANE, Teacher.
The follotving is a, correct report of
S.S. No. 1, for May. Names 010 111 or-
der of merit. Sr. IV.—Ray Cobleigh,
Charlie Miller, Patrick Maxim Jr.
IV. --Ada Neil, Libbie James
Glavin. Jr. IIT.—Mona, O'R,eily, Clara
Grlavin, Irene Cobleigh, Edwin Miller,
Martha Lewis, Fred T.Jecky, JdeLecky.
Charlie Lecky. Sr. IL—Willie Miller,
Lance Cobleigh, Lucy Cotter. Jr. II.
Murray Neil, Cecil O'Reilly, Mabel
Miller. Sr. Part II.—Torn O'Reilly,
Harrison Lynham, Jr. Pt. II. —Gar-
net, Flynn, Andrew Flynn. Sr. Pt. I.
Edna Lewis. Jr. Pr. I. ---May O'Reilly,
Violet Miller Harry Neil Leo Thomp-
son, Harold Miller, Willie Thompson,
Gordon Flynn. Members of honor roll
for May, Charlie frillier, Ray Cobleigh,
Lucy Cotter.
IVI. ELSTON, Teacher.
scHooL REPORTS.—The following is
a correct report of S.S. No. 3 for the
-month of May. Names are in order
of merit. V.—Eddie Beaver, Daniel
SanderS.Sr. IV.—Iva Box, Herbie
Beaver, Homer Bagshaw, Laura Jory,
Chas. Sanders, Asa Penhale. Sr.
Roy Parsons, Viola Penhale, Clara
Beaver, Hattie Willis. Int. Jr. 111.—
Minnie Sanders, Jennie Sanders, Willie
Triebner. Jr. III.—Eddie NVillis, Liz-
zie Sanders, Mitchell Willis, Edith
Parsons, Herbie Dearing, Herbie Bea-
ver. Sr. IL—Earl Box, Harry Parsons,
Violet Woods, Alfred Wuerth, Samuel
Hicks. Sr. IL—Tom. Sanders, Gladys
Bissett, Harry Triebner, Annie Hicks,
Ralph Willis. Sr. Pt. IL—Fred Bea-
ver, Cecelia Ford. Int. Pt. IL—Vin-
nie Cookson, Lillie Woods, Sam. Stan -
lake. Jr. Pt. IL—Victor Sweet, Hilda
Preszcator, Tommy Penhale, Earl
Parsons, May Sanders. No. on roil 55,
average 47. Parents will kindly pro-
vide pupils witit notes in case of ab-
sence and oblige,
T. D. HooPER, Teacher.
The following is a correct report of
S.S. No. 2. for the month of May. No.
of roll 32 average attendance 26. Sr.
Essery, Garnet Hill, Cora
Lamport, Siloma Hirtzel, Delphie Es-
sery, Louisa Flanagan, Vern Essery.
Jr. IV.---Gleetis Rill, Bristol Essery,
Isaac Sims. Sr. III.—Louisa Sims.
Sr. II.—Roy Sims, Lora Sims, Nora
ShilS, Roy Hill, Ethel Lamport, Joseph
Edwards. Jr. IL—Chester Shns,
Hodgins, Joseph White, Lnalla
Stahl, Gertie Essery. Sr. Pt. II.—John
White, Evert Sims, William Sims,
Mary Chambers. Jr. Pt. II. —Clayton
Sims. Pt. L—Ethel Sims, Olive King,
Beryl Hill, Matilda Edwards.
C. L. ItTAGGITH, Teacher.
Zurich Civie Holiday 41 be held on
the 13th inst. All the h, siness places
will be closed so the peecle will govern
themselves accordinoic—His Lord-
ship Bishop MacAvey, of London, ad-
ministered the sacrament of confirma-
tion to twenty three chilcIren.—Mr.
Kibler and Miss Lydia Faust are at
present attending the Methodist Con'
ference held :it St. Marys.—Rev. Fath-
er Valentine is having his residence
improved.—Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall,
has his old tent on the grounds again
and intends staying for a few weeks.—
The Z.P.S. will hold their annual pic-
nic on 13th inst, to give every one an
opportunity to attend same.
(Too late for last week.)
The 241h of May left the town with
a Small population. Considerable noise
was procluced hi the morning by the
boys: They began firing off the an-
vils and. fire crackers about four o'clock
in the morning. Some of the niore
sober characters thooght it was carry-
ing it a step too far, but our gracious
Queen may not live to see another
24th, so why not give vent to your
feelings for one so dear.—Mr. J. S.
Merner succeeded in getting 2nd place
in the 2:30 class in Exeter; Old Goldust
taking the lst money. The races were
a decided failure, only two classes be-
ing filled. --The teachers and pupils of
the Zurich public school Will hold their
annual picnic at Grand Bend OD June
13th, All are cordially invited to at-
tend. A fine program of games and
other sports will be given on the
grounds.—The telephone line connec-
ting Zurich with the outside towns
will be,completed in a few days and it
is hoped will greatly increase its trade.
—Miss G. A. Dempsey visited her
home on 24th.—The teachers of Z.P.S,
attended the Convention held at God-
erich, 2.5th ancl 26th. The meeting was
well attended and proved very inter-
esting and instructive.—Messts Middle-
holtz & Co. are supplying the town and
country with fresh lish.—Mr. Charles
Greb will soon have to enlarge his al-
ready spacious hotel.—At the last
meeting of the Zurieh Police trustees
they passed A motion to the effect that
Snne 13 would loe Zurich Civic Holiday.
All the business places will be closed,
The great event of the season the
Zuricla public School picnib will be held
on that, day so ts to give ever one an
opportunity of attending same.
Children Cry for
Grand Bend
BOAT6 TO 1{1.1)E.-•-TIle undersigned wishes
to state that he has increased hiS stook of
boats to fifteen and IS 1,00 in a better Posi-
tion to meet the demands of Om pnblio,
Boats supplied, to visitors for either lake or
river ki verY 10W rates. Boats rented to
vateindiyidmals by season or week- Fishing
tackle always on hand at the Leaelt. Mall
or 1. 10115 orders promrtly attended to.
Ede n
'We WT1'0 favored w-rtli a heavy rain
Oh Priddy, Itywas rntich needed.—A.
large iron:her from here attended tile
circus in Exeter on Jnne
Edith Boswell is visiting in Exeter,
the guest of her cousin, Miss Polly
Fieber.--Miss 1)1. .MeDorn,.raid 1.nti. Miss
McLean, 01 Cromarty, were the guests
of 'Miss Jessie LlIXt01.1 On Sllnday,--
Miss Harmer, of Russeldale, was vis-
iting hex. aunt, Airs. Sohn Harnier an
Sunday. -111r. Harr.noll, of Exeter, will
preach next Sunday, while our pastor_
Mr. Salton, is attending conference
at St. Marys.—.A. young gentleman at-
tends Exeter very regularly Sunday
evenings. Soule attraction.—Mr. Asa
and GilbertWilliams were the guests
of the Misses Rook on Sunday.
John, the little son of Mr. Geo.
Easson, underwent a surgical opera-
tion on Friday last, the trouble being
a healed ear.. Dr. Rollins, of Exeter.,
and Dr. Furguson, of Kirkton, per-
formed the operation. The little fel-
low is doing as well as can be expected.
—A large number from here took in
Ike circt is at Exeter. on Frida,y.--What
might have resulted in a serious run-
away took place on Sunday, It seenis
Sohn Richardson and his sister's three
little boys were out, driving when Mr.
Richardson got out of the rig to re-
lieve a pig that had beemne caught in
the fence and while doing so the team
started off. Luckily, however, one of
the little boys had the presence of
mind to grab the lines and with con-
siderable difficulty brought them to a '
standstill.—Mr. Franklin Delbriclge
was home on Suoday.--Some of our
young people took in the, garclenparty
at Kirkton on Monday. Sunshine is
to have one on the 15th. Loolcout for -
a good time. Kirkton band is to be
there.—Mr. Harry Easson, Stratford,
accompanied, by his wife visited his
brother Geo. on Sonday.—Mr. Alles-
ton and sister were the guests of the
Misses. Turnbull on Suuday.—Mrs C.
Prout, who has been under the doc-
tor's care, is able to be aroond again.
COUNCIL,—Council met as Court of
Revision of AsSessmeut Roll for 1900,
on June 2. All present. There were
no appeals, so the Roll was carefully
examined, a few clerg-ical' errors cor-
rected and Court closed.—Counail met
for business at. One o'clock. The As-
sesSors Boll, as revised, was accepted
and the Assessor paid his salary. The
contract to build 4 Portland Cement
concrete arched culverts was let to
Mr. A, E. I-Iodgert zit $54 each. Con-
tractor to do all ordinary .excavating
and filling and complete the work by
July ist. Orders were granted in pay-
ment of accuents amotuating to $191 -
60. Next meeting of Council Satur-
day, July 7111, at one o'clock.
F. NOR LET; Clerk.
Salmon REPoRzs.--The following is
the report of S.S. No. 4, for the month
of May. The names are in order of
merit. Sr. IV.--Erilie Doswell. Jr.
IV.—Lettie Rook, Hattie Handford,
Bertha Quinton, Maggie Quin ten, War- •
ren Hunter, Willie `Smith, Frank Hun-.
ter, Ada Kerslake. Sr. T11.--,Toininie
Hunter, TornmY Quinton, Roy Loxton
Mid dle I TI. —Derti e Luxton, Lydia.
Handford, Blanche Smith, Ethel AVal-
ker, Vera Essery. Tr.III.—Percy Cave
Wesley 'Webber, Sarah Davis. II.—
Lila Boswell, Ernie Hicks, Alice Davis,
Nellie Rook, Hazel Snell, Lizzie Davi-
son. Sr. Pt. II.—Pearl Bissett, Noble
Bissett, Richie Hicks, Frank Hand-
ford, Emily Cornish, Ernie Luxton,
Alma May, 'Willie Belbeck. Jr. Pt,
TT.—Frank Rook, Velma Webber, May
R. ID, Bus wenn, Teacher.
The following is the report' of the
standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 6,
for the month of May. V.—Dora Del -
bridge, Ethel Godbolt. Sr. IV.—TOria,
Miners, Alice Berryhill, May Hawkins.
Jr, IV.—Mabel Sawyer, Bert Fletcher,
Charlie Godbolt. Jr. III. --May Jones
Cecil Carnal, May Delbridge. Jr.
Nelson Coultis, 'Flossie Francis, Olive
Berryhill, Ella, Berryhill. Sr. II.—
Geo. Coward, Victor Sawyer, Clarence
Fletcher. jr. IL—Alinena Heywood,
Willie Elford, Edwin Coward. Sr.
Pt. IL—Everett Skinner, Gorden Wad-
dell, Wellington Skinner. Jr. Part IL
May Cooper, Nella, Heywood, Laura
Woods. Sr. Part I.—Alma Johns,
Virda, Berryhill, Lailra, Godbolt.
E. E. HALLS, Teaehers.
Seven Years In Bed,
-Will wonders every ce0se?"-inquire
the friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of Law-
rence Kan. ,They knew she had been
nna,bie to leave her bed in seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general de-
bility; but, "Three bottles df Electric '
Bitters enabled me. tn„tvalk." she writes
" and hi three months I felt like a new
person," Women suffering from head-
ache, Backache, NervousneSs, Sleep-
lessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzyspells will find it a i_iviceless bless-
ing., Try it. SatisfactiOn is goaran-
teed. Only 50c. at all Drug stores.
WALROND.-4n Stephen,. on June 2hcl,
Geo. Walrorid, aged. 85 `years, and 2
pElEtING—in Stephen, on Tune 4th,
the wife of W. If. Dearing, or a, son.
Hioxe—In Centralia, on June 2nd,
the wife of Andrew Hicks, of A,