HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-5-3, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. 670.
THURSDAY; MAY 3, 1900.-
Alarge and well assorted stock to choose from, comprising all the new
spring patterns and latest cuts at prices that will suit every pocket,
Full guarantee given. Your money cheerfully returned if not satisfied.
Men's 86 BoysClothing g BICYCLE PANTS.
We have no hesitation whatever th recommending,
any of our suits. Below we give yen a fes prices.
ist. Men's Canadian Tweed, single breasted sacque
Suits, herring -bone pattern, best linings. Special
$4.29, worth $5.25.
2nd. Men's all Wool Navy Blue Serge Suits, "best lin-
ings, well fillished. Worth $5.25. Special $4.29.
3rd, Men's all Wrtol, Black Serge Snits, Italian Cloth
Linine6s, splendidly finished. Good value at $7.00.
Very Special, $5.48, • -
All Wool, Navy Blue Etna Black Serge Snits, single -
9 breasted, good linings and trimmings. Sale price $3.99.
4th. rine Qeality, Canadian, Tweed Suits, herring -bone y • Boys 8 piece Suits, all Wool Navy Blue Serge, linings
pattern in three shades, single-breasted, sample Y,e! aud trimmings to match $3.85.
. .
style, linings rind trimmings to match. Worth ,
s7.26. special $6.25.
5th. Scotch Tweed Suits with good Italian linings and 8
trimmings, in the newest spring patterns. Well 8
worth $9.00. Very Special, $7.25. Ele
Cith, Men's Navy Blue and Black English Serge Suits, 8
plain Twill, medium weight, Fanners satin lin- 2
lugs, cut in the latest spring style, $7.49.
Men 's Tweed Bicyele Pouts, Scotch effects, M hand -
smile checks, cut in the correct riding ttYle, reinforced
seat, strap and buckle at knee. Very Special, $1.95.
Youths' Long Pants Snits. Youths' single-breasted
SkLecitie Snits in !Jew spring style, lieed and trimmed to
mittch, splendidly intide. Very Special, $7,25.
Fine English Tweed Soits, single-breasted sacque,
herrincr bone effects good Itidhtn Linin) $5 25ss Special
, 0 5 • •
1th. Fine Scotch Tweed Suits, single-breasted sacque A
style, in the choicest Spring patterns with faint
over plaids, linings to match. Good value at $12,
very special $10.
Sth. Men's:fine Black 'worsted Suits, e1a.y 'twill, single
breasted sacque style, fast colors linedevith ,fine A
:Italian Cloth and trimmings to match. Splendid tt,
Fine quality, Canadian Tweed, best linings, well made,
Herring -hone effects. Special $8.99.
All Wool Serge, well made, Black or Blue $1.56.
We carry a very lttrp,-e stock of Boys' and Youths'
Snits; and will be pleased to show you through the
stock. We liztve all mir suits marked down to our sale
value at $12, very Special $10. Tust arrived. Be sure Enad see them. 81.00 and up.
acrosse Jticksral
Wehave unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
owest rates of interest
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
ogee/leap'. Money to loan on easy terms
SanawelPs Block Exeter
The undersigned will keep for service, on
11 $ prenaises, Huron Street, a thoroughbred
rsey bull,
., THOMAS BROCK, Exeter,
Notice is hereby given tb at the court of
revision for the Assessment Roll �t the
township of Stephen, will hold its first sitt-
nig for the present year in the Town Hall,
Orediton, on Saturday, May 26th, at the
boor of ten o'clock A.M.
Crediton, May 1st. H. Emma.
Tn. Clerk.
Value of English Stock Food.
T had a cow which was not, doing
Well after calving; ort feeding Eng,lish
Stock Food she loegan to improve and
doing well. T find it a most excel-
lent food for calves, it keeps them
healthy and they do well. T use it
and think it pays well.
W1 L1TAM eitoi,VBN.
Goderich len Thomas Cronyn, 7t1i
eon., has disposed a his farm to O.
Grigg, of' Colborne, for the sum of
$2000. The form con til ins anres 01)1
n fair state of eultivation. Mr,
Cronyn ntends working his fEttlier's
Children Cry for
A pretty wedding took place on the
18th ult., at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs A Edhshoffer Blake when their
daughter, Miss Katie, was united in
marriage to Mr. Wm. Yule, of Fuller-
ton, Ont. The cereinony was perform-
ed by Rev. S. Acheson, of St Andrew's
church, Kippen, in the presence of the
immediate relatives of the contracting
parties. The, bride WaS handsomely
attired and looked cherming. She .is
highly esteemed and accomplished and
will doubtless bring sunshine into her
new home, The bridegroom is of fine
physique, popular and prepossessing,
one of rullarton's finest young men.
The presents were beautiful itrid ap-
propriate. The dejeuner WaS most
suniptuons and enjoyable.
On Saturday week, Thnothy Dorsey
and WM. Casey, both fanners, of this
township, met in Lucan, and a trifling
disagreement arose between them.
:Dorsey Wanted Casey to fight, but
Casey declined with dignity. Later
Dorsey is said to have made certain
rernarks about Casey's refasid to fight,
and the presumable reason therefor.
These remarks coming to Casey's ears,
roused his ire. On the following Mon-
day, Cesey, in company with lis hi oth-
cis-Jellies, was walking alongthe road,
when Dorsey camp dnvieg patt in h
buggy, accompanied by a friend. Vit.
-Casey, it is alleged, immediately seized.
Dorsey, nailed hint out of his rig, and
pSoceeded to administes ehistispnicnt,
James CaSey,' it is said, tried to part
the men. but met with the customary
rewerd of the peacemaker; for tvlien
the fsacas bad ended, and Dorsey had
1)' 11(1 his way to a .Ttistice of the Peace
he included James Casey in the inforL
niation he 'swore 0111, and both .CasoyS
are charged .wi ili aSS4:11t5.
'.L'he collapse of a temporary , foot
bridge Ett the Paiis Exposition 'Son -
day Cf111S0t1 thC c100.th of six peraons
and seriously inju red Ether) t 40 others.
The structere had been previously con-
demned as unsafe.
SPRING Snow.—The spring show,
held here on Wednesday; under the
auspices Of the Smith Huron
Society, was fairly Successful,
though the attendance Was not nearly
as large as it should have been. It is
also a fact that those who have good
horses and bulls, and Who are vitally
interested in good stock,. do not take
the interest in this show and giveit
the encogregement they should. How-
ever on Wednesday, there was a very
fine show of horses and bulls in so far
IIS quality goes, althoughin numbers
there were not nearly (IS many on ex-
hibition as there should' have been.
The.following is a list of the successfni
coinpetitors: 'Heavy horses,—aged,
Innis & Horton's "Sir Walter"; 2nd,
Thos. Colquhouri'S, ."Prince of Craig's
End"; 3rd, L. MeConnelPs "Prince
Casmpsie"; three-year Old, Smiley
Brother' 'Pri pee of Burford"; Sweep-
stakes for best heavy horse, "Sir Wal-
ter." Carriage—Aged, 1st T. talker's
"Ranslaugh, jr. ; " 2ncl, Leeyy & Com-
pany's "Millinum" Three years old;
Ed ward C. Attrill's "Langton's Done-
gelt,"; two years old, 1st, T. Skinner's.
"WhEtt, Care I." Roadster, Aged,.1st,
Peter MeGregor's "St. Binec.E"; 2nd,
Robert Brock's "St. Lyn "sihel, B. A.
Higgins' "Sid Tolstoi"; two years old,
T. Skinner's "Tyroee." Sweepstakes
for best light hoses,
r"Tolstoi.' Bells.
Aged Durham— lst, William Chap -
man's "New„Yenes Gift," 2nd, Elcoat,
Brothers' "General ElaYelock," 3rd,
Robert Charter's ‘`Prince Mareedo
two years old, 1st; A. & .J. Bronalfoot'S
"Chancellor," 2nd, Herbert .Crich's
•,Riverside Stomp. 2nd"; yearlings', 1st,
R. B. McLean'S mane. not glen, 2nd,
Alex. Sinclair's " Prince of Peitnne,"
8rel, Dongald Potherb-whim:Cs ''Sir
Wilfrid." Sweepstakes Foi best beef-
ing animals Broadfoet's " Chaneellos,"
Herefords,---lst, A. Alonteith's "Chero-
kee," 211d, A. Monteith's "Matchem."
Polled AngoSe-Ne lirot, 2nd, Joseph
Foster, Sedges.--HorSee,-- WM. Rae,.
St; j, D, O'Neill V. S., London
Balls —.John Gibson, Denfield.
P0111 bank robbers broke jail at Sher-
brooke, Que.; Etna got away,
:iifr, iianie Brown 0,nd. his sister,
Edith; sperit Saturday Sunday in
LQIJ de) h. :P van k 1 j: D &Abridge
and .111r. 'Leslie Robin sem who are at-
tending the Business College in Loh-
doni spent .Satiloday and Sunday on -
(jet. the pareutal roof,—Air, .MeRay
and Wife -spent Monday
j. 0„..Bell and wife visited. the
bIt er'S pmrelltfi on Sunday, the latter
ato oi in g Nvith her iuothetr for a Weea.
eaafr. Wen, .J'ones' sale on Friday last
was fEcirly well attended considerhig
the busy Seasen.--1)1u, Milton Fre:eels.
of Leedom is visiting friends in this
vicinity iitiliresent.--MISS Emma Del -
bridge is, we aro pleased to 1: y', on
the Mend,
v kit*,
ScHOor, Ilueowe.----The folic -Eyeing is
eorrect report of S, S. No. 5, .Mc-
Gillivray fps the Month of April. Re-
port. is based on work and attendance
of the pit pils Name§ are in order °finer-
it.--VeLNora Coughlin, Ettie cortgla•
lin. Sr. U.—Josephine ,Cotighlin,
Cora 'Shorts May McGrary, - Willie
Lewis,,T.ormny Lightfoot, Lilly Light-
feet,- Edward Fauldor. Jr. IV.---Skun
Scott,' RoSilla Lightfoot, Lee Coughlin,
Olive Short. Sr. Short
Jennet Maguire, Erwin Scott; Gladys
Short; Nellie Lewis. Sr.
Wilson, - Arnold Coughlin. Lottie
Welsh. 'Jr, H.—Raymond Coughlin;
Mable Lightfoot, Adistin 0ouishlie,
Adeline Hoffman. Pt, IL—Fred Lewis
Clara Lewis, Chester Merley, Edward,
Jones,Erin Scott, Elinea liodssins •
Average attendance :41.
H. Lane, Teacher
°Shen Line, Ste -Olen
The weather is »met beinitifel and
the farmers are making haste to finish
Seeding. --Miss Martha- Basta:rd has
retOrned home fruit London and in-
tends staying home this sin:limey.
HchisE STOLEN.---QwThersd m orn-
g•last Mr. Thos. Kestle was mileh
surprised on gning.to his stable to find
one Of his horses missing together with
'harness, cart and an overcoat. He im-
mediately drove to E.xeter and placed
thcaniattex• in the hand's of Betective
Westcott, who soon got On track of
the thief, captnring hirn near Denfield
on the fi lam of Mr. Frank .1-Liclgins,
where he was trading the horse. -De-
tective Westcott arrested him hack in
the field. He refused to give his,aiame
but on. Searching him •fotind a letter M
his pockets addressed to Fre(' Harris,
Fullartim, Ont. He Was.then 'brought
to Exeter 1 triid'befere..Thos. Gre*
my; who correlated lnfltfor-
trial at Goderichrwhich place he was
taken on Friday litSt. Harris is
young man, aged 19 years. go came
to this country from London,
five years ago. He will likely get his
sentence this Week.
,T. G. STANBITRy, B.A., (formerly Collins
St Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor. Notary
Conveyancer, 11,Ionev to loan—Exeter, Ont.
MrS. Michael Hirtzel, has returned
from. Cavalier, North Dakota, where
site has been visiting the past month.
—Mr. O. Beaver has moved his build-
ing which has been at one corner the
13o..s't thirty years, to his lot north of
the German parsonage.—We are pleas-
ed to have Rev. Mr. Litt with us for
another year as pastor of the Evan-
gelical church. Rev. Litt 'would be
greatly missed if he had to go, as he is
taking an active part, in the church.—
Mi'. and Mrs. Christian Zwic)ker, accom-
panied by their son, George, of London,
are here, the guest of their son, Charles.
Rumors are flying. More particulars
next week. -2 -Mr. W. Hill has re -shin-
gled his dwelling.—Mr. F. Seigner has
engaged Mr. Thomas Ingersoll, of En-
gersoll,a,s tinsmith.—Our beick and tile
yards have commenced their seasou's
work.—A number of our citizens have
gone to the Mud creek fishing and have
always returned with a good number.
Bert holds the medal.—The Ladies'
Aid of Zion church have presented the
congregation with five beautiful chairs
for the alter and pulpit. The Ladies
deserve great praise for their hand-
some gift. ea
. enry F. Either met
with a painful accident last Friday.
Mr. Geo. Holtzman was removing the
telegraph wires, when the pole gave
way and Geoage thinking he was going
to fall, jumped and fell. on Harry, run-
ning the spar of the climbers through
Harry's leg. Harry is making rapicl
progres8 and we trust he will soon be
able to he around again.
WEDDED. —The residence of Mrs.
Gottleib Weerth WaS the scene of a
pleasant event, on Tuesday evening
last; when Mrs. Wnerth was united in
the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr.
Nicholas Beaver. The knot was se-
curely tied by tbe Rev. Litt, in the
presence of the relatives of the con-
tracting parties. Alre wish Mr. and
Beaver a long ancl happy married life.
Another old pioneer of this 1011 011111
has passed away in the peteon of Mr.
Edinund Chambers, ao-ed 72 years, 8
Months, 2 days. His Lath was cansed
through heart failure. He was inter-
red in Bethesda cemetery, on Wed-
nesday, Rev. Hussey offi c iit n g. He
leaves to mown his demise a wife and
family, besides a large rennber of
friends and acquaintances, who have
the telepathy of thc community.
13ua:1ways-011 burg was thrown
into a flurry of excitsiment oe Tuesday
evening. A.E) ;trivet tising agent for a
modicnei WaS int° the
Inge, driving a team, when the tongue
of the rig mine out, causing the houses
to run away. The team went ttt 11)11
gallop up throrigh the village'lnit,
were turned inat Ang,ust Hill's stables,
throwing Oat 11(3 (111001'. who narrowly
('.0(1] 1(1(1 striking the telegraph pole.
The horSOS then broke loose and ran
up to the corner, jumping over the
cellituiTiirac,gliefewnite:,:ovnhee.n they were catight
It is fortunate that no more serious
'rho following is the correct report
of idle school 111 5.5,1 No. 8, Stepluel.
Pupils names 1.1e in order of inerit.---
117, erbie Ford, Chas. Sanders, Asa
P11111 11). Jory, Frank 11 1)1)11(1
Iva Box,Marshrill Box. Sr. 111,
Willis, Viola Penliale, Clara 1.3e)) ver,
l'Ioy Parsons, Hattie Willis: 1 11 111,
Triehner, SC111(1418,
j(Ntianie Sa)1ders, Alonzo Ford. .1r,
flerbie Deiti,ing, Edith 1' 115(1)»
Eddie Willits, Bernie 131. 1,1 Lizzie
8anclers, 81.. Sun
Ricks, Harpy Parsons, Eityl Bo',,. J
IT, 'l'olieny Sanders, HELri y Ti.telmer,
Gladys Biesett, Annie Hicks Relph
Chienet Orai„,e., So, P1, 11Fred-
die Bt.. 1101 FOIA; tut. 11, VIII-
nie Cookson, Lillie, Stiutlitke, Samuel
Stanlake. .Tv. Pt, IL Victor Sweet,
Tommy Penhttle, Hilda PreSZOrt101',
Ettrl Parson May SEinders. No. of
Pupils on roil 54 avetogo 42. Parents
are i•eqaested to see that their children
attend -regularly )(nil brims a note
when absent,
T. B. HOOPIlft, Teacher.
Mi', .1'. E, Tom, P.S.I. Goderich,
visited sehoel No. 10 IAA Friday'. B.e
invited the, trustees and parents to be
present. Mr. John Sberritt and two
trustees 3. &own and, 1(\T 3, Wilsou
were theonly ones that accepted the
invitation, The examination was very
interesting and showed that. the teach-
er, Mr. 3. Mt.:Williams, had taketi great
care to tasiining the young
There were 53 scholars present. The
Inspector foetid the school and Mit-
beildiegs; except a 11oo1shed which, it
to be built shortly, in a very satisfac-
tory condition. At, the close of the ex-
amination he gave a 'very interesting
address and hoped at his next visit
more of the parents, especially the
Mothers, Wohlci be present. He then
called upon the Secretary, '\i,7, 3, Wil-
son, who gave a Short address and pre-
sented a dozen 'Cin:ion jacks to the
scholars, who had niade the greatest
number of marks and those at the foot
in each smell -Oats and said he liOned
they would eoon wave the flags at the
head of the class. Mr. J. Sherritt,
Reeve of Stephen, wee called oo and,
°stye a short address and said it wee
the first time he had attended: school
since he was a hoy.--,Mr. D. Pontter,
of Morey. preaeheda very interesting
sermon in the Boston Methodist church
last Sabbath. Next Sunday is to be
.quarterly meeting and Sacramental
.serv,ces, Sermon to be -preached at
10.30 by the pastor, Rev, J. W. Baird;
.B.A.—Mi'. James Bronhey has:put' Up
(the* flair pole and bought 11. 11CIV fin es
'Canada o'ipects eVerv leyitt st-Mectr'To-
show their colors..---kr.'j. W. SlItISOD,
of Parkhill, delivered Et Med of
Lure hate the house opposite the Pest
Office. 'Looks like bustness.-aMr. Geo.
Thompson, cheese Maker, of Parkhill,
has elizti•ge of the Corbett cheese fac-
tory again this year. His cheese was
first-class cheese last year,and the
patrons are highly pleased that he has
been re-engaged.
D. RAY, I'arcrallar, Commissioner and
0-envoys:neer, Money to loan at lo west rates
of interest.
Mr. Benjamin Beavers, merchant,
was in St. Marys on business Monday
last,—Mr. James Stewart, of the firni
of StewarG Bros., who .purchased and
are ronning.the Seaforth flour millwas
hoine here on Monday, winding up
bulginess. He has purchased a nice
residence in Egmondville and intends
Moving there shoetly.—Mr, D. Hay,
formerly postmaster and merchant
here, has removed to near Cromarty,
for a short thee, before locating per-
manen tly. —Mr. E. McNi col. now sports
new Cleveland WhiaeL He it going
to thoroughly test iG by trying what is
the least time he can cover the ground
frem here to Mitchell. The tests ivill
not he. confined to ane or two trials,
but will be extended t'o several under
different conditions of weather and
go late fOr last week.) ;
Miss Myrtle Madge and Miss Agnes
Hay, who has been spending the Eas-
ter holidays with their parents' here
returned to St. Marys Monday, where
they are attending the Collegiate.—
Miss Annie Gardiner, daughter of Mr.
Alex. Gardiner, of ,McKillop, is visit-
ing.at her uncles, Messrs. James and:
RObettGardiner, this week.—Mr: Jos.
Wooden, who removed to Stain.), a
short time ago, wee hider village Mon-
day evening.—Mr. Tholnas A. DiMpan
has secured a hicrativeposition with
the Bradley-Garteston C/o., Of:Toronto,
as an agent for their books.—Mr. John
Pollen, Who has been ailing with a rim -
nit* leg for two or three weeks, is re-
covering.—Miss Mabel Duncan, daugh-
ter of Mr. D. Duncan, entertained a
numher of her youngfriends one even-
ing last week. A. good time was spent
in sports; music and dancing. Mr. A.
Duncan supplied the music for the od-
John Duncan rernoved
his old house last week in prepara-
tion for the erection of a new one. —
Miss Louise Himkney, Who has been
ailing for oyer two years with an af-
fliction of the knee, had an operation
performed on her a few days ago by
Dos Hackney and 'Ferguson and it
is hoped that it may .lead to her re.
Cover:v.—Mr. Jeckell atwl Miss Kiek,
our teachers, who had been spending
their Easter holidays at their homes,
have resumed their duties. --The far-
mers ire now busy in the midst of
their seeding operations. The fine
balmy weather, the latter end ef last
week and the beg -hieing of this is maks
itig the heart of the farmer glad '(0 11)3
grass and wheat, ore grow g
Mr, John Fulton, Sr,, of the Boundary,
who left. for 13u 11'03 o, 0110 111 Iwo w0e1tct
Agee has seenred a situation there,
Making steel. rails .for. ntilwaysaaMias
Isibelbi Pringle, of Vanslialel, for-
merly a resident of this vichuty, was.
.visiting friends and : remeVing ac-
qualisterlees Monday and Tuesday of
this Week, --Mr, and Mes. D. Hay
spent a Couple of days in London the
latter end Of last week 00 besirieSt.
01 la 1;it1-11cleeil(i'sSi)oglils.e7tis17iel(i
(I)o.titl's1;11.7e10 1,
by 1) 1.5 a team soireritips 1is-
1e11)9e1,--,-1\ fr. liatay I1o15e Euld
\\toe. Snell t-itited Mvs. Peddler lasc
\\red e s 1), Gould, o1 1. 51101'
also \-isite(1 the sinie plitee for ;1 few
days. -Mrs. t1i105. ewe spent Sundav
with her 1.1 1101,11141 PedlL.T.
J. 13. Holmes spent 1,..i)islee '1 1..
n•latives 111 Lundmi and. Cleve-
land, Ohio.
llortsa 11I1E1 NA,111 E1). --On Tuesday
evettiog 1 suspiet)itis lookines youpg,
111 11 Qalled at Joseph. Bestard'es
fos simper, 1)11. 1> towlines made, re-
plied tint t he was heed Eg for al Itsbell,
He subse(1t)ently distIppeEired, Early
in the umening 1(10. r.thos. l'estle (110
005(15(1 that lats road driver had die-
, „
Eippetitee zuse, together with harness,
cltrt ancl iti overcoat. He 1N'ohipt1y
tAmk steps to levet) his property. Ha
E Lid his brother st)isted out, one• 14)
Orediton, the other to Exeter, tina.
titter an exciting chase with the assis-
tance of Detective Westcott, of
ter, " located" their 11 (11, five miles
below Clancleboye, in the i101 of
trading off the horse. Air. Westcott.
presented the steanger with tt pair of
bi.acelets ncl c-•scortecl him bEicEk to E's. -e -
ter) fl'otn. whence he was transferred
to Goclexich. jail. He gives his na.Alle'
as Fred Et 11110 In the clith of Tues-
clity night be seerns to have lost 1110
55 1", w 111) 11 for London. He..
tux.ned utp first tit 61-111m1 13511cl, then:
struck across coon ti•y to Ailsa Otsliee
up to Crecliton )1110. then 11(1011)411
Clancleboye. He claims to 1111 VC stolen,
severttl houses, including Mr. Anly's
horse taken. 1111.00 years ago. He was
arrested and 1111(1 1) Killeitrairie
a yea_r ago for the sante oll'ence but
plettdeci 105 (1)11) toad '15 1.8 releiiseds
Ile boasts tileit, 11 15 niore to his Meas-
ure to steal horses than to work loi•
lis 1i3 Ile tool: thc wrong hm•se thisz
time-, however, and welt now have the -
needful rest he deserves.
Inashwood .
111r. John Preeter, wife and faniilys
spent Sunday with reletiVes in these
ge,—Mr. johe 1111.11 NaS 111 London '
Monday on luisiness.-The
of Mr. Wm. Zimmer 'and Mr. jaeoh
Wildfong were mede happy ,Minida
morning by the appearance of a bright
baby eirl etch . Con 0T-1 tudetionS
-Mr. E..- 151:„.•,E1etkeri shire moved into the
hoese.recently vaeated by Ma). Wan.
Pleff,',4Mr. 0. W. Snell is doing a
ralphink trade in bicycles. -L -Mr. ',''GeO •
Goodman has eresaged with Mr. Peter •
Isaac.—Mr. Jacob Kellerman was 10.,
the 'oi.•est. City on brigipess. TueSO4,--
McLaughlin noWsport,i i.a;:nse*
driver. --Mr. Moser is tbent sellfng bis
sorrel team. They iLre a fine pair and:.
'Well worth what he nsks -for 1±010.—
Mr. john Voelker reports: laisiness.
good in the impleMent line,—Miss
,a/mnie Hess, of Zurich, spent Sunday
with friends iu the villegea—On Tues-
day evening the. Evangelical' choir
gathered at the personage and preterit--
.ed:Rev. Saner With a wellfilled purse
and neatly worded address in apple -
dation Of his services as leader and
teacher dnring; his - pastorate here.
Next Sinaday evening the Rev,. gentle- -
man will give his farewell address,
prior to his departure for Rostherra
Saskatchewan, where: the conference
has opened up a Mission field. - .During
his stay here he has endeared himself"
to tbe whole concongregationand his ab -
rept departure is keenly felt by the
congregation, who will, with. but -
stretched arms welcoine them back at
any time the conference so sees fit..
Following iS the address.., -
"We, the members of the e'varibreliciq choir,
Dashwood, desireto wresS oar gratitude nod re-
gai'd to )'OU 05' your londnessand °lyrist* forbear-
ance while among vs.ns our ieseer slatteashea IVo
sincerely regret that the parting hand 1111I5t sdon 15
taken, neverthelesS trusting that 11 010 0511 110 more
on &rah W0 shall tinnily gather in that eternid home
where choirs never part, andlbe permitted to join ill
the praises 01 0101 that bath redeemed us and wash• --
ed us 0 his own precious blood: Please accept this,
small memento as a token Of the 'esteem in which mie
hold.You praying that the Rely Spirit may ever hless-
and; keep you 111 the way that leads to .eterrial joyS.
Signed hi Behelf of The Choir:
Although' taken wholly hy surprise
Mr. Saner made a suitable reply, i,fter.
which the evening MI.S Spent in singingandeocial, chat. The. English prayer
meeting class also presented Mr. and.
Mrs. Shaer with a Sum of money pi.ior
to their departitte; showing the re-
sp,ict in which they are held,
miss Lilly Hill left Saturday for -
Blake where she will reside with Mr.
J. Dalgety.—Mr. Earnest Hill left last
Tuesday for Creditor, where he will be -
engaged for the summer.—Mr. New-
ton Baker has purchased a handsome
top buggy from Mr. J. 0. Sheardown.
---Mr. T. Elston's sawatnill is lying idle
these days owing to lack of an engin-
eer. ---The many friends of Mr, jame,s.
Walker extend their sincere sympathy
to the family at the less of their young
daughter, who diatd, on Wednesday of'
last week from appendicitis at the age
of 8 years.—Mr. Heywood, of Exeter,
occupied the pulpit hei.e on Sunday
morning last and preached very accep-
tably. In the evening Mr. Thomas
Hartnoll, of Exeter, preached to a
large congregation and deliVered a
strong', forcible and interesting set,-
ineeting of the Centralia.'
Weigh Scales Co. will be hold on the,
14111 inst. All are requested to be pre-
PRETTY WEDDTN0.-- The MettiOdi Sb
church here yestei day (Wednes(1ay)
morning was the center of attraction
for a large and inteoested assembly
who thronged that edifice to witness
the solinniza lion of the nupitids of.Mr.
Bert Vail, of Newbery end Miss Casa
rie, daughter of Mr. Richard Hicks.
The marriage was performed by the
Rev. S. Salton at half past elevera
The cerroonyover,n Peeoptioll hOM
at the residence of the 10 1d0'5 parents
where a la i•ge, bet' of friends, in -
eluding the ehoir, 01 whieh Miss Hicks
Was leader for many years, offered
eongratulations and partook of a etnnP-
thous repast. MiSs Hicks leaves t'or .
her horno 10 Newbury With the hes1.
wishes of a large circle of friends