HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-15, Page 7TIIE Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, —By the ---- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 01,50 if not so paid. .a da•ortioiaag Meattoo osa .a.applica- tion. No paper discontinued nntil allarre rage are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and Ohargedaccordingly, Liberal discount made. tor transoieut advertisements inserted for Long periods. - Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the ' finest style, and at moderates, o Clio rat o ora - re nes Cheri money ors, &c. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc.to bematte pavableto Chas.IL. Sanders, EDITOR ANt) PROP Professloual Card S. H, KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. eaKINSMAN, L D, S,, D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without anypain, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's .Block, west side Main Street, Exeter. 1)R. D, ALTON. ANDERSON, (D.D.S.,L,D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.Teeth extracted without pain. t v All modes of Dentistry" upto date. Office over Elliot & Elliot'laOffice office—opposite Central Ho tel—Exeter. Medical TARN. P. MOLA.UaHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physiciansand,Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouoh- ear. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal, DICKSON & CARLING1, BARRISTERS, lJ Solieitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for tho Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and per cent. Office Fe•nson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at Hensel). on Thursday of each week.) I. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. H. DICKSON. L'L.LIOT& GLADMAN. BARRISTERS, LI Eto., Conveyanoers, ' and Money to Loan. B. V. ELLIOT. F. W. GLADMAN. Auctioneers TTBOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed • Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. 13 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anot- 11. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbgle.Salesarranged at Post office. Win- vhelsea. In$urance. EELLIOT, Insurance Agent,' Main St. Exeter yy IT PAYS S To read the big stores' ad- vertisenients, STOP! Tj Ij4} ! For Whose -good are we in i the furniture business? For yours and ours: If we are not 11 useful to you we cannot be Use- • ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we- can- not make a success of our busi- ness: , But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind Of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself ..• . S. GIDLEY & SON. Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 'irrAir"lir"Yr � ► The Molsons. Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid' up Capital $2,500,000. Rest Fund ......:............1, 625,000 Head office Montreal.. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers ,at7 per cent. per annum. —EXETER BRANCH-- Open RANCH—Open every lawful day from 10 a.ni. to 3 p.m; Saturdays s 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted. CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3%. DI0x1,SON & CARLING, N,'D: HURDON; Solicitors. Manager. TO. THE DEAF.—A rich lady, cared of her Deafness and Noises in the'Read by Dr.`Nit:holson s Artificial Ear Drums, has sent $1,000 to his In- stitute, so that deaf people unable to procure , the Ear Drums may „have 'them free. Apply to Department A: S. N; The Institute, "Longcott,'- Gunnersbury; London, W., England, CONslarlarrett )N acid on Lama'' r ase:Asa/I, aPlTT8Nt4,or alcoOR. Q'Ulllaaa, a091 OLS' A P1 f TITF. ]11f8ISIXITI' tbr, r tv or thisat•iic e o IDett it I Are Most rnnttifc8t. B theaidof The D. & L, Emulsion 1 have gotten rid ofa hacking cough which had tronbkd nae for over a year, and have gained consider= ably in welght. T. IL WINGfIAM C.E. Montreal. 50c. And $1 per Bottle IC/AVIS & LAWRDNCi CO., Limited, MONTREAL. .... A Persis- tent cough is at first a friend, for it gives warn- ing of the ap- proach of a deadly ene- my. Heed the warning before it is too late, be- fore our Y :lungs be- come in- flamed, be fore the doctor says, "Consump- tion." When the danger signal first appears, help nature with Don't delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. Cure your cough today. One dose brings relief. A few doses make the cure complete. Three sizes: 25c. for an ordinary cold; 50c, tor the harder colds; $1.00 the most economical for older cases. "I consider your Cherry Pectoral the best remedy for colds and coughs' and all throat affections. I have used it for 30yearsand it certainly beats them all." D. R. LUNNEY, Dec. 20, 189S. Union, N. Y. Write the Doctor. if you have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice you can possiblyreceive, write the doctor freely. Youwill receive a prompt re- ply, without cost. Address DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell,Mass. maratztaatamammacEmaxwal CURE ALL YOUR PAIRS YiITh s1 Pain@iii.�� A Medicine Chest in Itself. Simple, Sofa and Quick Cure for gg� CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS,' COLDS, RHEUMATISM, I'' 64EUnLGIA. �' A 25 and GO oont Bottles. BEWARE OF iMll-ATIONB• U? ' BUY: ONLY THE GENUINE:,,'a E'E42Y DAVIS' laSM ':di?ilial' S;s:•::::i;: �? .iiasi i;r `t. ' t I]'81b70. A. er. Wood's Tlosplaodino, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all foams of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 81, sf x, 85. One will please, siz will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by 0. Lutz, druggist. CANADIAN • "PAC! . .. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSION To Manitoba and Canadian North-West will leave Toronto every TUESDAY durin March and April. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 2 p.m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Soronto at 9 p. nt Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and copy of"Settlers' Guide" apply to any Canadian T.'acific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN Asst. Gen. Pass Agent 1 King St.:)Jest, Torontc. THE1u8 IS- No UNCEIRTAINTY about Pyny-Pectoral. It cures your cough quickly. All bronchial affections give clay to it. 25e. of ;tll druggists. Mtn= ufactured by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pain-Ii}ilei'. The Montreal Athletic Association have started ;.t movement for the pur- pose of raising a 'monument to the memory of the Canadians who have so bravely given up their lives in the Transvaal war. • Fresh from. the Press. The''Illustrated Diamond on dD Dye . Rug Book, . Shows the Handsomest Designs for Door Mats and Floor Rugs. A copy of this novel and nd nseftl little book, will be sent free to any ; address in (✓alno-trlai. It tells you how to make pretty and useful Door Mats and Floor ugs from cotton or [Pilin wool rags or'frori, V'a.r•us, and gives you full in formation how to proenre the designs which are err Scotch 1=lessiau' 11neny all ready for hooking. You can't be happy nn til you see this book, Wells .% )tirhtrdSon Co., 200 ;Mountain Street 1 Montrea' sly P. R. Mro, II. :POnslsord, t.'T110111i1s, was struck by x train and severely injured While Walking on the M.C.R. ttsteks. • ..w.w.wnvu,mau�„rymm�m N.w✓f...._,.�vzir+W.uu.,akv_ „........„........... , TRA r��T(t0 ��� �T�f-4 8,c:r :i 11 tea 111 thegeld,amount other sub 1110 1 IItU1 hchiptioits teased the l rlluuxtt 10 (wet- s Makesa Grand Parade and Dis- play in the City of Montreal. CITY TAKES A HALF HOLIDAY, 31:cGill and Las -al cheered t.,•, Hasse and attach Other--L'ar1wens'.Eisele hete— Recruits ter the Fir,t geut Ott' tu ch, 'W ,r 1 ooruit, inr for the (iu.'1ison at Halifax.. Montreal; 1 a , niaxch 1'3. — Tf1e 1;nlper- iat drum beat 'was heard yesterclay in the :commercial metropolis, and fully one hundred thousand "people turned out to welcome the Strath conn Horse. Ache university troubles !nd t race difficulties have been 1 bu cod out of sight by the determined atti- tude of the- whole city to show the world that Montreal stands as one plan for the Empire. The troops of splendid soldiers be- ing sent to South Africa by Lord Strathcona arrived here at 2.80 o'clock. There was a grand proces- sion formed by the local military, with the Horse in the place of honor, The precession moved up Peel ed to St. Catharines street and east to St. Denis where one of the most iinport- ant incidents of the day took place. Laval University was splendidly de- corated, while the walls contained such inscriptions as "God Save The Queen,' "For God and . Empire.'' The students were ratigeci along on: the outside galleries, and `waved flags and sang patriotic songs as the soldiers passed. • A little apprehension was felt when the McGill students arrived in front of the French university, but the McGill boys cheered . wildly ' for their confreres of Laval, and the lat- ter warmly returned the conipli- relents. 'People of both, races are de- lighted at the happy turn of affairs at Laval, and there can be no doubt that Strathcona day has put an end to the tuifortunate troubles of a few days ago. After the street parade, the Mayor presided at the lunch, at whfch pa - triode speeches were made. 'The re- giment received a splendid send-off at the depot, the train leaving about 9, o'clock for Halifax. WILL SAIL ON THE MONTEREY. Recruits for the First Contingent' Will Voyage to South Africa With Strathcon3'6 Horse. Ottawa, March 15.—Arrangements were concluded yesterday by which the recruits to fill the vacancies on the first contingent will sail from Halifax on Thursday with the Strath- cona's Horse on the Monterey, as originally intended. The Ottawa de- tachment'will leave to -day at 8.45 a.m. Lord. Strathcona cabled, Dr. Borden yesterday that ,he• would be .delighted to have the men, go with his troop. His offer was at once ac- cepted, The officers to accompany this deatchment are: Capt. Carpenter, R.C.R.I., and Capt. J. A. Boyd,, 10th Royal Grenadiers, Toronto. Capt. Charles F. Winter will also go. The Special Officers, The following officers will'' proceed to South Africa by the SS. Monteroy, viz., Major D. C. F. Bliss, R. of 0., to be attached to the 2nd Battalion the 'Canadian Mounted Rifles, for duty with the machine gun section, with the rank of lieutenant, Lieutenant and Captain F. H. C. Sutton, Royal Canadian Dragoons, to be attached to the 2nd Battalion, the Canadian Mounted" Rifles, for' duty with the rank of lieutenant. Honorary Major J. L. Biggar, 1.5th Argyle Light Infantry, to be attach- ed to the Army Service Corps for in- structional purposes, with the rank of major. Major Biggar and. Lieutenants Bliss and Sutton will , be attached to Strathcona's Horse for discipline, etc., until arrival in South' Africa.' OFF FOR SOUTH AFRICA. Recruits Depart to Fill Vacancies' in the First Contingent. Toronto, March `13. — At 7 o'clock last night the 20 then front this point for South Africa to fill vacan- cies in the first contingent lined up at Stanley Barracks under Lieutenant Blecker and marched to the Union Station. A company of Q.O.R. men and <,a big crowd were there to see them off and they were. given en- thusiastic cheers at ,parting, There vwere some changes in the. list.. W, S. McCarthy, ":L" Corli.pany, R.6.13,.,, a son of, Surgeon -Major McCarthy, Bar- rie, and a brother of Leighton Ale - earthy, M.P., was accepted in place of Sergt. Steele of I3aniilton, who telegraphed yesterday morning that it was ilnlpossible for him to go. Capt. Mulligan, Q.0 .R.; went in place of Pte. Bell of Barrie, who goes to Halifax instead, r Another of ; the quick calls was that of Capt. A. J. Boyd, .Royal Grenadiers, who receiv- ed notice in the afternoon ,that he had been attached', to athe Royal Canadians as lieutenant, second in command to Capt. Carpenter. Nelle ♦i le Semis 1 ends Otr Her cion. Belleville, Ont., March 13.—Sergt. Green and Corp. Austin, tyho left yesterday to join the first:contingent in Africa, were given it grand send off. The Mayor handed C4 to each man, and Mayor Johnson, "Sir ' Mac- Icenzie Bowe11 and Liettt.-Col. Pen- ton made short speeches. As the train pulled out the .crowd sang the National 'Anth.clr"t. 0:. ItlPhal t ford Did e al ti,rdamiroly. Cantpbollford Ont.,, march 13.- Che towli of Camabellfor cl : v l ( vas :ill astir last night, the occasion vbeing the departure 1 t e of Lietlt, .7. ;p. blelay of the 4.8th Battalion for,South Af- rica, - Over 700 citizens gathered at the ti on 'to bid thele�c - go >d bye: Prior to his departure the efnployes of the Trent Valley. Woollen, Corti'.. pa,nj' here, 110 'MU enlpIoS'ecl, presented THE IIA1.IIa'AX GAItHISON. No Dearth of the 31 on to Take:thp FI of Imperial Troops. Toronto, March 1.3.- At } n early t1111-. an- itlf- of on,! cen ere ith ts. in till ar vv Du ri ed'. ly: rit a1 th do to of x. th he u> s- ed rg, v lg t, is EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel G3 roily Flour per cwt 1 OP to 5,00Har. Oats 88 to 42" 21i to 27 ButterPeas.. 00 to 61 Fla our y'cstesclay morning a large n ber of young melt assembled at St ley Barracks to enlist for the H fax. Garrison. All (lay the work examining and swearing' in went till at 4.30 p.m. over 40 had` tel the oath. On the whole they w as fire a lot of men as went vv either of the Canadian contingen The work of recruiting the rema in, 80 1 b s es .cut t ' C eC 'to' continue to -morrow. The oath of sure calls for one year's service in b racks at i-falifax, 1 l2 $tea IRecruits. for Il alif;n, 3(1ng'storl, iWareh 13.—The folio 'n 1 ` • e. a lli 12 ud a a Lthe ' Pet Pont Barracks e i 1cl;s ycsLerday for gar son service at Halifax, and ;pass the medical inspection successful Earl ltose, M. Bryant, Kingsto Wm. 1Iutnphr,es, I.5th I3aftalio Belleville; W. 3. Coates, 41st Batt ion, Ilroclev ills; I'red Davis, 9 Battalion, Hastings, Bryant d not go to Ilalifax. He wanted go with the mounted police, and n being able, a1 will e, not to About ten young men go from in the 47 he 47 Battalion are to be examined. THE MUNICIPAL ACT. alar. Bart's Pi11 to ..intend It to t Direction of .Two -Year Term& for Certain Councillors. ' Toronto, March 13.—In answer to a question from Mr. Brower ye terday, Sloe. Mr. Stratton stat that G, II. ha as 1100180 inspecllaig'tort had for been 30n5e, t11tctin and it was the intention of the Go eminent to make a permanent a pointnent with a salary of $450. Mr. 73urt moved the second readit of a hill to amend the Municipal Ac the leading provision of which that township and village councillor should be for two years instead 011e, as at present. Hon. .1. M. Gibsonsaid the prop sition had been much discussed an there was a good deal of public epi ion in its favor,. It ought, h thought, to go to the Municipal Con mittee. IIe hoped that those i harge of municipal bilis would se hens introduced early in the session here might very wen, in fact, be. ule that no municipal bill shoul e introduced after a certain stag ay after the. first month or si eeks of the session.- He hoped t ee such a rule adopted with the con ent of both sides of the House easures of this sort ought to be dis Issed on the floor of the House, an of sent on to the Municipal Coin ittee as a matter of course. Legis tion of1i this kind should not, be re arded front a party point of view `lit should be considered irrrespectiv whether the introducer occupied eat on the right or' left of the Speak He though'.t it would be well t vert to the old practice of discus g such /natters with some cher- ughness -before sending then to the remittee, 'and if the opinion. of the ouse was decidedly adverse they ould not be sent to the Committee all. The bill. was read a second time. Mr. Smith's bill to amend the Muni - pal Arbitration Act also received a cond reading; Mr. Hoyle moved the second read - g of a bill to reduce the expense the administration of justice. Ile plained that the object of the easure was to provide that where business presented itself fourteen ys before the holding of an As e Court no jury should be sum- oned. IIon. ,T.' M. Gibson said that the ouse should be in _possession of fur information on the subject fore it was asked to legislate in direction that might' in some cases rk unjustly by depriving individ- tils of speedy jury trials. He sug- sted that Mr. Hoyle should ask for return covering the last five years owing the number of cases in hick juries had been unnecessarily muloned." lIr. Whitney shared the opinion of Attorney -General that in some es it might deprive litigants of advantage of a jury trial. Ir. Hoyle accepted the Attorney- neral's recommendation and the was withdrawn. r. Eilber's Municipal Act amend- nt bill , effecting some changes in administration of police villages eived a second reading. he House having sat for half .an ✓ adjourned at 4 p.m. lu.urenee lespeotor's Report. n abstract of the Report of the pector of Insurance for 1899 was sented showing the income of Life urance n e Com alniesworking utd P under ovincial Charters to be 5240,123 their' expenditure, $183,458;' ber of policies in force, 7,289; amount of risks, $6,085,564. it stock fire insurance"companies a total income of $361,203; a .r1 expenditure of 5287,694; num- policies in force 13,755 cover - risks amounting'to $25;5;85,- . Mutual lire insurance cornpan of all classes carried risks aggre-' n'g 8155222,596, of which 860,- ,119 was new • business taken ng the year. Their premium s unassessed amounted to $4,- 123, and their surplus of general is over liabilities to $5,663,559. these amounts; the purely mutual panies had risks amounting to :5,&85,831„ with unassessed limn' notes aggregating 54,081, - Their losses ' during' the year anted to$1,68,1.05, and their ex - es of management to 871%536.. •s of o- d n - e 1- • n e a d e, x 0 a e a 0 s b t fir b 5 8 S M et n ni la '1, of s er re in 0 Co H sh at ci se in of ex m no da siz 11h H fu be a Wo ua ge a 811 w. su 1 the cas the Go bill M 111e the rec h: u Ins pre Ins Pro and 110m net Joh had tots ber ing, 680 ics gati 011: du 5 i note 966, asse Of 0001 512: pren 272, am0 pens Yreseott is Unani mons. l rescott; Ont.March 13, --,The bye-law to: grant aid to 'the flu •, poria] Starch bonpany to ' locate here was •voted on yesterday, and carried by a majority of 368 'votes, there being- only ein 'b - only 7 votes recorded against it. One hundred and Twenty-five hands, will be employed: , 8 EOtat. : - ^ l7 to, 15 Eggs l5 Potatoes poi"bag 40 Hay per ton„ 7,00 to 830 Dried Apples per Ib 5 Turkeys ..` ,......8to9 Chiekon ...... ,......., 5c, lb. Ducks... °,..,.., 7 Geese °.. °,. 7 Corn 10 to -15 Pitt}ot.hy ' 1 25 to 1' 50 Clover ..:..-.;, ::.450 to 520 elp.. Babies and children . need proper food, rarely ever medi I cine. if theydo not thrive v e on their food something is wrong. They need a ' little' 1 help to get their digestive = machinery working properly. f COD LIVER 09L W/THHYPOPHOSPIliTES oFL/ME4SOPA will generally correct this I difficulty. 1 1 you will put from one 1 9 If fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's . bottle three or four a 1 bo tt times' a day you will soon see 1 a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to I age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very 1 soon show its great nourish- ing power. If the mother's 1 milk does not nourish the Ibaby, she ; needs the emul sion. It will show an effect I at onceboth uponmother m her and child. 1 oa, and dgt.00,alldruggists.. = SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. LN -I9 H. f�H�H.H..H A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why woman endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy spells when thousands, have provedthat Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phoebe Cherley of Peterson, Ia., `.`and a lame back pained: me :so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly: cured me, and, although 73 years old, Know am able to do all my house- work." It overcomes Constipation, improves appetite, givesperfect health. Only 50c. at all drug stores. The Winnipeg Free Press was in- formed a few days ago by a man call- ing at the office that the reports of contemplated attacks by Fenians from American"territory were sober truth so far as Winnipeg and Manitoba are concerned. Nourish the Nerves and Cleanse the Blood. When This is Done You Secure Perfect Digestion, Good Appetite, Restful Sleep and Full Health. Paing's Celery GomjJlluiiil Nature's Spring Medicine Makes People Well and Strong, True, vigorous health is the portion of men and women who have pure, rich blood and well .nourished a erves. Poor health and disease means ans diseased nerves and impoverished blood. Paine's Celery Compound fully sup- plies the needs of the ailing and run- down in spring -time. It drives" all clogging matters and impurities from the life stream, making it course with freedom and vitality to every part of the body. Paine's Celery Compound braces the unstrung and weak nerves and furni- shes a r she nutriment eat that builds up the en- tire nervous organization. The .tired; thin and wornout body takes on flesh, 1a}i1 in the bock is banished,the 1 .. he skinbecomes clear, the kidneys and liver are free from disease, the digestive organs do their work with unfailing retgllst -i'y y g . ttt,, and of 71ew energy ant}•well-'bein take the e .lace of ner- vousness, vousness, despondency, irritation- anti melancholia. Nourish the s the c nerves and cleanse blood with Paine's Celery Compound, sand a new, happy andhealthful lite Will be yours: DO NOT RUM from a question that must iute'rest you. Have you your Now 8llit f If not, drop in and see us at the first opportunity and let us show you a few prices of the Fancy, Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have you seed the new Staples and lhelAA n cula patterns. They ..1x0 beauties., A. big range of Blues and Black, Irish Surges a s t the old prices. h1 eu. .If you want a black we have what you want in Twills, Venetians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers; Meltons, Curls, Naps and :M.ontanacts. All work done in the latest style and fit gunranteed. J. . OPIEVE Opposite Post Office' Exeter -- ROLLS R MILLS. ALWAYS READY. Flour, Mill Feed and Corn con- stantly kept in stock. Highest market price paid for - good red Winter Wheat. WOOD WANTED J. COBBLEDICK & SON.. a CJIIIIOJIO .. . Yes, we have just received another' carloadof furniture. ' which when added to Our already fide stock. we. can supply the latest, most hand- son5e and cheapest things on the market. THE STOCK .. We have the Stock—you have the money—we want to trade, and if , it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in and see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We have the largest and best assort; d stock in town. R. N. iiovitE FOR FIRST CL PLSS BEEF, LAMB, PORE`,. SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, P E R S.,ED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. One door North of 3.Pickard's store. LOUIS DAY Proprietor. SMITH'S Re• pa� r Shop. Now is the time to get your wheel; cleaned to store away for the winter Gun Repairs We makeu g n repairing a specialty' in all its branches. Keys We have a large stockof keys in all sizes. ITorse Clippers �.►pers } Ground and made as good as new Everything Repaired aired Dere. I. SMITH. 1 QO k Q a s ottoanoali Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over f10000Ladies. Safe, efIo' etnal.Ladies a k•<':y� our druggist for Cook's Wise Rootfain- Pound. Take no other allashff ` . xtures; pills and 1mi tattons aro den emus, Price, No 1,pr box:No SJ 10 gree _,b $1 o degrees strop er 3 pet box, No. 1 or 2, mailed on reeCi t 08 prricegabd two 8•o nt 'Statues, The cook Company Windsor, Ont. ^Nos.,1 and 2 sold and recemmei ded by all responsible Druggists in Canadel. y Nos, i and No. "2 solei in Exeter. Blitz, Dttfggiet, U