HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-22, Page 5TRE extter 4brovatt rs published every 'Chnrsday Morning, dt the Oflioe, M.A.IN-STREET, --- EXETER, —By the— ADVOCATE PUBLASH lNG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance *1,50 if not so paid. za.S.-sriertical.sag 1-ecaton or.a. itc- o paper al,e on ti nu.od. until :Marro rage ip,re paid. Atlyertisonients without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged aceordingly. Liberal disoount read° tor transoient advertisements inserted for Long Periods, Every description of .TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- e_ei ors, &o. for advertising, subacriptions,otc.to, lir barnacle payable to . Chas.H. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP .mmansso*Eamaamaraustsmanaowsanaaluorna,..mnem PrOPC20424211112,1t Carde4. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, IL, D. S., I/ D. S., Ronor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effeets. Office in Fansou's Block, -west, side Main Street, Exeter. -nat. D. ALTON ANDERSON,CD.D.S.,L.D.S.d 1.9 honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsitv andRoyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without path. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Oftice over Elliot & Elliot's law olfice--opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. inmpoormistlisto. eimmisMmillON eetieni rirti R.T. P,IcLAITGFILIN, lidEMBER OF Ef the College of Physicians and Surgeons ) (Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconch- afar. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Ltieral. 7UNTOICSON & CARtintG, BARRISTERS, 19 Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Rank,.etc. Money to loan at 5 and ,5y., per cent. riffle° Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at Reneall ou Thursday of each week.) I. R. CARLING B. A.. L. 11. DICKSON. VLLIOT BARRISTERS, ILO Etc.; Conveyancers, and Money to Loan. B. V. ELLIOT. F. W. GLADIVAN• ••••••••••••••••••••• Aue tioneers BOSSENBERRY,GiranciBend. Licensed Ai. Auctioneer for County Huron. Saies promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. El BROWN, Winoheisea. Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and lifiddlesex, also for the te•wnship of Usborne Salee promptly attended to and terms rea- s on bal e. Sales sarranged at Post office. Win- ohelsea. Insaranee,. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. fain St. Exeter allcAtr...4kAta Jac 46 - 'IT PPLYS 4 To read the big stores' ad - 4 vertisetnelltS 4 4 4 STOP! THIN Ic For -whoSe good are we in the furniture businees? For yours and ours. If we are net useful to you -vVe cannot be use- ful to oursedvete We havegot to carry the goods you want at the prices you Want or we .cans not make asuccess of our busi- ,ness. But:we'have been doing business right along for years, which proves that •we' are the right kind of people Withthe right prices. Come and see for yourself " • • • S..GIDLET & SOIL. Furniture, Undertaking, 0 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ircarnr-vrvr.gc-mr-isp--,17,ar "Iler The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament . 1855., Fid iip Capital.............$2,500,000. .aest Fund .. ... offieeMontreal 1.,. WOLFER,STAN TI1CLNIAS, Esq., Ci-at.L ?VIA-NAOMI. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more oudorscrs 1,7 par cent. per anutlin. —EXETER BRA.NCII— Open every lawful day frotn 10 a.ni. to 3 p.na ; Saturdays10 8.1.31. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted. CURRE SIT RATES allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. Sac Jugs Bank at S. DthasOts & CARLING, N.D. ilt.tnnOti; Solicitors. Manager. Ay. TO T11.1 ,DEAF.—A rich lady, Moored of her Deafness and NOiSOE.4 in the Head by Dr, Nieholson's Artificial Ear Drums, has sent $1,000 to; his In- . stitute, so that deaf people unable to propnre the -Ear Drums May have them free. Apply to Department A. S. N, The Institute, "Longcott," Gun n ersbn ry, London, W., England 4.; t,tva r.tst flAG 4il • Alt IS ItiND Citi? 6‘1' Utrir RN i. • Crf EXTERNAL, (0, tZ-i•tlft,t ri L,i Irma. GQT 014- 4.1:11tIfe, • LOOK COT PO'n ltd9TATIONS AND sue- sTrroTES. THS GeNulmo. BotTLE 5fiAt1e Tilt NAME, ; • PERRY DAVIS & SON. iii141/13140,4tif/06401(1411114111101Ile" W"gri.lrgr7g. Slow growth of hair comes from lack of hair food. The hair has no life. It is starved. It keeps corning out, gets thinner and thinner, bald spots appear, then actual baldness. The only good .hair food y 0 u c n b u y is -- It feeds the roots, stops starvation, and the hair grows thick and long. It cures dan- druff also. Keep a bottle of it on your dressing table. It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Mind, we say always." Si .00 a bottle. All druggists. "L have found your Flair Vigor to • be the best remedy I have ever taled for the hair. My hair was oat very had, so 1 thought 1 would try a tiottle of it. 1 bad used only one bottle, and my hair stopped falling out, and it is now real thick and tong," NiXOY J. Mot.re.t.s.-ri.E. :July 2t1, 1298. Yonkers,N. V. Write the Beeler. • He will send you his book ou The Hair and scalp, Ask him any ques- tion you wish about your hair. Von will receive a prompt answer free. Address. • Da. J. C. AYER -raiisa. Mitchell: The residence of Mr. W. G. Hinds came near being destroyed by fire Friday. The pipe leading from the furnace ignited the floor, but, the flames were speedily extinguished with -the aid.of a few buckets of water. Had it occurred during the night the blinding would likely have been des- troyed. Luhan: A' 'rather Minlensant mis- hap. occurred to Sprowl on Tues- day night. I'Vhile out driving with sonse..friends he stood up in the cutter to Wrap the robe around him, when the horse suddenly started, throwing him Out en the road. He struck on his head, and suffered a slight .concus- sion of the brain. St. Marys: James Watson, died Thursday after it short illness of only a few days. Deceased was .for many years n trusted employe in the planing mill of the J. D. Moore Co., hut up to a short time before his death he had been working it) the plaining mill of Johnstone & Wright. 11,1111 FILL SOB Despondency and Melancholia Result from Kidney and Liver Troubles. COigill 00111110111111 Is the Unsailing Conquorer of All Physical Misery and Suffering. Prompt Relief and Speedy Cure Guaranteed. Dr Phelps' Marvellous 'Prescription Makes the Old and Young Healthy and Happy. The Great Home Medicine of the 'Civihted World. When the great nerve centres ore restored to perfect nation Paine's Celery Compound, then, and only then, can the liver and kidneys become healthy and peeform their several func- tions with ease and regularity. Your sad thoughts, depression of spirits, meluriehelia. and hours of dark- ness proceed d eetly from a diseaeed condition or our liver and kidneys. The het physicians in the world have openly' indorsed Paine's Celery Compourul n the Fai fest and sureet re- tnedy for youi' troubles. Thmisande in the post have found solid heel th and happiness limn the use of the great Medicine. De not iiceept, env stihstitn to for the great life giver. InsiSt upon lieving '41?aine's," the kind Ilia b mires. PACIFIC CABLES. Victorian and New South \A'ales Agreement Discussed. CANADA MAKES WARM PROTESTS Grantto the Eastern Extension Com- pany Would be Disasterotle—The Exempt Railway Lauds the Sub- ject f w Rill— Bill Introdo. —The Premier o Urtf11., liat• ten's NVIthdrawal. Ottawa., 20.—The House got through a large amount of business YestorddY, and a ;number of items had bowl cleared off the order paper when the hour of adjournment iv - rived. The Pacific came. In reply to an enquirY by Mr. Casey, whose remarks on the subject were supplemented by Sir Charles Tupper, Mr, Mulock said that the • Government had acted promptly and made a vigorous protest against any partner in the Pacific cable uncial: - taking varying the conditionsby. granting concessions to a rival com- pany. He admitted that if the ac- tion which was reported in the tiews- papers to have been taken was al-. lowed to go into effect it might en7. danger the construction of the Pa- cific cable. The Governments of Vic- toria and New South Wales had been. cabled that the Co.naidian Govern- ment distinctly objected to the granting of such Concessions. The :scheme Weis in Dancer. Speaking of the Government's views, Mr. Mulock said that an policy iik,e this endangered the construction of the Pacific cable. The company might cause the Australian Govern-, ment to sanction delay, and delay meant the defeat of the whole scheme. Ile did not .know that 'the Imperial Government bad given con- sent to this Step on the part of the Australian Colony, and it would bcj a surprise and a .hock if any Govern- ment had altered its agreemera. The Government had acted promptly. The Eastern Extension Company wanted the matter referred to the Cable Coin -- mission, but the Canadian Govern- ment thought it did not come within the province of the commission. Yesterday morning, a cable had been sent by the Government to Lon- don, stating their strong oppos•i tioa anti surprise. The Preaders of Vic- toria and New South Wales were also cabled, and Canada's view presented that the colonies were partners. and no• one colony could act without, the consent of the other in the matter. Gen. 11 u ctn.. 'a Wit Iit.,. with The severance of Col. Hutton's coue neetion with the Canadian • militia also formed a topic of discussion, and the premier stated that asking •the' late ,Major-General to resign or dismissing him hati been, presented to His ,Excellency for sig- nature. In view of an insinuation having been made by Col. Hutton itt a speech just before leaving Canada as to the, reason of his departure, however, the Premier said the cause of difference • between that officer and the 0 evernment was that he was insuborclina itt„ indiscreet and. deliberately ignored the authority of the Minister in the administration of the department. Sir Wilfrid em- phasized the fact that the principle of responsible government requires that the General counnanding, be subordinate to the Minister of the Crown, and that his office is ad- visory. itilis 1 n treduced. The following bills were introduc- ed: Respecting the British Columbia & Southern Rai 1W ay Co prior, Respecting the Canadian Pacific• Rai tway-2-' Mr. Davis. Respecting the Comax & Cape Scott Railway—Mr. Morrison. , Respecting the Arrowhead & Koote- nay Railway—Mr. Morrison. Mr. Davin, in introducing his bill to regulate the northwest grain trade, said that it was . the same bill that he had proposed in previous years. He introduced it merely to make sure that the subject would be dealt w th The Grain 4 enurnision. Mr. Sifton explained that owing to the death of judge Seakler, the re- port of the Grain Commission had been delayed. udg-e Richards had been appointed Chairman, and the re- port would Soon be received. It was the intention of the Government', iu the light orthe evidence of the re- port, te deal with this subject, and that being the Case, the. Governthent could not now express any opinion. Mr. Richardson Introduced, a bill re- specting the 'Canadiatie Pacific land grants. t te explained that it as- serts the interpretation to bo,. that twenty oars' exemption frotn, taxa- tion *lad date from the • date of the granting of. the charter, :hot from'the earning of the subsidy or the issuing of a 'patent. The House adjourned at 12.25„ ' The Hon. J. Israel Tdrte returned to Ottawa yeSterday morning after • a short absence: Concerning the can, at& to the,effeet that he bad .resigned he said this afternoon: "There is not a word of truth itt the 'story; 11 is puro bosh,” NOTES OF T11111 HOUSE. ' 411 110E5..5 Euro t.. ' voile() there, and 223 altoectio::" iti tilt!. Yukon, Three bills were iiitreduced yester- day, Davin's related to the, re- gulation of the grain trade in Mani- toba and the North west Territories. Mr. Rieltielson',s bill is• respecting the land gran1 of the C, P. ft. •Mr. Rioltardsoii Wants ibo exact, date Of closing the, tax exemption on the lands granted fixed by the lloese now. 11 11 w ent Lo the Oourts t 1000111 dre.,6i' en for four or (iv (veal's. 1/oniville's bid rehire to retire- seritatien, in the Senate and the Ilouse of 'Commons, EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) wheat per bushel....„...,..,... . . .. . , te 5 liar 11 (Dried Apples per lb 5 uotrit!,0eaultaett)f,tio,r, per cwt . ....... ..... • . • ................... .. .. . .. . . ..... „ !, ,Egt,P.• . 17 tj'in.tyalt>e"r8toPner.....bag .. ... . . . .... -7-00 to S4.2) .. ... . . ...... ...... to 40 V:, to Pi 24 tO ,1. fliuo:vtoces40 11 44 Cortrhy .... ... ....... . . . on SOUTH MAYO'S VACANCY. iThat ck g --_-- Maier John illehride, Now 11i:titan,: tor the Doors iu SOlitli Africa, is Ono oil . R of the 0.....1h1ates. . 1 London, Feb, 20. — ..Mr , John (),„,,...„ and Major John NIcilricie, the latter commanding the Irish Bri- gade in South Africa, were yesterday nominated to till the vacancy in the House of Commons for South l\tayo, caused by Lite resign:I...ion, Oct. 20, • 1899, of Mr. Michael Davat, Irish NAlt.ti°Lnlitlelislitts. t election in 'South. Mayo Mr. Davitt was returned unopposed. The Globe declared yesterday after- noon that if Major McBride is quali- fied for election to 'Parliament he is also liable to be shot as a traitor as soon as captured, as only British subjects ate eligible for election to the House of COmmons. The Winter Cabinet Defeated. St. john's, Nfld., Feb. 20. --- 'The Colonial Legislature met yesteeday, and the Government laid upon the table a formal address thanking 0 ov- ernor Sir ITug,ii McCellum for : 'the speech from the throne. The OpPo- Sidon moved a vote of ‘vant Of. con- fidence in the Ministry, the division being 15 to 9 against. the,Ministry. • This defeat involves the :heSignatithi' of the M'inter Cabinet, which is ex- ; pepted to -day. For the time being it• imperilled the passage' of the bill extending the modes e•ive0di 00 the French Shore, bill; the bill subsequent- lY passed unanimously through all the stages in the Assembly. To -day it will go through the Council, and receive the . assent, of the Governor. Mr.; Demi will probably be called up- on to -day to form a Cabinet. , A Receiver Appointed. .d. Feb. 20. — Yesterday A, Leith, teller of Stinson's Dank, which has suspended payment., re- ceived a letter from Chicago stating that a receiverhas been appointed in the person of M. S. Bright, the Su- perior lawyer and land ag,ent, who was here a. week ago. It will be a further disappointment to depositors to learn that they are not to he re- presented in the winding up of the af- fairs of Mr. Stinson by men of their own' choosing. Britain NN.144 no Advances. idondon, Feb, 20. — A representa- tive '61; the Associated Press has been • You have used all.: 1 sorts of cough rerne- I dies but it does not I yield; it is too deep 1 1 seated. It may wear itself out in time, but I it is more liable to I ppnrodeumucoenialaor gar seprei I ous throat affection. 1 You need something that will give you I strength and buiid 1 up the body. i i sEMUNI Si 1 , i will do. this when evg erythit _ 1 else fails. Ihere is no doubt 1 about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and 1 makes the body strong and i healthy not only to throw 1 off this hard cough, but to 1 I fortify the system againsti further attacks. If you are 1 snihnoudldowncertorainelmyactiaake emaciated yttiors I nourishing food medicine. 5c.c. 2nd Si.ec, all druggists, z SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist:, Toronto, ' Offidially and empha'tically informed .....ssfeeestisroon.mootoommsto....40.,i that 'Great` Britain has never at any time made any diplomatic or other advances for an alliance with the Un- ited State,s or Germany. So far as this statement refers to the United States it is fully confirmed at the 'United States Embassy. Ztaitrula, Mau Killed. Dundas, Feb. 20. — A fatal acci- dent occurred last night about 7 o'clock on the G.T.R. between Dun- das and Cogetown. The name of the unfortunate brakeman is said to be W. Atchison of Sarnia. He was struck on the forehead by the bridge and knocked down, but did not fall off the car. Ms Brain Laid !late. Teeswater, Feb. 20. — Yesterday, George Hardy, eldest son of Solomon Hardy of Culross, a young mart of 23, was struck in the Centre of his forehead by a limb or a splinter of a falling tree, shattering and splitting the skull, laying bare the brain. His case is critical. S lil p 1 1 saste es en -pan ish Coast. Santander, Spain, Feb. 20 .—(1 it les are causing a number of shippiag dis- asters on the north coast of Spain.. Three small vessels have been wreck- ed near hero and 24 seamen drowned. Eight other vessels are missing. Two coasting ships with crews totalling 48 men are reported to have found- ered off Gigon. Yellow Fe r on th... Morin ina, New York, Feb, 20. — Rudolph Schmidt, aged 27 years, a fireman on the German steamer Taormina,which arrived .yesterday morning from San- tos, was removed to Swinburne Is- land for treatment. Schmidt has yellow fever. . ltriti h 1. enter Ossian Lest. London, Feb. 20. --The three -mast- ed steamer which foundered Feb, 14 near Land's End during a severc gale iris been identified as the Bri- tish steaumr Ossion, bound from Leith for .Seville. It is 'assume(' the crew perished. actor 0 %). s -mad, Quel)ec, Feb. 20.—Edwin Mayo,the leading actor of the Head Wilsen'' Dramatic. Co., was found (lead in one of the corridors of the Chateau Frontenan about 3 o'clock yeatercla y morning. Mr. Fielding, intimated yesterday that , the estimates would be ready shortly. But it is thoughi, that„ the:/ will not be reached till Friday, Canada's Chinese figured for a few MOITlents, when' Sir Richard ' Cart- wright answered questions from Mr. ilielnnes. In 1897, 2,447 en tcired Pati - in 1898, 2,175, and hi 1899, 4885, A hill to increase the entry tax Will be introduced by the Gov- ernment. Da,i'vSon City, according to a censits ina.10 two Months ego, contained 14020 1150 05 ...u.anitres.1 Cleveland, 0., Feb, 20. — A five - 81000y brick building used as a stable by Artueur &.?" Co., was deil,royed by fire early yesterday.. Forty horses perished in the flames. 1rez,.1. 10 SI. rrliorritis Feb. :.:0; John Tyonit •was found 'dead in his shanty in Sandwich South Township, by 11i8 brother 'rhomas. Ile had -been frozen to death Scene de's az°. Seaforth: A serious accident oc- curred on Thursday night -at Bell's foundry, by which two men were pain- fully injured and two others had a, narrow escape. Two of the rnen, whoee names are Wm. Bicknell and Hugh .Stevensen, were engaged in pouring off Some molten brass, when .the ladle slipped and some Of its con- tents was poured noon the wet floor. This caused an explosion, the inolten metal flying in all directiOns. Dick- nell fared the worst, his left arm and hand being badly burned. Stevenson was Struck in the eye and for a time it was feared he 'Would lose his sight. Fred Bonthron and A. Ortwein, who - ‘veve standing near, jmnped Out of the way and escaped_ mihurt. Clinton; The residence of Mr. Jas. Stevens, near here, was the scene Of an iinportant event, on Tuesday, When a pre t to• home Wedding was celebrated, by the inarriage of daughter, Alma, to William Eagleson, of Aberdeen, .South Dakota. Rev. B, Clement, pastor of Ontario street. Methodist church, officiated, and pronounced the • magic words wnichmadetbe eon* htisband.and wife. The wedding was confined.to only the family. Tho bride is an estimable young lady, and has many intitmite friends in Olinton and vicinity, especially arming :those' who attended the Ontariostreet. church. Mr. Eagleson is prosPering, • in the West, where he intends Making his bathe, and is a native of.Huron Coun- A Blessing to the lionies of Canada, No invention of the century now coining to a close has done so much for the homes of Canada as the Dia- mond Dyes. These reliable and never failing dyes have saved more money for our Canadian families than all other combined agencies. Diamond Dyes, with their tua,gical ,re=creating powers, give to faded and dingy looking dresses, skirts, waists, blouses, shawls capes, jackets coats, vests, pants, and all fabrics, light or 'heavy, a second life—a condition of richness and beauty, in the majority of cases far ahead of the original colors and shapes. 11 simply means that a new dress, coat, jacket or other article of wearing apparel is obtained at a cost of from ten to twenty cents. This work iS now successfully carried 00 in tens of thousands of happy and prosperous homes in our Dominion. If you have not yet tested the re- creating and economizing powers of ,)iainon 1 1)yes in yourlome, you are losing money eVery month. Toachieve ltd victories that come to others itt neneY-sa \lug, you should try what /iamond 'Dyes can 'do on your faded d st-off clot,hing. As there aro imitation paeka,ge dyes' :old in eom,' stoves for thcesake of extra wofit, avoid theiie colors, And they aro nous to any material; see that you xet the Diamond Dyes that Make old things look as good as new • DO OT PUN front a q ties Lion 'that tuttnt t Have youyourNow Suit111 not, drop in and 8C 08 at t,lt first opportunity and let, US Show yoti a few )1wict1s of the Fancy, Woresteds and Seobrta Tweeds, Inve you seen the new SiztpleS anit l'herringbone patterns. 7,ihey are beauties. big range of Blues and 131aek, Serges at the old prices. if ,you. want a hiack we. 1111ve what you. want in Twrlbi, Venetians and OVERCOATS Overce)zits in Beavers, D/eltoris, Curls, Naps and Montatiacts. All work done in the latest style aril fit F.sunranteed. J. GRIEVE Opposite Post Office DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERS11111. Notice is hereby given that the partnership hem: tofore existing between John 'SYR/lions and Joseph Cobbledick, carrying on lalSiness :It the vilIntre ot Exeter, under the name style sad Erin rJ Cotmedick S.: Williams, has this day been mutually dissolved_ Dated, Jan. ±0 1100.Sign„, Having purchased the entertf.t. Of .301in in 111 above partnership we will continue the .63iia business in the old stand. iaordail accounts due the Late Soar :rust be paidtlie 118 untiereigiitd. J. COBBLEDICK. & SON 11 01111011 (i• .3, Yes, we have just recti ii,notlret• carload of furniture, which when added to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, most hand- some and cheapest things -on the market. Tiff STOCR We have the Stock—you have the 111011ey—we want to trade, and 11 . it is furniture you Walit it will pay you well to drop in and Sett (XX dandy line before purebasing else - 'where. We haue the largest and best assort,d stock in town. I. N. tiovitE FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAXSAGE, BOLOGNA, :PRESSED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS., Call at The Family Butch& Shop. One door North, of R. Pickard's stare. LOUIS DAY pro,„ciet.r. SMITH'S Repair Shop. Now is the time to get your Nvflett cleaned to store away for the wince Gun Repairs We make gun repairing it specialty 10 all its branches. We have a large stock of keys in all 81705. horse Clippers Grotind and made as good as new. Everything Repaired Here, . . tpCook's cottot'lloot Coraponit Is succisfull.7 used map thl.flit tp. 'Tee 10,0o0badies.13.afe,.effeetual,1,44,404,* ortidre i t fe Cook' cotte).0 litimit,tr- Emit Take a Olife iiiralliffilitilies,'ottIN a matitiene, are dainge'rouS, 11)0.66, pt:). 14 VI box., No. lite ici..grek,s`tivoontter.,E3 per 'sgril.i.T"i(Vi'3'PL'olrfiltglgri.,i7;!,.lv'ittdIrittgel ltIft,Noil. 1 and 2 (laid and. reetartintontlietili# (141 thepoiisIbleDrtiggiSt4 in eminiiti4i4 'Sos, 1 and 11'2:. 2 Sold in Exeter liir 1:1 Ittaf,., ireggiste • •51