HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-4-19, Page 5Tip snxtter buoratt Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Whom MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER, --By the----- ADVODATE PUBLISHING COMF'ANY TERMS OF SUBSORIPTTON, One Dollar per annum if paid ix Advance S1.50 if not so paid, Ma.toz (ars .23.1t/42.1.cni.... No paper diseontinued until allarre rage aro paLi. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and sharged. accordingly. Liberal disconntmade or transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of J013 PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord. ars, dre. for advertising, subscriptions,etc.t o bo made payable to Chas.ft. Sanders, EDITOR e ND PROP 'Professional Cards. g. EINSMA.N, L,D,S.& Da. A, It. eaKINSMAN, L D. S., D, D. S.,.Flonor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Blook, west side Main Street, Exeter, TNR. D. ALTONANDERON(DDS LDS) .11-1 honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. °thee over Elliot & Elliot's law oilice—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter, Medical Tortn.T,P, MoLA.T_TGRLIN, MEMBER OF IJ the College of Physicians and.Surgecins Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouoh- our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. 1•••,.......yar••••• Le,t.sztl, DVORSON & CARLING-, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 514 per cent. Office Fauson's Block, Mein St., Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at Hensel'. on Thursday of each. week,) I, R, DARLING, B. A.. L. H. DICKSON. 1-14W. (*LADMAN. (euecessor to Gladman,) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public .Uouveyancer, Etc.:. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Office Main Street, Exeter: Auction eerS T_T BOS'SENBERRY, Grand Ben a, Licensed 0..11.1.. Auctioneer for Co un ty Fluron, Sales prOMPt1:7 attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention.' 11BROWN,Wincheisea. Licensed Auct- ,, ioneer tor the counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for tbe township oflTsborne Sales proniptly attendeft to andterms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged. at Post office. chelsea Insuracie•e. E ELLIOT, , Insurance Agent, Main St. , Exeter 41. .06 starrk."-var_dfx IT PRS To read the big stores' ad - vertisemeuts 1 sTotp! THINK ! For whose -good are we in 410 the furniture business? For ni. yours and. ours. If we are not 111 useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goodsyou want at the prices you want or we can- not -make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, ' which proves that we are the . right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself.... 4 S. GIDLEY & SON. Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 11, -Nrust The Rilolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament , 5855.) Paid up Capital $2,500,000. Rest Fund 1,625,00() Head. office Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with ono or more eedorsers a,t 7 per cent, per annum; —EXETER, BRANCH— 'Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 " 15.1P Saturdays 10 ami. to 1 pan, . A. general banking business transacted. CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 37, D.,ICKSON & CARLINO, N D. linunoro Solicitors. Manager, You know a 1 l about it. The r.ush, the worry, the' exhaustion. You go • about with a great weight resting, upon 't you. You can't throw ofT this feeling. Y o u r are a slave to your work. Sleep fails, and you are on the verge of nervous exhaustion. What is to be done.? gv Take .0 TO TIRE DEAF. --A rich lady, cured of her Deafness ancl Niois('s in the Head by 1)1. Nieholson's Artificial Ear 'Drums, has sent $1,000 to his In- stitute, so that deaf people unable, to procure the Ear Drums may have, them free. Apply , to Department A. S. N, The Institute, "Longcott," Gin:1nel sbury, Lolidoll, W.. England ez/wantnzvartivra,t1.0arit."....W„ oLninonn gngn nom Ce e.. PAINOE DR tavz L k"1 LOO. buT FOR ImITATIoNS ANE) SUB- STITUTES. THE. GyqUINii 1.50TTL.t. BL'ARO THE trAmc, ' PECRRY DAVIS a Sol% For fifty years it has been lifting up the dis- couraged, giving rest to the overworked, a n d bringing refreshing, sleep to the depressed. No other Sarsaparilla approaches it. In age and in cures, "Ayer's'1 is "the leader of them ail." It was old before other sarsaparillas were born. 51.00 a bottir.. All druggists, Ayer's Pills aid the, ac tion of Ayer's Sarsapa- 1: villa. They cure bilious- ness. 25 cta a beg. I have used Ayer's medicines :Car more than 40 years and have said from the very start that you made the best medicines in the world. am sure your Sarsaparilla saved illy life when 1 first took IL 40 years ago. I am now past 70 and ani ncor Without your medicines." FRANK THOMAS, :p.m., Jan. 21, 1500. Enon , Kansas. SYRISo eho fEcodinP., ,If yon Imre any coina-int whatz-ver and desire the best medical advice yea can possibly receive write 11.e 100100 freely. You will receive 0 prompt To - ply, withnnt cost. Acidre,ss, Da. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. ^ grow paying Crops because theyre fresh anti always the hest. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes Stick to Ferry's Seeds and prosper. 1900 Seed Annual free. Write for it. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. How the Doctor Got Ins Clock. In the hallway of a Philadelphia doeton's house stands a fine example of a grandfather's clock, the posses- sion of which the medical man owes entifely to a pinch of snuff. Some years ago the doctor in question set his heart upon such a timepiece, and devoted two of his vacations to clock hunting. He visited many New Eng- land farm houses without success, as old furniture has been pretty well gathered up by the dealers "down East," and then carried his Question, into Delaware and Maryland, where he found many old clocks, but none of them for sale. He was about to return home dis- consolate, when he was called into consultation over a patient dying of quinsy. The resources of medicine had been exhausted, when the Quaker (City doctor bethought himself of an old snuff box he had picked up during his wanderings, in which still lingered a modicum of snuff, pungent as of yore. With this powdered tobacco the doctor assailed the nostrils of the sick man, who, sneezing. violently, broke the abscess in his throat that) was choaking him to death. Stimu- lants were administered and the sick man recovered. The Philadelphia doctor left the place the morning after this remark- able operation, but he had not been home a week before the grateful Mary- lander sent him a grandfather's clock, accompanied by a card upon which was written: This clock, which struck the hour of my birth, would have also marked the hour of my death 11 3001 skill and knowledge had not stayed the limit of the destroyer." Save Money. DIAMOND DYES Uced by All Economical Women,. Don't, throw away your old blouse, skirt, waist or dress simply because you are tii`ed of the color or bectinSe is faded Or emled, Bby a ten cent package of Diamond Dyes 11.1011 with little woi.,10 you cktn pro - dime a garment Oita looks like ne',t. rlif you neike over clothing for yoile- self or the chddren, be sure to dye it with 1 new color Of the Diamond Dyes. , Bewrite Of itnitetions; ask Tor the Diamond Dyes itnd take no °dime. Direction 'Book rind Card of 48 Colors Sent ftee to tliy iddsess. 'Vi lis Richardson C6., 200 Mount A in 'S Montreal, P. Q. ROBERTS ALMOST FIEADY fhe Czar Goes IO MOSCOW to Pray for the Arrival of io SorI• BOY WANTED, His Advance Expected in a Very p.'ew Days. London, April 17— At last Lord Roberts seems to be on the eve of making his main advance thw4rds 1?retoria, Unless all the usually reli- able sources of on are at fault the British army will in a few days be untrching northward. After many premature and unfounded re - Ports ilia( have purported to tell of this movement there is intiturally, even in the best informed quarters, eon- sidertible hesitancy in definitely set- tling. upon the clay, but it is now thought Lord Boberts is likely to leave Blhernitontein at the end of this week or the beginning of next. The long weary wait, iu the Free State capital, has apparently, effected a much needed rehabilitation, though it is probable Lord Roberts would still further have delayed his advance had not the Boer activity forced him to put his forces in such positions that to day unless they quickly proceed northwards, the strategic advantage will be lost. The advance will ,:he naade with 75,000 men, it is thought. BOERS SEEM UNDECIDED Maseru, Basutoland, Monday, April 16.— The Boers !for two days past have been diSpllaying great activity along the Recldersburg and Rousville roads. Their 5.001ItS report -that the' British are iadvancing on those plaaes to the relief of Wepener, and :the burghers consequently are divided whether to remain or retire. A ma- jority of them desire to abandon the investment otf Wepener, fearing to be cut 01 1, whke the minority, led by Commandant Olivier, ,are reluctant to move as long as there Is a chance to capture Col. Dalgety's garrison. Scouts have just reported rifle 1ir;7 ing in the direction of Thaba AFTER _PLUMER'S ATTEMPT How Illafeking Reeeived News of His Repulse. Illafelring, April 2.—Trernendous ex- citement has been caused in the gar - risme` by the presence or Col. Plumer's force at Ramatillahanla Lind vieinity, whence endeavors were made to re- connoitre is investing force around MaCekiiig. We hen r frequently the distant rattle of musketry, the rap- ping of Maxims and the booming of cannon. These splines usually cause detachments to leave the eaemy's Jaeger, while the townspeople watch the evolution with Lim keeneet inter- est. An attempt or this character was*marde by C6I. Piumer's force on Saturday. It was intended to recon- noitre from 'Ramathiabriana Tor the purpose of a 'demonstration, and in order to discover the position of the Boers. The men of the garrison were warned +hat a elove was con- templated; that 1.00 mounted men and four guns would be pushed for- ward and an aztaek organized ,on Game Tree ,fort, while a similar movement was supported by the ar- tillery occupying the 'brick fields. On Sunday-, however, to the eonsterna- tion of the garrison, Gon. Snyman in- formed Cul. Baden- Powell that per- mission was accorded him to seeure the dead and wounded, as Col. Plum- er had left the veldt strewn with Englishmen. An ambulanceand two wagons were despa tailed, but the Boers declInecl to surrender the wounded. The ambulanee returned and the troilif,,s proceeded seven miles . beyond the outskirts of the town, whence the dead had been conveyed by the Boers. The wounded prison- ers were taken to the laager on the eastern face of the town. The Boer i)e,count was grossly exitggerated, as the evidence points to Inc fact that a patrol was surprised and- driven back, leaving the dead and Wounded , to the discretion of the enemy., The engagement referred to is the one in which Coi. Plurner, with 270 men, fought for several hours agstinst the besiegers, afterwards retiring to Gaberones, WHAT TIIE CANADIANS DESIRE. Riciemlonteln, April 16.— (Special to the Toronto Globe.)-- There is a very strong feeling .i.rrioug the Can- a,clian troops here in favor of some action by the Dominion government looking to the erection of a monu- ment to 'the memory of those from the Dominion who have Callen in battle. DEATH OFA LONDON BOY. Ottawa, A.pril 17 — Lt CoI Otter cabled Col. Aylmer, lacting general of- ficer commanding to -day as follows : "Bloemfontein, April 17— No.17,160, Pte. 'W. J. Adams, 7thFusiliers, Lon- don, died ea 10th of enteric fever. ,Wounded aeb 1Stia. --Signed — Ot- ter." Private A.darns wils a son of Sergt.- Major AdalTli, 'of the Lonclon po,ice force, and was one of the most pop- ular tic m her s 01 the .Seyentli. He -we 8 a 11 h .111 and el f iei en t sold int., 55 ncl deservedly ,Popular -with his officers. It will be remembered that Privitte A d a iris wn,s cletssi necl at Cape Town for some, ,weirs tvhen the Royal Can- adians reached Africa, owing to an ac- cident on board ship by which orie his' legs was injured. While there he wrote many intexesting i letters LO hi parents. As soon, os ho had completely recovered he haste.tied to rejoin the regiment and 'when lest' henrcl trona was safe and well at Bloemfontein. Ralph Smith, the British Clolurtibi a labor leader, 1.ia.8 coma out in Nmosi- Lion to P. reinter Martin 111 that pro- vine,e, 'While waiting for sl street car in Winnipeg yesterday afternoon, Mrs. John Curley dropped dead. She wrie i')() years oC age„ No further rioting hos occurred at rin,WP.pOre, and It is believed that trou- hleS have 10( 50 persisd over. The uingue vsgu.',,atious hi:1v,, been modified, coin- Dll sury remt,rY 15 of p1 1(55 to the .wspitals having abolished. London 'Tuesday .kprll 17, --The Ber- lin eorrespendent ot the Standard says. Ite Is informed that the main ob- jeut of the 'Czar's visit to Mosbow is to pray for a son. Pious RUSslans be- ieve .that such supplications are es- pecially effective during holy week, MELBA'S MATRIMONIAL PLANS. nal and Advertiser" correspondent is in an interview in Paris with a "jour- , nal and Advertiser" eorresp• ondent, is quoted as saying (hat she was glad of the divorce from Charles N. Arm- strong; that she never had any inten- tion of tnarrying Herr Joaohim, but would wed Haddon ,Chambers the .PlaTwright within the next two weeks. ( THE SHAH HAS STARTEL Ruler of Persia Off on a Jaunt to Europe— Ravages ef the Plague, Teheran April 17. -- The 'Shah started from here yesterday on his way to Europe. An outbrealr of the bubonic plague Ls reported tin the Javanrood district near the Turkish frontier. Since the disease appeared, three weeks itgo, 195 deaths have oecurred. MILLER FOUND GUILTY. Verdict Against the Man of 520 Per Gent Fame. New York, April 16.—Wm. F.- ler, uf Prritiklyn Syndicate fame, was found guilty by a jury in the county court in Brooklyn to -night of grand larceny in the 'first degree forntaking from Mrs. Rat her in Moezr, $1,- 000, which she invested in his 520 per cent. scheme, "Get rich qnick." The prisoner was remanded for sen- tence a week from Tridav. His‘ cOun- sel stated that the case would be ap- pealed. fRiNIDAD TURNS US DOWN And Instead Accepts Reciprocity Offer of United States. 'Ottawa, :sprit 16.— The government aas laeen officially notified of the re- jection of Ctinidas offer of reciprocity oetween Canada and Trinidad. The 3onvention which the Trinidad dele- gates made with the United States has been ratified by the 101151 tate of Trinidad on a vote of 13 to 5. Both propositions were considered by the legislature at the same time, iifter the return of the delegates from Washington and Ottawa. '.che United States gave 121-2 per Centreduction, as provided for by the United States tariff, on cane sugar, a,sphaltfresh fruits, except oranges, and vegetibies. In return for this Trinidad places some '11 articles on the free list, and 10 articles will enjoy, the ininimum tariff as on Trinidad. The delegates in their report to the Trinidad authorities on Canadian say that the 12 1-2 per cent. re- duction from the United States with She advantages of the countervailing duties, the nearness of and the unlim- ited extent of the American market, compared with the small market in Canada, showed that trade relations with the United &ries were more to be desired than with Canada. Mon- treal refiners told the delegates that consignments from Trinidad to Can- ada could only be made on . definite orders. "The position would be simplified," say the delegates, "if Canada, follow- ing the example of the United States, would impose countervailing duties." The delegates repudiate the report that Canadian flour will not keep in Trinidad. PINOS ON THE AGGRESSIVE EXETER MARKETS. , (Ohlintr,ed every Wednesday) - Wheat per bushel - (-' tOof/,. Flour per m,vt ,. -1.55 to 4,00 Barley 44 tO 45 Oats 27 to 55 Peas 00 to fi5 Butt.r 15 to 15 Hggs ll Potatoes per bag , , 40 Ilay Isor toa 700 to 800 rlriesi. Apples per lb 0 'turkeys-- . . .. . .... ..........:. . - ..... .- .... .. S to 9 Chicken , SC. lb, GOniso. . . .. . . . .... -re., ........ . . .., .. ., . ......... 7 Corn .., ........ .,....... .. . .... . . . . ....... . . .... . ,ti to 45 rimothy .. . ........ ..,. ..... . . -.... , ..... 1 'ato 1 '9 Clover . ... .. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. -,...... .... . . t1 - . • 450 o . 5-' - 4200 Tagalogs Atta?k' the Cagayan Garris on. :Manila, APrii 17. — 'Twelve hundred Tagalogs attacked Case's battalion, headquarters of the fortieth regiment It Cagayan, Island of 11Iindanao, on the 7th. The Americans had fif- teen casualties, -while of the attaoking force fifty were killed and thirty wounded or taken prisoners. The nem 3, numbering one hundred and fifty riflemen, the renminder being i)oloinen, archers and mounted spear - men, swooped down in a howling mass SI daylight, surprising and killing three of, the sentries. They SWarrned the stree,ts in small parties, some bearing scaling ladders, by means of which they attempted to enter the houses. , 1 The Americans turiabied out of the barracks and formed in the plaza and :sompanies began sweeping the toter). The subsequent 0. (00' fighting lasted Lw e,nty minutes. Twelve of the wounded Americans are HOW OH board the hospital ship Relie,f. The enemy NyiLhdrely to the moun- in great confusion. MANY MICROBES WILL BE FREED uNeW York, N. Y., April 10 7 -Edward Thinatne, of the Pruggists league, de- clares that the pha rmaeists Ne,tv Yrork are laying in ,big stocke of Med- icine in anticipation of a rush of bus - when the construetion of , the Rapid 'Transit tunnel gets ,fairly un - IAA meetitig of the Social Progress Londe held in Almighty Hall, Mr. Thitnnie declared that the breaking at ground for the tunnel would let loose an army uf mierobes on the 10fen8eless population of the eity., 'There will be fevers, malaria, colds, itoniach trouble and a host of other 015 5,'' said Mr. Tliimme, "Mil- lions of microbe's Will be released from the earth. There will be such ft de- mand tfor quinine as has innve,r been tr.nown. Drug men along the tunnel C011t0, 1W/10 have laid in a, stork of atiinine, will make their fortunes." Five e r loads bf settlers and Set - tlere' cif ects, valued Ir.tt 5tr,,(360, ar- rfi.d ye.sterday Port ArtIntr froin Cllinois. These people are taking utt u55ill the Slate River valley. „...........,.........,.... ..,.., . e1 icate g . .. hildren i st They do not complain of AT anything in particular. They ; eat enough, but keep thin and At pale. They appear fairly well, ; but have no strength. You 4 cannot say they are really 7Ar sick, and so you call them ; ; delicate. 1 I What ca.n be done forthern? f IS Our answer is the same that :41 ; the best physicians have been ; g giving for a quarter of a cen- tury. Give them jg g Se011'S SOi of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo- ,rg phosphites. It has most re- x aith' markable nourishing power. :43 14' It gives color to the blood. It g brings strength to the mus- ts CleS. It adds power to the ; Pf nerves. It means robust g 111' health and vigor. Even deli- cate infants rapidly gain in :s4 re flesh if given a small aMount as° three or four times each day. g 50a. and 5T.00 ; all druggists. pg SCO.TT & BOWN E, chendsis, Toronto. 34 ;InW,,e1s.re'lenlettralsgfelf&112Leltreiftlaz411 A general Strike of cigarmalterS is expected a( Montreal. The O.P.E. roundlionse at White River Was burned and five locomotives were destroyed. The. British Columbia legislative elections take place on June 9, nomin ations Mny 20. Geiseral Gatncse bus resigned his cam ma lid at Spriogfontein, and is re turning to England. Olive Stem -Inman, who was tried for murder at Cayuga, has been divorce from her third husband. Difficultiesgive way to diligence,' and disease germs and blood humor disappear when Hood's Sarsaparilla, i 14:tithf olly taken. '-While searching for the body of Roy Siniley in the river at Guelph the po liee found the body ,of an infant, or which an inquest is being held. STAGGERING UNDE BURDENS. P8108 S 0818fll compoull Is the Power That Removes Every Load of Disease In Springtime. It is the World's Most Note Remedy for Blood Cleans- ing, Nerue Bracing and Flesh Building, , Now that Spring is at hand, th body is,ready to cast off unhealthy tis sues if it is only given a chance. The great work of renewing an building up health and strength i surely and quickly done by Paine' Celery Compound. Paine's Celery Compound cleanse and purifies every drop of blood i the body; the excretory organs, kid neys, skin and bowels are made t work actively and the nerves are a bl to furnish sufficient energy to th digestive organs. , Paine's Celery Compound is th spring medicine in the world, becaus it is far mom than a mere spring rersi edy. It brings a healthy appetit perfect digestion and regularity the bowels. As the greatest of sprin retYledies it banishes morbid humor and poisons that cause rhenntatisu neuralgia, heart trouble and othe dangerous ailments. , For long years physicians have r cognized Paine's Celery Compound a the one scientific spring medicine, an it is universally prescribed by the whenever there is urgent need of vigorous and prompt restoring health and strength to the wornm system. Thousands of men and women hav fonnd from personal experience th Faille's Celery Cotnpotind makes sic people well, and keeps' all from sic ness who use it in springtime. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET -vrwo--- —maw For Fre8b, good ancl the ehinisest 001 of meat, call on the undersigne While all our outs of metit are t1 fiheSt, W5. malre a specitay of met (k110 1.0155 M ot delivere4 to alt parts Of t . . °Wit John Pa I , Nous 111.01 "1 sold. in Xe Lutz, DO NOT from a cpiestion that mast 41 , Have you your New not, drop in aud see first oppoetunity and show you a, revv prices Faney. AVaresteds and 'Tweeds. — Have you seen the new S Therringbone patterns. are beauties. A. big range of Blues and Black, Serg-es at the old prices. , RUN eereSt 37014. Suit ? If as at the let us of the Scotch mples and They Irish what you and Curls, style and Post °Mee If you want a black we have want in Twills, Venetians Clays, OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, Naps au(. Noutanacts. All work done in the latest fit go nranteect. J. 14. GRIEVE Opposite .m. tXeter----ager ROLLE I ALWAYS READY. Flour, Mill Feed and Corn • stantly 'kept In st.L R L. L S , con- ook, , ., paid for Sweet and Corn. & SON. - . hest arket price Higm good red Winter Wheat. Car load. ;liana.. Southern Imported Learning Seed J. COBBLEDICK 11 CJITLOR11 . . • Yes, tve have just received carload of furniture. which. added to our already Fine can supply the latest, some and cheapest things market. zinother when stock we most hand- on the have ale aud if it will pay see ottr else- and best town. THE STOCK . I 111 We have the Stock --you money—we want to trade, it is furniture yoa want you well to drop in ttud dandy line before p UrChasing where. We have the largest assort;c1 stock in p. r4. IROWE FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORE SAUSAG-1E, BOLOGNA, PRIES„5ED TONGUE, - CORNED BEEF; SALT. 1 FRESH OR SMOKED s MEATS, s Call at i - ) The Family Butche.r Shop. e One door North of R.Pickarcl's store, e e LOUIS DAY o riroprietor, SMITH'S ! Repair Shop. wheel Re- Brantford bet, Bley• we sell /11 Sundries, CLIPPER Horse clip etc, D. SMITH, :- S NOW is the time to get your i paired. Cleaned or Enameled. a RED BIRD, a, ,f We have a large stock of t Red Birds on hand, the ole on the market, which ., tight prices. O SUNDRIES k. :. We have iri stock, Bicycle tires, cements oils etc LAWN MOWERS, tIORS E We Sharpen Lawn MOWers, ' pers scissors, litzors, 'Knives, • EVI3RYT11ENG REPATES I. t.Cook's Cotton Root Compound e is successfully, used monthly by orel ess 10,060Ladies. Sine, effectnal. I,adies asi rs ''.<- your druggist for Cook's Cotton IRoot Cntlf pound. Take in) other ascii Mixtures, pills ant Is itations are dangerous, Price, No, 1, $1 pe box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,S8 per box. No p t or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two d•Oen stainpg, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont tag,'"Nol. I and 2 Sold and recommended by ol responsible Druggists in Canada, , Nous 111.01 "1 sold. in Xe Lutz,