HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-5-3, Page 4ttr
''T...x.et ex brtIixtte, Mid -Ocean Letter.
'Chas. H, Sanders, Editor and Prop
St. Joseph
'The thier tu tits all
soecling.-1,30t,h of our brick and
tile yards are now running full blast
-and. eome fivst-elass brick and tile are
bitIng tlu'u ea on --AIL% 11-Yrock
having a large flambee al' under-
eirainime put in. This is a step in the
eile-ht, direction zind °there would do
'well to follow his exempla -Work-
-mei' eve now bueily engaged in erec
'Mg a stable in the retie or Me. Contiuo's
leuee to he used for :t. hot el. 6th
IL Jacobi, of liensalt einiel his awth'er
brother ti flying visit on Sunday.
ffettS al 1
Air. and Mrs. J. Y‘ right,ot Seator
-visited .Mr. and Mrs. Troyer Sunday. -
Mr. Trott was in heatorth our day last
week. -Messrs. W. Lloyd and J. Lay-
ton, of Sertforth, spent part of Sunday
town. ---Messrs. T. Farr, E. !Matheson
and (4, Dormer, of St. Marys, were in
Hensel' for a short Hine Sunday.
..Mrs. G. Wren, of Ohiselhurst, is stop -
;ping at J. Shepherd's with a broken
.arm, the result of a ii'ay.---Mr. A.
Evans, of Exeter, was in town Sunday
evening. ---Miss T. Shepherd is visiting
relatives in Ohiselhurst.---The roads
--are in excellent condition for.Wheeling.
Miss Martin, of Exeter, was in town
one day this week trying to get up a
aiusie class. --Miss Ida Hotham, of
Mitchell, was in town last week. -
:Messrs. 0. Cook, W. Moore, J. Bon-
thron, G. jOynt, N. Cook. and 3110.
Cameron spent Sunday in Lucau.
Most of the farmers are through
seeding, the 'weather being most fay-
' !reliable for the advancenient of the
'work, -Mr. James Hickey is reported
to be inaproving with the treatnient he
is receiving at the London HoSpital
for some slight derangement of the
mind. -The road 'grader has 'been at
work on different branches- through
"the township, which has greatly im-
prove4 the condition of„ them. -Mr.
George Sherritt has had a gang of men
at work for the past three days raising
his barn for the purpose of putting a
stone Wall. Under it. Mr. Charlie Myers
of Blake, has the Contract of themason
work ancLintends starting at it next
week. --w: Robert Ridley was visit-
ing hie Wife and family on Sunday -
Mrjanies Cronan has his big flaX field,
containing .about sixty acree,alinost all
plowed. -The serap iron Wagons are
here again with their usual appeal for
'iron, wool, rubber; bones, rags,00pper,
.Metal, etc.
Mr. Hartnel, of Exeter, preached a
very instructive sermon Sunday after-
noon. The Pastor, Rev. S. Salton
preached the Sunday School Anniver-
:sary services at Watford, his former
zappointment.-Mr. and Mrs. ja,s. Neil,
of Centralia., were the guests of Mr.
za,nd Mrs. S. Skinner on Sunday. -
'The League is progressing favorably
emder the new President R. E. Bus-
--well.-Mrs. George Rook, who has
been very ill for the past week, is, we
.*.re pleased to say, recovering. --Mr.
.2.41cDougald, of Cromarty. was the
:quest of Miss Minnie Luxton on Sun-
day. -Mr. Percy Harmer, who has
'been visiting friends in Kirkton, re-
. -turned home one day this week.-
-Cleaning up lawns, tidying lip out-
-door yards is now the order of the
=day. -Inspector Toni, of Goderich,
visited the school on Friday last. --Mr.
and Mrs. Walker and daughter, of
Russeldale , were the guests of Mr
..John Harman on Sunda:yr.-A large
number attended the first barnraismg
of the season et Mr. Samne Hicks' on
Friday evening. -Mr. M. Reiland is
making preparations to put a new
foundation under his honse.-The
masons have commenced work on the
foundation of a new barn for Mr.
• Simon Iluntev.-Mr. Samuel Stardake
• has commenced operations this week
,071 his farm here. -Wm. Brown tl nd
Miss T. Wind, of Ovediton, paid a. fly-
eing visit to friends here Sunday.
(Too late for last week.)
Miss Alma Dempsey, of Exeter, was
visiting her cousin, Miss Retto, Essery
•a few days this week. --Mr. and Mrs.
• Fleteht-ir Switzer, of Kirkton. visited
'the latten.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Rook, on Sunday. -Miss Eva Hicks,
of Cromarty, was the guest of Miss
Maggie Luxton this week. -Miss A.
Dempsey sang a solo on Sunday entit-
led "The Homeland."
"Goderich tp: EsthevitilcLeod, relict
of the late John Bailey, .passed away
: at her home on Sunday; .Skpri1"22na, at
the age of 75years. Having :been a
resident of this township for a long
time. she had a number of acquaintan-
ces, who will remethber her kindly.
-manner-a friend who, in passing
, away, will not be forgotten. The fun-
:eral took place Tuesday to the Olin-
, ton .cemetery:
DoLerAere, -In McKillop, on April 25th,
James Dolmage, aged 83 years.
ELLWORTITY-In Ueborne, on April
.30th, Richard Ellwortly, aged 05
-years, 5 months.
"STEVENS.-In Exeter North, on May
1st, Willitun Stevens, aged 62 years,
2 month 15 days.
• The best contentment has." Yet how-
ever noble in mind, no man or woman
can have perfect contentment without
physicial health. The blood mustbe
kept pure and the stoxnach and diges-
tive, organs in good order. The 'hest
means for this purpose is Hood's Sar-
saparilla. It promptly cures all blood
humors and eruptions and tones up the
The favorite cathartic is Hood's Pill.
/for Infants and Children,
The following is an extvect from
later sent to Mr. -W. A. Westicott,
Rieh. H. Boyilows, 0 mottavr of t
canaaa efOunted Rides, weittee
ocoan, while on liis way to Sou
Afriee, and NVIlion
idens_allt 'Air,. A, .4. Onetz, of the
0 beeinees for the balanee of the ;teem
by ef his lease to Mr. Cantelon, of the
he Metropolitan hotel, Exeter. Mr.
at Goetz, .: we learn, intends visiting
tee Enrope this summer, and. taking 01 the
on Paris Oxiiihition.
Cominerciel _Roue°, has Sold out his
we Were permitted bo copy: - 01 i n toil: A robbevy in Olniton ie 0
b. 5. mowaekee, ram thing but there was ti case Tues -
Mid -Ocean day night, when Mr. James Twichell's
exetor, Ont./\,,faa,ch 8, 1900. store, was broken into and two pairs
M. W. A. Westeott,
of shoes stolen. Perhem
ps ove stock
was carried off, but that is all the pro-
prietor hos yet missed, The Perpe-
DEAR- FnMND "TEDD -y" trators in of an borrowed some tools
drop you a few lines to let you
knew we are got, ting 1.lOnd. We stay-
ed in Toronto six weeks and_ had
gland. time there, but I was glad when
we left. We weee pretty well drilled
there, and 5.1 is wen \V(., were Os we
would. have been pretty geeee to face
(1, Boer, we left Toree10 011 telw 151111
Februeey, avriving at Halifax 2 o'clock
Sunday, 1Sth, We were that busy
there that 1 could not get time to
write. Vire got our horses all loaded.
on the 20111 and after having it parade
around town on the 21s1, we uturehed
to the boat, got alb on board by five
o'clock and bid farewell to Canada at
half past five. It was a pretty sight.
The boat Was all decorated with flags
and bunting and the people gave us a
great send off. We had seven bands
down to see us off, and they dispersed
some fine music. The boys all seemed
happy and enjoyed the send-off very
much. We stayed on deck for some
tium and then went below to fix up for
the night. • It was very cold the first
night, but when we got a few clays out,
it got very warm. • We are now four-
teen days oub and all I wear is a thin
suit and the heat is something awful.
We expect to cross the e uato to
morrow and the bo s ex ect toscorch
y p
We had not been out many days when
all the boys got sea sick. 1 was very
sick myself and you talk about love
sickness, why say, Teddy, it isn't a
patch to sea sickness, but we soon got
better and all the boys tire game again.
We are having a bad time with our
horses, we have thrown seventeen
overboard and We expectto throw a
lot inc-we over before we get there, (IS
we are no more than half way there
now. It is a wonder to me how they
eyer live, as it would nearly smother a
fallow down on the third deck. My
little pony is as game as ever and I
only hope that he holds out, as I have
got used to him now, having rode him
every day while in Toronto. We have
400 horses, 600 men and six twelve
pound guns, besides 5,000 tons of hay,
and any amount of oats. together with
her cargo. We are having revolver
shooting every day and there are some
first-class shots in the contingent.
This is the last boat of this contingent,
there being three to take this conting-
ent on account of so many horses and.
feed. We do not get as good "grub"
as when we were on land, but I sup-
pose we will have to keep quiet, be-
cause we expect worse before we got
baCk. We have not had a bite of
bread to -day and some of the boys made
a kick aS they have lots of food on
board. They don't like the idea of
eating hard tack till they areforced to.
Some people think we ha,ve a fine time,
but it is no picnic Dassureyou, but on
the contraryis very hard work. It
seems to agree with inc though. Ve
have only seen land once since we
left and that wa.s one of the Cape
Verde Islands, which was a long way
off. We could. hardly tell what it
really was. We have excellent music
on board as we have a band among
ourselves, hence we spend a happy
time. We have to take a salt water
bath every morning, which is quite
refreshing, and I enjoy it. I was nev-
er so well in my life as I am now. I
weigh 100 pounds, far more than I
ever did before. I guess I will be in
the midst of the fight by the time you
get this, but as soon as you get it sit
down if you have time and write me 0,
good long letter, as you know a soldier
values a letter from home more than
anything. You must excuse the scrawl
as we have no grand -place to write,
but if I could see you I could talk to
you for a week. Remember me toall
my friends and don't forget Jack
Spackman. We have had two stops,
since we started to fi th b t
x e eng ne, u
We 1re going a good gait to -night. The
perspiration is pouring off inc just
with writing- this, so you can imagine
how warm it is. Will send you some
ostrich plumes if I can get some good
ones. Must close now, hoping to hear
from you soon, I remain,
'Ever your true friend,
Rroft. H. RES:1407,1)S,
• Around About itTs
Winghann John McCool had the
end sliced off one finger by the planer
in Bell's factory one day last week.
St. Marys: Mr. Geo. Young, one of
our pioneer citizens died Friday after-
noon, after an illness lasting for some
weeks. Deceased was in his 78thyear,
many of which had been spent in St:
Marys, where he was: widely and fay-
orably, known. The funeral took place
on Sunday to the St. Marys cemetery.
Clinton: Mr. 'Frank Powell has sold
his buttiher business to Mr. IL Fitz-
simons, who takes possession on May
71h.: The business will be managed by
his son, Harry, who is now in Galt, as
Mr. Fitzsimons . will ' con tin tie . buying
live stock as at present. Mr. Powell
intends moying onto the Hayfield Line
to help Mr. J. 0. Elliott, his father -in,
law, to farm.
Wingham: .Apretty little home
we,dcling took:tee at theree,idehce of
Mr. D. Rush, , '1 Wednesday, in the
presence of a, 7 # mber of town . friends,.
when Mi88: Etta Rush: was united . in
ma -triage to RT. F. W. Mettons, of TO-
l'On to. The eeremony . was performed
by I-tev. R. Hobbs. ,'The,. bride was
dressed inblue-grey wi HI trimmings.
pearl iind owHace..
Ailsa Craig: . On Thursday morning
'Mr.Mulcol.til McLean received it severe
shaking s'an near the G.T.R. station
here, which has Since, Confined him to
his bed. • He and D..Finan were plate.
big xi quantity of cinder. dirt unto a
hand -par end it was while they were
dumping the ,contents the engine at-
tached to the pay car came along from
the west, ' end etruck the handcar
smashing it to pieces. Mr. McLean
while trying to remove the car before
the tvain reached the spot was struck
by pieties of the car.
children Cry for
from Maceenzie!S plaiting Miliaria th
bored au open itv whieh enabled the
, , e
to open r. Wit(111.04s..1,Mek 4.100/'.
Clinton: Act'. E. B. ,Sinith, leaves to-
day (Thurs.) fIr eartierrY,'..Man.,where
he. wilt take ehayge of ' ta: ftavi811 for
three Months: it Will' itot be
except in the senee that a change
is a rest, and even if it 'Were his pre-
sent parishenere \mild. willingly grant
it, we have no doubt, betientse of the
zeal and energy -he has diSplayea sines+
assuming the Inciimbenev. On Mr.
Smith s return It is understood that
Rural Dean Hodgins will take charge
of the church at Carberry for the fol-
lowing three months.
Hensall: The. .grocery store of Mr,
Joseph Case. Of this village, was brok-
en into on Satnrdaynight or IL1 the
early hours of Sunday Morning, the
tools having been procured at Mr.
Welsh's planing mills. Fortunately
howaVer,them was apparently nothing
Missing when the -store was opened b
Mr: Case, except the cash register
which. only pontained a little over one
.dollar in coppers, and was afterwards
found op the railway track, a short
distance south of, the Village, but was
considerably injured by rough usage.
McGillivray: A pretty wedding took
place on Wednesday, . -at the residence
of Mr. John O. Dorn -tan; 7th eon., When
his second daughter, .Miss Kate A„
Was nnited. hi inarriae.e to Mr: Charles
E. JohnStOn, now of Rfandatimin,Ont
and formerly the popular principal a
the Ailsa Oraig public school. Only
the imuiediate relatives of the contrac-
ting parties were present. The knot
was tied by the Rev. J. Coutts. The
bride was attired in a.beautiful gown of
French organdie with bridal veil and
Wreath of white roses. • The presents
ware numerous, 'costly and useful,
which go to show the respect in which
the bride is held;
Hillsgreen: A .pretty event took
place on April 24th, at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HialSoir, when
their .fotrth.datighter, Miss 'Martha,
was united in marriage..to Mr. Albert
Harvey, of Stanley. The n initial knot
was tied by the Rev. S. Acheson, m
the presence Of a large -number of rel-
atives and friends. The bride was
handsomely gowned an a looked. Charm-
ing. She is of a good family and a
general favorite in the neighborhoOd,
and well .qualified to Make' the new
home bright and attractive. The groom
15:60 of Stanley's popular young men,
steady, induStriOns'and well-to-do.' He
has a fine house on the town line, Hay.
The presents Were. numerous.. beautiful
and appropriate. The wedding diner
was inost 'inviting and enjoyable. .'A
very pleasant evening was spant. The
happy Couple will take posOsSion of
their home 'in a few days, '
The Bugs and the Bees.
As the farmer went 1,0und lits
plantS and trees,
Ite tiaw the bugs Rod he saw the bees.
Old the pesky bogs, they'll ruin my
crop, '
NATith poisonous dose their work I'll
1301 the bees r11 shelter and keep alive,
With hest of food and best of hive.
With poison his trees and plants he
And thus the pesky bugs he slayedi
Bach swallowed his draught and said
" Here e'oes "
en Then rolled on his back and turned up
1(1 his toes
The fa ruler Iiinghed in boisterous glee,
Reg niescat 111 paee, 01 bugs," said
Clinton: As Mr. Wesley Newcomhe
was dressing one Of the. front .windows
of:the Riau's big store the incandescent
lamp fell from its fastenings Arid in--
stantly there Was:a flame Which des-
troyed the entire contents of the win-
dow And considerable of the stook in
theStore, The :alarm bell rang lint for-
tunately the-buaket brigade proved ef-
ficient and 'sufficient and it was not
fennel necessary to turn on the hose.
It is so seldom that a fire is caused in
this Way that the electricians are Sone -
what at it loss to iiceonnt for the cense,
bnt,suppose that the insulation had be-
coine worn'off and allowed two Wires
.t0,e0iiie in contact - and thus forni
:ShOrt Circuit. Mr. Newcombe hardly'
knows what his loss is but it will
ainotint 50 $500 anyway: His brother,
Wes: sustained Some injuries While
fighting the 'fiaines.
Mr. George:Level-sage, Treasurer of
Perth County, died.at Stratford.
Two Pert Arthur boys have been ar-
rested with nearly a dozen charges of
f,trson against them.
Andrew Yoting, a highly respected
farmer of North Mouoghan, living
about six miles from Peinbroke, hang-
ed himself in his ,liaria &emit noon
day. The...deceased was about 54 years
of age, and leaves a wife and one son.
Young had; net been enjoying very
:enod health 'kir some time, and : it is
supposed that this caused him to take
his life.
Seven Years In Bed.
Will wonders every ceaee?"inqiiire
the friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of Law-
rence Kan. They knew she had been
unable' to leave her bed in seven years
on Account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general de-
bility; hut; "Three bottles of Electric
Bitters -enabled me to walk." she writes
"and in three months I felt like a new
person." -VVomen suffering from head-
ache, Backache, NerVousnese, Sleep-
lessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzyepells will find. it a priceless bless-
ing. Try it: Satisfaction is guaran-
teed. Only 50c. at all.,Drrig 'stores.
The farmer toiled from day to day.
He .garnered his 0415, his wheat:, and
hie hay. .
With busiest might he toiled each hour
To catch the shine Or to cateh the.
• shower.
In the human hive I'm a busy bee,
But it pesky bug, well, that's not me.
His neighbor he saw, who dwelt near
Raise never it crop, nor goods supply;
But only a, sign did tell this tale,
To -everyone, "Here are Lots for Sale."
And the farmer said, as) his ground he
My neighbor's HO bee, he's only a bog.
In the human hive there are bugs and
bees, .
For some must toil While others may
While Some are raising the wheat or.
Otherriseea're raising naught but a price.
While soine like bees enrich with their
toil, "
Others like bugs liveonly to spoil.
The thetaxer came with the 'Ses,sor's
I'm coming to each to gather my toll,
The Man Who makes Improvements
Musthe most to support the
But When improvements there are
We'll place the taxes lightly on.
The farmer stamped, the farmer swore,
Sald'he,r " I'll have this tax 710 more.
This taxer ain't worth bread or cheese,
He don't know which is hugs .or bees.
11! he n farm, the stupid. plug,
11.e'4 poison the bees and feed the bug."
• It Dazzles the World
No Discovery in medicine has ever
created one-quarter of the excitement
that has been caused by Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. Its
severest tests have been on hopeless
victims of consumption, Pneumonia,
Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis,
thousands of whom it has restored
to perfect health. For coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Croup, ,Hay Fever Hoarse-
ness and Whooping Cough it is the
quickest, surest in the world. It is
sold by all druggists, who guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Large
bottles 50c. and $1.00. Triat bottles
Children Ory for
The Dominion Company elevator at
Virden Was destroyed by bre, with 15,-
000 bushels of wheat.
Conductor Sullivan of the London
Street Railway was set upon by foui
or five met and seriously beaten.
Mayor George A. Clare, of Preston
was uoininated for the Commons by,
the Conservatives of South Waterloo.
A novel method of detecting the
sound of a steamship's propellers has
been invented by an Italian. He has
made an apparatns which is a varia-
tion of the telephone, Several trans.
mitters are submerged and arranged
on land, or to point in different di-
rections, all being connected with a
receiver on board another ship. The
direcilion in which the sound is loud-
est indicates the point of the compass
in which the distant ship is to be look-
ed for.
"Deride Not Any
Man's Infirmities."
Tett him, rather, how to get rid of them.
Most infirmities come from bad blood and
are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every
person who has scrofula, salt rheum,
humors, catarrh, dyspepsia or rheumatism
.should at once begin taking thi.s medicine
that the infirmity may be removed.
Weakness —` I have Oven Hood's
Sarsaparilla to my boy whose blood was
poor. He was very weak, could not keep
warm, and suffered from pains in his
stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla made him
strong and welt." ,OTIrs. W. C. Stratton,
Thomas Si., Deseronto, Ont.
"Nir" 411
A Radical Change in Marketing Methods
as Applied to Sewing Machines.
An Original plan udder which you can obtain
easier t'el7-11S al.7=1 etter Value in the purchase of
tire7777-Mi ous "t0"Sewing Machine than
ever before offered.
Wilt° for our elegant II.T catalogue and detailed particulars. How
;) call save, you money in the pUrehase of a high-grade sewing machine
and the Asy -Terms o'r payment we can offer, either direct from
factory crr.r.iirougli tier regtilar authorized agents. This is an oppor-
tunity you cannot afford to pass. You know the "White," you know
its manufacturers. Therefore, a de="77;c77.7..i711=17.7nlia.
res,-...tursmeramr.tvzsy mammy:mm.4
its construcuon Is unnecessary, If you have an old machine to exchange
we Can offer Most liberal terms. Write to -clay. Address in full.
wigryt SLIMING MACHINE COMPANY, (Dep't A. an/Chi/fit ONO.
For sale by S. MARTU, Exeter.
itfitA1,1.45I'ltf(' •
111) QUIllillt IIIIIIII1l11111,111011)11/1111/1111111101i ,,11
'' Y is.. A /
OM 11 I 1111 III II II. . ..'.
----a--- -,- _3
AVeetabiePreparationforAs -
simitatirig theiood annegitta-
ring the Stomachs oadnotvo is of
tzpiwpontsx,,,: -Nvramsop....wy ,
Promotes Nes tion,Cheer fill-
ness and Rest.contnins neither
OpittatMovphine nor Mineral.
1SToT NAL......2c to ric .
..2i1re,pa of Old .72r.FAMITAZPL, LAO
Burvikin Scei• •
.411,r.Senna •
Radial& Wig -
dlnise Seed •
Jim/rant -
•41Coltanat.gmlit, •
Pir' /eel -
ft'oecomafritivn •
Aperrec t Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stoinach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Corivuisions,Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
e46/1 4/7k--e-Z
. %
i• 1
Caotoria is pat up in one -size bottles only. It,
not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell
n anything else on tho plea or promise that it
"just as good" and "will answer every pur-
se." tar See that you get 0 -A -S -T -O -R -I -A.
zee, is on
Paid-up Capital, $1,200,000. Reserve Fund, $515,000.
JOHN McCLARY, Esq., President. ,A. S. EMERY, Esq., Vice -President.
intd'rest allowed on Deposits at Three and Ono -half Per 00,00,
paid or compounded half -yearly. Married Women and Minors can
&low deposit and draw out money in their own names.
Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest. than
Deposits. Interest payable half -yearly. The Debentures of this
Company a.re such a bigb class of security that they are accepted
by the Dominion Government as a Deposit from Rre and Life
insurance Companies as Security for their Policy Holders.
Executers and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in these ,
Debentures. The Act of Parliament., under which the Company is incorpol
ated, restricts their business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, and
Municipal and other Debentures, which are the safest securities the
Dominion affords.
Money loaned on Mortgages on Real Estate at low rates of
For full particulars apply to
Officet--eor. Dundee St. and Market Lane. LONDON. ONT.
Kat 11
1TH E RESULT of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body induc-
eJ ed by lust and expooure aro constantly wrecking the lives and future
imhappiness of thousands of promising young mon. Some fade and wither at an early ago:,
pat the blossom.of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless andD
melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The
Rvictims are found in all stations of life; -The farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,
the trades and the professions.
Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says: -"I have suffered
nntold agonies for my "gay life." I was indiscreet who.
Young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" I contracted
Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the
month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples on
face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin and
despondent. Seven doctors treated me with MorcurY.
s . etc. They helped me but could not cure me,IJ
Finally a friend induced ine to try Dre.liennedy &Horgan.
RThoir New Method Treatment cared me in a fow weeks. Their treatment is wonderfal.
Sy. feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to cure in asingle
If Capt. Chas. Ferry says: -"I owe my life to Drs. E. do II.
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