HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-4-26, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. 6.70. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1900 ,y C. 1L SANDERS, EDITOR, important .!'ale £ace Curt..ins. SPECIAL BLACK & BROWN FEDORAS, Ourprices, in these will be found to be as low as elsewhere 'an •goods.. e l d often lower but never so low that we cannot guarantee them. A'50 inch wide curtain -worth th i0c, fol25c.; 60 inch wide; worth 65c. for 40c.• $1 for 75c,; da 2.25 for:° 150• .1.75 for $125, • '• a > . ` r and 3.00 fol'. $2,25; 50 inch wide 3 • ds. swiss lace curtains will be solei at y long $3,00. REFIDY TO-WEFIR-CliOTHING. ,LILLY GUARANTEED Special Men's Wool Serge Blue or Black, IN :: Tweed leader at PIT AND QUALITY, Boys' Serge or Tweed • .Special in Ory Goods. ist E. & T. .Corset Style 59, niedi.um waist, short hip and low bust, two side" steels on each side, in Gold, Drab, Pink. A snap at 49c. 2nd`, All-over Embroider:+• of fine ?'Iainsook ailed Muslin 18 ins. wide, 45c. 3rd. Fancy Dress Sateens, foularci de- signs, one of this season's most popu- lar textiles, 12c. Very Special,. .gra Jose. 50 doz. pairs Ladies' cotton hose, every pair stamped, Louis Hermsdorf, and fully guaranteed, fast color. This week two pair for 25c. Special in groceries. Christie's celebrated Fancy & Plain' Biscuits. Wecarry complete assort- ment. 21 lqs. Bedpan's' Granulated. Sugar, $1.00. 3 Cans Peas, Corn, To- matoes, (assorted or 8 of a kind) 25c. Best goods put up. Maple Syrup very choice. HARDWARE Ask .for our S h. Treatise on Diseases of Fruit trees, Vegetables, etc. and their remedies. See this years' n 1 •.. SPRO1s.,r i:CIIc, for spraying, painting, and whitewashing. `Jalso the Aylmer sprayer, 12 first awards in Ontario. Highest and against the world in Russia and England. .We fully guarantee the above pumps. Get our prices. A LARGE STOCK OF Thorold CEMEigT. Portland 61 NONCE to Parties Building, Weare prepared to quote the lowest prices on Builder's Hardware, Furnaces, Eavetroughing, Get our prices. BARB and SPRING- COIL WIRE. DEPARTMENT. SHERWIN-WILDIAMS Ready -mixed Paints Covers most, Looks Best, Wears longest, most economi- cal, Full measure. Robertsons' Pure Mixed Paints (pure lead and oil.) ALABASTINE A permanent Wall coating mixed in cold water. ,.sitprs/ H. ISHOP & N MONEY TO LOAN, -We have unlimited private: funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at owest rates of interest. DICKSON Cz CABLING, Barristers. etc.; Exeter. PARMS FUR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SPAOKMAN, Sam well's Block Exeter TESTIMONIAL OF ALFREDKI U H N This is to certify that :I have used English Stock Food, for calves, rnilch ,-Stows unci fattening cattle. I have a tat cow that went off her food, on us- ing English Stock Food she rapidly improved. I find if most beneficial for calves. It makes them thrive well, feed well and grow well. ALFRED HUNKIN. For sale at Lutz's Drug Store. 50 cents a bag. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE. The undersi nda will keepfor service, on his premises, Huron Street, a thoroughbred Jersey bull, THOMAS B1tOClr, Exeter. TAVERN LICENSE TRANSFER. .it. Notice is heebvi<given that I have made ,epplication to the License Commissioners of the South itidin of the Countyof Huron, r' o , for•ppermisson, to transfer my tavern license held by me for the Mansion 71ouso situated in the Village of Exeter,to John ' illi Cunningham. • Morley and Ur IO.UUAS. WILSON Dated at Exeter, April 14 1000. Sale Register. g stet. FRIDAY, APRIL l.7.—Farnm Stock, ImPlc- men ts.• etc., the property of Win Jones, .Lot C„ Concession 7, TTsborno, Salo at ono o'clock. IL. Brown, Anat. Varna: The stile V r l.. of the stock arid im ire tints (lid rot r 1 x come oft on Moir daty.as advertised, as;they were bought byMitchell Bros. beforehai,nd. The farrn was put up and purchased by James Mitchell for $5250, Staffa. Mr. George Butson moved his family to the Butson homestead last week.— Several of the farmers hereabouts are working on their land, thongh it is a little wet yet —Miss Ada :Holtby; who is attending school in London, isspend- ing a few weeks with her cousin, Miss Polly Worden.-Spring has arrived and house cleaning is the order of. the day,—Miss Ada Kinsman, of Listowel, is spending a few clays with her aunt, Mrs. J. Robbins. SOdom Mr. Henry Smith has hired for the seiason with Mr. George Bawden, ma- son. They are now engaged in putt- ing utting a brick foundation under 'and ve- neering Mr. Wm.'Dearing's unoccupi ed house —Mr Wm. Bailey, who has been visiting friends in Sodom, has re- turned to his home near London. -- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac passed Sunday with friends in Exeter.—Miss Eva Penhale visited in Exeter a few days last week. —Silas Stanlake addressed the League last Sunday evening.—There is a bad hole in the culvert between William Ching's and S. Stanlake's which should be attended to or a serious accident maybe the result. This culvert ` was built the . year the Lake Road : ,was gravelled which is 29 years ago. St. Joseph Mr. John Mitchell, fof the formerly se parts, but now from near Centralia, was in these parts last week fishing for suckers with rather poor success, John says that even the fish have a spite. against him.—Mr. Tennent, of Lond- on, was in these parts on business, Monday.—R.O'.Brien, Jr.,::accompani- ed by Richard Jennison,wife and fami- ly spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. I3orton, of Lumley.—The Gendron Company, ,of Toronto, are going to start a. large furniture factory here in, the near future.—Mr. and Mrs. Mack and•Mrs. Walter' Brill, of Moray, were visiting' at Mr. and . Mrs. Geo. Camp- bell's on Sunday Hist.—The congrega- tion of St.^Joscph have been repairing the Methodist Church 'here. Kirk$011 Miss Fairless, of Woodham, was the guest of Miss Nance Stinson on Sun- aay,—Mr. Ha;ziewood Brothers left on Friday for Florence.—Misses Stout left on Monday for Clinton to renew their studies.—Miss Lettie Smith and friend Miss Lizzie Cruthers, of Clinton, spent Sunday here with friends.—Miss Ada Hutton is spending her vacation with Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson. -Mx'. M. Fletcher, who left here last August for Manitoba had a very narrow escape from death by getting between two bronchoes and. being kicked. He will return home as soon as he is able. -Rev. John Ball spent Monday in Mitchell.—Miss Jes- sie Montgomery, of Woodham; spent Sunday here.—The League intends giving a literary program Fridayeven- ing.—Mr. Carr, V.S., purchasea new driver from Mr. M. McKernan, of Woodham. aixreenway Mr. J. McWilliams returned Sunda and opened school on Monde. s sister, who was reported veryill last, week, lingered until` Thursday when she passed away to the better world.-- Mr. orld.-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson visited Lon- don last week and bought a lot of new spring goods.—Several youngthen have enlisted for the celebration iu Parkhill, May 24th. More are needed. Mr. W. T. Glens' has secured the' new Infantry Drill Manual and will be pre- pared to drill the company. -A large number attended the first barn raising of the season at Mr. Nichola s Po1loc,k's near Corbett, last Friday, 20th inst. Jas. Young and Geo. Sherritt chose sides and: when :r11 the nien were calied. they had about 00 men on each side. There were a lot of expert mete on each side. Mr. J. Sherritt, Reeve of Step- hen, gave the word for, starting. Mr. Sherritt's side finished a short time be- fore Mr. Young's. Marr. Philli 1s,the alleged personator, is under arrest at Hamilton. Children Ory for CASTOR IA Zion Mr, McPherson . ersi Lr>orev r ed his house- holdhold of ect 1 s to Stratlaroy last week.— ' :'4r. Ck1roish, who has been on the sick list, is improving.—il r. Stevens, who has been qui*, ill is improving.—Mr. Stevens; Who has been engaged with Mr. Fredh' Bern, is moving into the louse a recei. al t ,v vacated by !1?r. Mc- Pherson.—Fall wheat in this section never looked better than, it does at the present.•—Mr. Richard Jones has a smilethese days, the reason of is •a bright little boy who has come to stay. --Mr. incl Mrs. Oke, of Hui'on- dale, visited the la•tter's parents, here Sunday. --•ilii'. John Break, of near Wha:leri,, lost a valuable horse by death Thursday night.—Mr.' William Jones will dispose of his farm stock and implements on Friday by auction. Richard Jones will also disperse of his farm stock and implements Monday next. FARM Sonn.--Mr. Rich. Jones sold his launched -acre farm last week, being Lot A., Concession seven, Usborne, to '_1Ir. Sain."Horne for the sum of $5000. FAR ( RENTED. --Messrs. John Peart and P. Florin have rented Wm. Jones' farm, being Lot C. on the 7th conces- sion, Usborne, for a term of seven years. NARROW SH3 yE.—Whatnr ight have resulted a in serious accident happened to Mrs. Penwarden one da.y hist week. It appears Mrs. Penwarden was out with : her husband ' assisting hire in putting down some posts. Mr. Pen - warded vas using a mall in driving thew into the ground and in soloing the head of the mall carne off, striking Mrs.` Pen warden a stunning blow on the head is 0100, rendered her almost lifeless,, and causing a severe wound from .which the blood flowed most freely. Thinking the blow had proved fatal' and viewing the ghastly wooled was more than lir. Penwarden could withstand and as a. consequence im- mediately fainted. Luckily a little son. Weis hardby and seeing the 1nfor- tunate condition i of his parents alarm- ed scone of the neighbors who 11mmecli- atelyrendered assistance. Mrs. Pen - warden was removed to the house, and while the blow did nob provefatal, it was 0 very close call. She is now doing Nicely and will recover. Hensali Mr. Henry Rundle has sold bis dtt'el- ling, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Cook, to Mr. I:[ugh McDonald.—A very interesting event, took place at the parsonage, here, on Wednesday evening, last week, being the marriage of Mr. " tlW:ana .1„ Vanhorn,of Hib,- bert, co Mks. Ida J. Troyer; ,A u-,ghtc'r° of Mr. Chas. Troyer, merchant and postmaster, of:Hills Green. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. G. Long. We wish the young couple snuck happiness through their jour- ney of life.—Our council intend very shortly putting' a number cif electric lights on our streets, where they are much needed, and putting down stretches of sidewalk. There is noth- ing that adds so much to the appear- ance and comfort of a village Os good roads and sidewalks, and well lighted streets.—Mr. McRoberts and daughter Edna, of London, spent Friday last in town the guests of Mrs. J. Sutherland. —Miss Carnachafr; .of the Mill Road, visited the Misses Swan last :.and part of this week.—Miss Lina Swan, of the London College, spent her vacation at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonald spent Friday last in Exe- ter.—Miss Lydia Rarinie from near Zurich is visiting her brother, Mr. E. Rennie, merchant.—Mr. Berry, of Lucknow, was in town Last week.— Mr. H. Browning, of Exeter, spent Sunday last in town.—The Old Time Concert under the auspices of the Methodist choir this evening (Muss- day).—Miss Jessie Steele, of Seaforth Wigs yisiting Miss Nellie Gosby Sun- day. -Miss Josephine Foster, of Varna is visiting Hensall friends.—Mr. C. Hudson, of Tuckersmith, visited his brother Tom on Sunday. -Miss Lizzie Shepherd was in Chiselhurst Sunday. WEDDED --On Wednesday eyening, Apri1,25th,aliorlt thirty-five guests pre- sented themselves at the residence of Mrs. Smallacoinbe, the event being the marriage of Miss Ada J. Westa- way to Mr; Wm. W. Chapman, of Hay' tp. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Geo.' Jewitt. At about 7 o'clock in the evening the groom was supported by ;his brother, Charles, while Miss Mary R. Westaway, sister of the bride performed similar duties for the bride. The Wedding gifts were of a handsome and useful character. The bride is popular is social circles and best wishes of many go out to the young couple for their future happi ness. (To late for last week.) In place of the usual. Sunday even- ing service in the. Methodist Church Sunday evening last a Song Service was held.—Miss Lillie Johnston, of London, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rodgers, of Rodgerville.—Miss Emma Kaiser and her friend spent Easter vacation with .Mrs. J. . Zuefle.—Mr. Fred Laing spent Sunday in town.-. Mr. Baker, of Crediton, was in town on Sunday.—Oliver Geiger and Wilbur Philips.are horse from Stratford 061 lege for the holiday week.—Miss Hill of Londesboro' is the guest of Miss Hilda Beek.—Mr. Jas. Stoneman, ;of Staples was visiting hi brothers here part of last and this -week.—Quite ,a number from here attended s the con - Cert hell in Kipper Friday evening.- The Methodist (Choir of this place are busy prLactisingfor an Old tune Con cert" to be given in the hall on Tures- day evening next, April 24th —Mr.' Chas. Gilchrist,. of5Guelph, is visiting his brother.—Mrs. J. 'Shepherd left Thursday last for London where her daughter, Mrs. Wood is very ill.—Miss Ethel Coldwill is visiting Miss Edith. Fair, in Luban.—Miss Murray; of Olin - ten, spent Sunday. in town.—A nuni the all iven Ser froii) here attended I3 g . . in Brucefield Monday evening• -Mr, Will Carlyle, £rorn Buffalo, is Visitiirg hid parenbst may Dr:A• rI r oh' 'J rx,' . o VIZ.—The o \ G UL r lhu Lnarn Y friends in this township of Mr. John C,,ould, will no doubt feel very sad and also surprised to hear of his rather sudden death. He was taken ill of al>- peo dicites about :a week ago and de- spite n e the bust medical r,arr c l :,ttc xrduat,e'su•- L euxn red to its dually effects Tuesday morning, at the age of 40 years, 1 month and 14, days. The deceased was highly respected Os a friend and neigh- bor, kind and obliging and will be much missed in the con1nlnnity in which he lived. He leaves to mourn his demise a, sorrowing wife: •1401 Your children ---core son and three daughters -:all of whom have the sympathy of the community in their sad trial of affliction. The funeral will take .place to the Exeter cemetery to -day (Thurs- day.) Woodham Mr. Fox, of Durhirm, has hired with Mr. John Shire for the harvest, as has ids0 Wm. Kirk; of Kirkton, with Al- bert Switzer, of the Base line.—Miss Switzer; of Anderson, was visiting at Mr. John Copel;:and's last Sunday. Miss Alice Huggett, who formerly worked for A. Mills & Co., was visit- ing at Mr. Thoss Hopkins' last week.— School opened on Monday and the town has awakened again after the week's holidays. -Mr. George Hop- kins, who works for Mr.>R. Canis,, of Winchelsea, was home for Sunday.--, Gadke has moved to the farm late- ly vacated by And. Stewart, who is working for J. D. Moore & Co:, of St: Marys.—Mr. Mclintosh, of Parkhill, who was visiting at the parsonage, re, turned home last week.—Miss Kate Fotheringham, of Granton, is visiting at her cousin's, Miss Anna Bell Me- Kay's.—Mr. Collins, of Mitchell, the new tenant on Mr. Haine's farm, mov- ed hts goods last week.—A. J. Ford has sold two of his wheels, one to Mel McKuermak and the ether to Mr. 1 I •Ste ihezls.—lir Martin, E r ofetc 1, the piano and organ dealer Was in 'Woodham with a piano tuner .last week. -Mr. Prouse and two sons, masons, have started work for the season. They are working row at Mr. Frecl Harrow's: They have two large brick residences to put up on the Base line this semmer.--Melville Mc- Kernan sold his new driver to Mr. Carr, V. S., Kirkton, for a nice sum. -Miss Henderson. of Crediton, is visiting at Mr. S. Haine's this week.— Mr. William McKernan is visiting in Stratford this week.—Miss St. John, sister of Mrs. Joseph Stephens, was visiting in Woodham last week. P<alriiei Edwards, who broke his leg int fri.Itsoi11) tine a,140 iS:. slowly= : •e covering.—Messrs. James and Alex Sinclair are going fa:rrrlug with W. • Fletcher' this season. Miss Carrie Switzer is home again after a few week's visit with her sister in Nissourr —Mr. and Mr's. McElrea, of Whalen were visiting at her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Stewart, on Sunday. --Mr. A. Sawyer, who was in the States at- tending the burial of his sister, re- turned 011 Saturday.—Mr. Robert Ballantyne was home for Sunday last. —The Sunday school is now • being trained for the church anniversary, on the 20th of May, in the way of singing, by Mr. John Sawyer and Miss Laura Kirk. Dashwood The pulpit in the Evangelical church was filled Sunday morning by Rev. Sharffe. In the evening by Mr. Shettler, the pastor'sbeing away to conference. --Several young men from Zurich were in the village Sunday- af- ternoon.—Mr. C. Hartleib, of Zurich; was the guest of his brother, Tongs; on Sunday.—The teachers' have again taken their positions after a week's vacation.—Mr. T. Snell left Monday morning to take charge of his work in Bryanston public school. --Mr. John Voelker has disposed of his driving team, T. X. L., he sold to Mr. Morris and Rosy B. he traded to Messrs. Guenther & Willis.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman spent Sunday with friends in Crediton. -Dr. McLaughlin was in London Friday on business.— Mrs. Devlin and family, of Wiarton, are here attending the funeral of her brother. Mr. Norsworthy.—Mrs. Betzle and little daughter, Laura, are spending a few days with friends in the village. AIIoUT TO LEAVE.—Rev. Sauer, who Y, has been pastor of the Evangelical church here for the past two years, has been transfered by the conference to a Mission in Manitoba and will in all probability preach his farewell ser-' mon: next Sunday evening. During his pastorate here he has made Inany lasting friends whose best wishes go with him to his new field of labor. DEATH OF WESLEY NORSwORTHY. This week the hand of death has again visited our village and taken away one who has long been a resident here. We refer to the death of Mr. Wesley Norsworth which sad event occurred Tuesday morning, Deceased worked at blacksnithing till some two years ago, but not enjoying good health, gave up, hoping to improve bis failing condition, but all to no avail. Gradually he sank beneath that dread disease consumption and on Tuesday morning the spark of life fled. He leaves to mourn his death a wife, an aged mother and three sisters, besides a host of friends. , The I. 0. F., of which he wags a member, attended the funeral in a' body. We sympathise with the bereaved friends in the loss of a loved one and know that our loss is His gain. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, Tho fat- ,, mile Q .. iti or iF on QOA27f 9. Nip Centralia, The beautiful d tlfutl tV 111 nt 1 h of the, past e it week has hurried along; the growth of everythiug :aud many of the farmers here are busy at the seeding.—Mr.. Frank Adair left last week for (hedi- ton, he having moved there: a short n — t1111e a Bodges -- vine, ago.—Ross itis 0 <. 1'3U1115 1 Brothers, c o It d ar k c[ villc, have'been in this vicinity l:ri41,- gathering up some fare horses, ----Mia, Annie Cv1,Lance, of Exeter,' is in town this week busily preparing• some, wed- ding dresses for :t• number of our fair middens.---Miss Olive Walkeereturnedl home Friday after spending her bolis days in 'London township with her parents.-Mss.'Villia m Elliott is visit- ing her: mother, Mrs. 'Handcock at, To- ronto.—Mr. Wm. essery and J. Par- sons are busily engaged en g: g in the erec- tion of their nen'dwelling.—Next Sun- day 'yelling, Nei:t-Sun- day our pastor intendspreaching at Watford, his former appointment be- fore leaving here, Be has secured the service of tivo of Exeter's best loculi preachers to fill the Vacancy. -114. Mc- Pherson, a former resident of this place, but who has for the past few years been in charge of the Public School at Zion, left last week for Strathroy with his wife and family. His many friends wish bmw every success. Mr. Reed, of Varna, is 01, charge of the school at Zion. The Ep- worth League held their election of officers on Tuesday evening. A. good- ly number oodlynumber being present. The past president spoke a few words and there ourpastor proceeded with the elections which resulted as follows: -President, Harvey Lane; 1st ,Vice -Pres., , J. J., Colwill; 2uc1 Vice -Pres., 3liss` Essery; 3 r > . Vice - Pres., Lcc..l. xes ,Miss Salton; 4th 1 ice-• Pres., Miss Walker; Se c'y., A. Hod- gins; Trea•suu'er, 'James Oke; Organist, 3liss Cobleigh. Zurich The weather is most beautiful and the farriers are making'haste to: finish seeding while it is so.—Theschool re - o cried_ i11 31d• • April all t" •: P 1 , UM 'Staff.' 11 at - ten dan ce and t-tendanreand a well filled School house. —Mr. P. Fossel, Who is working with. Mr. Diechert .& Sen moved to the house lately vacated by. Mi. Frank Bossenberry._1.tr.Frauk.Bossenberry is now living on Main st. in the house • recently vacated. by Mr. Lents, who, intends spending' his last clays with friends in the West. -Bir. John Zettle h.aspur•.chased the brick' dwelling on • Mill street, from his father-in-law, Mr„ Foster, and is new occupying It,-11'Ir. John H.ieldbra•nd, sr., is the latest ad- dition to; our burg Flax has -drawn him to it.=Mr. James McLean,; who for some time, was a constant boarder at the Huron House, has changed •his abode and now tests, nudes the Con-' mercial roof. House cleaning is town topics. -Mr. B. A. Iliggins, of Varna, was in town Tuesday. --:-Mr. Chas. Greb of the Huron House, is still trying to make his hotel have an attractive ap- pearance. Mr. Henry Rundeli is treat- ing it to an outside coat of paint. -Mr. Wur. Hess is pushing the bicycle busi- ness very strongly this season and has 0 number of wheels in 'stock.—Rev. Mr. I+'inkbeiner was attending Confer- ence last week, hence there were no services in the Evangelical church Sunday.—Mr. John Foster intends erecting a few new: dwellings on ch arch street as soon as possible. -Mr. Eph• - rain Holtzman, who has been working with his father of late, leaves Thins - day for Huron Co., Michigan. -Miss Clara Buchanan left Monday for God- erich to resume her studtcs.—•Miss Mina Doan, who wasspendiirg her va- cation at home, left:Monday for Liman where she is attending the High school. —Mr. George ,7nynt, of Hensall, ended o11 friends her' Monday evening. --,--mi., Norman .Cook, of Mensall, was in town Tuesday, looking lifter the electric light: c1r. Lanoutreports cattle very flat and predicts dull markets forsome bine.—Death has again conic amongst us and carried away Mrs., Fee, of the Goshen line. BIRTHS. JONES.—In Usborne, on April 21, the wife of Richard Jones, of a sora. MARRIAGES. CHArMAN-WESTAwAY—At the resi- sidence of Mrs. Small:monlbe, Hen- salt, on Wednesday, April 25th,.: by the Rev. Geo: Jewett, Mr. William Chapman, to Miss Ada J-. Westtu•ay, daughterof the late Samuel Westa- way of Exeter. COATES—GOUTD.-On Wed., it , A -Pr 25, by Rev. C. W. Brown, B.D., at the residence of the. bride's mother, Mr, Charles. Coates, of Pontiac, Mich., to Miss ida M. Gould, of Exeter. DEATHS. MOGEOOE-In Egtnondville. on April 14th, Mary McGeoch, aged 88 years. Gov-up—In Hay, on April 24th, John Gould, aged 40 years, 1 month and 13'days. MARSHALL -At Rodgerville, on April 20th, John P. Marshall, formerly of Exeter aged 79 vears 3 months. MARTIN—In St. Marys, on Monday, April 10, 1900, George Martin, aged. 85 years, 1 month. WALKmO—In Usborne, on April 24th, Elia Ray Walker, daughter of Mr. James Walker, aged 8 years and 7 Months , WEILRY. Exeter, etur on April 20th Thomas Wer,v Sr.,Sr-• agedyears 83 ' ' . and 7 months. The centre section of the Schofield Woollen & Knitting Mills at Oshawa was destroyed by fire. The loss is about $25,000. What A. 'f,a;(e It Telis If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion. it jaun- diced look, moth patches and blotches'. on the skin, its liver trouble; but Dr. King's New "Life [alts regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c, at all drug stores.