HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-15, Page 6t:tti
. , .
(6,ezter Z/tit.tootte,
Ohas. H. SandersEditorProp
'THURSDAY, IVIAli0H15, 1900
.1\70.7,T AND C011.1211EN7,
A, great deal of comment has beer
.,.arousedill 31:to i toba ty tlie ,Statelnont
.Liadu by Premier Maedonald at. Nee -
•pa Wa, that eh o lid 'fon. mr. Da v idsoo
'lie defeated , th e Paella ment will la' ills-
.•solVed anct a new election hold
The Queen, has ordered that in the
ii beee, on St Pkttlickk's Day all ranks
••of her lrih regiments shell wear as
.dietinetion a. sprig of shamrock in their
headdeees to eoinuieuro rate the gal-
lantry of her Irish soldiers in the re -
scent battles iii South Afiiea.
The Government has received a cable
'from the Wnl• Ornee accepting 100 men,
to be sent to South 1.1frica to join the
first Canadian contingent, in place of
ahose \vim have been killed on the field,
,ordered to hospital er who have other-
wise become incapacitated. Ile.eruit-
ing will begin at once, as it is intended
they shall sail by the Monterey on the
151h instant.
- The payroll of the Middlesex- county
• notineillors .for the January session
,eamoinited to: $37860, which is .consider-
ably in excess of the sum usually paid.
'Tile increase was due to the two days'
fight over the. Wattl euthip and. the ad-'
liOurmuent, for thoEast Middlesex
election, each menaber having seven
,days' pay and mileage twice, Where as
" they generally have five days and Mile -
sage once. ,
Dllnit3, the past few weeks almost
every Ztiele used in the production of
.a news paper has been advanced in
price from 15% to 30%. This advance
ineludes paper of all kinds ink, type;
and machinery. This advance took:
place a men th age intheUnited States,
and in every part of the Union the
.subscription price of newspapers has
been advanced, while in other eases
the size has been reduced. The same
effect will no doubt soon be noticed in
A. change has been made in the de-
partment of good/roads, and in fixture
Mr. A. W. Campbell will be known as
the Provincial Engineer of Highways
sa,nd Colonization Roads, and will be
under the control of the Department
of Public Works instead of that of Ag-
- riculture. His duties will be much the
ssame as before, but in future coloniza-
tion roads will be constructed after the
stSyStein which Mr. Campbell suggests.
He will continue his campaign for
. tgood roads.
The by-election in Beautiful Plains
Saturday, , resulted in the return of
Hon. Hugh John Macdonal, his majori-
ty being In Neepawa town, David. -
son had 111 of a majority. The result
was an unparalleled victory for the
'Conservatives in Manitoba. •rhe people
..appear to heartily endorse the rail-
-way policy of Macdonald, but the over-
whelming defeat of Crawford, who did
not uphold Greenway, through his
-sympathies were said to be with the
• late Premier, NNW not due to the policy
• ,of the new Governnaent any more than
to the discredited condition of the
Liberal party in Western Canada. It
• said old. -time Liberals voted for
Davidson' by hundreds,and are atterly
,disgusted with the spectacle present -
'ed at Ottawa in railway legislation.
The Perth Blacksmiths' Union is a
thing of the past. It has melted, van-
ished, and is no more.
"What caused the smash up ?"
prominent local knight of the horse-
shoe vas asked today. ,
:44D ---d suckers" was the brief but
comprehensive reply. •
"Aud_ that is for publication?"
a'es, put that.in.'
The local man went on to explain
'that the higher prices were now in
lorce only in the Listowel neighbor-
hood. Mitchell was the first place to
:openly avow a return to the old
prices, but the "suckers" aforesaid had
been doing cheap work on the sly, even
In the city of Stratford, fora long time.
One local man was accused of doing
so, admitted the corn and was prompt-
ly followed by another one. In a few
days the prices were as of old and at
present there is every prospect of their
remaining so.
During the present session of the
Legislature two very important and
-timely bills have been introduced by
•our worthy member for South Huron,
Mn H. Eilber. The first, which has
received its second reading, is a bill to
amend the Municipal Amendment Act
in order that financial returns from
"police village's" be xnade to the town-
ship clerk before nomination day. The
Attorney -General consented to its go-
ing to committee, at the same time
pointing out that never in the course
of thne would the Municipal Act be-
come perfect, and they should endeav-
or to keep it from getting any bulkier
` than at present. The second is a bill
entitled "An Act to amend the Ontar-
io Insurance Act," which is of practical
interestto the agricultural community,
Some years ago when the Municipal
• Act was consolidated, the term for
which Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Companies could insure was reduced
from five to four years. This was done
without consulting any of theFarmers'
Institute Companies of the country.
Most of these companieS do a purely
local business, and as the directors a,re
invariably local men, who live in their
business territory, it may safely be as-
sumed that they know Whether it /8
advisable to issue policies for a longer
or shorter period. The object of /dr.
Eilber's bill is tO make it optional with
the directors whether the term shall
be four or live years, The lengthening
of the term, it is claimed, means the
aaving of thousands of dollars to fax m-
ers in agent's fees.
What k Tale It Tells.
If that mirror of yours shows a
wretch ed, sallow complexion, a jann-
dieed loot, moth patches and blotches
on the skin, its liver trouble; but 1)r.
King's New Life Pills regulate the
liver, purify the blood, give clear skin,
rosy cheeks, rich compIexiOn. Only
25c, at all drug stores.
PosTal-,, 1(Wr tt
The following figures are taken from
the Auditor•General's report for 18084)9
and apply only to what are, known as
Accounting Offices, the returns for
smaller offices in the county not being
v enable;
The Level aud the Square
We meet upon tileLOVel C•kualvel..104(•VPOUthe S,i0i,:e.,
)5,"illa words of precious meaning 010st:words tuasonio
Come, let413 contemth
plate em, tnet• are worthy ol
a tit 1,1 t
in the very walls of MitSgilry the sentiment is wrought.
' We meet upon the Level, though from every station
Post Office Gross Revenue Salary ..k. Com- come,
n"Wn6 'rill: riQh 11111t1 front the palace and the poor man from
his home;
302.76 For the rich most leave his Wealth and state outside
Bayfield...... 576.73 the Mason's door.
.Beigrave.. , .. 003.58 ,mat the poor num finds his best respect upon the
checkered floor.
,I3oli miller .... 161,10
Illoeva le... „ . 375,00 we act upon the Plumb -.'tis the °Mord our guide -
.111 y th . . , , . . , 1342.92 ' We walk uprightin Virtue's way and lean to neither
Brilffefiela..... 356.58 side*
The all•seeing Eye that reads our hearts cloth hear no
13I'DSSOIS... , . . 2029.4,5 witness true, ,
Centralia..... 285.53 That we will try to honor God and give each man
his due.
Clinton . , . , .. 1578.70
83621750]1i 27511
Dashwood ... 373.09 1277116379
Dungannon .. 642.81 324.14
Ethel 130.23 237.06
Exeter 2293.07 908,11
Fordwich 717.09 301.68
oderich . 6453.41 2250.56
Gerrie . . 906.21 178.48
Henson 1206.04 500.90
Kippen 368.03 181.06
Seaforth . 4217.63 1858.37
Varna 418.96 175.80
Walton , 391.26 167.14
Winp,-ham 4.165.50 1517.87
Wroxeter794.12 446.12
Zurich 724.28 392,17
From the foregoing it will be seen
that there is a material difference in
the salaries of some of the offices. For
instance the revenue in Clinton is larg-
er than that of Seaforth office, but the
salary of the latter is higher. The
same thing holds good concernin,g Ex-
eter and Brussels, Auburn and Walton
and others, clue doubtless to the nature
of the work at the respective offices,
and not the sum total.
tering boot and shoe sale for 30 days, We
have bought the mammoth stook .of I3oots
and Shoes of P. Kibler at a low rate on the
dollar, this places. us in a position to sell all
kinds of foot wear at prices never before
known in Zurich. Notes few of the many
bargains we are offering: -27 pairs Mans'
shoes, regular price $2 to $4, now $1; 52 pairs
fine Womens' shoes, sizes •21,4 to 4, reg,nlar
S2.50 to $S.50, nOw SLR 35 pairs Womens to
slippers and Oxford Ties, sizes 2;4 to 4, regti-
/ar price St to $2.56, now ?Sc.; 38 pairs Boys
and Girls' wearia g shoes., regular $t.25 to $2,
now 50c. to $1; 35 pair oilliarens' °mks regu-
lar 50e to St, now 25c. A full lino of Kip and
Common boots at a snap; also iv bull line of
Mens' Woraens' and Children's rubbers, all
°alai goods at a big reduetion to cash buy-
ers. Come one, come alland sectire bargains
while tbe snap lasts.
P. BENDER 8:, 00.,
Kibbler's old stand.
P. S. -Watch our north window daily for
Mr. F. Kibler, who conducted a shoe
business here for the past 17 years,
has sold out to Messrs. P. Bender &C.
Ha.rtleib. The new firm will be known
by the name and style of P. Bender &
do. During Mr. Kibler's term he had
no less than fourteen competitors.
Mr. Kibler intends moving to Dakota
where he has two sons living. He
will be much missed by his many
friends here. He was an active wor-
ker in church and Sunday school mat-
ters. We all join in wishing him
every success in his. new ,enterprise.
Messrs. Bender & flartleib are no
strangers inPurich and vicinity, Mr.
Bender at one time having conducted
a shoe business in Blake and also in
Zurich and was highly spoken of as a
business Man. Mr. Hartleib is the po-
pular hardware merchant of Zurich,
and during his 8 years in business has
proved himself a good business man.
We wish the new firm every success.
Sudden Death at Goderich
Goderich, March 8. --Mr. Rob M.
Fraser, a well-known young business
man of this town, died very suddenly
this evening. He had been engaged
curling, and while watching the game
he complained of dizziness and in a few
minutes passed away. Mr. George .T.
Fraser, of Osgoode Hall is a brother,
as is also Dr. S. John Fraser,of Detroit.
A Very Close Call.
Wm. Sutherland, a Grand Trunk
brakeman, who lives in London met
with a very serions accident at Wing -
ham on Monday morning. March 5th,
as his train was about to start for Lon-
don. His train started out of the yard
but when it had gone three or four
blocks it became fast in a drift of snow
on an up grade, rendering it necessary
for the engineer to back down and se-
cure a better start. Sutherland was
then on the top of a car a short dis-
tance from the caboose, and, after giv-
ing the signal to back down, he went
down the steps to the end of one of the
cars to fix a brake chain. Reaching
the bottom step, he lost his hold, and
would have fallen beneath the wheels,
had he not succeeded in seizing a hook
on which is hung the air brake appli-
ance. To this he held on with one
hand for nearly a mile, while his body
dragged on the rail, and was frightful-
ly injured in the x•egion of the :the ab-
domen by one wheel. When the train
came to a standstill, Sutherland man-
aged to walk hack to the caboose,
where the conductor first learned of
the accident. Three doctors attended
to his needs in \Vingham, and hope
for his recovery.
Suicide at Strathroy.
Strathroy, March 12. -Miss A. Row-
land, Adelaide street, a respected resi-
dent of Strathroy, committed suicide
between noon on Sunday and to -day
noon. The neighbors, who have been
accustomed to call on her every day,
could not gain entrance to her house,
and immediately notified Mr. Folins`-
hee, who, after gaining entrance found
her a corpse in her bedroom. She had
shot herself through the head with a
revolver. Deceased, who hasbeen
despondent lately on account of her
mother's death, was a sister of D.
Kornokti, and John Row-
land, Mount Carmel. The Coroner
was notified, but did riot consider' an
nquest necessary.
S. 13. McDonald has received the con-
tract to build the miderground rail-
way in New York for $80,000,000.
Captain Philip H. Gibson of the
Montreal Fire Department fell down
headfirst in the shaft of a spiral stair-
case at No. 2 fire station, and died in
the ambulanceoti the way to the Notre
Dame Hospital.
Children Cry for
We part upon the Square, for the world must have
its due; ,
We mingru..e,vith the multitude., a faithful band end
But the infinenee of our gathering in imemory is
And we long upon the Level to retkew the happy scene.
There's a world where all are equal; we are Inirrying
, toward West,
We shall meet upon the Level there, when the gates
of Death are passed; •
We shall stand woo the Orient, and our Master will
be there,
To try the blocks we offer with His own unerring
We shall meet upon tlie Leyci there, but never thence
There's a mansion -'tis all ready for each trusting,
faithful heart.
There's a MallSi011 and a weleome, and a multitude
• is there, • • ,
Who have Met upon the Level, and been tried upon
the Square.
Let us meet upon the Level, then, while laboring
Patient here;
Let us meet and let Us labor, though the labor be
the Western sky the signs bid us prepare
To gather up our working tools and part upon the
Hands round, ye faithful brotherhood, the bright
fraternal chain:
News From Kimberley.
The latest news by telebraph,
Received from Kimberley;
It is glad news in many ways,
It is good news for me.
All through the British_ Empire, now,
The glad news in received,
That Kimberley and Ladysmith
Have lately been relieved.
The glad news is, Lord Roberts' men,
Have never met defeat,
That Cronje has surrendered
And the Boers have been beat.
The sad news is, and. need. I say,
It.gives our people pain,
That thirty brave Canadian boys,
Are numbered with the slain.
When forty thousand British troops
Marched o'er those craggy braes,
It was Canadian volunteers '
That won the greatest praise.
When British rights requiredstheir aid
As lately has been seen,
They left their homes here undismayed
As soldiers of the Queen,
Down by the Modder river, now,
A little mound appears, ••
Where thirty of our soldiers rest,
Our brave young volunteers. ' •
• .LLA.dare.
Mooresville, March 51h, 1900. ,
At the Madder. • -
Stirrup to stirrup, shoulder to shoulder,
Chest to chest are the horses,
The lances extended in serried steel
"Company, forward!" t•he colonel or-
A thundering gallop out o'er the bor-
Close seeking for signs.
Froth -flecked and sweat -stained spirit-
ed charger,
Their riders eager, alert,
Eyes ranging horizon, stretching afar;
'Spying the convoy, the cavalry charges
Fierce thrust and sword sweep,
Blood -red death agony --horrors of war.
Face prone to the earth, rigid and mo-
Stained sod on every side,
Red life of a comrade -work of the
Withered by deathly hail, caught in a
Disasterous enfilade,
Boulder -hid burgher, yet a brave
Kopje at last won, enemy routed,
Pursued over veldt and drift,
Brought by our boys to bay, behind
and before:
Circled our shell fire round fearless foe -
Disdaining the storm of hail,
Cannon shot,rifle ball -ready for more.
Stench of tl3e trenches, reaking, foul
fumer of them
Poison the air far and wide,
Breeding rank fever there, ghastly and
Conquerorspause,shudder at sight of it,
Scratch some sod o'er the dead,
Gather their wounded each somebody's
Battle -scarred British, brave every
man of them,
Colonial Jack to the fore,
Essence of heroes strongly course
through their veins.
Joyous,victormustidings flashed borne-
ward -
Hats up, and "Hip, Hip, Hurrah!
Victory won by our boys on the plains!"
-J. 11 Ilobnes
IMMENSX3 INCREASE in the sale of the
D. & L. Menthol Plaster evidences the
fact that it is useful for all rheumatic
pains, lumbago and lame back, pain th
the'sides, etc. Davis & Lawrence Co.,
Ltd., manufacturers.
Winnipeg Hebrews 'have subscribed
$200 to the Patriotic Fund,
Miss Clarkson, was very seriously
injured in at runaway accident at
Woodbridge. •
Arriat A COLO DRUM a teaspoonful
of Pain -Killer mixed with a glass of
hot water and sugar will be found a
better sti rninan 1 than whiskey, Avoid
slibstitutes, there is but one Pain -Kil-
ler, Perry Davis'. 25e. and 50c.
POT Infants and ehildreit.
Thd fac. -
lii , . , . . 10 0
silipi.titte e• ...‘4,i-. . 0,709,
GENERA Diqn taTY AN0 .4‘ "RUN
DowN" ST.A.41 calls or kb general tome,
to the systonn Such is I), & L.
Emuleion. Builds you up, inereasee
your Weight, gives health, Made by'
Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd-
Mitehell; Two weddings took place
in town 011 Wednesday. Rev.
"Kerlin made, Mr. Goorge Lawrence, of
Loge n, and Susie, daughter of Me. John
Davis, contractor, man and. wife. Both
4tre respectable and poultir yonng
people. In the evening Rev. Mr.
Whiting tied the knot between Mr.
Ernest Sumner, of Logan, and Annie,
eldest daughter of Mr. -Win, Robinson,
Mitchell. Many friends were preeenit,
and the presents received were both
1311111eV0115 ltna costly. The happy
couple leave almost at once for Mani-
toba, where theywill make their future
' Wingluun : Oliver.Gilchrist, the
well known and popular superinten-
dent al the Union factory was stricken
with paralysis at his Jambe. on Monday
night. Mr. Gilchrist was at work. on
Monday, and appeared to beas well as
usual, except for a short numbness in
his hands. Shortly after retiring he
had one stvoke, and hacl only nice-
ly recovered fritin its effects, when he
had another stroke. His right oaen
and leg and left side of his face has
been affected, and his terigne partial-
ly affected. He has, however, almost
fully ,regained the use of his tongue.
St. Marys: Mr. Thos. Enright, was
the victim of a shooting accident dur-
ing the celebration of the relief of Lady
smith, Thursday. He was standing
on the sidewalk at the front of his shop
watching the proceeding, when some
one discharged a ,gun containing a
blank Cartridge fairly in his face. The
cartridge struck Mr. Enright above the
eyes and the powder burned his fore-
head ancl sank deep into the flesh. At
first it Was thought that his eyesight
had been destroyed, but although sev-
eral grains of powder reached them,
fortunately the eyeballs were missed.
Ile will probably be disfigured for the
rest of his life as. it is almost impossible
to extract all the powder from the
Kippen: A quiet wedding took place
at the manse here on the 7th. inst.,
when the Rev. Mr. Acheson united in
matrimony Mr. Robert Fisher, of Har-
vey, North Dakota, to Miss Agnes,
daughter of the late Mr. George Thom-
son Of the London Road, Hay. Mr.
Fisher is ft former Stanley boy, being
a son of Mr. Malcolm Fisher, of .the
second concession of Stanley, while
Miss Thomson is one of the brightest
and most popular young ladies in this
district. "Mr. Fisher has resided in
Dakota for some time., where he has
prospered, and now returns to his old
home to carry off to the country of
Uncle Sam one of Huron's fairest
daughters. They intend starting for
their home in Dakota shortly and the
best wishes Of a large circle of friends
will go with them.
Blake: On Thursday evening, 1st,
inst., the residence of Jas. S. Delgaty,
Bronson Line, was taken possession of
by about fifty of the young people of
Drysdale congregation. A splendid
program consisting of speeches, songs,
recitations and instrumental music
was provided for about one hour and a
half, after Which Jas. Delgaty was
asked to the front, when an address.
Was read by 11. Johnson, aCcompanied.
by a purse of' money presented by H.
Talbot. The address and presenta-
tion were in token of the esteem of the
service's held in Drysdale chui•ch by
Mr. Delgaty, who has conducted ser-
vices there during the past year. Mr.
Delgaty, then replied in words fitting
for the occasion and expressing a de-
sire that the bond of good -feeling
which had existed during the • year
might continue. After the presenta-
tion, a grand supper was fui'nished by
the ladies, of which all partook 'heart-
ily-. Supper being ended the program
was continued in which many took
part. • The company dispersed at about
2 a. in., all feeling that an enjoyable
evening had been spent.
It Wes Feet and Furious and to the
I once had a spider pet of a kind the
books enabled me to identify. He was
a fine, big fellow. I caught him in the
garden, carried him home, and for
nearly two months he and I took a close
interest in each other, he for the flies I
introduced to him and I for the amuse-
ment he introduced to me. 1 kept him
in a milliner's box, letting him out
when I visited him, specially delight-
ing myself with allowing him to drop
from one hand by his fine spun thread,
and then either catching bilm in the
other or gently compelling him to climb
back again by apparently eating his
own ladder,
One day I captured another spider of
the manse species. I kept him for a few
•days in a aeparate box, and then, with
the kindly idea of companionship, I in-
troduced hire to Tiger. I hare seen dogs
fight; 1 have soon chanticleer fight and
'slay his man; 1 hare seen rams fight
till, with his skull crushed in, one lay
dead at the foot of the other; I have
seen men fight; I have seen efOrdell
fight -at least, they once were women -
till they became a confusion of blood
and hair and shredded garments; but
the fullest sense I veer realized of mad,
murderous passion let ungovernably
loose, centered in one destroying aim
and summoning every physical energy
to its devilish service, I realized when ,
those two spiders rushed to mortal com-
bat. I stood in boyish terror as their
tangled legs dropped off, torn by ran-.
Mal rage, and as, with vicious dexteri-
ty, they struck each other with, their
poisoned fangs, using for their own de-
•rstractiou the weapons and Appliances
with which nature hag provided th9rn
for tbe capture and Slaughter of their
prey, I visibly turned pale.• '1 ,
Tiger was the victor, but even while
with brutal wrath o all mangled as he
was, he bit end spurned his deed and
limbless fee, he was seized with symp-
toms I took to be paralytic, and in a
Minute or two helped him to his
death. And this fearlesli gladiator was
afraid of,. I remember, and never would
tackle, a big bluebottle ily. What iv
• courage ?-Manchester City News,
•• Sillitast,,i,relistesle;
Clhildren Cry for
fitE (1'119'1 1-11111,E0 DEBLNT CO.
Paid-up Capital, $1,200,000. Reserve Fund, $515,000. ,
• JOHN ML -CLARY, Esq., President. A. S. EMERY, Esq., *Vice -President.
lotevest allowed on Deposits at Three and One-half per cent.,
Pald or compounded half -yearly. iWarried W01211012 and iftginosos ran
now deposit and draw out money in their own names. '
Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest, than
Deposits. Interest payable half -yearly. The liebentures of this
06'3§1721;30ify are such a high class of security that they are accepted IvitT
by the Dominion 001,01Ionarient as a DOPOSit from The -md Life
insurance COMinnieS as Security for their Policy Holders.
Executors as. Trustees are authorized by law to invest in these
Debentures. The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor.
Led, 1e6tricts their business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, and
Mani( ipstl and other Debentures, which are the • safest securities the
ryitio:7917 affords.
eney libli
eaned on cl,rtgOMMA ES Real Estate at low rates of
O 4
For fall particulars apply to
WiLL/4117 F. MIEN, Menager.
0(3.0 -Coy. Dundas St. and Market Lanc,IONDON, ONT.
' '4*51405
ARE YOU ? fletmuslacs1:07.7engeon,t,pwoeoark; eo,rwcilloyilalitt!tueecid;; toixrceil nor
1. -a natnrilTarat
eyes sunken, red and tlarrecl; pimples on face; dreams and night
flosses; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; hair loose; ulcers; sore throat'
waricocele; deposit in urine and drains at stool; distrustful; want of confidence; lack of
energy tuid strength- WE CAN CURE YOU 1
lizrorat TREATMENT. AFTER TREATMENT. Dn'01.i. T...t.ATMENT. A104•011 TREATM.h.NT.
John A. Manlin eays:-"I was ono of the countless v10.
thus of early iguoranee commenced at 15 years of age. I
tried seven medical lions end spent 8000 without avail.
I gave up in despair. The drains on my systtm were
weakening my intellect as well as my he.'1.111I nnd Ph5sical
life. My brother advised ine as a lust resort to consult
Drs. Kennedy &Kerma'. I commenced theirNew Method'
Treatment and i11. a few weeks was a new man, with new
life and ambition, This was four' years ago, and now I
am married and hunpy. 1 recommend these reiiable
specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen."
"The vices of early boyhood laid the foandatinn rrty
ruin. Later 01, a "gay life" d 4•xpr,:kute lo 140.-0 di-
seases completed the wreck. 11,31,1 ;pi (bo symptmns of
Nervous Dobility-sunken eyes, emissions, iirein in mine, •
nervousness, weak•back, Syphilis caused niv hair to
fall out, bone pains, ulcers in mouth. snd. ; m tongno,
blotches on body, etc. 1 thank Gest tried Drs. Erni erly
Kergan. They restored Lae to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS.
Syphilis, Emissions
Varitl000le,, Cured
• QM" We treat and ewre Varleoe.-14. Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, .5)•jbkilis, Unnal:,eral D.schares, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bthdder _Diseases.
READ"P T Aro spri!tvii•tirn? • Haw, ynn lost lope? Aro yna contemplating mars
rs 6 rinse.? 11 as Ton r Blum; It en diseased? Ilave 3'011 any -weakness? Our
New Method Treatment will earn 5 01). 1.\ hat it has clone for others it will do for nu.
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who tins treated you, write for an hottest opinion Free
of Charge Charges rears nable. BOOKS FREE- "'The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on
Diseases of Men. lactose postage, 1 cmOs f'enled,
VATE. No meiciloine s nt C. 0. L.) No names on boxes or envel-
opes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat-
ment, FREE
ORS3YE MP rnv p Din No.148 SHELBY ST.
A Radical Change in Marketing Methods
as Applied to Sewing Machinf.,ks.
An original plan uader which you can obtain
easier ter=s=iretter value in the pm -chase of
the 'worn' -famous 'F.:71:C=gre7iring Machine than
ever before offered.
Write' for our elegant 11-T catalogue and detailed particulars. How
we can save you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine
and the"-eItsy terms. oT payment we can offer, either direct from
factory or throug our regular authorized agents. This is an oppor-
tunity you cannot afford to pass. You know the “White," you know
Its manufacturers. Therefore, al7t7177;7177,17rireMachine abi
its conetruct=necessary. If you have an old machine to exchange
we can offer most liberal terms. Write to -day. Address in full.
For sale by S. MARTIN, Exeter.
We guarantee that these
Plasters will relieve
pain quicker than any
other. Put up only in
25c. tin boxes and $1.00
yard rolls. The latter
allows you to cut die I
Pluto any size.
shouldg enlivc y e. r y h af va e nl
ready for an enter-,
DAY'S:11111:Ra, ."11C0 FS
Rewars of Imitadons
i Very valuable Remedy in all
. , ,
affections of the
1• Lave Bottles* 25c.; '
A DAVIS tic:LAvVRENcE CO., Limited
114 Prop's, of Peril Davis' Pain -Killer
e.eeeeseeeEeee4seeee ,
Olive, the two-year old daughter, of The WOodstoek Council has refutsed
IVir. Frank White, of the dre depart- a fifty-year franchise to All nkelrie
Merit, Rrantford, met a, most shocking 'railway between that town and Inger-
death Wednesday, The little one had
been playing in front of the residence, .The Middlesex spring assizes' Wi
and in some way, had managed to get open Monday, March 10, at 10, O'clock,
hold of it dollar Mitten. Child -like she before Chief Justice Sir Willifun •R.
put it in her mouth, and it stuck in Metedith.- Two serious charges Will be
her Windpipe. She immediately ran dealt with, one being tha against 0110
into the house to her mothers who at: Cavanagh for the murder ()Phis mother
fh•st thonght it was alit, Dr. Marquis in Deeember last and the Othei.4a4:Yainst •
• waS hastily summoned, but the child Wm. A. Price, a farm laborer, charged
was dead before he arrive& The but- with etiminally tisSaillting a little girl,
ton had gone climb the windpipe abolit -named Emhart, of Caitidoe, .,
holfswaY; entirely closing it, and death
• ca•own prosecutor bah not yet beeri ap-
-aargir4 1 A soon sUpervened po'nt
• • ••