Exeter Advocate, 1900-3-1, Page 15 - THIRTEENT11 Y F, A -607. YEMVOIVA.M.WIRMIISCIION EX ETER4 ON'TARIO, THURSDAY, MARCII L SANDERS, EDIT(). ifY 1s a eetos. If you want the latest War News read the papers, and if you come to hear the latest news of our SPE C ERR .114.0 SdilliEs Melow. CORSETS We have just received a shipment of a special line of Ccn•sets from the lnan nfiteturer at very low prices. We have decided to clean them at 49c. We give you advan- tage of our buying 75‘e. now 49c. NEWEST STYLES I iESr.1.1 5TAKERs. • MANTLES We have left a few Ladies' Jackets which will be cleared out strictly at cost. 83.00 ANDUP. UNSUAL CUT 12c. to 8c. PRINTS A few American Percales 30 inch wide, English Prints, Washable, will be cleared at Sc. A II ERIC N AND ENTILIsH W ASH Al3LE SEE ()TJR REMNANT COUNTER. REMNANTS of Prints, Ginghants, Dress Goods. WILLBE sOLD LESS PIAI\NPOsT. LADIEs' $17.00 CAPES TO CLEAN $14.99. FURS We have left a few Ruffs, Cape.s and .Tackets which will be.sold at cost HEN,s, S1700 COAT TO CLEAR $11.99, SPECIAL PRICES . • . FOR RO 110E. ..."=121:"2.71=.9.0%•=saiTteragamma.m..cann,c,=.......‘. MON E'Y TO LOAN. We have untimited.private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage proNrty, at low,00t rates of interest. 'DiCasON & CARLING, :Barristers, etc.. Exeter. MONEY TO. LOAN. Monpy lottriat from v, to 5 per oent. ELLIOT & G-LADMAN, . Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Emeter PLIR ALEO •NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Harriet Elizabeth Pen - hale, late of the Township of Step- hen,. 111 the County of Huron, widow, deceased'. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 11.9:0. 1857, Ca p. 120.that, all persons having rclahne agtanst Esfate of the sail Barnet buti Peobale, who died on or about the 25fla January, liro. are required on or holore the 1st pril, 1000, to send or deliver to F. W. Glad m 5t1, Exeter, Ont., -lot lel tor for Richard Penh al and f•rertertek Luther Ronhaio. the Executors of the last Will and Testament MONE1' 'I'0 LOAN oPtile said diceased. full particulars of their • claims and the nature of the seeuril'y Of a(y) field by them, and that after the 3..171 ,ffr, The undersigned has a few good farms fez. date tale said Executers will proceed to dis- eale cheap. Money to loan On easy terms tri uty,the said Estate am onn•st the parties 1,,,.. :roux SrACKMAN, Sam well's Block Exeter II OTEL PROPERT'Y FOR SALE OR RENT The undersig n erl is offerink:,, for Sall' or rent that desirable hotel situated at Devon,.on the London Road, This Hotel is in a good ° location, being •21A miles south of Exeter. , This road is largely twavslled and for the right man chances are good for a splendid business. rfhere is a good Stable in cOn nee- • tion also Ili acres of rand. Possession 1 given 1St April, 1030. This property win he • sotd cheap or rented at a reasonable figure. lot " , For pa rti co. litarr. sK, atrpIdAyNovni rillii.e0 piii.rieektikoirleDaev 0 ii. R 1 --TICKS , REPAIRING rf you want your Repairing well done " go to R. Huirts-WatchaS, Clocks and. Jewelry a specialty, • MARRIAGE' LICENSE Marriage Licenses i ss tied and :Wed- dingItings alWayF, 011 hand- Fanson's Block, Exeter. Kippen: The old and well known store, of this place, SO tong and so suc- nessfully eonducted by the Mellis fami- ly, has deen purchased, :mil will' here- • after be conducted, by Mr. John Mil- ford. CryChiidrn for fdtled. thereto, having inane! on ly to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above r, quireci, and they will not be liable to any parsed or persons of whose claim Or ,ClairYl3.4 110(100 Shall I.o( have been received. at the time of such distribution. Hum A It 1) PENH ALE, FILEDEll 1.(l5 PENIIAT/E, by F. W. GLA NAN, their soliceitor. Datod. t Exeter this ltith February, 1000. Sodom, The recent sterni blocked the roaKtis so badly- that the teacher could not get to school MonclaY 'morning --The storm and cold of Sunday is the prin- cipal topie .01 con v6rsati.on.-,-.I. here was no Solidity .School: or 1:4eagne last- San - day op . acCo t of storm, se.1111/.. Henry ISaac.:L.''.11.,' „had: It horse. oie. on0 day tateently,-41r, Silas, St.:tektite has purchased a new upright pionp.+,.' Sorrie sneak thief ,:breice • into Wm.- 0tinsfOrd's grainttry a few nightS/ago: The eXtent of the less is not yet known.. ,e-s111rs. Dimsford. bold juvehile: • pan eak e party Tiiesday eyenin trinley • . BIG SALM Ile,. of the 1:tagest and. host sales that has eVe.r been hold in Usberne was that of Mr. Jas. Glenn's on Friday last, large onunber Was in :a.ttendance and , bidding, was lively: Cows sold from ;06 to :Pi -1106; 3 year-old. Steers tivonght $1 18,00 and all the other stock sold eoMparatively high. The total Poneipts was $i040, Mr„ itT, 'Brown Weilded the haininer in 'his usual proficient inanner, selling the i/Ilare lot le$ii than four ,hours, Harry ttikes the cake as an auctioneer, Whichielsiva, The creamery put in their supply of ice last week which was 14 inches thick. -Mr. J. C. Bell and wife visited the kit ter's pIll'ents on Saturday and Sun- day last --Mr. Samuel Jocklin and bride, of Rochester, Y., arti visiting their uncle, Mr. Miller --There was no school here 00 Monday owing to the blocoded condition of the roads -- The Zion trouble is not yet settled. A meeting was held on Friday night last for the purpose of adjusting matters, when a motion WaS put forandagainst the teacher, Mr. McPherson, the re- sult being seven against ancl over thir- ty for him to stay. /Tow it was finally settled your reporter could not find out. -31.r. It. T. Couch left Wednesday for Exeter where he will make his home. What is Winchelsea's loss is Exeter's gain. -Mr. J. G. Jones will again Lakeport in the store hero. -It is reported that Mr. Enos Cook hos given up the notion of going West until next fall. (Too late for last week.) Mr. F. E. Brown had a wood. bee on Tuesday. The, day was pretty cold mit notwithstanding the boys cut a fine lot of wood. --Mr.' Hattie Brown, I who snstained injuries fvoin falling! limb in the woods has recovered. ----Miss Libby Wheately :tnd sisthr, Merita, of Clinton, and Miss Ma,y, of.Exeter, visit, - ed in our burgh 00 Monday. AdantEn. -A. very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. .A. Turnboll on Wednesday,' February 1 st, when us e est daughter, • Ida, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. 1/uncon. The ceremony WaS /X21101'111 - ed by the 'Rev. 0. Fletcher, of Thames Road, in tho presence of :t number ol' the yOung cotiples' most intimate friends. The array of presents was gr;krid, and unit:tined maily bealitifn 1 as wc41 S 1160101 'artiCIOS. We. Wi81) the newly wedded couple every pvos- . penty through life. The PiltriOlie riumt at Ottawa riots' exceeds $131.15 1. Clayton Kimberley, of Ilel evi e, was killed 1,y, fialinq tree itt , 4i,33,14:Gi13.-64:...likLa,34-,1'‘J,...3,, , i Gree)away Sharon. Sunday's blinding blizzard was the 'most severe that this hamlet has ex- perieneed for a very long Lillie. The concessions are very badly drifted and traffic will be somewhat hampered for a time", till statute labor is performed on the ba nks of the " heft 0 tif i i I, '-No school was held in the schoolhouse on Monday, as ii, result of the warring ele- ments.--Chureli serviee on Sunday Rev. J. W. Baird, B. A., exchanged pulpits with Rev, Baugh, Ailsa Craig, last Sunday. --On account of the snow storm the stage did not get out last lonclay. The postmaster here drove in to Parkhill and brought out the Green wfty o 0(1 Grand Bend triad. Darria oh' Mits. 3A-Atus *WinSoeisr.- This week it becomes our sad day to chronicle the death of our highly es- teemed friend and neighbor, Mrs. Jas. M. Wilson, who passed away early Friday morning, after an illness of over a year, from that dread disease, consumption, brought on by a had cold. The dereased lady was widely known and highly respected. She was in her 50th year. She leaves a large family: The funeral on Monday was conducted by Rev. Ali. Gunne, of Parkhill, who preached a very impressive sermon in Grace church from job, 7t13 chapter,lst verse. The funeral was largely attend- ed the remains being interred in Park- hill cemetery. K irk t()n : Mr. John Watson left on Thursday for Toronto to secuse a situation' as clerk in a boot an01 shoe department.- MissTessa Stuart, of 'St. Marys, is vis- iting O,t Robert Fletcher's.-eAbout fif- ty guests were entertained at die SO-. clot held to raise funds 130 build, a new church at Win, Robison's 4th line. An enjOyahle time was spent. The pro- gram was short and sweet. -41Ir. John Chappel and wife spent Wednesday at :Nlitchelt attending the wedding of Miss Annie Stoueman, to Mr. R. Keller. It was reported a pleasant event. -.-A sur- pvise party was given to W. J. Tufts on 11 Onday evening bY the people of the Methodist church for his service as organist in the church. -Miss Rachel Kirk left on :Wednesday last for. the Thathes rood to perform her ditties as teacher. The school has been closed en account of diphtheria in tbe sec tipin-Our new residents, Mr. Stinson and family, ate comfortably settled in our village. -The football mateh play- ed•by the Plugtown sehbol and Kirk - ton Friday. resulted in a tie, one goal each. They are open for challenges. -- Captain Paisley received his Fenian Raid medal on Saturday. -The teach- ers7'meeting was held at Mr. Leigh's on -Friday. -e -Mr. Archy Robison had it Wood bee Wednesday. There were :about twenty-tlye cords of Wood cut. He was well satisfied. --Mrs. Davis re- turned home on Friday, after visiting with friends at Winchelsea. Edgniond vilie. . Mr. John C. Allen has purchased the Pottery from Mr. Joseph Weber; who goes into:Hie hotel business at Dublin about the first of May. We helieVe Mr. Allen will have aSsociated with him Mr. F. Burgard, the veteran pot- ter of this village. They will make a strong tearn.--Robert H. Bristow bas been suffering for some time with an ailment of the tongue, wh hilt seems to be eancer.-Miss Minnie young, who hos' been ailing some time with pul- monary trouNe, is beet:titling very weak, and is mostly confined to bed. - The small amount of pro -Boer senti- ment in this Village has been at a lOW telnper11tIlre.‘ for the past few days. -A grand sacred 00130000 will be held in the Pr eSt/tpriitiA, Churcli 11010 1)1) Mon- day evening, March 12. --It is gener- ally reperted that Mr, D. Stevenson, who has worked for Mr. Thomas Hills in the wagon shop doring the past twenty years, intoods going to Mani- toba ill the spring. -Miss Jennie Hills is making a, lengthened visit with her sister; Mrs.:Frank A, .Cole, of Hamp- ton, Ont. -Mrs. George Browa has 1,30013 off duty for several weeks, brit is now improying.-Thene iS some fi:111c of introdneing electric light into the 1)resbyterian Church here. Many hope it is true, :as the present antiquated system is far behind the times. -Mr. Charles Wilson offers his grand farm of 290 acreS:: close to this village, for 811,10.--s.mrs. John Hannah. has sold the milk business to her neighbor, Mrs. 11. .T. Grieve.s--Mts Frank Kains and his sister, MiSs Mary, of Byron, spent seine days with -relatives here. They were a seoelisarded by their aunt MrS. A. J. Rcillins, of Exeter. St. JOS'eph At present writing 'we are experie00- in2s a young. Manitoba blizzard, but who 01111W5. '1,Vhat to-11101TOw may bring fort,13,---Quite a demonstration wits held in our School on Friday last when the teacher, Miss A. McGregor, he:erd of the relief of Ladysmith. 8he tolled the bell for fifteen minutes arid had the children give three cheers for Queen .Vietoria,.General Buller, Gen: White, the .British army and our braye Canadian: boys. Miss McGregor is a -true British subject as Well faS a first- class teacher and We feel sore that had she been a man she Wonid now be at :the front along' with the reSt of our brave boys'facing the Boers, -bot as it is we know -Tier heart is with thein.. - M'. Ant os . Overlie t• lVaS Visiting at Mr,: Eicher's outhe fourteenth. concession:. hist Friclay,--Thenill here has again' commehced operationS and its old fa - (11>1100 Whistle:can be heard :morning, (10913 and night•e'Mr, T. Horton spent Sunday. and Morida3,- here, the guest of his father:sin-law,' Mr.' R. O'Brien. (ro late for last, week.) During the high water of lost week the dam across NIP. Rennie's creels: gave way, consequently he is unable to run bis inill,- -Mr. It. O'Brien WaS ill Sell - forth 00 Friday last on business. - Dame viiin(Th 811378 that we are likely to hear wedding bells in the near future. -A gentleman from 1>0111' Watford (we have not learned hiS'ilitine) was in this vicinity the fore part of this week with a view of purchasing a farm. - Mr. E. Marehall was in London lost week on business.--Mv. D. Wilson is getting out timber for the ereetion of an implement house and drive shed next suminer.--Mr. j. Furgeson, of Parkhill, spent part of last Friday* and Saturday in these parts. 30(15 alS0 Withdrawn. We believe, OweVer, that ihe cold siicip we are now experiencing is 11 splendid preven- tive to OE' ihereaSe 01! 10j1>tiOns niierct- bid ov „germ life. . May the frost king of thefroZen north protrapt his stay I/41.Silos01.s spending a week or so with feiencls near Sea forth. -11011'. John: 40310 s sold lus teinin to Ma -John Snell of :E'xe- ter, for a good figure, and has pur- cliased outlier 0( 10111>1(1 from Da 50 - wend. -111r. John Pedler is busy thaw- ing Sand. ETe believes in having the best in the way of improVements, intends to Place a cement ilifor 111 the cellar ofhi house,,-MigNelson Kestle, and fainily spent enjoya Ole even- ing at thc.- home of Mr. Jahn it0We.,-- ,Mt. Harry Rowe and Mrs. Wesley Snell visited frit -aids atSharon last .Week, -e -Some of out friends are im- porting thoroughbred poultry. This is very comnienclahle, as this branch of the farming indlistry is :seinetimes overlooked. The best is bone too good. --Drawing sancl. and gravel is the erder of the clay. jacob Schwarz, drawing for Ns. neW barn next silt/i- n:ex', Mr. AL Fink.beiner, who purposes raising his barn, and '311r, Jack Mor - leek for the same, purpose. Satur- day morning one of the hien' in the gravel pit, hada very (Anse anli. As the gravel bank is frozen, the loose gvavel is being taken away fronriinder- neath,' the bald( being held up by props. Without the Slightest warning, a large section 01 1110 bankdropped away, al - 1310613 pinoing ohe of the: men. under its jagged edges. A few inches closer would have done the deed. Inc as it was his shoulder was, slightly bruised and coat cut. -Mr. Ed. Brokenshire, called the other day with a prospec- tus of a work on the South. African War, including also the recent trouble with the dervishes in Northern Africa. His book is bandsentely illustrated and replete with facts full of prime inter- est to every intelligent reader. Mr. Broken shire represents the Bradley- Garreetsen Co. of Toronto. Get the book, reaOt the book, and pay, pay, pay! Crediton Miss Einnla -Lewis has.returned.from Granton, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Clark. -Mrs. D. Link is attending the millinery Open- ings at London this week. ---H. M.P.P., of Toronto, spent Sunday here with his fitinily.-Lost Sunday's bliz- zard was the worst we have had for a long time. Most of the concession roads are blocked and will require a lot of shovelling before they are made passable.- - We fire pleased to say that John Dietz is slowly recovering from his long illness and trust that he will S000 be able, to be around again. -Mr. Wm. :Lewis has returned from Milton, where he lnis been ittte tiding the G -rand Council of the Royal Templors.-The Misses Tillie and Millie Bertrand are visiting Mrs. Israel Snail, of Exeter. this Week. -Mr. J. H. Holtzman hits purchased the place formenly occupied by Otto. Geo. Brown an01 intends mak- ing srmle ellatul'es old the place. -Mr. August Ewald is wearing it sthile. boy. -Miss Lillie Kent bas returned to her home in Brinsley, ofter pleasant visit with friends 13e1'e.-Mis H. Par- sons, of Exeter, was: in the village Tuesday Selling boolzs on "The Life of Moody " and the British -Boer war. - Miss Icla. Winer is visiting friends in Centralia this week. -Mr. Jacob Elaist, Mr. D. Sweitizer ancl Mrs. W. Lewis fire 00 the sick list. We hope they may soon recover. -Mr. Manz, of Tovistocke spent Stinday here, the guest of his sister, Mrs. Daniel Oes- theielier.-Mr, V. Ratz, M.P., of Otta- Wit, spent Sunday ;113 home with his family.-:-Messts. Young, Siegner and Holtzman am chopping wood in the Hay SWa 111p. They return each even- ing telling their friends what extraor- dinary feats of labor they have per- formed. No doubt it is a little exag- gerated. --The recent loss of our brave boys lit Paardeberg, has given us a great shock and we are beginning to expevience what war really means. How sad that, so many nOble.tiVes are, sacrificed and we can only hope that this terrible War Will SOOn, end. Cronje has surrendered and WO at'e glad that tbe flag, "that braved a thousand years the battle and .the breeze," is Steadily ad vancing. 11. T. of T. LECTURE. --Tile RoYal remplers of Teniperanee intend :hold- ing a lecture and:concert in the Town Hall, on Monday neict, Match 5. They .have secured Rev. V. G. Forester, of ;Elope church, Toronto, to 16c:titre' for them, his topic being: ''Take: a little wine for thy stomach's sake."' AO elaborate inusiiiid program will .also be giyen. M. Vincent, of Exeter, and the Saintstinvy and Crediton qUartette clubs taking part. At, the close of the. entertainment :I, :handsome autograph. quilt, inade by the .Ladies' Aid of the Zion chinch, Will be offered for Sale. : , (Too late for last week.) Miss livyati, who siipplied Miss Corn-. scey's place as teacher, : left for her home Frid y oven n go -Miss Fi eh - boo i'ie, oi Goderich, has been engaged to fill. :the'. vacancy. :We hope Mks Fiehbeurna will soon feel at benne, in ovir mids13,-el:1,0V, Mr:I:foss:1r, has gone to 'Glencoe to assist Rev, ,McTavish in 0.001 ea l . servi cos -2.1fain pi es -intehd litt'yillg eillieebt a11t1 Leelltire in tfiil ilear fu trire.-sMr. Uiiah Canninghitin is in town. -People are husy getting a, supply of ice Which is 04of the hest cyntlity.The young peOple :nth eOjOy- 1334 on the ice it. has beeh in fine cOndition ,for skating. x4j'e,tAit7,azzv-1.1 Far (11.1:lall' „ D. NAV, Farquhar, Inonelissinnsi 111(0 oonvoyanoor, IVenoy to loan at lowest ratet, of in terost. •• on 'Tuesday to attend the 03:derv/titers' Norris, directors of t•he Ushorne, and Messrs. IL Plissmore and John , • sAssociation, now in eeseif in t Toronto. Hibbert Fire Insurance Co., left here' of the young people Friday evening to -.Mrs. H. B,orland invited a inn Iot- a party, giveti in honor of her niece, Miss Philipes Ttillsrton.-The ses' verest l'CSld en 1. jnii,si113.fe,}clii1;;;I.,csi.lsi '101)011, 1> toliltel' 3)(3011 l'eSidi11V I'M' ra het- ' dallghter, Mrs. jolan Miteliell, of brook, removeti here last week and will nifike her home witli her doughter. 111rs. David McNichol. ',Many Will he pleased to se.e the old lady in 000 teidst once,/nore.--Mr. john Doncon has b e eo e a eon v t to fen k ole su ffrn go as evidenced liy the :id ve n t of it Or:a baby girl.--111rs. Coineron, ac -s cioinpanied gr:ind-sc/11, Tlion`1,1,3 Allan, left; here Friday for Stratfoid to see her dangh ter, 11105. Ben., Allan, who took suddenly ill short time ago brit we learn she is recovering now and will soon be restored to. bell usual health. -Mi'. eXa ntler SteVltart, ed Glenquitich, IIibbert, passed throngh ,here on Friday on his way to Lakeside to visit his sister, lIrs. A. Young, but ; some think Alex. has an , additional • attr:t:tion there. -Air. D. McNichol, our popular village bla ek sm itho, and wife spent one doy in Seitforth. last week. - The members of the 0. E. ore making active preparations for no ''At Home' in the Thames Road chineh, on March 16th. A good thne is :inticipated. MAttlidlilD,-.ATrS. Elizabeth Arrns- strong, for na:my years it resident of this village, but during the last nine ois ten years has lived in the village of Fullartf in, was united in the holy bonds of inatri mon y on Wednesday 'of Iiist - week, at Croniarty, to 1110. Harry Wag-, horn, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. I'. Scott. Mr. 1Vaghorn, for several years past has . - been engaged as night -watch in the- Massey-ilarris works, Toronto. He formerly lived on the 13tb concession of Hibbert and is well-known in this. S. 0. S. CONCERT. -Quit a number - from here a ttelided the entertaininent held at Cromarty, under the auspices of the Sons of Scotland on Friday last. Twheienecrowd was far in excess of the accomitmdation, so 100013 so that many - obliged to stand. It was an ideal Scotch entertainment. , The instru- mental music, dancing and songs and even the costumes were as Touch as the rnost enthusiastie Scotchman could, desire. Prof. Grey and his class of Highland dancers pleaSed the audience very much with their graceful and well trained inovements. The rendi- tions of Miss :McNichol, of Toronto, . anC1 Air. H. Macdonald, of Londomwas well received. The proceeds amount- ed to $110. Centralia., COLLINS & STANBURY. Barristers. Con- veyancers, Notaries, Exeter Out , B. 11: Col - tins Itrol I i Stan bury. B.0 (late with Mc - ()artily, Osler & Co.. Barristers, Toronto. Mr. Wm. Baker of Fairfield, has. purchased the bria dwelling 0 WTI etli by Mr. S. Davis, who left here a short time ogo to -reside in Exeter. We wel- colt le Mr. and Mss. Wm. Baker to our - midst. --Our public school teacher has been laid up by a se,vere attack of ap- pendicitis and as a result his depart- ment of the school has been closed for the past, week, but will be re -opened soon by a new teacher.--Tbere are several parties here who are preparing , to leave tor the West in the near 'f111 - t111•0. --Mr. Jaxoos Collingwood left ou for his hp /1 Go inber1:11.1d. WiS., after visiting his ninny friends here. The concerts to be given in ere- diton and Exeter afford an oppor- Wray to hear the Rev. F. G. Foster,. of Tamil to. --Mr. of Wooaham, brother to onr en terpriS,7r,1,:7,,' 1/000 and shoe maker, has leased tlies's store late- ly occri pied Mr. Oliver and purposes opening up a gener111,tailOr and gents . furnishing establishment here. We . wish 111111 every success. -A very pleas sant arid social evening was spent, at Mr. .Ta in es Neil's. Bidditlph, the other night when some 40 guests gave a sur- prise to 0130 young couple and a ": most enjoyable time was spent. -The ice" supply hits been fully filled here, many tons having been placed in the cream- ery, also a large qtiantity of wood is being placed on the ground fon -the factory's rimning.-Mis G. G. lEssery has the material on the ground for the erection of his new house.-- "Many of our prominent yoimg men attended the evening service on Sunday at Credi- ton. They are either attracited by the good music; or tit e pretty girls..-mr. Samuel Handford, of .Manitoba, -is visiting his baothein Mr. Sallies Hand- ford of Devon. Varna: Oh Friday evening a num- ber of the 30e1131)e08 ind idherents of St. John's church waited .on their or- ganist, Miss Lottie Weeks, and, present- ed her with a very hinthiv. eotriplinien- tary address and a purse of money in recognition fOr her services as organist during the past year. Miss Weeks VMS completely taken by stirprise but made a Very stli table reply thanking her inanv kind friends very nlueli for their Iib(iral gift. A Thousand Tongues. Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer ef Philadelphia, Pa., when Dr. Kings Nev Discovery coned her of a hacking cough that fon inany years bad nia,de life a burden. Sbe sitys: ''After other remedies and doctors failed, it soon removed the pain in the chest and 1 can no'w sleep Soundly, something 1 can scarcely re- meitiberdoing before. I feel like sound. ing its praises throughout the 113)1 - verse." Dr, 1K:im_s's New Discovery is gnaranteed to elite all troiibles of the Thvoat, Chest or Lungs, Prieci and $1.00. r)otoc.:, free t 1/ all drug stores. : 10 11410 1 4014 10 Yds 01>10