HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-5-31, Page 3710110110180,
Dr; Thlmage on the Rewards O'
Faithfie! Endeavor,
Thf`i esso'n of in Ovi,equi.11),7 the
, kJ) i,aes Ilotiert 111 is IN,flo-Wei.,
-Satisfantion in 'rho Colttlittition
.Washingten; My 27. --:,- In this dis-
couree Er.".Talinage showe in an tine
A:v.a.` • th . a n.L a On sip s tho
irist overcame ,'and tiects a .halsain
fe • ell -wounded heatts:. text, ' john
xvil; -iltive finishedthe ,w'ork.
-which thou .gavest me to. 00": •
There is a ,profound satisfaction 'in
the 'c,..orripletion of anYthing 1y -h ha \ie'
'undertaken. 'Ive 'lift the capstone
with exultation, °while, on. the Other
hand, .-there is nothing niore
pointing 'than after haying 'toiled in
::. a 'certain direction, iro Tind tiiat our
time is, wasted and Oar 5.11VCStinent..'
PrOfiLless. Christ came -to throw up
a highWay on :which the whole world.
might, 1' it mount into heav-
en ii It. The foul mouthed
crew who attempted,t0, .tread an him
could pot '(?Xt.i aguish the: sublime sat-
isfaction' which he 'expreSsed ...when he
have finished the work which
thba gayesrineto (1o.''.'
' Alexander the Great was wounded,
andthe:.doctors could not medicate
'Iris woiihds, and he seemedto be -dy-
ing, and in his dream- the sick man
sawait1ant. with- a peculiar, flower;
. and he dredined that that plant -was
. . .
pu.t Upon -his Wound .and that- iMmee,.
die tely 1 t was tired.. And, Alexander,
AVEuiClat4:i 110111 his -Organ', 'told this 10'
the physician, and the physician wan-
, ,
,dered out until he fotind just. the
kind of plant which the si'els nan. hed
described, bronght. it 'CO h'innenad the
-wound was -healecl. Well, the hmnan
race had keen hurt with the, ghastli-
est of all wounds -- that of sin-.
It was the business Of Christ to„bring
,babn for that w.ound --- the talm
Of divine restorationl In „Oarrjring
' this: businees to a successail is.s-tie. the
mlimnullios -Were stupeadous.
. in many. of our plans 'we have our
friends to hell.) us; sonic to draw a
sketch 'of the plan, others to 'help us
in the execution. 'But Christ fought
eVery.theh of his -way'against bitter'
hcstility eircumsta,nees-, all
calculated to1‘d6Press and dereat
,In the first place, his worldly 'ocett-,
patian Was against,hini. I find. that
lie, earned his .1iv1ihbod bYthe. car-
Penier'S trnde — an Occupation,.
'ways to ,he highly .'regarded and re-
spected. Bpi you' knaw .as as"I
40 .that' -in ,order' to Succeed in any.
'eMployment. one must give his entire
tithe to it, and 1 11111. -ti to „declare That
the fatigues ,o.f. carpentry Were Unfav-
orable to .the eXecution of ea inissiort
which required' all niental andephysi,
cal faculties. - Through. highhard,
drn, husky., , s enSit Le. ,Tudaism 1;6. hew
'way , for LL new and glorious - diS-
'eenSation was stupeadousundertak-
ing that wits„, enough 10 .,,cleMaad all
the concentrated, energies 'evenof
ln his fatheies shop .no :maradater,
course Was nceessarY tlia.n ordirmr-
Hy necessary in 'bargaiiiint.a With men
that have' , Work to 40; yet Christ'
with hands hard from use of tools of
trade, was called forth ,to become- a
public speaker, to preach in thaface
nf molis, while .soine Wept ,and "seine
shook their ' fists , and some ,gnashed
Won him with their teeth and many
wanted him out .01 the, Way. ' ad=
dress orderly . and, ,respectful aglenie
idages is Mit so easy as, it may Sarin-,
bat it ,requireS.mare energy and more
force and more concentration to, ade
driSs an exasperated mob. • The evil,
lagers of Nazareth heard the pethid-
ine. of his harinner, hut all the. wide
.reaches of eternity Avert: to. hear. the
stroke of his spiritual upbuilding.
- So also his habits V1 dress and diet
were against him. The mighty men
,of Christ's time, did not appear in ap-
parel without 'trinkets and adorn-
ments; , None . of the Caesars would
have aPpeared in citizen's , apparel.
-Yet here was a 111a/1, here was a pro-
fessed king, who alWays. wore the
same boat. Indeed, it was far from
shabby, for after he had worn it a
long while the gamblers thought it
,,vorth raffling. about, but still it was
far from beipg an imperial robe. It
was a coat that any ordinary , man
might have worn On 110 ordinary bc-
Ills poverty' -was against lanai. It
requires anoney to' build great enter-
prises, Men of means are afraid of a
'penniless projecter; ,lest, a loan 'be de-,
ma -tided. It requires money, to print
, books, to build. ;institattions,',1a2 pay
instruetors.. No 'wonder the wise men
Christ's time laughed at. this pep.-
n'ilees 'Christ.' "Why," they said, Ywho
'is to,,pay...for this newareligion?: Who
is.e&I.6 charter -th.-0:•-gl"fre;S' 'to oaery the
lAissionaides? Who, , 10, P03' 'the
',„salaries .of the teachons? Shall 300211-
'12113', 'established religion bediseom,
lited by it, penniless „Christ?'' 'The cen
'sequence AVtiS 'that. 1:110512, Of th.,.(;,",peOp1e.
.04 followed- Christ had nothing' to
Affluent „Joseph of Arintathea
• ,baried Christ, 1)0112 110 101(100 110 ocil
'pOsition 111 "deing` that, ' It is , always
'eat() 16 'billy adead, man: 'Za.celieus
risked 'no th' ar Social posi Lion,
'11) 1011030111(1 Christ. '1)lit 130010 a 'peel -
thin: in 'a, tree to' leok .001011 as he
••pasSed. ' NTcodeintis,. ' :Wealthy Nice-
dealue,, risked: nothing of social .pos"i-
tion follOWing Christ, for he .Sktilk-
-ed by, "drill:, to "haft lain.
.3/11 this was 110)1) 1151 .ChristSo the
fact -that he was not rogularky ,grad-
uated 31,115 a gziilist: 01111, If a 1/lei:
co e 'With • 'the :010.01005 of colleges
and schools and theelogical 5(3011)33)) -
les, and hehas been -through foteign
travel, the "warld is disposed , to lis-
ten, Bat here was' a Mail -who had
graduated at no college, had -not 11
any academy by (3.11 1)120,3' mean S
.1e3.1ne0 the alphabet of the language
ho 'Spoke, and yet he 'proposed.
talk. to instruct in subjects 'which
P011 confounded the Mightiest trite]
Says: "The Jews mar-
' • veiled, saying, How hath thiS,, rimr.
IetterS,' liaVing never learned'lI
4.5176.vitY of hie life 'was
galnSt him, Ile hud not 000)0 tr.)
\\Mitt ..Nro call inidlife,' But very e
(10 alWthing before '33 years of
71(10, anti yel, that warg the point at
whtch Jire tertainate(1.
first 15 years you ,take,iii a nursery
and school, 'then, it will lake you
six Years to get „ill to Your ocenpa 1) on
or profession'. 'That 'will bring you to,
21. years. 'filen -IL will take you tefi
years at least to get established in
your life tvorlt, correcting the-.,
takes you have -made. If any lila!) til,
33 years of age gets fully estab1ishe(1
in his life .1/4‘,'„ork. Ile' IS the exception,
Yet thht is, the point, at \vide))
Christ's lilo 1 er ini na ed. -
Some 01 us who have' sailed on it
kItaw that .0(1) Oa 'when aro
ed hi a storm', is .oVerwheliniug, and
yet (bat sea crouched in his presence
and licked his feet, knew all
the:,\vayes kind the wind. Whoa ' he
beckoned they came, Vtlien hp
frowned, 11.03' fled The heei of his
1, made no ifidentation 00 the: ;4'61-
idified water, ,Ndicni $elence'' .bas
wrought great changes in, rheulnetie"
limbs, and diseased blood, hut '‘Viven
the MuSeles,"are entirely withered- ho
human pOwer Can resfore them, and
When ,t1, 1(1111) 1S.once dead, it.'is dead,'
But 'hero' 'is a, 'pavalytie--his Imnd
lifeless' Christ; to I'M "c4t1'etch
torte toy hand " and he stretches it
eye i n hrmnary .h") -;.V Many;
eases of that delicate organ have
been cured? 13ut Jesus says toone
blind, "Be Din 1'' arid 1136
heaven 371.1.S11 p.5 through gates ' that
have never before been opened' 'The
frost or an, 'ax: may 'kill a tree,' .but
Josue ;sinites one dead with (1, 3)700(1,
Ch.emiStry may do many wonderful
things, 'but what, •cheniist:,at a 'wed-
ding. when the Winet gave out could
change a pail of ,tvater into a' cask' of
wine? What human voice gould
manda schaol• of fish? 'Yet here is
• . ,
a voice that inarslailS the scaly'
tribes, until in a pla,ce Where they
htid let down the net and pulled it,'
up With no fish in it they let it down
again; and the diti Pl OS lay' hold and,
began to. pnli, 'when by yeast -in. Of the .
multitude of fish the net brOlco. Na-
ture iS his servant._ ".
110 Malt .could 0 through' all the
Obstacles 1 have described,: you' , say,
without having a natUre Supernattire
'al. ' j In ,'that alma amid its muscles
and, nerves and bones;,'. were inter-,
,tWisted the: energies Of oinnipotence.
In :the sYllables, of that voice there
Was ,the eniphasis,,,,of :the eternal 'God.
That .kbOt .that '" walked the deck, of
the shiP'ih C-erindsaret, shall' stamp
kingdants of .darkness into dentoli-.
tion. ' This .povetty struck -Christ
.owned -Augustus,, .owned the santie-
OWhed 'Tiberias, owned -a11 the
castles On iCS, beach and all :the skies
that 'looked Own' into iitsa. water,
°Wiled all -the eartli'.and-all
the heav-
eris. . To -him Of' the .plain "coat' .'he -
longed the robes 'Of -celestial royalty.kte who walked the rbad, to EminauS
the lightnings were -the' fire shod
steeds' qf his .chariot. Yet 'there are
-these, , .who 'look on and 6ee- Christ
turn water into ' Wine, itiict they'say,
'.11 Was sieighteof'harid!'' And they
•see'Christ raise the, dead to life, and
they 'say: "'Easily:. explained; 001
really' d.ead; playing , dead And
Alley 'see Christ .grVing' sight to the
lilindinane' and ,they say, t`ClairVoy::
ant doctor,.” H011., -what shall they
'do' on. the day when Christ rises', up
in judgment and shall rock
and the "trumpetS shalt call; Peal: on.
peal? In the tim13 of rElleodesius the,
,Great • ihey,A w'asa gra..astautt
',made ,upartthe die Mity aft Jeshs
'Chf•iSt ' and durino; that time TheoL
diasitis .the' Croat .calledoWn 'son
, to ,sit,..on time thron&, 'with 'hiat'att&
be a 'copartner in the C•otierinnent .of
,•tha empire:- and one' day the old ;bis-
hop „cattle' boWed dowit'befor'e
Theodosius, the Emperor, and ,passed
out Of the :room ,and the F.,:naperor.
•WaS," offended,' saying,,to, 'theold
thoP, -"Why .diditt yoif pay, the same'
'Lonort� my sop, who ,shares -with
'•Me.tia'.the;:.G.overritnent?'.!.., Then' the
ohlobishop 'turned.: to 'the yoting- man
and. said, • "The"Lard ,blesS- thee,' niy
yeung man;'' hatI.Still paid It11e.:00
such honor as he had paid. o . the
Emperor.- .Ancl. the Einperor ,was
still offended and id iSpleaSed", , when
the. old, bishop' turned•to'-Theedosins,
the Great .and"Saitl,10•him, You are,
offended With mp. beeauge don't paY
the Same honor 'toyour' son,- -whoin
you have made., cepa/111er 111 the COY -
eminent of :this, , the same
honor ,I.pay 120:y.0de and 'yet • you ea,
conrage :91 people in your
realm to -deny the Son of God equal
authority, equal PoWer; with Codthe
'Mon in militat••• life have 11)31)0 11)011
'most wonderte„ deeds before 5.;3 nar's
of age.- There may be exceptions to
it, but 'the meet wonderful exploits
in military prowess have occurred lie-
f:0re 88 Yeats of age. But as
later no Man becOme,s timinent 'cis
a legislator ' he has had long
,years of 'experience. And -yet the,
gray bearded ',Scribes Were expeCted
to bow, down in silence before
legIslatOr, who arraigned, stin-
11'0011'1ns and aectiSed •goI;ernitIentS.," •
Popular opinion, declared .ifi those
days; ;`Illessed is the 'meridian b wile •
has a caSile dolvn on the banks 91
Lake.Jiberias." This -3'014114' `111)1
said, "Blessed are -the poor." Popular
opinion said in those, days, .`.'illessed
are those.' -wTho live amid, statuary .
and fountains -an& gardens ,and eon -
gra title:tic:11S,, Itt rid ail . f festi-
vity.'' Thisyoung man respell cied,.,
''BloSSed, are they that mourn.",Prib-,
'lie ()Pinion, 1,110SU Said,,
"BleSSed;IS the:Ron-Ian eagle, the flap:
of Whose: tying startles' nations and,
the Plunge of 'whose iron benk inflicts
cruelty upon its eriernies.": ThiS yonnet
Man, responded, ``Blessed are the mer-
cifi" 1 ." Papular • opinion sa 10, . "An
eye for an 'eye, a, tooth for a tootht"'
• Int other NVOrdS,, 1 a. Man no ciS, your .
eye:Out, knock P135 out. 11 'iv man
breaks your ;tooth, break,his. 'Retort
,for retort, ,,sardasin for. sarcasm,
irony for -irony, persecution fel- perse-
cution, ,. 31)011 11(1 for "ymind. Christ
"PraY for them that 'despiteful-
ly use you." They looked- at his ,eye.
It was like any other, man's eye,.020-
cept perha,ps rnore sPeaking. ,They
felt his hand, ntade. of bone. and
muscle and nerves and flesh,' :jtatt like
any other hand. Yet What /bold
treatment ,:of subjects', what superna-
ttfral dethandS,.' what' s.trange. ,dec-
trinetThey felt, the sOlid earCli'ma-
der 'theme, and Yet Christ 51110,
beai• Up the pillars :'of 'this -sviorld.'''
They looked at: the -moon, ,lia aid,
'I will ttirn it -litto..hload.'' . They
looked at the, sea: ITC*Said, will
'hash 'They .lo'oked,fit the, stars.
He, :said,- "I will shake theta dawn
'like untintely figs."; Did ever one. so
'young Say. thingS se bolci?„, .11: Was
all against hill).
ithagine Christ' One daY.• standing
in- the- ,Atman
descended'.from. high lineage Is. Stand-
ing 'beside hint and father
1..V0S. a merchant' ,prince.' •Itad a
castleon the beach in GbJilee.
Ye Ur, 'a.t1ier?':',:::;53-11.1,11S.t". answ s,
I`Jaseoh-, the' carpenter:'„' A, ,211111.1
front Athens -IS Standing there
Ing his refinient 'of graduation an&
says tO-Christ, ".Where' did you- ge to
Schaeir! Christ answers, ,e1 'never
graduated.” Aha, the id,ea Of 50013
.011 .nnherald'ed young Man attempting;
to coMinand the: 'attention of the
,world!.- -As. -e‘vellsome little fishing -I
villagO on'..LongoIslandShere attempt
to .arraignt New York., Yet no soon-
er dees-lieset his foot In the townS
.or cities -of Judaea than everything
ia.cOiumotion. The .peopie go out
on a -picnic,: taking only food enough
for a .day; yet' are so fascinated with
Christ that at the 'tisk' of :starving
they follow' hiin Out into 'the- `vVilder-
ness.' ‘A:nobleman'falls, down flat be-
-fore hint "My. daughter is
dead." beggar, tries to rub
'dimness .frout," ,his eyes, and
says, "Lord, that my
may be..qpened.''', 'A' poor, sick; pant-,
irig -woman "'presses 100612g11 the
crowd and sayS," "I must. 'touch the
'hem of his garnient.'' ;Children who
love their Mother better than any one,
else .strttggle. to get , into his
and ,td kiss ‘his. cheek, and --to run
their- fingers • •,,thrOugh, his: hair, and
for all 'time:putting Jesus so in love
with the 11tt1 'one, that there "is ha
with the little ones •that 'there is
,hardly a lifirs'erY ,Christendom
from. which he ',does not' take . one,
,saying; "I 'must have them: .1 Will
fill heaven with these. for every' ced-
ar that 'I plant In heaven= I „will
have 50 white lilies. In the hour,
when 1 was a poor nian ia Judaea'
they were not ashamed of me, and '
n.oier that 1 have. -edineto a throne 1'
do not 'despise than. Hold 112 not
back, 9- weep oigy. mother! Lay 'it
on iny'warna heart, 05. Snell is the.'
kingdom of heaVen.'' '
',Again 1,reinark theta WaS 110
gaui'aation his behalf, .,,and, that „
,.WaS . 'When men., p00-
-0S0 any great, wcirk ," 'they hand
.together, they write letteits .pf agree
men t, they take pii,th 2 of "fealty; 011)11
'the more complete. the organiza ;jell
the more .ancrinotne COM -pieta the
eess.. Here Wp,S,..orie,:who. went 'forth
without any, organization and. alone. '
If inert had a Mind to join in his:
0001.50rl3', till they. hit0:
tmilid not' to", jqin, in his ntionftattly, all
If 'tbdy 'came; they were g1001-1'
ed ,loud salutation. if they
Went away,, they were sent:With, ho
bitter aftatheina. D,eter ' departed, ,
and Christ t wined :and:loakedl at" it'iu),.;
, All ,this -was -against Dichany
, ,
one eVer 'undertake Such antenterprise,
amid such latiiiite einbarrassrhents
and by such modes?' Atal yet 11: ant
here , to say it ended in acoMplete
triumph. „ Notwithstanding ,' 1115
worldly occupation, ,his 'poverty, his .
plain - face, his unpretending 'garb -
1110 filet 'that he was schaollesei the
"fact that he had a brief jitc, '1138 faet
that he, Was not aceoMparfied by any,
visible organization—notwitlieitand-.
ing • all that in 1(12 0201111011)i101)
shall be nvoi onged 111 eyed as ling,
chola:as 'he declared, "I have ,Iliiished
'the NVork' 1'11 011 thou gayest me to,
do." , •
See hint victerions. over ,the forcee
of nature. - ThIP sea 'is a etystal sop-
ulchet, :sw3.11o;w0d the Central.
America, the President and the Span-
ish armada .;is i•astly as, any fly that
even floated' on it, The inland lakes
are fully, as• •terrible, in their Wrath,'
ihiEy subject alSo reaslsures us of
the fact that in- ail' out.struggles we
have a sympathizer.: You cannot
tell Christ" anything, netlit'abefut hard-
ship. . 1 do not • think' that wide ages
of .-eternity will take. the ,scars -from
his punctured side ,and his lacerated
temples and his'sere hab'ds.' You
Will, never. have, a. burden 'Weighing So
many pounds. as „that burden Christ.
parried:tip the -YOU will.
'never have, any' sutTering w9rse, than
he endured, when, With tongue , hot,
and 'crackedand inflamed and SW al-,
, len." he moaned, ''1 thirst." j You
Will never ;he surrounded .by worse
, hostility ,than that,' which; stood
around -ChriSt's ,feet,'' foaming,.
'reviling, :livid . .With rage, . liow-
iiig his prayers; ancl.
snuffing' up !the smell of blood::' 0, yo
faint hearted, 0 'Ye troubled, 0 ye,
persecuted one, .here is ai'heart that.
can 'sympathize with. you!
Again, and 1715t13', I lea,ra: from all
that 'has, been'said to -day that Christ '
was awfully in earnest. If •'"it • 'had
not been a: momentous missign
would have turned back from it
• •
gustedand discouraged. 111e 3)030 yop
in a captivity 11:0111 Wit IC11,-110 , was .rce
solVed to extricate yolt, thotigh,_
'Post -lahri aJIneweat,, .tears, all,
.-blood hp Caine, a. fg.111012 3)7037, it1
,sa,-ve 'Yee. WhlLe it , ta,ke all' the:
'ages of .eternity to, ;celebrate, Christ's
triumph, ri I am,:here,-to ' the
. startling- .announteneeali .-that because
of the rejeetion., of, this missieh on the.'
part Of some you 'all thatanpagn i
-cent work of, ,geeden: and ,cleoss and;
grave is,: se far as you are concerned,,
•failtire.. Heleint,', the „empress, went
10 "he Holy Land tO find the cross Of,
Christ. Getting. to 'the T-Ioly . Land.
there'. were three drO,SSCS eXcayated',
and the .ouestion. was, .witich .,of the
crosses was .01i1'ist'5 ey,eass.' Tlloy took:
a dead body', . tread tion says; and pitt
it upon one of , the crosses, and there
wa s 00 life, and, 'they 'took' the deal
body and' pIlt it upon anether ceassi,
and there was' no 'life. "But; tradit-
ion 'says, when' the dead body 3041,3
put up egainst ,the 'third:canoes, it
spraitg 01 to life. The dead Ulan lived ,
again. , 00,, that the life giving,pow-
er eI the, ,8011..05 Geti,might ,dart your
dead: seal, into an eternal 111o, begin-
ning this. day!, ' '`,`A.wakca 111011 that
:deepest,- and riee from the dead, find
"111'7' she II flee, 1 i 10 l', Live,
1030! -,"\nd liVe,' foreVer1
Australia, 'coins Ite8 own.•golit,
not its silver.; '
011\is*CS ()F fljfLLI
TZ,M.§. OF
Prnned, 11,1(11) 110 a la 'reserv
l'Artly • Partigrhs , tt the
irractieiti Prert ()nal,
Ottawa relief fund is now $,S55,-:',
000, • •
'"The Kirot of the Belgians has 3.0-
11000 in :England on 'a visit., ..,
' 'George ;Monteith of ,the -Monteith
1 -louse, ResSeau, shot , a fine large'
bear' ,9unday, evening, , abotit twp
"nileS' from the
Bands of natives' parade before the
British Consulate 1113 Shrinam,
„Gulana„. using, • most insulting lan-
gnage ,toWards Great
Trouble is .feared. '
,The Secretary, of State 'for
Iliord George "Hamilton, referred to
the—Indian famine, sajd: , "It lutist
net be forgotten that' it iS ,a wage'
famine aswell aS.,a food famine.",
A :further remittance of 8100,00,
was cabled oh Saturday to Dr: LoniS
'Eldpsch, at Bombay, India, repre-
senting contribaionS to the 11101221
famine 'relief ,fuad rrom
Edward :Hayward of Lyn, an' ,old
British soldier, was 'Presented With
an Afghan medal, which ,he' 'earned
while' serving under Lord Roberts
in India in the severities-, at Brock-
ville- last -week. ' • '
The monthly, report -of th,e ProVin-
cial Board, of 510111 11) gives the 'num-
ber .of deaths in 'Ontario' during, , the
lasI m111 on as
1.,1a s at year. "2, 8 0, s ,compared
with 2,078 for the corresponding
:The 01 the..Duke,and Duchess01
York was on Wednesday, handed to
the" Bishop of ;Winchester by,' the:
Queen, who christening , the infant:
gave the child's name as Ire/try
Vrederick- Albert. '
Immigration ot the Barge •Office
New' York, has reached thehigh
tvater mark last week., . During ''that.
timo 15,000 IinaMigrant,S, have
ed ,at that port: Ii'orty. per cent, laf'
the new arrivals- were Italians.
The Grand 'Vizier" 'of Morocco; - Ah -
1)1001 Ben' Massa,- died Sunday, May'
1 3, , OM \-111S10n, in internal affairs
iS threatened, but 11 is believed dere'
Many, Italy and Crea,t Britain haVe
agreed to maintain the statusono.
-"alio writ of injupctten,-issued at ,St.'
Louis, Mo.,,on Saturday afternoon" by
.Todge Adams,' conimands,tthe Strikers
to, re:rain from doing:anything what -
020)' that will delay ,or obStruct the
:operation of street Mail:cars 'or , the.
gathering and .diStribution of the
,Iicis C. Marshall-, , furniture
00 at, Kingston, ds missing. Titurs-'
day night he 'went '.,hMa :skiff to Gar -
:den Island for a' picica.,"of,
get 'itand st.arted' for ,hoine,, .but
never' reached here:, ,There' , fears'
- 10115 ,01'OW)lCd, His eulpty
P13011 fouiid,
, There haStheen a -se;ious anti7Chris-
'thin outbreak" near Pecy-Ting,Fu,
1,'Iovitice -Of PO-Ciri-Li, Chiva, ,,SeVen-
ty-three nativa Christ ta,ps were, mur-
dered.„ 113011)01 '(1 Women and childrell'.:
'.."Miiity were, burned alive. The Cathe
ollenniSsionaries report that the per-
secution is the most .serions,„knoWn,
Judge J, O'Reilly 'vas on 'Thurs-
day evening. 'presented by his many
friends at " lareseett, Ont., with p.e.
cabinet of' solid sliverwaree,' and "'a
most, flattering address,.. prior to
`leaving for Cornwall, where he will
in future -reside, having beeri appoint-
ed jUdge of the bleited Counties', of
Stormont, Duncla,s ands Glengarry.
• cutlet; AND CRIMI.,
E. 0; Morrison yesterday ,shot* and
killed his ,lwether, M. ,B. .lilorrison, at
their home/ 7two miles past of Ed-
irions, „IVash.'`' The, quarrel ,.arese out
of a- game of cards..
A Keewatin butcher, named Daniel
Barrett, was held- up in that village
shortly after 1,0„ o'clock Thursday
eight and .relieved,of.....$1-50„,_ and' a
wat'4h: liwid`Traeri' did „the job: •7'—'
Mary Brannigau, 24 years •old, a
clerk in „a., New York departmental
store was shot 'and killed by Ed-
ward :1-Tair, .25 lye.ars '61d., He killed
the 'girl because she refused to marry
11.•G.-Baxter's'private bank at Bur,
Ont, was entered by „burg-
lars. Thursday night. They. blew open
the yaulttand Safe, with nitro-glycer-
ine. ' Only soma .copPers ,were found
. .
in the safe.
"Phillip W. ,Shaw; preminent • Mis-
sissippi. planter, was shot and fatal-
ly wounded , 'by William Fisher end
his son, negnoes,• to miles from
Minter City, on Thursday, night. The
negrcies, have been caught.,
Two hundred s lintVersity• of Nebras-
ka, students'. went, onm
' a rampage •at
Linceln,• and.ein a collision
with, , ethe pollee, assaulted Chief
Hoagland and ',Officer Hari, "'beating
Ole. latter 'badly, and breaking . his
Prof,' Roy Wilson, White, a brilliant
y370(01(1ins.truetor • in the law depart-
ment ;of. the UniversILY of DennsYIL
yankt, was'strtick, dawn and brutally ,
murdered' Saturday' night ,
delphia. Several arrests haVe., been
made.' .
A horse thief stole a horse buggy'
and harness from Jas. ,Biawley, a far-
mer at Bieknell's. Corners,, .about
miles from Napanee. The man • ,is •
said. to be about 45 years- of age and
'about 5- feet 6 inches'high, dressed in
dark Clothes.- ,
-ArchilIal& Riddell. of "iNfotint' Albert
pleaded gailty -in 'the, Criminal.' Sei-
sions in 'Toronto' on 'Wednesday .to
a charge of setting fire to the baritS.
of MordeCat Chapman; In ,Georgina,
ort' 1311110(13', April. 21 last,
Ile was r0111111)000 Mr. sentence,
May Ttutter.'„a handsome :Woman of:.
25.• was found' dead her 000)11 1)14
Boston resideice Sunday, 11).0011iitgi,
with a dagger hi her" bree.st. 111101-301113T, `.Wrigh 1., eed 21., was ;;iIi•rested n
8050 di on Fie says th1):,6 '.3-1 On11")
ed the., woman ,and!,,Lhat'itrfisya!"case„
of suicide. .
0110 of.
S'iienceri:e charged
ewit h 'sealing! 01100(110114:rant; „ contra e
theigartie'lawa': ,Defendanti
Information ,hinas lf, but said he coin-
Ilitted Ole offencethrongh lgnoranee
of the Jaw, "lfe WaS fined $20, 11311
of avhich goeS to the informer,
, c'A.stfAvraEs.. ,
, \;vedneexF.,,_
j01 poproe;tra
i.ria. st,,r_ :at, Nin
while driving cieross
CVOSSflig' ,AmSterdaln,,WaS
struck by a "train. 'Miller and' his
horse were
'The ,7-3-e1)1-0111 son of, P.'•Seill wa's
droavired, ,ia the river at'Ne'r. Haul -
burg on 1VecirteSda3', -The lad, with
anirolrer. was nsning' and
While discharging' a giant firecraclo•-'
ea •Frir•lnlc Mitchell, a
prominent liueinees man of Sarnia„
had the fingers '01' his right ',hand
blown Off 'and hiS rose split open.
.Two ,mentbers of the Princeton, N.
seri-10111°re claes Ray, of Nutley
N.J., and Aueriir e o1 Evanston, 1,11.,
lt,'"re\ e
r o71 3. 03.-
nee in Kin,,ston cam.
the young 'son of Richard
Paxton, contractor, at Chatham,
Ont., iuniped on to a nioving, C.P,R.
freight Wednesday afternoon. ,I -Ie
111.16S011 his footing and 1,110 train 'ran
ovhr his leo' Severing it.
A ' fatal accident. in Coldthrope's
61130 i111, Township of Aslifield, hap-
pened on Saturday, when Charles Car-
penter',.- a mill hand, was caught hy
the Toot and thrown on the ' large
circular saw 7117131 waSI:11fIeYally .34.•,1 to
P.ise 2c ensi:L' enjraaa'n No7 ells00. oaf 'YP0rues'gtonw, .fhti le;
and contractor, was seriously in-
jured; Sundley morning while riding to
Cali., on a bicycle. A street ear going
In the, Same , direction with
Jaime kinoc1:111, 111101 senseless. Tile'
right leg was broken above and :be-
low theknee, tile' muscles' of the
right hip torn and' the pelvis bone
broken. '. Br6ncli was 'taken to ,Galt
Hospital, -
31ABINE 31.421k14211S.
Passengers -arriving at 'Santa Limn-
ing°, Santo Domingo, on board the
Spanish steamer Maria Herrera,
brought news of the grounding of
the Cunard Line steamer
at Point Gravois, on the, south coast
of ,Hayti„, 'The Carinthia. may lie
floated if- assistance is sent 1.6 ler
*in reasonable time.
The steamer 'Samatha of London,.
Simnions; Master, fr0111
bound- , to Alirainichi, ava,s ,•eioing
'thr,ougli the Stra,its of Canso opt. -Wed-
nesday .night, wile]) she struck on
ship's stern, on McWillia.nts' Point,
clantagting- her bows se badly -that
she lied, to run aground at Long
Beach, where slte 110301 lies. The
,qapt:afn' is arranging for a ttig to as-
sist iio floating her.,"
Titre. DEAD.
' 'Miss l‘lary Ilayes 01 Bolton, Who
was so seVerely. 1,urnecl 11 the Toron-
to .gas 'explosion at the reeidence 3)35
avenue, .-Nay 5,' has sec-
cituilted to her injuries.
, II-olferstart,Thomas, general inan-'l
ager 01 "tile ,Mols.ons Bank, and , one
of the host kaown of Canadiz13n. bank-
ers,' died at, Montreal at 1'
(I'riday) 'morning.,
Lloyd I?: Allan, 11 t flour mer-
chant Of Pleven,' Nel)., w1ile en route
,to Gsweg-O; .:died aboard a
:'Ciintral. train as it "w -as
passi ne. th 'lough 1 lagers v ille early
'l'llul'sday nlorlllug.
1'11141L' 11E(301;13. -
Between, 3 and 4 o'clock. Friday
morning. the home of Johnsten Green.
at ,Athens, 01112,, was burned. There'
WaS ,insura,nee of te,"400. •
Lloyd's. -paper /nails ourne
-County.' pf ,Kent, •England, were. par-
tially destroyed' by fire an 11Tedriesday
night. The losS, is 1::200,000,
The Winpipeg elevator belonging, to
the Northern' Elevator Company at
Oakville Was Iiiirned to the .ground
early I"riday morning. There was
stored in the; building about 9,000
bushels of grain, which was also a
total loss.
.Tarnes 3. Corbett. the pugilist, says
that he seriously intends to run for
the 23. S. Congress in ,the 1.2th
iNiinister of Finance, M.
De Witte, has ;refii0. the request of
Petroleum,. With the view of reduciagi
the price for: home consumptio.n.
About 5,000 13erlin street car em-
ployes aye out en strike and traffic
is greatly interfered with. ,
0111111 (413'
T110 propesil(10(11)13 11(110 (reek1dou 11115 ben osTi)1ned
(111111 CX3
, breeder from 13010(11143, Italy. 1
11111010 ten entric'to tiiIlattford
historic Btiffalo track has beeitz
rented by ".fleffalo Bill" 'for tile Pan--
Anteriefin year,' r'
A illorelighlired colt, 18 leaaile6 eta,.
ttent reeetifly frept Australia, ie En:0am)
is 17iii'a 'muds Iligli. '
Durimg 1899 810 riniiiing race ingetluge.
witli 7,200 rrices tie,?.re (1011in the. Unite4
States and Cansidt, , '
1)00i11, tlie last six years aceprding 171
otlic(1tl rel)ert, only, °tie American lioreei
'to the trTitited Kilfgdoni an ft verage '"
12,138 ilerses Per aniluin and reetilve'tii
1344,0 per liead. '
' weAref'sr‘hTiPdPfkliiisfartg-ifpn C11:,0a01111.0, 7aet8ielastie t.iellli.11L1(1.#-_,.5:'
„ .
Islantle, preemilably for the
rmy 11 A ri ca. ,
A four 00111e1e(1 race.lies been arr-O,Trg,
ed betiveen Cresbens, Dianne
.Searehlight and tiari Q for the a aas
Independence day ‘races.
• S. A. r). Ramsdell, 'the Arab acera,
breeder, Newburg:, 'N. Y., has offered •
purse of $1,000 for (me of the racer; 1(11
1110 riaeeting in that city.
In 1891 We exported only 5,240 lieea-
and, reeeit-ed 011 everage 00.,$214 pee:
; head, N.12.11c, in '1808 Nee exported
iatarrataier'teje 61'` 415210'
A. pair of liorses beloiagin,g to E. ai
So u thwo rtii, I a re 00 0)104,
Cal., have, made a high diving reaeievla
They ran away recently and took .e
plunge into Kings river fioni a bluff Sai
,feet high and ,swam out ainhurt.--Ilersee,
Dave Henderson is back from Havan.
with his tabasco sauce show. It lose
money, as has nearly everything he late
touched lately.
'The play made of 'David Flartm" tire
Charles 1"1'0111111111, in accordance with hiP,
advice by R. and 111 W Hitchcock. laea. -
been approved hy William El. Grimm, v7ha
will appear ha it early ha April.
"Since her inarriage," says a drem.acile
'writer, "alrs. INIatis,field has better
vaced her husband's interests by the 00-
cent...investment of his fast growitig
tate than possibly .she could have done laie
"„remeining on the stage."
Some theatrical facts: Barnabee is 01.
years old. 11(1111(1 ie 5 feet 11 inches ire
height. Edna May Inas $100,000 \vett/.
of diamonds. Cl'IMO hashe.
' been on t
boards 35 years. Paderewski's oe,art
will be produced next ,sumnier..„
'When Maude Adanis reppened in
Little Minister" in New- York, a pleee-
ant feature \1 -as the presence in a stage,
box of Itobert Weser'. the original of the
title pert, who, -13)3 11 added to his credia
'liberally applauded itie -work of his ate,-
cessor, Orrin 10110503,.The new pley "Vanity Fair,"
the late Charles' Coglilan was wrn
was dictated to 31r. Coghlan. It is a16.
finished, except the last ttet, for which
Coghlan lias many of her hushaucirai.-
notes 'and addenda. It is said that Clent,,,a
exit Scott, the E'nglish. critic, will finis
at ia
-the piece and thlisS Coghlan will. star
in it next season.
Boston is howling for cheap gas, a
yet Boston is a sort of political.center.—
Atlanta Constitution.
It is naturally presunied that Boston,
has abandoned the idea of a municipsa
ice plant because the conclusion. wse
reached that it wasn't a necessity.—Bale
thnore News.
Nearly 200,000 valentines • pase....e-t.
through the Chicago postoffice this year,
and yet Chicago has been called a city
with no sentiment above corned beet. --
St. Paul Globe.
The St. Louis face, which certain 01(113-
cage cartoonists have been trying their
pencils ill depicting lately, looks sa
though it belonged to a person who feitt
far from well.-fKansas City Times.
Buffalo, with a population of 400,00k
expended $173,840 on the poor last year,
while Syracuse, with a population of:
140,000, spent more than $200,000.
Rochester, with a population of 175.00q',,
expended $90,000:
In lea a society for the promoting el,.
the, study of foreign languages watr
founded in Paris.' It now ,has over 3,oek
me bers
01 m •
Said to be Locernoter Ataxia, a Nervous Disease, Which is. Also Prove
In This Couritry--Peouliar Symptoms. ..
• Capt. J.T. Finlay, of the', 903 United
States Infantry, Lae returned ;from
Manila, ',suffering with what, ihe sayS
.“ „terrible malady ,which is pre-.
valent, ,apiong the .efficaris and ,men.
It develops into .neuritis or 'n'ervepara-
I.ysis, and; many of its .viotiras, ,are
crippled for life."
1)1r. 'Wilson, of .Buffialoe N.Y., Says
that this "Mysterious -disease" 'is la-,
comotor.ataicia, and is just as preva...e
lent in North America as in; the Phil-
ippines. It is a degeneration of the-,
tieirlie cells 'of the spinal cord, ,-,whi,elit';')
effects the nerve controlling motiop.'•
There are ioiany. examplts Of :the ter
rible results of this diSea‘s,ad. e to bo seen'
on the, streets of Toroneo, noth-
er Canadian cities. Tile '6,hti-rjacteRstio
symplOmsof hi(1-51ei'i'b'0(,l11'i1)11in19
0161,- (0 11101)) ,0
or to ,delltrotiI;lie'liralndtO
The h igh
de'W`iy 003(11:00 11 1,S ori el together', n; cti•sor-
down stairs tir; ar0111121lIceinae3)s.:;11
illei(,eycs 911 illi,S,,fes.W.'4;A'1,
Ana), „`„eci OLE Ail?' eiasiiIK0e13),900 1
11)11 .;q"APIci''
If ,tiaken In time it is flAincl'tO
to the '01)te3'51149 influence o"Dr.
Chase')3N1s3.o1S'09)i)',W1)i(1l1 .030037510110
LJ reheiltistlie`•wPstt1d 'nerine e1ls o
the .spin -al icord' ;and* revtta33Aeg"-llf4,
The time ,o act is NI' henen,er roaeiteee
first makes itself , NA. 33 ea
you find :yourself tappg"tut,w,i4l;:h
fingers; when the ;ne1)1).01,I,of;,44,ze....)otfly
t wit eh ;after;roll tin tt, ,tattf,f nIgItk.trar,i),9"•
.You lie awake, teolaiery•euSs 33) 1314933,0.
when you have fr.'.s.;"',ypfa'.r-..,,h,eadf.t,c.he.att"t'l
nervous dysoePsilia 11. 1131'
-These ,syiii,ptornse.oilexhanete
forCe ar,ej the,
'PLeces4,wbiehnfust(enfl' 10 13000)1101300
01) epihlePSyi 411 lAS`:.41)s,,,,yttere.
is*.to..d•neeff.Pr,•,the 12e.n.,V4
;than ftp xeciernmend, thc
exhitheted ii,erybuS
.0 , e most ,s d I se as es
ah-tri.'Te..aitl.eth,P,ri,'1-:leePf:1134.M.a4i3" ,
,er'n comIlepn(133)
11.3.'o111,0j,faygitri.0 preseriptien
f \37,1" tase,,;i-whp.testd 31/ 13u
:thousands. tit eit,sf‘,.:f.t 00 laepen.61.6"9
ah& q.Y.Q 4,3 'X; r b‘n'a.t.„1.-6r:
13 tIl 1111(011 hs-qonles,in:contag
:itrtatctl.F.01.)Yat:ke,ete113 13) )00fl5l0i1c4 li#
1t9011(111)111 iXt0(32tO',1,03
storative 11211101,) .11,1121100 .proVIdesref
pale, .weals,„ nervous ineni,,.weM0Pri