HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-4-19, Page 40..5A.mt Aibuorote. Q1,1 Oil AN NATU I -1E1 "Good Corltzsej 1.900 ILIVt)USIE:C?; 91"t1X4c at unatta tat a tht &us. Fai,gidiar "1-iuman nature is a queer thing. and I got a glimpse of a phase of it Farquhar, Commissioner and oonvoyaneer, Aieuey tO luau 0.1 )\\ rat 09 Whiell. set me thiti.king, net long ago," ofinterens. said the 'woman who has travelled, Mrs, (Douse, of Eletroit, is tho guest "It was in the Allegheny Mountains, of Mrs. Thomas U1_01. -IM ',Ella where I spent `a summer with a jolly wh,,) is with :NI's. win. Robith party, One day, We drove up the son, of Blanchard, spent Sunday tuider Mountain to see it view which is noted the parental roof.---...1Trs. Bttrbara.R o bit in the surrounding country, At the and daughter, l'.1 .1 spent this , foot of the climb, which must be made week. and part i.)E. last, week with rtoa- on foot, we left cm- carriages at a de- tives and friends liet-e. Mrs. Robb is lightful old-fashioned farmhouse where ensote-ed. as teaelter in the township ot , we toutia that we could order a meal. Raehael kirk, one ot our teaeheis, is speialing her Easter holidays in 11(t0J) amongber friends. —Miss Lillie Passmore has returned fifter spending a week among her anany friends and acquaintances in the vicinity of Cromarty. -\1r. Hackney, sr., spent a few hours the -beginning of the week examining his property and. seeing his tenan ts.—Mr. _Donald Park, Jr., who moved into our 'village last fall, is busy improving bis premises by biaildhig a stable on it and he intends improving his house by patting a cellar under it and adding to it otherwise.—Mr. John Rice, Sr, and. wife, who have been down at Aurora, spending the winter with their son, John, High School teacher, in that town, returned home a few days ago. Their son, who was so un- fortunate as to lose his wife, is dispos- ing; of his household goods this week aud is giving up housekoepinE.N.—Mr. Crayford, who has grown tired of living alone, was made happy last week by taking unto himself a partner in life, in the person. of Miss Polly Grigg, of the township of Morris near Walton. J.)1r. Crayford and bride arriverl at his home here last Friday afternoon. We welcome them to our „ midst- and hope that their journey down life's stream may be a pleasant one. --Mr. George Beaver bought, a nice driver on Friday last from Mr. David Hackney. of near St. Marys. —Mr. Henry Ramdle, formerly 21. resi- dent of near Eden, who disnosed of his to be ready when -we returned. You know wliat, al mountain appetite is, and may be sure that we eagerly seized the opportunity to satisfy the hunger Which might otherwise have made can- nibals of us during the long ride home. Two of the party had chosen to come on horseback, and their steeds had either failed to tulfill the promise of the glowing eulogies of their owuers, who had loaned them, for a considera- tion, on else the twain had stopped for a little lovemaking by the way. At any rate, they were not in sight, and we decided to wait for them. While doing so, we strolled idly about the (fields surrounding the house. It was just after harvest. and the Plate was in such perfect order that we com- plimented the farmer as we went, The house was set, among its gorgeous old-fashioned flowers, at the foot of at slight rise and as we ascended this,t we came to a small enclosure, evident- ly the family burying ground. Up to the very fence, the scythe had done its perfect work, but inside, was a tangle of blackberry vines, weeds and dank grass. The few headstones were sunk- en and neglected and the- graves utter- ly .uncared for. The whole place had such a neglected, desolate air that it was a blot on the glowing August land- scape and we welcomed the shouts Which told of the arrival of the truants and called us to seek pleasanter sur- . u tine's farm about two years a,g,1 and went n ' The view was magnificent and we into themilling luisinesi, with ..)Ir. Cook , of Reneill, puraho.sed iNE,. D. lingered until the pangs of hunger re- minded us of the meal -which was McInnis' farm on the Thames Road last week foe $7200. This is r onsidered doubtless awaiting us. When we reached the farmhouse, we were di - a big price. being $400 more than it reeted to the back door, where we wits offered for- last autumnbut it is ...k.t., I found to our delight, a real old-fash- a good firin inid in a fine loCality. ... this rate land. will soon reach the highe lolled water bench with pail and basin, est point that it did sixteen years ago. and here we made our primitive ablu- ___________nes------ tions, drying our glowilao' faces on. a Zion, coarse but spotless roller towel. Then we were ushered into the dining room, John .Parkinson is spending the a long, low apartment, which was deco - Easter vacation under theas parental rated -with maps and ancient pictures roof.--AIrs. John Beocle, who hbeen , confined to her room, is slowly necov- of simpering ladiesclad in scarlet llflas is also Telfredson of John °'' ns with wondrous coiffures and Towl received a kick eYes which were larger than their , mouths. The table --shall I ever forget from Li horse tind has been laid up ,nonao Gin is \1Slt1l11 at I ita-WaS spread with a variety of food' Mrs. H. lierns.--Rnssell and. Willie ! which would have given a dyspeptic Peart is spending, a few days ha Ful dreams for a month. At oue end was lavton.—Mr. Pearbintenclleaving hear; a huge newly boiled ham, at the other he was to see a farm near Guelph on a lofty plate of fried chicken; . there 'Friday lastwere two plates of onions, peeled and OYSTER SUPPERAITD PRESENTATIax. ser ed whole: two dishes of cuchim- .. One of the most pleasant evenings of 'hers, dressed witla cream: hu -e dishes -the 19th century Was Spent at the home of hot biscuits, and of boiled corn; of Mr. :.111d 1\11S. McPherson, prior to glass dishes of honey and preserves" tbeir departure from our nlidst to 1 galore, and last but 'not least, piles of 1 --Like up their abode in Strathroy, when ibuckwheat "cakes baked the full size 115 pirelits and children of the section 1 of the griddle and covering each a din- P•athered to hid them farewell. At ner plate, "After the meal we repaired to the parlor, fearful and wonderful in its ornamentation of worsted and bead work, while horses and drivers were fed. Two members of the party nad brought guitars; these were fished out while some sought the vine - decked porch' to see the moon -rise. Soon the strains of a popular song rent the air, and half a dozen voices burst into the rolicking words. They had &namely sung a verse when the mas- ter of the house, a typical farmer, with, collarless shirt and trousers in boots, appeared., He said: "I donwant to 'sple4 any o' your fun, folks, but my pious 'companion an't been •dead al year, an I can't have no music but hymn chunes sung in this house." A sympathetic silence reigned until he had put his head into the door o . ne /c more to say, "Sing as many hymn chune's as you want." Then some one opened the ancient parlor organ in the corner, and soon we all joined in roll- ing notes of an old hyrnia. "It was not until we had silently entered the waiting carriages and lost the last glimpse of the old farmhouse at the ,bend of the road that some one remembered the neglected burying ground in which the pious companion was taking her long rest. We knew that she was laid t'nere, for one of our drivers had attended the fnneral, and I have never been able to understand how the man who could give strangers such a -meal as. that for twenty-five cents, and allow only 'hymn chnnes' sung in his house, could allow his wife's grave to be overrun with black- berry vines and weeds—'but, then, as I said before, human nature is a queer thing!" -seven o'clock theyheean to arrive with well filled. baskets and a dainty tea was served with a plentiful supply of ,oysters to which all did ample 3 ustice. After the tables had been cleared Mr. •Garcliner,teacher of Whichelseaschool. -was asked th take the chair, which he did ancl filled it to the ,satisfaction of all. A lengthy program was rencleetall, consisting of speeches by Messrs. John Delbriclge and J. Kyle, who spoke in most favorable terms of 111r. _McPher- son as a teacher; singing by S. Pym ..Liaid L. Andrew; recitations by Matt- hew'Batten and Iiss Clemens al)Cl pro- bably the most interesting number was a dialog -tie by .Messrs, S. Pym, S. Andrew and Mr. McP,herson, when Mr. Pym read an address and Mr. An- drew presented Mr. McPherson with a gold watch and chain. ' Mr. IlloPher- . son was completely taken by surprise, but in a few well chosen remarks' ex- pressed_ his feeling of gratitude for their kindness and for the kind recep- tion that he and Mrs. McPherson had .always received at their hands, He expressed his sorrow to part with so many vvarm friends, but if they ever should visit Strathroy they all would be heartily welcome The program was then continued an)3.. mitny beauti- ful selections were, rendered, lasting about two how -s,, after which it was brought to a close by singing, " G-od he with us till we meet again.'Follow- ing is a copy of the aclaress:-- Dust Mit. MacPutasox. You have been a factor for so many, years in our community and we regret that recent developments ;have caused,.you to sever the ties that bound you to Zion distrie‘,. As citizens we regyet the fact, as members of Zion church, we regret It, but; as parents of S.S. No. 7, we' regret it far more, To you, Mv. MacPherson, fell the lot of directing our children through the impressionable stage ancl no tcaoher has ever performed that duty more faithfully than yburself; you have pointed out to our clear ones the dizzy hoght of knowledge and you yourself have led the way. Great as is the loo s in this direction, we believe them is agreater, namely, the loss of ymir genial puse»ality and spnpathetic heart, Yon have directed your efforts toward the young, imow- ing that the future of ouv 1111t1011 C1041011(19 1)1/00 the charader of the young men and women. You aideci. in moulding that ehnrader, saying a kind and cheer. ing word and extencling a hand to help the weak Ones. 410 114.51- we are assembled to say farewell. This Would be a sad word to utter Were we consign- ing VOIll to Oblivion, bat among the beautiful pictures IMat; hang on Memory's wall ,theve will be one of your imtiving 'Work among 11S, ilOt 0111V imseirpol, lmt also in church work. Therefore we Mingle helm with re- gret, end joy with sadness, °knowing yo11 will render a good account' (1-' 11:01 in your future sphere of action. We beg of you to accept this watch and chain, i)oi; for their intrinsic iqdue, hut fts a token of the estemn h) which we hold you. We all unite in WiShin, you continued happiness and increased prosperity in i",' 1V0 path of life you may chOose. We hope this parting is oMy f'fl 901000 and may we mect again in those realms where parting is frIlltnown. ' Signed in behalf af the parents of 8.5. No, 7, Usborne:--WM. Coultis, (leorg,e ltowcliffc, ItichaM ()Olt i9, )V111. Smith, Samuel Peart. Me. 'MacPherson hits been in ou miclst -for nearly eight years an)1 dur- ing that tiine has triode a large num- ber of 'friends. He has taught our school and the children brive mane marvellous mgress under his talon. No teacher has tar tght our CIL100111301'0 01110/ClltlY 11i 11-11 1)3 1)1)11 none suncmclecl in ptisi5ing ts large a ntimber for en- trance to high sehool, hence for these and other reasons WO deeply regret his departure, Mrs. MacPherson has taken an active par t S.S. it 1)11(1 has been an, active member of the Loa foe, where she Will be much missed. We feel deeply sorry that 'recent de. velopnients have °wised to sever Crill'fIe,emiOrt bob 0,1 - '4,11 FS Crossing the Legs and _Appendicitis. It was recently, announced by a -well- known medical man. that the reason men suffer so much from dyspepsia is because the sterna:chis croi,vdecl out of 'position and cannot' readily perform its proper functions. Now comes a surgeon, who put forward the sugges- tion that appendicitis is common be- cause of the habit of sitting with one leg thrown ()Vet' the other. Many "causes have been euoted tor appendicitis but none has sat,isfacr-ority explained wily men should more fre- qnently Stiffer from the disease than women. "The habit of sitting with the 'legs crossed," says the surgepri, "re- stricts the action of the digestive appa- ratus, especially of thelnwer intestine, and causes stagnation st the contents and the stretching Of die' opening of the vermiform appendix, making it possible for obstructions to reach the Jo 1" organ and thus causing appendi- citis, The appendix is only fooselv attached to the caecum, the portion where the small intestine joins the large intestine, and there is always some half-digested food in the caecal bag. I3y cressing the legs, and it is generally the right leg that is put up- on the stretch, the -Undigested food .p*.sses Into the vermiTorm appendix and sets up an infialcatnation. In the snace of few hours patholegical pre- rtneee s.,t„ in and an at,ackof appencli- hae bean devciolisa " wi )(i s 4,1011. Has No Bike.?), Wise adoke is the result of experience. The hundreds of thousands who have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's Greatest gedicine, counsel those who would purify and enrich the blood to avad themselves of its virtues. He is wise who profits by this good advice. Stomach Troubles — "1 was greatly troubled with tny stontach, and even the sight of food made me sick. Was tired and languid. A few bottles of Hood's . Sarsaparilla made me feel like myself again." James McKenzie, 350 Gladstone Ave., Doronto, Ont. Blown to Atoms The old idea that the body some- times needs a powerful, drastic, purg- ative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are per.: fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Con s tipa tioii and Sick Headache. Only 25c. at all drug stores. BY Li! plan -which it is hoped to carry into effect at theE.Interntional Agri- culttiral ConferenCe, la Paris, Silly 9 to 16, it is proposed to ask the farmers of the world to redtice their wheitt out- put bY 20 percent, and. :not to sell a bushjl.forlesS.than a dollar. CARRY SUNSHINE WITH YOU . A bright, fresh, sunny face is al- w'ws inspirinc, ;Ind it always denotes goe'd health as Well,ts a happy heitrt. Mtnak faces that were once overcast ,with. gloom have been made bright and.' sunny by Hoods . Sarsaparilla which cares all dyspeptic symptoms, 1 th awes .and tones' up and invic-orates the whole system. strengt e e Constipation is cured. by Hood's Pills the non -irritating c;ithatrtic. Sold by all druggists. The Montreal municipal scandals are growing worse. Two city officials ;Ire under arrest, and there is evidence pointing to gross corruption in severid depta,tments. :Her. Head a Fright. "Large sores co-vered the, head and face of OUT child," writes c. D. 'shill, Of Morgan toin•Tenn., that no treat- ment helped till we used Bucklen's _Ar- nica Salve, which cpnekly cured her. in Eruptions,. Brnises, Acci- dents 'ran d Piles: Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. at ;di drug store: Hensall: The many friends of 'Mr. P. Marshall will regret to learn that he still cc-Attila:nes very ill. Seaforth; Mr.. John Cluff 'had the misfortune to have the top of nith Of his fingers taken Off by a jointer in his father's planing inill. • Bayfield: Mrs. William Elliott,who had been ill for a long time, died last week: The funeral on Sunday Was one of the largest that" has taken place here for some time, showing' the es- teem in which the deceased was held. Her husband and family have the sym- pathy.of the entire community.' - Mr, "John Fleming, of -Beatnsville, recently found eleven $20 gold pieces in a stick of wood while chopping. • • Conductor J. F. Tobbitt was killed at Coldwater in a •pitch.in between two , sections of a Grand Trunk train. • Premier Macdonald' Stated in the Manitoba, Legislature Thursday that a prohibition bill was being prepared for presentation to the House. Troubles of a Minister. TO benefit °there Rex, S. W. Vey non, of Hartwell, , writes. "Foe a long time 1, had a running sore on my le,r I tried many reme,dies without benefit, until I used a bottle of Electrie Bitters and a box of BuOklen's Arnie,( Salve, which enred 1110• 90I11IC1 and well." Sores, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Tot- ter, Salt Rheum showr impure blood. Thousands, have found. hi Electric Bit- ters a grand blood purifier that abso- lutely cures these tron bins. 'Satisfac, tion is guaranteed. or money refunded by all druggists. Large bottles only 50c. MIS1111derStallthiloi. There has been a misunderstanding with some of the people of fitxeter re- specting a petition that has been cir- culated- by Mr. Westcott. Some are led to think it was in favor of grant- ing license to the _Mansion 1 -louse. This is a wroun• idea, it is not so, the substance of it is that if license is granted to the said house it should be kept by the man who now oecupies it and no other, for reasons which might be easily explained if necessary. e want the people of 'Exeter to know that most of the citizens of Exeter—if not all—whose name,s appear on said petition are entirely opposed to the licensed system of intoxicating drinks in every WaY. ONE WHO SIGNED rr. Sentenced to Death. "You are in the last stages of Con sumption and cannot live more than it month," were the words of doom heard by Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., from *her doctors, but she began to vise Dv. King,'s New Dis- cov-ery " writes R. L. Datighton, of that place, "and was wholly cured by it. She is now a stout well woman." It's the supreme CULT for desperate dis- ezises of throat and lungs. Infallible for Conghs. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma Croup, 'Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50e. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all clrue- stores. Brussels: Monday last, Mrs: Baines was -clearing- • out a ChittrWOr. prepara- tory to Making a sale of 'household goods 'before going. to Pennsylvania, She laid tho, contents on the table. Among the articles was a revolver. Two nephew's Mrs. Banes were playing in the mem, and. just Mrs. B. was called to the door. During. her 1,1)sence idle eider of the two children took the revolver and pointing it at the -younger, firecl. The ball entered the .child's forehead. At hist accounts the child was Still living, but the ball had not been extracted, and the X rays Were being used to lou,ate the bul- let. - It is doubtful if the chilli's life can be saved. Newmarket, March 28,1900. To whom it may concern. I have used the Eureka Veterinary Caustic Balsam. I find it a good blister and can cheerfully reeommend itto the public. ' Lt. Col. T. H. Lloyd, V.S. Examiner on IThlteria mediea (medi- cine) at the Ontttrio 'Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. ' At Brantford, Switchman Fred Barche attempted to jump from the freight shed platform upon a moving car. He fell and struck- a rail with his head and was instantly killed. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tile fie - signature is on .r 07017 Wrarnel- Prof HAIR GOODS DORENWEND OF TORONTO, IS COMING. AT CENT,RAL HOTEL, EXETER, 'THURSDAY, MAY 3, This Spring visit of 1900. 'I am prepared to show a lame Variety , el NEW YORK, LONDON and PARIS STYLES than ever offered to the public before., I shall have 'LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS, TOUPEES, 13ANGS, WAVY AND PLAIN FRONTS, SWITCHES of all long hair in every length and shade, etc. LADIES, my GOO.DS are recognized as the STANDARD of PERFECTION and their use protects the head and produces a younger expression to the face. Gentlemen,' are you Bald invite you to my Show Room to demonstrate the complete 81110090 of my ART COVERINGS in WIGS and TOUPEES, worn on over 65,000 Heads. They are light in weight, strong and most natural in aPpearance, and a protection to the head a,ainst DRAtToitTS COLDS CATARRH, NEURALGIA, etc., and give a younger and handsomer ex- pression to the face. Please velum. ber the date, also Commercial'Holiel, Seaforih, Thursday May 3, and Fri- day, May 4. tv‘E.NWEitit* /0.11' Ea 'a 7 ,p 'Wilt; for our clegant CS talogue .necl detailed particulars. Now we can yen, Tetley in the purchase of a higli-grade sewing -machine .-ind tile Ierrr,'r 7317 pnytUent we can offer, either direct from ron...mmtuvre.r-mmism...rrAzoavonr.r.,..vnammorrft 0 factory thiougli our regt-dar eethorized ageuis. This is an oppor- . y vjlt, osnno, afford to pass, 1' ou know fle. yo,ta knov,, ifl ts trianufSe.torers Therefore a'art71.7a7s7777117 tTriTiT7111-6 enia To;vi,vacrintoroncr.nerwiwompe; " (301.'' .c is unnecessary. If you have an old 'machine to exchange C221 Mkt most firal tern's. Writh to -day. Address in &it mitor 'COMPANY,' (Dpp't ivitAtiowsvii,tivivivivt/642.4",1" For rale by S. MARTIN,'Exeter, A NLW P (UPIF A WifflgiESZBEREUSTUMESSMirdildEliMaDt. A Radical Change in Marketing Methods as Applied to Svvinp. M-rhin An orlgintil plan nader which you can obtain (Intent' terms 7717elter value in the pinches. of ; - the world famous "White" Sewing Maclaine than ever before fered. .4sfirt4.NIV 1s;(..:7 -lit 1101)111,111111111.101(01Inntil4t1)1111.111/111101,901.000101 11.10.9910.1411.01....1. anti i1111...1 40 AVeee tablePreparattou for A8 siiiuiating llICTOOdanditegula- tilig ttie stomachs andl3owels of tztzDYWIREN Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness andRest,Contains neither Opturiti\lorphine nor NOT NAitac oric. ciratetile.51/a/anTreq.Z.7 liunordn $aga • „efix:Senrso Rode& Sul& .- ..lain .fra Appennint 11 artnenatagLizy • lignp.iced - ed Sugar . 'iiiix.yrrovrtoran Apeffect Remedy for Cons ti tion, sour Stomach,Diarrhoca, Worms ,CoilYUISions ,fevE.,,rish- ness and Loss or SLEEP., lac Simile 'Signature of wEw 'YORK. TliAT TFIE FAC—SIMILIE SIONATURE 0 F— IS ON THE WRAPPER 'OF EVERY BOTTLE OF clustaastaaraeocarzw.sweramees.. Castoria is pat up in one -size bottles only.• It is not sold in hulk, Don't allow anyone to Bell 'you anything else on the plea or promise that 18 . 9 Is 3its‘, gooaroan answer every par. 'pose." k'Z"See that you get C -A -S -T -O -R -I -A. is on e 7017 Unarler. 1:11:1410A1041041ialfil, .1••....11kilit%•••••SIM LOAN IN !D[TUR C Paid-up Capital, $1,200,000. Reservv Fund, $515,000. DIRECTORS: JOHN McCLA.RY, Esq., President. A. S. EMERY, EN., Vice -President. WILLI AM BOWMAN, Esq. WILLIAM MoDONOTJGII, Esq. LIVITT.-COL. 'WM. M. GARTSHORE. SAVINGS BRANCH - Interest allowed on Deposits at Three and One-haff per COrdeger paid or compounded half -yearly. Married Women and Miners can now deposit and draw out money in their own names. , DEBENTURES Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest than Deposits. Interest payable half -yearly. The Debentures of eis Company are such a high class of security that they are accepted by the Dominion Government as a Deposit from Rio and Life Insurance Companies as Security for their Policy Holders. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in these Debentures. The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor- sled, restricts their busina solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, and Municipal and other Debentures, which are the safest securities the Dominion affords. MORTGAGES. Money loaned on Mortgages on Real Estate at low rates of interest. For full particulars apply to WILLIAM F. DOLLEN, Massager. Oftico—tor. Dundas St. and Market Lane, LONDON, ONT. IT ark! r DRS• eltiottED RS *II etlice ORS • Kiitase RSINFUL HAIBITS IN YOUTI1N s LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN ITHE RESULT efelgnb:Itiel: :2 V1°)IelsKtirne K(01)1 tIF.,' lTs7tWleyrtwer'i _0'1011 giWilealai;1.1,r and .igtTgo .lkaPniness of thousands of promising young men. some f ade and wither at an early oage,sin_ at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, frnitlese andb melancholy existence. Others reach. matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The R,thicettirmasdeasreanfodutnhdeivaronflelEsstinotzsio.ns of lift:—The farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit, s RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS., K. cil K.' own. A.wArarp.33. wm. A. WAINER. MRS.CHAS. FERRY, CRAB. EMMY, a K 0 I & a.. SBEFORE TBEATUENT AFTER TUEATMENT Divorced but united !again gm. 1:17 -NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.1M int Wm. A. Walker of 161h Streetlayst-1 have entlfered untold agonies for my "gay life.' I wasindiscreet when EM I SSI 0 NS Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the Young and ignorant. its "One of the Boys" I contracted = STRICTURE month and throat, bone pains,hair loose, pimples on face, finm ger nails cae off, emissions, became thin D despondent, Seven doctors treated mo with Mercury, , CU R ED Potash, etc. They helped me but could not cure me, 11011017 afriend induced ;no to try Dre.Ifennedy&liergan. RYoufeel yourself gaining every day.. I have never heard of their failing to owe ill asingle Their New Method Treatment cured me in a few reeks. Their treatment is wonderful. Sca130," 1 0 merRCURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED I VI ik 1 SYPHILIS K Capt. Chas. Ferry' says: --"I owe my life to Drs. II, & nAt 141 learned a bad habit. At 21 :I had all the nymptoms 0,6f Seminal Weakness and Spormatorihoea, Emissions ("were draining and weakening my vitality. I married at u2I tinder advice of my family doctor, but it waa a Read. exp9rie100e. In eighten menthe wo were divorced, 1 = amthen consnited Drs. R. & IL, who restored me to manhood imbk their New Meilina Treatment. I felt a now life thrill throngh Deiritxy 47811181150.opwrse.roKu Idle. aargoaillonieantditacrespheaopipaiiy.s teTahtlida wI ahBeartily recommend thoin." RWe treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Semina Weakness, Gloat, Stricture, &Mills, Unnatural Discharges, SW...0=AP ,.• Kidney and Bladder Diseases. • • K 17 'YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK ntRefa8 Axe yeas victim? trays Ton /est hope? Are you uenteninlatIno mar swco,NSULTATION FREE. NO 'matter Who has treated 100 wrote for'ait honest opinion Freei7N7 ADER a ' Gt , K . _ riage? Has your Blood been disease ? Rave yon any Weakness Otil Diefliod Treatinent will tare Von. What it has done for others it -will do for you... 5,)466,Ciiiiii6Biii. , ijejt hi.C. 61)2.a.kge4r4oloonpaobslogq. 013,2060200..Rga-347.he Uolden Monitor" (illustrated), On rj t1440 NAMES usgt) WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI.- , . IiIIYATE. No rnScliOlne sent C. 0. D. Nonarries On boxes or envelr Ekop,eiS. Eireirything confidential. Question list and cost Of TreS,VS atilDO ' t v r Ro A Li No .148 SHELBY ST ft emeriti PREE. . RUnag KENNEDY w iniLi tin' DETROIT MICH v. & ' .... s ' • a . , . ,.. .8,.-; •f.. , .. - .... . - • . .. „.. .. . .. IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED Samnel.Onne.inven,...ng:orl 75, ymes, . Mrs.. .Nc.wtorli etiapid City, •br vital WO. fillti-01:y ilS one st, • 1.;y.fiet- t71)0•IVetat...•.. '0.ift0S • ,• . • • • • • • • • • • • '• • Ilrandtleterhe,pitaire • • •