HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-15, Page 1THIRTEENTI-I YEAR. —607. 100.3.11almowaealwera443saissisasomiaseso EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY, NIARCII 15 1900. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. ast week we were busy opening up New Goods for Spring and we have at last arranged them for • your inspection. Ladies will be delighted with the new dress materials, the new prints, etc. Below we Mention a few of the new arrivals: ESS GOOIDS. Plain and figured Blacks, Serges,Casbaneres, Beautiful figured (nods in shot effect all col - `ors this week 25c. New Plaids with the new silk over check 25e PRINTS , 'Fancy Stripes and Checks,. Navy Blues in Stripes and Figared red grolinds ih Stripes, Spots. Splendid value. Be sine and see then's, 10c. atrid 12c. .13ERIDY'IWAD''''CIAOTT4INPe We are paying special attention to this branch and have some very special. bargains. All mar snits- •re guaranteed M quality and fit We can fit You for $ 425. LINENS We have some very special bargains in this depart- ment this coming week. Ceeititi Dansask Table Linen, 00 inches wide, special at 25c. White. Dablask Table Napkins, table size 75e. rsiEcic mtEpin New arrivals of flowing end Ties in all the new stripes and plaids. Beautiful goods at prices that will sell them. gettinsscolia-.. 4Y,P 25 jouM Dail fiolgeo 11119 toblo Su p for •$1 A DVrREF With a very heavy stock bought at the old prices, we were never in a better position to please our customers. . SAP P1:111LS Aap sins In these we can supply you, with any style you want arid the prices will sell them. We have a large stock of barrel churns with steel or wood frames in all the different styles at olcl prices. SALLIST4ING GfinstES. Have you used the celebrated Rocker ? We have never had one eeturnecl. We will allow you to try them before buying. IVIIItEtt PRINTS Sherwin-Williams well-known paints. Robertsons guaranteed pure. WI -II E-WASI-1 US !ES, ALABAS- TINE, ETC. EVERYTHING YOU NEED THE HARDWARE LINE mata.timpuesi.=re ..a•••=9 MONEY TO LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at owest rates of interest. DICK807,T & CAR.;m7G, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from 11,4, to 5 per cent, ELLIOT & GLA.DMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, oto,, Main St., Exeter FARMS PEIR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. •\-,Tho undersigned has a few good farms for sea,le cheap. Money to loan on easy terms .TOLIN SPACKMAN, Sarnwell's Block Exeter ITOTEL PROPERTY.FOR SALE OR RENT The undersigned is offering for sale or rent that desirable hotel situated. at Devon,. on the London Road.. This Rotel is in a good, location, being 21/4 miles south of Exeter. This road is largely travelleil and for the right man chances are good for a splendid business. There is a good stable in 00111100 - tion it/so t,„1. acres of Land. Possession given ist April, 1.200. This property will be „ sold. cheap or ren ted ata reasonable figure. For particulars, apply on the pretnises, X ICELLAN n, Proprietor, Devon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Richard H. Collins, late of the Vil- lage of Exeter, -41 the Count,y of 1:Itivon, Barrister, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap- ter 1211, It, S. O. 1.827, that all peraons having claims ag,ainat the estate of the said Collins, who died. on or about the 1st clay of M arch, 1000, are requited to send on et„ before the 1.4.tb any of April. IWO, by omit prepaid to Mrs, ./ossie Collins, Exei or. P. O., execu- trix of the said. R. I-1. Collins, their names, addresSes and occUpations, with partieulara Of their 012110 1, statements of their accoun and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them. Ana notice is herob,v giVen that after the last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the partioS en- fitle1 thereto, having regard only to the claiMs of which n ethic shall have been given as abOve required and the said execUtrix shall riot be liable for the Hata aSset8 OV any part thereof to any person or aersees 01 areas° claims 4101.32 1111111 not ha ve been re- ceived by her at tile tint° of such distribm tion, , J. G. sTAN Int tiY, 'Exeter, Ont. • Solieltor for the Executri)t. Da tea. the 13t11 day MaPeh, 1000, TESTIMONIAL OF , A.SHETTLER, DASHWOOD TO THE VALUE OF ENGLISH STOCK FOOD • MANUFACTURED EY C. LUTZ. . "This is to certify thatI have used English St061: Food for My „eoacl team. RIM kept them in better heart and etinditiem than they ever Were before. They have improved in flesh, slicken- ed in coat and are in excellent heart and are in. better shape to 'clo their work. 1 wapiti -heartily recommend it to all teanisters, and those Who week_ horses, 1 think it Very cheap and valuable food. A. SHETTLER, Dashwood. Crediton STANBURY, B.A.'(formerly Collins & Staub -I. -try) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan—Exeter, Ont. Mrs. WilcIroug, Ellinwood, was the gaest of her sister, Mrs. (I-1,ev.) G-. Litt last week. -Mr. Elton Seigner is visiting in Zurich this fveele. --V. Ratz, M.P.; and Henry Eilber, 111.P.P., 01 Ot baWn, and TOMB to ''«1 (01 Vol V. spent Sunday at home with their Mr. and "Vit.& Gamier and f; tinily, of London, are the guests of WE.. and Mrs. Jes. Hod gi ns.---Nir, 5:1(11 114)1 Le /insert, of -Devizes, gave etir burg a flying visit lash, 'Pro n cl ay. ---M and Mrs. ict ins, (if 'Clitudeboye, spent .r.thutsday here, tlie guest of Mrs. Henry 1l 4. -Mrs. Robt. While and family, of Winnipeg, VISibit31.4' her neither, Mrs. Tobias Fainter. ' Disterst. --Th e cold o.f death has again visited 0111 11114151 and has taken flAirity, flee toe Roy, son' of Henry Wind, eoncession 0, at the age 01 1(101 months. ift first faectune illwith in flarniria- tion of the lungs, wliesli developed into couvtilsions when (Teeth edleive.d him of all stifferi fig. The remains weve hi-. terreci in the Getrainsi eetnetery on Tnesclay, the Rev. Litt tteficiatiog: The bereaved parents and 'relatives have the sympathy of the vieinity in this the hotir of herea,vernent. Sharon. Mr. Tames Gould and family spent Sunday with -friends at Sharon. ---Miss Matt. Kestle and Mr. Fisher visited at Mr. Josiah Kestle's best week. -Mr. S. Broltenshir0, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Emily Brokenshire ate tended the funeral of tlad late Miss Hill last Saturdny. --Mr. Evans, of Exe- teals- placing a Portiancl cement cellar floor for Mr. J. Pedler.---Mr, S. Presz- cator is experiencing one of the little drawbacks to farming haying lest a 011111 (7)10 calf Some time into.--josiah Kestle, of the Goshen line, leaves for N. Dakota on Thursday next. --Mrs. Harris, daughter of Mr. Joseph Ris- teed, who has been spending the win- ter at home, returnS to Forest, M,1 n. tieset; week. -On Saturday, the infant child of Henry Wind' was called away. The funeral took place Tuesday after- noon anel was attendecl bY a large cir- cle of 'SsempatIfizing friends, who join the bereaved parents in their great soreOW.-Henry Martene and Fred Finkbeiner, spent a very enjoyable time in Dashwood witIi friends last Sunday. There seems to 14'2 -some at- traction for Henry in the little burg. - Ort another page of this paper will be f01.1/1t1 11 0e01111t of, the death of Mrs. Collins, wife Of Rev, J. H Collins of Ancaster. sirs. Collins was a for - ((10) resident of' the townline, Lake 13,ond, and her large circle of friends '1 3(11 acquaintances will feel a heartfelt sympathy for Mr. Collins ih his great sorrow, a bereavement coining so eoon after the death of his 'brother, the late cleputy-postmaster. 01 Exeter. -When - the news of Ladysinith's relief reaehed Slieron Friday moemng the school bell rang out the ' glad news for tadinty minutes. The red, white and blue and Union *Tack was hoisted and the proud floated Oftt tO the breeZe ('11 ('010(1 the loyal and patriotic pupils. The boye of the school had their small arms, and lining up, fired a royal 0111» 111 that Must; have reached to South A411012.' Chdrei Ory 1()I. ASTORIA Hibbert. Airs. Thos. Ryan, left last week for Peterboyo, te attend her Oster, Mrs. J. Robinsoh, who, we are sorry to state, is very III and confined to her bed.--SMrs. Lam20 ancl family have moved to Hamilton. We are sorry to lose them, but wish them every sue- eeSs intheir new home. -11.11.. John Ddy iShIsiting his sister, Mrs. R. Me - 1 aughli0, at Gorrie.-Mr. Patrick 'Has- tings, left Oil Tnescley ror Dallas, Ore- gon. He goes 00e0 the C.P.R. Winchelsea mi'. and Mrs. IL Francis returned home on Thursday last itiitev spending a week. with friands.in Sam Blackwell ;old sister were ;the guests of Mr. Rallies and Miss :Ethel Brown on Sunday, rse/ Ed, Clark, who has been engageale'e:e elerk in tan. store here for sot5t/e4 leaves in about two weeks fds bobs,. We are sorry to lose Eel. as he is a genial good fellow. ---Mr. Thos. Cook, a for- mer resident of this place, but now of St. Thomas, is visiting his son and daughter here. --It appears the Zion school tvouble is settled for a time. Mr. McPherson will have a say now. . Owing to the heavvs .v fall the mail Was unable to(jthes. 'sit:rough the fere part of the week. One day there :Were: etS many as thirty men shovelling the snow between here and. Dublin:- MiSe' Maud Reyan is spending a few clays With her brother m Kfrkton.- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett, of Pullin. - ten, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph., -Mr. and -Mrs. Sohn White, of 'Mitchell, spent Sunday with Me. and Mrs. Ed. Drake. -Thursday Will be the illiSSi011- night ie the EpworthLeague. Miss Edna Hutchison will take the, topic. - Mr. Will Jeffery held a brick bee on Tuesday. Reis intending to build a new house, and has purchased his brick from Crediton. -Mr. J. Drake spent Sundayin Stratford with his consiin MiSe Miller. -Mr. John Fell is at pres- ent on the sick Woodham A. J. Ford is borne again from a busi- . ness trip to Toronto. One of his for- mer clerks, Mr. Wes. Newcombe, has set up a besiness fax himself in store- keeping. -Fred Gad's° is again in out midst, after an absence of about two montbs.-A. Sweitzer sold a horse to Mr. Joseph Hooper last week. -A. large number attended Mr. Wm. Mc- Kernan's sale on Friday. The bidding was slow and as a result the prices realized were not very high. -Mr. Mills, driver of Her Majesty's mails, has hcmght a handsome set of light sleighs from McKernan and. Knapton. -Miss Fairless, the new milliner, has arriVed at A. J. Fora's. We wish her success. -Min 33. Allan, insurance agent is going his round again. -Mr. Tuttle Mills is spending a few days with his friends in Centralia. -Mr. Alex. Sin- clair, who 'has been on a pleasant visit to friends in Wallaceborg, has return- ed home. B id dull% Mr. ,Ieimeson and Mr. Wm. Hal- loran, of- Blanshard, Mtre visiting friends on- the'. 3vd.' concession of Bid- dulph this week, -..-Miss Annie Richard- son, of TJsborne, was visiting friends here this week. She is at present the guest or Mrs. G. Cobleigh, McGillivrasy. -It is repeated. that Tom 'McCann is drilling the boys itt, Mooresville in case an invasion should take place. ---Mr. Shoebottons, of London, was the guest of Mr. 'William Hodgins this week. He reports the roads in a bad state. - Mr. Daniel Aiteeins has moved his ef- fects to Clandeboye.-W. j. Thompson 7as rented his farm on the 3rd conces- sion, to his brother, Eli, for a term of years. -Mr. Tames McFalls, formerly of Centralia, it doing a rushingbusi- ness at Bryanston. -!Mr. D. Reyington was visiting friends in London last 'SVr4'.—The death of Mrs. William Toethey occumed Tuesday morning afteh a lingering illness. Mrs. Toolley was the late P. 0. Michael Toohey's mother, and one of the pioneers of Biddalpla, having couse there from Tipperary-, Ireland, 53 years ago. Her husband died five years ago. Three sons -Thomas, William and Patrick, of Biddulph-and. four daughters - Mrs. T. 11forkin, London; Mrs. Carria- lien, Detroit, and Misses Mary and Maggie, at home -survive. - Farquhar _ D. HAY, Farquhar, Cemmissionor and Conveyancer, Money to loan atlowest rates of in terest. Aliss Alice Bell. of Hensall, who has been visit/tine. at 311... Thos. Cameron's left for hee Fiorne Tuesday. -Mr. John Falton, Jet., intends leaving shortly for Butfaio, where he has secured a situation in eminection withthe street cars. -Mrs. Thonias Bell, Jr., of Port- age le, Prairie Man who has been at Mr. Wt4). Towers' for some time, iS visiting with frientls in Tuck- ersmith, ini or to leaving for her home in the West. -Mr. said Mrs. D. Mc- Nichol spent last week in Mitchell, vis - rig thew -daughter, who leaves short- ly for Strittford,--Mr. and Mrs, John Westlake and Mr. and Airs. Thomas HunItin weret the guests of Mr. Harry I -Intik -in, Logan, Saturday n rid So isdny lash -Mr. John E. Torn, 1. P. S. , visited our school lasb.week, Heinterviewed the trustees regarding the' sanitary condition of the school and suggested many impeov el oents that svere. abso- lutely necessary, to he proceeded with ns soon as possible for the hetilth ancl well-being of the pimils.-Mr. Alex. 1,'u 1103), who 11:12 1141(311 111 Colorado for several months, for the benefit of his health, retnened home to Exeter last week. We are sorry to learn that he is not 1111 p1001141 141 health. The air of Canada agreed fully better with him than tlillt of Colorado. -The Misses Lillie and Clara, Passmore were Spend - :1 few days last week with friends in Exeter. :Kirk ton Aliss 'Tessa. Stewart, after a pleitserit visit -with Etta Fletcher, veturn- eel to lier home in St. Mai'Ys Maud Bryne, of Staffs, paid her brother e flying visit last weelt.--Mr. Robert 1>tuyis.spent Sunday' at home. -Mr. Thoilleeta, 01 'ghillies:in, was here attending the funeral 'of his sister last Chappel, of Stairs, visited hei brother, John ('101 j)[)([ last, week. --Mrs. Joltit ElIloLt iaccaepanied by her daughter, rot -timed 11Q/11[-! clay after a visit to lum brottaer's, John Ball an ty n e, George to w n -1-te v , IV, Stott \vas in 5110 tiled Mon d a Y 011 Inishiess in connection with the corning ere ti of th e :"121hs11 elm re heve.-',E'his week we record the death of 0,o00..wr of our oit7)r.<-11.; irt the. person. of Mrs. A.cigust klrethouitt, at the ago of 41 years, 3 months, which sad everft occarred on Sato -relay last. Greenway ., great Mil ober of oaf' enterprising farmers are hauling home large q uan- title§ of tile. -We are pleased te no- tice in the Aurora Ill., daily paper that Mr, A. C. Wilson 'has eecured" position as bookkeeper 10 the Q. & 13. railway shops in that city. --Rev. J", W. 'Baird, ;B. A., gave an eloquent dis- course on the British Empire micl the present war. It Was patriotic in every sense. We 5111111 endeavor to give a More fuller report, of it next week. The collectiOn Wae hi aid Of the Patri- otic Fund and aimetnted to $12. if there were Boers 'present they .wiU change their views to Loyalty to the British flag. The 011nreh was decorat- ed very beautifully with the picture Of Her 'Majesty the -Queen end Unitm Jack orid binning, ancl a large map showing the extent of the Empire. Eden, Miss Vinew Fisher, of Exeter, and Mies Harmah Batt, of Monett. were. the guests of Mr5. Richard Coates a few days this wee.k.--Itfre. Wm. Caves, Who has been on the: sick list, is im- proving -Mr. Sinion Hunter is busy- pi:epos:mg for the erection of a fine, new barn next sunspaces -Miss Gertie Dempsey, of Exeter, and Miss Grade, of London, were the guests of Miss Rettie'Easery. on Tuesday- .lattee-Par- ties are the order .cif the day. The yoiatIr and beauty here and of Centralia Met Tuesday night andspent a .mo.st, enjoyableevening at Mr. Geo. Root's, -Mr:Hamner, accompanie.a by his ten. drove to London on Wednesday With a lead of furnittiro fox. big son. -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Esser-y.0.re imptovin 'after their recent Edwin. Kerslake, of Farquhar, visited, Master John Ltixton on Priday.Miss Mand Quince, of Exeter, is Visiting her aunt, Mrs. Skinner. -Mrs. R. Coateswa.s vis- iting her uncle, Mr. John Delbridge, on WednesdaY.-Mr. Samuel Skinner sold a valeablehorse one day last week. N. M. M. Stite spentjteli Conpart of last week in the Comity town getting the map of the town of St. Joseph regis- tered, -Wm. Valley, of Montreal, owner of another block here, is expect- ed up shortly for the puepose of hav- ing work commenced.on said block, - Mr. George Campbell and. wife were in Hensell on Friday. -Mr. Rennie Du- rand, is on the siek liet.--Miss A. Me- Grigeor spent Saturday and. Sunday last visiting her parents tear Kippen. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, of Grand. Bend, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilsons' on Friday.--Ourfisliermen are now busy pointing anil dressing their pondnet stakes ready for driving as soon as the ice is off the lake. --Mi. R O'Brien, So., accompanied by- his - sister, 33e01(1)2, and cousin, Mr. H. Horn, of Pigeon, Michigan, were visit- ing Mr. and. Mrs. T. 1--L Horton, of Lippley, the fore part of this week. Fertile Valley. (Too late for lastweel) ' Miss Mary Lewis has gone to London to work, for a while. -Mr. Wm. Scott, of the 131h1 has purchased a new fur overcoat.- Mr. Fred Kerr, of Ore.diton East, and Miss Dine, Wood, of London, spent Sunday here with friends. -Re- member the entertainment in aid of the Red OrOSS F1.11141 at West McGilliv- ray on March leth. A. good tinie is expected. -'Spring is the time of the year in which all nature shows itself. So Itis quite natural for us to be- lieve what Dame Rumor eays. ',What does she say? Well by signs, etc., a young 2l) from the 10th concession is going to take away a young dame from this vicinity. -The weather is quite changeable. 'We hada few days by which we would think that the "Buller of spring had conquered the ."Cronje" of winfier.-The box social held at Mr, Mark 'Watson's, on the 2nd inst., was a marked. success. The la- dies brought their own boxes, which they adorned outwardly swill, but the inside 517113, pack -ed full of what boys like. So when the lids were raised each boy thotight he was lucky enough to get "Miss Right." After lunch a good program was rendered. At the eon - elusion of the program, Rev. Baugh, of Ailsa Craig, who acted as chairman, asked for n, hearty clap for the imnates of the house, our noble Queen, Buller, and the Canadian boys IlOW in South Africa, and true loyailty was shown by the crowd, but when a clap was asked for Kroger not one replied. Pro- ceeds were in aid of Red Cross Fund. geventeou Years of Torture.' lind a bad cough Jan' seventeen years" writes Mrs. Seal lIamilton of Lewisville, Tenn. "No doctor or medicine could, cure 11 111)111 a year ago I begen to use Dr. King's New Discov- ery for consumption, , which did, me more good than any other inedieines 1. ever used. It is truly a grand cure for stubborn Coughs, Colds -and Throat, and Long troubles." Positively curee Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Bev Fever and. Croup. Priem 50e. and. $1.00, Guaranteed, Trial bottles free at drug store, •, Centralia. Miss, Lily Howiird, 'of Exeter spent Mcindity here the guest of Mrs, 'Wria- Down. A number of the young 'men Of this 'vicinity left this -week for mani.-- Lobs,: . Among 1114,111 WereRalph Blind - ford, Jzlahes Samoel • Sheardown, jimaes Heitman and Thus, 'Ward. We wish 1115111 all peosperity- Mrs. Hill of St. Paul, spent Stmelay here with hey brother, SA7rn. Elliott., .--s.:11r, Rich. Elliott, of Toroo to, was,- • the guest of his brother, -Wm. Elliott's Fairfield. A_ large patty Wt.05 held at. the residence of -'11.fr. \Vat. Elliott on Friday night 21041 111 honor of his broth-, ev, Dr. Elliott, or Torento, who spent', Friday 1i 1) A if10,-,t eujoyObie 11(101, 500.S spent. -A merry load of the happy yetttlts of the connounitygethered ne this btirg one evening lest week ande peoceeded to the home of Mr, and iNfres- Si AndreWs, where they were given a 54 11111 welcome ins& enjoyed a very delightful and, ple,asant, 1114(4. -'--,J21101',1111' or tiuron's aged 1)10" 111 passed a way on ThLII:settuy /light last, in the peesen. of Mr. Francis - Anderson, at the age of 08 yeas's. The Deceitsed came to this 7) 1111 ahoet 501, years .t.gc.) and setttled on the 1kl1111 11051 111 tbe possession of Heury Hueton„ situated at Fairfield. A 111:10 yeaTS agC, he quit the titian and has since them been residing near Exeter, the place where he died. The funeral took place Senday to the Exeter cemetery. DE,href OF MARTHA iS 005 - Sad ditty this week 10 121(0241 17)0 410:1110 of 41 well known and highly respected. : eesident of this place. in the peeson of Mlles Maetha Hill, who passed peace- fully 155 10 on Th inseay of last weeka, ltiareh S. Deceased_ has (1,5)41(41 1)1111 since childhood end her loving and, eheerful eisposllion had 10011 Mr lam- a huge number of friends. Miss Hill has for nearly twenty years been a member of the Methodist elamich and, , during that time has used her talent to the best of her ability in, working - for her Savior. For 1/111110 years ehe' has been a tee eher in the Sunday School here and the impeession left upon her scholars Will, be lasting and, the result of 11111011 good. miss Inn has left a well speut life, her suamings, Were short and her death triumphant for whenthe su untone came the soul. was patiently awaiting its call and rose. . . . to be greeted in the bette,r shore by- a hither 112(1 ID alley who proceeded her ill -wilt five Years ago. A few years ago the deceased left this part for London. and while there connected herself with Cote erne St. Church end was warmly - welcomed bar its. members. During tbe past two s,,pars she spent most of . her time at Brussels at the home or ROV. Mr. , Alleu. She returned at Christnia,s ana a short time t1240 51.001 to vesicle at 'Crediton where she died. Ear abatable and genial manner has: W011 for her a phtee M the hearts of all who knew her and her seddenand sad. death was a shock to all. The funeral took place' from the residences of her brother, Richard to the Fetirfield,ceme- tery lind was folio -Wed by a large con- course of sorrowing friends. The fun- eral sermon was preached on Sunday evening by the Rev. 8.• Salton in the - Methodist church here and lVaS listen- ed. to by- 111051 gatheriug of SOLTOW- hag friends. It was all iMpressiVe :end touching -service and; brought tears to. many Of the hearers, who expressec1. sincere grief for the departed sister. Thebereaved brothers and sisters helve the heintfelt sympathST of the cone-, munity. Worla's Champion. Healer, "I tried many remedies to care piles," Writ08 Slitibh, of Latham Ina "but Mond no 'relief till I itsed, Bucklet's sli_rnica Salve. 1 ltahe not been tree deed svith piles since." Gr 11(11 ettpile cure on etuth and. the best salve in the world. 25e, per box guar- anteed by all drugists. Varna: A Higgins, our hustling, harness -maker: and implement agent,. has purchased Jas. Armstrong -SS 1081 4103100 in 'Varna, The prepertyis con- veniently situated anti hae 11 etimixiodi, ens house with a . se 111041 01(1 improve- ments, and, a good large shop, which B. A. is renovati rig in 'first-claesup-to- date style for his harness enipoehune 'Mr: Higgins gets possesion the. 1st of April; the piece paid was $1000. • EMTIrt. Enwsams.-In Allen, Craig, on March 5th, the wife of D, Edwards, of a 501.. OT.LLIES -In Ailsa Craig, en March 3,„ the Wife S. Gillies, 01. a ditug-hter, 1V1ARRIAGES. SUMNER---ROBINSON- At the resiclen ce- of the bride's pngents, on Mnrch 7t7), by Rev. R. Whiting, B. A., Mr. Ern- est Snniner, Logan, to .11fiss Annie, eldest daughter of -air. Wm. Robin- son, "Mitchell. LAWRENCE-- DA VIS--- At the residenee of the behles per tints, on Marcli 711, 14y lieV. J. T. Kervin, "Vitt George Laweence, Logan, to Aliss Siteics Mary siViliiteceh,odittughter :1.1'.v. John Davis, \ Frsitisa-TstostsoN--At the inans_e. Kippen, on Morch 7th, by Rev. Acheson, Mr. Robert G. Fisher, o'e 1-taryes-, Noetli Dakota, to )(Liss Ag- nes, daughter of the late George, Thomson, of the London R,oacl, Hay.. I-IonGANS--MoDoNtststs-At the Rec- tory, Ailsa Craig, on 1Vinrcia, 7th, by the Rev. L. W. Diehl, Romanis Levi ilodgins and Etta, McDonald, both of McGilliveay. Ktia.shAR-E-CA.NN-At the residence 01 1111' bride's parents, on March 71,11; by tile Rev. W. J. Waddell, George Kersliike to Miss Mary E. Cann, or usbotne. Delarits, BEETIIOU.R.—At Kirkten, March 10, the wife Of August,Beetliour, figeel .11 years, 8 tnouths,