HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-15, Page 5THE NW ,Bur. trk Sales .onbale,Sales ahelsea. 1,fain e i t * br..ca#. Iu published every Thursday'Morning, at the Offices MAIN -STREET, _. EXETER. --fly the---- ADVOOATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oue Dollar per'aunum if `paid in Advance 41.60 if not so paid. ss.dvortlaizag Ito:to t ors .f•Lvollcca,. tion. No paperdisoontinned until alisrre rage are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ohrirgedatscordingly. Liberal discountmade tor transoient advertisements inserted for loos periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate' rates. Cheques, money'ord- ora, &e for advertising, subscriptions,eto.to bo made payable to rs h gI. Sanders/ C as. EDITOR AND PROP Proreisidonal Cards.' H. KINSMAN; D.D.S. & DCt. A.R. Honor ui ei5i a' , ea KINSMAN, o T o S. D. i rs raduato of Toronto U v y 6 DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without 'any pain, or any ' Office in Fanson's-Block, west clad effects, ffi side Main Street, Exeter. TAR. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) L honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- saity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modus of Dentistry up' to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law"office-opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. 1 Medical 1 OF a n.T.P, MCLAUGRLIN, MEMBER the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aocouoh- Office, Dashwood; Ont, e Let;nL e 'p ICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS; 9 • Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Melsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5.:and 5y cont. Office Fanson's Block, Main Exeter. (A member of the firm will be Hensall on Thursday of each week.) L R. CARLING,B. A,. L. El.•DrcxsoN. I per i St., at a fi I S, to r I A. A.N. rl LLIOT' & Gi;ADhIA v, 1iARiii STEU yy,,��Conveyancers,v L'J Etc:, and Mone Loan. B. V. ELLIOT. F. W. Ci LADE — — - -- n Auctioneers) a BOSSENBERRI,(lrand Bend, Licensed forCounty Huron. Sales er t ��. .Auctioneer C y promptly attended to, and charges moder- O ate, Orders by mail will receive every at- N tention.- (i r� BROWN, Wincheisoa. Licensed Allot- 1 Ll • io eor for the Counties of Perth and it Middlesex, also for the township nfUsborno p promptly attended to and terms res. t arraneed at Post office. \i'in- 1) e -. L Insurance. rr 7t E ELLIOT, w Insurance Agent, c St, • Exeter Si dt alk.z&>r> tatic J1.,,wr, t� as EIT PAYS se T 4y To read the big ; stores' at1- 11 • vertisements 1 1 STO1� . THINK v Fon whose good.' are we in (i 1 the ' eniture business? For youre and ours. If we are not 111 useful to you wo cannot be use- ful. t0 ourselves. + We 'has -e got: tocarry .the goods you -want at the prices y ou want or -we caro- q, not 1 y A make a success of our busi- nesss.. But we have been doing }i. business right along for years. which proves that we are the right 114 kind of people with the 1. p right Come and see for yourself.... R. aiDLEy (3/ ! Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-ci p' R^ ! ig A , 4 "f SI r r P41 1.L ' rlf ei r ra .i i. .1, 11>„ a;• ....„„,,,,,,... "nelw T hBank. �+ � ���®�� (Chartered by Parliament, 1855, ) Paid up Capital,l......... ...$2,500,000, Rest Fund. 1,625,000 lierid office Montreal. 1?. ', OLFERSTAN THOM >,S. Esq:, GENERXI. _i • N � n r I�._�clx. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with ono or more endorsers at 7 per cent. per rtulinm. r --EXETER BRA�tiCH-- .)pen every lawful day from 10 rt.m, t, 3 p.m; Satttr,lays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m, A.generalbankingbusiness transacted. CU2F't,kvT R 4'1`ES allowed for money on Dot Lteoeipts. Savings Bank at 34;.• DIes:sex & CABLING, N. D. ISunnor; Solicitors. Manager. TO THE DEAF.—A rich lady, Noises aired of her: Deafness and in he Head by Dr. Nieholson's Artificial 3Jar Drums; has sent $11,000 to his .In- ,ti' Lute so that deaf � people unable to mocure the Ear :Diems may have here free.' Apply to Department ' ,' .." , The Iustitnte, Loni;'cotL, brrinersblliy, Loftclon, IV., England b , x'39 l Pylly4etor'a1 cel A. QUICK COr��, FOR t v J-' jr F. �y �T f)3 $ fp, V r . valuable Y p e �me�1= ba all 0;'.' _ Affections rs of the iii w tt'• ,_ Large ff'. aQ potties 2.5c, •C.rti CVI&Le>vv1.s; ci C0.,Iihtlted i j Prop's. of Por.`y Aavls' Fafn!Itillcr d PAINS IN THE BACK. Frequently `Due to Sluggish Liver or Kidney Troubles, Mr. Frank Walters, of Exeter, tell . S0 of Suffering and How Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Cured ,Him after Other Medicines drones Failed. Mr. Frank Walters is a young man personalty known to Most of the re- siclents of Exeter, where he has lived nen,riy'.all his life. Talking' with the uclitor of the ADYOC)ATE recently Mr. iV•altcry 't'r --- s, d 1. In justice to Dr. Wil - lathe' Pint. Pills I think it • my duty, in view of ~what thea have cloiae for ale, to add mytestinlonial to the thousands of others that have been printed. For some months I suffered most severely fmin pains coursing up and down 10Ta' back. It was thought that these pains were duetoliver and kidney' trouble; but whatever the Cause theyfrequenty eft rite in terrible agony. The pains were not always confined to nsy back, put would shift to other parts of the I As a result I got little rest, my. ap petite became impaired, and 1 feel off greatly in weight. I tried differ- ent. remedies suggested by: friends"- 'filch riends- which having no effect almost disgust- ]. 5ne with medicine. Then a person 11 friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was not easily persuaded because I had about concluded that riedicinc would not relieve lne,.but he nsisted and-icilia,lly 1 -.decided to try- hem. I purchased ane box at first, nd to my astonishment before it was nished I was greatly relieved. Then not a couple more boxes, and these estored me to guy former• good health, do. riot besittite recommending this ledicine that others nlny profit by iY experience, and not stiffer tor•tin.es s I did. Gra ton: on: The deepest. svin )a.fin• f the many friends of Mr. and l .Mrs. 'aisbitt and the brothers and sister of f the late George Forman, a proi)lis- ngyoung life which was terminated few days ago by tubercular disease f the Lungs, go out towards them in heir sore bereavement. For smile time rior to a few months ago he had been ngaged as book-keeper with a firm in ondon, but as the deadly disease at progress, he was .compelled to linquish' work and came home, here every thing that medical skill ould devise, of kind parents, bi•gtlui•, ster and friends could. perform was )veto restore him to his wanted health u1. strength; but all in vain, Ile pa- d peacefully away a; t 1U.:>U a . p l 717. on i c slay, .Jan.30th. CURE ALL YOUR'PANIC WMTtI Pal l«,� -Killer. A 3i9sc+4c.no Cltast in itself. i a1.. "•i 3 37:Zt to . yiotia 1113 Quick CUPS for L a P "�r. CR.�1t PS,ii3?:iRRHO DIARRHOEA, L1 3, C0t,i)S, niinurnATl5i9, �3r:73?�bGi>9. t 23 and 50 cant ,.«oC_1�sEt, BE'NARE OF 1MiTATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAMS° In every cough there lurks, !Ike a crouching tiger, the probabilities of consumption. The throat an d rt .zo-k lungs become �. a?.� rOuh and in- ..ttr a s q S 4 r med fro coughing and l,•'33 t ti e germs of "•K- consumption filr3,•x find an easy � r'�, entrance. Take zit. , r rr i� ..r1 li fy -chances t, \ with the ban- a. 1:Xdt ar Brous foe. J' i�� tJ e « 4 c b For 60 years ;.'::ere has been a per- fect ,..1 >f`1 cure. What a rec or d! Sixty years of Cures.' soothes and heals the wounded throat and lungs. You escape an at- tack of consumption with, all its terrible suffering and uncertain results. There is nothing so bad for the throat and lungs as coughing. A r' AJC. bottle will cure an ordinary cough;• hard- er coughs will need a 50c . size; theoll r bottle d als cheapest in the long run. 4 "One of ray sons was spitting r blood with it a high fever and was very ill, -We could hardly any signs of life in him. ,Tl doctors dad him no good. lint one bottle of your Ohorry•Pectoral cured h fin and savedinslife.". C.G.AxnxecuW,:.:• Nov. 10,1008. Pnkwana, S.Dak. Write the Doctor. 10 you have a.r.;y complaint whatever and (desire the belt medical ca advice, c , lvrdto'lbc 7)(c• tar frc�ilp, s(rldrnss Dr. J. C. At'rtu Lo"ell TUBS. tv nes. �wgti COMIAD Movement to Have CCanadiati Officer Succeed Gon. Hutton. THE PAYMENT OF B, C. JUDGES, Sir -Hibbert Tupper nl•iu;;s Up the Cut- , tlaiwf Salaries -Private Member.' Day is the llinu.0 Devoted ti. Motions a11O uestro) s_ a - port, to ,tunpaxlia-0.1,11. Lau d'G rants. Ottawa, Feb. 13. - When the suc- cessor to Gen. Hutton tnLtou shall be up - pointed it is quite possible that he will be a Canadian officer,, llola•1)r. Borden is preparin=ananlendnion � t to the militiaact, which will provide that the Major-General commanding the Canadian forces maybe either un odic r e of our militia or of the Tamer - ltd forces, The act at present spec- ifies that the General shall be alr:Im- perial officer of not ;lower rank than Lieutenant-Colonel. PRIVATEC mE3i-R1:P:i,' .DAY. • Moor Question. .Asked by Members :1u- sw t•ed by Government. y Yesterday W U,s )1'i en I te members! day, and all the bustuess ready was transacted in two hours and twenty. nlitiutes by a very small House. Members of the Government gave re- plies to quest lofts upon nt 111)' sub- jects, and a xtunlber of motions for returns were adopted without oppo 1. sition. u anstvcr to Mr, Davin Mr. Siam". 'sail( that since January, 1890 7,429 Doulchobors and 16,787 Galicians have settled in the. Northwest, The Doukhobors cost ;370.47 and the Clal- ichins $4,77 a head, .Mr. Tarte informed Mr. Clarke that the cost of sconstruct.ing the O ovcrn- riLent telegraph line between Bennett and Dawson was $146,938, at a cast of $223 a mile. The sudden demise of judge Senklcr will necessitate the appointment of a new chairman of the Iloy a i i.,-• mission on the Shipment and _1rans- por•tation of (Irwin. Colonial Trade i(eltitions. Mr. Fielding replied to Mr. Mari. that no proposals for reciprocal frac with Newfoundland. had been made 1. the Canadian Government, but 4111 the general question of trade reit lions between Canada and the Brit- ish colonies is engaging the atten- tion of the Coverrunent, in le' at in this matter, that any farther cle- lay would be inimical, to imperial interests and that it is expedient in grantingperil' to private ,. coin - pa nies to lay cables between British possessions to do So on the express condition.' that the skate .:may assutnr ownership whenever it is act:=sable to do so.• 11'fr. William Gibson, )son, hI{1'., tvilI. be chief •Cil ;oral whip for the dominion, and 1115. Prank ;P0rost. 1C.T'., will keep the t On•, t<ar:0 n1e13L1)Cl'S in line. from any port in the Province Of On- tario Shall be exempted front steam- boat inspection, tonnage, dues, ; and also front steamboat inspection :fees: 15,,5.10110+ Yaxneit. ;Notices of Irlot,ion were taiken up. The results in brief were topics of all surveys in connectionwith the Montreal, Ottawa So Georgian Bay Canal project, and" project, orders -in -council re coasting laws of the Pacific Coast, Canada vs, 'United States -will be handed don Sir Hilbert rl'uppct• raised the hues Lion of the better payment of County Court judges its British Coltnnbia, They were paid 82,400 plus $500 giv- en by the Provincial ' Got Crrfnlent. The latter's action in cutting away the t+a00 has inconvenienced tate es. 5 J a Sir Wilfrid I,auiier said the Gov- ei'iunent would keep good fai(:11 with all public servants, and he said he. regretted the 13. C. Government's ac- tion, The question of giving scrip to the Indians - oftha Northwest, hvest was brout u) y, iMi-. Davin, id or ari hourghTlllr,bSifton 111(1 Mr.acDavfitt talked Indian. When it was all clot}e, progress was voted, and it was found wanting, Clitrien-trulwet• Treaty, In answer to Sir Charles Tupper, Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that he could not make public ,the negotia- tions concerning' the Clay ton-Bul treaty till the action of the United .States Stn rte had been ratified. Sir Wilfrid ,,loved the adjournment, and the 1 -louse rose u t 5.80. AnolI_ND THE. CORRIDORS. One solitary bill was fathered yes- terday. i l t. Douglas introduced.: one to; regulate the grain trade in Alani- toba and the 'Northwest 7 errilories On Saturday Sir 111ilfrid I.aurier -vas presented with' at hanclsoiue bust. of the Countess- of Aberdeen liy number of citizens and' in accel tiri•j: the gift Sir Wilfrid paid a• high' tri Mite to the late occupants of the Viceregal position, and intimated that shortly a statue to Alexander. :11la.el:envie would be put dpon Par- liament 1:1ii1. The Par;1r ' r. Cable. Sir Mackenzie Dowell has given no- tice that he will ,,love for all corres- pondence etc., relating to o the Paci- fic cable 'between Canada and Aus- tralia. Fle will alsomove ` a resolu- tion expressing regret at the delays Sir Wilfrid La Inca, said '11)0 (.;•t•- ernntent was making enquiries :into the statement that the imperial (lov- erninerit had no objection to the'Wes- t err1 (. Australian <an Guverniuc-•' ut. making an arrangement -with the Eastern 'Ex- tension Company, thus looking' to the, killing �, of the Pacific cable scheme.' Dr. Borden gave inforntntio'n about ritle ranges, and declared their es- tablishment in several cases -would depend upon suitable location being obtained. During 1899 over $75,- 000 had been expended in this direc- tion. ' • • The facts bearing upon the death ofh late e at c C' .un ger Wallace of Toron- to l 0000n - to at Kingston will be revealed when Col. Cotton gets the report of the commission that sat upon the de- ceased. The blankets that members of ,111e Canadian contingent are using iri South Africa were not specially bought. but were issued from the supplies in store. " Seven hundred re- volvers were purchased, at a cost of froni. $13.50 to $1.4.50. A Difficulty Settled. Mr. Tarte arose to explain that hough it was a personal mutter, yet 10) difficulty between tial and the Iissioilaly Committee of the \letho- list Church 1114 been explained away. 1 acts had been brought to iris notice fiat showed he hacl uuwitti,nglydone wrong in saying on March 28, .899: Everybody who lives i11 the '10)1000 of Quebec lcnolt's that near y all -those who live on that island hatioosti) are professional wreck - vs, people who deceive the captain r the ship in, order that the vessel light be -wrecked, that they ntight teal everything that: is on board. Jllr. Blair gave some interesting in- )rmalion when he said tha during he season of 1898-99 the exports ronl Canada to Australia were '$:1,- 98,344, :1;98 34'1, of which 11.1)10001 S5S9,802 vas in agricultural implements. He s isclosed the Fact that a .rebate of 9 per cent. had been given to man- l'acturers of ,agricultural implements 1 'the iron and steel used is making nplements exported to Australia. Inhabitants of St. 'Thomas, Ont., re made aware that the Govern tent has not ;purchased the ntili Lary arade gruinids otvi,ett by J. H. \V'il- on, DI,D., and that the rent of their 'esent drill shed is $100 a year. C. 5', R. Land < ,ante. Mr, SifLo,t, in reply to Ali, Richard-, son, said ,.he amount of land origin- ally voted by Parliament to the 0.1'. R. as a subsidy }vas 25,000,000 acres. This was afterwards reduc- ed to 15,206,9$6 notes to the main ) 9 .1121(. and.. S ,9..,,680 '.acres to the bt ne t a fits. Of this fits the corhpainy has indicated its location of about 17,- 000,000 acres. Sir. Davin <L til I9 pI aS cl )C ( C 1. 1. `Lt'llo t, formerly linked -vith Louis Iiie1, is'. not employed by the Government. Mr. Davin wanted to know why Superintendent Perin,- 51st, not been ,accepted as amember of the Canad- ian contingent, Sir Wilfrid Said •'because he is too valuable an ofii bn ( u da nha t s to national' c( , Ior This a. is,,from onT Dt Borden, 111 1LY1S1VCI' to Mr. ('111rice, but by the tittle the long sci- tt r e cl0cot a L i ` tTb t C and Medals ( x dill: c s ar I rt•' l3 from 1•,olldono, color ) to will,hri.ve beet selected. The conditions undertthich 1110 d eeor aLiono and 1i1(•dL11s are. to be issued • have been prepared, and Will at, 00(10 be forwarded to .the War 1 ()Thee, Certain arla ri; eta u ts weree entered into in 1884 by the Canadian Par- liament, hence it is true that in fu-. Lure, as in the peat, , TInI.ted States Ateainer;$ carrying ptissengelli to A,nd BRITISH PARLIAMENT.,, Porliameetary Secretary Speaks 1'artiett- larly of Howe Defences. Loll40 i; ;Peb. :1 3, — The house of Comnlons Was crowded yesterday, itt a,n ac t 1)t to u of theto s te.nen t of-llr. George Wyndham, Parliamentary Sec- retary of the War Office, in_regarcl 10 army 'measures. asur es Alr. Wyndham said the cowlt1'.>' -would` soon have for 11oI11e defence Over half a1. million men, that during the spring and summer the volunteer o Leer ai•tifiery ,would-be re- armed, and that the existing cavalry forces would also be extended, ' and that the 'commissions would be or- that the commissions -would be of- fered to militia, .officers, to the colon- ies --(great cheering)—and to the universities.` sir Item Want.; Pluilres. The Liberal leader, Si IIen y Camp- bell-Bannerman, amp- 1 11-L• nn rti. )e a e tan Wilo followed, cc a s. 0d how cutch of the alone)' required -vas due Lo the present war? To this question Air. n 'ittlhanl re- plied: "Four hundred and twenty thousand pounds. l{tnry Campbell -Bannerman said he could net be expected to pronoun- ce an opinion upon tine scheme sud- denly, but he added,he believed that nine -tenths of his hearers were ready to do almost anything for the pur- pose of the present tzar, but WOrIld like to regard iL as a war measure. alone, leaving thequestionof the: Su- ture increase and 1'ealraugetnen 1 open for fature 'discussion. on. It vas explained in the lobbies of the House of Cofnmons that Mr. Wyndham meant to cotrvey that all the supplementary estimates asked for were due to the war, except £420,- 000 required for the new scheme to close the financial year of March. 31. The Secretary of State for. War, Lord Lansdowne, furnished the House of 1:=orris' with a. statement similar to that of Mr. Wyndham. 1OT'.l'P; It SG. British Columbia Government Saved b Speaker's 'Tote. ' Victoria, I1.0„ Feb.1 — Tester - day afternoon the Governiilent had a narr01' eSZ11pC' front defeat On the 'notion to adjourn the debate on Dr. Mc,..echnie's anendnent to the coal mines regulation act requiring an educational test for all miners eat- ) 1l10110 c, d an the coal ,mines of the Pro - Air, T'rentice, whose support of the Goverauncnt has 1)0$11 very question- able, ;caste otit in'a strong Speech in uli;>esition to the meas tire, rind moved that t110 debate be-adjotn'tted, nota i'thstancling that the 0overntneti1 had , insisted on the °continuance of tf(. 1' debate, 'Flle , 0 w rn t w v The t C o t u1 cut t5 saved from (. clefea1 only by the v6te of the Sileal- 0r, and had :gr. .faanes Dunsinuir been hi his slat, even this could not have saved 11100). lIeth•rd' Clergyan,u, tlurt. Lon'don, On 1., Fob. 7,3,— On the Grand ' Trunk Railway, half 'a mile east of Newbury Station,yesterday morning, Rev. John Swift,a, retired clergyman, 615 years of age, was struck by tho east -bound mail and received injuries from which it is be- lieved ho cannot recover, EXETER MARKETS. (Ohangod every Wednesday) .wlaeet per bushel 6_ to •l.; k',lour per cwt ......... .........2 5r, to 2,00 Harley..... ................. 115 to 10 'Jots 23 to 25 Peas 51 to 15 Butt�u 15 to d5 stn 1a l'ottteee por btag 41) Lay.,per Lou ...... ... .......;.110 to 500 1)rleApples per lb 5 .Turkeys ... .... .... .... if to fi Chiclton., c li' .............,. ;7 t)}eese. 7 .. . 40 to 45 rurotlry i555 to 10 Clover 4 at Reconstrocfanta for women. Pale's Celcrg OollhjJoiM 'Rebuilds and Strengthens the Diseased -injured c$'ystem. It Bestows on Women What Ty le Most 11 shirr. Full Nervous Energy arid Rich, Nourishing Blood, The System is Perfectly and Permanently Built up. The healthy, vigorons and rutidy- cheeked women with .bright and spark- ling eyes is L joy to all around her. At hdtrle and aabl'ode 'she attracts. the old and young, and her influence is all- powerful. .The half -sick and invalid, women :s a sad sight, and her ps' seuce chills e 1 the very atmosphere that sur rounds her. Backaches, sideaches, headaches neuralgia, nervous prostration; ;iriegn- ir,r•ities, : rheumatism and liver attcl kidney complaints seen, tobe the pe- culiar -culiar misfortunes of w'oreen of every class. To the women swho stiffer from any of the ills mentioned, Paiue's Celery Compound cornes in as the great re •constroctant, bringirig to sick women the great essentials of health --full iter- vousenergyaLndrich, nourishing blood. Thousands of testi from 11•(7- 111071 establish the fact that when , Pal'rnt sCeltl- C cw t o nd is used =are' nerves are braced, tissue is built up, paisons are expelled the blood is xnatie •phi's, the brain is clear and active. and the cloudless face and 'beaming eyes proclaim 0 condition of perfect health. See that you get the:genuine Paine's Celery. Coinpound; see that the name " Paine's" wand the stalk of Celery 111) - pear on the wrapper and bottle. The inquest on the death of George Roes, killed 1111 the C.. P. R. crossing nears e 77hyorth;'.leGultecl in a verdict blaming the train crew for not giving proper signals. Engineer Andrews was in the cab. Mr. La,bouchere, ill,: P. for North-. ainpton, attempted to address 0 111001, ing ru: the Town Hall at Northampton againstthe war, but the meeting was broken np, the chairs smashed, find Afx'. Labauchere was coinPe]led to make a hurried escape. you can't MINIUM Did you ever try tododge the rain -drops'? Did not succeed very well, did you ? It's just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can't do it. They are about nes on eve ' r hand'and we are ycon- stantly taking them into our lungs. Then why don't we all have this disease ? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot- hold in a strong throat and, lungs. It's when : these are weak that the germs' master, The body must be well supplied with fat. The danger comes when the blood is poor and the. body is thin. if your cough does not yield, and : your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay another day Take Seott9S of Cod -Liver Oil with fly o phos- P phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetiteand better a d t3'te weight e'b ent increases. The whole body be- comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold.' It's this nourishing, ' s:ustain..: frig and strengthening power of SCOTT'S El' UlalON that 'ioce Ilam made, t 1 f such value in ,. ail '` wasting add trx,s exhausting diseases. 501. and $r,00, all druggists, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, T orento. DO NOT RUN f1'ola a question that ;irluyt ilitel t'ri• You, Have y015 VOlir New 'Shit? If not,.dt'o� in an si p see us at 4h(, • first Opl)ol'tllnity 5111(1 let us, '' show you a 'few pl'ices of the Fancy. Weresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have you Seen the new StLpies and, 'l,herr,ingbone patterns. They are beauties. A bi range 01 lues 051(1. 1003 3fis11 , Ser'ges-at tme oldprices, • 11 you ,want ai black we /MVO what you warft in Twills, i'enetiaus: and Clays; OVERCOATS Overcoalts in Beavers Meltons, ., aj elt�o7., '�21Z'19, Naps and Montanaets. All work done in the latest sty le and fitgunianteed. J. FL GRIEVE Opposite Post Office; DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the pnfteru.ili , he- torore existing between Jolla 1t iluanl5 and •hem. Cobblediek, carrying en businesel al Me 'riling,: of Exeter, under the name style Ind ficin of ('obl+le(diolc 1... tams has this day been nig` ' ,r' >' ,stilly dna ),.eu. Dated, Jan. 20,1900. S;,-.1.1-1:1nn> \1 n rt.»t y Josni n Coral,rnlcx. ,laving purchased the interest Of .lnlm Wilber, in the above pe1trier1)hip the IsIll continue the said. business in the old stand, gar' All accounts due the late 60011 must bei aid to the undersignch. COBBLED1C'K & SON w GJIRiOuhl .. . Yes, we s' 4 li<L els.trec(it•eclalnotlier carload of furniture. which when added to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, most hand- some and chen,ppestthings on the: market: THE STijG9 We have the ,tock ---yon have the money—we want to trade, and if it is furniture you 'rant it will pay. you well to drop in and see our dailrlyhl'fot'e purchasing t,lsc`•• where. We have the largest and best assort -Ll stock in town, R. N. ROSE FOR .FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESSED TONGUE, CORNED it EE]F; SALT,. FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Cali at The Family Butcher Shop, One door North of R, Pickard's stores LOUIS DAY Trolprt(�.tr,,.• SMITH' Re air Sh0 Now is the time to get your wheel cleaned to store away for the winter Gini Repaiirs We inakc: gun repairing a 1 r,g specialty in all 144 branches. t e.. Keys ,g` � c have large e stock'�f keys it ' o 1 all; sizes. Horse Clippers (Trotln(1 azo made as good 115 ne r. ln�r t 4411,1 Repaired Y h e' I 7 C. >, I. Coon Cotton Boot Compound, Is successfully used monthly by over 10000Ladies. Safe, eiteotuaLLaciiesask .your clruegtst for Cook's Cotton Root Cern pound, Take no other, , as all "'fixtures, pills had imitations are dangerous, ',rice, No, 1, $1 pee box, No. 5,10degrees stronger,$8 erbox. NO. 1or'",nianedenreceiptof per b tt 1 w Beet p skimps' ns• The (look 21onipnny'Wlri$sor;Out. . ..ti 1 and 2 sotd.atm recommended by ail Lrent7�spo,7)sl1)1ble'llggist'Draggists, 1u Canada, Nes 1 and i o. t 5611 111 l xoter l,y C: