HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-1, Page 6subseithelo who do not recelye their .jatpers reguialV will Please nOtify ns at °nee, Apply at this Oleo for advertising wales. E EXEIE It •A D V 0 ATE. ateeltou I, 1900. ARTIIOAL BROODIN. Do not heap up eggs in thti ameba - r. Look out for the rate in the brood- ing house. Peed the °hicks a little at a time, lest often The warm sunshine puts life into ake chicks. Never run the brooder heat over 90 degrees. Alwaye feed before 'watering chicks. Too muoh glass in the brooder is a mistake. An evenly trimmed wick gives the best heat. Remove all feed after the chicks sem satisfied. Never crowd a brooder to its adver- tised capacity. No machine can make a good hatch from poor eggs. „Even temperature in incubator mom is iruperative. The moisture question is being leaore successfully handled. Eggs from over -fat hens will not latch well, even under hens. Do not allow inquisitive people to tamper with the machines. Never allow more than one person In charge of the machines. There never was, and never will be, a einiversed panacea, in one remedy, for all Ills to which flesh is beir—the very nature tif znany curatives being such that were Us, germs of other and differently seated 'diseases rooted in the system of the losttient—what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We lave, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. lily its gradual and judicious use, the railest systems are led into convalescence Jutid strength, by the influence which Qui - mine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those rsritla whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a -disease, and, by tranquilizing, the nerves, .elisposes to sound and refreshing sleep- -imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being, stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy =alma' functionsof the system, thereby =asking activity a necessary result, Atrengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally 'demand increased substance—result, im- ,proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of -Toronto, have given to the public their auperior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, stud, gauged by the opinion of scientists, ibis wine approaches nearest perfection of 'lay in the market. All druggists sell it. Figs and Thistles. Many a God -sent affliction has been 'bridle to check presumption. 'God plans His own work. • The way to find more light is to .10sarch for it with what you have. • The highest peaks catch the first 11.21d the last sunshine. God cannot help the man who does slot feel the need of His help. Tearing up the warning red flag, --enly increases the danger. .The secret of happiness is the assur- ance that the Ruler of the universe -desires our happiness. ,A saew back for 50 cents. Miller's 'Kidney Pills and Plaster. A Philosopher. Ilopewell—I expect to make $20,- 000 out of that deal within six -months. Glumbird—I wouldn't count my eggs before -they axe hatched. "That's poor maxim. If von can get any fun out of counting them, it's SO MU& gain. What you don't want to do is to discount them." isk for Elinard's and take no Other. Diseriminattn g. "There are only tsvo types of fem- inine beauty that I really admire." "Indeed " exclaimed Miss Cay- enne. "Yes, only two." "And which are they?" "Blondes and brunettes." Salt rheum and all eczematoun con- elitions of the skin are cured by the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Misunderstood. Her Mother—Don't you Sad Jack 1Theeler rather rough, Priscilla? Priscilla—Yes. mamma. And yet Ale says he shaves every day. A Pill for Generous Eaters. --There are many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a hearty meal are. subject to much suffering. The foad of which they have partaken lies like lead in -their stomachs. Headache, depression, a smothering feeling follow. One so af- flicted is Uafit for'business or work of any :kind. In this condition Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will bring relief. They will as- sist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to directions will restore healthy digestion. The EssentianQuestion. The Candidate — Madam, I enter your house with clean handle The Housewife—Did you wipe your Yeet? Weak constitutione isre built up be Miller's Compound Iron IeilIs. Not ft Favorite Breed. The Man who tides tachairlless wheel ' • At sol easy-gbing 3g,- Zetjoys his "bike," lint he doesn t like To meet with a cheittless dog. DOINGS OF TI -IE WEEK TE MS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD pruned, Punctuated and Preserved in Pithy ParallfraPhs or the Perusal ef Practical PeoPle Perrenal, Political end Profitable. UlYCEASSIFIED. Ten and a half inches of snow 1 at Philadelphia on. Saturday. The Hamilton Patriotic Fund Saturday reached 411,637.99. Argentine and Portuguese por have been declared free of the b bonic plague. The late Sir George Airey Kirkpt rick, who died on Dec. 13 last, 1 an esta,to valued at 850,233.91. New York had a blizzard on Satu day. Several ships went a,groun and on land trains were delayed. Judge Richards of Winnipeg h been appointed chairman of the E vator Commission, to succeed the la Judge Senkler. The Internal Management Commi tee of the Hamilton Board of Educ tion is not in favor of compulso vaccination of children. J. Dui-lamei of the Interior Depar ment saved a girl (who would n give her name) and a „boy fro drowning in the Rideau Canal. Th broee through the ice. Mr. Bennett, the Secretary of t United States Senate, announced the House the passage of the curre cy bill by the Senate. The announc ment was greeted with applause. An Imperial edict, just issue commands Li Hung Chang to des crate ancl destroy the tombs oi ti ancestors of the Chinese reforine Rang Yu Wei, and offers 100,00 taels for the capture of Kany Y Wei, dead or alive. Dr. Beaudry, Medical Health 015 cer of the Province of Quebec, r ports. that since Atig, 18 there hay been 296 cases • of smallpox, 196 which have been in the municipalit of Mount Carmel, the population o which is only 1,075. Mr. Michael Davitt, who resigne his seat in the House of Commons a a protest against Great Britain's po icy towards the Transvaal, will stai for South Africa this week. He sai he wanted to be where everybody' thoughts are centred. The Duke of Westminster's wil was filed on Friday. It shows gross estate value of £594,229. Th Daily Chronicle says the death dutie are responsible for this shrinkag from £14,000,000 at which the es tates were once valued. The exchange of ratifications of th Samoan treaty took place on Frida at the United States State Depart ment, London and Berlin. Secretar Hay represented the lJnited States Lord Pauncefote Great Britai and Mr. Von Ilolleben Germany. A convention in the interest of th establishment of the beet sugar in dustry in this province will be hel in. Toronto, on Wednesday next, th 21st inst. The local Government ha consented to hear a deputation as t urging the establishment of the in dustry along the lines adopted in th States. The sealskin sacque of Miss Mary Hopkins, a young woman who 'wa travelling from Toronto to New York, was seized by U. S. customs officers on a G. T. R. train on Sat- urday. She said it was an old gar- ment that she had repaired in Toron- to; it was held for investigation and she was permitted to go on to New York. The relief of Kimberley caused a patriotic outburst throughout all Canada, and particularly in Ontario. In many towns the bells were rung, steam whistles blew and the children in the schools sang patriotic songs. At several places the schOol children were given a holiday and processions took place. Everywhere the British flag was flung to the breeze. Adele Renouard, one of the best known concert singers in Paris, France, was on Sunday burnt alive in her house. Albert Edmonds and 'wife of Galt were nearly suffocated by coal gas on Saturday morning. The doctor had great difficulty in bringing the couple around, Thomas Hodgins of Tyendinag'a was killed on Friday near Rathbun Station by part of a load of wood which he was driving falling on him. Arthur Lennox, a son of George Lennox, 5 years of age, living at Stratford, Ont., was drowned Friday afternoon in the creek which runs near his house. Walter and Blanche Hird, who were driving a milk wagon at Brantford on Friday, were run down by a T., R. & B. Railway train and narrow- ly escaped with their lives. The boy's leg was broken, but the little girl, although knocked senseless, had Only a few cuts and, bruises, Rains and a rapid thaw have caus- ed, many rivers' to overflow, and there are unprecedented floods in various 'parts of the United Kingdom. Sev- eral provincial towns are inundated. ; great damage has been done to farms, hundreds of sheep and other live stock have been drowned, and Much of the railroad traffic is suspended. THE LABOR WORLD. The Situation at Fort de France, Island of Martinique, now is calm, but several arrests have been made of strikers for interfering :With the men at work. " The 2,000 employes of the Lehigh Coal Company, in the Hazelton re - "glen, were notified on Friday of an- other iticrease of 2 per Cont. in their Wages the increase having gone into effect Feb. 12. Paris, France, cabmen will inau- gurate a strike as they did on the oe- casions of the expositions in Oa t City in 1878 and 1889 before the op- ening of the exposition this year. They want to be paid a fixed sum as a daily wage. The printers of, the Governtnent Bureati at Ottawa deny that they conteniplate a strike, but they are asking for an increase in wages, They 'Want $1.5 per week. They at peesent receive $12 oar week of 4a CASUALTIES. rer-e-er hem 4, and 401, the (1 overt) inent holi- diQ S. ill Ilia eft.), neWspaper pflices the rate is 811 per week of 48 liOuraa•In the jet.) Oillne$ the rate is 811 i)er AN't'Ot of 54 hours. The same , rates prevail elsewhere in 'Canadian cities: ' , „IODINE AND' CHIMINAida. 1/eCker, the female member of '.tile alleged counterfeiting gang was releasdd at 'Woodstock on Saturday. She was ,'put in the box for the Crown: ' Roland Burnham Ntolineux was sen- tenced at, „New Y ork on Friday .to clie in the,, electric chair during the week of ',March. 26. Counsel for Mol- iiieuX ,served botice of appeal for a new trial. Aalleen Alnins, a 15 -year-old girl and her infant, is at the home for the Friendless in Hamilton, and the girl's father has been arrested for incest.. The girl's story, according to the police, is harrowing-. W. F. Miller of the Franklyn Spa dicate, New York, took in about $1,. 000,000 in cash from depositors, who numbered 17,000. During the months of October and November there was. a profit of over $500,000:for those two menth' alone. George Young, sentenced to impris- onment for life, for the murder of Fred Glover, near Southwold Station, died, in leiugston Penitentiary on Sat- urday: The murder was committed on Feb. 8, 1897, and arose out of a quarrel about some turkeys. Henry Almas appeared before Mag- istrate Jells at 'Hamilton on Satur- day on the charge of incest,. His 16 - year -old daughter, Aileen ,May, told a terrible story to ehe magistrate. M- inas elected to be tried by a jury, and was committed for trial. FOR MEN OF WAR. Later reports show that Rabah, who was defeated in battle by a French expedition, was strongly en- trenched at Kona, between the French Congo and Lake Tchad. Kouna was defended by 12,000 men, with 2,500 rifles and 3 cannon. Af- ter a desperate fight, according to the despatch, the French demolished the fortress. RAILROAD RUMBLING S. The earnings of the C. P. R. for the week ending Feb. 14 are $501,- 000, which, compared with the cor- responding • week of last year, 8446,- 000, shows an increase of 855,000. The aareings of the Grand Trunk Company for the week ending Feb. 14 are 3369,744, which, compared with $32:3,800 for the corresponding week of last year, shows an themes& of, 345,933. TIEDE DEAD. Edwin Allen Jones, father of Lieut. - Col. Jones, is dead at Quebec. John Leys, once a prominent law- yer in Toronto and a brother of Col. Leys, M.P.P., of London, died On Saturday in Mexico. A cable . from Java announces the death of James Rowe, who bet Pet- rolea, Ont., about 15 months ago as a driller. Mr. Rowe leaves a wife and four children. Walter Telfor (-Tip") Arthurs, eld- est son of the late Lieut. -Col. Ar- thurs of Toronto, died It Monterey, Mexico, on Sunday. As a lacrosse player he was in his day noted from one end of Canada to the other. He was 40 years old and leaves a wife. Interfered With Dim Dream. The old man was sleeping souudly, al- though the morning sun was well up in, the shy. "G'it up der. Lias!" said the old wom- an, giving him a vigorous shake. The e;11 rnan raised himself in bed, rub- bed his eyes, then, juMping to the floor, began to flail his wife with the broom- stick. "What yoh beatin me fer?" she gasped. "Don't ax mel" he exclaimed excitedly. "Ain't I done tole yob time en ergin nev- er ter wake me w'en 1 dreamin er mon- ey?"—Atlanta Constitution. Bad vorm. Meidge—Who was that young fellow in the party last night that never bought once? Yabsley—Efim? He is buyer for a dry goods house. Of conrse he didn't buy. In the first Place, buying wet goods is not in his line, and, in thsecond place, being a buyer by profession, you could not expect him to talk shop. --Indianapo- lis Press. Not a Showman. Bobby—Are you in the show busi- ness, Mr. Wedder? Mr. Wedder (with eight children) —Why, no, Bobby; what made you think so? Bobby-- Oh, I heard papa tell Kate that if she married you she'd have a whole menagerie to look after. tilinard's Liniment Lumberthan'a Friend, Golden Rod a Honey Food. While clover is said to be the finest food for honey -producing bees, and clover honey deservedly ranks first, there are many who prefer the strong- er flavor of buckwheat honey. It will probably be news to many that in some parts of the country fields of golden rod are cultivated by bee- keepers. Matronly Advice. "And, remember, dear," said the ex- periencecl matron to the bride, "if you wish to preserve your husband's love, do not be jealous. 'Merely pre- tend to be. That will give him a good opinion of himself, and of your appreciation of his fascinations." anm.tatemormeregyamommenwnweesompossoapalmarmansederwm TKE 'JOHN LABliTT, London, A. undoubtedly THE BEST. Testimonials from 4 chemists, 10 medals, I, drolornas 'rfle moat wholesome of beverages. Recommended by Physicians. For sale every - *here. ' . oe. ,An ()takers' ing,Child. Hazel is 'just Six years old, She ggeato a kindergarten .and is jrist learning her letters. The other day the teacher was endeavoring to teaeh ler ttehde on it. Part of the alPhabet 'and help up a b/OCk with a big pr.iu "Hazel, what is this?" Tiazel thought a long bine and celled it "L'' "No, no, Hazel.,You ought to know what this is. hat does vonr father drink every night for supper?" "Beer!" 'shouted Hazel, , and she wondered why Inc teacher smiled. A DIABETES CURE. Michael Hallern, of St: Thomas, Cured by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, Suffered With Diabetes and Backache for Over a Year—Was Advised to Use Dodd's Kidney Ettis — "saved From His Grave." St. Thomas, Feb. 19.—Nowhere ixi Ontario are Dodd's Kidney Pills more highly valued than in the neighbor- hood of St. Thomas. They are fain - Ons for having first given sufferers from Bright's Disease and Diabetes a road to safety, for previous to the discovery of Dodd's Kidney Pills these diseases were invariably fatal. Michael Hallern, a farmer living near St. Thomas. ,i one of those who fully appreciate the worth of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He has good reason to. He was cured of Diabetes by their use. He admits that but for Dodd's Kidney Pills he would be in his grave to -day. Diabetes is a loca'l disease of the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills are therefore the only medicine of the slightest use in the treatment of this disease. The kidneys are the only organs affected, and Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only medicine that can reach the kidneys with any beneficial effect. There are moreover a number of other diseases which are caused by disorder of the kidneys and Dodd's Kidney Pllis by curing the kidney disorder removes the cause of these other troubles. Thus it is that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only radical and permanent cure for Dropsy, Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sci- atica, Bladder and Urinary Cora - plaints, Female Disorders and un- healthy condition of the blood. As for Diabetes the statement sign- ed by Mr. Hallern, of St. Thomas, and witnessed by Mr. E. E. Ostran- der, of Dutton, will prove that the claims made for Dodd's Kidney Pills are absolutely true. The statment reads: "I have been troubled for one year with Diabetes. My back was in the Worst kind of pain all the time. My urine was very dark and my condition was getting very serious. A friend of mine told me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have now used one box and am already completely cured. My urine is at its natural color and my back is as strong as a board. I can not praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too hiahly for I am certain they have saved nee from the grave." Thousands Like Her.—Tena McLeod, Severn Bridge, writes: "I owe • a debt of gratitude to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for curing me of a severe cold that troubled Inc nearly all last winter." In order to give a quietus to a hacking cough, take a dose . of Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric 011 thrice a day, or oftener if the cough spells render it necessary. Knew What Was Coming. She—Reggie, dear, there is some- thing of the old-time love light in your eyes to-night—something about you that reminds me of those sweet days of long ago. I hope you have— He—Yes, I have a little left. How much will let me out this time—ten or twenty? New life for a quarter. Miller's Coin - pound Iron Pills. Proved His Innocence. Mrs. Crimsonl3eak —• I understand they found a shirt button in the con- tribution box, to -day. I hope you didn't put it there, John? Mr. Crimsonbeak—Me? You ought to know I haven't had a shirt but- ton on a shirt for six weeks! Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians. Also a Church Dignitary. It is but little known that in addi- tion to being "defender of the faith" by virtue of her position of sovereign, Queen Victoria is also the oldest dig- nitary of the church by virtue of her position of prebendary of St. David's cathedral, Llandaff. The best reniedy for scrofula is Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents, Puzzled. "Papa." "Does the fall of night have any- thing to do with the break of day?" The great lung healer is found in that excellent, medicine sold as 13ickle's Anti. Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- ininishee the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages, and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when supposed.tO be far advanced in consump- tion.' Judging by Appearances. Totinny—Say, Jhnmie, wot is °lassie. cal nerefic? Jimmie --It's the kind you can't un- derstand unleee you wear long laair• Why He Loved Wagner. 'Who is your favorite compoeer?" asked the young woman. 'Well," answered Ur. Blykens, 4"so far as I am able to judge my favorite conrooser is Wagner." 'Wagner?" "Ves. I love Wagner. I don't profess to know much about him, but I am assured on competent authority that he never wrote any of tilos° rag- time tunes for the street pianos to play. A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occa- sionally will keep the ehildren healthy. Further Evidence. "There is something, after all, in the idea of opals being unlucky." "What new light have you had on it?'' "Youny Ilankinson has a fine opal ring,. He was wearing it the even- ing he proposed to Miss Garling- horn.'' "And she refused him?" "No. She accepted him." Deaftiess Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an:in- flamed condition of the IYIUC0118 lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube &refs infla,m- ea you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when 11 11 entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflarmalation can be taken o ot and this tube restored to its nor- mal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca- tarrh', which is nothing but an inflamed con- dition of the mucous•stirfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Dall's Catin rh Cure. Send , for circulars free. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. raid -Sold by Druggists, 75e. Hit; Only Alternative, The Lady—What caused you to be- come a tramp? The Tranap—I wuz drove away from a happy home an' forced ter be- come a wanderer. The Lady—How did that happen? The Tramp—Me wife an' me mud - der said dat I eider had ter go to work er git out, an' I got out. Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in children. A Plain Declaration. Fond Mother -- Has Mr. Brown, with whom you have been dancing all the evening, at last declared his intentions? "Yes, mamma." "Thank goodness! What did he say?" "He declared he would never get married." MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS te CO., Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen,—In Januery last, Francis Le - claire, one of the men employed by me working In the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him, crushing, him fearfully. He was, when 'found, placed on a sled and taken home, where grave i ears were entertained for his recovery, his hips being badly bruised nnd his body turned black 'from his ribs to his feet, We used, MINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely tO deaden the pain, and with the use of three bottles be was com- pletely cured and able to return to Ids work. SAUVER DUVAL. Elgin Road, L'Islet Co.,'Que., • May 26th,a893, Literary Goesia. He—Well, I see they've sold over 300,-, 000 copies of "David Hamm" now. She --Dear mei Doesn't it beat all how the people rush to buy everything that Kipling writes!—Chicago Times- EiPcald- To the odorless crematory closet 00., Hamilton, Ont. DEAR Suts,--About a year ago I bought from yOU 00e Of your OdOrleSS Crematory Closets and have since used it constantly in my pi IvatA res- idence with splendid satisfaction. I am so wen pleased with a that you tan ship me another it once for my hote.. Your very truly-, J. H. March, Markdale, Ont. The following are the names of a few prominent citizens who are using this closet, and from whom. we 'have very flatterng testimonals: Dr. D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont. Dr. McGIatighlan. Bovemanville, Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frarikville, Ont. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptville, Ont. Dr. Ulrie Gabourg. Plaiitaganet, Ont, Judge A. C. Chadwick., Guelph, Ont. C. J. A/Tickle, B. A., Chesley, Ont. Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont. L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commerce, Strathroy, Out. Peter Hope, merchant, Perth, Ont. jets. Moffat, merchant, Amherst, N. S. IFOr Ca.tal or tte anti swritte1 latNe'r 1 te 10 THE ODORLESS CREMATORY CLOSET 00., )(IA ONT. Ills Own Fault. Houlihan—Clancy is forever taok. ling a bigger mon than himself and getting licked! CJahill—Yis I Clancy is his worst inany I own A ltefortner In Part. "Mr. Smith, do 'you want me to adopt rational dress?'' - 'No, my dear, but I'd like you to wearces],t rrational dress at rationa rl Analyzed. Cora --There are no less than fez different colors iu my new shir* waist. I tell you it's a dream. Merritt—A dream? Why, my dear, it's a nightmare. PLOWS, ROLLERS & IIARROWS Bo.tt tila`de. SOIld for Co.talwrile. COCKStiUTT PLOW CO., BRA, TFORD. LUCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, Le1;e1,te Blreca' ees IV1PORTRS OF GROCERIES, L.,s;44' F:x"rt raoB Write us. HAMILTON. L.S. lL Spices BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO., 1Ia Union Station Arcade, Toronto, CATHOLIC PRAYER Bo'gx'ssR, eapntars, Religious Pictures, ,Statuary and Church Cams - means, Educations.] Works. Mail orders receive Prompt attention.D. & Sadlier 81 Go. 110D trl. ATCAI3SOLUT'ELY FREE. war - ranted perfect time -keeper, to BOYS and GIRLS for distributing, Adver- tising Matter. Won't cost you a cent. Sem! address for particulars. Saurii Dims. LoNnoN. Strong Flyers NTEAny quantitv50 tol000. Wifl pay good price. -Write at once. Mention this paper. G. W. °realm W odbine Club House,Toronta STOPPED FREE. Permanent. IT I y Cured. DR. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER. Positive cure for all Nervous Diseases, Fits, Epilepsy, Spasms and St. Vitus'llance. No Fits or Nervousness after first day's use. Treatise and 82 trial bottle sent through Canadian Agency FREE to Fit patients, ,they paying express charges only when received, „Send to Dr. Kline,s31 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. USE ULRICH'S ENSILAGECIANT PROLIFIC CORN' IMPROVED LEAMING YELLOW DENT E. R.' ULRICH & SONS; Ask your dealer for samples and testimonials. FREE BEST FENCE MA. CHINE MADE, to first -purchaser in each neighborhood, of no2 less than 1000 lbs. Coil. ad Spring wire atmar- ket price. Offer open for 30 days to intro. 'duce our goods. McGregor, Banwell & coawendsoraana, CHA PION Evaporator For MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR. Efts ta corrugated pan over firebox, doutling boiling capacity and saving fuel; small Intel cliangeable syrup pans (connected oy siphons),easlly handled for cleans- • Ing and st aing, and a perfect automatic regulator, winch secures rapid and shallow evs,pors„ tion,andproduces the best quality of syrup. The Champion vais a perfeet epora- CATALOGUE tor for e FREE. SORGHUM,CIDER & FRUIT JELLIES THE 0. N. CHUM MFG. CO 84 Wellington St., Montreal. :,.... Ha..... 1 WATCH nub:IPA-7 n ed Warranted 25 Tears , Rol r __I ' ABSOLUTELY FREE. A Genuine Yon sell nothing -help us to getlo members for Offer. , our Watch Club that's all. Don't cost you a cent. Highest Grade Huber -Bram -Oen 1 Watches supplied to member 41.00 pe ldreminbeigliwear watch while paying for it. Send address for price list. DOMINION' WATCH CLUB, LONDON, ONT. j 41alfalalalaiv101,11, 41)/1111111, •••••••••••••••••roommoneen........3 T. N. U. 260 Cleansing and Washing Powder. ... cope ONLY X0MINAL No strong Lye. Chloride of Lhans Benzine or Coal 011 needed.,. For Domestic Use, for the finest lace to the dirtiest greasy clothes. For Metal tftensiis of tat kinds, Pines, Sfnice, eto.'7 Fer Washing Paint, Floors and Animals, and for the Bath, also for uso as a disinfectant. For printers' use,, for waShilig Type, Rollers encl. ldachiriery. Tho Powder 15 Odorless and pee. .fectly harmless to bands or material. Put tip in 110,, 711), and 6 lb. packages, ,ati5o. lb. A liberal discount to the trade, Coal Saving and Smoke Consuming Compound. For Nouse Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, and fet, manufacturing concerns., Tbiet, powder StrYes 20 to 40 percent. of 606,1, &et); up &steadier 4fid strongerlioat and steam:, • It i5Yory staipie t� nee (ne Changing ofilre-pleees) and Ioaf3sato to 1100(118 08 the peal tteett. Gee 7 lb. Portion_ dissolved in .watiit' and Sprinkled oid the coal, ' Price 6 dente per lb, Or $100Per tea. If your grocer or druggist has not got above we will furnish it on application With full dire& tion5fot nse. Golobrat ed Premium ittacilage,'Llthogratne and Lithogram Compealtion to be hail at all first claSe stationers, eta'. AULD MUCILAGE CO., . . 17 Bleary St., MontriaS.