HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-1, Page 502ertier gltv.ocaf. , Is published everyThursday Morning, at the ef}aoe, 'MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. the----- ADVOOATE PUBt. ISH'NG COMPANY TERMS O1 SUBSC1iIPTION,: Gu® Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 181,50 if not so paid, ti-&v-oxtidiaa:E; Mote ra ora.-11.4p2alioa-. tiara, No paperdieoontiuued until it11arre''rage; are paid. Advertisements without tk peciIIo directions will be published till forbid and chargedaocordingly. Liberal discount made for transoiont advertisements inserted for. long periods, Every description of JOB' PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-: ere, flit, for adyortisin g, subscriptions ,etc.to be made payable to Chas.II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP' Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S,, D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto' University. • D'ENTISTS, Tenth extracted without any pain, or any bad affects. Office in Fanson's Block,' west side Main Street,Exoter. TDR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S•,L.D:S:,) .lam honors Graduate of the Toronto' Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. Medical D.T. P. McLAUGFLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons uteric. Physician, Surgeon. and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont'. - — Legal' TytOKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, V Solicitors, Notaries; Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the :Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 51VV per ffi. cent. Vane Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A. member of the firm will bo at Hensall on Thursday of each week.) I. R. CARLING, B. A,. L. H. DICBSON,; ELLIOcT, & (LAD erA.N, BARRISTERS, Etc., Canveya.n'cers, and Money to Loan. B. V. ELLIOT. F. W. CILADMAN. Anetion eerl TT BOSSENBERRY,GrandBend, Licensed 11• Auctioneer for ()Guilty Fruron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. �1 BROWN ,Winchelsea. Licensed Auot • ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms roa- sonbile.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. Insurance. L' ELLIO T a, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter ran aticaticAa." alkalSrana..141a 4 .,. PAYS 1. ,I�.. IT To read the big stores' ad- vertisements t"' s .ii 4 ST. 1 I � jql,c 16 1y� For whose good are we in i4 the furniture :. business? For we are not If yours and ours. - useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not rnake a success of our busi- ness. ` But we have been doing li. ' business right along for or years, which proves that we are the with the right kind of :people 'right prices. -Come and see for yourself . , .. ' 4 R 4 4 4 S. GIDLEY & SON. Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. pp 'SirlIgr"iC'0r'p'iiT'aar'8rNrNIr TlarAh The M o sons Bank. ( Chartered by Parliament. 1855.. Paid' up Capital $2,500,000. Rest.Fund. .... . . ..:...........1,625,000 Hand office Montreal F. WOLFER9T AN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers dJs.t7 per cont: per annum, 5 EyETEFt, BRANCH-- Open RANCH—Open every lawful day from " 10 a.m.' to J p,ai; Saturdays lO a.m. to 1 p A general banking business transacted. CURRENT RATES allowed fo money on DonositReceipts, Saiing3,B:tulc at 3%. DICKSON fr,CARLINO, N.D. HuR1,O.N; Solicitors. Manager, TO . TFIE .DEAF.—A Lich lady, cured .of her Deafness and Noises in the Ffead'-by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear'Drums, has sent ;1;1,000 to his In- stitute, so that deaf people unable to . Ear Drums may. have prcr�ul't: tilt, F.L Y ) them free. Apply to D,`:'1artment A. S. N, The Institute, Longeott, ('j;trtruer;l.),tt ✓, Lollciciu, W. England,' ria (r• f'7,, • T1b You can cough yourself into bronchitis ,pneu- monia, and con- sumption. Bandaging and bundling your throat will do no good. You must give your throat and Lungs rest and allow the cough wounds to heal. There is noth- ingn bad foz' a i so g cough h as cough- ing.g ing. Stop it by L using t Even the cough of early consumption is cured. And, later` on, when the disease is firmly fixed, �, you can bring rest and in everycase. comfort A 25 cent bottle will cure new coughs'and colds ; the 50 cent size is better for settled coughs of bronchitis and weak lungs; the one dollar size is more economical for chronic cases and con- sumption. It's the size. you should keep on hand. "All families ought to bo ou the watch.forsudden attacks of croup or acute lungtroubles. Every caun- tryhome in the land should keep Cherry Pectoral constantly on hand to provide against an emergency." JOSIAE G. WrLi.Is, M D., Dee. 14, 1858. Holland, Mich. ► • .$ ti! a Clinton: It was a fatal accident which happened to theyounglad, Mei- vin A. the 12 -year-old son of Alex- ander Neelands, who lives on Rich. Baker's farm, in Colborne' township. ti� �da ' last the •ono fellow On .elle s t 5 b was around when the men were load- ing logs, and one rolling off, the boy in some way had his head struck, thereby causing a fracture at the base f skull.. Be was rendered uncon- c tthe scions, and was -so until his 'death, which took place at Di•. Gunin's hospi— tal in town. 'On Saturday he.was con- veyedinto town to the hospital With a view to operate en, hut being . so Weak he passed away on Sunday morn- ing. 9 CLERuY�IBN'S INFiU��CE. Pane's trj Oomollrn1 Recommended by Reu. C. M. Tyles, a Methodist Minister of Noua Scotia. It Saves the Life of Mr. G. W. Parks. A Gain in Flesh of '1 hirty-two Pounds in Thio Weeks. Amongst professional men who are active; and at -d": fit advocates of. Paine's 'Celery Colnpou ick, C.ergymen ore found who never weary in recommend- ing the wonderful Medicine to mere hers of their churches who are ailing, sick and. diseased. The trine and honest clergymen who has• himself experienced thi Life giv- ing. powers of P tine s. helery Coin pond—who hat's been raised. frorxi weak- ness'of body to full health arid vigor; feelsita duty to speakto otheirs of the only true health }1nd strength' builder• that the -world has ever seen. Mr., G. W. Parks, ` once near - the dark grave , Blit rescued and saved by Paine's Celery Oornpou-nil after failures of his doctors, sends the following lei': - ter: "While at ` seal. T was taken sick, which c mpellud� Inc to abandon iny. Lvnrk.tla'c1 seek home and rest. I con- sulted,Lhe doctors who pronounced it �. p typhi id or slow fever. I suffered se - •a - and cold ve'rely frotrr nl ht syveuts, chills during the day. Added to this I_sjas'extvemely nervous, which Lyeak erle,l Me and reduced my flesh until T way'af mei e (-.keleton.' This continued tillail Bast winter, when my Wing andr 7 DA7f,S T.,Af, Ponsf P 'friends began 1o'despairof myrecovery as the medicines: 1 took- produced the (10 good, and 1 ii•as gradually growing " Thr'oogh) the influence of Rev. C. 1F.1.'i ylt'i, i was induced to give Paine's Celery (�eh>',y Goin )rftl a trial, and I can' } truly sa • rt Lvtprk'cd wonders, Thet .y y 1i1;st [cotta ;9;x00 me great, relief, and 'five ipcltales ra)rnplc,tc.lq:. cnrerl: mc. I gained, thirty-tivo pounds m three, weeks, and ;or) 1100r strong and heal- thy. eatl- th . .l would urge the Sutferenlg every- Whereto give I'(L ne'S Celery Compound 1 tis Lrrn which, t 1 icI c wr, [ � �c ] action )1 .ts u t t,u 1 l+ < 1 OANAOIhN p[tiN i oLi l� 21, as the happy leve, of the lreti5e,ltiht s<Licl; "Calla here, Jokin, 1111 J; •Cut that oll,'r Otobe Caixtigna. Globe report; 1 t will be noticed that,. in the ,list; of `killed the name of Manion fs queried, 'I his is,because Six Alfred Al.ilner's despatch is not clear on the' point,' and confuses the name with' Massie/1. The latter name isnot fb'und'9n the official ros- ter of the .h ltaliott furnished from Ottawa,'though thet-o is a 0. 1', Ma-. son' of the 43rd Batt. in '`1?" Co. in NIr. Hamilton's original list, how-. every Pte. 'Manio �l's name � -was given unmistakably, and ' he was classed among the Toronto Inn. Major Arnold's Death Brings Sunday's List u'1 to 20. 'There Were Three Who Died and Tine, lY►p Were Killed Slieo tho \VGe• D.- gan at Other tunes -Private Manion et 'roroato, Drax cart if f llod 4s 10,40, t- md_'rltm Uffeiar I.1st of tipo \founded Wiiutipe;;'-1lournin;;. Ottawa, Feb. 27. ---Yes crcla r Sir t ,) Alfred :Milner. cabled Lord Minto:' the official list of wounded tcpgz'ted by the Lted Cross Commissioners, They- are hey are asfollows: cltt,,,., 7 ,p,t o:" tit, omeiea. Capt. Arnold, Lieut. Mason; 7,017, Andrews; 7,021, c e e,l. e r l'3 l hl i - a r can; 7,046, lfinchstyles 7;970, Loe- man; 7,082, AlcKenzic r 081 p\ieh- ergall; 7,111, Thompson; 7,041, Dixon 7,152, Siplri; 3,062, $te caves 7,156; Smith; 500, Posvar 211 Ile- Laren; 7,252, Whitecroft, 7,225, Pad• - den 7,218, Mayntife; 7,197, Green; 3,206, Dingwall 3,115, Baugh 7,130 Corby; 7,182, Day; 7,393, Stewart; 7,856, Kennedy 7,406, Ward; 4105, McLaughlin; 7,398, Ussher; • 7,898, Vandewater; 7,360, McOiver•in; 7,392, Sutton; 7,336, Day; 7,462, Bradshaw; 7,5.10, Laird; 7,103, Gibson; 4,111, Thompson; 7475, Clarke 7,527, Nle- Auiey; 7,474, Coleman; 7, S'LS, Lorne; 6,579, McLaughlin; 8,00;1 (douhtiul), Gifford; 7,960, McCreary; 8,151, ISe- gtin; 8,128, McCalluin; 7,16S, Burns; 7,542, Ritchie; 5,094, McGill; 7,671, MclLor; 7,697, Thomas; 7,689, Shaw; 7,702, Turner 7,687, Gor- man; 7,665, Roberts; 5,124-, Moore; 6,559, Otton; 7,829, Bunter; Scott; 8,861, Hudson; • 8,001, 'l\ay'e; 7,943, Johnson; 8,105, Johnston; 8,054, Adams; 7,160, Adonis. .,L. The cable further states that the O list f dead is asbefore reported, u�d. b o c 1 c, with the exceptions, for Manner ell, read. Mandreil, for Denimigan ream Donegan, and for Manion read Mas- sion. Two More Deaths. The Militia Department received a cable from Col. Otter J'esterday an- nouncing -the death of Capt. I4- M. Arnold of Winnipeg and Pte. McCre- ary of the 74th, Sussex,N.B. Pte. McCreary died on the 1.9tth, the day after the fight, and Major Arnolcl, who was :reported wounded, died 00 Friday last. Major Arnold Wats captain ' of the Winnipeg, Company. Both died in the hospital. a ,u.dp,�. �.,, t•.11 26. The list of dead among the Cana- dians cabled to The Globe, which gave the number as nineteen, turns out to have. been correct, although the War Office gave the figures as 14. The Globe's list contained the nanse of Pte. McCreary of the 67th Batt., recruited with "G" Company in blew: Brunswick,' \who died the day follow- ing the engagement, and his. na,lne Was included in The Globe's list as first publisheel. • The death of Capt. 1.1 M. Arnold, also reported yester- day, brings 'the total deathsC1:n- adians in. that Sunday's battle ,up to 20. Then three others who left with t thecontingent, r ent t P c Dell tri b a z err, Pte. Moore and Farley,h t .e since died. Three other Canadians killed— Lieut. Osborne and Capt. Hensley who were with General Buller, and Lieut. Wood, who was killed near Belmont. Thus far the Canadian death roll since c thewar til began to- tals 2(3 officers and men f N „ ,,nrh Wales. The Lieutenant -Governor of New South \Vales cables to Lord pinto as follows: • "Sydney, N,S.W.,- Feb. 26. — The Premier, on behalf of the people of New South Wales; desires to express deep sympathy with the people of Canada in the loss of so many of her valuable and gallant 'SODS. •(Signed) Fred M: Darlet. • t 51134,194 The Canadian Patriotic Fund now totals 8134,154. Militia orders containing the list of Canadians killed at Pa:ar de.berg Drift are heavily bordered in black. III:OTHER AND sI,TElt HEARD IT. A Reporter Coniuiuniea tes Goaid NewN to 1 ''1.111.1 ,U, ion'N F,'i ',,d •, Toronto, Feb, 27. =• Toronto has mourned three dead, one of which was W. G. Manion. Everyone mourn- ed nis death, but to none did• it come like it came to his sister, Gertrude, and•to his brother; John. ,From early age ant ec itJ= had bot.0 d the three to- gether: 1Villiaen, at the age • of '18, was helping ,to support the other two Wu.S helping to support the. other two. As they grew up the two youngest, became • self-supporting, but they all contrived to lite within calling dis- tance of each other. The sister took the news 01 her brothers death as only a sister can, but the brother refused at first to be- e it, (1raiiva,l]y, 110v.ever, through letters fr.,Lri Ottawa and the condolences of mends, he was con- vinced o i r then-icity it w,,,' all a ilustake.:In trans- , or..:a tL)essa',., the cnin,, man- sun 'tike., it i' re of AL scion. of the -news rt +.1 7r evert c3, rell the news 't to r, bre l.ir. •Miss Ger- trude .- 511011, 011 hcairinip' the news, Nyco.. +'•„,t,1.1!oiuereu., , orryings down - stall -In, pale and si e thereporter, L� c L� it,- ,. eial?C being {, ua t NVitS, her face hri 1,teeet., but her breast was. too full to sa.y more. hrother tt 9)1,1'etl up at 2 Gladstone'-a,<.,t.�:''Tile man 01 the • h to'the +1:'or, and, on bt tn0' `as„ed t.f y,,,.is, Wa.,i,:: lived there, he Sit id Ter- Wei:- do vim P i,i10 17)7? 11'< C t.ti _hc; 3'nil(i,t IrTor:nyl ' 1 ,,Bough to be Ilea•d a, block: away... ' I '`Ucrue in;'' he. s:)id. "John, you're • wanted.” ohn wan quickly told 'the t-.10 turned' 000/6 not t speak a, few seconds, and then i . 1tr10)0 "'.f. Icnet+,' he wasn't kilted eel. u . 7 it." '1;hrz1, he lreikc,, down of ;Sane era tie TUI: STLLATliCoN-t 1101157:'., EXETER MARKETS. (Changed' every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel tiff to 'U Flour per cwt,,,,,. ,. , ., -. .. ....1,85 to 2.00, SNrlyy 89 to 48 Oett 20 10 27 Peas 3j3 to n5 Butter 17 to 18 EgK$ 15 t'otatoex ppr bag__ 40 Dred eAt ples CrpIb ..... . .. .:. ....•,7 00 0 &i5 Turkeys p l 5 to 1) Chiekan -+c, 1U. Du"vke..,. , 7 t metio 7 6010,. �40 to 45 0 Clover ..:.-......, .. :'..,......•,450 to 5.5 I: euxr in a I)ay;in Montreal-- Younz Luis•, Accented. Aoil reLlI l ei} a the Mayoror received a telegram' atnt" yesterd Ly from Lord Strathcona saying that his "J:Eorse" would remain over in Mont real a clay, AIr'. J ohti 'Barry who volunteered for active service in South. Africa in place of lass brother, who was [killed, has been accepted, and will he attach- ed to the Strathcona horse, Messrs. John A. .Barry & Company received information to this effect' yesterday morning from Ottawa. poen-N , ;11' .:pe Town, Cape Town, Feb, 27. The Cana- dian transport Pomeranian frond ..EIal ifax, Jan. 27, -with another conting- ent of Canadian troops 011 board, has arrived here. %%111 Go a• a Itchier, Toronto ]?0b. 27. — Probably the youngest bugler enlisted is Edward McCormick of the Queen's Own Rifles whose mother lives at 17 Gildersleeve; avenue in this city- He received word yestorduy, and left M Lhe even- ing to join the Strathcona Horse, now mustering. at Ottawa. •Bugler' McCormick attended the public here he c up to a year ago. when he went into, the employ -of Messrs. Lobb & Baird, barristers, at 2 To- ronto street. bre is only 16 years of age and was field in high esteem by his .comrades in the Q. 0.R. The r eat Draped with Flags.' Ottawa, Feb. 27. - Pte. lath, R. E. Lewis, who was killed in battle on the 1,8th inst., in South Africa. uscsd' to attend Christ Church Cathe- dral and on Sunday his seat was draped with the 'Union Jack, while a floralcross lay against the back of the seat. -'Lady Ritchie has received a gable staling that her son, Pte. Ritchie, was only slightly wounded. col. i"-liotier Escaped. Quebec, Feb. 27. Sir Adolphus Pelletier, Speaker of the Canadian Senate, e toe has received a cable message c from his son,. Col. Oscar Pelletier, with the first contingent, stating that .he 'passed through the recent battle without,. a scratch. "IVINNIYEG IN MOURNING - Flags at II:x1fi'Ma,,t '1• verywlirr•' as Tri btite to Major Arnold. ' Wiinripeg,;Feb. 27. — The sad news of the death of Major Arnold, re- ceived.esterda , morning, 3 morng, was the e IhitciPal to ie of conversation .en the streets,and elsewhere throughout the city, and caused a general feel- ing' of regret. The deceased oincer was one of 'Winnipeg's best known citizens and few were more popular. r. r. to ula u _ 4 rutilaa'N 11,1: ta) a ,:r. .r, • Arnold's' military career dates from 1.S85,' when he entered. the 90th as second lieutenant. During the r• hasserved 1.7 yea s he , e ed his has been gradual with the ripening i,ears experience. Deceased was 39 y ea s of age. 'His military deserliption was 5 feet 11 inches In height, meas- urement around chest, 361 inches;, weight, 170 pounds. ,He had not been long • in the servie when there was a call for volunteers to fight the rebel, Ridl, and his forces. Then he was one of:: the first to respond, and passed successfully throuth the re- bellion, with honor. Shortly after he was promoted to the rank of cap- tain, and after to adjutant, reaching the rank of -'major in 1896. His sen- ior officer, Lieut. -Col. Britton, had the highest estimation of Major Ar- nold's mfitary abilities. Major Arnold's father is manager of the Imperial Dank; at St. Cathar- ines. IJe also leaves a sister and two half brrfthers to mourn his loss. Flags are flying at half mast from all public' and scores of private build ave' hear Of It ? You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSIONi and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its. other repulsive fea- tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and -'the best in the world, but made so palata- ble that almost everybody can take iit. Nearly all children like it and ask for. more. 801377fr'S , EIVIULSEM looks like cream; it nour- ishes the wasted body of the baby, child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It bearsabout the same rela- tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other'so-called "just as good" preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypophasphites that are combined withthe•iiver oil . cod.liver give additional value to it because they tone up the nervous system and impart 'strength to the whole body. , al druggists. oc. and .00. 1 5 $ 56 SCOTT & BOVINE, Chemists -Toronto. 'Brtrcefield: Mr. Thos. Dowson, who for the past three years has been the landlord of the Mason House, has sold } > s- to'iVlr. Reuben Graham Who gets po. onDowson session May1st. Mr. ,D is one of the mospopular men in the nosiness, but it is not congenial to him and though he has built up a 'large trade he will retire altogether. He has not yet decided what he will do thoh he recently bought a barn Stanley near the old' homestead. in Seaforth: A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. A. Cai'dno, of this. town, On Wednesday, when Aliss Annie A., fourth daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. A. Caadno, was unit- ed in marriage to 177: David Porter Page, of Buffalo, N. Y; The marriage was celebrated at- high noon, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville, in the presence of a goodly company of friends of the family. The bride was beautifully and tastefully attired and looked char- ming... hair- ming. She has resided for soiree time in Buffalo, but has hosts of 'friends here. The estate of the'late ex-Major•Tuck- ett of Hamilton is valued at $1.000,000. The Northwest Legislature will as- semhleabout March 30th, for the des- patch of business; Robert Winkins, an old pian, was found insensible`in a stable at Aurora, and has since died. George Hardy, of Teeswater, whose skull was shattered by a limb of a fall-. hags: ins' tree last Monday, is dead. Miners • , es; as •pled, Victoria,. B.C., Feb. 27. — Carl C. Dunlapand Alfred Dunlap, miners,, just, returned from the Klondike, way i,i.to the new fortifi-a S' found their }{ , ',� et NYa � 1">1. 1 Rug, Mat and Car - cations at Esciuimalt naval y,rds y7l•terda3whi'e •tr•ollir; • beads at low tide, and were arre•" as spin 1)3' the guard " ,\tier n eters missal on satin co,rmart:rling r, at. the st th. 4 Ellen i;•Ste! eu de 701 and 1 "' not; to dis{ •Iia... , nen. t, w., Always Use The Diamond Pres. They MVP 'he Richest, Most Brll pant aniI wrist LastiI]g Colors. \ — Tt tsa , r• on e 1 11' t { ori, -`er ti,c, l •'der -:in,! to ,lie follow 1r, '1 t1 L, N.ry, ,c,tith ��• t . �'i .�nri) 20, (,tneensleed 8, P"'''. Aiisir• iia 6, and Tesnrania.5; n ictal of 62, d Quebec, Peg:. 27. — The coi•0110 a> cvashln; cannot' fade„' Dia.lxlond Dye n i`81 on 0,-'ttF^r. r: 'd 0150tlttt- '"nll)1•s. �1 .tar,' es ,if the death of I3ri<lget Cnn- r,f Corsa- 1•le Cares, result.- e•'l r, a, 't.e'rdict 515 wilful //larder ` ren- der3:1 against Constable Cazes. Ninety-five per cent. of the rags and t1)er materials used in tee inanufac ta:rc•01'h ((110 made mats, rugs and car- pets are colored by the Diamond Dyes. 'eVhy? Because a.use the Diamond Dyes ol ways five to cot ton, wool and union rn>.aaerialstip, fullest, brightest, richest amd atclstlastingccilrms; sun, soup or • e,e•i-e. Barrie, Ont., -;ch. 27_ .- 12ya 'vote of ) 508 rets and ::30 nays the proper y y ty-hoidersyesterdtty voted a 100)1 of r I wile "Vanning CO. to `;;30;0(]{) to. the. 1, build a new tannery, r which is to eel-' 1p1')1." ,;0 more hands the year ron a. DON '! 00 NOT RUN from It question that must int cr.est Have you your New Suit : ff (alt, drop in and see as at ti:se fiz•st opportunity and let us show you a few` prices of thin: Fancy, Woresteds azid Scotch. Tweeds. have you seen the new Staples and Therringbone. patterns. They are beauties. T :• 9_ A. big r C � .,1151.. range of Blues and Lla•1. u Ls ire. • Ser�' es at the old P cs. t you want a black we have what you want i1r Twills, Venetians and. Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, 'Curls, Naps and; Montanacts. All work done ing the latest style and fit "gu nranteed. J. j4. GIRIEVE Opposite Post Office DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership here- tofore existing between John Willunrrs and Jo'epl, Cobblediek, carrying on busineS,s at the village of Exeter, under the mono style and firm of Cobblcdick lit Williams,' has this day been mutualI3- dissoh•ed. Dated, Jan. 20,1000. Signed paous WILLI'"18 1JoSErn Comm -Boma. Having purchased` the interest of John William in the above partnership we 15111 continuethe said business in the old stand. : Dir- All aceonnts due the late firm must be paid to Ibe undersigned. J. COBBLRDICR & SON Mrs. D. Davidson, Covey Hill, P. Q. wt'ites thus: ” I hose been using r Y our Diamond l)ecs for rmany years, and they have ;tlu'ayS given k,11tive satisfaction. To - '10 y o -'10y we emptied two packets of your r, i1'es and 1` ala obliged to buy more, ai,tl (1'r' making, sixty yards of rap car- et. T have rr;atd your cotton culnr8 116 .I think tiny 815' beautifurl. TIie9 •tripes in my carpet—hl;t.elt, green, red Ind yellow—are rich. T cannot suffi- ciently Braise Diamond Dyes; all my neighbors speak Well Of them, 1 GlliO�ll o. Yes, we have just received another carload of furnxture, which when added to our tlready fine stock we' can suPp Y l the latest most hand, - some and cheapest things on the Market. TNF STOOK .. We have the Stock—you have the money—we want to trade, and. if it is -furniture you want it will pay - you well to drop in and see our dandy linebefore paxchasinghasixg else- where. We have the largest and best t i in town. assort d s oc w , R. l Er FOR FIRST CLASS BEE r, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRES ED TONGUE, CORNED- BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. Ono door North of Li.Pickard's store. LOUIS. DAY Proprietor: SMITH'S Repair itShop. Now is thetime to get your wheel cleaned to store away for the winter. Gun RPp rs We make•utr re airin t tb p � in all its bzanehee. Keys We lump a.,.l e tock of keys in rill, sizes. i f.J (lrt)und aiid spade as good as. new.: Everything Repaired Here. specialty I. SMITH.. CAok18 Cotton Root Compound Is suocoasfully used monthly by over g 10,000 Ladies. Sate',effeotual. Ladies aft your dru• ggist fer Cook's Catton Root t,oaa-. and. Take no other as imi tl x all ltiixturas, pille'and to ons are dangerous, Prion; No. 1,V. pee box, No. 13,10 degrees Stroll ger, $8 r box. No, 1 of 2, mailed en' receipt of rice and two -cent stamps, TheCook VComp**y Windsor, Ont ;'Nos: 1 and 2' said and re commei ded by ill mapohsible Druggists in Canada, : Nos i and Vo. 2 sold in Ii;Yeter by 0 Lutz, Oruggi5t.