HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-5-31, Page 5THE gxtter Ts 'no It.a.'sroletl.r.Axaz No re tractions barged or >lag PRINTING 'ad rs,Sre.for e made !eeth ad ide _.-.......... DR.D. .sity of 511 iver )entral ••••••••••,.....raresi.Mis.1110=1/.. • buorate, published every Thursday Morning, at tb,e 01Rye, MAIN -STREET -- ExETER the- and for ,to R. any tr ky • a 1 -By ADVOGATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SID3SCRIPTI0N, Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 811.50 if not so paid, ticaaa. ---- paper disco ntinued until all arra rage paid, Advertisements Without syetaifie will be published till forbid accordingly. Liberal dieconnt made transeient advertisements inserted -periods. Every description of JOB turned. out in the finest style, at moderate rates, Cheques, money ord.. advertising I subscriptions ,etc payable to ' Oha$.11. SaliderS, EDITOR /tan PROP ...,--• ...., krofessional Cards. , H. RINSM.A.N, L. D, S. & DR. A. KINSMAN, L. L. S. D. D. S,,Iionor graduate of 'Toronto University, DENTISTS. extracted without any pain, or effects. Offige in Panson's Block, west Main Street,Exeter. -,..........-...----.----...- ALTOIN.T honors Graduate and Royal College Ontario. Teeth modes of Dentistry Elliot at Elliot's Ito tel --Exeter. ,(.D.S.,L,D.S,,) ANDERSON1) of the Toronto Uxii- of Dental Surgeons extracted withoutpain. up to date. Office law office -opposite ' ledleal ----. OF Da.T.P, 151oLAUGHLIN, MEMBER the College of Physicians and Surgeons )ntario . Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- mr. Office Dashwood., Ont. Lpr.ni. TAICICSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, 1., Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Clonamissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan a€5 and 51,4 per .3,ent.• Office Panson's Block, Main St., Exeter. CA member of the firm will be at Elensall on Thursday of eitah week.) C. R, CARLING,B. A.L. H. DICKSON, trt W. GLADMAN. (successor to Elliot 5s • Gladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. Auctioneers • 0 5 , EIBOSSEN)3ERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed ., Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and. Charges moder- ate. ()viers by mail will, receive every at- tention. AWLicensed &net- es of Perth and bliddlesex, also for the township ofUsborne gales promptly attended to and, terms res.- sonbale,Sales arranged at Post office, Win. ahelsea. '"—CM•1••••••11.1••••••••••10.10011% largest and best stock in town. • ROWE Insurance. SMITH'S Repair e Now is the time ed paired, Cleaned rs- id RED IIIIIRD. ,m We have it large ve Red Birds ole on the rn right prides. in SUNDRIES .3,i." We have in stock, tires, cements, ry La...1vN MOWER, 7,9: We sharpen Lawn 3-' pets, scissors, lee EVERYTHING l'oe •i• ..• ELLIOT, - Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter .. alicAr-Ifir:Ac airkaticaDir-AcAla rx, It . IT PFS ,i. 4 To read the.. big steres' a A vertiseinents...... 1 „ s 2, '' 1 i A II 4which 4right -, 5 STOP! LI-11Ni( ! For whose -good are we in the furniture business? For yours and. ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you. want at the prices you want or We can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing• business right along for years, proves that we are the kind. of people with the • right prices. Coine and see for yourself.. 11 c ( , 1 6 p• i 6 "- ft , Furniture. 1,.• Undertaking, HOUSE 13LOCK. '15,4 pi .OPERA -nor -Nr- ATsr• •iir 111F 'fir ''Sr-'5,--Isir - Paid ,Rest y. fthr %"6 ',MN -- OpengiVery pah; A. Deposit, DICKSON •- . cured the stitute, The Molsons Bank. - (CharteredbyParliament,1855.) up Capital.-- , .....$2,500,000. Fund...................1,025,000 , Head office Montreal. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., , GENERAL MANAGER. Money advaneed to good. Farmers on own notes with one or more endorsers per cent. per annum. --EXETER'• BRANCH-- lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 Saturdays1.0 a.m. to 1 p.m, general banking business transacted. •CURRENT RATES allowed for money on liecei pts. Savings Bank at V,. &I. CABLINGI, N,i).'Nuuuozz; Solicitors. Manager. TO THE DEAF„ -A rich lady, of her Deafness and Noises in Head by D. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, has sent $1,000 to his In- so tla.at deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. • Apply to Department A, S. N, The Institute, "Longcott,” Gunnersbury, London, W„ England reitZ!tAbinfitAlAVVOitlet/ei ALWAYSliP oA trN `.18414.0 .61e: • TailE:all n, 5.4152D OV PPM Oil AL"Nt,'. "Marne:ea on 'Ertara5.1A' ThdTFACH4,4ILLF.F.1JJ2,101 Li EVE." LOOK' GUT' OR MITATIONS AND SUEiil Vern -tee. THE oeauela BOTTLE BEARS" TH NAME, PERRY DAVI* tif. t'VVR,, 3 -3,P,.7.•AriIa.-14/4,1•PC'',,Y7A/Zia eree.trearee, Pain •back of your ?yes? Heavy pressure In your head? And are you Sometimes faint and dizzy? Is your tongue coated? Bad taste in your mouth? And does your food distress you? Are you nervous and ir- ritable? Do you often have the blues? And are you troubled about sleeping? Thenfp your liver Is vrameeop But there is a cure. 'Tis the old reliable They net direct1,7 on the liver. • They cure constipation, biliousness, sick headache, nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a laxative dose each night. For 60 years years they have been the Standard Family Pills. Trice 25 reels. All Druggists. "1 have taken Ayer's Pins regu- larly for six months. They have cured me of a severe headache, and I can now walk from two to four miles without getting tired or out of breath, something I have not been able to do for many years." S. E. WALWORA, July 15, 1855. Salem, Mass. Write UsDoefor. If you have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice you. can possibly receive, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt re- ply without cost. Address, DR. 3.0. Area, Lowen, mass. HORSEMEN BRITISH —liCCUPY ZEEFIUST What's th.e News? Boer Bniietins volt of Progress 01 Various Army Divisions Pretoria, azonday, May 29. -The Brt Web ocanwied Zeerust this moraing and a large foree is maraling oti Lichtenburg, 4 lAn °Medal bulletin states that tiff erossed the Vaal River Sat. urday. Gen, • Lemtnee had a sever: lat at It lip laiver,i ive of the burghers we're woundei and two were captured. The Britisl were 5,000 strong, y ate order recently issued the 'President decreed 'that Kay 72 and the two followiteg days be observed by the Whole country as clays of praY, er, humiliation arid the oonfessioz of sins, and that petitions 8110111d bE offered for relief from operession, Fighting tooc place at Vanwytrust fifteen 'mtlee south of ,,Tohan•nesburg, with a large force of Britieh, whick •broke through il1p River. STAETLING PROMISES. Pretoria, May 25, by messenger te Lorenzo Marquez, May 28, 6 p.m, -Thu work of adding to and strengthenitiA the defences of the capital is proceed: ing with tremendous speed. Huadreds of prisoners, vvho W0/1 captured during- Tuesday's battle cos* eo Ifindley arrived laere during the nieht. 1 en. Schalkbarger, in an addreies tt the Free State 13,ders on tae Heilbroe road • yesterday, said that ail the burghers who wiehed to surrende: eUalci do so. Of the six thousand tenet present only twelee stepped out ami si nified their de.sire to stop fighting uerilla warfare on a large scale 1,4 imminent in the Free State. - Startling events are looked for deny Your correspondeut is coev•neecl that appalling destruction of property or the Rand has been deeided upon if the EXETER MARKETS4 (Changed every Weduesday) The Tay/etQ,ee •ieoL.1.1 8,,,00 veer. 13.‘41olitiee4tpeprerewbut.3.4„ael. r(ioe.2 destroyed by a 14.1ee„,,,,eiary fir, wed Barley,..„ ........ ....... ... . .... ... 38 to 10 riefidELy `-`• tg• tO. 30 ,boketi, wtta aocide'ntally shot aim Potatoes *per bag .. .... . 55 59 4508 etia ' 'William [Maher:, l'7- years old, Eggs killed by Ilia mother last night. flaY Porton. ' 7.00 to 800 .... . . ... .. . . „„, . , Biltter .11 tO 18 • • 1.)ried A 1 lb •5 re, pp es per •1,Ile annual meeting of the Wes' Turkeys. . ... .. .. .... .. 8 10 Huron Reform. Association will be (Jl'ir 11 .7 at Old Ude Dungannon 1 7 Tae Liberals of efOrie Grey Nvil.' a ' rn ....la-- .... ------------. . ------- 40 00 44 Meet in co.nacntion. at °Wen SotilKI 01 01114Ver......Y-:,.. ll.............2:. ..t::..:..i.,.l::.:::,.t",.....H.,:*t...',,........1":;:....4,44•1•.....'1350twi't:''01.362!5) 'gay .30to nominate a eandidate ,fin the 1Commons. • . The finest private fireworks (Us, 'lig play in. honer of the Queen's Birthday inaToronto waS that. of ,Lee Chang, e • T 011121ese esident. _ - The cutter iles or is tlae la beet 1.),./'‘ iIIinn - bisti yacht to be seld LO Amerioa, which has •already denuded the 65 - foot class anti has now commenced. caiditig the fast etaisers. The Queen's Birthday honor list is generally voted, inadequate •in Eng- land. No naval ^oaticer is mentioned amid the host de "unknowns" that gained coveted dietinctiou. In the House of Commons yes'ter,• day Mr. Gerald Balfour, .Chief Secre- tary for Ireland, replying, to an ait- Lack upon the Irish Executive, ex- pressed the opinion th,a t the rise Of 11181 immigration figures was eine to the improved state of trade. Miss Ethel Tuck, daughter of John Tuck, a farmer residing near Water - down, took a dose of carbolic acid Friday and' died shortly afterward. All the circumstanoes in connection with the case point to suicide. De - :eased was about 16 years at age. The last drawing -room of the season was held yesterday at lincleirighaan Palace by the Princess el Wales, in behalf of the Queen. The fine,' bright weather which, prevailed attracted fighting area approaches that, part 01 roat crowds to ivituess the arrivais the Republics. 1 ihe presentatiOns were ,• numerous. T.ITE'Th6i .A13 . NO KuTINr,.. 0,.boaE a hundred einployes of the Prat:el-I ,a May 24, by 'messenger. to LaWreY & 015 Conlkkan7's Work fagn Lorenzo Marquez, •May 28, 6 p. na,..a tory, Hamilton, went Oil strike P-rx- owing to rumors of an intended mut. 3ay against the enaployrrnent of iny among the 13rftasa prisoners con. non-union labor. The firm refused to Fined at Watervat, special preoautions discharge the non-union men at the were taken to prevent a- risine... The request of theand the union, anthe strike s, day passed quietly however. msnibeci• Friends of the prisoners presented A Berlin despatch says :-- Distriet each of them with ten shilling President Von Feldend has been des - through the manager of Natal Bank, patched. by EMseror William on a The men used moat of the money in speeial mission of a family nature to celehro.tenei the Queen's Birthday. Queen Victoria. He is expected to The anniversary of Her Majesty's' return about the middle of next birth for the first time in many year month, when he will make a special was not officially recognized here. report. The Volksstem published an appre- The Lea.d. ciative personal artiole on n the veer- Mayor of London, acting in sympathy with the widely -held leaped that Queeu Victoria, wen crown MCanadian oginion, a.nnounces that thetisi 'ouse fund for atte Ottawa - her distinguished model life by exer- ' flulnifTH rie sufferers will he closed on Mainz the Royal veto to stop the un- heard of sorrows into which both rui- May 31. It has now reached .C50,700. dens engaged in oonflict have been The Duke of Connaught has contri- buted ZI05, " . flits patients in one of 1 A Dublin despatch says: -The Gdy- the local hospitals eight are British srnment has seized to -day's issue of VE MARYPliaAnmgel RUNEKAI i g the officers, They are all doing well. 'Nit-in:1e United Irishman, containing let: Lieutenant of Ireland y a scrt , , ters addressed to tart Cadogan. Lord b bbler. , let - Pal 'Lieut. Vullforci a.rid Lieuts. Pei - able British ruler. ft said • it still eases RACK AUSTIC BALSAM A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin, yeeney, Lameness front any cause, and Sore Throat Horses, and Lump Jaw in Oattte. see Pamphlet, atisfaction guaranteed All:Druggists and general crekeepers keep it. • Prepared by EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE Co., • LONDON, - ONTARIO. UGGIES! BUGGIES! BUGGIES! W. H. Parsons has now in stock a ar-loadof very fine buggies of differ- nt styles and colors, viz:--Jurup Seats, iltadoes, Young Men's Bug,gies,Theee :miter Buggies, Buggies for old eople," and Spindle -box Buggies for usiuess men, Farmers surray etc. etc. Any one wishing a brand new Buggy ill find it te their advantage to call ntl inspect them 'before purchasing lsewhere. Remember the stand, two oars south of Town Hall, Exeter, LAROEST DEALER IN TOWN. W. B. PARSONS. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. -win— —war. or Fresh, good and. the choisest cots of meat, call on the undersigned. While all our cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered. fe parts of the . town. • John Manning Miss Ethel Tank, aged sixteen years committed suicide, at her home, near Waterdown by carbolic acid. "Better late than never." It is best, however, to be never late about taking Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify your blood. Take it now. The grandson of Mr. Alonzo Wat- kins was run down while playing on Teraulay street, Toronto, by a careless driverand very seriously injured. William Hoffirian, an employee at Kuntz's brewery,Hamilton,was severe- ly scalded °Tithe back by boiling beer escaping from it vat that was broken. ham, Creighton, Martin, Crane,Chap- man, Briggs, and Madge are mostlY whose papers had been stopped by eonralesoent After virulent attacks of I the post office officials while in tran- taphold fever,.sit and vvho alleged that the privi- 1 lege accorded to the geldiers- of wear- ing the shi4atirock was merely intend- ed to stimulate recruiting. The writer also denounces the war in South Afriaa. ‘‘ TO (13e or ffiCot to 'Be." That is the question that concerns every mortal: whether it is better to be half nervous, worn out, or to he well, strong, cheerful and useful. The\Cliter condition will be yours if you take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, America's Greatest Blood Medicine, - there is nothing equal to it. After a Cold -"1 was completely run down by ,a cold. My son persuaded me 'to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and after , the use of tab bottles found .1 was getting ari appetite. When .1 had taken three bottles 1 was' cured." 1. P. Vernot, 117 Champlain Street, Montreal; Can. THE DRATIET AT. WORK AGAIN Transvaal Will Be Swept as Was the Free Rite London, May 29, 2" - The tenor of Lord Roberts' despatch of last night and the news from Pretoria tiala morning leads the autfaorities here to expect early further import- ant news from the British command- tonferred upon those vvho now and er- in- chief, dated, they hope, from In future may be called upon to repel .Tolitenneialau.r.g. The remarkable rapid- an invasion of Canada or to serve ity of Lord Roberts' movements and - abroad as Canadians in defence of e , the unwonted mobility of the wholhe .no British an under him have upset Canada's pavilion at the Paris Ex - the ealculations of the home observe bibition was opened on Thursday ars as mucla as they appear to have without ceremony. Throngs visited disconcerted and demoralized Lord tbe fur section, ancl it was greatly Roberts' federal opponents. Possibly, admired. The Queen's Birthday was even now he is at the gates of Johan- celebrated in the evening with a nesbur, and it is believed ten days dinner, which proved to be mo'st en - hence, Or less, he ought to be demand- thusiastie and patriotic. The British Mg admittance to the Transvaal cap- 3eramission and the representatives ital iteelf. if the federans ever real- froM India and Australia joined in ly Intended to "etag-ger humanity" the celebration.• Canadian commis - VE committee of the Ottawa veter- ens of 1966 and 1870 has been chosen to wait .upon the government at 01- ta‘va, praying that a seedion of land be granted the survivors of the Fen- ian raids of 1866 and 1870, and also those who took p•art in those engage- ments, and that the same benefits be by blowing up the Gold Reef City sioners were congratulated on the ex - add intnes, which is doubtful, Lord 3e1lent arrangements of the different sections of the Canadian pavilion. It is Ipersistently rumored in Eng- land. that Sir William Henry White, who has been direetok of naval con- struction since 1885, is resigning his post. He has been absent freler his office for mahy weeks, and: is cord- letely , broken down over theR,oyal acht fiasco. Rloteover, he has many difficulties With the Admiralty, and 567. In April, 18f3D, the net pro i s many naval officers frankly express were 0220,303, and for the four months lisbelief in his armament theories, ended April 30, 1900, the figures aro aeclaring he has not kept up with as follows: --Gross earnings, $8,895,- the progress made w'ar ship -build - 140; workbag expenses, 05,751,670; net ing, especially in the case of Amer - profits, $8440,476. For four months tan progress. Mr, Watts, ,the Arm - ended Aprll 30, 1899, there ,Was a not strongs , chief designer, is reported profit at 02,L06:4341., 1 41,..sd twobhiteev,433 pobsete.n offered Sir W.illiana Roberta army yet be too quick for them, and arrive before they; have time- 4%. dQ *criy. VaegkiAg.1 C. P. R. EARNINGS. Montreal, May 28. -Following ere th'e C. I'. R. earnings: --April, 1900; gross earnings, $2,81,194; working ex- penses, 01,4.61,121; net profits, 01,027,- The dwelling of Mr. Elisha Newton, at Arden, was burned and two of his daughter's, aged six and eight years, lost their lives, The rest of the family had a natrove escape. Thursday night, Robert Tiel, a resi- dent of Kiegston, attempted suicide by jumping into the Barrack street slip. He 1 epea,ted the attempt three times, and was eventually locked up by the police. Arthur Dailey, aged ten years, son of Mr. Wm. Dailey, of Holland Land- ing, while lighting it can which hed powder and small stones in it was un- forte/late enough in getting the con- tents of the can in his face Ibis morn- ing,-whenit exploded, catting sever- al ,gashes, and the ,probability is that, he will lose the sight of one eye if not both. CharleS, the nine-year-old son of Fred. CoWley, M. R. C. conductor, St. Thomas, nearly lost the sight of an eye On Thursday when shooting off fire crackers. He pulled out the stem, ind thinking thet t,he cracker would not then explode, proceeded to make it "light,'" and was blowing into the end of the cracker, when the powder ex- ploded, badly injueing the eye. The doctor is of °pillion the, sight will not be injueed. Clinton: Dr, F. Holloway having nerehased the practice of Dr. Ross. of Wiligbain, left for that place on Mon- day to take possesSien. He will be found. it goocl citizen rind an excellent acquisition to the dente] profeesion wherever he may go. In his (inal exems, he stood high Up in front iiieceng the levee number of e•raillial es In moving before Mr justice Rose !or an order to annul the proceeding,s ander which A. 55. Cross, convicted af bribery in the Halton election, was lined 0600 last month by Mr. Justice Osier and Rrfr. Justice MacLennan, &fr. Staunton, O., of Hamilton, made the novel argument that the seotion of the election law governing the case prbvided that every action ander it shall be commenced within the space of one year after the of - Canoe alleged t� have been com- mitted. As tWo years have inter - vaned between the Ffalbon election end the proceedings against Cross, Mr. Staunton claims that the sen- tence is illegal. Kr, justice Bose re- served judgment upon the point raised. • 1 You have used all 1 1 sorts of cough reme- 1dies but it does not , „ yield; it Is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, .but I it is more liable to t .1 produce la grippe, pneunlionia or a seri-- Ious .throat affecti,ona You need something that will give you x strength and build up the body. TEAT NUISSING TEN THOUSAND. Toronto, Ont.,II,Layr 25. -The detee- tives have 'Aot; egiveri ure all hope cif recevering the 010,000 stolen from the Merchants* Bank, and another de- lay ita the trial of Gedrge MoC, Wil- ton, the defaulting teller, On the aharge of stealiug this money was teetered this morning when the case tame np. A remand( for a week was granted. The Crown officials assert that indirect propoktle for the re- turri of the money have been. made. TORONTO MEN AriFWTED. Toronto, May ,25. -The failure of Price, McCorraiek & 0o., fli10 big New Vork stoek operators, has temporari- ly erippled several speculators in, Toroeto wito ho d been dabbling in cotton. One brokerage house, it is said, cui the street, is interested to the ti.gteitt '02 alinost.1$50,000. SCOTT'S EMULS1 N I will do this when everything 1: i else fails. There is no doubt 1 i - 1 about it, It nouirsu, es, I strengthens, builds up and 1., makes the body strong and i healthy, not only to throw I I-off this hard cough, but to I fortify the system against ; further attacks. If you are I run down or emaciated you I should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. ,oc, and ta.00, all druggists. SCOTT &BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. ••••'• Mr. S. C. Coleman, of Orford Mill was drowned while fishing. Clinton: A pleasing event took plac on Wednesday, May 23rd, at the res dence of Mr. George Fothergill, whe his eldest daughter, Annie, was unite in marriage to Mr. H. McVittie, o this place, the ceremony being per formed by Rev. J. Kennedy. Auburn The bride was attended. by Miss S. Mc Vittie, sister of the groom, while Wil Fothergill, brother of the bride, sup pouted the groom. Miss Stackhous played the wedding march. The brid wore white muslin with bridal veil an blossoms, the bridesmaid being dresse in it pretty gown of pale blue cash mere. After the usual congratulation guests to the nunabet of 180 sat dOW to a bountiful repast. The gifts wer unusually numerous as well as costly You Cannot Secure Healt Strength and Happi- ness Until You Use Paine's Celery Conipound, A HOME IVIEDIOIN THAT MEETS THE MOST URGENT CASES. Reliable! Prorap Effective! If up to the present you have fail to get rid of nervousness, sleeple ness, dyspepsia, heart palpitation a. unsightly skin diseases that arise fr impure blood, it is because you isa not used Paine's Celery Compound. What this greatest of all mode medicines has done for sufferers your condition may be learned fr your friends and. neighbors who h been made well by it.1 • The discoverer of iPaine's Cele Compound was no idle theorist, 21 Fessor Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. D., of Dartmouth Medical Colic had positiVe proof of the groat Virtt. of his wonderful discovery before offered Paine's Celery Compound his f7:11ow practitioners aitd to For absolute reliability in banishing obstinate diseases from the system tho•e is nothing that appreaches Paine's Celery Compound. At this season of the year• it Should he used by every one Who is teying to get rid of nerve and blood diseases, clySpepSia, neuvalgia, theurnatiSm and liver and kidney troubles. if you desire a cee- bath and rapid eure,i,take nothing less than Paincos Celerv:Cempoend,, p' Ooolt'a Cotton il oot Coripousti ' 18... - , simeessfully lam sed onthly by over - , 10,0001,adies. Safe, effecteal. Ladlokadt your dfriggiSt for Cook's Utah Root Com- soieut.. Take no other, tia all Mixture's, pills and irnitatiena are dangerous, Price, No. 1,51 pet bOXP, No 2,10 degrees Stionger,$3 per box. 170. 1 ot 2, mailed on reeolpt of priee and two livent stamps, The Cook ()Our anyNalidstir,Ont, 7 -Not. i and 2 Sold and reecmlnendedby all ' reeponsible DruggiSts in Canada. ., , _. , Iles, I and 'No 2 sold in, Exeter l'v (I, Lute,.. Pruggist. DO from a question Have you not, drop first opportunity ehow you Fancy, Tweeds Have you seen Therringbone are beriaties. A -big range of Serges at If you want a want in Clays. OVERCO.A.TS Overcoats in Naps and All Werk done fit gunran J.14. • NOT RUN that must intereet you. your New Suit? if in and see us at the and let us a few prices of the Woresteds and Scotch the new Staples and pattens. They Blues and Black, Irisb the old, peiees. black Twills, ' Beavers, in we have what you Venetians and Meltons, Curls, Montanrietb, the latest style and teed. GRIEVE Opposite Post Office Exeter -- ROLLER . ...... . ..... ....... ALWAYS Flour, Mill Feed stantly kept Highest market good red Cat. load Mum. Imported Learning • J. RIIILLS. . . .. ..,... . . ... ..,. READY. and Corn con- in stock. price paid for Winter Wheat. Southern Sweet and Seed Corn. COBBLEDICK & SON. II Oft111.0011 ... Yes, we have inst received tanotleer carload. of fnrniture. which when added. to our already fine stock we can supply the latest., most hand- some and cheapest things on the market. ' THE STOOK i 1 1 We have the - money -we it is furniture - you well to dandy line before where. 1 We have the assort3d 1 e 11.4 'i• . . . Stock -you have the want to trade, and if you want it will pay drop in and see our purchasing else- largest and best stock in town. • ROWE , FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, _PORK SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRES...-ED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED • MEATS, -I Call Kt .4 ...J . The Family Butcher Shop, • One door North of R. Pickard's store. LOUIS DAY Proprietor SMITH'S Repair e Now is the time ed paired, Cleaned rs- id RED IIIIIRD. ,m We have it large ve Red Birds ole on the rn right prides. in SUNDRIES .3,i." We have in stock, tires, cements, ry La...1vN MOWER, 7,9: We sharpen Lawn 3-' pets, scissors, lee EVERYTHING l'oe •i• ..• Shop. to g.et your wheel Re or Enameled. stock of Brantforc on hand, the hest Bitty market, which we sell it Bicycle Sundries Oils, etc. HDRBE cLitiPEIRI Mowers,'Horse clit Razors, Knives, etc REPAIRED. ,.. SMITH p' Ooolt'a Cotton il oot Coripousti ' 18... - , simeessfully lam sed onthly by over - , 10,0001,adies. Safe, effecteal. Ladlokadt your dfriggiSt for Cook's Utah Root Com- soieut.. Take no other, tia all Mixture's, pills and irnitatiena are dangerous, Price, No. 1,51 pet bOXP, No 2,10 degrees Stionger,$3 per box. 170. 1 ot 2, mailed on reeolpt of priee and two livent stamps, The Cook ()Our anyNalidstir,Ont, 7 -Not. i and 2 Sold and reecmlnendedby all ' reeponsible DruggiSts in Canada. ., , _. , Iles, I and 'No 2 sold in, Exeter l'v (I, Lute,.. Pruggist.