HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-5-3, Page 8;-• ussiues BrightlleSS Bvings Succiess, STUDF.N'I'S DlNITT l'ED AT ANN; T111,1E " Central „ - I , STIRFITF01:313, ONT• Before yoni decide to attend .any other senool let us correspond with you. Our nctagnificent catalogue explains our superior a(yantLges. ttla0 te are in atten.dttuce this year froin. Canada, "United States aux(' Newthavabuna. A large number of our re- cent students have exrxered elloice positions, Enter now. W. J. EIlinit• Principal einvinA-peiiieskmmAmmmet LOCAL DOINGS. ,Bwooameaaima.,..vmeteme.eakw. A fnil stock of japaneese Mn ttings, very suitable foe bedrooms at Stewart's Cash Store. Clintcm ls deeided not to celebrate 24th May this year. Christie has disposed of his grey driver to Mr. .\\Trn SnelL Mr. T. 11, :;')IeCallum received a fine St. Bernard dog by express from Mitchell on :Monday. A regular meeting of Lebai)ori For- • • (StLC, No, 1:13, -A. F. & M., will be held Monday evening next. Thinking, of doing any paper hang- ing this spring? If so, Volt will find the most up-to-date stock in town at SteWait's Cash Store. Me. D. Rozle has moved itito the frame house On James street recently vacated by Mr. Welsh. The season for speckled trout opened yesterday (Wednesday.) They are reported to be plentiful this season. : Mr. E. Fish is having a new front placed in his barber shop which will add much to the appearance of the premises. • • Rev. C. W. Brown preached S.S. an- niversary seeviees in. Clinton on Sun- day. The vacancy was filled here by Rev. W. G. Howson. Mr. D. Rozel met with a painful ac- cident on Wednesday, he having had a large nail run fally an inch in the fleshy part of his left hand. Black Sateen and Satana Shirt 'Waists, colors guaranteed. tucked and plain Speeial goods, $1.00, $1.85 and $1.50 at Stewart's Cash Store. The Sabbath School anniversary or the Main St. Methodist church was held on Sunday and Monday last and was attended with splendid success. The proceeds amounted to over $40, Mitchell's sehool board has condemn- ed the practice of teaehers keeping scholars in during rec,ess or after hours to write over words. The principal is to see that the practice is considerably modified. There's only one 24th and there's only One celebration and that is at Exeter May 24th. Good races, a first-class track, and a most enjoyable tinie ars assured. Large size Tapestry Table Covers through house cleaning time, vera special $1.00 each, at Stewart's Cash Store. " Messrs: Bawden &. McDonnell have sold their :shire stallion, "Mountain Rufus," to Mr. Charles Bean, of Mc Gillivray, for $2,000. This horse was imported last winter. He is seven years old, and weighs 2200 pounds. One hundred White Bed Spreads soine slightly soiled, :some With smal bnperfections, regular price $1.50 special for house cleaning time 9 -Sc., at Stewart's Cash Store. $725 will be hang up in purses for the races on the 24th of May at Exe- ter. 'There will be 250, 2:30 and 2:20 trotting races and a running event open to all. Summer Corsets, all kinds and prices, sizes 18 to 30, just reeeived, at Stew- -art's Cash Store. We also show special line of Corsets made specially for stout Women. Mr. A. J. Rollins purchased last week : that celebrated driving mare, "Kate' froth Mr. E. 0. Jones, of Clandeboye, paying the handsome price of $150. She is a fine Specimen of horse fiesh andwell worth the money. Mr. Jones .is dealing in some fine bred stock this Season. Our Carpet stock is the most com- plete we have ever shown. Choice patterns in Union at 25c.. 30c., and 35c. Extra heavy, ,superior Union 45c. at Stewart's Cash Store. Use Dix Kidney Pillsfor lame back or derangements of the kidneys, etc. For sale at Lutz's Deng Store. Price • • cents a box. Next Stmday will be quarterly meet- ing day in Jarnes St. Church. The :love -feast will he held after the morn- ing service; the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the ..close of the evening service. . The pas- tel, will preach both Morning and evening. The Seaforth water works deben- tures, to the amount of 111,000 dollars, issued 20 years ago, came due last week. These debentures bore interest, at the rate of 0 per cent. per annum. This will give some idea of the dif- ference in the value of money then and now. ' During the -busy season while horses are being hard worked English Stock Food will keep them in excellent con- dition and heart. For sale at Lutz's 'Drug Store. 50 cents a bag. Use Dix Little Liver Pills for head- aches, stomach derangements, etc. For sale at C. Lutz's drug store. Price 25 cents. lf yot; want th.e new and stylish effects in Lace Curtains he sure and see the stook at Stewart's Cash Store. Beautiful light, lacy effects, at 75c., $1.00 and $1.25 the pair. A movement has been on foot dur- ing the past week to bring about early closing among the morehants and busi- ness men of town,but thus far they are not united in bringing about this most desirable change. All other towns of any importaiice, have long since adopt- ed the early closing system and there is 00 reason why Exeter should be be- hind in this respect. Let the business men get together and diseriss the mat- ter. In window Shades we show you 40 different kinds to seleet from in Plain, Dada, Lecet Insertion and Fringed Shades. House cleaning time you May want some of thee. Call and t•iee the stock at Stewart's CaShi Store. 10 Boys' Sweaters in Cardinal and Navy all sizes, Very special at 23c. 0801), at Stewart's cash Store. 2000 yards best qualitY, German print colors guaranteed, special 12.,:c. per yard, at St wart's Cash Store, Turkish. Scalp Food removes dan- druff, itchiug of the scalp, restores the natural color ;End vitality of faded or grey hair, and is a most pleasant uLress- ing for the hair. Turkish Scalp Food is rapidly growing in public favor and takes the lead of all other preparations ever on t,he market. For sale ab Lutz's Drug Store, Exeter, Only 50c, a bottle. Fine all Wool Carpets, Brussels pat- terns, also the dainty small patterns suitable tot' bedrooms; Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, all the new shadings 50c., 00., 75c., 85e. and $1.00. If ) ou have a Carpet thought see Stewarts' stock before you buy. ' A new feria of needlework, very beautiful in its results, is shown in the May Delineator, instead of ac- coinplishing embroidery by colored stitches of various lengths, ns herto- fere, very pretty results are obtained by sewing-ea/stilly to 11 proper back-, ground small strips of cblored silk cht ont in the shape of leaves or Petals or stalks. A most attiNtetiVe feature. of the article deecriliing this method of:week, is that there is a foil page printed in colors showing the effect. of this dainty idea. ' Thackeray 0066 wrote, "Recon among the blessings. which heaven heti" bestowed, the love of faithful women. Purify thine. own heart and try to make it worthy of theirs. : All the prizes of life are nothing compared to that one. All the rewards Of ambition wealth, pleasure, only vanity a.nd disappoint- ment, grasped at greedily, fought over fiercely, and over ;Ind over again found worthless by the universe," such were the ideals that sad hearted but cheerful visage Thackeray worshipped. His own experience with married life was unutterable sad; for 'though his wife was living, yet he Suffered more than the pangs of a widower for 23 years. His wife, after 53yearsin an insane asylum, died only six years ago. The pathos of it is very tenderly told by Clara E. Laughlin in the May issue of The Delineii,tor. Apprentice Wanted. Apply to Weekes Bros., marble and granite dealers. Ferret for Sale. Arrested for Horse Stealing. .A young man, named Fred Hauls, alio raceway eatne out to this Country Dann Lauelaud, and who has been Work - 011 a farm 11.081' Fullartou, \8581 - rested, near Dentield On Thursday last by Detectiye Westeott for horse steal- ing. At an early houv Thersday ;nova- ing he entered the horse stable of Mr. Thos. Kestle, Stephen township, and after harnessing and hitching up a horse, stole lux overcoat from :Mr. Kes- tle and drove off. He managed to get as far as Denfield before being captur- ed. Re AVkls brought ,before Magistrate Gregory, hriday morning and was committed to Goderich for trial. On Monday he was brought before Judge Masson and wa s sentenced to three years in Kingston Penitentiary. Deatli of Mr. Wm, Stevens There died at the family residence, Exeter. North, on Taesday last. Mr. William Stevens, at the tige 02 years, 2 months and 15 days. The thiCeitStA 1Va,'71 bn1u Slithiettly i11 oiintir)l In a uto of the lungs, on Friday last and despite all that medical skill could do, he grad- ually grew worse, fret)i day to day until the final summons came. The deceased has been a resident of Exeter only a short time, haying removed here from Drysdale last fall. Previons to his re- moval to Drysdale Mr. Stevens resided in the township of Stephen, \\neve he was highly respected as a friend and neighbor. He leaves to momanhis de- mise a sorrowing wife and one son. His remains will be intea:red in the Exeter Cemetery to -day (Thursela-Y.) council Proceodinas, Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town Hall, April 20. All pres- ent Minutes of previous meetins- read and confirmed. Armstrong—Muir that the following aecountS be passed and orders drawu on Treasurer for same:—C. H. Sanders, donation to la- crosse club, $15; J. W. Creech, labor, $3.25; W. Westcott, do., $2; James Parsons, do., $2.12; Wm. Atkinson,do., $2.'75; Geo. Atkinson, do., $2.75; Win. Davis caretaker, Fire Hall No. 1, $8. Carried. Muir--Levett, that Council adjourn to Saturday, April 21, at 8 o'clock. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, April 21st. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Evans—Levett, adjournment to call of Reeve,—Car- ried. Council met at call of Reeve at Town Hall, April 28, all present. Minutes of previous meetiing read and confirmed. After discussing of the different pro- positions for procuring a supply of water for streetwatering purposes, it was moved by I. Armstrong, seconded by -W. H. Levett, that we procure the -water for streetwatering from the river the pipes to be laid on the front street as directed by the council.—Carried. Muir—Evans, that we purchase a gas- oline engine and pump of five -horse power. Moved in amendment by W. H. Levett, seconded by L Arm- strong, that we purchase a steam pump and accept Mr. iMcCallum's offer of $107 per year for pumping water. The Reeve deelitieed the motion carried.— Muir—Evans, adjournment till call of Reeve. G. H. BISSETT,Clerk. A dark fernale ferret—well trained. Apply at this office. '24t1m May Celebration at Exeter. For entry blanks, programs and oth- er information concerning the races, address the Secretary, A. E. Tennent, Exeter. Carpet 'Weaving. For first-class carpet weaving call on the utni.ersigned at the corner of Waterloo ancl streets. Prices reasonable. A. ODDY. Shipments. Ironsides, of Toronto, shipped three carloads cattle from this station to Toronto (Wednesday.)—Mr. H. \Villert shipped a carload hogs to col- lingwood Wednesday.—Messrs. Prior Armstrong ship a carload hogs to Toronto to -day (Thursday.) .Fire Sufferers at Ottawa. The following is a eopy of the circular letter received by Mr. Chas. Snell from Mr. J. H. Sperling, superintendent of the Canadian Express Co: "This Com- pany will transport -free of charge packages consigned to Mayor of Otta- wa, Mayor of Hull or Chairman of Re- lief Committee, when such packages are intended as doinitions to those who have suffered from the late fire. Mirk way -bill, "Free Supt. Cir. No. 33." Town Statistics. Mr. A. E. Fuke, having completed the town assessment, returned the roll to the town clerk this week. Front the returns we glean the followine•c'statis- tics: Non-resident property holders, 94; children between five and fifteen, 411; persons between five and twenty- one, 526; persons from twenty-one to Sixty years, 359; total value of property $458,500; value of personal property other than income, $48,300, amount of taxable income, $3,100; total value of personal property and taxable income, 551,400; total value of real and person- al property and taxable income $509,- 900; dogs, 126; ladies, 9; cattle, 155; sheep, 3; hogs, 134; horses, 262; births, 25; deaths 18; steam boilers, 17; total population, 1347, being an increase of six over 1899, twenty-two over 1898, thirty-seven over 1897,and seventy-four over 1896. Adjourned Vestry Meeting. The adjourned meeting of the vestry of the Trivitt Memorial church was held in the school hall, on Monday evening. The rector, Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, took the chair and opened the meeting with prayer. The Auditors' report, which was a most gratifying one in the extreme, was read and 1 adopted. Sidesmen, an envelope com- mittee and an advisory board were elected by open vote. The organist, Mr. F. Knight, and the sexton,Mr. Jas. Dennis, were each donated $10 for past services. Votes of thanks were passed and tendered the various church work- ers, after which the gathering resolved itself into a congregational meeting, when Mr. N. D. Hurdon was elected Lay delegate, to the Synod, and a luncheon was served by the ladies of the congregation. Liquor Licenses. At a meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for South Huron, held at Hensall, on Friday, licenses were granted as follows:—Stephem—Geo. Z..i.rafton and Wm. Moffatt, Centralia; August Hill and Robert McFalls, Crediton; B. Cunningham, Khiva; P. Mount Carmel; Jarnes Hannon, Shipka; James Shaddock, Corbett; Joseph Brenner, Grand Bend; C. L. Moser, Dashwood. Hay,— Charles Greib and L. Foster, Zurich; George Merner. Blake; Cyril Villa, St Joseph, when the requirements of the statute are complied with. Stanley,—Henry Schaffer, Kippen; John McKay,Bruce- field; P. H. Murray, Varna. Tucker- sraith,—T. R, Snell, Brucefield; 'Geo. Strong, Kippen Road. Ushornp.-- Joseph Stephens, Woodham, Exeter, T. W. Hawkshaw, W. T. Acheson, Wm Anderson i Morley & Cunning- ham, left over for future, considera- tion ;shops, Farmer Bros., J. Knight. Hensall, —A. A. Goetz, George Scott. T3ayfield,—Mrs. E, Elliott, Mra. Tames Pollock, J. 0. Miller, six months. Sea - forth, —Thoma s Stephens, jamas Weir, Ellis &Kane, ;Jacob Kling, George E; Henderson; shops It E. Jackson & San, a Dawson, 1:1'?th Of Richard Ellworthy: After a long and tedious •suffering Mr. Richard .EllWorthy,: who 'resided just on the outskirts of theavillagee passed to his reward on. Monday. last, at the age of 65 years and 5 Menthe. The deceased' was taken ili about year ago of heart trouble and while at tiMes his condition was apparently: Mouth improved it proved to be only teniporary and feom about the begin- ning of the new year his case has been an alniost hopeless one, growing' gradually weaker and weaker every day until deathput an end to his suf- ferings. Mr. • Ellworthy was born near•South Molton, Devonshire, Eng- land; in the year 1334. Leaving his •native home in 1851 he came to • Can- ada and after remaining at Westminis:, kr :for some time removed to East :William's and froth there to Caradoc where he remained for thirty years, donducting a farm. H,e devoted . great deal of his time to the raising of thoroughbred cattle of which he Made a great Success. In 1879 he Married .Mrs. johnS and in 1897 he moved, from 10aradoc onto the .farm on which he 'died, the old. Willis farm: He leaves to InOuen his demise a wife and one .son who have the sympathy of a large number of friends. His feneral took place:it° the Exeter cemetery on Tues- day. -Among those. present from a distance we noticed the following:'— Mr. and Mrs. John.Hartom.Strathroy; Mr. and •Mrs. Jarties Hatton, Kerwood; Mr. and Mrs. John .Pincombe, Lobo; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh :Brooks,, and Mr Theis. Wark, Caradoca ,Mr. and Mrs: Win. Pincombe,' Mr and Mi's Rich Pincombe and MIS.: Dale, Westminis- ter; Mr and Mrs. Jas .Pincoinbe, Lobo; and •Mr and Mrs .Luke Spearin-, St. Class A—Laura Jeckell, Edna Mc- Callum, Lulu Dempsey, Russell Frayne Lily Robinson. Class B. --Cora, Mc- Phers'on, Ruby Treble, Edith Rollins Evelyn Gill and Carrie Dyer equal; Eva Balkwill, May Clark. No. on roll 35, average attendance 31. Sr. INT—Winnie Carling, Rubie Dav- idson, Milly Martin, Dolly Dickson, Ruth Rollins Vera Snell. Jr. IV -- Claris Ross. Mary Parsons, Harold Col- lins, Frank Weeks, Murray, Alvin Brintnell. No. on roll 39, aver- age 30. Sr. III.—John Gardiner, Geo. Jones, Herby Horrell. Roy Howard, Getty Trevethick, Viola Davidson. Jr. III.— Netta Frayne, 011y Gould, Fred Treve- thick, Johnie Jones, Fred Smith Arthur Snell Itild Beale Halls equal. No. on roll 50, average 45. Sr. III.—011ie Quance, Edith Mon - cur, Vern Rowe, George Armstrong, Tommy Carling and May Wood equal; Aldewin Evans. Jr. TIL—Willie Knight, Mattha Snell, Harvey Gardi- ner, Lena Hunter, Waldorf Orews,Jos. Vosper. No. on roll 50. average 42. Sr. IL—Flossa Sweet, M. Biseett,• B. Snell, E. Pickell, S. Rollins, 'W. Hus- ton. Jr. TL—L. Heywood, M. .Tohns, Lula Martin, M. Taylor, II Ileywood, Ira Taylor and M. Carling eqnal. No, on roll 78, average 56. 11—John Kydd, Forest Crews, Hugh McKay. —1Ia • • .t Ma- kins, Louis Day, Bert Flynn. No. on roll 73, average attendanee 55. Sr. H.—Florence, Anderson, Treue Handford, Harry -Roadie. F01nces Dais, Gertrade Sheere, Ida Cottle. Mid, IL—Lillian Amos, Mabel Brown, Nellie Hatter, Elmore Lang, Willie , Moore Edna Trevethick. No. on roll I 73, average 03, , 4 mb PreSentati,ou. 11111011111111111121111W Qii the evening of the 2,7th 'nit, the • 'r,4.13)211iMPESOSSEBStinillEW DRESS GOODS, SILKS & i members of the ohoh, of the Trivitt ' Meenorial asSerubled at the BLOUSES Central Hotel parlors, the object be- ing to say good-bye to one of their most valitedineinl)ere, in tit° 1)er,9011 Of MI'S.-J3illiiij1s, and preeented her Witil a Well filled Purse as a slight to- ken of the app' eciation of her Service during the past several Years. Mrs. Billings has been faithful itx her duties and being possessed of, a splendid yoine will be greatly- missed in the The London Free Press of 'Wednes- day say:—''Mrs. Samuel J. Sordhcott, wife of the well-known landing waiter at the custom. house, died very sud- denly yesterday morning at the fam- ily residence; eorner of Sinicoe and Henry streets. Mrs, S011theOtt WaS (11 only nine hours. Until 6.80 o'clock on Monday afternoon slm appeared to be in good health, but at that luau: S110 WaS taken Vi01011t1V 01 and Dr. 0, S. Moore and Dr. Sohn WiiS011 called. An internal. hemorrhage was the cause of the illness, and when this WaS asceatainedllittle hope of recovery was entertained. Mrs. Southcott lin- gered until 3.30 a.m., when cleatli en- sued." Mr. Southcott Nvas tu former resident of Exeter and his many friends here will sympathize with him in his berea \'OIOCU t. Clean Up Probably it would not be out of place to remind our citizens of the necessity of giving their premises a thorough cleaning at this tittle of the year and thus be in keeping with the good work now being performed by the good housewives. Exeter is con- sidered to be one of the healthiest lo- calities in the West and in order to hold this most enviable reputation we must put forth a little effort from time to time. One reason for this a cce p t1uble state of affairs is due to the watchful- ness of the Board of Health, through their health officer, whose efforts are promptly seconded by the citizens. The weather will soon be favorable to the development of deadly germs and unless people are careful as to the character of their wells and cisterns, also out houses and premises, there is 'sure to be had results. N9w is a good -Utile to burn rubbish which has been collecting on your premises; don't wait until decomposition has set in. In- speetor Creech will he on his rounds shortly and make a general inspection. vieinbeeoinAmmilifwvammin7g, PERSONAL. ;',:leagmeremeaeoesesoumuwAseg Mr. B. Meakins spent Simday in , Mitchell. Mrs. Joseph Bawden is visiting her son itt London. • Mr. Chas Abbott. Of London, was in town Saturday, - Miss Agnes Hunter is the -guest of Mrs. I. Bowerman. Mr. Rich. -Webb and fainily Moved to Lucknow this week. Mr. Wm 'HaWkshaW, Jx., of. St. Malys, spent Friday in town. Mr. John E. Toni, I.P.S., is insPee- ting the schools in this district shis Miss Nellie Gosby, of Hensall, is the guest of Miss Olive Wright, Exeter North: Mr. Andersen. of St: Paul, took pos- session of the Metropolitan Hotel on Tuesday. Dr. Rollins, warden of the county, Was in Goderich Monday on official business. Mr. Robt. Rogers was in London on business Tuesday. and Wednesday,. this week. . Mr. John•Dauncey, of Ailsa shook handswith his many old friends in town Wednesday. Mr, Robt. Lang who has been • in 'Winnipeg, Man., Lank, several Weeks,re- turned home Tuesday night. ' Mr. Frank Willis, of Toronto, ar- rived hentie Friday and .is spending a. few .days under the parental roof. Mr. Joseph Davis resumed his du- ties:at O'Neil's Bank on Mondayafter an illness Of nearly four months, • : spent Monday here with his sister, Mrs. R. N. Rowe. Mr: RolloWay recently passed his final - • examination -in Dentistry. Mr -Robert Sanders returned from the St. Clair flats, American side,. last Saturday,: after spending Some 'time there duck shooting withfeiends. • Mr. James Acheson, who has ••been :bartender at the Bernard ,House, • Lon: - don, returnedto town :Tuesday' and has accepted a position with Mr. W.H. Levett. • , • • : Mrs. P. Hamden, who has been visit- ing Miss :Polly Bawdeo, returned to her home in Ridgetown,: Wednesday, accompanied hy, her neice, little Miss Ruth Bawden. " . Mr. Wm. Weekes attended the fun- eral of his aunt, Mrs. Win: Ross; • wife of the late, Capt. Ross,...• who died. in London on Thursday :and was buried at Elbro on Saturday., , . • • . Mr. John Beacon), .of London town- ship, was in town' Monday. He had ,been attending the funeral of his sis- ter,:Miss- S. Beacom, Who died in Olii- ton last week. : • • Mr. Geo. Manson, who has been in a critical condition, Suffering from severe attack of pnemnonia, is slowly improving and there is now hopes en- tertained for his recovery. . The following drove, over from St. Marys On Sunday and.: spent the daY with friends in town:—R. Billing -,Wm. Spearin, Cr: Sitbs, Mr: Dormer, F. Farr, H. Robinson, P. Matheson. J. McIntyre and L. I3ox: • • , • . Messrs. A. Woodrich and W. Smith, of Detroit and Mr: Harris, Of Sarnia, Spent '1'hursalitY ;Ind Friday with HAM:Ida itt town, having 0.0de the jeitua hey on their:bicycles. Mr: Stnith was a'formet. Exeter' boy; a son of Mr: Jos, Smith, who cendaCted a carriage shop bere,for ni a n y years. „ Mr. Ezra Marshall, of Daggett, Cal., a former resident of Exeter, gave the ADVOCATE a, pleasant call on Tuesday last. Mr. Marshall is station agent at the above named place and was mar- ried just a few days ago FIe was here 'attending the funeral of his father, who died at Rodgerville last week-. , Clinton: On Thursday, April' 2011h, Cedina, Beacom died at hell home here, aged 57 years, The ftmeral took place on Saturday to the Bayfield cemetery. - . Our Mr. Spackman, while in Montreal on a purchasing tour, procured large quantities of the latest: productions from the mills of Continental Europe, Our Dress Goods are really more advanced in style shade and value than our early spring importations, and as novelties in I ,adies' wear have not come as early to consumers as other years. We have been in luck to to secure up-to-date materials just on their arrival from the Montreal Custom Houses. We desire your personal inspection of these stuffs so that, you may judge for your Dress Benefit. ' Our Silks are something 110Vol, something new and good, are pleas- ing to the eye, and sure to interest your inclination towards a silk waist. Our prices range from 25e. to $1.25. Our Cainhaics have opened out far beyond our expections. They are the most beautiful white and cotton colored goods. 'we ever had. Our variety of styles, colors and makes are various, and your judgment, when you insPeot our immense qualities of these cottons, will ba in alla favor, Our Reputatiou on Shirt Waists & Blouses will reach further this year than ever befbre. We, purchased from the best 'manufacturer in Canada 33 dozen of Shirt Waists, ;Ind can give you by fax the best ;;ssortinent in this part of Canada. Our Medi mn of purchasing gives us 1 an ;alvantage over other nierchants who bay small quanthies. Our assortment will convince any intending purchaser of the value and prices of these up to the style., e'oods. E. J. SPACKMAN . • yx..opotim,,amatiorixo Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing EillESSEIBlEMISIZE k rok, N000N NEW BUFFALO PATENT ALL STEEL 050 HARROW. ON 141)'0EcTioNAL SPRING 00001.1 CuLmATER , .); 00004 Mt. 1/0.11M 001. of this country. W. J HEAMAN Agent for Repairs The.Universal Favorite Noxon Disc., Harrow, :(OUT -THROW,) The only Disc Harrow that has adjus- table pressure springs. This feature is invaluable on hind or uneven ground. Noxon NA`,OZW:g. C Li I'd V ator. fitted WO grain and grass growing attachments if cleirbd. with reversible points, also thistle caters if ordered: The lightest draft, best working. and most '' easily operated gultiYator nizinufac tured. The teeth work directly under the axle and within the wheel line. Kee the New Spring Lift, THE CELEBRATED 'N'oxon Drills STEEL HOOSIER and • .• 1 Spring Pressure. Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so. well ;And favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are no* oyer.60;000 in Use, among the farmers Exeter. MMON SENSE OMMANDS that you should call and inspect the lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS • , that we have placed in our store You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.:.. to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what -we always accomplish when we make 0 suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. BUGGIES! BUGGIES! BUGGIES! W. H. Parsons has now in stock a car -load of very fine buggies of differ- ent styles and colors, viz: --Jump Seats, Milsadoes, Young Men's Buggies, Three Quarter Buggies, Buggies for old people, and Spindle -box Buggies for business men, Farmers surray etc. etc. Any one wishing a brand new Bug,gy will find it to their advantage to call and inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the stand, two doors south of Town Hall, Exeter. LARGEST DEALER IN TOWN. W. H. PARSONS. Light your home with . . . ' ACETYLENE CAS Tile Radiant Home Automatic Acetylene Gas Generator. The Radiant -Home Automatic Acety- lene Gas Generator has numerous tes. timonials and each Machine is Guar- , anteed to give every satisfactiem. manufactitred by •, MELVILLE & MORRISON EXETER, - ONT, I 1.0GS AND BOLTS T ED. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. Custom Sawing Done. THE SUTHERLAND-INNES Go., (Late Gould's Mill) E. C. KESSEL, Foreman, EXETER, ONT. EXETER LUMBER YARD. East side of Main street, opposite planing mill: —STOCK -- We have in stock, dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in., 14- in., tily in. and 2 in, Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on hand. A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Call and Examinet, Jas. Willis, Proprietor. R. HICKS REPATIZING If you want your Repairing well done go to R. Mints—Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty. MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issued andWed- dingRings always on hand. ' Fanson's:Block, Exeter sea' :-:•• • t& COMMERCIAL LIV:ERY1 First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Haw k sh aw '8 Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. . . ,c„ elephone. Terr.s itea • . . „ # „. ;77 4' 1, L t.7t1,1M-.1 0 00 w/t '44