Exeter Advocate, 1900-3-15, Page 2'Gassiness Brightness Brings Success,
1.4.".?1TEE.N. rS A DU r12. AT A tar Y TIME
A school that offers advantages not found
elsewheruilOanada. Large staff of' expert
instructions; increased attendance; areta-
eatn business training; scores of students
Placed iu eetel paying position; students
xn attendance from places In which are locat-
ed Other 1n:strums colleges. They Want the
best. It pays in the end New terra new
open. Enter as soon as possible. Write to-
day for our handsome prospeetus.
W. J. Elliott, Principal
etat weoaaagtgvmkgt,wkAg...qat
prepare foe blackening toxins,
On the- frail fornhef clay;
Don lighter, shorter dials,
You'Ii.find its not till play.
Assessoe Fakn is again on his rounds.
Masonic Ineeti rig next Monday night.
The issoe of three, six and fifteen
cent stainps has been discontinued.
The total Biatish losses in South A-f-
are12.,881 killed, wounded ancratis-
sing. The Cauadiane lost 121.
Me. S. E. Toni, I.P.S,., was in town
Tuesday inspecting the school:
Mauchcaine in like a lion, and if the
old saying holds good will go out) like
a Iamb.
Several of ow.. volunteers droye to
Hensall on Tuesday night last and
took part in the Patriotic Carnival.
The Rosi Govern in eat, in connection
with its plan foe read improvement,
hopes to provide- forthe abolition of
tollgates all over the Province.
Mr. J. P. Clarke disposed of the
ance of his household effect§ on Tues-
day last, Mr. John Gill wielding the
hammer. Good prices Weve. realized,
A new postoilice has been opened in
Victovia Comity, beating the name of
1.31).e name of (inner Throne
Elea tre hosbeen changed to Ladysmith.
J. G. Stanbury, B. A., ,who has been
in partnership with Barrister. R. H.
C'ollins for the past year,. ..V1.1 aonti,n u
the liueiness at, the old 'offices over
O'Neil's bank.
The Rev. A. H. Rhodes, of Hyde
Park, will ppeach in Trivitt- Memorial
clitireh on Thursday evening, Match
15th lLt 8 o'cloek. Sabject "The Binait
Offering." All are invited.
Ib is understood that Principal Grant
will be relieved of a part of his duties
• at Queen's University in the spring,
by the itiepointment of another profes-
sor to the facility of theology.
It was.anIrishrintit who went to buy
a'Clock, and when shown one that
"woilld go eight days without wind-
ing," asked: "Be jaberS, how long
would it ran if ye wound it?".
Winet"s Linipietit is an Myatt -table
household teinedyfor sore throa,ts and
for internal and external uses.
The EitIVOn Uniform Promotion Ex-
aminations will he held on March; 20th
and 30th Teachers should send at
Mice to their school Inspector for the
numberolPapers they require.
Lake Superior Trout, Lake enperior
White Fish, Lake Herring, Skinned,
Cod.Fieh, Cod Fish Steak, Shreaded
Cod. Fish ond Choice Finan Haddies
jnet:arrived at Stewart's CashM tore.
Rev. G. B. Sage, B. A., B. D., red -
tor of St. George's Church London,
and lectm-et in Huron College, will
preach at both services in the Livia
Memorial church mi Sunday 'next,
March Ilth. Affwelcome,
Mr. Chas. Shute, who has.been visit-
ing friends bere.for the past week, left
Tuesday for Wiatten, where he will
be married to -day, (Thursday) to a
Miss Bryan. HO will return here and
spend a few days before leaving for
his home near Lien's Head.
The services in jantes street chtirch,
which have heen attended with much
success, were Concluded On Tuesday
evening. Rev. Geo. Brown, father of
the pastor, who has rendered, such
valuable aid in this work, returned to
his .horne in Toronto, yesterday, ('Wed-
nesday.). .
Those Parker; a T. R. eciednetor, of
London, fomierly of the L.; H. & B.,
is now laid up with the small hone in
One Of his lege broken. Mr. Parker
. had the misfortune to have his leg
badly twisted in one of the car seats
while on his run one of London one
day last week.
Nearly all the roads in this locality;
part -ice iltrly those:Punning North and
Smith, are in a very- had condition. In
111Any places on the. London Read there
is as much as six or seven feet of new
with pitch -holes galore, some of which
are deep enoughto alinost.burY an or-
dinary team of .horses.
The Exeter Auxiliary of the. Wo-
ina,ns' Missionary Society will hold an
open meeting in James St. Methodist
-Church on Thursday evening, March
8 th. flss Preston, a Missionaryt from
Japan, will deli V er an address, also
musical .pregram Will be given. Meet-
ing to cern Mence at, 8 o'clock. A silver
collection et the door.
Ilse Winans Cough Balsam for c
eonghs,.colds and Bronchitis -tronbles.
Especially useffil for children. Sold!
y 0. Lutz
Mr. Alex. Dow has. purchased fifty
metes of land adjourning his present n
property front. Aire Thos. Yellow: This ! h
is a good, piece of land and Mr. Dow 11
now has a splendid farm.
Tuvkieh Scalp Food stops fallh
heir, 1.01110VPS dendruff, restores faded
and .'113V hak 10 itS natuial 00100
Mr. 1. . Hawkehaw, proprietor of
the Commercial House, is again on the
sick list and confined to his bed.
The Literavy Soeiety of Room No. 1
of the Exeter Public Sebool repoet the
following officers elected for the quar-
ter:—President, Lulu Dempsey; Vice -
Pres„ Eva Browning; Secy.-Treas.,
Evelyn Gill; Editor in Chief, Herbert
Gregory; Critic, Laura Jeckell; Ques.
Drawer, Cora McPherson; Organist;
Edith Rollins; Usher, Nina -Carling;
Stage manager, Ruby Treble.' Conf.:
mittee, M. Huston, 13. Ross, V. Hnrdy.
1 g 1Vhile Mo. John May was cutting 1
th I I U
The G rand Tr unk Railway has isetied
it circular appointing L. P. T. Lynch
trainmaster over the twenty-second,
twenty-third and twenty-fourth dis-
tricts, the territory extending over the
Northern Division, Georgian Bay, Lon-
don, Huron & Bruce, and the lino to
Harrisburg from Southampton The
appointment went into effect March
lst. Mr. Lynch was formerlY it con-
ductor on the Northcutt branch, but
latterly has been acting trainmaster at
A Man hailing from Detroit narrow-
ly escaped getting, into serious diffi-
culty by trying to pass a bogus Am-
erican dollar on one Of outbusiPess
men Friday last. He paid a small .hill
and it was not until aft& he had one
that it wae noticed to be. bogus. How-
ever, Chief Gill was petgen his tracks
and soon rim his man doWei. On be-
ing aecOSted he was very innocent (?)
and stated thathelnid received the coin
from some other business man in town,
but on investigation it proved other-
wise, he had had no.dealings with the
alleged person Whatever, thus laying
himself Open to the severest penalty of
the law. However, the Chief gaye,
the wily knight of the Stars and Stripes
a good sound lecture and it is hardly
likely he Will ever tin,
the 'smile trick
The -iligeest Treat Of the wiatee.
Gavin Spence ancl Mabel Laing,who,
several years ago, gave it concert here
.to a crowdedi'Ouse aud. within (me
month Were recalled and bad another
great ovation, will be in the Opera,
House, on Friday uight, 'March. :16tb.
They appear here under Masonic Aus-
pices as they did before. Nothing
that civet appeared in Exeter was more
popular than this concert. The con-
cert is purely Scottish.
council Proceedings:
Council met pursuant to radjeurn-
ment at Town Hall,Mareh: 2nd.. All
present. Minutes of previonS.Meeting
read and corifirinect Evatis—'Levett,.
that the following accounts be passed
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
sante—Dr. Rollins, certificate; Mrs.
Fanson $5.00, 1899 account; Dr. Hynd.-
man, certificate; Mrs. :Fansen 55-.00
1899acticaint;Geo. Cad/mire, silowplow-
ing 6.00; J. W. Creech, labor, $2.59;
J. T. 'Westcott, charity, funeral expen-
pee of .Mrs. Morsehead,
tied., Levett—Arinstrong, that this
council build a cement culvert across
Main Street aeibe junction with Ann
street, and that measurement kinmade
end tenders asked foreas eden ,as poe-
sible.--Carried. EtatteMnir, that
Council adjonen to meet Match 10th,
at 7:80 p. m.—Carried: '
GEO. H. BISSETT, clerk.
School Board Minutes.
Meeting of the Board held in the
Towa Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 21st, at
8 p.m., absent H. Huston. The follow -
lowing is the order of business duly
submitted end approved. Per chair-
man minutes of prevines meeting.
Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe, that
H.uston and W. J. Carling be a com-
mittee to prepare a detailed. valuation
of the school property, whieh shall he
held as a basis for further insurance.
Per R. N. Rowe antl J. Senior that H.
Huston and the chair be a Teacher's
Supply Committee with power. Per
W. Trevethick. and R. N. Rowe. that
the put -chase of all school requisites be
fi est referred to the Supply Con) mittee.
Per- W. J. Carling and j. Senior that
the following account he paid:—.T. P.
Clarke, brooms: 6Dc. Per R. N. Rowe
and J. Seahor, the substitute services
of Miss Trevethick be paid for pro rata
with the salary paid in the departnient
suppiied. Adjonenment carried per
W. J.
.T. GRIGG, Sec'y.
That the good news of the relief of
Ladysmith on Thursday last was re-
ceived with great rejoicing in Exeter,
goes without saying, Never was there
a more enthusiastic outburst of loyalty
and patriotism manifested in the his-
tory of the town. As soon as . the
news was announced crowds began to
amass, flags were hoisted. bunting
stretched, the church bells set ringing,
the flee alarm sounded and the whole
town went wild with joy. A hell' boll -
day was proclaimed by the Reeve :tild
the school was dismissed. At about
three o'clock in the afternoon :i, grand
procession was formed in front of the
Town Hall arid paraded Main street.
The procession was made up of men on
horseback, among W110111 was a strik-
ing character of a typical representa-
tive of John Bull, in the person of our
much esteemed citizen, Mr. Robert
Leathorn, lvho sat on his charger with
the grace and elegance of a Duke and
ho added much to the tone of the
oncourse; a rig containing Dr. Rollins,
Varden of the County; Reeve Bissett
..ournallors Muir, Evans, Levett
and Arrnstong; the Exeter Band; about
thirty volunteers. with Mr. Geo. liar-
ess in command; it boys brigade,
aiding with them it miniaturecannon;
le Firemen and an immense crowd
E citizens. After marching up Main
met as far as the Metropolitan Hotel,
re band playing several appropriate
rs, the procession returned, march -
g down to Huron street, thence back
the Town Hall where the parade
dted and the volunteers acquitted
emeelves excellently in a military
ell, after which several volleys were
,ed, including several rounds from
0 miniature cannon. The boys,then
ng very beautifully "Soldiers of the
treat)" and the whole crowd God,
ye, the Queen" followed by three Ins-
eheers for "Bobs," Buller, Kitch-
r, White and the Canadians, after
hich the crowd dispersed, In the
ening the jubilation was continued,
large precession was again hearted
ti mileched up and down Main street
th the effigy of Cronje, after which
ergo bonfiee was started on the vo-
nt lot opposite the Central Hotel,
th the effigy of Cetinje surmounting
o whole. Fire -arms and fireworka
re discharged in ptofusion and the
iole town was wild with eXcitement.
Cause of Delay.
Owing to the irregular train service
of late, eaosed, by the snow blockades, re"
Our supply of 'paper for this week's —
issue has beep delayed, hence we were In
unable to print at theustial time. 'We
trust otte roaches will kindly bear with
LIS in this unavoidable Matter.
Death of Mrs. MoOreshead. th
Death ea:fried off another Of our sit
est residents on Wednesday night last Q
in the person of Mrs. john Moovessit
• head, :it the advarleed age of 88 years ty
and 6 inotiths. The deceased has been ne
in frail health front the infirmities of w
olci. age foe many weeks hence her ev
death Was itet in the heist unexpected: A
Mrs. Mooresheed WAS" Cwiee' Married, an
her foenier nal110 being Mrs. Jaketnan wi
itted,Ilae eeeicled EXeter for many a I
"Years. • The funeral took- piece ficin ea,
the reeidence Of Mr: 13Id, fldnt, Mill wi
pitmen where She his Made her home th
of late yeilPS. oh Satetalay eftertMon tta
laet to Hie l';'heetert cemetery. WI
wpoci in the hush no '1h -testier last t
axe he teas using came in (1001001 wi
an overhatlg111„1: llfalb, ceasing it
glance with Such fotce its to tett 4 Se-
vere gash in his left foot. He WU/ he
coufined to Hie house for some time.
The lecture and entertaiu went gi Yen
-GidleYs' :0Oelat House,' Mt Tuesday
evening was not greeted with AS liirge
an attendance as the entertainment
deserved which was proleablY doe to the
bad state of the roads. The Rov, Fore-
ter,,of Toronto, gave his ,poptilite
ture on "King William the Third "
and fully sustained his reputation as a
lecturer. His discparsct Was indeed it
model one and theeloquence with
which it was' given, wite interesting 10
the extreme. The, quartette selection
by Messrs. Ross, 'Senior,. Peptestone
:tud?Rey. Martin was ranch itppreciated
es was also the solos by vIise 11' Beers
Miss L Johns, Miss -AL -White, and Mr.
Beinthing, The. chill by the sehool!
boy $ was good, and 011 the whole the
evening was very pleasantly spent.. •
Exeter School, Report
The following is the report of the
public school for February. Class A ---
Eva Brow ning,Lily Robinson,Herbert
Gregory. Class 13.----0ota, McPherson,
Wiley Millyard, Willie Muir, Nina
Carling-. Noon roll 36, average 82.
Se. IV -Win n ie Carling, MillieMarti.
Reby DavidSon and Wittnie Howard
equol„Teunie Murray-, Dolly Dickson,
Ruth Rollins. Jr. IV—Clara Ross,
'Wavy Parsons, Louisa, Carling, Alvin
Brintnell, Ethel ',Irarmer, Fran k ie
Weekes and Ethel ',Armstrong equal.
No. on roll 43, average attendance 37.
Sr. III—johnGardiner,Hazel Brow
ing, George Jones, Roy Howard, Ech
Dow, Flossie 'Taylor. Jr. III—Fr
Tregethick, Elmore Senior and 01
Gould equal; Bettie Halls, Fred Stith
JamiceBawden, Olin Hooper. No. o
roll 49; average 42.
Sr. HI—011ie Quance, John -13.arto
Edith Moncur, Frahk Hunter, Ann
Reid, Martha Carling. Jr. III—John
Ross, Ida Armstrong, Martha Snell,
Lena ,llunter, Dolly Davidson, Wal-
den Crews. No. On roll 51, average 10.
H-13erta Snell, Millie Bissett,
Ernest Pickell, Flossie Sweet, Willie
Meteer, M0uriee Bobier. jr. 11-1311(1.
red Elliott, Bert Muir, .Rotha Brown,
gitua Johns, Loney Heywood, Ira
Taylor. No. on roll 00, average 10.
Sr. II—Emtna Heideman, Clarence
Eaeterbrook, Frank Bawden. Jr. II—
Albert Lang Emma Hall, Margaret
illakins. No. on roll 61, average 41.
Sr..II-Florence Anderson; Gertrude
Sheere, Hairy Rendle, Irene Handford
Ida Cottle, Frances Davis. Mid. II—
Lizzie Gould, Lillian Amos, Mabel
BMW!), Elneore Lang, Nellie Hatter,
Lily Hodgett. No. on roll 56, average
43. • _en%
The Late R. H. Collins. ,
In the death of this gentleinan, who
passed -away at his residence, ,Tarnes
street, on Thursday last, Exeter loses
one of the most brilliant and promis-
ing barristers in Ontario. rlis legal
career has been spent in our midst and
for Many years past he has been a fa -
figure on our streets. A man
of striking presence and orator-
ical power, while in health no public
Meeting .was:considered properly con-
dtleted WittIOUt.hith and hie great abili-
tieS Were given in the Most good natur-
ed and enthusiastic way. In geditics,
a Strong. Libeerd, he has pulled his
party through many it wordy contest
ancl Was,kno WIT as a first -cartes speaker
throughout Ontario. Gifeed. With
magnificent voice and thoroughly con
Versant with music, many 02 1)01 citi
sons will reme.mbee. the Teivitt Me
inertial church choir as he led 1..1 som
years ago rind the thrilling.. power o
his sympathetic tones in many a sac
red passage. He was also it devote
Freemason and was a Past District
Deputy Grand Master of South Horon
District, No. 4, which office, he filled
with the utmost zeal and proficiency.
Mr.Collins' success as it lawyer was phe-
nomenal and his early death will leave,
a blank in the legal fraternity to be
°manned by no successor. Our citi-
zens will remember the manner in
which he could sway it jury and mass
an array of legal facts sometimes
overwhehning-ly convincing... Mr. Col-
lins was born in the city og Bandon,
County of Cork, Ireland, on the 19th
August, 1851, and emigrated to this
country ‘vith, his mother in 1861. For
some year's he lived in RockWood, Wel-
lington County, where he .attended
the Academy finial he was 18 years of
age. He then engaged- as teacher of
Shakespeare Public School ind subse
quently of Stratford r!: h School and
First-elass Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Ch ri stie's old Staid
will receive prompt at
tention. .
Light your home with .
The Light of all Lights,
ed The Radiant Home
113.- Automatic Acetylene
n Gas Generator.
ja The R.,adiant mm
Hoe Auto
GAutomatic Acety-
lene as Generator has numerous tes-
timonials and each Machine is Guar-
anteed to give every satisfaction.
Manufactured by
'Mrs. P. .1.7.1shc,tt. left Monday to visit
her sister hi am do n.
Mr J. A. Stewart is in, Toronto on
business this week.
! Wee Hannah' Bntt of Kippen is
visiting friends in town.
Poptinaster Christie spent Thursday
in London on business.
Mrs; Win, Westcott, Of Seaferth, is
'visiting-friende in town. .
Mrs. Philip Lang is iinproving slow-
ly fromher recent illness.:
Dr. TennantspentTuesday 'night in
London visiting his sister who is quite
Mr. John Poddiconibe, of London,:
is the gnest of -Messrs. Carling hrotb-
ere. ,
Mr. Warren Ross 141 SittiirdaY to
visit frieiadS in Clinton and Seaforth
this week.
Miss •Reert- Fitzpatrick, of London,
spent Monday night in Own With
Miss Cora Prior has returned home
.after spending afew days with friends
in Hensall:
Miss EdithBeers spent a few • days
at the Millinery openings in London
last week.
_ Miss Tennent, of Burr, was the guest
_ of her brother, A. E. Tennent, V. S.,
c hist week. •
The Misses Bertrand, of Crediton,
- were the guests of Mrs. Smith and Mrs.
d Kunz last week.
other schools in the aeghborhood. In
1887 he was admitted as Banister and
Solicitor after some years of study un-
der' H. W. Hall, formerly Barrister
heve, passing all his examinations
without attending college. Deceased
suffered for many months past from
it growth on the eciatie nerve and bore
with wonderful patience :tgony of the
west excruciating nature. The skill
of the best physicians had Leger consult-
ed but could bring no relief, hence one
cannot mourn that death has released
hirn of the sufferings he endured after
it became certain that he could not
again play a useful part in life's battle-
field. He was cared for by hislinrnedi-
ate relatives and friends most assidu-
erts,a- and kindly, but no human power
could avert the stroke. of death. M.
Collins married Miss Jessie Bonthron,
of RodgerVille, some years ago, who,
with One little daughter, survives
He WAS burie(1 with the ceremonial of
the and Presbyterian ehurehes
on Saturday last, the Rev. 3.• W. Ten
Eyck and Rev. W. M. Martin officiat-
ing, while the, Masons conducted the
funeral in the impressive manner for
, which the brethren of the mystic; tie
are celebrated, Right Woe. Bro. R. B.
Hungerford, Deputy Grand Master, of
London. conducting the ceremony, as-
sisted by 13ro. Fergeson, - of London.
The pall bearers wet all brother Mae-
ons—Dr. Amos, H. Spackmare B. S.
O'Neil, Ed. Christie, J. A -Stewart and
WT HaLevett. The casket bore sever-
al beautifid wreaths as last tributes of
respect to the dead. The funeral was
largely attended and limn g those fr rin
it distance we noticed judge Massone
Philip Holt, Daniel McDonald, Clerk
of County Coint, Goderich, M. Y. Mc-
Lean EX P Seaforth and Many
other e frorn Rensall and other places:
Miss Maggie Sweet left Tuesday
night for: London where- she Will re-
side for a time.
Miss Beatrice Steinbach; of Zurich,
was the guest of Miss Carrie Dyer for
a few days last week.
jaunts Acheson, wholies been tend:-
ing bar att the Bernetd House,Londori,
eetuened to town Tuesday.
Mr. Win. Welsh,'WillianiStreet, js
in a very tow etate of health and his
recovery is doulitftd, —
Miss Got -rine Hooper left on 'Mon-
day for London, where she will take
cont -se in the BUSineSS College. :
Mr..Murray, !Of Rockwood, attended
the funeral of his brother, Mo. R. H.
Conine Which tooleplace on Saturday
last. •
'MiSs Fredrena Down, who has been
visiting friends here for several days.,
returned to her home near Centealie
A Mr. Stevens, of London, has a&
cepted it position as dry -goods clerk
with. Messrs. IL Bishop & Son and
coulthenced duties Monday.
. Miss Ellen Browe, who has had
charge of the confectionery at the post
office•fort Mr. John Grigg, has accepted
a position in the post office.
Chita Wilson, Exeter North,
who has been confined to his bed for
the past few weeks suffering from an
attack of inflammation, is slowly re-
- :9;e:1:g
Mrs Murray,
0ite11claiplet, sv1caeisg
the funeral' of her son, the late R. IL
Collins, left !I7riesday for her home in
Mrs: Ernannel Bissett has been con-
fined to the house for several days
from the effects of it painful and what
might yet prove a serious growth on
her left foot.
James, who has hist veturned
from visiting London, Paris and other
principal cities in Europe, is:Spending
it short time here, the. ;arrest of Mr.
Levitt, prior to leaving for his .hoMe
10 Qu'Appelle, N. W. '17.. '
: Mr. Cline. Kychl; who has been visit-
ing friends here for several. weeks left
on Monday for his borne in Douglas,
Man., Mornitty night, 'accompanied by
hie 'beim, Miss ,Ida,'. danghtee of Mr,
WM. Kydd. •
Ftillarton: Died, on the evening of
the third inst., Mr. Thomas Harper, of
the. 6th concession. Mr. Harper had
been ailing slightly .for a few weeks,
but dining the last week was thought
to be in a fair way to recovery. On
Sunday he took suddenly worse, and
PP 11,S0/\ AL died abeut evening. Heart faddy@ is
C supposed to have been the cause of his
death Mr, Harper wite about Hatay -
two year's old; uinnaaried and 'pitch re-
spected by those Of his acqintintance.
Mr: arid Mrs. Harper and the &rally
have the sympathy of this lOcality in
their sad bereavement,
J • 4.1
MAkinS spent SUndaV in Zurich,
.N.I.rt Couch honamenced his AthieS "
elerk With Meesee; Carling 'Bros. or)
. AT THE . .
e purchased 78 dozen of Print and Gingham Top Shirts (Atli() Shtn-
d ard Man ufactnrer's goods at sueha retitle thin as to place o ur prices
away below the zeropoint of other competitors. Our Prices fot
these lines are 05e. and 75c. and not one in the '$vhole lot is worth less
than $1.00.• They were prodoeed for the Spring, but on 11110011111, Of over-
production had to be cleared at it price. We bought them, and give you
all the advantage of good ehean wear foe Spring.
n Saturday last we placed in stock all our Carpets and Lace Curtains
for Spring uses. NVe bought these before the advance in prices and
can save you money, also giving you better designs and up-to-date
values. With this lot we got a large number of mat ends '(ltd sample car-
pets and can display a great quantity of patterns and colors.
HATS & CAPS are in for spring. We have the, celebrated makes,
Hartley and Battersby. These goods have tile reputation for wear., Color
and style, and with us entire satisfaction to all consumers.
SPenia/ values in White Table Linens and Napkins.
Pillow Cottons, any width 40, 42, 44, 46 niches wide, circelar make,
only 10e. it yard.
Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing.
ITEMIESEIMEMErreg vitmeerz,R40.:eiceieee
The Universal Favorite
Noxon Disc Harrow,
The only Disc Harrow that has adjits-
table pressure springs. This feature is
invaluable on hard or uneven ground.
N xon
New Sectional
Spring Tooth Cultivator.
Wed with grain and grassgrowing attachments it desireit
with reversible points, also thistle cutters
if ordered.
test deaf le best working and most
easily operated cultivator manufar-
The teeth work directly nuclei.' the axle
and within the wheel line. •
'See the New Spring Lift,
Noxon Drilis
I Spring Pressure.
Onr old reliabie HOOSIER DADS are so
well and favotaibly known that they
speak for themselves. There are now
over 60,000 in use among the farniers.
of this•country.
that you should call and. inspect
the lines of
that we have placed in our store
YOU Will find in this new stock
Quality and Price....
to suit you.
This is what we always accoMplish
when we make it suit for you.
Prices that PleaSe.
Bert. Knight.
We wish to impress on the minds of
everybody that we don't sell sole
1 with er , neither do we sell meat as
tough as sole leather.
Are of tbe veiy hest quality. Try our
big brown Sirloin Boast. It is as
toothsome and appetizing. as the
famous neaeock's roast ot
([mei. We know lu.w to fix it up all
nice tor the oven.
Try us once,
-You'll try us twice;
You'll find our meats
Are choice and nice:
. John Manning,
,Hensall: Another old:settler of this
section passed alvay last Week, in the
persoe of Thomas McLeod, at the geed
,old age of 89. Mr. 1VIcLeact was born
before the war of 1812, and. had seen or
or heard of most of the great events of
the Victorian age.
Hillsgreen: Mr. .T. Mousso, while
coming out of the swamp with a load
which was abont to upset, he jumped
to save himself and had one of the
small bones of his foot broken and his
ankle sprained. The hurt, although
painful and will lay him up for some
time, is getting on 00 well as can be
Hensall: Death has again visited
this section carrying away another old
settler in the person of Mr. Wm.
Wien. at the age of 74. Mr. Wren
died at the residence of James Hortt. a
on the town line Hibbert, Tuesday.
His end was sudden and unexpected.
The funeral took place Thursday, to
McTaggert's cemetery.
Mitchell: Tueeday evening an im-
mense meeting was held in the Town
Hall to bid farewell to T-Tenry J. Hicks
of the Strathcona Fiore, Mayor Davis
occupied the chair. Some of the lead-
ing gentlemen delivered addresses,
while others sang patriotic songs. The
public and high school ehildren pre-
sented an addrees to Mr:I-licks, accom-
panied by a beautiful hoquet of roses
and carnations. The Council preeent-
ed, through Capt. Money, a purse 00n-
taining$50 in gold. Mr. Hieles left, to-
y to join the Strathcona florae at
Custom Sawing Done.
(Late Gould's Mill)
134. O. KESSEL,
East side of Main street,
opposite planing mill.
—TOCK --
We have in stock, dressed
and matched siding, flooring
and cell in, also dressed pine
1 in., 11 in., 11- in. and 2 in,
Shingles; lath and cedar
posts alwayson hand.
A large stock of barn lum-
ber just arrived.
CO and Examine -
Jas. Willis,
12 you want your Repairing well done.
go toll. llicke•Wittehee, Clocks
and jewelry a specialty.
Marriage Licenses issued andWed-
ingRings always on hand.
Fansen'e Block, Exeter.
Clinton: Thomas Dowson, the po-
pular hot of the Mason house, in towrt
has sold out to R. G-ra.haere of Brum-
field, who has recently disposed of his
hoeteley to .John McKay of the same
plaee. Both gen Heerlen will fake pos-
session of the hotels on theeIst, of May.
Mr. Dowson bee a 1'arn hStanley
township, hut will likely remaie in
it) towii, although at present he is nol.
Clinton: The fire alarm was rung
on Wednesday evening 1(1)01118 p.
the cruise of whieh Ives a fire :-tt, Rev.
Mr.. Mtn:dock's house on Rattenbury
street. IL Was learnt that a lamp had
exploded, whioh M n 111nrclock was
carrying in his hand at the thin?, and
was fortunotely put out before the
eteamer wae needed, hol the reverend
gen t len) an e sti in a tets his loss e t ahrnt.
$250 in books, among which were his
ten years' eollection of college notes.