HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-22, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR --607
If you want the latest :War New the read
papers, and ifyou come to hear thi.
latest news of our
Mead. the et.
12c. t
o8 c:
have just,
received a shipment
of a special line of Corsets
from the manufacturer at very
low prices. We have decided to dear thein
at 49c.
We have
left, a few Ladies'
Jackets which will be
cleared out strictly at cost!..
American Percales
38 inch wide, English Prints,
Washable, will be cleared at Se.
We give you advan-
tage of . our buying
75c. now 49c.
LADIE'' $17.00
TO CLEAR $11;99.
Dress Goods.
left a few Rubs,
Capes and Jackets which
• will be sold at 'cost
MEN'S $17.00
To CLEAR $11,99,,
• o • FOR
R .•
In' the estate of Harriet Elizabeth Pen -
hale, late of the Township of'`Step-
hen, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to E.S.O.
189?, Cap. 129+ that all persons haying claims
against the Estate of the said ,Rarriits-
both Ponhala, who died on or about the 29th
January, 1999', aro required' on or before the
1st Alpri1,1900, to seine or deliver to F, W-
Glailnian, ENeter, On t., dolic,tor for ii,iuhurd
Pexhaleand itrederick Luther Pen hale, the
Executors of the last Will"and Testament
of the said. deceased, full particulars of their
claims and: the nature of the securi y (if
any) held by them, and that si ter the said
date the said Executers 'will proceed to dis
tri ira t
c the said Estate amongst the parties
entitled -;hereto. having le aril only to -such
claims of which -notice shall have been given
as aboverequireci, and 'they will not boilable
to any person or l�ersans of'1 hose claim or
claims notice shall not. have been received
at the time af'suoh distribution.
FnElosit ICK L.' P1;NNALF,
by F. W. CYtAT,zIAI,their Soliciter.
Dated. at Exeter this lOth Februaary,19b9.
As Wilber Hat ids was returning.
house the. other day in company with
two young ladies, when oppositeh:lr.11.
ysaae s his horse, by some means ti --
ed the lit r into the di -e The
gf, Y t h. :I h<,
)'1'11 paints saved themselves by. juznp-
ing. Luckily the only damage dont
as'.' broken shaft.—A colt belon in -
to Elred, C tee g
u ince with ,,, singular
aCcideri., one day lash week. It had
1 -wen lcit out for exercise c, and while '
turnin through the ore ail
g „ h c struck
l)1s iii against as tree, P g cc, breaking the
bone and injuring ifself interrrall *.--
J4Ir 'Henryend d f.r George e
y n Gc ri,.,c. tirnith sncrced-
id in capturing oteven .skunks Thurs.
da afternoon., T' S
y n They „ot ten in � one
iole, ' This represents eleven "scents."
,Sovrseone in a, •oke reported that
" - ,..
t Lai c ti
vv 1
i .lt �ic a, theschool
J ttia,
12 I
O ySe
n ,Wednesday evening il.y was stip
osea to deliver an address, l.t the time
bl:ipe))"a)ted f 1)ite a tlxttrllet' s-enrbled,
.. a. h
)tl� the PLr.,v d gentleman Piot arriving
he t,r.13i,Ii began 60 'dawn upon thein
'' , ,i
t '
tli . r'
c fall ad was Tr
v21, there, .S' ., but
tiledto give theatcldire s ---• rc'.League
g , ti . .t: h ,
vaaS acIatoslecl by Mr. John 1-.:lar'ris, of
sbt?cele, Siimav night in ii, way hi h-
6 g
y r)te.,.siris,- to u1] 1Sresent,
5 has teen the order of
the day for the past week's.—Mr. J.
Eunisiacker has been laid oft -work for
51 few days no account of infirmity. -
Mr. Wilson Eati rleson haat a
on "Wednesdaybbiles: bee
ter of Mr. W. E. Hayter,hath
tack of bronchitis an at -
is btec troler` the.
tor's care is ree,overing ht.Love and sisterattended the Anni-
entertainment at
Green church, held on Monday
evening the.19th.-Mr. Thos. Kenny,
lately t working on :the
..,,11:e Rona, as has
been laid upfor some time with scia-
ticta.—Mr. Thos. 3+allis' famil'
have been used uwhe
p with the cold: are
improving. -Messrs. Berr and odst
Bough, of IIensel], were through this
sect)on bl inary horses the other day.--
a ,.—Mr.J. Forest, of Hills Green, , paid
friends here a flying visit on Saturday. dtnrclay.
Grand Bend.
• illi. 1;,obt,. I- altoct, loft Ise • .
Ie on Wed-
nesday i'or London, where he wilt un-
de'rgo treatment in the hospital for gan
asfew weeks
abcess.--Mass !'tile Mollard, v
heen.spendin f withho has
r' Mrs. Kerr at Btinsley, has re:turneel.
home, --Mrs. C. fie Wilson, of Green-
wast, is at present visiting heragents
Mr. anal. M\rs. Thomas i 1-
. iioliarch, hero,--
Mr.R. Iiaiiiiltor ' is buying g elm logs
for '11,'. Snooks of • ,h
.lit. '
, �re)71en5, Mich.
One clay last week there was fcmt.
tiloosa )in. ---Tuesday 1'
. ar ct feet brought
night of last week, our boys wenn
and played their first 3 out
, I Y � irnt hoClre}- match
with the..
, Parkhill team and after one
S >l
the score stood
font' to
two in favor of Grand Bend. On Tues-
evening of this week t
, , _ they tlro� e to
seer and played .elle .boys of
place,but were defeated. --• a that
1 uttin3Y ulr
ice is l;he order, of the. daffy with the
0slfermen, who are lain 1b i ry
Y tr ,i� .,00tl
store for next Snznn)e ,,—•
x M,r. John
Spackman, of Exeter, spent
a couple
of days
11e �e making preparations. to
build as few More ;3ett tries ren his al-
ready well fu rn ishe+d park. --hf r. Harty
Bossettherry is fold t) y
..$' J with aL +•
1 S 11,1.inCd
wrist Which is very painful.
I'a.irk toil
Mr. 11. White, of Londou, was here
on 'Wednesday. ---The 111111 is running
at full speed grinding. ---David Hazel-
wood is able to be asonud Apia—Mrs.
John Elliott, spent a few days in
Georgetown hast week with her broth-
ett-Messrs. W. Millet' and J. L. Kirk
visited Woodham Sunday. ---Mr. Ed-
ward Hazelwood is eoafined to his
ata aLc h ) . e i
f nfl
motion A. large number from here
attended ;glee oyster snppe:z' at Russeh-
dale.--Messrs. John Colland R. Davis,
f Russeldide, spent Sunday here.
,MMcGifl..vray COrIci.l.
Council met pursuant to adjoufin-
Inent in Town Hall, McGillivray, " on
Pei). 10, 1,00. Present. 11, Hutchinson,
Reeve; M. Miller, A.:1. Hodgins and
J. McGregor, Councillors, Minutes of
last meeting read, approved - of and
signed. Miller—Hodgins, that the
Auditors' Report, as read,be accepted,
and the Clerk is hereby instructedto
have 300 copies printed. -Carried. Mil-
ler—Hodgins, that the accounts,
amounting in all to $92.35, be paid.—
Carried. Hodgins—Miller, that. the.
Council adjourn to meet in the Town
Hall on the first Monday in March at
one o'clock, p.m.—Carried.
A11. FLASEIt, Clerk
Bid ail 1 nota
Mrs William Culbert has returned,
from her visit to Walkerville, Mr.
Freeman 131tckwill hos been visiting
in London the past week.. --Mrs. Hobbs
of Nissonri, has been visiting friends
Biddulph the past week. --We re-
gret to hear that William Boyle lost a
valuable, horse a" few clzays . ago. -'two
of on>,: young men went to Loudon last
week, to tender their services as escox.ts
t6 General Roberts to subdue the
Boers, --Mr. David'Cobbledick, former-
ly of Mooresville, has prnlchased a. mer-
cantile establishment in Ailsa Craig.
We wish him and his family success in
their new enterprise.—Mr, and Mrs.
Wright Hays, of London, were the
guests of Mr. Wilbert Revington last•
week.—Mr. F. 13. Nell sold a valuable
registered animal to agentleman from
Lieurv.-Miss Aggie Thompson is en-
gaged for another term with her for-
mer employer, Mr. Joseph Pickard, of
Drumbo Mr. J. Bryan, the good
roads c lndidatte, was through Ward
No. 3, last week to see if it needed re -
Naughton has purchased the farm
adjoining his, from Joseph Meakins,
for $3,400; Mr, Meakins has another
crop.—B. A. Higgins has sold his
house, and lot in Varna to Samuel.
Reid., of f con:: 5, Stanley, e ho gets pos-
session on April 1. We regret to an-
nounce the demise of William, second
son of Andrew Dunkin, on Monday
afternoon. Four years ago he injared
his spine, and has been confined to his
bedever since.nee. He was aged 19 years;
—A pretty wedding occurred at the
residence of the bride's father, Thos.
Keeys, on Thursday, the 15th, inst.,
when his third slaughter, Miss Harriet.
was united in marriage to John Bar-
hour, late of Varna, but now of Mount
Forest, The bride was tastefully at-
tired in blue cloth trimmed with white
satin, and carried a hoquet of roses.
The groom wads ably assisted by E. A.
Wanless, and the bride supported by
hersister, Miss Martha, while Rev. Mr.
Andrews performed the ceremony.
.After the wedding dinner the party
drove to ,Seaforth, and took the train
for Mount Forest, their future home.
The wedding gifts were very valuable
and beautiful; and testified to the es-
teem in which the Riddle was held. .
D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and
Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest.
Miss Bell, of 'Jensen, who has been
visiting at Mr. Thomas Cameron's dar-
ing the past week returned home Sat-
urday evening Bast.—i'ri's. Thos. Cann
eron is spending a week among friends
and relatives in the vicinity of Hensen
and I£ippen. Mr. Alfred Ohappel and
wife of the 13oundary went down to
Blanshard last Monday to spend a day
with his brother-in-law. Mr. 'Thomas
Brace who removed to.Blanshardfrom
TuckersruiLh the beginning of the year.
—Mr. Peter Murray, of Manitoba, has
been visiting the past week or two
among, his cousins, the Messrs. Gardi-,
ners.---Mr's. Ed. Kaufman who had
been visiting the past three weeks' at
hersister s, rbdrs. W. A. Turnlinll, re-
turned home to Brantford last Mon-
day. She had intended renewing ac -
(pia intances
c-gnaaintaz:nces among herlllxetcr friends,
but having information from her hus-
band that he had secured a good situa-
tion in the tailoring business in Orilla,
she returned home sooner than she in-
tended for the purpose of remaking ar-
rangements for removing. Mrs. Kauf-
man looks young, fresh and healthy
as she formerly was. She WAS ac-
conrpa.nied by her two little' girls,
—Our school which wail closed last
week 00 account of the diphtheria hav-
ing broken out at the homes of Messrs.
S. .heroes and 1. Johns, was opened
again 00 Monday after a thorough
fumigation. The health officer pro
noun ;ed1 the school in a very bad sani-
tary condition, as regards the accom-
modation, von iliatiall incl water. We
004 surprised that an intelligent, ener-
getic school inspector, such as we have,
should allow fa school to beeonst'rueted
so as to he a hotbed for the develop-
ment of ill-he.3,1th ;and disease. Surely
knows that 0) order to he k 1 d t i tnaaketic 1 �
best progress in ` ottr school work we,
must have pore air and good 'water
good hc� rail is of ilii e "i
a p ) importance
and the first consideration, o
We hope
that he will exercise lii,, powers and
that he will do the duties that his of-
fice require
f-f c:erequire and demand and that he
has been appointed by the County
Council to t
O'BfdY rC.
Kaleidal Man,
Pe cb. 15th'
To'111111VDPfc;f' 05' Teal✓ Anvooel,'
Oar fine weather see ens to ' have
caught a very severe cold during the
past two or three weeks, the mercuryhaving taken a drop away down to
forty and forty-five below zero. Ow-
ing to the extreme mildness we had
during the first pert of the winter we
feel its effects quite severely.It has
been blowing, very hard all week end.
if WC had haft anysnovv to speak of, we
woeald have had can old brills blizzard,
but as it is we have to put illi \with.
dust rnixecl with snow, making it very
bad stent)—Mr. Caleb :Elatndrorcl and
Mr, Aaron Ctdtnore, of .1Loln.tield,,
visited us yesterday both looking w3311, complaininof the cold. --The new
townShow-flake is thriving atndl
several new buildings are going; tip in-
cluding general stores and as hotel.—
How thankful the people in latauitoba
will he when April's balmy days roll
around and the tussel with the zero.
are over.—There is every indication of
working men being scarce and wageshigh the coming season which means
better times for the Ontario "boys,"
who try their luck on theAndisi E ttanznt
Prairie. . >,
1000• Miss 'Arnen h' Allacirsow is v1S1 1)1 irr
z1T Cred tori on Mmida„y, tlie guest ofho:e'-
aent, Mrs. Wilson .A.ndc isoli,—Miss
Ross, of Caannington, is visiting here,
the guest of Iter piste;)-, Mrs, Wan, Bag
s110 --M./3. Earnest dill, of. Crediton,
was the guest of hie bienhcr Richard,.
of Fairfield, on Stinei•ay. •-,i-1r•.:'1'rzomas
held � "
1 aw c
3 Delle,
) c[
a nand
a rt -nit .a large cltt hail;y of wood v 1
prepared fear use 0onie of oat laze
ani lent (hircus silent the f ur II Iti pall
of last week in 1.,olido0 on Uusiuess:—
Mr 1.: Elston, our neva saw -mill pro-
prieties took aulv.1111igo of the goof
sleighing and as a reenIt the south et:%,
of the town is coat:r111 ' \vita logs.—A.
large rtunibei' of the, youths of - albse
vicinity attended divine worship here --
cm Sunday evening last and the 11e-,
S. Salton gave: 1)1) c).Cellent discourser:
on forming good qualities and 11 abits..
—The annual meeting of the Scarlet
Chapter was held in the Orange Hall
here when the election of caliaces foie
the ensuing year took plat,c In fu-
ture a:lne.et1ng of the Chapter will bc.
held every three months,—')ir.. and
Mrs., Henry Mills, Mr. and MOl. b-Vnt..
Hodgen and Air. John Neil have been
on the sick list. -lir. John l-Ji'pburn,.
our section hors, has leen 1<iicl off duty
and the vacancy filled by ilii'. Brooks,,
of Belgrave.—Our Ncreclnesday everting;'
prayer meet[zigs are progressing splen-
d)dly e,, 'T'homo~s Ward was hc.re-
oo. Tuesdayy, prior to his de.ptietnre foie
Manitoba.—Mr. John :Hepburn is 1130v
ing into the house lately occupied by
41r. Frank Adair.
Beautifn1 weather hut poor sleighing.
—Miss 13.: C. Graham, ;assistant teacher
in Public School here spent Sunday in
(aoderic81 under the parental roof. -Mr.
A.Heidm>en, who Is employed with
Mr. McEwen of HensaiIl spent Sunday
at holrte.--M)'. Neeland and 14,1. Mc -
Willie me, Editor and sub -editor of the
Observer staff, spent ae"few hours in
town getting a number of the business
men to take as space in his paper.—Mr.
N. 'Reichert, of dtiensaIJ, spent Sunday
in town.—Weber Bros. -ba,ve engaged
to play for a hall at Shipka Tuesday
evening. --Messrs. Faust and Steinbach
took in the Carnival at Seaforth Mon-
day eyening.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bald-
win, of Seatorth,Sundayed' at, Mr. Dan
Steinbach's; Mr. Baldwin's father -in-
law. --Miss Beatrice Steinbach left fox'
London so as to become well qualified
to fill the position of Milliner inher
store. --Mr. George
Sutherland, Hen still, general Post Mas-
ter, paid a flying visit to town Mon-
day.—Mt'.'Hall, ofDashevood, was in
town Friday buying clover seed. -Mr.
A. Forbes, of Seaforth, is assisting Mr.
Torrance to buy a few, heavy horses, --
Mr. T. Houlden will sever his connec-
tion with the Huron House next Sun-
day. --Mr. Fred Hess, sr., who has
been auditing the County Treasurer's
books, returned Friday evening.
Thaar s Road.
Bx1Es's.-Mention was made last
week of, the deaths of the youngest
son of Mx'. Samuel Madge,with diph-
theria. He was a dear little fellow of
about seven years, and will be greatly
missed r s ed in the home and aIsci by the
school as he was loved by all. Two of
the boys are recovering nice]y while
the younger is quite seriously ill. The
many friends of the family sincerely
sympathize with Mr. Madge in his
sore trial and great ataiction.—Master
Wesley Johns is recovering after an
attack of diphtheria. --A 'number of
our young people visited Me. and Mrs.
A. Musser, of Port Blake, this week.—
Miss Olive Madge WaS in London tak-
ing her music lesson on Tuesday.—
Mr's. (Rev.) Fletcher gave a very in-
teresting address in the Christian En -
cleaver meeting last Sunday evening.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner, of
Clearwater, M an., are visiting at her
father's Mr. J. Allison.—Miss Bella
Cottle has returned from visiting
friends at Whitechurch.—The school
here has been closed on acconut" of
diphtheria in the section. 1tis of the
worst form, being mixed with scarlet
fever and measles. It is only in two
of the houses and every possible care
has been given not to have jt spread,
so it is thought the school will be open-
ed very shortly.
Messrs. E. Tiernan, `leacher. and J.
Wambold, confectioner, .ire lousy laay-
ingintheir supply of ice for the com-
season.—The repent fall of
enabled the farmers to again get at
the logs and in consequencethe mill is
feetlil[ing up. --Rev. (1. Finkbeiner of
Ira 1p
.Ii IYICh preached Evangelical
, p E'. c1.1T,d in: the :l v^tna,clara[
church Sunday morning and a)9) took
subscriptions too for the \
l , Sauer
church, Rev I)r<'au:hecl In Zurich,
also on the 14th con. and took up sub-
scriptions for the same. purpose 1'1r•.
3. KelIernan is placing a lot of organs
l t,;,, ns
this season. Mx. K'eller•matia is a1 h
ler in this Hue of business. ---hiss
Miller, who has been with friends at
the Grand Bend for 1 )015' allele, 0ettarn-
ed home Saturday 331taai'11011t1. 'doss
MinnieFinkbeiner has 'again resumed
her position as t allot1,>5 in Mr. Maa31;
Brokeushire's employ..-Boca"r, ylll i;t-
thizers seem to be on the dec'iine just
as their positions are weak-')rinet at the
seat of war.—Our '0 ,c'' iI(:)k c,e his
,weekly trip to the Bend, disposing of
all his•bread.--Taco dcia's 12aerlc1) seic 05
fight on the 001.0er Monday rilarnina..
They seemed to berete a, ..: t,
1 ,c ve i)y
matched and the l0:;1tle" iw•1;s longer
than usual, Thn,er wlie> wit3iessed the:
Scene were anxious, both ,.
). h, as )<i„), raititnaals
were supposed l p seri to lre> i,raac);. fighters.
For a time 1t It5 hdau)
atn,.atteitat',)ari .-,;
I to 3. t , , them. --[fitatia. Lat,l"at
Davis ie a,onfined t,0 the 133331;333
throughImuis of G)r,radBtoc, was )ntIa
Jos S 't
rel) and .{'a )ad - 1151,1)laty
with relative:', it3. die.-;1011ia
Voelker, who },oc.1 horse
. relative,.
. enjoaieg
visit rtl.vt,i,, 1t ,stni
home 5rit.in ri,:,,,- evening. hale,
and Ineirty.ea Lk. sleigh lo;e1 l`
people from 1 erc c1 ,ave (w e tr) l,i: z
n , 11.0
t t Sitndla� And s ti�rt„ l l ,�
4 1 rl.rr�,' rvif;li
friends:- .lir. l o'rrl' r Ata .a;r. of Te vi
stock. is spending ab few 3,s"t ;i n,y
r ao sr
friends in arils tie:nine ., alt'. ):'ro
Shettler left t , u , .,.,, , r[
s ti �t r.ei„a.,,,,,t� nl' htsf,
week lot I3ut1'.aio, Whop(' tc )a(h i;> ee•tl+,'..
ed a 91t11'1100)),on the etzc,c,1 nails„iy.
Fertile Valley.
Never since the year one was' thexa:w
such a. house warming as took place at
the neva brick residences o1 Mr. Jarxies.
Cockwill. >V1x. Henry Hamilton wish
ed to see the youths tip the light fan
tastic once more so he invited agoodly
number, nearly all of whom gathered:
in that spacious house early Friday
evening, Feb. 18th. Soon the band -of`:
musicians rendered such fascinating:
strains that each heart cured not Cot
the world that rolls with. all its freight
of troubled souls, but sixteen Lads ana
lasses s ke t time me to the music A
dainty supper was given and soon they
were at play again and kept it up until
six o'clock. When lunch was served
and a vote of thanks and threecixeers.
was raised for the inmates the young -
people departed, but not before 0 re-
quest was granted to the host •ansI
hostess when they wanted their
house warmed again that the same
jovial, goo.: hearted crowd would give
there the pleasure of their company.
The request was heartily granted. ' 41r.
and. Mrs. Coekwill got their house
warmed real well, Knowing the.
minds of the young folks, 1, as 0 re-
porter take this opportnnity to con-
gratulate Mr. and Mr's. t'ockwill on.
the kind, hospitable manner that
they received thein guests.—Mr. Jno.
Lightfoot, sr., has engaged with a'
company as agent to sell washing
machines. lie will make a success no
doubt.—The special meeting in S. S.:.
No. 5, -vas a hot one. Messrs. Cough-
lin and Cock;rill's resignation was
read and accepted. Messrs. Halton
and Hayes were elected to fill the va-
cancies.. .A motion, and an amend-
ment were made to change the school
site. Two votes were taken and aa^
poll was demanded for the Saturday
following. A. number wanted arbiti,t-
tion and drop the poll but they failed
to see the catch in that demand: -Miss
Vina Watson, an estimable young'lady,
from Thedfoxd, who for the past few
weeks has been visiting at Mrs.' Ma -
paid this . vicinity a. visit one
day last week `3ieighingis very'; thin
around here but one night the young
people thought it was too: beautiful a
aright, so oil' a load wentjto spend the
evening. Retiu•niog home the: driver
took the snow banks near the fence
and their merriment was raised to a
climax when they drove over a large
log and a number left their prir)ts iii,
the snow. --Leanne, at Mars Hill is
carried on every Sunday evening.
The number of members is incr.easing
and the work is proving successful,
—Miss Lightfootwho has b.,
for- ' , been 'twee the past -few weeks, has returned
,c. --_Iz, 5ceilf; who purchased a
number of acres of woods
in. :chis.
vLc [nity, has nearly all the log timbee
in bis mill yaz'cl and several hundred
eords of wood cut and some ship
London. ---Valentine's day has been
observed by a number at the outskirts:
of tthhisepvicinast,foity,r• a
theyglittleot difa bfetteerenrtvaleni;hsn.
in -
Line thisear• and gave a better Y a e ter val.en-
t c y ever dui. How . P
he gave his heart and hand and
a heart aud hand, thus join-
ing more closely the chains of friend-
ti n :1'0N. — On 'Feb. Mato Mr. and Mrs..
Srlltoarr, eon. 4, McGillivray, a dao h -
ter, g
13oxli, - .In Exeter, on Feb., 21st, the.
wife of Principal Boyd, of a daugh-
;vr :
1 r ext; ;r~--
T t � 1, OL7 ,
At the residence'
of the brides father, on Feb. 14,
the Rev.'.13.11:37 of. Gra
, x � nd13enc1, ' Os-
car Stnit)xers to ils Ethel, {t.. a
So_l, d�Lu h -
ter of her. Wm.'
roving, , t)f the ISt8
concession McGillivr,t
.11 sbn—Tlo1'sO,t.—At the resi-
dence of the brides father, on .the•
lith inst., William John Thompson'
, 1
to Nass Catherine,
, sec no d daughter
e1 2)1i'
of h. . Jerry 7-lotson, nfll!1cGi[livray.
)VIATflS. f
1 •`
.I.vxzlvt;t.t,--ln St. Marys, y s, on Tuesday;
Feb. 13th, Dorothy Louise, infant
daughter of lir. and Mrs. ,Ins, Max-
well, ;agted 10 months.
1 5 31{, (,) .-- ,
1 , V >, IVa the i�esulc.nce of 12z•:
Dearing, ntr,
1„ Susanna
Westlake., relict of the, late Janlee
Garland, egcal it} }-acre, 8 1) . nths.
We have unlimited private funds for, in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest.
DrciisoN: & CARLING,
Barristers, etc.. Exeter.
Money to loan at from -t to 5 per cent,
Barristers, Solicitors, eta„ Main ri St.,1;40 mer
Theundersigned has a few farms for
sale cheap. ' ?stoney to loan on easy terms
Sam well's Block Exeter
Sale Register.
SATURDAY, FEB. 15.—household Furni-
ture, etc., the property of Geo. Hodgins. Sale
to commence at 11.30.
JoRN'trLL, Auctioneer.
TUESDAY, FEB. 27. -Parra Stook, Imple-'
ments, Householdfurriihire ete.,,tile property
of Wm. Fulton,' Lot 38, North Boundary;
Stephen. sale at ono o'clock.
I'3v i3osss Nnr:rinY, Auctioneer.
Tho undersigned is offering for sale g r le or rout
that desirable hotel situated at Devon, on
alio London Road, This Rotel is in a good
oeetion, being �?ri miles south of Exeter.
Phis road is largely travelled and for the
•iglitman chances are flood for o splendid
easiness... There is a good stable in eannon-
,ion, also Ira acres of Land. ['obsession
;iven fst April, -11 )11. 'Phis property will be
uilii Chomp or rented at a reasonta ble figure.
Por paarticnlers. apply on the'pri,mises,
7e1:I�rc.L i
ANT. )e^
Proprietor, Devon,
- .
�. II,IN
1` you want, your epeirir <, we v. s .
y ) want, � yc, t 1 cp it t., well (lane .
f.1.0 toyi3,, l:fici+:s--\Y,atc hila, (:!Ionics 1
and Jetveif� a °, eelatlt ,-
l? 3 b
iA 'Eh.C) - LFCto?'SC
t EdR � f
,g Licenses ,
MaL'Y`ka e LICC;t1:�F,,, IShtt tdian(l Wed-
diiigl{ai)1. always on hand. I.
1 Exeter, Block., 1,
In' the estate of Harriet Elizabeth Pen -
hale, late of the Township of'`Step-
hen, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to E.S.O.
189?, Cap. 129+ that all persons haying claims
against the Estate of the said ,Rarriits-
both Ponhala, who died on or about the 29th
January, 1999', aro required' on or before the
1st Alpri1,1900, to seine or deliver to F, W-
Glailnian, ENeter, On t., dolic,tor for ii,iuhurd
Pexhaleand itrederick Luther Pen hale, the
Executors of the last Will"and Testament
of the said. deceased, full particulars of their
claims and: the nature of the securi y (if
any) held by them, and that si ter the said
date the said Executers 'will proceed to dis
tri ira t
c the said Estate amongst the parties
entitled -;hereto. having le aril only to -such
claims of which -notice shall have been given
as aboverequireci, and 'they will not boilable
to any person or l�ersans of'1 hose claim or
claims notice shall not. have been received
at the time af'suoh distribution.
FnElosit ICK L.' P1;NNALF,
by F. W. CYtAT,zIAI,their Soliciter.
Dated. at Exeter this lOth Februaary,19b9.
As Wilber Hat ids was returning.
house the. other day in company with
two young ladies, when oppositeh:lr.11.
ysaae s his horse, by some means ti --
ed the lit r into the di -e The
gf, Y t h. :I h<,
)'1'11 paints saved themselves by. juznp-
ing. Luckily the only damage dont
as'.' broken shaft.—A colt belon in -
to Elred, C tee g
u ince with ,,, singular
aCcideri., one day lash week. It had
1 -wen lcit out for exercise c, and while '
turnin through the ore ail
g „ h c struck
l)1s iii against as tree, P g cc, breaking the
bone and injuring ifself interrrall *.--
J4Ir 'Henryend d f.r George e
y n Gc ri,.,c. tirnith sncrced-
id in capturing oteven .skunks Thurs.
da afternoon., T' S
y n They „ot ten in � one
iole, ' This represents eleven "scents."
,Sovrseone in a, •oke reported that
" - ,..
t Lai c ti
vv 1
i .lt �ic a, theschool
J ttia,
12 I
O ySe
n ,Wednesday evening il.y was stip
osea to deliver an address, l.t the time
bl:ipe))"a)ted f 1)ite a tlxttrllet' s-enrbled,
.. a. h
)tl� the PLr.,v d gentleman Piot arriving
he t,r.13i,Ii began 60 'dawn upon thein
'' , ,i
t '
tli . r'
c fall ad was Tr
v21, there, .S' ., but
tiledto give theatcldire s ---• rc'.League
g , ti . .t: h ,
vaaS acIatoslecl by Mr. John 1-.:lar'ris, of
sbt?cele, Siimav night in ii, way hi h-
6 g
y r)te.,.siris,- to u1] 1Sresent,
5 has teen the order of
the day for the past week's.—Mr. J.
Eunisiacker has been laid oft -work for
51 few days no account of infirmity. -
Mr. Wilson Eati rleson haat a
on "Wednesdaybbiles: bee
ter of Mr. W. E. Hayter,hath
tack of bronchitis an at -
is btec troler` the.
tor's care is ree,overing ht.Love and sisterattended the Anni-
entertainment at
Green church, held on Monday
evening the.19th.-Mr. Thos. Kenny,
lately t working on :the
..,,11:e Rona, as has
been laid upfor some time with scia-
ticta.—Mr. Thos. 3+allis' famil'
have been used uwhe
p with the cold: are
improving. -Messrs. Berr and odst
Bough, of IIensel], were through this
sect)on bl inary horses the other day.--
a ,.—Mr.J. Forest, of Hills Green, , paid
friends here a flying visit on Saturday. dtnrclay.
Grand Bend.
• illi. 1;,obt,. I- altoct, loft Ise • .
Ie on Wed-
nesday i'or London, where he wilt un-
de'rgo treatment in the hospital for gan
asfew weeks
abcess.--Mass !'tile Mollard, v
heen.spendin f withho has
r' Mrs. Kerr at Btinsley, has re:turneel.
home, --Mrs. C. fie Wilson, of Green-
wast, is at present visiting heragents
Mr. anal. M\rs. Thomas i 1-
. iioliarch, hero,--
Mr.R. Iiaiiiiltor ' is buying g elm logs
for '11,'. Snooks of • ,h
.lit. '
, �re)71en5, Mich.
One clay last week there was fcmt.
tiloosa )in. ---Tuesday 1'
. ar ct feet brought
night of last week, our boys wenn
and played their first 3 out
, I Y � irnt hoClre}- match
with the..
, Parkhill team and after one
S >l
the score stood
font' to
two in favor of Grand Bend. On Tues-
evening of this week t
, , _ they tlro� e to
seer and played .elle .boys of
place,but were defeated. --• a that
1 uttin3Y ulr
ice is l;he order, of the. daffy with the
0slfermen, who are lain 1b i ry
Y tr ,i� .,00tl
store for next Snznn)e ,,—•
x M,r. John
Spackman, of Exeter, spent
a couple
of days
11e �e making preparations. to
build as few More ;3ett tries ren his al-
ready well fu rn ishe+d park. --hf r. Harty
Bossettherry is fold t) y
..$' J with aL +•
1 S 11,1.inCd
wrist Which is very painful.
I'a.irk toil
Mr. 11. White, of Londou, was here
on 'Wednesday. ---The 111111 is running
at full speed grinding. ---David Hazel-
wood is able to be asonud Apia—Mrs.
John Elliott, spent a few days in
Georgetown hast week with her broth-
ett-Messrs. W. Millet' and J. L. Kirk
visited Woodham Sunday. ---Mr. Ed-
ward Hazelwood is eoafined to his
ata aLc h ) . e i
f nfl
motion A. large number from here
attended ;glee oyster snppe:z' at Russeh-
dale.--Messrs. John Colland R. Davis,
f Russeldide, spent Sunday here.
,MMcGifl..vray COrIci.l.
Council met pursuant to adjoufin-
Inent in Town Hall, McGillivray, " on
Pei). 10, 1,00. Present. 11, Hutchinson,
Reeve; M. Miller, A.:1. Hodgins and
J. McGregor, Councillors, Minutes of
last meeting read, approved - of and
signed. Miller—Hodgins, that the
Auditors' Report, as read,be accepted,
and the Clerk is hereby instructedto
have 300 copies printed. -Carried. Mil-
ler—Hodgins, that the accounts,
amounting in all to $92.35, be paid.—
Carried. Hodgins—Miller, that. the.
Council adjourn to meet in the Town
Hall on the first Monday in March at
one o'clock, p.m.—Carried.
A11. FLASEIt, Clerk
Bid ail 1 nota
Mrs William Culbert has returned,
from her visit to Walkerville, Mr.
Freeman 131tckwill hos been visiting
in London the past week.. --Mrs. Hobbs
of Nissonri, has been visiting friends
Biddulph the past week. --We re-
gret to hear that William Boyle lost a
valuable, horse a" few clzays . ago. -'two
of on>,: young men went to Loudon last
week, to tender their services as escox.ts
t6 General Roberts to subdue the
Boers, --Mr. David'Cobbledick, former-
ly of Mooresville, has prnlchased a. mer-
cantile establishment in Ailsa Craig.
We wish him and his family success in
their new enterprise.—Mr, and Mrs.
Wright Hays, of London, were the
guests of Mr. Wilbert Revington last•
week.—Mr. F. 13. Nell sold a valuable
registered animal to agentleman from
Lieurv.-Miss Aggie Thompson is en-
gaged for another term with her for-
mer employer, Mr. Joseph Pickard, of
Drumbo Mr. J. Bryan, the good
roads c lndidatte, was through Ward
No. 3, last week to see if it needed re -
Naughton has purchased the farm
adjoining his, from Joseph Meakins,
for $3,400; Mr, Meakins has another
crop.—B. A. Higgins has sold his
house, and lot in Varna to Samuel.
Reid., of f con:: 5, Stanley, e ho gets pos-
session on April 1. We regret to an-
nounce the demise of William, second
son of Andrew Dunkin, on Monday
afternoon. Four years ago he injared
his spine, and has been confined to his
bedever since.nee. He was aged 19 years;
—A pretty wedding occurred at the
residence of the bride's father, Thos.
Keeys, on Thursday, the 15th, inst.,
when his third slaughter, Miss Harriet.
was united in marriage to John Bar-
hour, late of Varna, but now of Mount
Forest, The bride was tastefully at-
tired in blue cloth trimmed with white
satin, and carried a hoquet of roses.
The groom wads ably assisted by E. A.
Wanless, and the bride supported by
hersister, Miss Martha, while Rev. Mr.
Andrews performed the ceremony.
.After the wedding dinner the party
drove to ,Seaforth, and took the train
for Mount Forest, their future home.
The wedding gifts were very valuable
and beautiful; and testified to the es-
teem in which the Riddle was held. .
D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and
Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest.
Miss Bell, of 'Jensen, who has been
visiting at Mr. Thomas Cameron's dar-
ing the past week returned home Sat-
urday evening Bast.—i'ri's. Thos. Cann
eron is spending a week among friends
and relatives in the vicinity of Hensen
and I£ippen. Mr. Alfred Ohappel and
wife of the 13oundary went down to
Blanshard last Monday to spend a day
with his brother-in-law. Mr. 'Thomas
Brace who removed to.Blanshardfrom
TuckersruiLh the beginning of the year.
—Mr. Peter Murray, of Manitoba, has
been visiting the past week or two
among, his cousins, the Messrs. Gardi-,
ners.---Mr's. Ed. Kaufman who had
been visiting the past three weeks' at
hersister s, rbdrs. W. A. Turnlinll, re-
turned home to Brantford last Mon-
day. She had intended renewing ac -
(pia intances
c-gnaaintaz:nces among herlllxetcr friends,
but having information from her hus-
band that he had secured a good situa-
tion in the tailoring business in Orilla,
she returned home sooner than she in-
tended for the purpose of remaking ar-
rangements for removing. Mrs. Kauf-
man looks young, fresh and healthy
as she formerly was. She WAS ac-
conrpa.nied by her two little' girls,
—Our school which wail closed last
week 00 account of the diphtheria hav-
ing broken out at the homes of Messrs.
S. .heroes and 1. Johns, was opened
again 00 Monday after a thorough
fumigation. The health officer pro
noun ;ed1 the school in a very bad sani-
tary condition, as regards the accom-
modation, von iliatiall incl water. We
004 surprised that an intelligent, ener-
getic school inspector, such as we have,
should allow fa school to beeonst'rueted
so as to he a hotbed for the develop-
ment of ill-he.3,1th ;and disease. Surely
knows that 0) order to he k 1 d t i tnaaketic 1 �
best progress in ` ottr school work we,
must have pore air and good 'water
good hc� rail is of ilii e "i
a p ) importance
and the first consideration, o
We hope
that he will exercise lii,, powers and
that he will do the duties that his of-
fice require
f-f c:erequire and demand and that he
has been appointed by the County
Council to t
O'BfdY rC.
Kaleidal Man,
Pe cb. 15th'
To'111111VDPfc;f' 05' Teal✓ Anvooel,'
Oar fine weather see ens to ' have
caught a very severe cold during the
past two or three weeks, the mercuryhaving taken a drop away down to
forty and forty-five below zero. Ow-
ing to the extreme mildness we had
during the first pert of the winter we
feel its effects quite severely.It has
been blowing, very hard all week end.
if WC had haft anysnovv to speak of, we
woeald have had can old brills blizzard,
but as it is we have to put illi \with.
dust rnixecl with snow, making it very
bad stent)—Mr. Caleb :Elatndrorcl and
Mr, Aaron Ctdtnore, of .1Loln.tield,,
visited us yesterday both looking w3311, complaininof the cold. --The new
townShow-flake is thriving atndl
several new buildings are going; tip in-
cluding general stores and as hotel.—
How thankful the people in latauitoba
will he when April's balmy days roll
around and the tussel with the zero.
are over.—There is every indication of
working men being scarce and wageshigh the coming season which means
better times for the Ontario "boys,"
who try their luck on theAndisi E ttanznt
Prairie. . >,
1000• Miss 'Arnen h' Allacirsow is v1S1 1)1 irr
z1T Cred tori on Mmida„y, tlie guest ofho:e'-
aent, Mrs. Wilson .A.ndc isoli,—Miss
Ross, of Caannington, is visiting here,
the guest of Iter piste;)-, Mrs, Wan, Bag
s110 --M./3. Earnest dill, of. Crediton,
was the guest of hie bienhcr Richard,.
of Fairfield, on Stinei•ay. •-,i-1r•.:'1'rzomas
held � "
1 aw c
3 Delle,
) c[
a nand
a rt -nit .a large cltt hail;y of wood v 1
prepared fear use 0onie of oat laze
ani lent (hircus silent the f ur II Iti pall
of last week in 1.,olido0 on Uusiuess:—
Mr 1.: Elston, our neva saw -mill pro-
prieties took aulv.1111igo of the goof
sleighing and as a reenIt the south et:%,
of the town is coat:r111 ' \vita logs.—A.
large rtunibei' of the, youths of - albse
vicinity attended divine worship here --
cm Sunday evening last and the 11e-,
S. Salton gave: 1)1) c).Cellent discourser:
on forming good qualities and 11 abits..
—The annual meeting of the Scarlet
Chapter was held in the Orange Hall
here when the election of caliaces foie
the ensuing year took plat,c In fu-
ture a:lne.et1ng of the Chapter will bc.
held every three months,—')ir.. and
Mrs., Henry Mills, Mr. and MOl. b-Vnt..
Hodgen and Air. John Neil have been
on the sick list. -lir. John l-Ji'pburn,.
our section hors, has leen 1<iicl off duty
and the vacancy filled by ilii'. Brooks,,
of Belgrave.—Our Ncreclnesday everting;'
prayer meet[zigs are progressing splen-
d)dly e,, 'T'homo~s Ward was hc.re-
oo. Tuesdayy, prior to his de.ptietnre foie
Manitoba.—Mr. John :Hepburn is 1130v
ing into the house lately occupied by
41r. Frank Adair.
Beautifn1 weather hut poor sleighing.
—Miss 13.: C. Graham, ;assistant teacher
in Public School here spent Sunday in
(aoderic81 under the parental roof. -Mr.
A.Heidm>en, who Is employed with
Mr. McEwen of HensaiIl spent Sunday
at holrte.--M)'. Neeland and 14,1. Mc -
Willie me, Editor and sub -editor of the
Observer staff, spent ae"few hours in
town getting a number of the business
men to take as space in his paper.—Mr.
N. 'Reichert, of dtiensaIJ, spent Sunday
in town.—Weber Bros. -ba,ve engaged
to play for a hall at Shipka Tuesday
evening. --Messrs. Faust and Steinbach
took in the Carnival at Seaforth Mon-
day eyening.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bald-
win, of Seatorth,Sundayed' at, Mr. Dan
Steinbach's; Mr. Baldwin's father -in-
law. --Miss Beatrice Steinbach left fox'
London so as to become well qualified
to fill the position of Milliner inher
store. --Mr. George
Sutherland, Hen still, general Post Mas-
ter, paid a flying visit to town Mon-
day.—Mt'.'Hall, ofDashevood, was in
town Friday buying clover seed. -Mr.
A. Forbes, of Seaforth, is assisting Mr.
Torrance to buy a few, heavy horses, --
Mr. T. Houlden will sever his connec-
tion with the Huron House next Sun-
day. --Mr. Fred Hess, sr., who has
been auditing the County Treasurer's
books, returned Friday evening.
Thaar s Road.
Bx1Es's.-Mention was made last
week of, the deaths of the youngest
son of Mx'. Samuel Madge,with diph-
theria. He was a dear little fellow of
about seven years, and will be greatly
missed r s ed in the home and aIsci by the
school as he was loved by all. Two of
the boys are recovering nice]y while
the younger is quite seriously ill. The
many friends of the family sincerely
sympathize with Mr. Madge in his
sore trial and great ataiction.—Master
Wesley Johns is recovering after an
attack of diphtheria. --A 'number of
our young people visited Me. and Mrs.
A. Musser, of Port Blake, this week.—
Miss Olive Madge WaS in London tak-
ing her music lesson on Tuesday.—
Mr's. (Rev.) Fletcher gave a very in-
teresting address in the Christian En -
cleaver meeting last Sunday evening.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner, of
Clearwater, M an., are visiting at her
father's Mr. J. Allison.—Miss Bella
Cottle has returned from visiting
friends at Whitechurch.—The school
here has been closed on acconut" of
diphtheria in the section. 1tis of the
worst form, being mixed with scarlet
fever and measles. It is only in two
of the houses and every possible care
has been given not to have jt spread,
so it is thought the school will be open-
ed very shortly.
Messrs. E. Tiernan, `leacher. and J.
Wambold, confectioner, .ire lousy laay-
ingintheir supply of ice for the com-
season.—The repent fall of
enabled the farmers to again get at
the logs and in consequencethe mill is
feetlil[ing up. --Rev. (1. Finkbeiner of
Ira 1p
.Ii IYICh preached Evangelical
, p E'. c1.1T,d in: the :l v^tna,clara[
church Sunday morning and a)9) took
subscriptions too for the \
l , Sauer
church, Rev I)r<'au:hecl In Zurich,
also on the 14th con. and took up sub-
scriptions for the same. purpose 1'1r•.
3. KelIernan is placing a lot of organs
l t,;,, ns
this season. Mx. K'eller•matia is a1 h
ler in this Hue of business. ---hiss
Miller, who has been with friends at
the Grand Bend for 1 )015' allele, 0ettarn-
ed home Saturday 331taai'11011t1. 'doss
MinnieFinkbeiner has 'again resumed
her position as t allot1,>5 in Mr. Maa31;
Brokeushire's employ..-Boca"r, ylll i;t-
thizers seem to be on the dec'iine just
as their positions are weak-')rinet at the
seat of war.—Our '0 ,c'' iI(:)k c,e his
,weekly trip to the Bend, disposing of
all his•bread.--Taco dcia's 12aerlc1) seic 05
fight on the 001.0er Monday rilarnina..
They seemed to berete a, ..: t,
1 ,c ve i)y
matched and the l0:;1tle" iw•1;s longer
than usual, Thn,er wlie> wit3iessed the:
Scene were anxious, both ,.
). h, as )<i„), raititnaals
were supposed l p seri to lre> i,raac);. fighters.
For a time 1t It5 hdau)
atn,.atteitat',)ari .-,;
I to 3. t , , them. --[fitatia. Lat,l"at
Davis ie a,onfined t,0 the 133331;333
throughImuis of G)r,radBtoc, was )ntIa
Jos S 't
rel) and .{'a )ad - 1151,1)laty
with relative:', it3. die.-;1011ia
Voelker, who },oc.1 horse
. relative,.
. enjoaieg
visit rtl.vt,i,, 1t ,stni
home 5rit.in ri,:,,,- evening. hale,
and Ineirty.ea Lk. sleigh lo;e1 l`
people from 1 erc c1 ,ave (w e tr) l,i: z
n , 11.0
t t Sitndla� And s ti�rt„ l l ,�
4 1 rl.rr�,' rvif;li
friends:- .lir. l o'rrl' r Ata .a;r. of Te vi
stock. is spending ab few 3,s"t ;i n,y
r ao sr
friends in arils tie:nine ., alt'. ):'ro
Shettler left t , u , .,.,, , r[
s ti �t r.ei„a.,,,,,t� nl' htsf,
week lot I3ut1'.aio, Whop(' tc )a(h i;> ee•tl+,'..
ed a 91t11'1100)),on the etzc,c,1 nails„iy.
Fertile Valley.
Never since the year one was' thexa:w
such a. house warming as took place at
the neva brick residences o1 Mr. Jarxies.
Cockwill. >V1x. Henry Hamilton wish
ed to see the youths tip the light fan
tastic once more so he invited agoodly
number, nearly all of whom gathered:
in that spacious house early Friday
evening, Feb. 18th. Soon the band -of`:
musicians rendered such fascinating:
strains that each heart cured not Cot
the world that rolls with. all its freight
of troubled souls, but sixteen Lads ana
lasses s ke t time me to the music A
dainty supper was given and soon they
were at play again and kept it up until
six o'clock. When lunch was served
and a vote of thanks and threecixeers.
was raised for the inmates the young -
people departed, but not before 0 re-
quest was granted to the host •ansI
hostess when they wanted their
house warmed again that the same
jovial, goo.: hearted crowd would give
there the pleasure of their company.
The request was heartily granted. ' 41r.
and. Mrs. Coekwill got their house
warmed real well, Knowing the.
minds of the young folks, 1, as 0 re-
porter take this opportnnity to con-
gratulate Mr. and Mr's. t'ockwill on.
the kind, hospitable manner that
they received thein guests.—Mr. Jno.
Lightfoot, sr., has engaged with a'
company as agent to sell washing
machines. lie will make a success no
doubt.—The special meeting in S. S.:.
No. 5, -vas a hot one. Messrs. Cough-
lin and Cock;rill's resignation was
read and accepted. Messrs. Halton
and Hayes were elected to fill the va-
cancies.. .A motion, and an amend-
ment were made to change the school
site. Two votes were taken and aa^
poll was demanded for the Saturday
following. A. number wanted arbiti,t-
tion and drop the poll but they failed
to see the catch in that demand: -Miss
Vina Watson, an estimable young'lady,
from Thedfoxd, who for the past few
weeks has been visiting at Mrs.' Ma -
paid this . vicinity a. visit one
day last week `3ieighingis very'; thin
around here but one night the young
people thought it was too: beautiful a
aright, so oil' a load wentjto spend the
evening. Retiu•niog home the: driver
took the snow banks near the fence
and their merriment was raised to a
climax when they drove over a large
log and a number left their prir)ts iii,
the snow. --Leanne, at Mars Hill is
carried on every Sunday evening.
The number of members is incr.easing
and the work is proving successful,
—Miss Lightfootwho has b.,
for- ' , been 'twee the past -few weeks, has returned
,c. --_Iz, 5ceilf; who purchased a
number of acres of woods
in. :chis.
vLc [nity, has nearly all the log timbee
in bis mill yaz'cl and several hundred
eords of wood cut and some ship
London. ---Valentine's day has been
observed by a number at the outskirts:
of tthhisepvicinast,foity,r• a
theyglittleot difa bfetteerenrtvaleni;hsn.
in -
Line thisear• and gave a better Y a e ter val.en-
t c y ever dui. How . P
he gave his heart and hand and
a heart aud hand, thus join-
ing more closely the chains of friend-
ti n :1'0N. — On 'Feb. Mato Mr. and Mrs..
Srlltoarr, eon. 4, McGillivray, a dao h -
ter, g
13oxli, - .In Exeter, on Feb., 21st, the.
wife of Principal Boyd, of a daugh-
;vr :
1 r ext; ;r~--
T t � 1, OL7 ,
At the residence'
of the brides father, on Feb. 14,
the Rev.'.13.11:37 of. Gra
, x � nd13enc1, ' Os-
car Stnit)xers to ils Ethel, {t.. a
So_l, d�Lu h -
ter of her. Wm.'
roving, , t)f the ISt8
concession McGillivr,t
.11 sbn—Tlo1'sO,t.—At the resi-
dence of the brides father, on .the•
lith inst., William John Thompson'
, 1
to Nass Catherine,
, sec no d daughter
e1 2)1i'
of h. . Jerry 7-lotson, nfll!1cGi[livray.
)VIATflS. f
1 •`
.I.vxzlvt;t.t,--ln St. Marys, y s, on Tuesday;
Feb. 13th, Dorothy Louise, infant
daughter of lir. and Mrs. ,Ins, Max-
well, ;agted 10 months.
1 5 31{, (,) .-- ,
1 , V >, IVa the i�esulc.nce of 12z•:
Dearing, ntr,
1„ Susanna
Westlake., relict of the, late Janlee
Garland, egcal it} }-acre, 8 1) . nths.