HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-3-1, Page 4BEFORE 'i.REATZIENT. .A.111;.:14 'xiticATmENT. . BEFoick A.11:103 TREATAL...tiT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. llanlin says:—"I was one of the countless vie. time of early ignorance commenced at 15 year of age. 1 tried seven medical firms and spent $flCO without avail. 1 gave up in dospair. Tho Crains on frlY eSeb ra were weakening iny intellect as well as my nomuni und physical Inc. My brcftner advised me as a last resort to consult -1 Drs. Kennedy &liergan. I commenced their New Method. Treatment and in a row weeks was a now man, with new ' life and ambition. This was four years ago, and now 1 am married and happy. 1 rocummeed those reliable : specialists to all ray afilicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONF1DENTAL. Cliri,,elteic A hu oi:cttIN Qttas. Sanders, Editor and Prop airtuRsDAy) m.A.Roa 11 1900. k;4 ND COMM ENT, Ii r,eply to a delegation from the, Royal Teniplars mid. Uomhii)n Alli- aneel)renrier Macdonald of Illanitoba Promised to introduee a prohibition bill at the first session of the Legisla- tore. The Department of 111 ditia at Ottawa ''IS flooded with oilers from young then in all parts Of the coun try who Nytillt. ,1,;(,) go to South Mehra to till the vacan- cies of the first eittitin,,ent. The mini- ster holds out no hopes of any, olTieers being accepted. The stock of the Western Peat Fuel CO:, a chao,ito, has been:fully. taken Operations will commence at :the :Eau within a short .distance Of the rail .road as siana a$ the )N.E.R1 litter will permit -and in a few months the cornpany will 'be in fall blast. The subseribecl.. stock is ,$30,000 which has been subscribed .almost wholly by local capital, The,salaries Of Bruce county officials :are ab'follOws: ,Treasitrer, $1200:Clerk, $700; jailer, $050; :ina tron,, $250; : bar iF key, $375; .caretaker, :$375; :high :.con- stable; $150; auditors, exclusiVe'of txiile- age, $50 each. school inspectors, $5 per school 'paid: by county and $5per school:paid Legislature, and $150 each for office and travellinKexpenses; war- den, excluSive, of mileage; $140, .and surgeon,: $100; metnbers Of board of -criminal audit; $4 each and inileage. * The animal report. of the inspector pfasylimis has been issued. The total expenditure for the various asylums :in 1899 waS:-'-LToronto asylum, $101,622; :London - asylum, $128,096;' :Kingston, $72,812; .Hatiniton, :$121,096; ..f,80,053; Brockville,. $66,870; $56,923. The yearly cost pee patient was:-Toronto$141.14; Loildou, $127.07; :Kingston, $127.07; Hamilton, $118.49; Minnco, $136.03;. Brockville, $130:60;. $87,98. By the .figures given it is shown 'that the greater number of persons ad- 4nitted to .the asylums were between the ages of 35 and 40. During 1898 there were 'admitted 99 between 'these -ages; 98.betWeen the ages of 30 arid.35; '95 between 25 and 30; and 81 between 40, and 45. PRACTICAL PATRIOTISM, The E. B. Eddy company is advertis- ing a self-imposed war tax of a half cent on every gross of boxes of sulpher matches sold from the first of Febru- ary until the end of the war. It is es- timated that this will amount to about $15 a day. This is a noteworthy- in- stance of practical patriotism. in Eng- land the Vinolio company is contribn- ting a half -penny on eachcake of its soap sold, and has already sent £4,200 to the Lord Mayor's Fund. The girls ,employed at Clark& Co., thread man- ufacturers, Paisley, Scotland, have :agreed to knit a large number 6f socks for the soldiers in South Africa. The firm will supply wool, and 2,000 of the "-girls have undertaken the work. * • wtry EuROPE DATES BRITAIN. The true reasons for European jub- ilation over recent British disasters in South Africa, are hatred of republi- • can England, envy of commercial Eng- • . land,' and jealousy of colonial England. There is not a court in Europe where the English system of a govermuen: responsible to the people, which re. jects the idea, of the divine right of kings and derives its authority to rule and to tax from the people, is not, held in official abhorrence. For more than a century England has been the sanc- tuary for the oppressed refugees of Europe and its free press has held the .torch of liberty and popular govern- ment before the eyes of the overtaxed helpless millions of the continent.— Chicago Times Herald. * AN INFAMOUS CRIME. Canada has not been free from gov- ernments, Conservative and Liberal, which wink at bribery and trickery while the polls were open. It is the special shame and disg-race of the pres- ent Ontario Government that it profit- ed by rascality after the polls were closed. It is had enough to buy the vote of the unprincipled man or per. sobate the absentee, but it is infamous to steal the vote of the elector who honestly marks his ballot. The Ross ..Government has not adopted a policy calculated to inspire confidence in its professed hatred of political crimes. .The position of the Liberal party isnot :Odle improved by spectacular willing- , ness,of the Ontario Government to be trietlary the judges and lawyers of its o ram Choosi n g.—Toronto Telegram. ITheqollowing case was taken trp at Osgoode Ilall.last Thursda y • Dinthell v. St. Marys Crearnery.—Malee, Q. C., for plaintiff, appealed from jugdninal, of County of Perth. Action ,for dam- ages for breach of contract by which defendants engaged plaintiff to draw cream, for them from their skiming • ',stations at Bennington and other places, to the central station at, St. ,Marys for $2.50 a trip from May 1,1898, for one year. The defendants termin- ated the contract on August 2, , 1898. The eattrt below held that the news- lt.Te_ar 'containing advertisement for 'Ncilaijera, the tender and the resolutions • in the books or the company, all of which cOnstituted the contract, did not show that the contract was for a year and that the contract was not for a year and that the unreasonableness of its being fora year was shown by the facts in evidence and that 'therefor the defendants had. the right to ter- minate it. J. H. Moses for defendants. ,Appela dismissed without costs of ar- gument. TDE EMPUAT1C STA1 IMENT that the D. and L. Menthol Plaster is doing a • great deal to alleviate neuralgia and • rhoutnat'iIfl is 'based upon facts. The D. and L. Plaster never fails to soothe and quickly cure. Manufactured by the Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. Ca* 6iidreti Ory for CASTOR Gen Croilja surrenders T8E 4', L. Exvi,sloN o,y. 14ry- 'ER 11. Win build you up will make You tat and healtisy. ,specially bene- ficial to those who are "all run down." Manufactured by the Davis & Law- rence Go.. Ltd. . Granton: Our village is again mourn- ing the sudden demise of another of oue bright and beloved YOung citizens, in the person of Miss Mable Cook, eld- est, daughter of Mr. Chas. Cook, which sad °yea occurred at her parthits s'es- idence 00 Thursday evening, at the age of 21 years and 11 months. Her death coming so sudden and unexpected is a sad blow to her parents and other members of the fall:lily. The funeral took place on Sunday to the Grantor' Presbyterian cemetery, Rev. T. E. Harrison officiating and was attended hy a large concourse of sympathizers. CANAOMNS1 COUP DE GRACE. London, Feb. 27.-502 p.m.—The War Office has received the following despatch from Lord Roberts: Fria rdeberg,eleven o'clock, TuesclaY morng.----Prom information furnish- ed to me daily by the Intelligence De- partment, it became apparent that Gen. Cronje's force • was becoming more depressed, and that the discon- tent, of the troops and the discord among the leadel'S were rapidly in- creasing. This feeling was doubtless accentuated by the disappointment caused when the Boer reinforcements, which tried to relieve Gen. Cronje, Were defeated by our troops on Feb.2,3. "1 resolved therefore to bring pres- sure to bear on the enemy. Each night the trenches were pushed forward to- tvards the enemy's burger, so as to gradually contract his position, and at the same time I bombarded it heav- ily with artillery, which was yester- day materially tided by the arrival of lour six-inch howitzers, which I had ordered up from De Aar. In carrying out these measures 0 captive balloon gave great SerViee by keeping us informed of the dispositions tad movements of the enemy. DANADIANS SPLENDID WORE. At:3 a.m. to -day a most dashing ad- . vance Was made by the Canadian Regi- ment and some Engineers, supported by the First Gurdon Highlanders and Second Shropshires, resulting in our gaining a pant sorne six hundred yards nearer the enemy and Within eighty' yards; of his trenches, Where Our men entrenched themselves and maintained their positions till niorning. A gallant deed worthy of our COlonnal comrades, and which I am 'glad to say was attend- ed by comparatively slight loss. This .apparently. clinched matters for ab :daylight to -day a letter. signed bY Gen. Gronje in which he stated that he had surrended unconditional- ly was brought• to our outposts under a flag of truce. In reply I.told General Cronje that be must present himself at my camp and that his force must come out of their laager after laying, down their arms. SENDS HIM TO CAPE TOWN. He will start this afternoon, under charge Of Major-General Prettythan, who will hand him over to the Gen- eral Commanding at Cape Town. ."The prisoners, who number about 3,000, Will be formed into Commandos, under our Officers. They will also leave here to -day, . reaching the Mod - der River to -morrow, when they will be railed to Cape Town in detachments. Around About -Us Hensall: Mrs. John H. Petty very' pleasantly entertained a number of friends from Hensall and Exeter on Wednesday evening last. Russeldale: On Friday Mr. J. D. Stewart, of the "Woodbine," sustain- ed rather a Serious less by the death of "Mary Anne," otibofhis.: prize 'Jer- sey cows from .milk fever. • • Seaforth: Mrs.. "W. J. Clark has purchased the stock and confectionery andbakerybusiness belonging to the insolvent estate of W. J. Clark, and will hereafter Carry on the bUsiness. Mitchell: Messrs. Robt and J. C. Jones have purchased the Old establish- ed grocery store in Stratford of Messrs. Wray & Co., and will take possession March 1st,. They are both fine young men. Wingham: The firm of Armour & McAllister, produce merchants, has been dissolved. Wm. Artriour has pnrchased his partner's share in the business and will continue the busi- ness as usual. Biddulph: Robert Donnelly, of Glen- coe, has bought his brother Patrick's interest in the Donnelly homestead in this township, the scene of a terrible tragedy of Feb. 4, 1880, and is now sole owner. Kippen: Mr. and Mrs. George Tay- lor and family, during the week, were at Alma, attending the marriage of their son, Frank, who, on Wednesday was married to Miss Stephenson, a bright and charming young lady of that vicinity. Clinton: At last night's meeting of the Official Board of the Ontario street church an invitation was extended to the pastor. Rev. B. Clement, to re- main 0 fourth year. It expressed in very warm terms their appreciation of his services. Seaforth: Mr. C. E. Mason, of this place, has sold his Clydesdale stallion, "Union Bank," to Messrs. Ballantyne & Richardson, of St, Marys. Comment on this horse is unnecessary, suffice it to say, he is a true model of the Clydes- dale breed. The price realized. was $2,000. Clinton: Miss Elizabeth Ford, who has been for several years a resident of Clinton died last night after' an ill- ness of several montba from consump- tion. The deceased was a daughter' of the late John Ford and is a sister' of Messrs. William and John Ford of town and R and M. Ford,of Hullett. •Seaforth: Mr. John Robb has pur- chased the west half of the Hannah farm'on the second concession, of Tuckersinith, paying therefor thesum of $3,000. The farm contains 100 iteres, but there are no buildings on it. It is a good farm, however, and lies,- `Very convenient to Mr. Robbis' homestead arm. Clandeboye: Miss Edith Sutttaa left Clandeboye recently to enter a hospital in North Adams, Mass., to train, fin- a nurse. Before her departure Miss:Bes- sie Jell and Evelya Simpson. in, behalf of the congregation and Sunday school of St. James' Church, presented Miss Sutton with a handsome prorse of money. Mitchell: The youngest son of Mr. Chas. Pearce had one or his hands so terribly crushed on Tuesday that it re- quired twenty-two stitches to bring the lacerated pieces together. The little lad was placed linder, chloroform while the operation Was performed by Dr. Armstrong. It is not known how the aecident occurred, and the boy per- sistently refuses to make anybody the wiser. Children Ory for CA TORIA, Goderich: At ten o'clock in the morning of Thursday the 22nd. inst., Mrs. Attrill, of Ridgewood Park,peace- fully slept away. 'Die news 001110 as 0 shock to the people of Goderich, and her many friends throughout the coun- ty. She had been indisposed and con- fined to her bed for 0 few days, but - her illness was not considered to be serious. Late on Wednesday evening she was suddenly seized with heart failure. She rallied somewhat early in the morning and fell asleep. The end came very suddenly at the last and was quite painless. Mrs. Attrill's death will be sineer6ly mourned by all clases in the neighborhood. • Mitchell; The Comfortable residence of Mrs. john Stoneman Was well filled Wednesday noon by the .numerous friends of the family gathered togeth- er to assist in :the solemnization of the marriage of her youngest 'daughter, Annie, to Mr. R. J. Keeler, eldest son Of Mr. J. H. 'Keeler, of Hespeler, and grandson of our esteemed, townsman, Robert Keeler. ,The ceremony Was performed by the go. R.:Whiting, B. A. Miss Gertie, Farroty; :of Stratford, played -the wedding march as the bride entered the room leaning On the arm of her brother, She: Was beautifully and becomingly costumed in white Or- gandy triniMed with,lace. • Lucan: The preliminarY,hearing in the case of Wm. McDernrid, .barrister of Lucan, who is charged with ap- propriating .to his own. use Moneys be- longing to E. Daly- & Co.; of London, was begun before Squire .Lacey at the court house Monday afternoon., Af- ter the evidence of Mr. ' McNerned, di- vision court clerk at Luean,.was taken, an adjournment WaS made for a week. It is alleged that in 1895 . Daly & Co. instructed McDernarl to collect an ac.: count against Jarnes• Bruin, of Bid- dulph, and that after the "511111 was sued for, handed into the court and then passed oyer to McDermid, the latter failed to make a retiirn of it to the firm„ The amount is $10:75. BlanShard: Williath Minton, foar- teen years of age, Son - Of Mr. Charles :Murton, of Bhinshard, was struck on the head by a Unit) Of' a falling -tree on Friday morning, Feb. 10„ and instant- ly killed. Along with his .,•father and older brother, the lad was engaged in cutting wood in the hush ora the Mur- ton homestead, when the accident oc- curred. They had. eat ,off art tall elm tree with the cross -cut Saw and expect- ed it to fall a Particular directiOn; It fell toward another -point '"Ns,ihere the nien had retired for Safety. A pro- jecting liriab strarck. William with:fear- ful force onthe head, cras:1,6g him to the earth and killing him' , instantly. His brother .George narrowly escaped sudden death also,. as he was only ft, few feet distant froth his brother when the tree fell. News Of the Week. A six year old daughter of Mr, G. W - Manley, Stamford Township, was kill. ed by a:straw-stuck falling over on her. . At Quebec Pace Constable Cazos shot and killed his wife after a quarrel arising out of a Man's excessive drink- ing. Frank Landon, an engineer on the Canadian :Atlantic Railway, was ,:in- stantly killed by accident at Alexaai,. chia last Friday night. Dan Goulden, aged' 45, was suffocat- ed in bed in his house onffater Street, Saturday night,. by a slight fire, et117S.- ed by a defective stove. • Thomas GriSt, the young son of Jae. G'rist, of Blenheim, was kicked, on the head by a horse and had his skull.frao.. tured.. .His recovery is doubtful. Tato (Jsaanas Or, CANADIANS for the.offiCacy of the peerless ccingla remedy, Pyny-Pectoral. It cures a: cold very quickly. 25c. of all chng,gistal Marmfactured by the proprietors • of Perry Davis' 'Pain -Killer:, While :trying to stop a runaway horse at 'Woodstock,. Mr. Ifoht. Mackon Was caught by a shaft, which Werrt. right through his cheek and broke hie nose.: He died•about half at) hour, hit, er. PLUM PUDDINGS AND MINCE PIUS often have had effects upon the sniala boy who over indulges in them. Paina Killer as a household medificine for all, such ills is unequalled. Avoid subst*a- tutes, there is but one Pain-Killea;„ Perry Davis': 25c. and title. A Poor Millionaire. Lately starved in London because lige could not digest his food. Early use of Dr.. King's New Life Pills would have saved him. Then strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote rmairailation, improve, appetite. Price 25.ets. Money back if not satisfied'. Sold by all druggists. Judge Wm. Elliot, Monday morning sentenced the four men who pleaded gailtp to five charges of robbing farm - era in Middlesex county. "Dusty" Wil - sots, Alias Smith, was given fifteen months in the central prison, John Mc- Donald and George _Andrews, Alias Brown, were given nine months each in the Central, and Wilson BroWn was senteneed to one month in jail. On the charges of elicken stealing Squire Smyth gave them each one month in, the sentences to run concurrently with those hnposed by Judge Elliot, The TAO- of5trittato 0‘ STOR1 ,nfants and Children. k . amp, BIRTHS. WEBB.----la Exeter, (4: Feb. 23rd, the wife of Riehard Webb of a daugh- ter. ataRRiathis. PAGE,---CanoNo—At the residence of the bride's parents, Seaforth, on February 21., by Rev. N. Shaw, Mr. David Porter Page, of Buffalo, N.Y., to Miss Annie A., fourth daughter of A. Cardno, Esq. DUNOAN.--TURNBULL—AL the resi- dence:of the bride's parents. on Feb- ruary 21s4, by the Rev. C. Fletcher, Mr. William Duncan to Miss Ida, eldest daughter of Mr. A. Turnbull, all of Usborne. 'fa.vr-oa--STaivitxs—On 21s4 inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. B. Clement, Mr. John F. Taylor, of Tuckersinith,son of Mr. George Taylor, of Kippen, to Miss Annie E. Stevens, daughter of Mr. William Stevens, Hallett. IIA.Rats. —.WILL-B.—At the residence of the brides' parents, on Feb. 27th, by the Rev. W. Martin, Mr. Richard Harris, of Brandon, Man., to Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. James Willis, Exeter North. --- DEATHS. ScconY---In Tuckersmith, on February 21st., Mr. Andrew Story, aged 71 years, 7 months iitul 19 days. Fothack.---in Exeter, on February 21st, Hamilton E. Follick` aged 30 years. CORNISH—In USI/01'ne, no Feb. 26th, Samuel C., infant son of Samuel Cornish, aged 5 months, 20 days. MoCuun-y.--In Usborne, on Feb. 244h, the infant son of Mr. Archibald Mc- Curdy, aged 1 mouths. Astounded The Editor. Editor S. A. Brown of Bennettsville, S. 0., WilS once immensely surprised. "Through long suffering from dyspep- sia," he writes, "my wife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach, but she tried Electric Bitters which helped her at once, toad, after using four bottles, she was en- tirely well, can eat anything. It's a. grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver." For indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles its a posi- tive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c. at all drug stores. 7-..;111111, Joseph Montpeat, employed in the \Villiains.Sewing Machine Works, St. Henri, who was thrown into 0 caul- dron Of boiling oil as a result of a scuf- fle with a fellow -employee, died at the Montreal Hospital. It Girdles The Globe. The fame of BuCklen's Salve, as the best in the world, extends around the earth. It's the one perfect healer. of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all skin Ernptions. Only infallible Pile cure. 25c. a box at all drug store. Brampton's electric light plant, situ- ated at Hattonville, fou v miles west Of the toivu, was completely destroyed by fire Thursday morning. The work- men did not leave until almost 2 o'clock and one hour afterwards the building was in flames. The structure was • of brick, and how the fire started is a mystery. The insurance carried was $3,000. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The population of the Sudan is numbered at 3,000,000, nearly all whol- ly uneducated. The total pipe lino runs of Pennsyl vania oil for 1393 were 31,100,360 bar- rels and for 1397 34,724,634 barrels Of the present rulers of European em- pires and kingdoms only one-third as- cended the throne by direct hereditary rights. Since the introduction of pneumatic rubber tires on the London cabs many of the cab horses wear large Swiss cow- bells on their necks. To test the skill of their workmen sa French company. at their works its Epernay, recently cat :ed a locomotive to be "mounted," or built up, piece by piece. as soon as possible. It was fin ished in 56 hours. - • ' SUM evrez Au, YOUR PINS WITH Patin-Kilier. A Medicine Chest:in itself. Simple. Safe and deck' Cure for I CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA. COUGHS. !,`,' 1° COLDS, RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. t 23 and SO cent Bottles. BEwARE OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUTNE.V) • PERRY DAVIS' Iltefore 0-"r• Scroocrt Phosp'hodine, The Great Engtfah Remaly. Sold and reCOmmended by all druggiiite in Canada. Only reli- able medicine. diacovered. Six , .pack4es guaranteed to cure Mima. ex-Inil Weakness, all effects of ahnSe or eie,'Merital: Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. Ophrit1or Stininlantii.?Meiled on receipt of Price:0one PaOliaRe $1, 5. One will gteaee, six uritt sure -riitaphiets free to any address.. The Wood Cikureinar, Witidtior, Ont. freWood' t'hos phodine ts sold in Exeter b% C. Lmila, druggist ..RMINIKII*E11111nr.111.[ EfflULSIOE firgrirlsitt,0* JaL0.00, 4.11 14/17NG lollataaro.S, CONSUNIPTIort and ii`orancli.oss 4).iv A PPEVITB-, 1sEll.#11,111t, tbo hca,O o ibis neticio aro :114StSt ?manifest. 13y the aid of The 31 & L. Ernui.sion. 1 have Often rid of a hacking congh which had troubled Sc for over a year, and have gained ecmider- ably la weight. T. /I. WXNG3IAM, CE., Montreal. SOc. rind $1 per Boittle DAVIS & 1...A.WR11NCE co., Limited, uMo Tana. PaId-up CaPItalt $1.200,000. •Resem reads $513v000, DIRECTORS: Jous MuCLARY, Esq, Presideot. A. 2.NMICaTplak#1,, VInc-Proanimall, eviLLIA,m BOWMAN, Esti, WIII.TAM MoDONOCTOR, Iraq. LIEUT.-COL. W141. GARTSEFORN. SAVINGS 1311ANCII. interest allowed on BOPOSiitS at 7161/008 and One-half Por ountop ,tLid or compounded half -Yearly. Married Women and illThillmts liow deposit and draw out money in their own names. DEBENTURES b.sued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest than Do 3)usit s Interest payable half -yearly. The DobfinfotitrOS of this Vongpany are such a high CiaSS of s curtly that they are accepted ,v the Dominion Covert:meat as a Deposit from Rre and Wito Insurance Companies as Security for their 1:14elloY Holders. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in these Debentures. The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor- ated, restricts their business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Bstate, and 111unicipal and other Debentures, which are the sagest securities the D0.922.7611012 affords. 1111ORTGAGES. Money loaned on 1We:4f/ages on Real Estate '111er est.. For full particulars apply to Rt low rates of, • WILLIAM F. BULLEN, Manager., Dundas St. and Market Lane, LONDON, ONT. P`Allitt:Vr.:',"ga le,' :it' 1440,0„,. 200,001- JEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. Se—CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY AREYOU fJr„ufz_LyiTg.,(:?1?1,tt.;,Ivoet3V(')It'sfi.eybfitit=aci;:teiMitliA):naix1,1rrialTo", oyes sunken, rod and plumed; pmiplos on face; dreams and niuht losses; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pain:: hair loose; ulcers; sore throat,• varicocele•, deposit in nrine and draine at stool; diArustful; want of confidence; lack of energy and strength — LYE CAN CURE YOU RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K.6 K., JOHN A . MANLIN. JOHN A. 51 1NLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. pnWERS. . VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND IMPOTENCY CURED "The Vine of early boyhood laid tho foundation of' my . rain. .Lator on a '.'gay life" a 0 exposure to blo, 0 eases completed the wreck. I had all tho sfmptoins of Nervous Debility—sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine, nervousness, weak back, el c. Syphilis caused ins hair to , fall out, bone pains, ulcers in month and on temps% blotcihes on body, etc. I thank God I tried Drs. Krrin edy liergaa. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS. We treat na:d cure Varicacebe, Envysions, Arelvoses Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, 'Unnatural Discharges, 541 dclou.se, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Curot4 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISIC.. R EA DER Are you. a victim? Hove you lost hope? Are you contemplating mar - r nage: llas your B100110, on diseased? Have you any weakness? our New Method Treatment will cure 300. hat 0 has done :for others it will do for CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who Ins treated You, writs for an honest opinion Free of. Charge Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE-- "The Golden Monitor" (illustra.ted),.eii Diseases of Men. lnclose Postage, 2 Cent 8. Fetded, orvo NAivitIs USED W1TI-10U- PITTEN CONSENT. PRP.: VATE.. No rnPdi, ine s nt C. 0. L., No namez on boxPs or envel- opes. Everything, confidential. Question list and Cost of Treat- ment, FREE:- DRS. KENNEgy.8,,, KERGAN No..148 SHELBY ST. DETRO4T, MICH. MSEriateiThEigfaM -WAEM,Milt-IMMEEZIEMOMEIZEIMEW filles•••....1111MION.fa IVOKON HEW BUFFALO PWEEIIT ALL STEEL MSC KARRO. pa 70004 CULTIVATOR —. • — The Universal Favorite Pioxon Disc Harr w, (OUT -THROW.) TiLIS only Disc Harrow that has adjus- table pressure springs. This feature -is invaluable on hat d or uneven groart4. OXOR1 -9.1311.c tgital! C itivator. Basil with grain and grassgrowing attachnientstEdbeired. with reversible points, also thistle cutters if ordered. The lightest draft, best working and most easily openated cultivator manufae- tared . The teeth work directly .nnder the, axle and within She wheel' line. • See the New .S0iiigl31ft:. THE CELEBRATED „ MAvAn STEEL11110°°Siglt "A" In I/ I Spring Pressure. , Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak libr themselves. There are now over 00,000 in use among the farmers of this country. amismsormearomer, I, W....0 1 073.,-111 • 4 IVi C guarantee that II:4,a, , .- Plasters will geliet,',.'; pat',aulaker than ally. other. Put tip only iv- itit OE 25c. tin boxes aad fr'lle. yard rolls. The lalla, allows you to cut t.L • Plaster Eny SiZe.., Every tainlly should have one PIASTO1 ready fOr BM enter). gency. , DAVIS & LAWRENCE Ogg , 1.111ITED. PiSI/TREAL IBeware of Imitations The rocif Of 4 1t Panl!s: Anglietin Church itt nctifteW *as biwiled and theInterior h digoaged. Cupt,IFiltalt McGlyn, one of the ol& est lake captains in Oftnadll, al'OppCd (load ittsti. Otithavipos, cANAD1AN 42AciFte KY- "TTLERS' "E -WAY EXCURSION To Mrnitoba, anti Canadian North-West will leave' Toronto every TIEJUSDAY during March and April Passengers travelling- without Live Stock stoula take the train 1.,env1n5 Toronto at 2p.in Passengers travelling with Live gtoek shottle 111111 lite train ietwing Sensate at 0 p, n. tIolooint Sieepor will Is attactea to each train:- P`Or bIT partionlai's and copy of ''sectieiv outdo" apply to. any cAniulihn Pacifie Agent, or to A.11. NOTNIAN' Ail, non. Pm? Agent Chig 04 Boit, • • 11441141, '