HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-15, Page 3THIRTEENTH YEAR. -607. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MARCH 15, 1900.4,- C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR. at week we were busy opening up New Goods for Spring and we have at last arranged them for your inspection. Lathes will be delighted with the new dress materials, the new prints, etc. Below we mention a few of the new arrivals: SS obs • Plain and figured 131acks,Serges,Cashmeres„ Beautiful figured goods in shot effect, all col - this week 2'5c,, New Plaids with the new silk over check,25c. P1RINTs Fancy Stripes and Checks, Navy Blues in Stripes. and Figured red grouncts'in Stripes, Spots.' Splendid value. Be sure and seethem, 10C. and 12ea yd. . READY'IVI.F1.1D'CLOTT4.1,1540'. , We are paying special attention to this branch and have some very special bargains. Allour suits tire guaranteed.in quttlity tin(' fit. We can fit you for $.425. /AIN EINIS We have some very special bargttins M this depart- ment this coining week. Cream Damask- Table Linen, 60 inches wide, special at 2e. White Danausk Table Napkins, table size 75c. • NECK WEAR New arrivals of flowing end Ties in all the new stripes and. plaids. Beautiful goOds:at, priCes:that Will sell them. astinigsrsats.-_ a5 paitoti poi! Galileo Drip tatilo rup :01 -Si E FO With a very heavy stock bought at the old prices, we were never in a better position to please our customers. ZAP PAILLS ribb sPiLtEs In these we can supply you with any style you want arrd the prices willsell them. CH.T..itMS We have a large stock of barrel churns with steel or woocl frames in all the different styles at old prices. vitAstiiista fhti:ICHIRES. Have you used the • celebrated Rocker ? We have never had one returned. We will allow you to try them before buying. MIkEID PAIVTS Sherwin-Williams well-known paints. Robertsons guaranteed pure. WHITE -WAS H 1BU.ES, ALABAS- TINE, ETC. EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN TRE HARDWARE LINE. sposaustescomasermashammatcarmareacorermasmetceenalcrareatroeCcoca lt TONEY TO LOA.N. • ' We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at owest rates of interest. • DICKSON & CARLING-, BarristerS, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from OA to 5 per cent, iBLLIOT & GLADMAN, Barristers Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter FARMS FUR SIN.LE, MONEY TO LOAN. _ The undersign ecl has a few good farms for ale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOusI SPA-ORMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter "TOTED PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT — Tho undersigneclis offering for sale or rent that desirahlci hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road, This Rotel is in a good location, being 2,/, miles south of Exeter. • This road is largely travelled and for the right man chances are good for a splendid business. There is a good stable in connec- tion also fifi acres of Land, Possession . given ist April, 1000. This property will be , sold cheap or rented at a reasonable figure. For particulars, appl,y on the premises, . M. KELLAND, Proprietor, Devon NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Richaid JE. Collins, late of the Vil- lage of Exeter, in tile County of Huvon, l3arrister, detieasecl. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap- ter 129, R. S. O. 1807, that all persons having claims against Elie estate of the sitid R. FL Collins, who died 000r about, the lit day of March, t00(.1. are required to send on or before the Lith day. of April, 1000, b,y post 'prepaid to Mrs. SO$SLO EltiOter, PO., exam- trix of the said R. H. Collins, their names, adresses and. occupations, with particulars f their claims, .0 ternentol their aceonn ts andthe nature of tho securities (if any) held by then). And notice is hereby given that after the last, mentioned date the said Ex- neutrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en - wiled thereto, haVing regard only to the claims of which notice shall. have been given as above required and the said executrix shall not, be Ibiblo for flio said assets or any part, tliereof to any seision or persons of wh080 claims notice Shrill riot have been re- ceived by her at the date of each. distribu- tion, G. 511.511031 Y. 'Exeter, Ont, Solleitor for the Eliecutrix. Dated the 13th day MapCJay 0100. TESTIMONIAL OF A.SHETTLEIL pAsHWOOD TO THE VALUE OP ENGLISH STOCK FOOD MANUFACTURED BY C. LIM. "This is to certify that I Italie used English Stock Foodfey rny road tetun. It has kept them in better heart and eonditien than they ever were ..before. They haVe improved in flesh, sliCken- ed in coat and !ire in excellent heart and are in better shape to do their work. 1 wouldheartily recommend it to all teamsters, arid those who work horses. 1 think it Very cheap and valuable food. 'A. SITETTLER, DaSilVirOOd; Crediton J. G. STANBURY, B.A. , (formerly Collins & Stan bury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan—Exeter, Ont. Mrs. Wildfmw, Ellmwood, was the guest of her sister, Mns. (Rev.) j. G. Litt last week. --Mr. Elton Seigner is visiting in Zurich this week.-- V. Ratz, \I. P., and Henry Eilber M.P.P or Ottawa 1,1-01 Toro n respectiVel y. 10111 Sunday at home with their him i lies. - Mr. and Mrs. Garner and family, of [(10(1(111, .111' the guer .sts of M. and.Mrs. Jas. Tioclgins.--Mr, Sainuiel Lamport, of Devizes, gave eur burg a flying visit last Alonday.-Mr. and MPS. Williams, of Clandeboye, spent Thursday hel'e, the galCSt Of Mi".. Henry Eilber.-Ml!s. Rol% Wink mid family, or Winnipeg, Man. is Visitino• her mother Mrs. Tobias rahner. DEATEL--4110 COM hancl 01 1100111 has again visited our midst and has taken away, Hector Roy, son of Henry Wind, eoncession 0, at the age of ,four Months. Heat first became 01 with in flarn ma - tion of the lengs; which developed into convulsions, when cleath rc0eived him of all suffering. ',Me remains were in- terred in the G-erinitit 'cemetery on Trtescla,y, the Rev. Litt officiating, The bereaved. parents and • 11(1 1'. have the synipatby of the viciaity in this the hour Of berettVement Sharon. Mr. James Gould and family spent Sanday with friends at Sharon. -Miss Matt. Ke,stld and Mr. Fisher visited at Mr. Josiah Kostle's last week. -Mr. S. Brokenshire, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Emily 13rokenshire at- tended the funeral of the' 'late Miss Hill last 13aturday.--41r. Evans, of Exe- ter, is placing a Portland cement cellar floor for Mr. J. pedler.-Mr. S. Presz- cator is experiencing one of the little drawbacks to farming having, lost a valuable calf Some time ago. -Josiah Kestle, of the Goshen line, • leaves for N. Dakota on Thursday next -Mrs. 'Harris, daughter of Mr. Joseph Bas- tard, who has been spending the win- ter at borne, returns to Forest, Man. next week. --On Saturday, the infant child of Henry 'WhIC1 was called away. The funeral took place Tuesday after- noon and was attended by' a large cir- cle of 'sympathizing friends, who join the bereaved parents in their great sorrow.-:Henry Martene and -Fred Finkbeiner, spent a very enjoyable them in Dashwood with friends last Sunday. There seems to b.. some at- traction for Henry in thelittle burg.-=. On another page of this paper will he foundan account of the death of Mus. Collins, wife of Rev. ,T; IL Collins of Ancaster. Mrs. ,Collins WaS a for- mer resident of the townline, Lake Rosd and her large circle of friends and acquaintances will feel a heartfelt synipathy for Mr. Collins in his great SOITOW, bereteVetInnit Corning so soon after the death or his brother, the .late depiity-postintstee of Exeter. -When the news of Ladysmith's relief reached Sharon Friday morning the School bell rang out the glad news for twenty minutes. The red white and blue ,tmd 'Union Jack was hoisted and the proud ,floated ont tO the breeze cheered by the loyal and patriotic pupils. The boys of the school had their MITA artilS, and lining up, fired a royal sal- ute that TnllSt have; reaehed to South A frices Children Ory for ASTO R IA. Hibbert. 'qrs. Thos. Ryan, left last week for Peterboro, to attend her sister, Mrs. RobIllsoll, who, we are sorry to state, is vel y ill and confined to her Larner and family have moved to Hamilton. We are sorry to lose them, but wish them every sac- ceSs 111 itheir new home. -Mr. John Ddw is, -visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Mc- Laagblin, at Govrie.-Mr. Patrick Has- tang,s, left on Tnesday for Dallas, Ore- gon. Ele goes over the 0,P.R. Wineholsea, Mr. and Mrs. H. Francis yeti:timed hoin-3 on._ Thursday last after spending a Week with friends iehigan.e-Mr. Sani Blackwell and Sister were the guests of Mr. Hallie and Miss: Ethel Brown On Sunday. -Mr. Ed. Clark, IS ho inis .been engaged as plerk in our store here for soine time, leaves in about two weeks for Manitoba. We are sorry to lose Edas he is a genial good fellow. -Mr. Thos. Cook, a for- mer.resident of this place, but. now of St. Theinas, is visiting his son tend datighter here. -It ,appears: the Zion school trouble is settled, for a time. Mr. McPherson will have a Say now. Staffa. Owing to the heavy snow fall the mail was unable to get through the fore part of the week. .0ne clay there were as many as thirty men shOvelling the smiw between here and. Dublin. - Miss 'Aland Bryan is spending a, few .clays with ber brother in Kirk ton. - Mr. and: Airs. Wm. Fawcett, of Fullar- ton, spent Sunday with the. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JoSep1L-1\r. ttnd Mrs. John White, Of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'.. Ed. Drake. -Thursday will be the ririsSion- ery night in the EpworthLeagne. Miss Edna Hutchison will take the topic. - Mr. Will Jeffery held a brick bee on Tuesday. He is intending to.i.build new house, and has purchased his brick from Crediton. -Mr. J. Drake spent Sunday' to Stratford with his C011an, Miss John Fell is at prea- mit on the sick list. • Woodham A.J. Ford is home again from a, busi- ness trip to Toronto. One, of his for- mer clerks, Mr. Wes. Newcombe, has set up a business for himself in store- keeping. -Fred Gadke is again in our midst, after an absence of about two months. -A. Sweitzer sold a horse to Mr. Joseph Hooper last week. -A. large number attended Mr. Wm. Mc- Kernan's sale on Friday. The bidding was slow and as a result the prices realized were not very high. -Mr. Mills, driver of Her Majesty's mails, has bought ft handsome set of light sleighs from McKernan and Knapton. -Miss Fairless, the new milliner, has arrived at A. J. Ford's. We wish her success. -Mt. 13: Allan, insurance agent is going his round again. -Mr. Tuttle Mills is spending a, feW days with his friends in Centralia. -Mr. Alex. Sin- clair, who has been on a pleasant visit to friends in Wallacebarg, has return- ed home. 113iddlil ph. Mr. S. Jameson and Mt. N-Vm. Hal- loran, of Blanshard, wire visiting friends on the 3rd concession of Bid- dulph this wee k.. --.-Miss Annie Richard. - son, of ITsborne, was visiting friends here this week. She is at present; the guest of Mrs. G. Cobleigb, -It is reported that Tom IVIcCann is drilling the boy's at Mooresville ht case an invasion should take place. -Mr. Shoebottom, of London, was the guest of Mr. William Hodgins this week. He reports the roads in A bad state. - Mr. Daniel Aitkins has moved his ef- fects to Claudeboye.-W. S. Thompson ts rented his farm on the 3rd conces- sion, to his In?other, Eli, for a terin of years. -Mr. Sautes McFalls, formerly of Centralia, is doing a rushing. busi- ness at Bryanston. -Mr. D. Revmgton was visiting friends in London last wok. -The death. of Mrs. William TO' ey occurred Tuesday morning aft13i2 a lingering illness. Mrs. Toohey was the late P. C. Michael Toohey's mother, and one of the pioneers of Biddulph, having come there from Tippetsiry, Ireland, 53 years ago. Her husband died five years Lige, Three sons -Thomas, William and Patrick, of Biddulph-and Cour daughters - Mrs. T. Morkin, London; Mrs. Catna- lien, Detroit, and Misses Mary and Maggie, at home -survive. Icirktoio Miss Tessa SteWart,,-af ter a ple0030t visit with Miss Etta Fletcher, return-: .ed to her. home in bt: Marys 11 riday.- Miss'Maud Rune, of Statra, paid. her: brother a flying visit last week. -Mr. Robert Davis spent Sanday at hoine. Thoinsen, or f-Nlichigan, P00511013 attending Liao funeral of Ins Sister last week. --Miss Chappel, of Stalta, visited he) brother., Jelin Chappel last Week. -Mrs. John Elliott 'ACcompanied by her daughter, returned. home Tinirs- day after a 1301 130 her brother's, Dir. John Ballantyne, AY. stool, \vas oi straVord monday 011 business in con II ec tion with the com big (00011011 or the Euglish church here. -----This week wi reeord the death of another of caw ci!i!,:ens in the person of Mrs. ,Alqgust 1iroihota, at the age of 41 years, 8 months, Which sadevent: oectured on Saturday last. Greenway A. great ntlInbel: Of 9111' enterprising farmers are hauling home large quan- tities of tile. -We are please'd to no- telee in the „Anrora, El:, daily paper that Mr. A. C. Wilson has secured a position as hookkeeper in the Q. B. railway shops in that pity.- Rev. J. W. Baird„ 13. A., gave an eloquent dis course on the Eidtis'h Milpitas and the present war. lb was,patriotic. in every Sense. 'We shall endeavor to give a more faller report, of, it next week. The colleetkin was inaid of the Patri- otic Fund and aineunted to $12. 11 there ware 13ners -present they will change, their vieWS 14W/thy to the British flag. The (thins% was decorat- ed very beontiftilly WI 01 the piettire of . . , Her Majesty the Queen and Union Jack and bunting, and 0 large map showing the exteut of the Euipue. Eden,' Farquhar D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Miss Alice Boll. of Ilensall, who has been visiting it 31r. Thos. Cameron's left for licl. home Tuesday. -Mr. John Fulton, 3c7,, intends leaving shortly for Buffalo, where he has secured a situation in. ('110 1101't with the street 011rs.-3Irs. Thomas Bell, Jr., of Port- age in 13110 33(1. Alan.. Who lias been vis- iting tit Mr. Wm. Towers' for some time, is visiting svith filends in Tuck- ersinith, prior to leaving for her hoine in the West. --1\1r. and Mrs. I). Mc- Nichol spent last week hi Mitchell, vis- iting their da,tighter, Who leaves short- ly for Stratford. -Mr. and Mrs. john Westlake and Mr. and :Airs. Thomas Hunkin were, the guests of Mr. Harry Hl1)(klfl. Logan, Saturday and Sunday las b. -Mr. .1 oh n E. Tom, 1. 1". S. , Visited our school last week. He interviewed the trustees rcigarding the • Sanitary concliti011 01 11)1' school and suggested -many i1311)1.0VOInelltS that Were abSO- lutely necessary, to be proceeded with as soon as possible for the health and svell-being of the pivils.-Mr. Alex. Pardon, Who 1110 19111) in Colorado :for several niontlis, for the benefit of his health, returned home te Exeter last week. We are sorry to learn that he is not improved in health. The air of Canada agreed fully better with him than that of Colorado. -The Misses Lillieo Clara PaSsinore weae spend- ing a few days last week with friends in Exeter. , Miss Viney Fisher, of Exeter, and Miss Hannah Butt, ef Kippenwere the guests of .1\11. Itichard 0oateS a few days this week.: -Mrs. Wm. Caves, who has been on the sick, Esti is irn- proving.-Mr. Simon Hunter•is busy preparing for the erection of a fine, newbarn next summer. -Miss Gertie Dempsey, of Exeter, and. Miss Grace, of London, were the guests of Miss. Rettie.Essery„ on Tuesday lttst.-Patc ties are the order Of the chty. The youth ;1nd:beauty here and of Centralia met Tuesday night and Spent 0 most enjoyable evening at 31r. Geo. Rook's, -1,V1r.T-larmer,accompanied by his son. drove to London: on NVedriesday With a load of furniture for . his: son. --Mr. • and:Mrs. Samuel Essery are improving after their recent illness. -Mr. Edward Kerslake, Of Farquhar, visited. Master Luxton On Fridays -Miss „Maud Quance, of Exeter, is visiting her itunt„ Mrs; Skinuer.-Mrs. R. Coates wag -Vist iting her uncle; Mr: Sohn Delbridge; On Wednesday. -'Mr. Samuel Skinner told a valuabiehorse one day last week.. St. Joseph N. M. Contine spent part of last week in the County town getting. the map of the town of St. Joseph regis- terect-Wm. Valley, of Montreal, owner of another block here, is expect- ed up shortly for the purpose of hav- ing work commenced on said block. - Mr.. George Campbell and wife were in Henson en Friday. --Mr. Rennie Du- rand is on the sick list. -Miss A. Mc- Grigeor spent Saturday and Sunday last visiting her parents near Kippen. --Mr. a-nd Mrs. H. Smith, of Grand Bend, -were visiting ab Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilsons' on Friday. --Our fishermen are DOW busy' pointing and dressing their pondnet stakes ready for driving as Soon as the ice is off the lake. --Mr. R. O'Brien, Tr., accompanied by his sister, Bertha, and cousin, Mi. H. Horn, of Pigeon, Michigan, were visit- ing Mr. and -Mrs. T. :H. Horton of Lumley, the fore part of this wek. Fertile Valley. (Too late tor last week.) Miss Mary Lewis has gone to London to work for a while. -Mr. Wm. Scott, of the 13th, has purchased a new fur overcoat.- Mr. Fred_ Kerr, of Ceediton East, encl. 31155 1311115 Wood, of Loudon, spent Sunday here with friends. -Re- member the entertainment in mid of the Red Cross Fund at West McGilliv- lni•3r on March 1.6th. A goocl time is expected. ---Spring is the time of the yettr 111 which all na•ture shows itself. So it is quite natural for us to be- lieve what Dame Raynor says. What does she say? Well by signs, otc., it young man from the 16111 concession is going to take away a young dame from this vicinity. -The weather is quite changeable. We hada few days by which we woulcl think that the "Buller of spring had conquered the ,"Cronje" of winter. --The box social held at Mr, Mark 'Watson's, on the 2nd inst., was a marked success. The la- dies brought their own boxes, which they adorned outwardly well, bnt the inside was packed full of what boys like. So when the lids were raised each boy thought he was lucky enough to get "Miss Right." After lunch a good program was rendered. Al; the con- clusion of the program, Rev. 13 ing-1n of Ailsa Craig, who !tact' as chairman, asked for a hearty clap for the 1003o1e0 of the house, our noble QIICen, :f3t11101, mid the Canadian boys now in Soath Africa, and true loyalty was shown by the crowd, but when a clap was ttsked for Kruger not one replied. Pro - coeds 35(10 131 aid of Recl Cross Fund. Centralia, Miss Lily 1,-loward, of Exeter, spent, Monday here the guest of Mrs. Wro,-, Down. A nainber of the young Men of this vicinity left this week for Maui- , to ba. Aiiiong them were Ralph Hand- ' ford, Janies MeWiniams, Samuel Shearclown, „Tames Heitinan a.nd Ward. We wish them all prosperity... Mrs. Hill of St. Paul, spent S1:111111y /Jere with her brother, Win. 1-tich. Elliott, of Toronto, was,' the guest of his beother, Wm, Elliott, Fairfield. A large party svas ho.a. 0.t the rctsidence or Me. Will. Elliott on, Friday night last in 1101101 (11 his broth- er, Dr. Elliott, c.slf Toronto, who spent- Erklay hero. A itio,t enjoyable. time! was spent. -A. merry loz d. of the happy youths of the O011110Unity gathel'ed 11 tiliS 111 g olio evening lest week. ancIs peoceeded to the home of Mr. and Mrs - Sidney Andrews, at where theV -sync! given 3 waein welcome aba- en joyed a very delightful ancl pleasant, 111. 1.,---11(115111' of I Iinsos aged pio- neers laissed a Way on Tilursclay nights last, in the person of Mr. Francis. Anderson, at the ingc or 68 years. The 1)ceeased came to tills part about, 50 - years ago 1 3130110(1 on the farm now in the possession of I-feitry Huston, situated at Fairfield. A few yearS agC, he quit tile farm and hus siX100 3 31(91 been l'eSiding, near Exeter, the places . - where he died. The funeral took. place Snaday to the Exeter cemetery. Ds-earti OE' MA 11TH1 I-I1LL.--I1 i5 our - Sad. ditty this week to r(3,corcl the death. of a well known and highly respected. resident (ff this place in the person of. Miss Martha 1101, who passed 110002' fullyaway cm Thursday .11 0.53. we,cils. Mareh 8. Deceased llas resided here - since childhood ond loviUg an(1. cheei!fill disposition had won for her a large uninber of fiends. Miss , Hill has for nearly twenty ye1ti.5 heen 11 member of the Atethodist chiircla and during that time has used her talent to the best or her ability 111 working. for her Savior. FOP Many years 500' has been 11 teacher in the Sunday School here and the impression left upon her scholars -will, be lasting an(1 the result of mach. good. Miss Hill has left a well spent life, laer sufferings. P0010 short and her death triumphant for when the SULD.111013S ctune the SOUT 311115 patientIy awaitiiig its call audio e to be greeted in the better shore hy a fatiler anti Maher who pvoceedecl liets about five years iigo. _A, few years ago the deceased left this part for London and while there connected herself with, colborne St. Church and was warmly Welcomec1 by its members. During - the past two years she spent must oz. her time at Brussels tit the home of Rev. Mr. , She reterned at Christmas and'a short 133100 19511 15 ('011 to reskle at Ceediton where s.he died. Her ainiable and. genial Inanner has; W011 for her it place in the hearts of all who knew her and her sudden and sa(1 death was a shock to all. The funeral took place from the residence of her hroth.er, Richard to the Ettirfield ceme- tery and was followed by th large con- course of sorrowing friends. The fun,- eral sernmn was 1'0i '13131 on Sunday evening by the Rev. S. Saltoit in the., Methodist church here and was listen- ed to by a large gathering of sorrow- ing friends. 113 was an impressive and touching, se.twice and brought tears Lo• many of the hearers, who expressetl sincere grief for the departed. sister. The bereaved brothers and sisters have, the heartfelt sympathy of the C0111- Seventeen Years of Torture. "I had a blid cough for seventeen yetus" writes Mrs, Saml Hamilton of Lownville, Tenn: "No doctor or nieclieine couldcure i b until a year ago began to rise Dr, King's New DiscoV- y for consumption, ,,which did me more good than any other medicines ever used. It is truly a grand cure for stubborn Conghs, Colds and Throat arid Lung trouble's." Positively cures Consumption, Pneuinonia, Grip, Bron- chitis, AStlitria, Hey Fever anti Croup. Frits° 50e. and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at drug store, World's Champion Realer. "T tried many remedies to care, piles," writes 'Wv. 5110 131 of Latletni Ilia "but found no relief till I used. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I have not been tronblecl with piles sh ice." Grand- est pilt care on earth ;1031 the beSt salve in the world. 25o pee box guaranteed by all drugists. Varna: A. Higgins, our hustling harness-moker and implement ige nt has purchased Sas. Armstrong's _resi- dence in Varna. The property is con- veniently sitmtted and has a 0l1511011S0 use with all the modern improve, - merits, and a good large shop, which 13. A. is renovating in first-class up-to- date style for his harness emporium - Mo. Higgins gels possesion the 1st of April; the price paid was $1000. mwrns, EDWAups.,-In. Ailsa 'Craig, on March 5th, the wife of D. Edwards, or a son. GIOLIES -In Ailsa Craig, on Miirch 3 theWife S. Gilliee; of a daughter. • MARRIAGES. SUMNER--ROBINSON— At t•lie residence of tile bride's ptrerits, on March 71h, by Rev. R. 'Whiting, 13. .A., Mr. Ern- est Sommer, 1.,04t -e11, to Miss Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. Win. Rubin- son, 111 itchell. LAWRENCE---DAVIS—At tile residence of the bride's parents, oit .Marcl.). 7th, by 'T. 1Ceirin, Afr. George, Lalvrence, Teogaii, to Miss Susie Mary Alice, daughter or Al r. John DaViS, Mitchell. Ftsiisin-TIlostsoeT-At 1,11e mans,2, Kippen, on ililarch ith, by Rey. Acheson, WIT.. Robert G. Fisher'0-4 'Harvey, North Dakota, to 3Sliss Ag- nes, daughter of the late George. Thomson, of the London Road 1Tay. _Lao DC/TN'S---irt vO.N.A T.,.D—At the Rec- tory, Ails* Craig, ori March, 7t1i, by the RCN'. L. W. Diehl, Itemanis Levi Hodgins and Etta, McDonald, both, of McGillivray. 1(1 ttSTATC14--OKNN-Ai; the residence, or the bride's .parents, °xi March 7t11,1 by the 11 ev. W. J. Waddell, George Rerslake 10 iNtiss Mary 11, Cann, of Usborne. onvetts, 131113.'rtrobat.--At RirictOn, March 10, the wife of AligustBrethoiir, aged 41 years, 3 Months.