Exeter Advocate, 1900-2-15, Page 6klubsertbers ebo de lir t zcetiV their papers ,regularly lvtil pleasu eutif5 us el :; nc t,. A]?P1Y a4 this tfll1efol ntive'li$1Ag Lilies, T E E ,L11jall AI)VOCk TE r�H13,8SPA"�, FEBRUARY 10 1000, INDUSTRY, TRADE AND iN17U. Y Faris has the biggest quill toothpick mill. 'Hungary leach fix gimes jewel pro- duction. In Saxony toy -makers earn one cent su'hour. ' ,A needle factory in Redditch, Eng- land, makes 70,000,000 needles .every week. tothe number of • 3 500, 000 are Pens 1i , x used throughout the world every day in the week. American cotton is preferred by the Japanese manufacturers, because it has a longer staple than that of any other country. Profits from cotton mills at Old- ham, Rochdale and Ashton, England, for 1899 amounted to $1,650,000. The spindles represented were 6,000,000 and the capital employed $23,750,000. Benzine motors are being tried for driving canal barges in Trance. The motors are of about 2 -horse -power and drive twin propellers. The speed is said to be considerably greater than where horses are used ou the towpath. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir --=the very nature of many curatives being such that weree the germs of other end differently sears diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and previous ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts ou Nature's own restoratives. drooping spirits of those Itselieves the p, with whom' a chronic state of morhid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a .disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengtIiening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and, giving Ole to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased sabstance—result, im- -Tsoved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of oronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of tally in the market. All druggists sell it, O1 S OOH Till 'YE TEM? OF INTEREST FROM AROUN THE WORLD K>runed, punctuated and 1 reserved In, rah)" . ah'y .P azagr`uo1u for the Perusal of Practical People — 1'ersoual, 1 atltieial :;rt<i •1' aro ti t:tla! c: it NCL,tSSIFIED. Latest reports it•on, Samoa stiy things aro mere quiet anti settled thati for' smile'' time past. the first roar of stool ever Made In Ontario Wes rolled oh Jan. 31, 1.;900, at the Abbott-Diit1.'liell works in 13es1 lavi.ie, The laroliutitiary eauneration of tkd population of Cuba sbowS 1.,572 S.l0i inhabitants, that of Puerto 11i.'o 057,679. In Toronto on Thursday a :Saddle` and Carriage Horse Sooiety, With. Mr,George A. Case as ,president, was organized. The nicroury rc istered 20 degrees below zero at cia break on Friday in Saratoga County, N.Y., but soon. moderated. Throughout South Staffordshire, lIng,, the iron works have advau:ed the price of iron tea shiiliijs leer toe ee account of the dearness -of coal. President ' Samuel , 0 onipers of the America n Federation Of Labor, has gone to Cuba to study labor utattere, with a view 01 forming. unions there. The steamer Turret Age was belled at 1:Ialifax Saturday evening for ?50,000 for sinking' the steamer Lloyd S. Porter in the St. Lawrence last fall. In the t -louse of Representatives at Washington on. Friday, a bill giving to Cuban vessels the most favored nation treatment in American ports was passed. Canadian canners have been in ,ses- sion in Toronto for the past two days to arrange a scale of prices: cann- An almost famine of Canadian ed goods is reported. Anes Alice Freemen, "Faith .Fezi< ton," the Dawson City correspondent of the Toronto Chew, has been mar- ried to Rev...T. N.Elliott-Drown, ter- ritoriel secretary and clerk of the Yukon Couiail. Two deaths were caused by the cold weather in Chicago the past `?1 undei their treatment for two years. hours, and many persons suffered They gave ma no relief. M parents were greatly pained at MY Honey an Excellent Food. Scientific men say that honey is a much more healthful sweet than sugar. and has many valuable proper- ties. It is nutritive,. and when used freely with bread makes an excellent food for children. It is a laxative, and may be used advantageously in place of medicine by persons of sed- entary lives. Being also the dantiest and most delicious of sweets—an ex- tract of blossoms—it is hardly pos- sible to eat it to au injurious extent. It needs no digestion, as sugar does, and even acts as a digestive aid. QI'fi]BEC 0 E '1OR 4 Yount; Lady of St. Justine Writes of Her E2,perience With Dodd's Kidney M.S.; 1Sliss Anna 0holette was a Sufferer from Cl,LlU mod--Yyoetors Ouve Dor 'tip as a. (?h{vuiv Trnvalict '1'v-Quy iii Su- Irorniturt,cluut l lt,itlrii t•rotta 1550 of Doild's i lilitey.I'ills. St. Justine, tomo., Peb. 5. —Miss Ahura 011olotte, of this place, has boon an invalid, owing to Kidney Disease, all her life until quite recently, whole she began to imarove. Her many friends worm delighted at the change and she .nlet with congratulation and encouragement on all sides. It was not, generally known, however, that the cause of Miss Cl oletto's improv- ing condition was doe to Dodd's Kid- ney fills, and it was not until the other day that the fact was given out. But such is the case, and Miss Oho- lette acknowledges the benefit she has derived from Dodd's Kidney. Pills in the followinig letter, giving full de- tails of her case for the benefit of other sufferers. `Since the age of eight years I have suffered with inflammation of the kidneys. I am to -day twenty-four years old. I hasten to write to you, therefore, to : give you the full de- tals of my euro. I commenced to be sick when going to school. I was notable to bear the fatigue of study. One day mother fell sick and the doc- tor profited by the occasion , to attend me also. He came often to see me for six months when he told me it was not necessary to come any more;- my trouble would right itself as I grew older. He made nothing of the months.I had been `unwell already. lconstantly � troublecontinued "The after' that. I suffered greatly and Was bed -ridden almost continuously. At this time I was under the consul- tation said I doctors. They. Of:�L\S 0 had been suffering this long time of intiammation of the kidneys. They gave me many medicines, and I was - Hundreds of homeless menwereear- ed for by the police. The I3ossiend, 13.C., local board of health has issued a proclamation di- recting Clint all the inhabitants of the town be forthwith vaccinated as " a preventative of the smallpox epidem- ic in the States to the south. The Stinson Bank, the, only private Nanking ns . u on r suspended payment. The bank was instituted 'in 3847. The liabilities are not known, but it is hoped that the depositors will be paid' in full. Two lady teachers of Trenton, have been suspended. pending an in- ! as to whether they used, f due diligence in getting the'children out of the -burning schoolhouse on Friday afternoon. They say the children were rendered unmanageable by the cries of outsiders. THE ISELIOIOUS WORLD. seeing hie suffering so, and as for my- self I felt that I could never find leasure again in this world. p 5 "My father one day read in anews- paper of the good effects of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He bought three boxes of them to try and they gave me some relief. He bought me a dozen more boxes and now I am perfectly well and overflowing with life and spirits." The street accidents of London amount to about 3,500 a year, nearly ten a day. Perfumed Nightcaps. Some fastidious women' have night caps made of white wash lace with a circular sachet pad fastened in the crown. The caps are coquettish and 'Pilose Loving. Crites. .if1'eude--Mr, De J'ouos asked, x ie to. sing fog hili the other evening after we had, been introduced. Clara—And what did you siaig? Maude --Why, bow do you know that 1 sang at all? Clara --Well 1 noticed that he didn't ask you to sing to -night. There are so many cough Medicines in the market, that it itt so111etiuiet difficult to tell which: no buy; but if we lied t4 cough, a sold or any affliction of Ilte throat or lungs, We would try13icale's Anti- Consunlptive Syrilia,; Those who bare used it think It is far altead of all other preparatiotis'recomueuded for such coni- phunts. The little folks life it as it is as pleasant as syrup, Presbyterian ministers have already pretty,'the lace 'mesh''~allows free contributed 73,563 to the Twentieth access of air and the sachet imparts a. Century Fund of their'church. Perfectly Absurd. Chappie-She called mo a conceited. idiot. Dolly—The idea! Why, an idiot Y has' nothing to be conceited about. Miller's Worm Powders cure iris in children. ]1Iu 111gatawn y. Mulligatawny is from an East In- dian word meaning pepper water.. Worse For the Nephew. Returned Traveler—Is that rieb old bachelor uncle of yours dead yet? Host (dejectedly)—Worse, a thousand times worse! He's married and got a baby. --New York' Weekly. Hateful Brute. She -Guess what I paid for the new hat. He—Nothing. .1 atn the one that paid for it.—Indianapolls Press. c ►sar4LTll�s faint distinct fragrance to the hair. It is not what you eat, but what as- ' Emery 1+lewellwyn, a section fore- alniilates that nourishes. MILLER'S man, was killed on Thursday at Dau - COMPOUND IRON PILLS cure faulty phin, Man., by falling fr-0m a. wind- assimilation. mill. John McGovern of Toronto was so w, Hygienic Value of Bathing. injured by an electric car on Thurs- An authority on hygiene says that day that his right leg had to be am - systematic use of salt baths will pre- putated, Scbooner. M. Innis, from Galveston vent one from taking cold, and avert � for Brazos and Santiago, has .been ,clapping and roughness of the skin. i wrecked on the Mexican coast. Seven A handful of common salt dissolved lives `vere lost. in a basinful of water' as cold as one's Mrs. Elizabeth O'Donnell, of To - vitality permits is sufficient for a route, while visiting friends in Ham - sponge bath over the entire body. No ilton slipped and, by falling on the soap should he used in this bath. It pavement, broke her ankle. She was I taken home. is better to use cold water for the face In coupling cars on Saturday night and neck, adding a little hot for the George Wise of Toronto, a Grand remainder of the sponging, if desired. Trunk brakesman, had his right hand badly crushed. It was neces- s� sary amputate the right forefing- Tol,s of Leaden Death. 1 Tames Little, a Toronto employe Forty million rounds of small -arms of the Hamilton Bridge Cotnpanv, fell ammunition, 11,000 rounds of shrap- a distance of 85' feet while evork:ing sial, lyddite, and common shell, 851 on a structure over the Thames River boxes of fuses and 40 boxes of pistol three miles west of Bothwell, on Sat- amYnunition, were recently dispatched urclay and sustained a severe fracture one of the of the left hip. He Was taken to Toronto. inard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. a y n k home to the seat of war. This is o largest consignment of ammunition Engineer Fowler of the West Shore ever sent from Great Britain. Health for the children. lifiller's Worm Powders. Tho Craze for Crystal Reilwvay fell asleep on duty and there was a, collision, which resulted in the, death of 'Brakeman :William II, Dunn of Syracuse and Fireman William Caldwell of I3uffaln; Fowler and Mar- . 1 tin Monehan of Fairport are also The sparkle of crystal for the Ileo- dangerously injured, ment rivals the shimmer of silver on THE DEAD. my lady's toilet table. In trays, T. B. Sterscy, a prominent boxes, bottles everything to which i villa man, is dead. Brock- itG.T.R. can be adopted, appears the cut and i conductor and later G.T.E. detective, engraved crystal, :with, of course, is dead. more or less' silver ornamentation. Alex Dunsmuir,:second eon of the late Robert Duusrnnir, the coal baron, A pew backfor 50 cents. , Miller's and stepfather di Edna Wallace Hop- per, .died mel Thursday in New York. George Munro, the well-known horse appraiser at the Toronto eus- tout house, died On Saturday .at the age of 70, lie entered the customs d? service in 18. Kidney . Pilis and Plaster. At the PI try. Jenkins --Not very realistic, is it? Mrs. Jenkins—What do you:mean, Can Reconrinend It. -Mr. Enus Born- berry,' Tuscarora, writes:: "I am pleased to say that Dr, Thomas' Eclectric, 00 is all that yon claim` it to be,'as we have been using it for, years, both internally. and externally, and' have always received benefit' from its use. It: is our' family. medicine, and I take great, pleasure in recommending it." Gold and SII ver Purses. Of sterling gold are the links of the wee purse. The gold mount is par- ticularly handsome. These little pur- ses are also seen in sterling silver and in` steel. The steel are handsomor than the silver, but, of course,the golden purse is far and away the most gorgeous of them all. FMental and physical activity aro pro- duced by Miller's Compound Iron Pills. ear . . Jenkins --Why, these first two acts 'rhe .Archbishop of Sweden, the Most` 7tev, Anton Sundb6rg, , who was be- ttro air months apart and the same licvecl to have recovered from appen- cook appears in both. 8 dicitis, is dead at Stockholm. Ile was born in 1.81.8, ` Sadie Evans, queen of the gypsies, died the other night at, the canto near Eiizaiaeth, N.J. It is claimed, she was :1.06 years old, being born"What is the horseless age?" 9 . in L",gland 171 ler)4. "Eight. No horse ever :gets pat C0la1, A. tV. G!11nnian, superintenderlt seven.'' 01 the Goderich Transportation Coto -- )-any and one of the most wider,/ Increased vigor and vivacity follow the kruiwn men On the lakes, Cried at:Mil- use of Alillcr'la Compound Iron Pills- we tikes very suddenly of aeepleen. The EorselessAge. Tolniny—Say, paw? Mr. Pigg—•.Well? The Professor Again. "It' is the unexpected that always happens'," said the professor, - gently, faraway look in his eyes `but this time, fortunately, ` I had anticipated 1t Wise Suggestion. Ile—T wonder what is the reason Ole iante won't start? She --Perhaps you ought to ring the bell It got its electricity from the ear Company,. . you know. — Indianapolis Press. • Yet They Are Friends. Edith -He told- me I was so inter- esting and so beautiful. Maud -And yet you will trust your- self for life with a man who begins deceiving you even at the commence- ment of: his courtship! Mdiller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. Cleansing and Washing Powder. p1' i COST ONLY NOMINAL *u4�? No strong Lye, Chloride of Lime Benzine or Coal 011 needed .... o finest •e to the For Domestic use, for the Ane c dirtiest greasy o clothes. For Metal Utensils of all kinds, Pipes, Sinks, etc." For .washing Paint, Floors -aud'.l.nimals,and for tho-hath, alio for ole as a disinfectant, For Printers' use, for Washing Type, Rollers and The powder s odorless and er- I,I•acitUe2y. I t p w e2 sper- fectly to hands or material. Put up in 11b., 210. and i Ib. packages, at 16c. per 10. A liberal: discount to the trade.: Coal Saving and Smoke Consuming Compound. For House stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, and for manufacturing coucerns. This powder� saves Zito .0 per' cent of coal, gets up a steadier and stronger. heat and steam. Itis very simple to use (no changing of fire -places) and is as safe to handle as the coal itself. Use 7 1b. portion dissolved' in water and, sprinkled. cn the coal, Price 0 cants per lb. or 0100 per ton. If your grocer or druggist has not got above'wo will'furnish 11 on application with Sull direct tions for use, Auld's Celebrated Premium Mucilage, with_ and Llthogram Composition to be had et all first class stationers, etc. AULD NIUC1LACL• C0.s 17 Sleury St., Montreab Then She Went Ont. Tom—What do you think she did when I asked her to let me be the light of her life? Dick—I don't know. What? Tom -Turned me down. I inard"s Liniment for sale everywhere. v"t�tf `lfr% lf`31.�o- ?t(Vii - ,%/7i/ / /j { . f 1x0 -;0,11 J vdi 7w -gayly e.--71,,LCY'w4e41.a.:1"/6174117 TION �®p DFT SON 1 CE T MUSIC -1 f '�J B `ois 5�''i l4� Regular price, 40c. to $ 1.00 per sheet. Our price, 10 cents. Write for Catalogue of Over 3;000 Vocal and Instrumental Gems. S P I AL -Crit this out and send t a the names and addresses of ton or more musioaupeo x ethos and we will send per,return mail ono' copy' songl "Love together W with 10 Dents to cover o, ll n song Will 13rin *• Ifni Bach Again," (Glover), price 40 dente, and "The Montgomery' 1tlarch and Two Step," (ltickaby), price 50 cents. CANADA r1USIC CO., 1420 Queen St. W., Toronto.. undaunted. Sue Perstisbils---Uood[ioss, you would not start on a journey on Friday. would you? Miss Schotler—l'd start for Europe on 13 ll`ridays.-Philadelphia Record. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Hest ltade. Send for Catalog lee. COCKSUIUTT PLOW 00., 13R4NTP'OIRD. UCAS STEELE & BRISTOL,otters Teas t L.S. .�. 1i...:i OfrP,efi.. L• IM rorsrer,s ar GROO IL L.S. 0 31. Extract Write us, HAMILTON, L.S. it 73. Spices BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO., 113 Uuioa Station Arcade. Toronto. • CATHOLIC PRAYER = ,Bosztries,(.i•aci- fixes Scapulars, Religious Pictures, Statuary and Church 0rn:r ments,,Educatioual Works. ltlail orders receive prompt attention. D. it J :;adiior &'Co. Dlontii•'1, AE.:SOLUTELY 1FREE, "tea- ^�' C rantac1 perfect time -keeper, to U. ' r' cin ^ .1 v r- ail 1 itsfoccbst Ibu d e BOYS ci G r Won't ttsht(; Dfattei•. \1 ou t cost you at cont: Send. address for particulars. SMI'2H 13aos., LONnort. USE eeuuacws MOTH WHITE E EF C!>.5 HT PROLiFiC YELLOW DENT a IMPROVED LEAMINO E. R. ULRICH & SsNS, IPIZINGJIELD, Ask your dealer for samples and testimonials. PENHICAERNE Still at the front! 120 rods )raven i n 101'louVS, Price 503.00Sh.erVlIHigO I - cstgr•adeCoited� ga:�', atilt e for sale. Write for par- ticulars.Agents Want- ed.I'd cGISS) or, I0iau- weal S; Co., Windsor. Oct. Not For film, ., Do you," she asked, "believe in the theory of evolution?" "No," replied the visitor from South America. "My whole belief is bound up in the theory of revolution."—Chicago Times-lieraid: CANVASSERS South Africa furbo s in on t,), ,, The Library off TWONEW BOOKSB Dwight L. Moody, the Man and 'Hie Mission. Both reliable works and beautifully illustrated; •,q rehash of old matter like some 02 the books offered for sale. Prices awa, dowry, terms extra liberal. Prospectus of first book:Ras., of second book 35c., or both for 75c.,aineunt ret funded with first order' for five books. William Brlggs,Methodist Book &'Pah. Heuse,Toronte. STOPPED FREE. Permanent- ` ly Cured. DR: 35015)15 GitRAit cure r C' ` u Positive c e � NLIt\1: Ir i.eTORS,R. Fat, A.. for all Nervus Diseases, Epilepsy,sm and S t. Vitus' Dace, No orNervo s 's use. Fits orNervousno�s after first day's Treatise and $2 trial bottle' sent through Canadian Agency rit55 to Fit patients, theypaying express charges mil v when ret e ds. Send to Dr Kline, 3Arehst.,1u•talelPhia,l. T. N. U. 258 Pi Evaaoratorro For MAPLE SXIUUP and SUGAR. Hae p. con ligated Pan ove • firebox, dor ling bell bug, capacity and saving fuel; small lute •citang ible syrup pans (connected ay s' phons),eas dy handled for cleanse ing and stn•ing, and a perfect automatic regulator, - whieh seen es rapid and shallow evapora- tion,andprPduece the best quality of syrup. The Champion is n 3 i ,•t perfect °vapors- , . t CATMOCl9i; for for n FREE, SORGHUM,CIDER & FRUIT /JELLIES THE G■ L. CRUV M !AFC. 0009 8.1 \a elliniOtoo 5t.. flout• enl. Didn't Risk it. Rev. Mr. Goodman -And when he slapped you did you tarn the ,other cheek? Little Harry -No; I had the tooth• ache on that side. 1inard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Tone of Gold in Use. The amount of gold, 00in jn aotual ci.renlati.on in the Wer,1d is e1tixiiated' to be aledtira 8130 tons, Alea��aPorter JOHN LABATT Lando -a, Are entouht dly'I'1dlt BEST. Testimonlaltt from. 4 chemists, 10 medals, 11 dipiornse, The most wholesome of beverages, Etcomnrended lit Physician", Por sate *servo whore 'EVERTING IN SEEDS FOR F`,t) 66C r • � �'�.4GIwffEST +lr 0 0 v o o 0 0 O 0 1,0 t k J neVe•i77,47,:es ens '4113‘,10Dr',' \: 111x1 ji , A` SOLD BY LEADING D ALLRS EVERYWHERE ASK FOR THEM, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES 4 tie 4 e WHAT VIE HAVE WE tiOLD► YOUR C2NFIDEINCLYOURTROE. ! p F1 p•n � J iV