HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-22, Page 8iiff• , • ,' BusSille2 13rightnss 13,fulgs slICO6SS, sTi; DENTS A,1„):\Li. L'ED AT ANY TIME Central sTRATFotit) osr. A school. that °firers ad,vantages not found •elsewhere in oanada, Large staff of expert instructions; increased attendance; up -to. date business training; scores of Atuaents placed in good. paying p9sitions; students in attendance from places In which, arc locat- ed other business colleges. They want the best, It pays in. the end New toxin now open. Enter as soon as possiblewrite to- day for our handsome prospectus. W. J. ELLIOU. PrinoiPal skatogtuilfAikAliklaresit LOCAL DOINGS. Adolphus Evans has purchased a handsome driver. - Mr. Geo, Smallacombe lost another of his horses by death on .Alonday. Workmen :ire busy building in the boiler t the :Power House. Messrs. Handford and Elliot Shipped' a carload horses to. Verden, Map., on Monday. Rev. Millyard and. Rev Martin ex- changed pulpits or, Sunday Morning last. Owing to illness Miss Ball was lin- able to -teach Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr, john Evans has been aWarded the, mason work of the rectory for St. James church, Clandeboye. Mr. J. P. Clarke has disposed of his stock of goods to Mr. J. W. Broderick which has been removed to the latter's store. munber of Presbyterians took in the "At Home" in the Thames Road Presbyterian church Friday night last. As a spring medieine, uSe Native Herb tea to rectify the liver and puri- fy the blood. Only 25 etis, a box, For sale at O. Lutz's Drug Store. Spring Tcrtu, The Spring ',I:oral:a the CentralBusi- ness College, Stratford, Ont., opens on 1.1Ionday, April 2nd. 'This college is now closing its winter term which has been the most successful in the history of the school. Students are now in at- tendance from Canada, United States aria Newfoundland. All interested in securing a business or shorthand edu- cation should write to Mr. W. J. Elliott, Principal of the college for a catalogue containing full information. , AVe are this week offering special value in men's unlaundered shirts. Lin- en bands, cuffs and bosom, back and shoulders, lined; body of good heavy cotton, well made, very special at 50c., at Stewart's Cash Store. As a household remedy for coughs colds and Bronchitis troubles, Winan's Clough Balsam cannot be surpassed. Sold by C. Lutz. The spring se'ssion of the High Court of justice opened at Goderich on Mon- day. The civil list is long. there: be- ing six jury and nine non -jury cases. Mr. Wm. Harris, of Hay, left on Monday for 'Workman, N. W. T., fol- low -id by his family Tuesday. He took with bini a carload of settlers effects. . Rev. A. L. Russell, 6f Seaforth, preached two excellent sermons in the James street church on Sunday. He was formerly stationed here. TheRey. AV. F. Brownlee, of Gran- ton, will preach in Trivia Meniorial Church on Thursday evening, March 29th. Service ae 8 o'clock. All come. It is said by Hicks the weather pro- phet, that :from this date, March 22, until the close of March, snow and rain will alternate, with rather dis- ageeeable results. Marred. , The Saint Paid Pioneer Press of able flexible voice, which Ile handles Friday, March • Oth, contains the fol- to . periecmon and has the happy far., ulty of carrying- his audience inatirelY with hint. pro ram was onerequir=" ing great versatifity of g,ErsticnTation and was finely rendered tigoughout. Miss Laing has a V.ery swt and clear voice nitc.i her every rendition was re- ceived with tbe,highest admiration of the entire etudince. iNIrs. Billings as- sisted as accompanist in. the duetts, and did splendidly. The committee are to be congratidated on their efforts to provide an entertainment so worthy the patronage of the people of Exeter. .0100111•101.101•11111.1111.10•MITAM ^ . , • csiititiftifettNiit I"l9es iteiici .9 9 itesc , .„. „ , • ,Mns,s ViOSS , Of ,ROdgOT V WO, c')'11, 'WM, 1 3, eitilla (i'f London, spent. • sold another of their stallions, -Lord 1)Tolt1ity in town, the guest et his Son, Lion". to Mr. Brook, of Itiin card u e on W. .1. Monday, Another case of 20 pieces of alai; Farley Dress Goods at 15e. the trd, worth 95o It will pay you to see :MS line at Stewart's Cash Store. Gavin Scielacc Butertaillinick. Gavin Spence, the celebrated Scotch artist, accompanied by Miss Laing, a few days visiting friends in London, very attractive and Pleasing, Scotch returned home on Monday. lassie, appeared here under the aus- iissNina, Trace, who has boon the pices of the Exeter Masonic Lodge to „nest, of miss GDenlpsey, has pe„ zt„ large and very select andience 011 - in FridaV evening la•st. Inc programe Vurneti to her helhe Liniann• 1\frs. t r 131 .1! Bro n ti ford , je v.isiting her parents, Me. and Mrs. John Essery. Mr. ja Ines, WhoWas the guest of W. N, Levitt, left Thursday for his home in Qu Annelle, Miss Gertie Hicks, after spending a eousisvted of "cetch songs, duetts,Mr. Robert Pickard is confined to dames and weresung, varied and .hisfi.bilentiasitiiffoeritfigufr°ni'ln attack' of out a doubt the entertainment was Mrs. Pincombe and Mrs. John Har - the finest of the kind that has ever ton of near Strathroy are visiting their been given in the town. As a Scotch brother Mr Richard Ehvorthy who is entertainer Gavin Spence has few quite ill. , . . . equals aud suPeriers in this couritrY Miss Elliott, who has been the guest to -day. Ile is possessed of a remark- of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson for the past few weeks, returned to her home in :Mitchell on Tuesday, highly ireasing• Scotch stories. With. , o lungs. lowing particulars of the marriage of a former well-known resident of Exeter, viz:—"Fx•ank S. Rollins marri- ed Bessie Dufty yesterday afternoon at 2 it'cloek in the parlors of the Mer- chants hotel. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. W. C. Pope, pastor of the Church of Good Shepherct of this city. Both of the contracting parties are from Winnipeg. Mr. Rollins has been in the city for several days. Miss Dufty joined hint yesterday, and with- out registering at the hotel she pro- ceeded at once to the parlors, where the ceremony was performed. They will be guests of the Merchants for several days before leaving for the East" The ADVOCATE joins his many Do not forget that the Venerable Archdeacon Davis; M. A., Rector: of St James church, London, willyreach in Trivitt Memorial church, this eVen- ing(Thursday.) Service at S o'clock. Mr. Thos Husband, of .Lueitn, who is acknowledged to be one of the hest graining artists in Ontario dicl several jobs in that line here.din•ing the week. Many the pretty pannel he has left to his credit here, and to see his work is ' to. appreciate it. Mr. Sarn'l, Brock, London Road, un- derwent a sm•gical operation for the removal of a large growth in his neck at St. Joseph's Hospital last week. Mr. Brock has been. subject to the trouble for -years and as it threatened serious results he deemed it adv 'sable to have it -removed. • friends here in extending congratula- tions: Its a pleasure to see the. beautifial new dress goods at Stewart's. The stock is the largest and Styles the new- est ever shown in Exeter. • Council Preceedius.' • Council met pursuant, to 'adjourn- ment on March 16th. All present, ex- cept I. Armstrong. Minntes ,dfprey- ions meeting, read .and' confirmed.' Muiree-Levett, that .the :following ac- counts be passed and orders drawn on Trectenver for same::e-W. Westeott, labor, $1.25; Wm. Phair, cia., $l.25; Wm. Creech, do., $2.50; WateronsEn- e, ',rine Co repairinc steamer -1S99 ac - .9 count --e$21.25. Carried. ,Evans—:Miiir that the clerk notify Messrs: Tremaine :and Snell that their franchise is now void and they are herebynotified to meet the comicil at Town Hall, o -n March 23rd at 7,30 p.m.—Carried. Levett—Evans, that the council"' ad- journ until Friday, March 23, at 7:30 p. m. . G. H. BISSETT, Clerk.: A claintY 'woman appreciates dainty. goods and we reconunend our beauti- ful spring styles in:millinery as such. Call and See Miss Urquhart for the Most approved styles in Millinery at Stewarts Cash Store.. . The Clinton firenlen were on strike last week owing to a grievance com- plained of by the 'firemen in having: - appointed a stoker for the fire engine Who was not a member of the fire com- pany. The then held a. Meeting and sent in their resignation, complaining Of this action on the part of the: coun- • cil. a previenS issue we made mention. •of a man tying to pas o bogus: dol. - on ()tie of our busbies Men. Some ' person has been mean enough to . give currrency to a. rumor that Mr.' John Taylor, claoesemarker, was the :guilty: party: Such is not the 'case, hence.we wish to disabuse the public mind of'so . gross an injustice to Mr Taylor. . At Boston Tuesday night of last. week Dick 'Gretnt, of St 'Marys, Ont.,' lar•oke:the track record. in a Mile 'run, running the distance in 4 minutes 54 3-5 seconds. He nearly :lapped his • field. Alter a ..half-hour's'' intermis- sion, Grant won the 880 'yards . ruri froth his club:Mate, Neil Kelider, by five yards.• Turkish Scalp Foed removes dan- • druff: itching Of the scalp; restores the naturalcolor and Vitality .of faded or. ' grey hair, and,is a most pleasant dress- inc for the hair. Turkish:Scalp .Food is rapidly eTowing in public favor and takes the lead of all other preparations ever on the market. For sale, at Lutz's Drug Store, Exeter. Only 50e. a bottle. 'Rev. Mr. McDonagh, of Stratford, is visiting at Rev. M. I -fortis in Guelph, for a few days. Mr. .Me- • Donagh, says the Mercury, is mov- ing around on crutches, but oth- erwise pretty well recovered from the bad fall he got some time ago. He preached in. the Dublin street Meth- odist church Sunday morning. Men's Spring hats in stiff and Fe- doras --the lateSt styles, the news col - ore and prices correct. New ties, the nobby styles; new collars—all the lat- est, she pes, at Stewart's Cash Store. S. 'W. Beod (Tick leas purchased from Mr. J. P. Clarke at a very low rate in the dollar. his stock of groceries, crock- ery, glassware, etc., which has been re-Moveci to the Exeter Bargain Store, next door to the Post Office where same will be offered at a great, sacri- Rey, toge th er with the halan ce of a stock of Boots and Shoes and 1.1eady-ma de • Clothing, This cheap sale will com- • mence to -clay, (Thursday.• ) An inch ancl a half a, year Is the aver- age gro wth of the finger nail. The aver- age time for each linger nail to grow its full length is about four and a half months and at bis rate a man 70 years of age woOkl have renewed his nails 186 times. Taking the length of each nail at half an inch, he would have ' grown seven feet nine inches of nail on each fiuger, and on all lingers and. thuMbs an aggregate length of '17 fed; Presbytery of Huron. The Pt•esbytery Met in Clinton on March 13th. Elders' cornmisSions: were called for; and the following yiere accredited representative elders of the respective C011,tr,regtitions .John Wilson, Seaforth John Brigham, Blyth:,' George Halikirk, Dritr clinreh McKillop ; -William Purdy, Variia, A very ptetty weciciiiig t . phce yesterday (AVednesday) evening itt six o'clock, at the residence of. and Mrs. Hugh Oke, when their third dangh ten., Miss Grace, .was joined in wedlock to Mr. William Higgins, ar popular and prosperous young facmer of Usborne. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. 0. Bnown in the presence of the relatives of the con- tracting parties. The bride is one of Exeter's most amiable young ladies and her heart •anci hand are a prize for the one who won her.- The bride was dressed in a dainty gown of svhite and carried a boneniet of white citrna- tions. The little maid of honor, Mable Oke, of Blyth, niece of the bride, look- ed very pretty., After the congratula- tions were over the party all wen1 to the dining hall where a sumptous wed- ding dinner twaited them. After which they retuened to the parlor and 15 very pleasant time was spent in 4nusie and various amusements. The "young couple were: the recipients of many appropriate presents, showing the esteem in which they are held. Mr. :end Ares I-Iiggins start married life on his beatitifnl farna. adjoining Exeter,with the best wishes of many Inc their prosperity and happiness. , Fa'rewelt to J. P. Clarke The R. T. of T. held a immovable meeting on Monday evening The ac- e , • comp:living address was presented to Mr. Clark, who replied in the most feeling terms. Mrs. Clark was also present. Towards the close luncheon was served by the sisterhoed and the caterer, Mr. Follick. Royal Tomplars of Temperance CouneilNo. 10`7; • Dr. Rollins. on Monday last, Went to Bruce County, some 0 istan ce from c:irdine to see an inipoi•tant case. no, returned r.ruesclay marniti Aiessrs. 0. Christie, ci Stephen'and "Air. A. lValterS rtetc•al as jurors at the spring SeSS1.011 ok theadilo,.11 GOMA; of Jus- tice' held tit Goderieh this week: . Brethwiccic Li•Grodei•icla; John :Ar.„, DEAR13'''TNIEa Ci 11 —lon ha'.0 baea a facb6r frn. Cie offices, none many years in our village that the possibility of your de oarture was foreign our thoughts. • Yet recent developement have convinced ustt3luit, all the tics J. P. Ross, Exeter ; James WaIkino-- •ivh,isehe,bPid you to Exeter are DON' b 1 Shaw, LIAO 1.1 ; P. Bell, Kipp,'" A i t fiTs,,Tme:nsi)p.l'elsaltreas'llisohie•ea CounciIiiscon. ,ufe'iS Alex. Duncan, Thames Road; WilliaM"' Warnocl ; hristopheli and sustained lay I stows better the duties off of constitutions sa 1 Queen, Brueefiejd ; Gordon You • ' 1,g• your effortsf and even , up to the present, 11)01TIont)our z,eal and encl.', h Op good of the Order. '3 a" rand Bend ; John .not abated for MeUvilIe, Londesborough.;16n. g plied succession all '1 sieNre odrheered to them more aithfidl 1 10 11Ianchester Repoi•ts on church ri vance, teinperance, etc.) Sabbath school ancl Christian Endeavor wev • 3 t tan yourself. • , „,':culgible. one. But, greaotteur:st3hstaii:t11138:,inpt t°1-inerflo°sss8 of ,, co en from a,,busines t is 1c 113,, Sn.1./b. .0..routzeci,i0,01(per,0„ality, 1 These never been • withheld 1. ac heart, your s a 1 Your motto was "Freely ye bare recewed, fre013" anc work1 submitted and disposed of. The lowiug were appointed commissions tO were not 00011 weary. Those of • tr • • In saving men from thei woes of intemperance you 39 n age and June.; mossrs. sikw meLe. are to -day regardtng yol'i'asjac.''.1;anefanetpoler„'But11.';ioCiei the A.sSOMbly to ,Itt,et in ann'2.2-llfe6xtes•ounii,40beyoncl, who mire followed., u example mill a EROWirl, that the future of our nation depends upon the character of our young men and WOMOTI. You .aided in Moulding OM character. Saying a. kind and cheering word, extending' your hand to lift up a failing one,.visiting thesick, were .some of the means you employed, in the true spirit of devotion, to "ful- fil the law of Christ" Youth ha,s not lacked a wise cOunsellor arid a true friend: • • . , To -nicht .Brother Clark we are assembled as breth- ren to say farewell. • This tvonlel be a ',.ad word 16 utter:WM:we consigning ,vori to oblivion instead: of Synods' committee of bills jerol over., Anderson, Fleteli.er, 131 lill 1Ste.rs. • and R. P, Bell, Gordon Young, ,ancl., the representative elders of the .cong,reiget- tions of Leeburn, Bayfield :arid Hen - sail. ..Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Hamilton, was n.ominated for :moderator Of rfext • Assem ,Mr. Maatin and' Mr.J. ‘.P. Ross were appointed in6mbers of the Lave directed your ecto.rts especially towards youth: i I sphere of usefulness. Onr Eastern loss is tures. The next meeting is to be beld'"lt°,1ave‘•'s'tcerenr gain, Theretore, we mingle hope with re - 1 D. 101111t011 no the Sth of:Mety. • ret, and :joy ooitli sadness, lutowing you will rende aeColl/lt of yourself 111 " TITO CaVd611 of One hundre• d A•Vhite Quilts, full Desert." ' • 1 The Boy Question. ElDrrori, ADVOCATO. t noticto. in the Parkhill -Gazette Re- VieW file 15th that the good people of Exetee,--young and old—are given the place of honor in the muck - cart of that tenth century journal. Not knowing the scuminy• scavenger of the paper in question, ca. anything about the muddy hole in which the scald. miserable inditer, I would like to esk , you .Mr. Editor, • where Parkhill is, rand who is J. Mackinnon. If the °lel folk and the young folk of our town wish to criticise. one anotlier in ieially controversies in oar boine journals it is none of Me. Mackinnon's business, and if he finds his nose dis- jointed as a rcisult of his interference in our domestic infelicities he can con- sole himself with the assurance that there itre others who have paid the penalty of their smart Alexanderisuis. 1 am just informed, :Air: Editor, that Mt...Mackinnon is a decent kind of a fellow after all and that he likely wrote the article in question while in a jocose vein. If such be the ease I apologise, but Mr. Mac. must admit that he earried the joke a little too far in giving the article so conspicuous a place in his paper, and he. should also apologise and put himself right with the good people of Exeter, who will otherwise have his hide in the tannery for his insolence. In a former letter on the boy question I deprecated the publication of commuuications dis- crediting the boys of the town. I feared that the matter would afford the outside world food for gossip at our expense, and so it has proved for the Parkhill Gazette -Review. What we are made to suffer for our folly. The people of Exeter are reduced to a mighty low state, indeed, when they are made to pass under the review of our Parkhill neighbors. So Inc as the boy question ana our little family dis- cussion is concerned we have pretty well wound it up. The boys think the olcl chaps are all richt and the old chaps now adrnit that after all the trouble has been in the old parent tree rather than in the young and growing fruit. Apples don't grow on • fence posts and. the boys will, as a rule, fol- low the pace set hy the men. J. A. R.'s apology is ixecepted and :is for his gymnasiurnit is all right for the. boys who want it, but I find my buck -saw, sawhorse and ten cords of wood is all the. gymnasium I want for the winter. " Looker " forgot to tell the color of his hair. Hoping, sir, this will end the thing. • lam FIE us ' Seaforth: Mr. Philip Carlin has sold his farm opposite St. Colnuaban chm•ch, on. the Huron Road, to .Mr. Patrick. J. Flanueev. of Becchwood. for $4,800. The farm contains 100 acres, and Mr. Flannery has got a 1110St conveniently situated mid desir- able property-. double bed size, slightly soiled tor .9 e. we wish You and Yours Continued 11aFP•ineSs f'.1.11d increased prosperity in your new liome. liay the Regular price $1.50. Stewart's C%ish- trinity of Rope, Love and Truth dwell with you. ,Store. -•••••• Kindly :incept this Gentleman's tenet case as a memento from your brethren on Eta2Ler. Know that Letter of Cottclolettcc. we pri•ze ate poet who expresae, wind we feel: • The following letter of concl41ence • 'Thy converse drew us with delight, , was adopted at the las.t regular Meet- The men of rathc and riper years; big of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Nol• 1.33, A.F. & A.M. DEAR Mos. COLLINS. The brethren of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.F. & A.M., tender to The stern lo ere mild when thou wert, by, you onr most heartfelt sympathy in , • Apd heard mica?, Inileditiii,u1NniaigiNi.41 and bereavement. 0'6 late Right -Was soften'd id 1 Worshipful Brother—your devoted and talented husband—has passed from our mystic circle. His familiar figure has ceased to grace our fraternal as - '1110. feeble soul, a haunt of fears, Forget his iveekness in illy sight. On thee the loyal-liearted hung,• , The pi oval was half flisarni'd of 'pride, •- Nor cared the seypaiiti tilaby side To flicicer with his double tonrcue. it flippant put himself 10 0011001 this the hour of your creat affliction While I thy nearest, sat apart, • And felt thy triumph was as mine; And loved them more that they were thine The graceful tact, the'Uhrishati art; IN or mine the sweetness or the skill, semblies ancl his many personal charms ' oat minethe love that will not tire, are lost to us fore,ver. One after an- And, liorn of love, the vague desire other. of our brethren is obliged to lay down his sceptre and to part with the insignia of office and all of us, in the very short period elicited to man, must death shall declarcoti labors closed— answer the call the mallet of our journey ended. Once more is •the silver cord loosed, the golden bowl broken" tand thus are reminded of the "uncertainty of human life, the immutable certainty of death and the vanity of all our earthly pursuits." We. pour the Sympathetic tear, several ly drop the sprig of evergreen and au join in casting around the memory of our late lamented brother, the broad mantle of a Mason's charity. To com- passionate your misery, to restore peace 'to your troubled mind and to as- sist and protect you is one of the pledg- es of our Brotherhood and an incumb- ant duty which we owe to the memory of out deceased brother. We can offer you nothing more of this world's con- solation, but dare to say that He who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" looks down with infinite compassion and love upon the widow and father- less in the hour of their desolation and th•it the same benevolent Saviour who wept while on earth, will fold the arms of His love and protection around those who put their trust in Him. Signed on behalf of the brethren. J. A. STEWART W.M C. H. SANDERS, See'y. To MOS. R. It COLLINS, Exeter. , Exeter, Ont., March 15th, 1900. That spur, an' nni ative Signed AL 01 F. SItit, RICHARD (iouLn. Exater,1torch 190,1900. ' That children tan for their 'aces are generally born in the smrim er is it, novel theory. As far as boys are concerned, those who first see light during autumn and winter are not so tan as those born in spring and summer, Those born in Noveniber are the shortest, in July the tallest. Averages for girls show that those born in Nvi n ter and spring have less length of body than born in sunimer and autumn. The tallest girls are born in August. The Patriotic Fund now amounts to nearly 5183,000. PEII,SONAL. Miss O. VOSIX`r'S MOIrl was vacated 00 Friday 013 account of her illness, Mr. John Bissett, Huron street, who has been quite ill is r•ecovering. Miss Ida and Aniey johns visited in St Marys this week. Mr. W. Trevethick was in London this week. Miss Geary. of Mitchell, is vieiting :tt Dr. Kinsman's. Miss Charlotte Sweet, who was visit- ing in London, returned home Thurs- day, Clinton: Mr.'David McConnell met with all imusual Sort Of an accident on S- rday. '' • He was busily engaged : it' g ,rig it week's supply of .woOd When the axe struck a . beam oyerhead and hounding: hack hit Dave upon 'the top •„,of the head, inflicting a severe :wound. 'Kb ibla. required' stitching 'up.. by a mediealman. , , L11.1-hly: . On..-WedneSday .evening the residence of. Mr: and MrS, Robert: Cann was She scene of .a very pleasant eye n t, bei lig the marriage of their eldest daughter, Miss Mary, to George ICers7 lalce,-Cif.the, north botmditry,I.Tsborne. The eereinony was witnessed by a large Ill uhlaia: •of the relatives and friends. who joined iu wishing them it long aucl happy life. . " •• . , ' • HORS F.,..NIEN..,. . `mriNINEWEINtgaiirS--MErr13.70=7-faMc EAllY FO, SPRING.' Carpet and Honse Furnishing Department. We can furnish. you with a full assortment of Hemp, Union, all -wool, Tapestry, Brussels Alminster and Velvet Carpets. For the best values we can display Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleurns, Crefomes,Art Muslins, Furniture Coverings, and we especially call your attention to our Lace Curtains. We have received from Ger- man Agents over 250 pairs of Lace Curtains which for value can not be excelled by any other merchant in Canada. Our prices on these Curtains rane4e from 50e. a pair to $4 a pair. Our specials for window Drapery consist of white goods in Figured Cords, Coin Spots, Striped Organdies, Fancy Curtain Nets. PAPE13 . , line of goods you desire to look at. stock and have all the makes to hand of English, American, ancl Canadian. PAPERS. See oi,ir large assortment early. We can interest you in any The largest stock the Coality,.af wail Paper. We keep in I, Ei SPACK AN Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing. ::i.1,.'9M"‘L'C'42:1=FAMEMENENEMNIMMESININCEM=INEGIMEGOMelln. , 1i0000 NCYJ OUFFnO PATCNT M.L.. STEEL IMO 11511105. 40,,t0t4 0 5E011000 SPRING 70010 CutTWATOR , • . toxoti noosick The Universal Favorite Noxon Ise Harrow; The only Disc Harrow that has a djns- table pressure springs. This feature is ' invaluable on hard Or uneven grouni-2,,,,, Irgoxort NewSccti011al C ultivator. fitted with grain and grass grooving attachments if desh ed. with reversible points, also thistle cutters if ordered. The lightest draft, best working and mos easily operat5d cultivator manufae tur ed. The teeth work directly under the axle and within the wheel line. See the New Spring Lift, • THE CELEBRATED Noxon Drills STEELET SIER Spring Pressure. Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are now over 00,000 in use among the farmers of this country. J. IlEA.MAN gent for Repairs Exeter, MMON SENSE OrtIMANDS that you should call and inspect the lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS that we hive placed in our store You will find in this neNV stock Quality and Price.... to suit you.. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what A-Ve always aceomplish when we make a suit for you. • Prices that Please. _ r Brartrt• Knight SOLE LERTHERet. We wish to impress on the minds of everybody that we don't sell sole . leather, neither do NVO sell meat as tough as sole leather. OUR NIEATS Are of the ,,,ory best quality. Try our , big brown sirloin lcoast,. It is as t.00tbsomo and ap.petiring as tile famous ueacoelt's roast ot' Kiogly times. We know hew to fix 15 111) all 11100 for the °yeti. Try us once, You'll try us txviee; You'll find our -meats Are choice and nice. John Alarming. . . i11,l.15 5 11115 • CAUSTIC BALSAM A reliable remedy for. Curbs, Splints, Spavin, Sweeney, Lameness from any cause, and Sore Throat in 'Ionics, and Li nip JR1V in Cattle. See rennet:let. Satisfaction guaranteed All Druggists and general stuelteepers keel, it. Prepared by EUREKA IIKTERINARY MEDICINE Co LONDON, - - ONTARIO. BUGGIES! 13UGGIES! BUGGIES! W. I -I. Parsons has now in stock a car -load of ve,ry fine buggies of differ- ent styles and colors, viz:--Juinp Seats, Mikadoes, Young Men's Buggies, Three Quarter Buggies, Boggles for old people, and Spindle -box Buggies for business men, Farmers surray etc. etc. Any one wishing a brand new Buggy will find it to their advantage to eall find inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. Ilemem her the stand, two doors south of Totvii IIall, Exeter. 'LARGEST DEALER IN TOWN. PAI/SONS. , • LOOS AND BOLTS WAI.)-N-TF , , HIGHEST PRICES Custom Sawing Done. THE SUTIIEf?LAND-INNES Go., (Late Gould's Mill) ICESSEL, Foreman ' EXETER, ONT. EXETER BER YARD. East side of Main street, opposite planing mill. —STOOK— We have in stock1 dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in., 11 in., LI- in. and 2 in. Shincrles. lath and cedar posts always on hand. - A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Call and ExarnAne. Jas. Willis Proprietor. . . • ITICKS _ . . REPAIRING . If you want: your Repairing' - go to R. I-.1IcKS—Watehes, ()leeks and Jewelry a specialty. ' MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issueclandiVecl- dingRirigs always on'hand; Fansen's Block, Exeter, Light your borne with . ACETYLIENE CAS The Radiant Horne A'atornatic Acetylene Gas Generator. The Ridinnt Ain:or/tat:1e Acety- lene Gas Generator has numerous tes- tim on i IS and each., Machine is Guar- anteed to give every satisfa,etion. Atanittactu red by MELVILLE &, MORRISON Extrrtal, oxr.r. 'COMMERCIAL LIVERY, First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawksh aw's Hotel, or at the Livery ,Stable, Ch ri stic's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. . . . . . r rr orm Iteasona tie .1.1eCega°ro9'4'fon ,1So0iv1biob ':