HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-15, Page 1TIIIR J,,EE TII YEAR. -607. EXETER ONTARIO Ifyou want the1 � latest War ,News lead the papers, and if you Colne to hear the latest news of our SECTg Y , S�.. t ....r �.. f'1 +sad., thei ist marmot commas CORSETS We have just received >a shipment of a special line of Corsets from the rnaniifacturer at very low prices. We have decided to clear them at 1Oc. J THURSDAY, FEBRUARY '15 10000 Co 1L SANDERS, EDITORL E. We give you advan- tage of oin buying. 75e. now 49c. NEWEST STYLES BEST MAKERS. MANTLES We have left, a few Ladies' Jackets which will be cleared out strictly at cost. $3.00 AND UP. TJNSUAL CUT 12c. to 8c. PRINTS A few American Percales 36 inch wide, English Prints, Wadable, will be cleared at Sc. AMERICAN N AN D ENGLISH WASHA RLE. SEE OUR REMNANT COUNPEE REMNANTS Prints, Ginghams, Dress Goods. WILL BE SOLD LESS THAN COST. LADIES' $17:00 CAPES TO CLEAR $11;99. FURS We have left a few Runs, Capes and .rackets which will be sold: at cost IENr- . St1 $17.00 COAT,, TO CLEAR $11..99, SPECIAL ICES ® ® e FOR PRODUCE., 4Y�V IN.C.A 1 1 have unlimited vestment tIpen lowest rates` V ., U:t N ,,�,�We private find for in- farm or village property, at of interest. iIC:RsnN $-, CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY Money to loan ELLIOT Barristers, Solicitors, TO LOAN. at from 414 to .5 per cent, & GLADMAN, etc., Alain Sr., Exe ter PA.MS FOR SALE. MONEY TO LO .AN. The undersigned has a few good farms for frill cheap. Money to loan on easy terms /y J la Sre.br;.t P .CAN.. car { - Samwell's Block Exeter Sale Register. sten':. SATUIti1AY.FEB.: 15.--13onsehol'1 Furni- ture, etc., the property of Geo. Fiodgin s, Sale to eomnrence;at 11.30. JOHN xILL,Auctioneer. TUESDAY, ,FEB. 27. --Farm Stock, Tin 011' r,n Household furniture etc., the property of. Wm. Fulton, Lot IS, North Boundary,. t.; teph en. Sale at one o'clock, Hy. 140S5F.N1r E3irrty;-An1„•tieneer. .HOTEL PROPERTY FOR S A I. E OR RENT. si n ' annd.r undersigned Th g otter.inr; for sale or 'r rent i,tra desirable hotel sitnated'a't, Devon, on Idle London Road. This Hotel Ys in a good location, being >ty..rniles south of Exeter. 1' hi.. road is largely, tsovellea and for ig t main char seeare rntils , �,{,}l are for'. ;a splendid ` basin e9`-•'. 'There is a good stable in •' con nee- ,ion, also 1,6 :acres of Land. , Possession 1 riven 1st April,.i:rt0. ' This pro petty:will be wld cheap air rented at,ai; reasonable figure, 1 [Pot )'auric' a,n. apply . on the rtmi.seS. tri:I1LL LS:N 77, Proprietor Devon, tie t Rte ;t A IRI.N f; you ti ]t e.o tc) R. 'aii(1 Jew12- iiraiRRlhciE Ltci'I'dSl; "Marriage r''in' F in I CIILS r i, yL Ft(; 1ai bine," tt ell done, . ¢ r r 1'I1(,ifc:S— C-'d';ttr be Clocks td.s .. t .<L s )ec,tal}t' t1 .IJl((rt)SC,b t58nP.Cla r1t1 \Ve<1- z - allt'ays on hany. C I •ansOn son's 131 xa n', Exeter. 'TShorrie Dilun.-The' home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Madge, of the; 6th concession, '_vas saddened by the loss of their bright; little son, Roy Fletcher, who died on Tuesday last at age of .r years, '5 months and 23 clays. The little fellow had been ill only a few days of diph- theria. The bereaved family have the Y sympathy of the tvhole neighborhood in' their Sad trial. The funeral (private) took. place to the Exeter cemetery ''t� et131eSd;ly. oil Os ? The r:'aa, id thaw of hist week raised c p the, Water on the lr vlandsr )� to a c,re,t., depth; overflowing the roads and wash- ing out ciil erts.-Miss May Dunsfor'd is vrsrting friends in London this week.. -George Smith's little girl, Nanc hits been under the doctors ca, e )f r„ but. S. now :Better,-,�..' certain laad in our Y rllidst is so extrenllycon serva,tive that tvben out driving she employes :i• os-; t'illion.-'i lie Misses T.,. Prouty, encl. 1i and and Ethel Isaac visited ,.t 1 a 1t. W Harris' as' Monday. -Miss Fel'airson reyiewcd the Satbliath school last 1 ty In a manner highly pleasing to kill. . presa_nt. Sha,r on . U.. T. 13. i trtvil of the Llt;l), con cc)ssio''ha.s porch sed[5110(tseiri'1 Exeter, final '/� understand�i . it is his intention to move to Exeter. h lt.'Martyia be- i�es ai:. ,c. :co c v E,li ,t "after toil carries rest.' t,Lrrr3, t Y u• r , r 1 )scS retiring a frolrr active Iife to tl105 quiet Z d r t enjoyment, of av fowl) >r> •'- 1 ..vr1 r sl lent --.hiss Ada, Jol,y is visiting her sistueri Mrs, l+,citt:al:•d J' estle:--R It. John oti.( 3lyt an. oyster supper to L circle )f friends last wet k Mr. and Mrs. debited. welsh ofl7slaoi�nra; visited lends c.111,. �l,briilt Sharon liq )seal 5')1 have had the fort part o4' then l'0i2t,h very -mild. but with tile' aL )- (iae 1 x o a,,1t of ills seeoilrl half we are etb- .1 „ S T1• .vlAc, C.C1SLr1IYi aLr bluster ">°blow, 'fit y )lt st,cr. ,Lull vada :L d,.t, g f:c }5}a1n,, t}ier;nzoin,.,bei': iRYa, r y he: elerrlents conspire to fa.vo4p t•hti iixio )0 ice -men. A, fit -ye -year-old soil' of Ali, . Samuel 51t54)')% lstoaitd dx'rowuectirl the tiai}h ecd; at tit. Catharines fla,sIiwood Since the police village law has come into force the urchins wend home,a;ward at an their way e, rl,e,r�hour than us- ual, much to the satisfaction of shop- keepers. merchants ancl pedestrians in genera}. -Mr. J. X. Goetz is _getting large quantities of logs to his mill here. -Mr. Louis Kleinsteiver is stil n1 to of to the employ Y >VI3•. Urquhart at Herman.- The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman g was T ` « gladdened by the appearance of a bright baby girl on Wednesday. Con- gratulations .Hurry, -Mr. W. J. Nors- worthy still continues in poor health. Mr. John Ehlers also continues in poor may I health. We hope. they 3 SO on re- cover. -Mr. F. Kibler, of Zurich w:Ls in the village Friday. --Mr. F. Wild our baker, appears to be doing a brisk trade. He snakes first-class bread and is deserving the .iatrona g e : of ' I g the whole community. That is therinci build up the commun- ityon which to p in' which you live. -The flax com- pany here shipped 0 c0rload of flax one day last week: at a good fzg• Y izte.-Sgme. interesting andlively discussion's take e )]ace here on ' [ the .British -Boer war and some great points are 11ret.cl0.' .lir.. Frank Pope has sent in an application ars volunteer togo to the present , p t waLr. in South Africa. Don't know whether he will be accepted or not but tsuppose.. Frank would make asolo e g a mark for F 4h Boers as'anyother Canadian.- tzcl Mrs. William Green and son, of. South Dakota, are here rens r' g «inn acquaint- ances. Mr's, Green's maiden n zlame r Was .rrtie5YlYle1' and at:0i) c,> tune lived at Sarepta corner on the farm r r w" owned by D. Sohral cel•) SmithJohn i.. s sill) Confined to the hrtiiseaand slight hopes are entertained for his re- covery. ----Mr. John Fried, of London, spent ;Friday With relatives in the v]1- Hage• Dr. Roitir s a;nel C. I31, Sran<iers oflilxeter, w•as in the village y. --Mr. 11. Wing, * . Shipka, n o f i Sh i t-, g, l.a dao through;. g 1 drove ... the t;ill..L�,e. Solidity with a r)eal)titnl Spann' of dapple -greys. -Mr. C, alile gre i• - C, Britz, of ZIlbil 1), was in the village laLge Sunday aLftcrunctii. Children en O CASTOR/ (xreen.way 11t Thos. Stinson and Miss AGal- ; braid', of Rayfield, visited friends here Last S,Ibbath.--allies i•1ai'ion llairlsay and A. Q. AVilson left here last Mon- day for Chic Luc,. --Mr, James Brophey attends the County Meeting of the L.04L., in Exeter Last Tuesday. --Mr. Joseph (:weaken, Assessor, was on his aiinu<ll visit in these parts Best week. wT C r U rt hMiddlesex la Fanners', i nsti- tate Meeting held here last Weelnes- day, w;as well attended. About fifty of onr best and most enterprising farmers were present at the afternoon meeting. The address by Mr. S. Nich- olson, on :feeds and. fecdin;; iti ;i listened. to by every one present with marked •attention. Mr. AP. Ketchen, on keeping hogs for Profit, brought out a livelydiscussion, MLlorT.Shepplierd's address, on planting kindcare of or rh-. ar'd, t1 1s very profitable. and showed clearly that be. folly understood his business, The evening Meeting was ,fust; its interesting and although a stormy night the hall was well filled. Wjiickejseati The spring weather has 'turned to winter again. -Mr. Thompson and the yoaing Lady froin Woodstock. who were visiting at Mr. A. Turnbull's, re- turned home on Tuesday. --Mr. Geo. )hiller, of Mount Clemens. Mich,, was, home visiting his father and sisters on Friday. George holds a good situa- tion with the 'Street Ra llway Catn- panyr, thus he was unable to relriaai[1 any: lone er.-•31r. Hallie Brown, who sas,tainecl a painful wound by being St ru 1' Gla with 1 � 4 limb in the face, iy I'e- covering but be has yet to keep the wound tied up. EN'T V A1NIIENT-The tea meeting and; Oyster socia} at Manville. Monday night Was largely. attended. The night was wet and disagreeable, hut notwrthstauding the affair passed off' with commendable success. Owing to some rnisunderstanding some of the speakers failed to:pat in an appearance but those booked for the occasion. dict ample justice to their respective parts and the prograniproved quiteinterest- ing.. Res-. Millyard, of Exeter, was in attendance and delivered a very able address as also did Phillips, ' Mr. Phi s while Rev. Waddell filled the chair in his usual happy and pleasing style: The choir did their part as usual. Z11r1C�- The weather at writing is mild and spring like hot may change at any time.-Mr•.'Fred Seigner ani daugh ter Clara,. of Crediton, called on friends on Satnrda -.=1 y .lir. Chas. Bcissenberz;v, vv1-10 has been jobbing in Michigan for t-hepaSt few weeks, returned fully eoilviiii•xat1iat none bat profcientmen need apply tor a job. -cook Bros. had considerable trouble with the new Dynamo and may .have more before getting the lights to suit the people. -- Messrs Kelly and Coxworth -took in the sklaitri.n at Fensall SL tu2da1 et r n Jno Foster purchasedfrom Mr. N. M. Contiue, of St. Joseph, -the well known driving mare that goes by the name, "Taylor. Mare for the handsome sum of $L.30.-Ris 'Honor judge -Doyle, of Goderich, presided at theDivisiou Court Monday: No cases were tried. -Mr. 11. J. D. Cook, of Hensall, spent Monday in town, -Mr. Hy. Boysenberry, of Grand_ Bend, spent Sunday in town. -Mr. Barton Hooper, public school teacher in the vicinity of Ureter, called on friends in town S u n day. 14£r.H ooper is w ellkn o wn in this neighborhood as he taught 6 months in the Z. P. S. -.Miss U''. A. Dempsey, of Exeter, Snndayed in town the guest of Miss L. Kibler, Miss Kibler accompanied: her home and will visit there a feta "days. -Mr. 14IcOloy, of Hensall is Spending a few days with the' Deering agents in town. -Mr. Edward Bossenberry is convale- scent. Farquhar D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest' rates of interest. After enduring the hardships, priva- tion and inconveniences of single life as a pioneer in tile. Northwest, a young man from there, where the gentler sex are fewer in numbers than here, took the train for these parts a short time ago and after a few weeks residence here discovered the one he thought he would like to share his joys and his cares. 1 -le supplied himself with an outfit and started ofd' with his sweet brunette, 1(11' an evening's drive, when his horse espying something in the dis- tance st)ddentlo wheeledal:'omid. upset the cotter and threw the occupants out into the sow, but fortunately lire young Mall succeeded in holding the. horse. The alarmed pair regained their scat inlet started off in the oppo- site direction,' none' the worse of their mishap and. adventure. Moral, 01hen out driving don't give ad 1' ,, l your atGen- tion to the lLdy.-Orr Tuesday after- prion last, Roy, Fletcher, a bright little sora of Mr. Samuel Mad e'.s diad, after a few days'' illness, with that ,dreaded disease; diphtheria. It appears that other members of the family are, sick with the sante trouble and ars .L conse- quence of this outbreak School No. 2, 1 sborne, is closed. It is hoped that the milady will be prevented from spreading Y and that Mr. Mad e s family l h g will soon be restored to their wonted ��d n c lre;llth, Revel's, C. Fletcher, ;'Thaities Road, and A. Grant, St. Marys, are busily engaged secllring subscriptions for the (lentury Jfi 1)1(1 11141 are meeting exceptional 1 With race } st ecc>ss in this part. - Messrs. H. Passmore a and W. 1't,llen,. who have been running a threshing, machine for several years' in this dis- trict, have dissolved partnership, the one taking the engine and the other: the separator. Mr. D. Brown is maty running the engine for Mr. Passmore MO is finishing up the threshing, cut- ting i ' �, tan},Y atilt} grinding fox 010 season.—Mr. and Mrs. 5. Campbell, accOi )pi1nled by their son mid da tighter, Arthur and Maiid, attended the wedding of their noise, Miss I1.ocdgers, of 1lotherwell on 'Wednesday last, Crediton COLLINS & SToNDU1ty,Barristers,Cort vcy.anrer.s, Notaries, Exeter, ,Oit 1-5. Col- lins and B.A.(late with dc-Uartly,Osloi &CO., Barristers, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. David Kuhn; of Kil- l/laugh, Mich., are the guests of Mfr. and llt:s Conoid Kohn.• --V. Rat:., M.P., of Otto.va, spent last Sunda,,y here with his family. -'Jr. Geo. Zwick- ex of London; F , ) spent L few (lag's s herd on brieine - last week. ---Rev. T G. Litt Left for Napeeville, 111., Monday 00 business ('5110(00] coracceming The North. Western Colle;;e ' Naperville. -Miss EnunaL 11lorloclt, tvlro has been in ., ora 1:11., the past ;;5)00)1'), retell home last Wednesday. --Me. Col Kuhn has purchased as handsome Ileintrnrau Piano front S. Martin, of Exeter. --Mits. D. Lick and d tughtei spent a few days this week the guest of Mrs. Wm. Kuntz,1 of xeter:--Ilea. Matthew Morlock of Reed City, Mich., preached in the German Church last Sunday morning and ih the Methodist Churn, r il Church nSundayevening.-HenryEilber, Ni.P P , left for Toronto on Tuesday to attend the Legislature— Barrister Stanbur:•y and Miller White of the Times, Exeter', were in the vil- lage Monday on business. -Mr. Joseph Banes has returned frornlndiana,where he took his father', '<Daaddie" Banes some time, ago. -The Revival meetings which were tieing held in the Metho- dist ehur eh the past four weeks came to a close on Sunday evening. -The third Anniversary of the Evangelical Church here will be held next Sunday.. -Prof. S. L. Umbitel'1, of Union Bihli callnstitote Naperville, will give a m 1'. lecture in English onSaturday even- ing,Feb. 17111, at S p.m., entitled To and fro in the Holy City." He will preach in the German language on. Sunday morning and evening and in English in the afternoon. A silver Collection will be taken at the door on Saturday evening. erring. Mitchell: 'Three weddings took pl 44 e• herr ora. Wedues51a of last week ae2 the et ennag Miss Martha, Vickers v ea:- united in t'he holy bonds of in'iatrinrbal;� to M. Fred, 111cLar•en; a former t it,-- Chen boa, but DOW Of Toronto. Rev - R. Whiting tied the nuptial; k0014 in. the presence of their`inrir1ediaLtefrre�t fq:.. Nellie 11�[eNoy, was m<rt:iieel,f: by the Rev. R a Whitin , 13. A.. to � u fuel Sptria11 of Udney, Ont)r10 �if),... The f :err took 'thus at the ho t) ' to" the• brides ulothrr and tt.a:; attc knee:= only by the relatives -of the c Intl act - inn par•t1t s _1,•t rr ,C}a. In. in the Ok Clic. - t)cd lac Church Mitehell, one of the rivet - Gest vein ter r weddings. gs. took pl oe. '1'la,•. ]r'airi St. Joseph The heavy raina of last week caused our small streams to have the appear- ance of large rivers. -Mr. Wm. Jacobe has engaged with Win. Ryrock, a:s teamster. -Mr. Hyroek has got several men employed cutting wood in Ezra Kara e r' ch i s bush. --=Mr. Geo. Gam,pklell took advantage of the recent good. sleighing by engaging men alidi teams andgetting most of his logs drawn from Mr. Meros bush to the mill' yard here. -Mr.S. Remiie's new water pow- er`grinder is kept busy_ these days. - John O'Brien visited his parents on Sunday last. -We are scirry to learn that Mrs. P. Badour, who has been on the sick list for some tine, is not re- covering very speedily -.Miss C. Bow- man, of the 14th concession, Lccotrr Y�aniecl by,boi sister ,and 3eymecher and daughter of Keans Ls, U. S. A. were'visiting at ?+1r•s..Spenc- er•'s and Mrs. R. O'Brien's last wcek.- Mrs. G. H. Horton (nee Miss Margary O'Brien) is spending this week under the parental cissa and Gil- bert Williams, of Exeter North, were visitingfriends inthese parts on Sunday- rust.-rl large stick of tinnier fell from the -top of one of our sky -scrapers ens day last week and on it's descent came in contact with the net work of the electric light' wires, carrying . them along with it, consequently our town is now in darkness, -lir. jamas Mer - shell Was visiting ben• parents last Week. Lobo: Fifty acres of land in Lobo township, are in dispute in an action before the courts at Osgoode Jlall. Charles Edwards' family have been liv- ing on the proper't'y for 22 years. Charles having worked it for his fath- er. Charles died about six years ago, and his father passed away in 18118. The father's executors, John Foci nsbee and l.-ttichard N.V. Edwards,, are endear oriug 'to dispossess Charles' widow, who four children Mr, Justice Fergu- son decided against once, but Monday they asked the di:visiion court for ' new trial of the action. Clinton: Wha.tmr;;ht have prove a baud fire Was noticed just in time; b:,„. Mr. Folland on Sunday nioa'ning; as he was passing to his irs....s1 500017ioll' a 60.111. It was in the Sohn and iced store of \V, Dunertn Searle block. Some are of the opinion that it started from the stove; at any rate, it gained SO far as to )'eachOa burn the shelv- ing,.:i, partiti:nn and part of the ceiling under the Masonic hall. ;'rouble \vas experienced by the firen)cn »n account of the dense smoke, but very soon it was.' -extinguished by their' :iiortnes.. A considerable atrnoant of tlaunaige was done to the store, and r) one front },Malt'.' glass pane wOs c me•ked. The stor;l•:, is 1liostly damaged. by Wates'. Ti lis Gr:'een: daughter of ;3{i. '.r I )sc,ph l?Cudson, of this • il:u.e imder�- 1, ,. went an Operation fen a• teener in the Lon to h Lendon hospital Week. . lilcr tnotit- er•'Went dot'n to he With her. She stood the oreratiou well an I 1. c her phy- .L c1 Hod.gi:ns, a. slaughter. R_SO Feb { . . EN lF. 3rf7, the wife of Fred Snowden, Parkhill, of a son hit.itpy couple We i e hiss.Maggie Podecke._ of this place, and Mr. Daniel )ic Mala -a- of T.uckeisnlitlr, A. large cntiroury> peome assembled to witness the event - Father Downey officiated. • 1+iglnondt IIIc.: The following ilea- pat:hfront Cyprus Rive, Marl.,it} be react with melancholy interest, by -- many of our leader. It is dated Feb- ruary 2nd "A setic.us fire at }Garen Stewart's house, .L few )piles south-east of here, originated i1) the bed room ek; Mr's. Stewart's mother, 311x_. Young;, about 00 years old. Mrs. Young loran burned to death and Airs. Stewart t3 a also badly burned, and not expect Xi to,. live. The rest of the family escaped' without, clothes to a stable, till Help: was brought by a son, who drove them :.. to a neighbor's wrapped hr aL horse blanket: The house and contents were totally destroyed. It was a bitter codex: night." Mr. Stewart is a son of Mrs: Richard Stewart, of this place. -ane!C Mrs. Voting, the lady who lostherslife, had been a, resident of the township (11,' 1 Cullen for many ray years before l eruov--, ing to Manitoba. Logan: Mr. Simons, Grand. Trunk. agent here, and lir. John Aikens J. - P., Logan, are being sued for heavy;• damages. It ,appears that a 1t1r. 0,- L. Papst, of Kincardine, collected $6 dues front Simons for the Canadians Savings Loan arld Building Associa- tion, Toronto. After paving the mon- ey Simons took it into his head that the Man was a fraud, and represen Ging himself, it is alleged to be iL constable,.: drove Papst by pretence to the hoarse of Mr. Aikens, and there swore out a charge of obtaining money tinder false. pretences against him. _likens sent the,accused man up for trial, and 051 Jan. '29th, Papst was taken to Strat ford and placed. in the county gaol,.. where' he remained until Monday last,: when he was honorably discharged by Judge Barron, who held that no fraud_ or misrepresentation hadbeen shown. Pa st hd . P s sauce instructed 141x- illabee to issue a writ against Simons and Aikens, claiming heavy da•niages for citalicious prosecution and false im- prisonment. Clinton': The many friends of the }ate Charles Garline. learned with re- gret of his sudden death, which occur- red on Thursday February' 1st, at his: late residence. The deceased was in his filth ;dear, and wwas a highly es- teemed citizen of Clinton. On Wed- nesday, the day previous to his pass- ing, away., he was seized with a stroke of'Paralysis. His granddaughter. Miss Linnin Holmes; who was near by at the time, noticed hula trying to ascend a few steps into the kitchen; but only able to Trove a little. She assisted him to a lounge and otherwise attend -- ed to hint. Learning ning from bins what ailed, 11e told her, and risked to get a doctor. and soniefriends, did not speak after. 'What )takes the affliction so - hard for 3i1-. Garline to bear, is that she has been in ill -health for years having been confined to her 1,1d for several months,, and was unable to elo anything to comfort her hnsba, It iS a es0er(: b1Ow t0 :her. BIRTRS. 1:1STC.t3A7r--In Ailsa Craigon 1101e- d.a.y, Feb. 5th, the wife of 13L Ket- cham, of a clatugllter. T-I000xNs—At the Rectory, , Seatf0l'thr... on February 6th, to Rev. and Mrs.. Jcians hold out rood hopes fin, her ti 1 complete recd\ cay.--•311. T1Tnnlcns Con - sit, who was in 1)r. C unn's hos tical in Clinton last week, had a gl'awtii of tumorous nature removed from the glands of: his neelc. and €, c a> expected hone' this week. His 1Mi1 " friends will hope? for his eo) 'i' } r .t1t..i „ICI speedy 'recovery. ---'31r: 31;'4 `'v r. 11 r� ,1>r,.of the, Parr Line, Hay, .received a. telegram of Thursday of last week. saying thaat<1ii5 son, Villiain r , had niet;tvth a. serious n1 a(;cide .tau was not expect- ed d c torecover. 1-1e was located rear Marlette, Mich. His sister, Mrs. .' Forest started immediately; for Mar- lette. L Lte:r word has been n xe- c't.ivecl here om lairs, MeAllister, from Alpena, Michigan, >ga r , whither she had gone to wait on her husband whose )lose Injury is mentioned above, -1[r. Me - Allister was workingin the lumber woods whore ]1e Met, tvich the , t cc,rd(:it. He is 1n tho hospital at .�.1 1 . 1 � I c t , , .rued at t the tilIle Mr...\ c ,'o' s 1.1 ,Alli t s,t.r wrote t•11t.tc. were 1}o hopes for his 1"'c; rv05:"• Children Cry for )Rii Dossl.*ly:-0e[ Feb. 2nd, the wife of. Peter Do Wiley, Parkhill of ad ,r- au�h ter. 1rtARR)A6£S. ':)TTB;t-•SMrrix-1n Ailsa Craig, on Monday, Feb. 5th, by Rev. J. ('mitts, ?Jr. )Morley Totton, of Rockwood, to Miss :Blanebe Smith. Arn> VIciscras on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. by Rev. R. Whiting, B. A., 'Si-, Frederick G. iMcLar'en.of'i'cro 1tt0, to hiss Martha Vickers of` :Mitchell. elle)). �rl-z(. . e , r. l IPSO...- llgriC.,srl:,--_it the 're. c,. clence of the bride's parents, on Feb. 11th, by the liev. L. W. Diehl, of Ailsit Craig, Mr. Win. Thompson, ompson, cif :rat Cori' Bi.rldulptl, to Miss Mar Rode -son, eldestdaughter of blr. Hodgson, of the 4th concession - , of McGillivray. SPEIITax-111cN_cy--1n Mitchell, on• %Veclnesday, I+ eh. 7th, . by Rev. R.. Whiting, B. A., 1411.. Samuel t 5 terian o.-Caney,i1 - £ Ontarfo,Co., to `lass Nei - t, lI li' cNa- ,of Mitchell. ylltc,hell. 3lcMrrr vx-- 1 CL It rt} 1e'i C<t holic rc h, itchell, by Rev. Ir ther ch Doti'rne B 1r. Daniel 1 Mellillari,Dear. •. eat )-len. Maggie, sell to M. �7gre, dun Ilter of ' Mrr• Peirce. 4' 1'fcni y l.,c nee, of Mitchel I. DEATHS' litrur 1.158-.I t the T:Iouse of. Refuge,. I . b , Clutton, ' on Pet). 2nd Elizabeth � , 1,abnt]z r !\1li.eller', agedr4) years. 11 tncE.-In Ushorne t `., on Feb. i3 •h, p t 13,oy .Fletc:her, son of Mr. arid '4, .� lir... Samuel d ag )late) e, e 7 i'r e, years, r7 3 , lltintlis and. 23clays. 10 7s - 1t , on Saturday,+eb: ird, Slrsxn Downs, aged. 89 years and 3 mbntlis, 10.11ATT7 C)St tdat , It b,4, 'Mir - gavot ilgzlltn, con, 12, "."Vest GV51 liitltt;;, aged CO yea)5,