HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-4-19, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. -670. EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1900. 0 C II SANDERS, EDITOR. nieresti g News Bargat HATS SPECIAL BLACK &BROWN ,FEDORAS) Mo. KINDLY READ THIS LIST CAREFULLY . WE CONSIDER QUALITY FIRST THEN KNOCK DOWN PRICES. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER & EGGS, ETC. READY-TO-4WEFIR CLOTHING. FULLY GUARANTEED IN FIT AND QUALITY. Special Men's Wool . Serge, Blue or Black, it If 44 $.4.29 Tweed leader at $.29 Boys' Serge or Tweed . . Special in Pry goods. ist E. & T. Corset style 59, medium waist, short hip and:- low bust; two side ste,els on each side in Gold, :Drab, Pink. A snap at 49e. . 2nd. All-over Embroidery Of fine Mainsook and Muslin ap ins.: wide, 450. 3rd. Fancy Dress Sateens, foulard de- signs, one of this seson's ason s most Venni- 1aitextileS, Very Special jhirt Waists. No two alike. Beautiful effects. Regular price, $1.25, $L00, 89c., 59c. This week 49c. a yard. An exceptional opportunity. Came and make a selection. jpecial in groceries. Christie's celebrated Fancy & Plain Biscuits. We carry complete assort- ment. 21 lqs. Redpath's Granulated Sugar, $1.00. 3 Cans Peas, Corn, To- matoes, (assorted or 3 of a. kind) 25c. Best goods put up. Maple Syrup very choice. HARDWARE Ask for our Treatise on Diseases of Fruit trees, Vegetables, etc. and their remedies. See this years' SPROMOTOR ' for spraying, painting, and whitewashing. also the Aylmer spray,er. 1.2 first awards in Ontario. Highest and against the world in Russia and England. We fully guarantee the above pumps. Get our prices. A LARGE STOCK OF Thorold CEMENT. Portland " NOTICE to Parties Building. We are prepared to quote the lowest prices on Builder's Hard. -ware, Furnaces, Eavetroughing. Get our prices. BARB and SPRING COIL WIRE. DEPARTMENT, SHERWIN:VVILDIAMS Ready -mixed Paints Covers,most, Looks Best, Wears longest, most economi- cali Full measure. Robertsons' Pure Mixed Paints (pure lead and oil.) ALABASTINE - A permanent Wall coating mixed in cold water. IT °NEN' TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for in upon farm or village property, at owest rates of interest, DICKSON Sr, CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS FUR BALE. MONEY TO LOAN. ' The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms TWIN SPACE:MAE, Sam well's Block Exeter TESTIMONIAL OF ALFRED ElillIKIN This is to certify- that 1 have used English Stock l:Feod, for "cedves, milch cows ond itte ning eit1e, 1 have a fat cow that went off her food, on ;IS - big English Stock Food she rapidly impreVed. I rind it most lienelicial fer calves. It netkee the thrive well, .feed \yell and grow well.. • :FEUNT:IN. F01s:11e at Lotz's Drug .-3tiove. eents bag. E11EY .113CL,t, SEG VIOE, 'rho mulonizno,1 win keep for so-rvieri,Oti k is eriiit Huon stnet, a thoroughbred ersoy TAVERN etc SE TR AN S E , -- Nol.icci s hero.) \,Tgiv1 1 Inive made il'OPlictif.ton to rho 1,iti010 COrrimissio-nor:s r,he of tho Cotanty of tTuro for rrnrOei00 o Ir efr ray titvorn I iOCOlso heldby in 0 for tho no,n,3iop 111(000, $ituttroil fo thVi11n 10 of Exctor,to John Morley and tfriah CuriningThtm. CH A s. Il 0' DEted a t,,Es. eter, A pri1:11,111.)0. Godevieh to: `Aimee passed. R.woy 00 April 5th. 'Aun :McDougall, of of b lh go of 50 yeims. De.certsed w.re for years ;t resident of this township, and as she NV;10 known by a 1:age circle of frieilds and rela- tives, her (1( 1(101' will be keenly felt. TiremAs Bsock, Exetea-, Children Ory for CAST Fl IA ,Sharon. Sol-rooL REPOIIT —Posult, of Exam- inations from LIT to IV. NaineS in. order of mrtrks obtrtined.—Wilber Rowe and Pearl Kestle equal, Arthur Amy, Fred:Ably, Albert NVein, Leslie PreSzdatOr, Alminer Yaeger, Chester Rowe. Mable 0.14rke and Grumet Amy equal. Class III, Ezra VVein, Tounny Roe 'lolet Herbie Mori o St . lie.Itocetler Elgin Amy, 'Willie, Sinith, Albert -Whitaker, Weeley Weth, Cecil Rowe, Annie firtatmetn; Middle II Nora Brown,. DOM, Kestle; Mildred Eilbee, Cora Cllirk, Idella Smith, Min- nie Jostle, August Hartman, Wilbur Merlock, Anaain Wein; jr. II, Willie :PreSca tor, Dora Deiteic.h; Part 1. Mao - 01' her, Edl11a SchWlirZ, Lep HalIt- 111.1I1II, EdIs en *Wc in ri cle Wein, It Sehwt.trz. :J. H. litmArri;s, Teacher. Grattad Bend (Crolorl out loot-wook) MiSs Ada Hayes left hero on Wed- nesday for Detroit, Where she intends spending the Serniner.-e :Miss. Annie Brenner, of 2'AI...tie/I, is visithig het. uneles, Me. Sosepli• Brenner'S.--Pro- fessor Wilson left lieve for it. Joseph; where he intemisi 00±1 it the• people of that village for a few. nights Witli his shOWS. 1111 ROSS 1.0f t here Mencloy to acceTt position in Mr. Baird s .1.0undry, Park- bill,e-Mr. Flank :Baker is laid up -svith inflanmettion (1± 11' lungs. --Bev. Hazer; preached in the Methodist chinch Senday evening in the absenee of tile , 8±1)1, Rev. Bo i rd.—No 0 p;,;1 IS "I bit.! CO ,00 II p agIlhi fte, 1 c 11 (0 illuess.:—Peon: tire sneill boy to the. old. .e.piry haired man can be Seen \vending theit way down the rivee 55111 I (hp (1(0 over their back: inquiring if the siaikers :tee running.- -Mr. 1 ilolt tr ob Strathroy, was in the 51111g.0 on Friday 1:16t Pi 1111111113 for Ow erection of his neW. eottage to lie boilt on, Mr. SpaCkman's Gibb8.1,Itet.1.\,1ciNfutllen; of Parkhill, were in the village on Sunday: ' children Cry for AST RAW St. Joseph The fields are drying up wonderful- ly and the farrbers hope to begin. seed- ing in a short time.—Sickness is very prevalent in our but.g at present and severel children are under the docteres care.—Mr. Ben Allen, of Stratford, 'general agent for the Great West Life Insurance Company, of Winnipeg, was in these parts last week and has, we understand; issued several policies. —Mr..ancl Mrs. T. Horton, of Lumley/ spent Easter with his parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. R. O'Brien's.--Mr. and Mrs. P. Bastard spent their Easter visiting friends at Drysdale.--Ivir, D. 'Wilson had the „misfortune to get hie hand SEIM erely joined oil Friday of last week while :1 ttendineu to a, sick horse. --The populo tion of St. Joseph is steadily on the increase, the latest addition being ;1 young son to Mr. ;Ind Mrs. Wm. .1-Iyrock. Greenway • ]Nlir, 0, Weil' and wife, of Brown's Corn ei.s, are visiting the la aces 11 S. Unileinvood. and other relatives in this vicinit v.—Miss Lizzie Holm, of. .London, visited her father. M. C. Bohn 1;;et week. and Mrs. Thos. Mark00oil the sick list and ;meter the cave of tho doctoe.--M-e. J. :Mc -William, ree,eived telegenn-; Wearies: - cloy night that his sister was rl1(flgeV- o5oi 11. H.0 left by the .early train Thursday morning. She \vas ne bet- ter Monday. --The Misses Della Baird and M. Miller,of spent their Easter holidays with Miss Alice j. Thilvd, preach- ed a, very interesting and instructive sermon on flowers :Easter S. unday. 1.11ie. church AIMS decorat ed with flow- ers :Ind every inember wore a beauti- ful boqueb.—Miss Clara , McPherson pi I ICked n vild flower 15 the Iveods. The first of the season.—The remains all the late George Reader were in- terred it; Solent cemetery Monday af- ternoon from the residence of Williarn 13C1t. :Rev. J. W. .Baird; B.A., con 7 ducted the sorvices.--Red, White 0,ntl. I3the bunting and flags for decorating .for sale at Boston stor-0.—W. H. Tay- inc M.P.T.'., paid chir village a flying Stephen SOITOOL REPORT. --The following is the list of successful pupils at the re- eent uniform promotion examinations in School No 3.—Prom Sr. 2 to jr.. 3, Eddie 'Willis Herbie Dearing, Herbie Beaver, Edith Prasons, Mitchell Wil-; lis, Lizzie Sanders, Nelson Sandei'e; Pt. IT to Jr, 2 Tommy Striaders, Triebner, R:tiph Willis, Gladys :Bis- sett, Annie Hicks, Gerrnet Craig; Pt. I to Pt. 'II Ternary Penlarde, Victor Sweet, Hilda Preszerttor,Earl Parsons, May Sanders. Parents will kindly send all pupils about to start school on Monday, April 23rd.as it will bein- con venient to haye.thena coming after that: T. B. HOOPER Teacher. SO(10)-11 Miss Jessie Creech, of Exeter, 'Visit- ed friends here 'last week.—Mr. John Penhale claims to be the owner Of one of the most prolific pigs in the County, she having presented the owner with no less that eighteen little porkers one day last week.—Next comes Abe Dear- ing with it Main -1110th hen egg; the dimensions of which are seven by eight and a half inches. Abe Challen- ges any other hen in the township to beat this.—The: Mill Was shut down last week for repairs and improve- ments.—One feataire of the Leaguelast Sunday evening was the reading -Of letter received by one of the members from Miss Tilly Harris, who lately went to the .N.w. and was formerly' one of the leading members. Blddittph Mr. H. Hudgins, (d the Sauble Line, has been :under the, cave of Dr. Sutton for the past few days, but is now im- proving.—Mr. James Atkinson, who has been seriously ill for some time, is, under the skilful treatment of Dr. Rol- lins, on the mend. —Mr. Norman Era, - ser, of -wymning, has been visiting friends zit Mooresville the past few days.—Mrs..Atkinsou, mother of Mr, TV. H.' Atkinson, has been very sick for the prist week, but is improving. DELTH OP MRS. MOWBERRY.—We regret this week to record the death, of Mrs. Mowberry, of Lucan, formerly a resident of Granton. Mrs. 1VIowben,y, who was quite a young woman, will be greatly missed and her demise will be keenly felt. She was a consistent mem- ber of the Presbyterian church in Lo - can. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to adjourn.: merit in Town Hall, April 2nd. Pres- ent, R. Hutchinson, Reeve; P.P.Hard- ing, M. Miller, A. H. Hudgins and J. McGregor, Councillors. Minutes of last inst,tig. read, approved of and signed. Miller—McGregor, ;that the tender of M. Mackinnon, for municip- al Ointing for 1900, for the sum of $41.75 be accepted.—Carried. Hard- ing—McGregor, that Wm. Fraser is hereby appointed arbitrator for this township on the petition of Robert Dixon and. others, to detach from Un- ion S.S. No. 15, West Williams, and McGillivray S of lot 21; concession 18 West Williams, and attach to S.S., No. 10, West Williams.—Carried. Mil- ler—Hodgins, that accounts amount- ing to $69.41 be paid.—Carried. Hard- ing --McGregor, that this council ad- journ to meet in the TOWn Hall on the first Monday in May, at ten o'clock a. ro., when Pathmasters will be appoint- ed and gravel contracts let.—Carried. WM. FRASER, Clerk. Centralia, Mr. Harry Hicks, of London, spent the Eager vacation here with his par- ents. -111r. WM. Lewis antl daughter, of London, spent Good Friday here, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Neil.—Miss Grace and Lillian Salton, of St. Catherines Ladies College, ac- companied by .Miss Beckunsted, are spending. the Easter vacation here with thea parents.—Mr. Nelson Cob- bledick, of :Exeter, spent Sunday here at the parsonage.- Mr: Geo. Webber, of Goderich, spent Monday here on business.—Mr. Geo. Lancing, painter, has vacated his old residence and has taken possession of the one oWned. by Wile R. Culbert.—Mr. R. Culbert left hist week to accept 0 situation with Messrs Quinton 13ros.—The Epworth League and Easte.r servicess held here 011 1111Clii,3r Were fairly well attended. Owingito the bad state of the roads, not TIMMY fl0113 a, distance were pre- sent. The sernwns preached by Rev. Brown, ef Exeter, were well direeted and were highly iippreciated. The tea 011 11011(1(0 evening-, was 'no tlatge-. ly attended, owing to the bod state of the roads and. disagreeahle weather. However, the affair passed of very y. Br.11117 ondale. ..:11A :can rOz-tY, —A very pl ea sail t even. took place:last Tharsdav evening at the residence nr Mr. With Wo(id when his :71o1 el', i SI" Ida, was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, IT. N. And 01)0 poplin r school teacher, The ceremony was perfor- med by the Rev:Air...Jew ti; in the pre' sonee of only the immediate velatives of the contracting parties. 7.i Ir. Ander- son and bride. left on Friday 1,01'' (L l'or Toronto and o thee places on their Wedding trip. Mr. Andelson to be congratulated cm sem:Ting suet' an' es- timable a adeccomplished young lady. T ; eir m an y 1jjr71. in Itur ,on da,le W is h them bon VC) yz1 ge' 11 vough 11± linther and Eva Oke have .-so t nicely Ottled on their foie farm, lately vocal: - ed by Geo. Lowe. We welcome them to our midst.—Mr, Frank Grolde,r, of Lawrence, spent, the Easter holi- days with rel:ttives 111 HUrolida,10.-- 'Air. Wes Armstrong, 1101 11108 Road, called on friends 111011071 11011' cni Sun- day..—MiSs Rosie Cadmore is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Harvey, near Exe- tert—Mr. John Frayne is engaged with Mr, John Blatehford for the stun- .-]Kiricton Mr. N. B. Doupe arta wife pawned to 1,,Lican, after sPending 'a pleasant. week with friends here. --john L.Kirk is, we 410 pleased to say, able to : be about :Igairr.e..-Miss LizZie - Shier; of Lind woetl, spent her vacation .at. home. A load. Of our young people attended the Anderson oyster supper laSt Fri- day evening and pronounced it:I:grand Suceesse-eA.baseball meetime Vets held at Mr. R. A. :Bryn an's o. Saurday to organize 0 tear. ----Mr. Hyderaman, of Zurich; was the guest of Mr. John Davis Sunday.—Alr. Jaeobe, town, p0171 paid Kirkton a flying visit Sun: clay.---2Mr. Wm. D:Lwson lois engaged with. Mr,Thincan McLean for the 1-10- 10100. —Mr. John O'Brien was united in the holy bonds, of matrimony to Mies Maggie Shipley last Wednesday. They ' reside in Parkhill. The best_ Wish - eS are for their future succeSs and hap- piness.—'I'V. R. Carr, V. S. , hasgone to Toronto to secere his stock of wheels. --Mr. John Doupe is 00 the sick list from la grippe.—The follow- ing persons spent their Easter voca- tion With friends here: --ell.ltisses Ethel Bretheur, Phoebe Tufts, St.' Marys; D. Stent, A. Stout, Clinton; M. G. Davis, Exeter, 0. Kirk Andel -Son; R. L. Kirk Thames Road; Jessie Colquhohn and Lettie Vanstone, St., Marys; Messrs. Williaui Deffield, Mount rot est; S. A. Doane, L:roan; F. Marshall, St. Marys; Robert MIMI:3. Russeldale;: Win. Mel- ville, Exeter; Hugh Kirk, Science Hill; mid J. A. Hazelwood. U:sbOrlIC Connell met April 7th. All the members were present. Minutes of March meeting Were read and tip In° v - ed, Bylaw No, 2, ConSOlidatiug By- laws relating to School Section areas and boundaries, read a second. and third time, was passed by the council, signed and sealed. The coutracet to build a panel, Warren Truss, rivitted Steel Bridge, over creek in 13-th con- cession on sideroad between lot 15 and 10, was let to A. Hill & 0o., of Mitch- ell for 5256.00. Bridge to be com- pleted by July lOth. The following Pathmasters were appointed for the current year.Ward No. 1, J. Webber j. Kerslake, N. Switzer, R. Kerslake, B. Higgins,. W. J. Cave, S. Hunter, J. Pincombe. R. Kydd, J. Horn, Eli Coultice. Ward, No. 2, P. McTaggart P. Case, H. Dougall, R. McCord, 'W. 3. Oke, W. Keddy, G. Ferguson, P. Moir, J. Airth, Geo. Etherington, P, McDougall, R. McDougall, X. Cann, A. Neil, Wm. Glenn, Fred K. Keyes. Ward, No. 3, F. Morley, 8. Horn, J. Kyle, W. Heywood, H. Squire, S, Mills, A. Fuller, C. Godbolt, J. Han- nah, W. 3. Lifts, W. Wiseman, W. Hazelwood, R. R. Copeland, C. Wheli- h,an. Warel No. 4, H. Francis, T. Coward, R. Monteith, J. Tucker, T. Hunkin, A. Bolton, Jos. Vance, Wm. Towers, W. A. Turnbull, R. Gardiner, Burtch, John Duncan., R. Doupe, J. Rutherford, J. Hackney. Orders were issued in payment of accounts amounting to 65 cents. Council will meet Sattirday, May 5th, at 1 eclock, -when tenders will be received for building stone or cement concrete abutments Inc Bridge, on sideroad in 13 concession, lots 15 and 16, and also for Bridge at Elhnville. F. MORELY, Clerk. ZUriCh The warm rains of the past few days prognostcate &green mantle.—J: Raw car, who has been working in Hensall with H. Bauer, now takes a position in town with A. Middlholtz & Co., hutch- ers.--Mr. Chas. Greb contemplates re- novating his hotel.—Miss Clam Bu- chanan, of the Goderich C. I., is spend- ing the Easter vacation unclear the pa- rental roof.—Miss Min a Doan, of Lucan H. S. is holidaying at home.—Miss Clara klopp, teacher, at Tavistock, is spending Easter at home. —Mrs. Fink- beiner, of Milverton, is spending a few clays at the hoine of her father, Mr. D. Faust.—j. P. Walters, of Listowel, spent a night in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Kellerman and farnily, of Dashwood, spent Good Friday here, the guests of Mr. F. Kibler. --Mr. Wc-iir. of St. Marys, was in town looking after fiax gI 00)171. Miss Graham, assistant teacher here,is spending the holidays'at her home in Goderieb.—Miss Tillie Kibler spent Easter Sunday at home.—Mr. J. B. )McDonell; of Hensall, spent Sunday at home.—Mr. John Deichert, who has been laid up Inc some time with iniiam- me ;Atm, is now .convaleseent.--QT:obn Hey, Jr.. is supplying the neighboring • . farmers with 0(13 111 stock, for he is receivilig handsome figures.—w. McNevin and C. H. Sanders, of the ADVoo:s.TE, Exeter, spent, Sunday in town. --The grand inillinery display at differelit stores (hiring Easter week we must say \vas reedit to the town. —Dr. F. A. Sellery, of Hensall, who makes a professional visit to mur burg each 'Monday, was accompanied Mon - dale by h is mother, of Kincardine, Who is visitimr Um. So -floor, Rureorrr.—The following is the pereentage each pupil received for Eitster exemination:—V. Miss.-- Di/LEM Richeil, 58; Myrtle. Hardy 57: Ethel W 5o; :Jennie Hardy, ol; Flossie Kibler, 49; Levan, Weido, 47; Chester Steinbach, 43: Ida, sippoi, 4.0; Norman Kibler, 46. IV. Olass—Phoebe Riebeil, 58; Helene, Phaff, 57; :Maggio, \\1b '11. :51: Albert Torretnce :50; Amy Steinbach, If); Otto Sipple, 15; . Lottie G.:lister. -1;3; Dora ;Miele 42, Lavina, Fuss, 81); Pearl Tiluethinan, 37; Robert Williams, 80; Chester 'Benedict, 85: Freda, T-Iess, 85; Fred 13:a uberev, 84; COT'a 11110 (01(111 33; Harvey WebOr R,Jr. V.---Lania rtleib, AMY 55 0.81.011, Gladys McNe v i n, Gtorgie Witrin, Norman ilolonnan, Nora Greb Addle Porrtleib, Garnet Magel, Pearl Fisher William Bender Manuel Holtz- , / man, Addison Koehler, Wellington Sohnstoo. Victor Appel. Children Ory for • at. . ' Crediton ,T, 0. STAXBURY, ,134 (forirtorly Oohlins ti4 s.-itanbury) 134408te1, SOitoitOr,, 'Notary 00:uveyuneor .N040Y to ioe,Exe.teie OfLt; :Easter has cerne tnd gone. flow , many eggs did you eat ?—The Bi"rtbe daygathering, given under the auto - p1006 of the 3±. P. A,, of Zion church, in Rev: Litt's dwelling laetlErldaY evg., was it great suecess. About 130 guest wore, present. A prograni was giVere by. the Y. ,P.: A..; Nfr. Lewis acting chairman. Atter, the prOgrana thcr guests were given it grand supper. Something over 8:10 was edliected uo the little .bogs. The • members- of the; , IT. P. A. deserve great praise for their - efforts ih making the affair 'such 0 sue- cess.—Mr. lEkarili. Snell. has purchased.. the old:. cheese factory " from Messrs.. BroW11,.Wuerth.& Co,, and is at pres- ent .busily engaged in tearing, down the old -building. He 'intends using the old lurnbee in the erection- of a dWelling.1\111... Louis Thiel and claughe' ter, of Berne, 11lich., 'are visitingrelatives here.—Mr. !Louis Mangnus, of Detroit, spent Easter here with his parents,: Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried. Maug- Authery Baker, of Granton, spent Easter Monday here 'with his parents. -L -Rev. J. (1. Libtleft for . laee to attend. the Canada . Conference. of .the Evangelical Association -which meets there this week.—Mr: George Holtzman is visiting relatives in Elk- . ton, Mich., this week.—Meers. Albert. and Artinir Zwicker Spent Easterwith.. their .parents in London. --Mr. W. H. Wenzel has bought the boiler arid gine, which \VaS used to run the cheese factory. Is " Bill " going ±0 start an, electric light plant Pe -Messrs. V, Ratz M. P.; and Henry Eilbeg, M. P. iL, of Ottawa and Toronto,. reSbectivelv, spent Easter here With their families.. —Miss Rivers and friend, of Toronto,. are the guests of •Di. and Mrs. Rivers. -e-Mr: John Dyer and son John left for London, Tuesday; on business.— The Misses .Fraser:and Tischbo cane are spending their :Easter liolida.ys itt .Ail- sa Craig and Goderich,. respee tiYel y, -- DEATH'S DotherseLeThiS week it be-, coines our sad_ duty to record the death. of two.of our oldest citizens. Sohn . Kilian,. aged: 78 years and two months,: passed away last Sunday evening. Ithe. Kuhn has been suffering for about year With cancer. His remains were . interred in the. German cemetery On" Wednesday, the Rev. Staebler'officiat- ing. He leaves to "ileum his loss a. wife, three daughters and two Clark passed away :on Tues- day afternoon in' his 80t1 year. Mr. Clark had alwa,ys .a rebust constitu- tion and ahnost always enjoyed good - health until Saturday last when he was tSuddenly stricken with fainting spellSefrom the effect Of Which he never 'recovered. The funeral will take place to -day (Thursday) at 1:30, o'clock - to the Exeter cemetery, ,Ele leaves to mourn his demise a wife and large 1110111)7. The sorrowing ones have the Sympathy of the coMmunity in their sad bereavement. ScooL li,EPO*,17.,0110wing is the report for Senior Division Crediton Public School: Note: --Class I repre- sents 70 per cent. or over; class IIre- preSents 60 to 70 per cent.; Class re -- presents 50 to,60 per cent.; Class IV rre- presents.40 to 50 per cent.; class ree presents 30 to 40 per cent. Names are. arranged in order of merit. Sr. Fifth, classII, Percy Banes, Geo. Lawson;„: class III; Charles- Brown, Ira. Brown; Jr :V.,' Class II; Geo. 'Hockey; class III, ! Wes Finkbeiner, August Kuhn, Otto . BrowneElmer Gower; Sr. IV, class, I, Gordon Blootirfield; class II, Mandy Finkbeiner, Ethel Clark, Ella Beaver, Clara Bergner, Vivian Bei; ver; class 111. William Brown, Albert .Faliner, "Lizzie Finkbeiner. Ed11I1 EU her, - Martha Wenzel, Weida Bones, Lucy :Young; class Ty, Edna Treitz. ehiss V, Geo... SheardeWen, 11OUZI11,01; Jr. `IV, class 1 Laura Clark, Sam Veolker; class 11 Olivia Holtzman, Wesly Brown 'Edgar Baker, Ettie Clark, Wilbur iSlacMurray, Norman Beaver, class III Ga-rgeld Hill, atteund -Wrierth. Ever- ett Fahner, Clara Fohner: class IV, Claarles Wind, Dan Fink-be:hie-I?, 1±11: Fahner; class, V ,Tohn Treitz, Willie. Hockey,.0sear Wolfe. GEO. 113 Lc) OMITIELD, - Teacher • Goderieli tp: 01) Wednesday even- ., ing,, April -,L131), at; "I\ fount. Farm" on, the HUron:Rood, theresidence of the de's fath c; r, If:envy (lo ewer', 1 7111 1t, wedding; was solemnized, 'Miss Fi...ancis 3%, eldest donghter, "id lAerbert Fish- er, son of Amos Fisher, Colborne, be- ing the contracting. parties. Only the immediate rola tires of the bride and groom were present at the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. .Jas .71. Anderson. nirmrs, Stei ;lion, on ipub 7t1, the wife of Geo. O'Leary of 0 dangh- ter. MARRIAGES. Ai-Iiiiiiiisox--Woon —At bile t.osidenc11 of the brides mother, on A.pril 12, by the Rey. Jewett, Mr, EL An- derson, teacher, to .2;lisS Ida, 010)7 daughter of the late James Wood, both of TA -shame. 3'l.oreLt-3)----M IT Cr theresichnicie 61 the bride's p aro; I is. :Exeter, 011 April 1861, by th )tor. 0, W. Brown, Mr. John Morley, of Lon- don, form erl y of Oredi toll, to 1\ liss Earmit. daughter, of Mr. John Mitc- hell, St (tti 00 st. 0113tr--Tmui18--At, the 'Ito 1150, EXCII012, Oil April 1861, by the Rev. \V. M. Martin, B. D., Da,vid C. Gibb, of Fullerton, to :Jane, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. johir Iinrie, oIi Tuckee- , smi Ili. DEATOS, 1(1311N—fi1 Crediton, on April 15±11, John Kuhn, aged 75 years, 2 months. CLARK--,ln Oveditou, on April 1711), Wm., Clarl;., aged 79 years, 10 months arid 3 days.