HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-4-19, Page 6‘;iliscribere wbo do act 'Teel v e 0)04' Pa PQ r•eaalierla well please waire us L Call at tbis ofilee for eaveriaing 11[E EXETER ApyoQ AT E„ ..eaRil 19 1000 TOLD BY THE EYES. Blue eyes are said to be the weak- est. Upturned eyes are typical a devo- tion. Wide open eyes are indicative of entehuess. Side-glanoing eyes are always to be lietrusted. Brown eyes are said by oculists to be the etrongest. Small eyes are supposed to indicate calming. The doweast eye has in all ages been typical of modesty. The proper distance between the epee is the width of oue eye. People of melancholic temperament rarely have clear blue eyes, Eyes with long, sharp corners indi- tate great discenrment and penetra- tion. Gray eyes turning green in auger or excitement are indicative of a choleric temperament. When the upper lid covers half or more of the pupil, the indication is of cool deliberation. An eye the upper lid of which passes horizontally across the pupil indicates mental ability. Unsteady eyes, rapidly jerking from side to side, are frequently indicative .of an unsettled mind. It is said that the prevailing colors eef eyes among the patients of lunatio asylums are brown and black. Eyes of any color with weak brows and long, concave lashes are indica- eive of a weak constitution. Eyes that are wide apart are said rby physiognomists to indicate great intelligence and a tenacious memory. Eyes of which the whole iris is vis - b1 e belong to erratic persons, often with a tendency toward insanity. 'They Advertise Themselves.—Immed- iately they were offered co the pubiic, 1'armelee's Vegetable Pills became pop alar because of the good -report they made for themselves. That reputation bas grown, and they vow rank among the first medicines for use in attacks et clys- Fensia and biliousness, complaints of the laver and kidneys, rheumatism, fever and :ague and the innumerable complications :to -which these ailments give rise. Punished. Enough Alraady. A very subdued looking boy of alsont 11 years, with a long scratch on Ida nose and. an air of general deject- ion, came to his teacher and handed _leer note before taking his Rat and -baetaning deeply absorbed'in his book. The note read as follows: "Miss B --t: Please excuse James for not being there yesterday. He played trooant, but you don't need to lick him for it, as the boy he played troo- ant with and b.im fell out and the boy licked him. and a man they sassed caught and licked him, and the driver elf a cart they hung on to licked him alto. Then his pa licked hint, and I lead to give him another one for sas- ging me for telling his pa, so yon rated not lick him till next time. He thinks he better keep in school now." Under the circumstances the teacher thought James had been punished oraough. 'When children are pale, peevish and sastless at night they require a dose lea two of . Miller's Worm Powders. 'They are pleasant to take; no physic re- quired, Vonderf ul German Enterprise. German is the business language of the Balkans. Russian diplomacy com- plains that Constantinople is becom- ing as German as Berlin. Asia Minor is slowly being converted into a Ger- man colony; and now the Bagdad sallway will carry the same influence 2,000 miles onward to the Persian gulf, placing the greatest military Dower of the world upon the most direct of all roads to India. Even the old English scheme of a Euphrates railway is at last in German bands. Xe p Minard's Liniment in the House, ci No Danger Whatever. Don't on any account sleep on an ampty stomach!" was the advice of a physician to a patient. No danger of that," was the /re- ply; "I always sleep on my back!" • Biliousness Burdens Life, --The bilious man is never a companionable IMM be- cause his ailment render e him morose and gloomy. The complaint is not so danger- ous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need miller from it who can procure Parinelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulatina the liver and obviating the effecte of fine in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. It Did Not Educate Ilitn. Benham—I claim that the stage Is an educator. Mrs. Benham—I don't agree with erou. You took me to a temperance play the other night end went out three times betwe,eb the acis. If the children requill,; phyeic none acts 'PO IliCE) as Tvleiler'e aa-orm Powders; very pleasant to take. Wide Open, staring eyes in weak ,countenancee indieate jealousy, bigo- try, iutolerance and. pet tenacity, without firmness. Isk for Minarh and take no Other. DtiliN‘GS OF IIIE WE3K TMS. OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Pruned, punctuated and Preserved In rithy raragraphe for tit* Perusal of Practical People -- Personae, Poiiticee aid Profitable, UNCLASSIFIED, The North Gorman -Lloyd Steamship Company has declared a dividend of 71/2 per cent. It is estimated that the cost of fighting the bubonic plague in Hono- lulu will reach at least $2,000,000, Paupers continue to overrun Ponce, Puerto Rico. Sunday morning a wo- man died of starvation in the Piaza. Dr. Jameson, the leader of the fam- ous raid into the Transvaal territory, has arrived at Cape Town. He is e,imnr The British deficit for 1900 will be £23,000,000 ,and will be met peat- ly from war loan and partly from treasury bills. The Dominion Government ls making a strong effort to stop the Doukhobors from going to Califor- nia. They wore detained at the boundary. It is said that, by the desire of Queen Victoria, the son that was born to the Duke and. Duchess of York on Saturday last will be christened Patrick. Tho local option byaaw for the Township of Darlington was carried on Saturday, by a substantial major- ity. Only the Burketon Hotel has had a license the past year. Thursday Capt, J. N. Wigle brought the Lakeside from Port Dalhousie to Toronto, and navigation for the sea - Ban was opened. She encountered much ice at the Port and in Toronto Bay. Recent despatches from thili say that considerable alarni exists in of- acial circles there regarding the re- lations between Peru, Bolivia and Chili, and that it is believed Arg -en - tine. is urging on Peru and Bolivia to attack Chili. The dreaded San Jose scale has ap- peared in the Orleans County, New York, orchards. The farmers there conquered army and canker worms after years ef fighting. The fruit crop of Orleans brought farmers over $1,- 000,000 in 1890. CASUALTIES. James Richardson, who resided in the Fairmount District, Man., acci- dentally shot himself dead on Fri- day morning, whale cleaning an old gun. The boiler exploded in McQuibban's flour mill at Harriston on Saturday, 'wrecking the engine room and doing considerable damage to the mill, Mr. McQuibban received a slight scalp wound, and had a narrow escape. The British steamer Mexican of the Union Line which left Cape Town April 4, has been sunk in collision with a cattle transport. The crelia and passengers returned to Cape Town on the cattle boat, Wingfield. Roy Sunley, the 7 -year-old son of Mrs, James Sunley, Guelph, in com- pany with two yOuths, of about the same age, went to Allan's dam on Friday to watch the water rushing over the clam.. In attempting to walk on a log at the side of the old mill -race he slipped and fell in. The body was carried through the flood- gates and down the turbulent stream. The body had not been recovered lato An accident befel rhix.ed train No. 24, on the C.P.R., a raile south of Credit Forks, about 7 o'clock on Wednesday night, which resulted in considerable damage to rolling stecle and injuring Some of he passengers. Two of the freight cars rolled down the embankment, and the baggage car and passenger coach which were up - Set, caught fire. There were 15 pas- sengers on the train, and several re- ceived nasty injuries. Mr. Wallace of Woodstock was cut on the head; Mr. J. J. 13attisby of Toronto had bus - left leg injured. Hie Honor the Lieut. -Governor of Ortario hal given $100 to the Cana- dian Patriotic Fund, Gen. Otis has been ordered from the Philippines at his own request. Gen. MacArthur will succeed. Lloyd's (London,eEng..) Patriotic Fund has made a grant of £1,000 to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Reports of encounters between the American troops and tho Filipino in- surgents continue to arrive from many points. , The special service fleet left G-Ibral- tar Thursday morning for the Can- ary Islands, but was recalled by a torpedo boat destroyer, owing to telegraphic instructions received from the British Admiralty. France has adopted an armored train. One with armament com- plete has been manufactured at the Indret works and been despatched to Cherbourg. The train, drawn by con- ical-sh.aped engines. can travel 60 railes an hour. William Alexander McDonald of Cove Head, P.E.I., died in the mili- tary hospital at Halifax, N.S., on Sunday night of pneumonia. This is the first death in the new garrison regiment. Several others are down with colds arid measles. The United States naval appropria- tion bill has been reported to the House by Acting Chairman Foss of the Naval Cominittee, The amount carried by the , bill is $61,219,916, the largest ever reported to the House from the Naval Committee. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Daniel Parrott of Hamilton, who made a murderous assault on Con- e -table Knox, luts been sent for trial. Harry Hamberger, the youth con- victed of the tnurder of John M. Beiudel at Detroit, attempted sai- aide on I'riday by slashing his throat with a razor. The jail ofriciale eaved his lifo. In a fight at Chicago on Friday, growing out of an argument over Admiral Dewey's candidacy for Pre- eident, Eugene nicker, a colored man, was shot an instantly killed by George Miller, a barber. Botra,ssa of Mantreal killed his wife, Ile made a clean breast of the eeinie on Friday. He got jlealotis, he admits without cause, teaci thought lie would choke bis wife. Waea to saw her eleeping he pounced upon her and chid her to dental. It took lean 3.5 minutes as aear as be could judge. Ile wants to be van- ished speedily for his crime. THE Filth: RECORD. The Edvvardsburg glucose factory at Cardinal, Ont., was destroyed by fire on Sunday, entailing a loss of $150,- 000. The fine brick public schoolhouse at Point Edward was destroyed by fire •at '7.30 Thursday morning. The cause is unknown. The worst forest fires that have visited Long Island, New York, for years have been, burning for 36 hours, in the outskirts of Lindenhurst. The dry grass made good fuel for the flames, which tave been fanned by a high wind. A number of small build- ings have been burned. St Ann's Convent at St. Jacques, Que., was burned to the ground Wed- eesday evening. Loss estimated at about $100,000, Msuraoce $15,300. No lives were lost, but many persons are suffering from burns and injuries. No other buildings were destroyed. Real cause of the fire is not yet known. • suiCerms. Henry King of Toronto cut his throat with a razor at the Western Ho'spital on Friday. The doctors could not save his life, although aid was rendered as soon as attention was called by a fellow patient to the, man's condition. George Mercier, a barber, living in Ottawa, attempted suicide Sunday night, in a fit of despondency, conse- quent upon a spree. He drew a raz- or across his throat and slashed him- self pretty badly. He has every chance of his pulling through. POLITICS—CANADIAN. The address in reply to the Speech from the 'Throne in the Mani- toba Legislature has been passed without a division. The British Columbia Provincial Liberal Convention ended in a fiasco. Police had to interfere. The conven- tion was about evenly divided, about half the delegates supporting Mr. Martin. The convention adjourned sine die. Afterwards Mr. Martin and his followers organized in another hall. THE MORPHINE HABIT. Actresses Said to De Largely Addict. ed to the littueful Drug. Actresses, as a class, are more addicted to the use of opium than people in any other walk of life. They generally admin. ister it to themselves by hypodermic in- jectious of the solution of morphine. They invariably, whether truthfully or not, ascribe their introduction to the vice to doctors haviug administered it to 'them in prescriptions intended to allay inter- nal pains. Some years ago a clerk in a large drug store was summoned to a room in one of our most prominent ho- tels. When he knocked on the 'door, he was cemmanded to enter. Thrown upon the bed in the abandon of semiconscious- ness was a woman who was then one of the best known actresses in America. Yeti have all seen her. "I sent for you," she said, "to tell you that every day I will send to your estab- lishment for an ounce of alageudie's solu- tion"—a well known preparation of mor- phine, containing 10 grains of morphine to each ounceof the solution, or 96 times more than an ordinary dose. "I am pro- vided with it in every city that 1 visit,. and I see no reason why I should not be furnished with it here." "It is against our rules," said the clerk, "to provide morphine in any such quanti- ties unless we are convinced that the per-, son applying for it is addicted to its use to an extent that would ,not make that quanlJty fatal. "I'll easily satisfy you on that score," said the actress, and thereupon she bares) her arms, and, to speak plainly, the calves of her legs also. They had been punctured by the hypodermic needle to such an extent that in their roughness they resembled nutmeg graters. The tes- timony was conclusive, and she was daily provided with 16 grains of the poison. .She died a few years ago almost forgot- ten in the profession nature had intended she should adorn. Truly "it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder." --Philadelphia Times. Golf and Good Manners. Golf is the same as good manners, be- cause BO large a part of the game is eti- quette and rests on the sense of humor. It is as easy to cheat in golf as in soli- taire, but whereas some worthy tnen find satisfaction in cheating in solitaire none but the -truly vicious cheat at golf, and they are speedily shown the door of good society. In no other game do good man- ners enter so much into the game. Base- ball is largely made up of the rooting, whose essence is unholy glee over a van- quished foe and which frequently degen- erates into a positive attempt to rattle a winning foe. Boxing has a rude chivalry of its own and all of the rougher athletic games a spirit of fair play and give and take quite admirable in their way, but not of the realna of good manners. • In golf one naity only applaud an opponent's good play, and any exhibition of temper, while sometimes excused, is really not ex- cusable. Man may invent a harder test of self control than gar in its impish mo- ments, but he is not likely to until the world has advanced an eon or two nearer perfection.—New York Commercial Ad- vertiser. Derivation of the Word Sunday.' The word "Sabbath" is a Hebrew term for a period as well as quality of time and means "rest." In the Bible it is used only with this meaning. Periods of one year or of seven yeare were thus charac- terized. Every seventh day was observed by the Hebrews as a weekly "Sabbath." Iu addition to this day others were ap- pointed in which the obligation to cease from labor was as binding as the observ- ance of the weekly "Sabbath." "Sun- day" Is so named from the day which was dedicated to the worship of the sun. Cheistian nations observe it as thCir "Sabbath," hut "Sabbath" is not "San- day."—Mary B. TNL. Richardson in Wo- man's Elorne 6ompanion. Citiont'n A rietocracy. The population. of China is estinutied at 801,000,000, and of these some 40,000 are divert descondente br Confueio8, who !iv - o(1 500 ,veers before Christ. They are 70 gemitatione 3'011101,0(i from the founder of the Co n fu einn rel e i ea and constitute the aristociacy of Caine. Cure for ',That 'rived Felin “r.Chat tired feeling" may be corn - bated by proper exercise, wholesome food, pure air, pure water, pure thoughts; then wili thelemple of the soul be a fit dwelling place. Learn to oconornize your vitality. Snatch a few moments here and there for rest, either by full relaxation or change of occupation, The man in the story who hired out to the farmer never got tired, never got hungry. But the • first day, long before the noon hour, the was seen sitting upon the plow in the shade of a tree eating a slice of bread 'and 'butter. He rested before getting tired, ate before he was hun- gry. While I have not followed his example, I cannot remember when I was tired, although I am never idle and not infrequently average seven- teen hours' work a day.—Edward B. Warman in the Ladies' Home Journal. ffifl1)011)16 How Perley Mlsner, of Welland - port, Recovered Health. He Suffered From Hip Joint Disease and Absoesses—His Friends Feared • He Would Be a Permanent Invalid. From The Journal, St. Catharines, Ont. A reporter of the St. Catharines Journal visiting Wellandport not long ago, heard of one of those remarkable cures that hawe made Dr. Williams' Pink Pills famous as life savers the world over. The case is that of Per. ley Misner, son of Mr. Mathias Mis- ner, who had suffered from hip joint disease and abscesses, and who had been under the care of four doctors without beneficial results. Mr. Mis- ner gave the particulars of the case as follows :—"In the spring of 1892 my son, Perley, who was then in his thirteenth year, began to complain of an aching in his hips, and later my attention was directed to a peculiar shapable in his gait. As the trouble gradually grew upon him I took him to a physician in Dunville, who ex- amined hint and said the tronble arose from a weakness of the nerves of the hip. This doctor treated Per - ley for weeks, during which time a large abscess formed on his leg, and he was obliged to get about on crutches. As he continued to'decline, I resolved to try another doctor, who diagnosed the case as hip joint disease. He treated Paley for six months. The lad slightly improved at first, but later was taken worse again. He would startle in his sleep and was continually in distress, as he could neither sit nor recline with ease, and was weak, faint and confused. Dur- ing this time the abscess had broken and was discharging in three places, but would not heal, A third doctor advised a surgical operation, which he objected to, and a fourth medical man then took the case in hand. This doctor confined Perley to -the bed, and besides giving • medicine, he ordered a mechanical appliance to which was attached a 15 -pound weight, to be placed in a position by a pulley system so as to constantly ,c1raw downwards on the /Arab. This treatment was continued six weeks, causing much pain, but nothing in the way of ben- efit was noticed. The abscess was dressed twice and thrice a day for months, and frequently, despite the aid of crutches, it was necessary for me to carry him in my arms from the house to the vehicle when taking him out. In October of 1893, I decided, other treatments having failed, to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I told the doctor of this decision, and he said that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would quite likely be of much benefit. After using four boxes I could see some im- provement. After this Perely contin- ued the use of the pills for several months with constant improvement and new vigor, and after taking about eighteen boxes the abscess was nicely healed, the crutches were dispensed with, and he was able to work and could walk for miles. I attribute,, the good health which my son enjoys to- day to the use of Dr. Williana.e' Pink Pills. This medicine achieved such a marvellous success in my son's case as to set the whole community talk- ing about it. I consider no pen ex- pressive enough to do Dr. Williams, Pink Pills justice, as I believe my son would still be a hopeleres in -valid but for this medicine." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. If your dealer does not keep them, they will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Had La Grippe. --Mr. A. Nickereon, Farmer, Dutton, writes: "Last winter 1 had La Grippe and ib left me with a seYere pain in the small of my back and hip that used to catch me whenever f tried to Climb a fence. This Insted for about two months when 1 bought a bottle of Dr? Thomas' If:electric Oil and psed it hotai internally and externally, morning a-nd evening, for three da,ys, at the expira- tion of •which time I was completely cured." One Worrian's Wisdom: Mrs. Diggs—How is it you, are so stiotieseful in Managing, your husband? Mrs. Brigga--Oh, I simply :Ce,ed him well and trust to lack. 1111111Z•111.1M1i014 Taste or Parsimony? Closeinan—After all I much prefer a pipe to a cigar. Franklin—You mean that you enjoy saving nioney more than you do Sniolc- ing tnnaeco.—Boston Transcript. A new back fOr 50 cents. Kidney Pill's and Plaster. Noises That Attract, Snakes. It is a curious fact that there are certain kind of noises which attraot snakes. For instance, the whirr of the mowing machine, instead of scar- ing these reptiles, as might be sup- posed, seems both to allure and enrage them, and they almost invariably dart towards it, rearing themselves in front of the machine, which of course. promptly chops off their heads. In six months as many as 120 cobras alone have thus been slaughtered on a grass farm in India. .Noahing looks moee ugly than to see h person whose hands are covered over wit s watts. Why have these disfia,nrementl om your persoawhen a euro a:inane:1. of al warts corns ete can be round. 10 ilolbo- way's Corn Cure. • No coeh Left. Not only is the stock of khaki all exhausted, but now the stock of Bed- ford cord is also run out. The Im- perial Yeomanry was to have 'been clothed in Norfolk jackets of khaki and breeches of Bedford cord. A sufficient supply of either material cannot be obtaiued anywhere. The demanci for cord for 10,000 pairs of breeches has overwhelmed the Bed- 'forrl cord makers. It is feared that the result will he a great delay of the • departure of the Imperial Yeomanry or else that the mon will be dressed in a great variety of materials. A great deal of corduroy has had to be purchased in place of the cloth cord. Philosophy of Spring. Are youfeeling out of sorts, dull: tired, heavy. low-spirited ? Is your Stomach out of order; have you boils, headache, lame back, or any other Of the many traubies.that,come with the spring?_ If .so ase Dr. .Arnoidis English Toxin Pills for W-calc People, the greatest nerve and blood medicine on earth. They'll Mire you positive- ly, perfectly, nerrnanently. Sol1 byall druggists Large box, 75e, „small bex 25c. or sent postpaid, on receipt, of price, bv The Arnold 'Chemical Co., Limited; Canada fife Building, Termite. Rapid Time to the Orient. From London to Bombay in 11 days is the remarkable,pfograrame laid out by the Peninsular & Oriental Steam- ship company. The journey will be made by the British route, and iu- volves faster time than is usual on, Italian railways. The chief item is the voyage from Suez to Bombay, whicb is made at the rate of 17 knots an hour. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot retieh the diseased 1 ortion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is eausea by an in. flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflam- ed you have a Tumbling sound or imperfect heaiting, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the reSult, and unless the inflammation can be takerront and this tube restored, to its nor- mal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; ulna eases out of ten are caused by ca- tarrh, which is nothing but an infl..mecl con- dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cam,ed by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Hall's Catairlt Cure. Send for circulars free. • F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. sarSold by Druggists, 75e. shabby Between Seasons. AbOnt this season Of the year people begin to look ragged; it is too cold for spring clothes and winter clothes are worn out. Miller's Compound Iron Pills restore the color to pale cheek and bloodless lips. The white of the eye showing be- neath the iris is indicative of nobility of character. English Rage for Khaki. Several firms are very busy enamel- ling bicycles the popular lehalti color, says the London Chronicle.' It is an excellent shade to hide splashes of mud. Mother Graves' Worm Exerininator has eo equal for destroying WOrMS 111 children and adult. Sue that you gee the genuine when purchnei n , Five Men to Take Once The military rule is that, aye tinaes the number of an intreuched enemy are required to dislodge the latter. P,ckA, AAties40 "pt b94 SilOE DRESSING ILL coLoRs r OR Atl'sugesiet Buller Molted to Tease. An interesting allusion to General Buller after the Tugela retreat is oou- tained in a letter received at New- castle from a private in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, serving with the Natal Field Force. In the letter he writes: You know I told you in ray last letter that a big fight was coming off. Well, so it did, aud the Boers came off best. They played the very devil with no, and in our retirement there was more killed than there wet., in the regular engagement. . . . When it was all ever the Boers took the boots and clothing of the dead, and cut the rings off the fingers of some of the officers and men. It was a horrible sight. .• . . When the engagement was over, General Buller went round and to show how he felt it, big tears rolled down his face to see such a lot of killed and wounded. . . Coleus() is surrounded by biz mountains and hills. The Boers are behind them, and we might as well try and shoot the moon as try to get them out of it. C. C. RICHARDS a CC. Dear Sirs,—For some yaars I have had only partial use of my arm, caused by a sudden strain. I had used every remedy without eiTect until Igoe a sample bottle of. aIINARD'S LINIMENT. The benefit, I received from it caused me to continue its use, and now I am happy to say my arm is completely restored.. . 0-iamis, Ont. 11.W. HARRISON, "The Bullet Ward." Writing from Pietermaritzburg, a Lincoln nurse says that one of the wards under her charge they call the bullet ward, being full of men who have been shot with bullets, and she - mentioned a case of one poor fellow who was shot through the arm, and whilst waiting to be carried off the' field was shot through both legs. The shell wounds, she says, are very bad ; the shells make awful work with the poor fellows. The wounded men worried the doctors every time) they came round to let them go to the front again almost before they were - fit to be about. Some of the men un- der her charge were ready for the, front again; they were full of spirit and burning for action. No worm medicine acts so nicely as .Mil - lea's Worm Powders; no physic required. How She Was Landed. ' Bess—So Jeanette married a farmer. I thought she said she would marry only a man of culture? Nell—And so she did—a man a agriculture. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Gold in Circulation. The amount of gold coin in actual circulation in the world is estimated by the Bank of England to be about 865' tons. Health for tile children—Miller's Worm Powders. HEIRsa Persons entitled, 1-0 loIr7irencitoifltre.ty0 11 tii(15nr- Vicioul co LI itt:i, F U IO millions a wa t heirs or their de- scendants in this country. Book of names sent on receipt of 10 cents. DUGALDeMOFARLANE, Box 145, Truro, N.S., Canada. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We also make Steel Flac Stall's. Grain Grinders, Iron and Wood • PUMPS,ttSee Suppliefs. , Send for Now Cat- alogue. Ole Oil Fence Machine THE GEM still hold; ONO/ 0 the record, 120 rods 10. Ali( Pwe o fence in 10 hours. spring d (1 e‘4a5n40O. 0 01 :1'1 w1 7. rdett 1101-tiallt, for sale in any quart - 011k -5/11= aity. Write , 'Illliblkid....„ paillefita----aifign.a:a.3\loVaTVPfi?dr'soBliernte,,11 4 PLOWS, RoLL8ns & HARROW'S The Eest gado, send for liatalog•tte. l'11,0 sky (o., nueseroOnn. gATH0110 PRAUP B°"•1'8'11".!" -les) - 1 fixes, in amil.ltS, R,eligiouis Pictures, Stemma and Church Orna- ments, Educational Worlt's. lIni anboit receive prompt attention. I). aSi Co, MOntel, • 1. STOPPED FREE, Permanent. ly Cored. Dn. Htlin,','S eltRAT attitym 111181'0MM, PO:iitiv'e. auto •. for an eaav as Diseases, Fits' ip Epilepsy; Spasms alld Se vites,Dance, N, Fits, or Nervonsne is after last day's use. reeeatiee and 02 trial bottle. sent through Canadian Alren ay PIM to Fit patients, they plring es press clui r cos only rvh en received., Sand to.Dr I:11115,131 eraese, rbliadelpitia,Ina