HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-15, Page 4-ses-sseeseess-se•----eeseeeeeee7t-s. 404,w4,„ie et.„44, 1N hen etuthtted ballot bo,es ate , tt*r , emptied inte e furnace at Toronto . , s'eCtlaas, H. Sandens, Editor an.dPnop from any proceedings which be the basis was utterly taken away THURSDAI)FEBRUARY OQ ,NOTE AND COMMEN7'. The machinery in the mills and fee- tories of Great Britain alone is equal M doing the work of 700,000,000 inen, swore than all the aclalt population of the world. The sing,le little State of Ilf.assitchusetts has machinery enough to do the work of 50,000,000 Glen. Sta- itiStiOS show that 500,000 men, with the aid of machinery, now do the work which 'required 16,000,000 /nett a few arears ago. .And this power is rapidly ,hinetreasing. -G. C. Creelman, linspector of faim- ers',institutes, has 'been on a tour of -:iimpection through Bruce, Middlesex ;seed Oxford. He finds that thefermers Brnee are confining their attention ;to the growing of peas, and that the 4tounty ranks tirst in the province fon' the production of that grain. Middle- -ilex and Oxford pay more attention to the prodration of cattle. The arm -age --,now brings $32. These two counties produce in cheese and cattle killed in 099 the sum of $3 003 000 , , . * A. W. CAMPBELL IN niteexsmanD, The toweship of Blaushard is the iiiirst in the county to abolish statute jabor. Of this good movement the ',warden of the county and the reeve eaf the township aye enthusiastic sup- porters. The Tomei:, Mr, Sanderson, hof Blanshard, has secnred the services 31)StitAttCd. tp eN:pp,so and punish the orioles in West Elgin, The enquiry by three county jadges ought to end with the proof that the results Arla evidenee of the crime have gone up in smoke, The judges may draw :fees and the Grown coaneelmay roll up a majestic bill of costs, but the possibili- ty of an effective enquiry was destroy- ed ie the destruction of the West Elgin ballots. -ed. 31r. .A. W. Campbell, Provincial Road Inspector, to address a meeting vo,f the ratepayers on Monday, Feb. 19. aat the Town hall in Blanshard, at 7.30 ea. in. Judge Barron, of Stratford, who ;takes an active interest in this reform, swill also speak. * The Dunkin Act has been in Imre izi several ni unicipalities of South Essex for a umber of years, and those In hivor of lieensime hotels have made repeated efforts to have it tepealed, but the temperance people, with one exception, always defeated the liquor men. This exception was in Colches- ter South, where a by-law repealing the Dunkin Act was passed by a large majority. After it was passed, the liquor dealers commenced selling open- ly, but the temperance people found a aim- in the by-law and sgain closed the bars. Although defeated so many times, the liquor. men have not yet given up hape of -being able to secure licenses, and the latest 'move is that J. IV. Hanna, of Windsois, has been in- structed to frame a by-law that will stand, and then it will be Submitted by the Council to the popular vote, They claim that the by-law will have a large majority in the township. The temperance people are quietly working with the intention of having Colchester South still remain a tem- perance township. •The claim is made that the other townships will not at- tempt any action until the resnit of the tight in Colchester South is known. 'Then, if the liquor dealers are victor- ious, similar by-laws will be introduc- ted in the town of Essex and other places where the temperance law now exists. Worlimg Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers --Dr. 'King's, New Life Pills. Millions are always' at work, night and day, curing Indi- estion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick .11eadaehe and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c. at all drug stores. Wm. North WttS once asked by the ,serlitor Of a paper with Which he was eeonnected to write .a loading article op - ,posing the temperance naoyement, which wasthen making a great stir in the city of New "York. ""AV -rite me- a .'good one and I will give you twenty dollars for it," :said the editor. `'How •-long do you 'isoqUired North. As short as you can make it," was the reply. North sat doWn'initheditite- ' ly, and wrote the following: "We 'would rather see the whole World iidrunk of their own accord than one Mari sober on compulsion." The.twen- 'ty dollars were immediately handed 'never; and the paragraph was pablished .-rat,s a leader. • • Dr. Bryce, the provincial Registrar enenal; in his report of deaths for 1899 states that the total number Of 'deaths was 26,370, or 11.5 per cent. per 1,000. This is a remarkable low 'death rate and shows' that Ontario is yet's,: .ihealtlay, the.. death rate being lower ;than any other CQ1Ailt.ry: 'within. the 'British Empire. The figures for . /nine eefages for the .provinee "for 1899: show. :iets he „total number of Marriages, 15;293. an inerease of 291 over previous year. five'eities there was a ..decrease of l,11.122 inarriages'oyer 1897; . while in the rest Of the cities Of the provinee the ancrease amounted to 506. More Meth- odists' Married than any other tdenom- .nation, the number Of persons being .10,382. There were 6,400 Presbyterians wedded, 4,902 Anglicans, 4,657 Roman athcilics and 1,908 teptiste. OEPTION • PRACTICED by Greedy and Profit -lo ving Merchants. They Try to Foist Imitation Dyes on Their Customers When Diamond Dyes Are Asked For. Dan Conway; United States custorns toffieer, Stationed. at Sarnia, against. : *hem Chargee Were preferred of her- ' ing toe puhlicly expreesed his pro,L.ier ". -sympathies, Mid 'who was also alleged hare spoken disrespectfully of the • Queen, has been foiled gailty of the Upon investigation :by the -authorities' at 'Washington, and suS- .pended.without pay for thirty days. The Penalty a moun ts'V ir Wally to a fine . :of $00, as the Officer was receiving compensation at the isate of3 per day. *Mr. Con way in his defense , deniedethe aeeusatiOn; and submitted to the de- partment a long list of 'indorsements froM penininent.citizens of Sarnia.: He .assented that the charge was Mae in, .spired by ether: subordinate offleials .and had for its object the taking of his -official scalp.' Conway was appointed ns 0 Democrat under the former. ad- minietratime " One of the Ladies Who Could Not be Deceived. Wise women are never deceived by the untrue and deceptive statements of greedy and profit -loving n3e-velvaits and dealers. When a storekeeper tells you that Some other make of package dye is JUST AS GOOD as the "DIA- MOND," he is surely trying to mislead and deceive you. Successful home dyeing depends upon the use of Dia- mond Dyes; the use of conunon dyes means spoiled materials every time. Read the following letter sent to the proprietors of Diamond Dyes by Mrs. A. E. Parker, of Clarence, N. S. 'd Please find money enclosed for Fast Black Diamond Dyes for Cotton. I can't get it here, but I* am offered something JUST AS GOOD. THE JUST AS GOOD may do for some peo- ple, but I want the " Diamond Dyes" as they are the best made. Burned to Death. . Ingersoll, Ont., Feb, 13.—About 10 o!cleek today a child of Robert ()Oates, living on Carnegie street, was burned to death. It seems Mrs. Coates had'. gone to a neighbor's house, leaving the child, 1 year and 4 Months." old, with another child some years Older. The: older one was playing with Matches, and accidentally the babe's clothes' caught fire, and it was burned nearly to a crisp before the mother's arrival. Dr. Neff was sent fortit once, but the. tinfortnnate child ,died. ten 'minutes after his arrival. Died at the Dinner -table. Sarnia; Feb. 13.—C. Sanders went home: at neon to -day, sat down to the. dinner -table, looked at .the faces of each One at the table, smiled on all and expired. Mr. Sanders was one of the oldest and Most 'respected ..citizens. Of Sarnia,' a life-long rhernbeis and 'Worker 'of the. Methodist church, and a meth - 'her of tbe School:Board:at the time of his.death. 'Some Years ago he was a member of .the Town Council. He re- tiredfrom basineessozne months .ago. He leaves a widowand grown-nri fa/fi- lly. all of whoni are married. His. age • Was 74 years. EXPECT A. BIG IIATTI,E Lord Roberts NOW in Command ofthe Nlocider River Forces, PTE. Li. PURCELL,CANADAI DEAD orroipondoats on the Field Shortly to IK,Ore rrondoln u Sendint: NIONg thA War—itereArtOr Onay Tele' grolost Will Eo Censored -Some- thing i3 .4,..1!out to Rap. peu. London, ..Veb, 18. --- "(4.15 a ,m, ) -- Lord Roberts has gathered 85,000 men, with whom, according to the vast military opinion in London, he purposes 'turning the left of the Mag- ersfontein lines near Jacobs -dal, en- tering the 1i'ree Ste Le, conmelling Con. Croide 'to raise the siege of Kimber- ley, and thus making his first step toward Bloemfontein. Y es terclay Lord Roberts annoimeed the appointment of Gen. Sir Henry Colville, hitherto cornnutnder of the Guards Brigade, to the comniand of the 9th division, \Odell is being form- ed, and will consist, probably, to a great extent of c:olonial' troops. Gen, Colville will be succeeded by General Reginald Pole-Caretts, Correxpondenty Ratre a Show. Mrs, (Dr) Eccles' Will, The will of the late Mee.' Eceles, of London, has been entered forprobate, and the bequests are as follows:—To her daughter, Mrs. W. H. B. Aikins, Of Toronto, the sum of $100,000; to the You ng Women's Christian Associa- tientof London, $1000; to the Children's Aid Society of London, the shin- Of $1,- 000nthe. Wortian's 'Missionary Soaiety Of the First Methodist Church in:Lon- don, the snm, of $1000; to the 'Mission- ary Society Of the Methodist 'Cluirch of Canada, the sum Of $1000; :to the Superannuation Fund of the Metho- dist Church 6f Canada, the stun'of Goo; to the Residential "Fund of Vic- toria College, the shin 'of $,t1.000;: and verities Other legacies to friends and relatiVeslathounting to, $15,000: The residue of the estate, real and personal, goes to her husband, Dr. F. R. Eccles, of London, Small -pox Spreading. Toronto, Feb.11.—Ernma Hutchins a i nece of Mrs. Tayloe's,' in whose board- ing house, 29 MaYstreet;Toronto June- tipn, sinall-pox epidemic: oniginatedeis the latest victim. She was visiting' her aunt just before the disease was report, .ed,. and afterwards went to 'a situation as a dornestie in Parkdale. From there' she was taken to the isolation hespital and the 'disease deVeloped to -day. A special e small -pox hospital has been bought: by the tpWn :a; secluded place; and the patients. will be Moved. there ttamorrow.front.the -Taylor house, the temporary.hospitel. The local board of health has centared' the town doc- tors for not reporting the cases., * The fruit growers are alarmed. at the effect on the export trade of the prac- tice of putting all the big apples at the top, and a depntation representing the Fruit Growers Association of On- tario waited upon Hon. :John Dryden .and. merle representations regarding the necessity of having legislation for the purpose of grading, packing and inspection of fruit intended for ship- ment abroad, setts to prevent the pos- sibility of frauds on consumer. It was also urged to adopt some measures to prevent the ravages of the co'dling ...moth, which have been very deetrue- tive to the pear and apple crops in this Province. Mr. Dryden thought the question of grading and packing and inspecting fruit was one that the Do- eninion authorities should deal Wit -13, 'but he promised to give pareful con- sideeation to the view expressed in re- gard to insect pests. The Poet Huron Times contains this pleasing news to Canadiane: "This week a number of men employed at the railroad shops, who are in sym- pathy with the English in their fight shvith the Boers, started 0 subscription ;paper for the benefit of the families of soldiers. In one day $50 was raised 'without any effort. This money will be sent to a eolnutittee in Ca nada. Sim - 'Aar subseriptions are being taken up 'in different cities, but Port Huron is the first on the border line to come forward. Over ninety per cent. of the men asked to subscribe responded without a qnestion, It is expected ,r.liat a large, a inortht will he raised lat- ,,t,,r on, if needed, and sent for the same -purpose, The sentiment at the shops is strongly for the English in their trouble ;Ind the am Min t raised is but slight, indication of what the liken woold do in onset there waS exis4is," Struck by a Train. Newbury,iFeb.13.---What may prove to he a fatal accident occurred on the G.T.R., half a mile east of this station, between 9 and 10 o'clock yesterday, John Swift, a retired clergyman, 65 years of age, was struck by the east- bound mail, and received injuries from which it is believed he cannot recover. The driver on the train was Caleb Kn!ght, of Windsor, and when he. first saw Swift, the latter was two or three hi -inched yards ahead, walking on the tracks, and caeryinfi cross -cut saw on his shoulder. The whistle was sound- ed and, Swift stepped clear off the rails but a moment later, as the train was a few yards away, he stepped back again. The beam above the cow -catch- er struck Swift, in the back, throwing him clear of the track. The injured tritLII was taken to a near -by house, where at last acconnts he was in a very' low cOndition. Swift lives with his wife on a 100 ACM farm near here. Lord Roberts tells 'the correspand- eats when ,gets clown to business they shall have ample opportunity to send news, His chief press censor yesterday issued new rules, and in future all written communications are to go uuchecked. Only telegrd.ph are to go unchecked. Only tiile- grams will be censored. For the next few days little news is likely to get through, but later there will be more freedom, Thus, says the censor, and the last clause may be interpret- ed, to mean that something is about to happen. Clinton: The noble imposing Stave - ley Memorial 'Hall was"formalry 'open; ed.on.Thareday evening, and SV of the nature Of a program of addresses by' proMinent men,- interspereed by Music, The gathering at the town hall was large, and the ladies wereoet in' utunbeis. As the hall was open to the publi.e'fee. inepection from 2 to 8 p. m., it was' Well inspected, judging froth 'the nember whp'took the oppertnnity which was allowed, • The town liallishaiS filled by people from town and many from the'countrY; to hear the Peogriun which was provided. 'Mayor T. ;reek- . son occupied the eheie. Calling upon .Dr. Shaw, letters Of regret were read froni R, Holmes, M. Pa West Baron; H. Eilber, .M. P., South Huron; W. H. Herr, of, Brussels; Premier G. W. Reiss, and Hon. R. Harcourt, Minister of Education. Joseph McKane, a noted burglar, was 'caug,ht in the 'act of 'trying to force a door .at the residenee of George Niehergall. in Windsor. Private J. S. Purcell, "B" Company :Canadian contg,en t ti South Afritia. :died at Orange. River. Hospital, Cape celony, of locpniotor tAxia. • . Arthur Snow, .areested at Mont- real for stealing tnoneY tri)rn the Wells - Fargo EXpress Company, has been committed for extraditicat to the Unit- ed States. A PflYSICIAN ie. -not al ways ar, 41)d &)I(IS ket!ping bottle of Pain- - there Is' littb One lettiL 7 'Gitald yourself agpinst ultdden li:ificsr in the botiee, sutzsi it ilt,es R IA Pahl -up Capital, $1,200,000. Tilt ONTARIO LOAN it -DENTURE CO, Reserve Fund $3i5 000 13IREQTORS JOHN idoCLA.RY, Esq., President. A. S. ,NMERY, gsq., Viee-PreadWILLZ1ast, BOWMAN, E. wflT4M IdotiONOUGift, Esq I.JHUT..0014. WM. Y. GA:RI:SHORN. SAVINGS BRANCH. luteret allowed on Deposita mit Throe andl One-balf Par 0014 paid or compounded half -yearly. Married WOnven and Miners Cots now deposit and draw out money in their own IllaS112050 DEBENTIII?ES Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest tbau Deposits. interest payable half -yearly. The DobentftweS �f ads Oompany are such a high class of security that they are accepted, by the Dominion Government AZ a DepOsialf from nre and Urn insurance Companies a8 Security for their Policy Holders. Executors and Trustees are authorised by law to invest in thtm e Debentures. The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor- ated, restricts their 'business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, and Municipal and other Debentures, witieb are the safest securities the Dominion affords. PaORTGAGES, Money r y load on Motgages on Real Estate at low rates o intef For full particulars apply to °MUG" Manager. office -Cor. Dundas St. and Market Uwe, nos nON, ONT. ,Kimlierlity n Sore,'Straits. Kimberley, 20 miles away from the Mockler Itiver position, is in sore straits. Details of the December death rate show that in a population ot 14,000 whites and 19,000 blacks' the mortality was 60' whites and 138 blacks per thousand, The infantile death rate' was 617 per .thouSand •amtnu,', the white and 912 per- thouS- anct among the blacks. Enteric feyer was prevalent. Scouts have approached within a thousand yards of the Boer .entrench- tnents at Magersfontein: They have found them strong amid ascertained that they are used as" dwelling places. Naval gunners are constant, ly watching the enemy's lineswith strong , glasses, and they declare that there is an appreciable diminution in the Boer forces. . In Natal, the Door ,commandosi south of the Tugela occupy Dold's Farm and several mines west of Chie- veley. Two thousand Boers,' i.vith three guns, are advancing through Zululand towards Natal. The War Office is making prepara- tions to continue the Areitin Qf troops for South Africa. Four large steamers have, been chartered. Japan Aida Entiand. Japan agrees to let the ArmAtrongs transfer to England four naval quick - firers that -‘,vere built for her; con, 'seating to wait for the execution oi her own order until the hostilities in South Africa, are over. Several. Euro- pean pori,vers, by similar consent :4 as to guns being consitnicted by Vickers, Sons & Maxim, enable England to secure 100 Maxims. enorips, ttonGEts AND UOLDS arec all qiiicklycured. by .Pyny,Pectoral, 11 lessens the, cough alniOst instantly, and curesereadily .,the 'most obstinate pad. Manufactzired by the proprie- tors of Perry Davis" Pain -Killer. Brother Girard, one of the Christian Brothers at St. Henri, Que., WaS killed' :almost instantly-by:a lump of ice fail- ing from the roof on hie bead in the school' playground. . Annan namedtaabriel attempted to hold a pro-Boer:meeting:it) Winnipeg. He was:Met at the, door.. Of the pelted with eggs, and "then Chased arodnd the block bY a crowd. : Mrs. Decker was acquitted at Rain- ilton on the charge of having' material for counterfeiting bank notes.: in her possession, but was arrested en anotht er change' and taken to Woode:tock, The Government . has made special arrangements to secruse. news . of any deaths that may oc.cur antoeg the Canadian farces in South Africa,' and to keep the persons 'mast, 'interested informed EVERY DRUGGIST -in the land sells Pain -Killer. The -best liniment for sprains and bruises. The best remedy for cramps and colic. Avoid substi- tutes, there's but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis'. 25e. and 50. • In The Jaws Of A Lion. The gallant Major Swaine tells of being knocked senseless by a lion thitt lacetateil his arm. thrilling es- cape from the jaws of death is only equalled by Dr. Kings New Dieeovery for Coneemotion. Which has saved thOusands from desperate Throat and Lu ng troll hies. `Ail doctors said my wife wonld. soon die of -Coneumption," writes L. Overstreet, of Elgin, '.12enu,, but your WunderfUl medicine er)inpletely cured her, and saved her life." Satisfaction is guaranteed -by all druggists who hive trial ties free. Large 4?ottles :50c, and $1.60. its OhHdefl Cy for 1).1 v is 25c, and. 00e. A GR EAT BUILDER.—The D. & L. Fantrision of Cod Liver Oil is a great builder. It gives weight, adds healthy flesh, and overcomes any downward tendency of health. Davis & Law- rence Co., Ltd., makers. Reports of spring freshets are con- ing in. The Grand Trunk bridge cm the Port Dover branch near Szincoe has been washed away, and at Port Stanley the rush of ice down the creek carried two or three vessels away from their moorings in the harbor out into the lake. WRY GEN. 11ULLE13. ItErIRED. A NEW DEPARTU A Radical Change in Marketing ?viethods as Applied to Sewing MaChille% An Original plan ttader which you can obtain casier teit.Ws7.1rcrib7tter value in the purc1a3.se. of IT.777,7-7-raurno. ,•whrtr.t57ing Machine than ever before offered. Wiile for our elegant II -T catalogue and detailed particular:4. How we cnn.save you money in lhe purchase of a high-grade sewing machine and th,77,77-17er=7 payment we can offer, either direct fro= factory or th7.7.7our regular authorized agents. This is an oppor- tunity you cannot afford to pass. You know the $,Whlte,"_ you lanoW ltsunaaufacturers. Therefore., a etaiied escriptton of the machine an, iWi-H.sonkruc.ion unnecessary, If you have an old machine to exchange we can offer 111110St liberal terms. Write to -day. Address in full. WHITE SLWING RIIACIIINI COMPANY, (Dep't A.) Cittidalld, °hie. 1-0‘0110310151111.11,1110bite14,1~VO, For sale by S. MARTIN, Exeter. Itt Memormm. These lines ate Written on the death of Alexander,McDonald, sou of Angus and Catherine McDonald, 'of the 12th coneesSiOn of . Stephen. who dted on Feb. 3rd; in his Fith year, viz: Miss thee from our home, dear, We Miss thee•frorn thy place, A shado* o'er our life is cast, We Miss the sunshino of thy face. We.miss thy Willing hand, .Thy fond a,nd warmest.pare, Our home is dark and sad without thee, -We miss thee everywhere. At Ladysmith. rbe Generel's Own Story. as Cabled .by the Field nardhal. London, Feb. 1 — The War Of- fice has received the following des- patch , from Field Marshal Lord Rob- erts, dated,. from 'the Modder River, Sunday, Feb. 11: "I have received a telegram from 11011.er EiS follows, dated .Friday, Feb, 9: "It was ne- cessary, after scieing Vaul 1..-ranz, to entrench it, as the pivot Of further operations. But 1 found, after try- ing two da,ys, that, oWing to the- na- ture Of the' ground, this was impracff ticable, 'It, was also exposed to the: fire of heavy guns in positions from. which our artillery was dominated. It is essential to. troop • advancinr, on Ladysmith by Harding or Ma,gers- drift ..to bold. Vaal Kranz :sem-c1,'and, accordingly, we are not .press - Mg the advance by these.roads, as ,find we cannot make it Secure.' ' • . Prince • Christian Victor, , aide-de- camp to Oren. Hildyard, was knock-' ed. down by the conclusion of ..a; 100- poimd shell bursting on a:rock by which he was s,ittiag. The.. Prince behayed throughput with . extreme compesure. : eeyaso, vtat the Czar. The St. Petersburg correspondent of The Daily • Teleotaph •' explains that . the .contemplate'd visit . of Dr. Leyds, the Transvaal .'eepresezitative, has been. POStponed 'bemuse the Duke Of Saxe-Cob:11.g and his .familyare the guests 'of the Czar, hut lie says that it is certain that the visit to - St. Petersburg wS11 be made at an early date. •,4ti1t Ilona bard inn. itintheHey. , ihtherloy, Feb,' 0. --- ''(Priday 7 -- There was a heavy bembardthent yea- terday and to -day, fire of .the Boerhig guns at Xanipersdam.. has been yety tieehig. His Wonderful Nerve, Alone sustained Editor F. H. Big- gins, of Seneca, 111., when all doctors and medicines failed to relieve his pain from piles, Then Buelden'f., Ar- nica Salve tvhelly cured him. Infal- lible for injuries, Pales or Bodily Erup- Slone. Cure g,uttranteed, Only 25c, a box. SoltI by aul druggist. ORIA .3ifants and. Children. is 07bt7 vira,ppor. Paid, Kruger sent. to G0101111. iti' A Message: saying it was not right For White to blaze. away and fight. • He should surrender. Whereat White sent hack word to Paul ,Conie on again, and let usmaul , Your inen unkempt. till one and all .Shall us reinember.'' SO though they came at break of dawn, And waged a conflict all day long, Paul's losses we.re "2000 Strong," But White's were SlealtitT Ohl Panl and 3.017d)Clt Van -aNr;i.y, And live to tight another day, Cony. For though you have George 'White zit 'Ile Wolf b '41trren der He'll heat .you on yoin chosen ground, Your wily Dutchmen till have, foe ed White's rifles tine. his cannon 'pound W hen they u . Foe Tbimay," tholigh ais'odie it liltzlee. itt battre 'e knowS!ow to poke 'Is bayonet for VS native, aoL. Old British timber. J..H.H Burglars hleAv open the safe of the People's Bonk oi Halifax at Deeville, Que., and etole $5,000. The Thames River VOSO,SOVentPen or eighteen feet, above the ordinary level clitonCehathitio, but little damage was Mrs. Mary :Jane 'Witt:1'60n, amm nged fire it urditiT her e•onnitnog, tti. Ilan; sed liy exploding. Mr. Thomas Whitthead, it promi- nent business man of Walk.srion, died suddenly at .Clifford, where he went on it business trip. , , A Willi n ipeg boy named Chase, aged fourteen, was shot through the wind- pipe while playing with 'a compapion. He will probably die. tal-i,,71---181"21„. Jesse Martin, a G. T. 11. fireman,- was looking out of thecab u indow when passing 'Erneettown station and a pro- 3eetion froffi a standing car struck his bead causing death a couple. of hours after the a cettlen t. Seaforth: Mr., John Beattie has been appointed police magistrate for the town of Seaforth. Mr. Bee ttie is well qualified for itis Positicm, having had long experience as a magi:etre ti. ilt,ttiNtsl..few lay -men are so well'versed itt GEN. Vri,00rIN nus.is'Envit. mow the liner Getwral Saved a WInAitin (Ma Under Itritloh Fire. Land6u, Feb. 13, — A despatch. from Buller's 'camp, dated 11 it'll noon, describes a daring feat on the part of Doer General Vilgeon, A maxim_ Vickers gintqabaticioned by „the Boers itt a donga waS about to fall into 'British hands, when the fearless Vil- geon himself brought back it team of 'horses and escaped with the gun , threading his way betweee the red fleshes and black elouds Of tyddite shelle which the BritiSli artil'iery cOn- eentrai,441 0)0 liEffil01. fi) DAL PLASTFR We guarantee that these. Pla.sters will relieve pain quicker t112n any other. Put up only in 25c. tin boxes and $1.00 yard Irons. The latter allows you to cut the Plaster any size. Every family should have one ready for an emer- gency. tlAYill & tAWRF.NCE CM, LIMITED, MONTREAL Bowan) of Imitations • EMULSION CONNIntIPTION am& mISI.VNG DISSEASEfi. SPITTING of BLOOD. COUGH, 2,014S OF it PPIETIITE. lidEDIRITY,tihebenentM er laxl,sainiets. are meat By the aid of The D. St L. Emulsion, I have gotten rid M.' a hacking cough which had troubled tue for over a year, and have gained conzider- ably in weight. T. H. WINGIIAM, C.E., MoatreaL Or. and $1 per 1.-kv.tt.le DAVIS & LA',VP.ENCE CO., Litnitad, Mcncrati.z. ma.••••••••0101•CIMSIMINIMInrs. Robert Mitchell, a, lawyer, over sixty years of age, has been arrested on a moet serious cherge. It is alleged that for some time he has been (sale; ing girls of the tender ages et 8 to 16 into his office end home by bribes; of money and candy for immoral pur- roseS. 151:401". :1170,ocl's thor,9104100, all re iggiStS in tansies,. Only reli, able niedleine discoVered, xxie74agr,:i gitciraideed to onre all felineof Sakiiai Weakness, 511 e (Teets of abuse Or e*'be40,,Mental ivorrY, Excessive use of To• 4r4g111),'„Ir.NraZ1r;IVCZ1): bp The .tvo6a cointuaiy, Windsor GYA of * -81 ,att „hie, ennehlets tree to any c th',Woo'd's•l?hoepiiodlno"i4o14 Thtei'hr 0.1,utzi dingg Henry T. Ball, the Canadian reins. man who drove the pacing mare Ada P, 2:09%, to her mark last season, ha:: retired from the sulky. Belle G, by Governer Benton, who - took a trotting record of 2 in 1.89a and a pacing record of 2:1934 last Year, is to be switched bach to the trot The first foal at Warren Park farm, Terre Haute, arrived Jan. 18 in the shape of a baby filly by Axtell, 2:12, out of Myra, dam of Lee Russell, 2:16%, by Electioneer. It is said that Frank C. Ives, the bit- liardist, has sold a half interest in big: recent acqnisitions, Planet, 0 SUCCOSS, 2 :129, and Canton. 2 :19';94.hto Senator Reynolds of Brooklyu. Frank Allen, stationer for the Bur- ling,ton lines at St Joseph, Mo., ownit the ffist colt sired by Nov. -atm. She is now a handsome bay mare 6 years old and has a world of natural speed at tlio trot. The owner ef Major Gentry (4), 2 :24%, pacing, by John Ft. Gentry, 2:004, reports that he allowed 2:17 last year, but took to trotting late in the fall and showed so fast that he will be raced as a trotter this year.—Horse Re- view. STAGE GLINTS, "Wolfe Tone," a new play, has scored a, bit in Dublin. London has its first vaudeville theater on the cotitintions plan. "Old Jed Prouty," Richard Golden'e pastoral comedy, is being prepared for productioh. According to the London Era, Hall Caine has accepted a commiesion be write a new play for Nfalalo Adahis. ' William Gillette's first draft of az play founded on one of the Coen!) Doyle detective stories waS destroyed in the recent Baldwin hotel the in San Frarn disco. .p.vo 45m.1: ,tigidiatninna—oisttatn s tint incloa it NmItititn st-ono.outos put „'014 •Sorpitn•blictvei2tilti Istoor ,vocospiniai ‘13ttil°itiC ,nu ,t0Drsuolano isout slot -0110(00 pits, ccoirrt •v,U1 S'O.11 apaa uz sutio '5519111 ViTt0110