HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-5-31, Page 1n 1- TJIIRTEENTH YEAR, 670. EXETER 77, 77, ONTARIO/ .TI-YIJRSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. r C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR. ANOTHER IN TTCTIO We have now in stock a large range of Novelty Silks in this season's newest designs in plaids, strips and fancy in full waist ends, no two alike. Thissale will begin to day. [Thurs- day] and. continue for oneThis l week. � his is an exceptional opportunity, do not miss it 'Your choice of Silks worth $Q�1,25f $ 1,001 85ct 59c. for 49c. 4P � EXTENSION I �' S ® SHIRT WAIST SALE Last Saturday Shirt u day we reduced the price of our Waists to 59c. We were sarprised at the success of the sale. We have decided to continue it for this week (endingThursday, June 7th. < Bo not miss this opportunity of se - y ) .. se- curing one of the latest waists at this extremely low price, 59c. LE C AR IG°r CORSET SALE. We have about 25air of the famous o is E. & T. Corsets ixl odd sizes. They are cheapat 75c. but we have decided to clear them out at about half b a price, 39c. HOSE BARGAIN The biggest Hose Bargain(Ch,ldrens & Missies.)That issia good' deal as you know what we have offered in Hose:i- thebeen ..n, past, but we have'oeau successful in closinga deal for an entire' line of Ob ldren' . i Mi' :ge ._. cax1Cl Misses every pair of rh;-'r, •-- -- __, r i i �aara.I ee and stamped fast black: Clearingprice,5c. g p BRACES AT 80. A sensationIn Braces at 3c. 26 pair of Men's Braces, bought from a dea- ler price consistingof all kinds and all rices. Worth from 16 to 36c. er,.,at a p Will be sold at 8c. GROCERY DEPARTMENT'. We make it a point' to keep the freshest and choicest goods to be had. We ' line. We also keep can save you money on your,goods thisInp a nice line of fancy groceries. Two specials this week. 6 bars Toilet Soap for 5c. 6 sticks Stove Polish for 5c. TWINE' A DROP IN BINDER We have just been notified of a drop in Plymouth Binder Twine, but they also =adviseJ • us that these prices are' liable to advance at any time. Buy now ane save money. MONEY TO LOAN, We have u.ilhmited private funds for in- vestment up.,ln farm or village property, at owest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. �FARMS S FUR' SALE, t1Y'L� MONEY TO ' LOAN."" The undersign ed has a few good farms for e p ale chew Money to loan on easy terms JOHN`SrAOKMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter NOTICE., Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsib):�:fo'-array ,debts ,yucurred other then oby _myself myself. rf. COTTRILL, Centralia, W :., SaleRe epi-ister. — i .�'SATURDAY, JUNE 9TH. Da rp. Cows. -13 .cows with calves at foot and 9 cows due to calve, the Property of Sturgeon'& Campbell. Sale on tho old market grounds, Exeter, at one o'clock p.m. Thos. Cameron, ariet. FARM TO RENT. • The 100 acre farm, situated in the town= ship of McGillivray, being Lot 4,, concession 3, xs offered for rent'. For further,partien- lars apply to Mrs, Henry Miller, on the pre- m.ises, or to Centralia P.O. N SER MAJEST`Y'S SERVICE. Men wanted. at once for No. 6 Co., 33rd Batt., Huron Infantry, (Exeter Company.) Ago between 18 and 15 years; height mini - !sauna, 5 feet 6 inches, chest moasuroment minimum, 31 inches. Pay $)c per clay. Ap- ply at once to Limit's. Davis or Boyd,l!;xeter. Those intend joining will Blease do so at once. 11. T.,ILANCE, CAPT., Co,,rd );ata �o. f, „9 , NoticOS11t'NOTES, N y e is he eb eiti, .n that I h avo lost or there has been stle« from me, the 'follow - f ngnotes:- 1. One note for 820000 made hy Charles Baumgarten and dated about Jan: 898, in my favor and bearing interestat 0 6, per cent. p 2, One note for St(i00o, rnafio by Thomas r about fan. 1st, A, D.1 18'S, in n my favor and bearing dated arilg interest at thorate f of6 per cent. The public is hereby cautioned against iasint any of the said notes. TAU' M,uiy Ly`r<rii, Shipka, ;Sliipka, May 15th, 1000. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under - Li signed and`endorsed "Tender for Close Piling. Owen Sound, Grey,, Ont.,” will - be received at this. office until Friday, nth day of June, 1300, for the constntetion of close piling at Owen Sound,County of Grey, Ontario, according to a plan and a specification. to be: seen at the office ofH. A. Gray,ksq., Resident Engineer, Confederation Life Bulidin (+Toronto. Ont., on application to the Custo n 11ox>ryr Officer at Owen Sound, Ont., and at the Department or Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenders. An accepted bank cheque, payable to the order of the: Minister of public works, for three thousand dollars 03,000.00),' must accompany each. tender. The cheque will bo forfeited if the party decline the contract or fail to con,plete the worlc contracted' for, and will be returned in case of nonacceptance of The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or nny tender. By Order JOS. 1t. ROY, Acting Secretary. Department of n2 < Public works;: p _ rl 0. Ottawa, May , 190 Newepapersinserting this advertisement without authority from the Department, will not be paid . for TESTIMONIAL L OF WILLIAM FRANCIS have used use En ]r tock Food for fat catek,jmileh cows and calves, and hive found it a most useful food. It seems: to aid', digestion:` and they im prove under its tiso. I find it especially useful for young calves. WILLIAM FRANCIS, wn A yin TYta tarried Brazer while walking along the station pIatforn; at Carlton pp lace about, 10 o'clock Thurs- day da night fell on his face on the track: Sand before any person noticed him the shunter, passed over his body, cutting it in two. The young man was sifb jectto fits, <ln_i it is supposed, lie took One at this time..'} - IIICKS REPAIRING- If EPAIRINGIf you want your Repairing well done go to R. Hicks=Watches Clocks , s 15, and Jewelry a specialty. MAR1fAGE LICENSE Marriage issnedandWed- dingRings always on hand, Fanson's Block, Exeter Eden TheLeague metras usual sal an Friday evening. The Topic was introduced by the pastor, Mr. Salton. -Mr. Geo. Rook was in Sarnia Thursday on busi- ness—The trustees are having a fence erected in front of the school ' and when completed will add much to the appearance of Eden corner.—Our teacher, R. E. Buswell 'attended the Teachers' convention , at Goderich on. Friday and Saturday—Mr. and Mrs. John Harmer and family spent the 24th in London. --Mr. Samuel muel Cornish lost a fine sheep on Tuesday.—Mx. and Mrs. Geo. Buswell and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blair picnicked at Grand Bend. on 24th. -A. large number from here• intends taking in the circus at Exeter on Friday -.-Mr. Richard Coates is having his house beautified by a coat t of paint. —Mr. Lang, of Exeter, put up a wind -mill for Mr. Stanlake on Tuesday. --.Farriers are busy pre- paring the the grou nd.f for turnips, a num- ber theirssown alI'eady.-11'11'. S. Hunter sold a young team Monday for which he received the suns of $400. Each weighed in the neighborhood of 1.600 pounds, cASTORW. Por Infants and Children, %`ie foe. nlmile tignaturo of is o� z worm x r a F QUEEN'S BIRTgDAY FITTINGLY CELEBRAT- ED AT EXETER,. SIXTH ANNUAL MEET OF THE EXETER /SURF CLUB. A BIG CR ID IN ATTENDANCE, The Queen's Birthday was fittingly celebrated here on Thursday last. The weather was all that could *be desired for such an occasion and from early morn crowds of people from both the. town and the country around about began to pour in in a steady stream until upwards of four thousand were here, all anxious to see the sham bat- tle and military- parade. The town was beautifully decorated, every store, business place and many dwellings being embellished with flags of all sizes and colors, the whole presenting a very animated appearance. At a little after nine the military cadets and artillery assembled at the armoury and the word was given to march to the recreation grounds. ' Previous to this the Boer army hadquietly gathered on the said grounds and taken up their position, When "Lord Roberts" ar- rived with troops thousands had .filled the grounds and thus caused. the mili- tary to be cramped for room, How- ever, they formed in position and on word of Gonnand'a furious fusilacle announced that the Boers were fully aware of the arrival of the British. After a ,well executed and lively bayo- net charge in which three or four Brit- ish were laid low and carried of in an ambulance, Cronje.surreudered and was taken to Lord Roberts. Then the procession `tended its -wax up to the to .11 Wiles ithe key WAS hitndecl by the Reese and Council to General Roberts and the procession proceeded to the marketplace where the Reeve called for cheers, for the Queen, and the 'ca- dets sang "Soldiers of the Queen.""- The' procession dispersed just outside the Conunercial House, after giving cheers for Ladies, ' Military anthe Queen, .Among the most prominent features of the procession were John Bull, `represented by R. Leathorn, also Lancc r by Sohn Tbomp`son; the :artil- lery wagon and gun, driven by S. Bo - bier; the Empire car, containing some of Exeter's prettiest young; ladies, re- presenting differentparts of the Em- pire; Lord Roberts by Capt. Howard; Cronje by James Beer; President Kru- ger in effigy driven by "Hon. Ed. Hall; the fire engine dl" ,th a beautiful silk flag, in charge of Capt. Weekes; several bicycles neatly gotten up, one, representing a ship, steered by "Capt." FIeming, the military commanded by Capt. Rance, of Blyth, and the Cadets Snider coninland of Lieut. Boyd did splendidly. The representatives of the Boer army were excellent. On the whole the procession was grand and reflecSa a great deal of credit on the comnnttr "Y,SY l-us7 ?•e- ... Prizes bame ol~ °?•Mix. Lilac s,;-_ o lis' Decbl pie, Miss Pearl. Levitt, 1st;la Keonp, 2nd; Specialties, Em- pire car, President Kruger and Mr. Fleming. LACROSSE MATCH. The Lacroese Match between Clin- ton and Exeter teams began at 11.45 o'clock and. proved, a hotly contested ancl interesting game. It was not one of the league games but the large crowd present appreciated it none the less for that. As they lined up on the field the visitors showed the result of constant practice, while the home team were to some extent handicapp- ed by lack of united team practice. This, however, did not prevent them from giving a good account of them- selves, and: when the season is a little older it is certain no flies ought to light on them. Clinton :secured the ballfrom the face-off and carried it al- most most to Exeter's goal, but Sweet refus= ed to keep it and with a righty effort returned it to the visitors. Here Dickson secured it, but was tripped by Derr and lost it. A struggle in centre ended with Shepherd seizing it for Clinton and dashing down the _field' only to lose it. Vincent, who passed it to Hyndman. Charlie fooled 'em till he got within reach of the goal, when on a nice pass to Snell and Graham, the latter made a bulls eye for Exeter in 6-1 minutes. The play. then kept the refree moving from end to end till some nice combination work and a run by Shepherd threaten- ed Exeter.goa], and Couch nailed the 1st goal for Olinton. in S minutes. The ball then started for Exeter goal again kbit on a neat play by Dignan it came back and Hawkshaw performed the act and 2nd' time for Exeter in 9 min- utes. Ford"seemed a little stiff at first but now he began to open the visitors eyes. He got the ball on his stick and swooped clown the field, ' passing to Hyndman, who oiia long throw made tryfax goal. Matheson return- ed. for e . icrowds and. after a, edit -this n li the 'k defence .1 Hooper, hi p y ,, y Couch made his 2nd goal for Clinton in' 7 minutes. The second half commenced with some pretty stick work • by both teams, the combination by 14Iai'tin, I:lyndman .and Graham being especi- ally noticeaabk. Hawkshaw, too, took a hand in their brilliant play, passing the hall to Snell, who made a most i difficult leg -dodging shot, which 7 add- ed Exeterii minu- tes.ed'anothcl goal fax The visitors now pressed hard` on the home defence but these stalwarts never flinched. In the scramble the goal posts were laid low but the ball. went out to centre. Ford was waiting with steam up and dashed off like a 1`000 horse, but his check tickled his ribs all the way and prevented him from making a throw for laughing. He passed to Tlyndman but Charlie's check stopped the giame for a while by hitting him at a point not mentioned in the rules. The crowd got in the way now and Clinton can thank them for their last goal by >'Holmes in 4 minutes. Before the -tilde was up Kinsman and Shepherd each nn de a brilliant run, and Martin and Ford were doing some nice work, 73ynd- man had just missed a shot on Clin- ton goal when the whistle ' blew. Score—S-3.' Refree, Will Ross, Clin- ton. THE RACES. ., t about one o'clock the large ,c1 ga;btereclitit eh, U, rt Grounds to w ness the. races, The freid or horses WV 0 rather limited, compared with other' years, brit this was by no means the fault of the committee in charge. Good prizes were offered and every other possible means were carried out to make the racos a success, but the 2:00 class and running -races were the only. ones filled.' This state of affairs was doubtless due to such a large fieldlast and previous years; the horsemen were simply afraid and imbued with the idea that they would have to go in fast. company,hence went elsewhere. How- ever, the races contested were none the less entertaining and were watched with momentary interest from start to finish. ' Following is a summary: - 2:80 OLASS-PURSE $200. Roy Goldost, A. G. Easson 1 2 2 1 1 Marguerite, J. Merner 2 I 1 2 2 Pat, 1. Snell 3'3 3 dr. Time: 2:43; 2:31; 2:31; 2:311 2:86. RUNNING 4 MILE nMATS—PURSE $125. Mamie Calen, F. Sage s 1 1 Lady Ya,r!rick, A. Ferguson 4 2 Ma,vourneen, D. Bissett 3 3 Helen"Huner, S. Miller 2 4 Tirne: 1:12; 1:11 CONCERT. The concert in the evening uncles the auspices of the Exeter Lacrosse Club was well patronized wncl in every 'par- ticfilar was a grand success. The chair was filled by J. G. Stanbury in his us- ual happy manner and a choice pro- gram was carried out. The singing by Miss Terranleas i;"c' iaaa-dof, wasomch! enjoyed by the audience. She has a rich voice and her selections were such as to bring out to the best advantage the full vocal powers which she pos- sesses. The singing by Miss Hooper, of London, was also highly appreciated and brought forth much applause. The piano clued by Misses Hicks and Kins- man was well executed as was the piano solo by Miss Martin. The sobs by Dr. Gerry were well .received and the comic songs by Mr. M. Vincent nearly brought down the house. It is needless to say his selections were: much appreciated. Master Bishop Neelins delighted the audience with his scotch dancing and his cleverly ren- dered recitation. The duett by Messrs. Ross and Heming was pleasing and loudly applauded. The concert closed by all singing God Save the Queen. Crediton East. ROBBERY.—On Sunday night last a most Glaring robbery was committed at the store of Mr. England. Entrance was effected by prying off the casing of a window in the rear and taking down the top sash. The thief secured about $15.00 worth of clothing and candies, also some eatables and postage stamps. Their a,;.-l..kacavas also ,1keu and it is supposed was used to carry essa dy the stolen articles. There is no 5i,bat- ever to the guilty parties: Tl. `s a serious discouragement to Mr."I ng- land as he had only lately carrieh3 a stock of Men's furnishings. Somt small change and a large number of postage stumps had been overlooked. The thieves evidently had no use for tabacco or cigars as they were left un- touched. Greenway Mr. C. H. Wilson, County Constable, has received' a list of all licensed auc- tioneers and peddlers with instructions from the Crown Attorney to prosecute all doing business without complying with the law.—All our business, places were closed last Thursday, the 24th.- The village has been quite lively dur- ing the past week or two. -Captain W. T. Diens and W. Nichuls were drilling their contingent of Infantry and Cav- alry, about forty strong. They made a fine appearance in their red coats and white helmets. We are pleased to reportthat our contingent secured several prizes for ggeneral proficiency in military drill We congratulate our citizens and thecitizens of Park- hill for the loyal and patriotic display, of flags and bunting.—W. J. Wilson & Co.' are selling fruit, oranges and .lam, ons cidse prices. St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore, of Forest, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, of Taylor's grove, the better part of last week.—Several from these parts tookin the sports at Parkhili on the 24th. -Mr. D. Wilson had the mis- i fortune to have a valuable horse torn r by a harrow opseting on it Saturday hist.—Mr. John Jacobi and mother L. Jeffrey , were visiting at Port Frani: Sunday.-- 1 Mr: and Mrs, ftirnil J and Y `spent Sunday visiting friends at Grand Bend.—Mr. and Mrs. H. Jacobi, of Drysdale, were the guests of Mrs- and. , Mrs. Wm. Jennison on the 24ofMay. —Wedding bell will be ringing in the near future; particulars later: -We are sorry to learn that Miss Cecelia Charrett is at present very i11._ We sincerely hope she may have a speedy recovery. -Mr. Wm. Miller, our, en- terprising brick nterprising'brick and tile manufacturer,. hasof his second kiln of axle `burned.Bi l is a Iiustlde and deservedly ' has a large patronage. --Our saw -null will be in 'running order as soon as sonic re- p p airs are coni leted at the enginst a Mr. W. A. "W estcott and Miss .i,. Brown, of Exeter, spent Sunday` at u 'Taylorsi.ylors Grove, fife, guest c 7f the Misses Ta '-lor. �`. 3 (oshent. Tine, Stephen Chas Pe.nniuRton, of tIi cle Sa'n's domains, is visiting 'his uncle, Mc'. Louis Davey. ---Mi. 1Tatrttu. n' is ixr proving his house by tt fresh coat of paint. -,Air. L. Davey ,Post a vailuable' collie clog last y-eck.-1‘Es. John Roger and family- is visiting 11I1s, Roger's parents near Ddblin.-illi•. John Daub. is visiting his parents in Berlin.—Mr- Louis l-x'aft lost a valuable sheep last Saturday. Centralia. Di, aucl Mrs. Jones, of .- ('1an: ,. , , e,'_ spent 24th here,thc .,(,.est of itis sister. Mrs Wm lacus kir. 1, xa, Cot trill Heid a sale here on 'tc,itd.1y a and di,, ;parsed of all his fattu sLeek, inll>lenzel1LS and hairless, ., n'abytjnlal^'Nanta alc. high price. -Mr. and Mrs. 'ViTin. Buller, Mrs, Michael Buller `and Wes- ley and Luther Pym, of London, spent •. 24th here. --Mr, Richard Hicks' and Curtin left ;Monday for the West.-•= Messrs.Flarvey Lane, Charles Ia,ggith:.• and .Edgar Buswell - attended the Teachers' convention at Goderich on- Friday and Saturday and spent Suns. day .at Blake with Mr. James Dalgety. They also paid` a flying visit to that famous town called Contine City. IIensall` Thursday last, 21th, passed off very- quietly here until evening when the tea meeting in the Methodist church, was fairly well attended—Mr. and Mrs. John 11:torris spent: 24th. with Mr. Morris's ' sister, labs, Ilarolcl.—Miss; McDonald, of St 'Thomas, is the guest of Miss Mc3lartin--A number' of boys. posted through here Sunday afternoon on their ;way to St. Joseph.—Miss Ethel Colwi'il wheeled' to Seaforth.` Saturday:-Niss'Twitchell, of Clinton,' was in town Thursday evening: -Miss` Hilda Beek is visiting her aunt near St. Marys. Mr. Fred 'Manns Was in London: Saturday last' visiting,- his brother Gorclon.-Miss _Minnie Sheffer - has returned from P.irkhill.—friss G. Lloyd has, after visiting Miss Lou Thomson, returned to her home in, Seaforth.-Mr, R. Nickle, of Blake spent Monday evening in town, Dashwood The following item taken from the Sarnia Post, of Slay 26th, has refer- ence to a former young lady of this place:—" Fred Yenning, bartender at the Belc'samber,: and Miss Margaret Brown, of Dashwood, head waiter at the Belchamber,' were driving; home._ fi1oin the races Thursday evening, and when opposite the Catholic church, the bit in the horse's mouth broke, and probably one of theliveliest runa- ways that ever occurred.in Sarnia was - the result. The horse came tearing' down Christina street, and seeing his. stable, Farr & Brown's livery, he check- ed down a little and turned to enter the barn. The speed at which he was travelling was so great, however, that he dict not make the door, but ran into a shed between the barn and, Barrie's. plumbing shop. The thrill struck the barn, smashing it and the whifiaetree, while the hub and the 'hind wheel caught the other building and bent the axle. The couple were thrown violent- ly out, breaking the dashboard, the young lady being somewhat shaken up but not seriously hurt, while Jennings landed. in a heap by the side of the horse. His face was badly .scraped and lie was otherwise severely' bruised but -no bones broken, and he will be. around again in a few clays. Troubles of a Ministr- To benefit others Rev, J. T. W. Ver tion, of Hartwell, Ga., writes: "For a lo','.g time I bad a running sore on uty-e leg. ' ..1 tried many remedies kyitbont benefit;e:intil I used a bottle of Electric Bitters if + box 0±'Bucklen's Arnica Salve, whii:411.5k redme sound and well."' Sores, Eruptions. Boils, Eczema, Tet- ter, Salt Rheum show impure .blood. Thousands, have found. in Electric Bit- ters a grand blood purifier that abso- lutely cures these troubles. Satisfac- tion is guaranteed or money:' refunded by all druggists. Large bottles only 50c, Sentenced to Death. You are in the last stages es of Con- sumption >; than a tiouand'ca.nnotliv e more p " were tt ere the words of clooui heard: by Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., from her' doctors, "but she began to use Dr. King's New Dis- covery" writes, R. L. Daughton, of that place, "and was wholly cured by it. She is now a stout,well ,woman. It's the su supreme cure fr desperate dis- eases A eases of throat and lairigs. Infallible' for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma Croup,Whooping oCoai 1i. Guaranteed � g' Trialbottles. - bottles 0c. and $1.00. " free at all drugstores. BIRTHS. RoGERS-Ili Exeter May 25, the 'wife daughterof EAST.rmmtool -In Exeter, on May 27th, the wife of Geo. Easterhrook, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. SCHELLENEERGI R--RITZ---Ill Mitchell,., on the 23rd inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Mr. dsk Mr. Conrad Scheil.n e - Lan y, + e b r gger : of the Russeldaole< hotel, to I OOSiaRitz, of Mitchell. CAR.EY-RITz" =In Mitchell at the home of Mr.: F. Wordel b�~'the Rev.. 1 5 Mr. tanclsky, Mr. Frederica. "Carey,; of Stratford, to Emma 1-htz, ' h£'. Mitchell. DEATHS. EnT IoTT.—In Goclerichi szn 11-ty 21st, Lewis Elliott,iott.1„�cl 6S years: KNIGHT—In :Wc odh.on on May 27t1,, 'Owen, S.: Knight, yor nge.st sou of Mr. Edward :Knight, .aged 1. year, d months, 13 days. Goderich.,� i 1f ;. "1II G V,on May 18tli Samuel iNlegaw, aged 80 years and 2, xixonths, It