Exeter Advocate, 1900-3-22, Page 1THIRTEENTH
YEAR. -607.
251b tin of
Golden Drip
Table Syrup
13 1:i R G
'AD 7E -
The correct celors in these for this season
ere BlnePink mad Iielintropcf 10 up and
down stripe.s, itlso in vet:Timid stripes .cross
tlae front. We have just, received a ship-
ment of these. We cim suit all tastes and
Pockets. They run as low as 50c.
es & Boys- Suits.
We have just unpacked a large shipment
of Ready-to-wear Clothing fromone of the
best makerS. 'We are pteparecl to gualfitntee
the fit a,nd quality of every suit and tatty°
ma,de the prices to snit every pocket. We
have Men's snits in Serge ot T weed for $4.49.
CC if it " $1.69.
Our Spring stdck of Hats & Caps have just
arrived, Which incliacle the latest and. most
correct styles for this season. Ask to see
the New Dress Hat, the New Fedora, the
New Golf Caps, 25c.
25 lb tin of
Golden Drip
Table Syrup
S i 00.
We have just added to our stck some yea.y
special hues at remarkably low pricee. See
our specictl at 49c. Wvll
We hae a furange ot
. .
the celebrated D. & A. Corsets.
. We have received a very special line• of
1..adies' and Children's Shoes in Kcingaroo,
Guarttnteed Waterprobt. Ask to see them.
3 pr. W.1 Blankets.
We have 3 pr. of Pure Wool Blankets
which must be clettred
2 pr. $3.50 to clear $2.75.
1 pr. $3.00 to clear $2.25.
Sherwin,Willianas Celebrated
Mixed Paints guaranteed for in-
side or outside Tvork. We keep a
full range of Colors. There are
some new colors this year. We
have them.
We are also sole agents for
Robertsons Pure Mixed Paints, full
measure, Pine, Lead and Oil.
• Remember we have a fresh clean stock.
Red and Alsehe Clover, Timothy
perfectly clean.
Be sure and see the new seeder
Take one on Trial, pay for it if
We have 'unlimited private funds for in-
vestnient upon l'arm or yillage property, at
owest rates of interest. .
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. 141oney to loan on easy terms
,rouzz SPACKmAN,
Samwell's Block Exeter
Of Richard H. Collins,' late of the Vil-
lage of Exeter, in the County, of
Huron, Barrister, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap-
ter 109, R. S. O. 1897, that all persons having
claims ag,ainst the estate of the saki R. 1-.1.
Collinswho died on or about theist day of
March, 1900, are required_ to send on or before
the llth dayof April, 000, by post prepaid.
to Mrs -Tessio Collins Exeter, P. 0., execu-
trix of the said. R. 1-1.' Collins, their names,
addresses and occupittionS, with particulars
' 0 C tit eirclaireS, statementS of their accountS
and the nature of the securities (ifCOO') held
b,y them. Arid notice is hereby given: that
after the last mentioned date the said Ex-
ecutrix will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said deeeitsed among the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only 'to the
claims of which n otice shall lute been given
ao above relaired arid the said executrix
shall not be Labia for the said assets or any
part thereof to any person or persons of
whOse claims notice shall not have been re-
eeivcd by her at the date of sueli distribu-
STANBUin,,Exei-er, Ont.
Solicitor for the ExecutriX.
Dated the 13th day Mare.h, 000.
McGillivray Council
Council tnet pursuant, to edition-,
ment in town hall, 111eGillivray March
51,11. Prestint, R. Hutchinson. Reeve;
11.I. Miller, P. Harding, A. H. Iiodgi ns
s. W. McGregor, Councillors. Min-
iites of. last meeting read, approved of
and Signed. Afiller--1-Jodgins, that a ct-
counts amounting, in all to $42.58 be
paid.-Oarided. Harding, McGregor
that this commit adjourn to meet in
the 1I:own Halt On tlie first Monday in
, April til one o'clocl: p. in. Cttrried.
1V-ar, 13inAsfint, Clerk.
Under and. by virtue of a power of sale
contained in a mortgage, bearing date the
18th day of December, A.D.,1890, which sail
mortgage will be produced on. day of ;sale,
there will be offered for sale by public auc-
tion at Brenner's Rotel, O.rand Bond, on
SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1900,
at theb our of 1 o'clock, p.m., the following
valuable property vin -
011 singular that certain parcel or
tract'of land and. premises, oituate lying and
being in the Township of Stephen, in the
Comity of Huron and proVince of Ontario
and being composed of the West half of lot,
number nine, ('J),in the twenty-second con-
cession oi the stud .Township of Stephen,
containing by admeasurement fifty-two and
one-half theres of land, bo the same more or
Persons desiring LO :purchase a farm ' suit-
able for general farming or for grazing are
invited: to examine these lands before the
TEnmS:--One-tenth of the purchase money
to be paid on day et sale and the balance on
or before the.,7th day of May, A.D., 1 900.
For further particulars apply to
Solicitors for Mortgagee
League met as usual 011 Feiday even-
ing last. . The topic: was introchiced
by itcy Mt. Salton. --Mrs. Fletcher
Switzer, a cc0u1lN113 ied by her father
and mother-in-law, viSited at the for-
mer's parents Mr. Geo. Rook hist
week --A11. ScrteI7fl'cci`s 811 si'
11;8 a/gi Li.. -Mr. Sam Ile] Skiiiner bought
a valuable young horse Lon • Mr.
•Thouuts Clark, of Stephen, one day
last week for whicih he paid a good
price. -Two young gentlemen drove
to :Exeter Chin.eli Sunday evening.
Soule aftra,ction boys. -Mr.
Coates Thos. Cave and 'William CaVe
drove to St Marys on 111onclay for
flag-sthne.-Mr. Homer 13i:swell, who
dislocated his shonleler is improving.
-Mr. Thomas 13i:0t.:1t5 dtove to :Exeter
on Sunday evening, accompanied by
two young litdies,--Maleolln Demp-
sey WaS in London a few clays last
NVOCk. On. tinSinCSS.
Children Cry for
George Booke, Township of Ushorne
says: I lnave used English Stock Food
incinufactnrecl by C. Lutz, Exeter, for
fattening ea ttle. It is a most excel-
lent foocl my fat cattle have done re-
maritabley well under its rise. 1 con-
sider it pays well to feed it and would
highly recommend, it to stock rctisers.
For sale:at Lutz's Drug Store,price 50c.
Grabd Bend
• Mr. Arthur Mollard returned hpme
from Grand Marars, Mich., where he
has spent the winterg-s-Miss May Mc-
Pherson, of Greenway, Spent a few
days at the home of Mrs. Fred Page.--
Robt, Pollock has returned home
from the London Hospital, where he
underwent an operation and iS now
doing 'well. -111j-5 Zalle is home
again, after spending the winter with
Mrs. 0. :Batiore, of Point Edwar
Miss Ada Hayes entertained a -number
of her 'friends on IVfonclay evening at
the home of Mr. Will Patterson. --=The
Grand Bend. League was well repre-
SCUated at the Grand Bend circuit con-
vention, held at the Boston Methodist
Church no Thiustlay last and all teport
spending a pleasant ancl profit able day.
--There will be a box sooial held at, the
home of Mt. A. Mollard on Friday
evening, March 23rd. first-elass
progreirn is being prepared and every-
thing being done to make the evening,
pleasant -A sleigh load of yoring peo-
ple drove out to the home of Mr. H.
Kennedy, near Thedfor1,,and vent :1,
pleasant evening, but on making pre-
parattiotis to return 'name, to then sur-
prise, a terrible storm we's raging out-
side which detained theni a few limns
longer. . Nevertheless they arrived
home safely at break of day. ,
David Finch, a fireman of the Roya
Eleatic Company was engaged in put-
ting in a new arni ttt 111Ontirea1, When
he slippedand fell ft,CtOSS the wires.
He waeinstandy, kilted,
St. Joseph
I Miss Hattie Johnson, of Liunley, is
I visiting in these parts at present.--
Severctl thousand brick were delivered
here litst week from one of the Credi-
tor' brick Yards. -Mr. Wm. Hyrock is
Making extensive preparations for the
manuitteturing of brick cmcd tile next
stinamc'r.-Mr. P, Be;tver purchttsed tt,
fine eow at Mrdolts sale at Drysdale
on Monday.
The Epworth 1,e:inane, . convention
held hi Boston Methodist church was
a decided success. There Were Several
large. sleigh loads frotn Salem, Shitalca
and,Grand Bend. 'The. Patriotic 'ad-
dress by R,evds. Ford and Hilistir were
highly in Wresting.- Mr. W. J. StinSon
and daughter, Myrtle, of 'Bayfield,
Ited. frientiS here laSt Saturday and re-
turned home Monday.--MeSsrs. W. J.
lVtlsou & Go. are getting in new spring
goods and among them one thousand
flags. Everybody ought. to have ono
reedy to celebrate the next British Vic-
tory and the final closing battle Of the
present war. -Mr. 3. '\IeWilLiiunsvisit-
ecl hisparents at Clandeboye Friday.
Mr; Wm. Harris left for the North.
West ma Monday. The balance Of the
fanlidy left the day following. They
wilt be greatly missed. as they all took
a Very 'atonal n en t fto.t iii the Sunday
School and Lea•glie.--111r. Wm. Smith
has been engaged. for the sautinaer with
a Mr. Ai nistrong„ of Usborne, Will is
a good boy and will give satisfaction.
-11/Ir. J. Ford passed t.:3 un day aftet000ll
Stuff]. Stanlake's.-A. McOallnm
and wife, of Toronto, are the guests Of
Mr. Wm. Ching. -Mr. Wm. Dunsford
and Mrs. Silas 8tanlake passed. SLATI day
with Mrs. Atkinson, of Dashwood. -
WILL England, of Orediton East, was
seen in this vicinity on Sunday, nEng-
laud "1s always endeavoring to make
11 conquesit.--The young people held a.
dance at John Ford's last Wednesday
-evening. All report haying had a
good C..4eorge Mid Harry
Smith succeeded in capturing forty
skunks this winter. They say ten
mare will be the limit.
. High winds, dark, lowering clouds
drifting rapidly across the sky, storms
ofrain, hail, sleet, and heavy fall of
Soft 0130W, the aceonmaniments of
EqUinoxial gales, bright sunshine,
keen night frost, and the drip, drip,
drip, from the eaves, and water -spouts
to say nothing of the flocks of crows
overhead all herald the advent of that
delightful sectson - spring. - "Sap's
rennin'!" will now be heard on all
sides, arid we 000 glack-It is reported
that one of Sharon's young men is
about to leave for Manitoba. ----.Ethel,
the little daughter of Mr. Josiah Kestle
' who has been so seriously ill, with
Millman Won of the 1 un gs,is hnproving
nu der Dr.Rollins' care.-eWith a, week's
record of twin calves, having a broth-
erly regard for the milk -pail, and and
it litter of seventeen pigs, Mr. Joseph
Martine would like 80 1)11(1 the equal. -
Mr. 3. H. Holmes spent Saturday with
friends ;it his home in Lonclon.-Wed-
nesclay evening of last week, the home
of Mr. John Pedler was unceremon-
iously entered by about forty jolly
members of a sleighing patty from
Exeter, to the complete surprise and
pleasure, of their hosts, perforce.
They took complete possession of the
place, and gave shemselves up to an
evening of mirth, enjoyment, music
and song, finVored with. the bountiful
"good things" provided by the ladies
of the party. The gathering broke
Up 1111 .early hOilr, and we -understand
the merrirpe»t continued during the
return jetnney. Incidentally it may be
said one young lady actually drove all
the way to town, as they sat in row (e)
on the front seat. -Ere this reaches
its readers our quiet hamlet will have
been treated to a similar visitation.. -L•
More anon.
D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and
conveyancer, money to loan at lowest rates
of interest.
Mr. John Bell, who had been em-
ployed by his brother, Thomas, the
past two years, has leased for one year
the 100 -acre farm, known as the Moir
property at a rental of $200. It is ow-
ing to their being no plowing or work
clone in the fall that the rent is so low.
It is a fine farm and Mr. Thos. Moir,
of Hensall, the owner, intends seeding
it all clown and leasing after this for
grazing purposes. -Mr. William Min-
ers, township assessor, has been going
his rounds lately and although attend-
ing to his duties, some of the curs that
object -to direct taxation evade his no-
tice. -Miss Agnes Ann Hay, after a
few clays visit with her parents here,
rettirned to St. Marys, where she is at-
tending the Collegiate. -Mr. D. Hay,
after being engaged over fifteen years
in the merchant business, disposed of
it to two young men, Messrs. ,Ben. and
George Beavers, of 13lanshard. They
have bought both theproperty and
the goods and are to begin taking stock
this week and will be ready to begin
business next week. -The C. E. held
an "at Home" at the Thames Road
Presbyterian church last Friday even-
ing and an enjoyable time was spent.
--Mr. John :McCully, formerly a farm-
er in this township, but now of Park-
hill, is visiting with his many friends
here. • His wife died a year or two ago
and finding it difficalt LO attend to 1111
the duties he has rented his farm for
three years -Mi'. Win. Gardiner and
wife, who have been spending the past
two or three months with friends here.
returned to their home in Clearwater,
Mane last week.-Mcssos. James and
Moses Gardiner shipped a load of stock
cattle to 'Iowa last week, Mr. Moses
Gardiner accoMpanied them and will
dispOse of them.
Children Ory for
No news last week your scribe being
frozen. through and, through. -Mr.
Wagister and sister, of Zorra, visited
friends in and around 1)eshwood h
past week. --Mr and Mrs. Albert MC-
Calitnn, of Toronto,. are spending a
few days at the hothes of i111.
Snider and Mr.' Henry Schrader, -
Rev. J. Litt, of Crediton, preached M
the Evangelical Chureh hete last Sun-
day morning toad evening, while Rev.
Sauer took charge, of Mr. Ititt's work
in Crediton. -The home of Wm. .13reli-
ner was gladdened On Sunday last by
the tippea ranee. >11 11 WOO SL11 g who
canto to stay, --11.1v. .1, Kellerman has
purehased "Young Fulton" from 11.y.
Gueuther. He has secured Mr George
Ruby for groom, ---:\teSS1'8. C. Sell rad er
and G. Rub y it, v_' ottechased the
threshing outfit from Messrs- L.k.elltar-
man and G"inthet\--111r. Wnj
Teeman has engaged himself with 1.1.11,..
Wm. P11111. for evating sultoner.
111r. Plaff intends going Lon: ine. -
Mr. Hy. 'Wing, or pka , (1 ea I, t 'aus
matched team of gveys to NValpet.
Monday afternoon. They tipped the
scale at 2090 lbs. -Mr. Sheltier is
thoogh still unttble to lea-ve
the house. -1.11 r. Felix Wild, our batcer
now takes in Shipka on his way to the
Bo1111 where fie fitsPoses; of several ex-
tra loaves. Felix has tuready worked
np a good trade, thceigh it 11 >1)1' haVe
beell Up hill WO rk, yet inditStryalWays
gets its reward. --Mr. John VOOrker
haS seeured the ttgency for the Max-
well -machinery for this section. This
will be his headquarters. We expect
John wilt do well as he" has any
anammt of ptisb tind vim. The firm
he is representing is too well known to
nee11 any cormitent, suffice it to say
that it is a 11 Oille nstry and meld ts
it country's patronage.
J. G. STABU Mr, B.A. , (formerly Collins
& Stan bury) Barrister, Solicitor, Ziotary,
Conveyancer Money to 1 oan-Exe ter, On t.
Mr. -Wrn. Lewis, J.P., has returned
from Bracebridge, where he has been
attenclingthe. Grand Orange Lodge of
Ontario West. -Mr. Alf. Bedford in-
tends building a Wolo cottage on the
lot he has purchased from 13. Brown
this stunfuer.-e-Mr. and. Mrs. W. Kunz;
oftExeter, gave our village a flying
visit last Thursday. -Did You -wear
the Shamrock Sattircle.y ?.---Rev. A. W.
Saner and Rev. Litt, of Dathwood,and
Crediton respectively, exchanged pul-
pits last Sunday. Rev. Saner is colec-
ting for the Walkerton church. -111r.
and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney spent
last Sunday here, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Haist.-Mr. Aaron Brown,
of Blenheim; spent last Sunday here,
the guest Of his father,Charles Brown.
He returned last Menadity,ecconapanied
by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Gottfried
Gaiser.-Mr. Amandus Krause, of Ne-
braska, is visiting Mr. Thos. Yearly,
whois very ill and not expected to re-
cover. -Mr. Ed. Kestle has secured
Mr. Aylesworth, of Forest, to assist
him in the harness inaking.-"Lost
Heir," parties are the order of the
day. -The Principal's room was closed
la,st Wednesday, owing to Mr. Blooms
field's illness. -11 Hill, who has been
learning the veterinary business with
WI31. Lewis, V.S., has left mact is now'
working for his brother,Richard.-Mr.
Jno. Young is busy engaged in draw-
ing logs from the 1 -fay swamp. -A
German medicine company intend giv-
ing free concerts and selling their
medicine in the town hall this •week.
Everybody come and get cured of
your ailments. --The :family of V. Rats,
M. P., were htst -week suffering from a
severe attack of la grippe.
Mr. ancl. Mrs. Jonah Siins and family
left this week for Crediton, where Mr.
Simsbas.accepted a position as a. ina-
son.-Messrs, Thomas Handford and
Wm. Elliott shipped a car load. of fine
horses to the 'Westevn province this
week. -We understand there is Some
talk of a new grist Mill being erected
in the near future. This wilt be a, very
profitable enterprise as the dernand
for such is. great, seeing that it is froin
five to nine miles to the nearest town.
-Mr. Thomas Elston is now pushing
the sawing to a large extent and is do-
ing a profitable business. -The Sunday
school.of this church will hold their
quarterly review of Sunday afternoon.
The pastor:will address the children.
All parents are elected to be present
and note their chi drens' stedy of the
tralia L.O.L. held their regular meet-
ing on Saturday, March 10th, and a
goodly number were present. After
the general business was transacted
the following resolution was passed.
That a letter of condolence be sent to
Bros. Frank and Earnest Hill as a to-
ken of the sympathy felt by the breth-
ren of the lodge at the loss of their
loving sister. Following. is. the letter:
DEAR BitorttElis..--We, th a them hers
of the Centralia L.0,1L,, No. 610, of
which you are brethren, desire to con-
veyto you the sincere and heartfelt
sympathy of the Members of this lodge
in your 'great 80).1TYW and, ciltliction,
Whetein 18 has pleased the Almighty.
Father to again 'visit your family, and
take away tt kilid and hiving sister,
Your brothers, sisters and yourselves
have the :sineere sympathy of ,.eyery
inenabeatof this loclge and it is our sin-
cere and earliest prayer that Ile,' who.
watches over 00 all,mayapply the
balm of consolation to ,yotM 'Weintcled
ho atid that you may have: graee.
and strength from.abovo. to sustain
and support yon in this the saddest cif
all earthly trials, and that both. of you.
May look forward to join your loving
sister in that lodge on high front whicli
all , goodnese.emanateSt
Signed on behalf of L.0114,,' No, -610.
The assessment of London, is near-
ly $17,000,000.
1.1.1e, S. 8. Montety sailed 'from I -10i -
fax for South Africa, on Saturday
inerning with Stratlicona's Horse and
the contingent rescruits on board.
At Spi011 K01).
R. E. Collins •wiritdu g frotn Spion Kop
says: "I am enabled to send you a
thutitioatnierd(43yesIrTieldpeoT?t(::1)0)rt lOsfrheicxht/tocoy( if=
00 Spion Kota aftg-ir the 'fight to Gener-
Sie Olia/rles 'Wcteren, complhtnee
with his own request.
'•A i'iolcl Cuto inne LID igi a ctivio) t°111111dtce" ccit
men Wa$ a very serious mei ter, allow-
ed the removal cif 'the wouuded in mar
honied/ate neighborhood. A elevically
dressed Boor, who said. he NVilS
Lary to Cletieml Botha„ then canie :11)
ttsked me to f,n) and speak 1)'ii.11 the
G one rztl, w 1 it t NVial 011 hOT.'SebaCk
ShOrL diStalICLL. 1J1 polite '1 1, the
Ocineral asked lee who liad given li:/ave
for the removal bi: the wounded, I
told duan. The General then said teat111 -,
11.17(..is give1
011 %Vetli; Oil tO Say, 'there are several,
reasons why 1 should not allow pin to
curvy away Vaal' \ vonnded aild, bury
your deed. We are notv in posseesiOn
1. e"itehle-utt o i. (Ire n117 ee5t110 1itf-1-
ed or to bury the dead. I have. also to
complain that a letter has been sent
in by your senior inedicial otlicer say-
ing that we do notItillow your w, 'unded.
to be taketi year hospitals. S ttch
charges should not be inade, 'They
will en -dater this conflict. We \vista.
nothing more than that aften every
engagement all shouhl be carried on -
in a Christian way,' bat there must be
reciprocity. . What can you say to
your 'cooping General Kock tin:the died
in your hatads? Again, what h;is been
th11 behavitain. of Lorcl :Methuen?. lie
took fitur o' toy cloctore prisoners and
my ambulence and sent them to. Cape-
town. The four cloct,ors he has since
sent back, but the ambulances he has
kept. Is that a Christian, or even a
human way .of acting? 'There is Gen-
eral Kekewich. He has refutsed any
longer to recognize the. Geneva. Cross •
when used by us. Only' the other day
at Acton I -doh -nes you took 23 or 25 of .
our .wouncled as prisoners. Is all this
to go on? Now you want ine to give
tip all your wounded."'
After the writer of the report hacl
replied explaining- certain points raised
by the General, the latter gave the
permission desired, and then. said:
"Tal>..e this message to your General.
Tell hill) we want to fight out this
quarrel in a Christian way; that it
should be clearly understood between
us what is to be done after a fight aral
(luring the watt But there must be
reciprocity. Ask him to send me a •'
list of those of our people who are in
his hands. Their relations ;Intl friends
want to know whether they are alive
00 (9011(9. 1 myself will give, at all times,
the fullest information of those we
have belonging to you. That he maY
count upon. As I give op your \\round-
ed, he should 'give up ours. Yon Call
now carry a -way the wounded and
bury the dead. There are also six
wo enacted who cfreprisoners in my hos-
pital down there. They can also be
taken away, Or I will give :an order
that one of our ambulance convey
them to any place decided on by your
niedica 1 authorities. There is with us
in,hospital a woundecl superior officer.
Ile is not to be temoved. 1 ivill decide
U))01) hina later on." And shaking
hands with the General and his Settee-
tary, and1 thanking the fornier for the
permission lae had granted, with-
e tthothink ita
eril•esulries: matter of
considerable imnortance. to draw at-
tention to the ttttitucle of the Boors
whoul 501 met 1.11te100 the carrying out
of ot10 duties on these .three clays.
There was a sadness, itlinost
in tile AVtty in svb 1111 1:110y ref:rt.:in:ea to
our fallen soldiers. ean best convey
the truth of this statement, and show
that there is no attempt at exate.g.,era-
tion, in using the \vord. 'anguish,- by
repeating expressions used, not once,
but again and again, by great -numbers
of theni. as they inspected the ghastly'
piles of 0L11: dead. 'My God 1 'What a
sight!' wish politicians could see I
their handiwork.. 'What eon God
in Heaven thinlz of this sight?'
What a cursed war Haat Initig,s
these poor fellows to such an encIP
'We hate this war. This war is ac-
cursed. Every day on °tn. knees we
all pray that God will bring this war
to an encl.' 'It is not Onr war; it is a
W'10' of the millionaires; What enmity
have we with these poor fellows?'
'Would. that Chamberlain, Rhodes,
coad the millionaires could, see these
trenches and graves.' 'When will this
unjust war end?" 'We lictte all war.
We are inen of peace. We want to go
back to our homes and fill:1118, 130 SOW
our seed and reap our fields, ancl not
to make war. Good God when will it
I clo riot hesitate to say that in the
three days I spoke with some hundreds
sta,ncling around us in ttsroups of front
ten to twenty. Apart from several for-
eigners, chiefly Swiss a nd'italittlas, the
Boers seemed to tue to belong to the
'farmer class, S0111 e dressed 11011 English
gentlem tn farmers .tncl °fliers' who
formed, the majority, less well dressed;
but with no sign of raggedness about
them, and tvith se.areely any evidences
of the wear and tear of the campaign.
(Signed) 1.i.E.GINATX Coator,xs,
Jci,n. 30. Chaplain to the Forces.
Killed near Bayfield
Brucefield, Ont. March 10.- A. very
sad ace ident lia,ppenedi,11 S, Waldron's
bud' north of here to -day. Two men
from the villa ge-Jdalm Postlethwaite
and. D. 11(9151>1 --010101 engaged, in cut-
ting Wood, aucl while felling a tree it
split and flew beck, striking john
Postleth waite cuidpinning him to the
ground, Mr. How at having to saw a
bbovk off the tree to 'free him. He
was brotight to his home in tlie viIs
lage and medical aid StanillOned, but
it 001)5 08 no avail, and he died about
three o'clocl: this alter:mon. 1-Ic leaves
O wife 'ma one child.