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Rev. Dr. Talmage's Sermon on
the Lost Weapons.
whet alarge alinalut pi the church's, the seeonal tints, the foornitig eters
resourees i aetually hidden and ber. sang together and all Lae sons of
led and undeveloped, The Bible ia God shouted for joy. That was what
thhates that that was a very ewe gave to Jonathan Edwards his in
land, this land ef ;Israel. It says, Ma'am in his day. He conquered the
"a'he stones are irou, and out of the world's metaphysics and forced it
hills thou shalt dig brass," and yet into the service of God, until not
hundreds and thousands of dollars' May the old meeting house at North -
worth of this metal evas Icept unuer amPt°n, Mass., but all Christeetimna
the hills. Well, this is the diflietilty felt thrilled by his Christian Power.
Again, my subject teaches us on
what a smallallowance,testiest
iniquity pats •a man. Yes, these
Philistines shut up the mines, and
then they took the spears and the
swords; then they took the black-
smiths, then they toe& the grind-
stones, and Lacy took everything but
a file. Oh, that is the way sin
works; it 'grabs •everything!
Oh, "the Way of the transgressoa
Is hard!" Ws cep is bitter. His
night is dara. His pangs are deep.
His end is terrific. Philistine iniqui-
ty says to that MELD: "Now, surren-
der to me and I will give you all
you want—music for the dance,
swift steeds for the race, imperial
couch to slumber on, 'and you shall
be refreshed with the rarest fruits,
In baskets Of golden filigree." Ile
lies. The music turns, out to be a
groan. The fruits burst the rind
with rank poison. The filigree is
made up of twisted reptiles. The
couch is a grave. Small allowance
of rest, small allowance of peace,
smell allowance of comfort. Cold,
hard, rough—nothieg but a file. So
it was with Voltaire, the most ap-
plauded man of his day.
The Scripture was his Jestbook,
whence he drew
Bonmots to gall the Christian and
the Jew.
An infidel when well, but what when
A Warning to the Chrietiou Church to
rroteet Ite1 Avtiust the Assaaits of
Unriemeoutileas and Unbelief — W•
ADLE9C Do our Ni'Dolts Ditty.
Washington, Feb. 4. -- In this dis-
course Dr. Talmage shows how the
cause of righteousnees has lost maxey
Of its weapons and how they are to
be recaptured and put into effective
operation; text, 1 Samuel xiii, 19-21:
" Now there is no smith found
throughout all the land of Israel, for
the Philistines said, Lest the Heb-
rews make them swords or spears.
But all the Israelites went down to
the Philistines, to sharpen every man
his share, and his coulter, and his
ax, and. his mattock. Yet they had
a file for the mattock, and for the
coulters, and for the forks, and for
the axes, and to sharpen the goads."
What a galling subjugation for the
Israelites! The Philistines had
carried off all the blacksmiths and
torn down all the blacksmiths' shops
,and abolished the blacksmiths' trade
' in 'the land of Israel, The Philis-
tines would not even allow these par-
ties to work their valuable mines of
brass and iron, nor might they make
any swords or spears. There were
only two swords left in all the land.
yea, these Philistines went on until
they had taken all the grindstones
from the land of Israel so that if an
Israelitish farmer wanted to sharpen
his nlow or his ax he had to go ovee
to the garrison of the philistines to
get •it done. There was only one
sharpening instrument left, in the
. land, and that was a file, the farm-
ers and mechanics having nothing to
whet up the coulter, and the goad,
and the pickax, save a simple file.
Indus try was hindered and work
practically disgraced. The great
idea of these Philistines was tp keep
the Israelites disarmed. They nneht
get iron out of the bills to make
swords of, but they would not have
any blacksmiths to weld this iron. If
they got the iron welded, these would
have no grindstones on which to
bring the instruments of agriculture
, or the military weapons up to an
Oh, you poor, weaponless Israel-
ites, reduced to a file, how I pity
you! But these Philistines were not
forever to keep their heels on the
, neck of God's children. .Tohathan,
on his hands and knees, climbs up
a great rock, beyond wench were the
Philistines, and his armor bearer, on
his hands and, knees, climbs up the
same rock, and these two men, with
their swords, hew to pieces the Phil-
istines, the Lord throwing a great
terror upon them. So it was then:
SO it is noev. Two men of God on
their knees miehtier than a Philis-
tine hoat on their feet!
I learn, first, from this subject,
with the church of Clod at this day.
It e &lent is not developed. 11 one-
half of. its 'energy could be brought
out; it might take the public lingua
ties of the day by the throat zied
make them hite,the dust, If human
eloquence were consecrated to . the
Lord Jesus Christ, it would in a
few years persuade this whole earth
to surrender to God. There is
enough undeveloped energy in this
city to bring all the United. States
to Christ—enough of undeveloped
Christian energy in the United States
to bring the whole world to Christ,
but it is buried under strata of in-
difference and under whole mieuntains
of sloth. Now, is it not time for
the mining to begin, and the pick-
axes to plunge, and for this buried
metal to be brought oat and put into
the furnaces and be turned tato how-
itzers and carbines for the Lord's
The vast majority of Christians in
this day are es,elcas. The most ol
the Lord's battalion belong to the re-
serve corps. ale most of the crew
are asleep in the hammocks. The
most of the metel is under the hills.
Oh, is it not time for the church of
God to rouse up and understand that
we want all the euerisies, all the tal-
ent and all the wealth enlisted for
Chriet's sake? I liee the nickname
that the English. soldiers gave to
Blucher, the commander. They call-
ed him "Old I'orwards.'' We have
had enough retreats in the church of
Christ; let us have a glorious ad-
vance. _And I say to you as the gen-
eral said when his troops were af-
friehted—rieing up in his stirrups,
rasa ee the Furoot:os of a Waleeip a aitile Golleetta In the Malt Court
seeet sees iteises,e, ease 31t$O, of 'France.
'use t'srioala. The Sceused—I eeeeh to eXPrees
rIti•lae a trip' d v tok hal of Pr aiefound contempt. for eYerelarYSing
ot n S p e - _
cruieer. Whea eou eittee you are and evetar-eYbody; SPreatnina Sense -
den gust of burning hot air. Send- The. Ptosecutor—I dereand ' to be
Oh, then a :text would toeuch him to
. the quick!,
Seized' with: 'hemorrhage Of the
lungs in Paris, where he had gone
his hair -flying in :the wand, he lifted be crewned as the idol of all Prance,
nearly taken oh your inet by tile sud-
t priest
darkness holds you in its eutbrace ; hear-rerd.
the heat is terrific and the noise: The Aecused—I hat Zee gr-r-reatest
deafening'. All around you are Parts' eontempt fey You, one and all. A -Is°
of the 'towering engines atovieg 1
others so quickly ehat the eye can- (Immense esurusi°13.)
noptesfocelinodwy,tehtemiu.ether., Glancing ;a The isi•oseautor—I be hear -teed,
a thermometer, you see that the heat anTdbeZeteceuxspeot-1:1 4esPis ;ee senate
has now increased, -Co 110 degrees. tower. 1 even deseTsee ,Fa'rn;lr'ra'zilecee• E()freeerl.
cessena3,, some of , them slowly, for zee pr-r-tesident of Zee eePub Lena,
At the preseat time 97 steam (wan-
ders are active, your guide tells you.
You crawl down an iron ladder;
are just 25 feet below the water line. 1°Yaltee t° I veesh to s o
darkness is around you; only, •here pr-r-rison me.
You reach the very bottom of the my sentinlents. Put Ine in
and there a small electric flame. You
shin d f c 'he tier eyes of the zder.e;'retti:eadr-yr-Itne_rsst: dIu°unge:onuldf7tirotonde° Inhuena-
gi -i -1 eater tits or.
The Prosecutor—Am I hear-r-rcl?
Tbe Acetised—I beg of you to int-
long row of furnaces, each "eye"
three feet in diameter and emitting
unbearable heat. The small saace
between the iron wall and the
mouths of the furnaces as enlivened
by a hundred or more men swinging
great shovels and irons. '
Clad only 'in fragments of trousers
and a woollen shirt, the brawny 5101t (They
work with clocklike, precision,
(Wild outburst, during which tbe ac-
cused Is hustled from the eourtreom.)
The Proseeutor—'I'hank heaven, he is
gone! Wbat shall we do *ix beeni? If
'we send heem to pr-r-rlson, he Will be
gw1Ohdast isl'hawnewleet diiolln go, he Will eXult-
Thew faces' breast's' hands and arms 7,All(tTlaNhve:Poc:linqseetel luttlteoer:Zaesnl I betleet al:138°231de
are covered with soot a quarter of --
an inch thick—so thick that the per- b37 giving a i'er-1.:.rY llgbt S!14-
spiration, running from their heads tence, eh?
in streams, leaves no marks. Bvery The Senators—It is agreed. .
hell minute each furnace neuSt be fed, glie gets It and curses his luck. —
which Means a temporary increase of Cleveland Platu Dealer.
the prevailing heat, by about SO de-
grees., and the normal temperature is
122. •
A Good 't roufites.
Of a good bishop, returning froin
the Lambeth conference of last sum-
mer, a second ministerial story is
told. The sea was very rough, the
weather impleasantly stormy. the
go 1 to , p 6
up•his -voice until 20,000 troops •
heard lam crying ou mama , e cl icl before he dies A great tcr- LiyeePo
iu• 1 th
ol, felt wretchedly ill and
men enlisted. Ministers are Ismael-- ror falls upon h' . Ph'listiniei itihni;
1 11 a distressed him most, fear 'of possible
waole line!" We want all the lay -
nervous. ' Re hardly knew which
ically too small. They do the best quity had promisedII" iiii
they can. They are the most. Over -
W ork ed class on °Leith. , Many
of them clie of dyspepsia because they
cannot get the rie ht tried of food to
eat, or, getting the rieht. Land, are
so worried that they take it doevn
in chunks. They die from early and
late exposure.
11 a novelist or a historian pub-
lishss a book: a year, he is consid-
ered indus Laic ii is , I nit even- faith
ful pastor must originate enough
he sends a moseaneer 0 a ' odwhose maiden assa se
Sensation in the Ottawa Valley
District Caused by Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
A Prominent itroeisville nue-eines* Mast
Pays a Tribute do the Good, Work 01 1111
Citnadthit instittagon in England.
(From the Broelzville Reeorder,)
One of the most successful busineeil
men in Brockville is Mr. Thomu
Nappyetlie well -know Perth Street
grooer. Mr. Nappy is an Engliehmai
by birth and the sucicess he has achiev-
ed in busluess here, has enabled him
for some years past to make an annual
holiday trin to the Motherland, In II
casual conversation with some friends
in the Bank of Montreal, recently,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills happened
to be mentioned and Mr. Nappy said.
that if the pills effected many cures
as marvellous as one that had come
under his notice, be was not surprised
that they were so frequently the
theme of conversation. Asked later
by a reporter of the Recorder to give
the story, kr. Nappy readily consent-
ed to do so, and we give it practiell-
ly in his own words. "Don't be dis-
appointed when I tell you that the
cure did not occur in thia country "
said Mr. Nappy. As a matter of fact
it occurred in England and came un-
der my observation on the occasion of
two visits made to that country. Dur-
ing the summer of 1898 I paid a visit
to my old home in England an while
there visited William Ledger, a rela-
tion of mine livine at 45 Fitzvvilliam
street, Doncaster. In Ledger's family
was a little girl, Lilly, about. six
years of age who was absolutely help-
less with what the doctors said was
St. Vitus' dance, but really seemed to
me more like paralysis. This child
that lie may be reconciled to e d , • ie ov cured Reuben raper, r ' was one o e most pitiful sights I
ha been made in jot tne- g er to D of Cie endon of f th
Gravel. — Priutople Beoll IN allele
Dodd's Kidney Pills Aet—Why
Gravel is Curable by Dodd's •
Kidney Pills.
world's gaalands, but in the
s danger or the fact -thee the men in
file. , ly visited in search of more accurate sensation was caused in•this niece and ed to one side or. the other i it remain -
science and his nerves a file, a and definite information than he or P Q Jan 29.—Quite a
ed in that position nutil some one
h ed it. The poor child had to
hour of his life, when he neeLled a
: the engine -room, which he had recent- ,Clarendon, P. ., .
solacing', sent tearing across his con -
So it was with Lord Byron. s
• hi un- throuehont the Ottaiva Valley, by c aug .
cleanness in England only surpassed
swearing horribly. The good-natur- theble t' of Reuben Draper
pu left 1071 's be fed and looked atter like an infant,
, his fellow passengers possessed, vvere
by his uncleanness in Venice, then go ed and seeretly amused captain of the the doctors had. not been able
ing on to end his brilliant misery in vessel endeavored. to reassure hills by Mr. Draper is we known
c....ase _in the. newspapers 'last week. , and as
Flet cher, fretting at himself, fretting.
Missolonghi, fretting at his riurse ol..e...e,
avgletinis'e the other. cluiri ''' '
the one circumstance off and in Bristoland has hail many en -
11 about here
( ery was not thought 'possible. In-
; deed,I said to the child's grand-
te do persthing to relieve her, recove
he who gave the world "C„hilde ,I,Irratrie- fahe, bishop to beess hisnasnitvnersal sucurprerisethhea,rt9Dsosdedin'ss ', .
," he dechered earnestle mother that I thought its only to at the world, fretting at God, arid 1
"I'm very sorry they're so pro-
thoueht for threct or four volumes old," and "SardanaPalns, and "but you may be certain thatethere's like ,
, Kidney Pill's should be able to aura a ' death would be a relief not 1
a ',1,e. ministers reseis.e enough rrieoner of Chilton," Lead "The Siege • . , .
a whisper at. danger whi e ey re .
ly If thee, feared 111
1 th a child, but to its parents. Thie
of Corinth," reduced to nothing bet. $ trouble Giavel. which is „situated — , .
cells in a rear frcan men who have . sweerin - so bad th Therefore the condition of t.he .child when 1
e Bladder. the follow- i was
left for Canada. Again in. the sum -
ever saw; more helpless than a new
born babe. She could not move a
single limb, an if the head were turn -
maps and medi anes and lightning
rods and pictures)ao sell to exhaust
their vitality. T. ay are bored with
agents of all sorts. They me set
in drafts at funerals and poisoeed by
the unventilated rooms Of invalids
.nrid waited upon bY' committees who
went addresses made until life be-
a file. Oh, ein as g • ,
for Making promises, but it has just
hem , they stop swearing on the instant."
/ quick to scent it, I assure ,you --
danger in the least—and they're vera mg exP
hie- mer of 1899 I made a holiday trip to
as great facility for breaking t i Gravel is directly the result of
England and to my amazement when
1 learp from this subjec .
t what a i . •
bl kidneys to 1visited
ney disorder. t is ca y
I ° used" b the
, 0. , But the bishop found it impossi e m e
y friend Ledger I found
sad thing it is when the churcrit to altogether overcame his nervous- failure on the part of the
• God loses its metal! These pi . do their duty. They fail to dissolve
' Lilly as brieht and active a child as
and an hour or two later, the sea one would fin anyvv ere, w
d h .' ith abso-
s7 ness, even with this encouragentent, _ .
tines saw that if they could on y get tile grit par lc es a
tY t• I th t come to them
1 trace of the trouble that had
all the metallic weapons out of the
still continuing roeah, the captain, from the blood. ese Y P
Th 'tt ar... lute Y no
and the spears. They did not , .,
the the g an gw ay , eagerly listening to the the walls of that cavity, accuniuset„ before. I told her parents I had
de her a helPless burden the •,, year
comes a burden to bear. It I not hands of the Israelites, all would be . . . . . ,
found him haneeng- anximisly over -bales pass to the bla c g
d ler and cling to.
hard study that makes ministerss look Well, and therefore they took
tions and botheretions. . wan t- them to Mee e a
single metallic
_ ; ''Thank heaven! Tiles re still at
rnen s voice , g P .., , • mg, fine y, in i e
11 ' rttl balls or "stones." never expected to see her alive again
rale. It is tl , .
' le infinity of interrup- swords , s floetin u from below i •
weapon. When the metal of the Is- Dodd's Kidney Pills, by restoring the and asked what bad effected her cure.
to which they
It is no more the work of the pulpit raelites was gone, their strength was.. health cut off the "Dr. Williams Pink Pills," said the
are subjected. Numenically too small it," he was heard to murmur, as a .
-t is the work of the pew. If men . , of pro-, kidneys to proper ,
der end urinary ()rams, recovering. i a- ne night, he found in
ug from woi. , o
lenity reached his ears. father. He further said that return -
particularly horrifying breeze
to convert and save the evorld than gone. This is the trouble \sable the ply of this sediment and the b a - . .
1 d
church of God to -day. It is surren-
that it is dangerous for the church blood on your skirts as on mine, enough met. .
al. How seldom it s T'"" "f ' 1.1". ni"''' " the removal of the cause the house a 1. ...
r, 1 • osi- That the boy King of Spain is a' • •
streneth on . little book describing the
to. ruin, there, will be as much dering its courage. It has . not
keen observer,. and at the same time
of irritation, throw off the gravel al- readingPa. e , .
ills left during the day, and after
of God to allosv its weapons to stay Let us quit this grand farce 0 7',* t, ,
) W or in puLpit or in religi- . ready dpositd.
' Aft r he ought
it decided to use thbere. In
f t ,_ that you see a man taking his p
In the heeds of its eriensies• These ing to save the world by a few ion. in .1 e
ld• that pretty much like other boys in bne
D had 1 b sae I.allv s case. Atter suppe
Israelites might again and again have clergymen, and let all bands lay hold ous society and ha ingposition
Particular, aPpears from an anecdote . a raperon been usin
obtained a supply ei swords and of the work. Give us, in all our against all oppression, and all trial, when hey was Tie gee a some of the pills: and gave the first to
weapons, as, for instance, when they churehes, two or three aroused and and all persecution, and all criticism. i ,o...f him related by a friend of his ralls a week
French tutor. During one of the re- stone which, he says, is as large as a the child that night. Li a few days
but these Israelites seemed content to In most churches to -day five or ten more backbone, /110r1.3 defiance, more '
the tutor dictatecl to his exalted Pu they saw they were helping her, and
took the spoils of the Ammonites, qualified men and women to help. The church of God to -day wants
cent tremendously hot Madrid days bean. In a few days he passed an -
have no swords, no spears, no black- men are compelled to do all the consecrated braveey, ' more metal..
pd. an exercise in which occurred the
other smaller one. He has retained in. less than two months time there
Emiths, no grindstones, no active iron work. A vast majority of churches How often you see a man start out
phrase: "She possessed in the highest both,and man eo le of the neigh- was net a child in the neighborhood, .
mines, until it was too late for them are at their wits' end how to carry in some good enterprise, and at the
degree the distinguished manners or oo ave seen them. .,
There -is brighter, healthier or more active. I
'these things sharpened." I say, workine the liui-ops of a few Millis- only when a max is wrong that he 1
I "What makes you think so?" de --
and .b /Id h y P P
:and friends for Dodd's Kidney Pills .and.Y '
days, shows wh Dr TVilliaanst •
to make any resistance. I spe the on a prayer meeting if the minister first blast of opposition he has col -
the grace of speech innate in roya.1 therefore, no room to doulet that have heard a great deal concerning
axes and plow, and I say, "Where are enough pent up energy and religious getting the fact that if a, man be priticesses.'' Dodd"s Kidney Pills do
"The man who wrote that," re-- gravel as well as the other kidney
actually cure what Dr. Williains' Pills have done
famees tugging along with their pick- is not there, when there ought to be lapsed, and all his courage gona, for-
-you going with those things?" They force to make a meeting eo on'7with right, all the opposition of the earth
marked the King, "never lived at in this country, but this case coming
say, "Oh, we are going over to the such power thatethe minister would pounding away at him cannot do .
court; that's certain." diseases for which they are famous. under my own observation is as near
garrison of the Philistines to get never be missed. Tbe church stends him. any pernianent damage. It, is The case has aroused wide interest a miracle as we can look for in thee,e
sharpen them at homer ' "011," dry and choked, , sellile there are ice viedicate his truth, and lid is, go- 1 King,
just look," returned the, are discovered on all sides. . ,_ ,,,, „
Pink Pills are so enauch talked aboilii
Pills are just
"You 'foolish men, -why don't you terial eisteres until the briskets are can be damaged. Wily, God is going mantled the astonished tutor.
they say, "the blacksinithe' shops tamarinds 'of fountains from -which ing to stand by you, my friends, in ' laing, "look at these royal prin- , eveiyahe-e.
are all torn down, and we have noth- migat he clipped up . th e \Vat ers of ' every effort you make for . Christ's
cause and the salvation of men.' ' milliners!" pointing to his two sis-
cesses, look at their distinguished Making Marrlago aSuceess. . . Dr. William.s' Pink.
ing left us but a file." eternal life. '
Go forth in the service of Christ , tors, who happened to lie in the A law has been -passed in Norway as valuable ill the case of children
as -with adults, and pray little one*
So it is in the church of Jesus, Again, I learn from this subjectwhich makes girls ineligible for mar=
Christ to -day. We are all willing to Hint we sametimes do well to trace tend do your whole duty. You have room.
one sphere. "The Lord of ataria, de las Mercedes lay
rate() who ceunot shosv 'certificates of would thrive and erow fat under this
The world
up, oilidr Wbeapons er. , . , . . LI I 1C1St01.C.S. . .,'
0'1•Sts th'It it hiss 'These Isi•aelites were r dm, - is with us and the God of Jacob
to the euem edvanteee of the world's t ••1 - ,
, . . - , ... , . .. e,. .ed to a , • • Afc .., T . , • . • 1 nine Now, if they would pa's la
'Fasts sprawling . over a table, looking .0 . . a ,ii, .• . • . e • .
is sleepy' and intolerably overheated. • 7 7,7, . . , . .
ti•1 a nese maintasou a more e. , b a la building up the blood. and giving' re- •
skill in cooking knittene and snin-
la r newed strength to brain, body and •
treatraent, which.' has no equal for
' 1 scratchine her heed witb her
°Wiled up the schools and filri, and so they went over to the 1
-, • • • • of the determinatem of Jonathan. 1
OM' refuge. Selah.' We wile t more
printing press. Infidelity is making plows sharpehed. The Bible dis- derful man, but lie got on his knees
a mighty attempt to get all Our , tinctly , sta tes ' i t—the text whi ea e an cl cl an ibereci tip the rocic, and Wi Lh
weapons in its hand, and then to ' read at the, beginning of the seeviee the help of his armor bearer he hew
keep them.
,itl which to do tais work and
the. colleges and ehe arta and the garrison of e le 13 lo C g
sciences and. the literature and the • their axes and their -goads mid thee do not 'a:impose he WaS a ,very won -
ladylike attitude, but was Indus -
left head, apparently embarrassed by
a problem. in loreneh orthography. Al-
_ fonso pinclied the arm of his elder
Y w it is making --that they had no other instrument ed down the Philistines, and a maa
awhile, when the great battle be- the Israelites did right when they
tween sin and riehteoesness has op- went over to the Philistines to use
ened, if we do no T 'look out we will their grindstones. My friends, IS is
be as badly off as these Israelites, not right for us to employ the
without any sharpening instruments. world's grindstones? If there be art,
I call upon the superintendents of if there be logic, if there be business
literary institueions to see to it that faculty on the other side, let us go
the men -who go into classrooms to over and employ et for Christ's sake.
stand beside the Leyden jars and the The fact is we fight with too dull
electric batteries and the inicroscop- / implements. We hack and we maul
• es and telescopes be children of God, when we ought to make a clean
not Philistines. stroke. Let us go over among sharp
The Tyndallean tbinkers of our business men and among sbarp liter -
times are tryieg to get all the Intel- ary men and find out what their tact
lectual weapons in their own grasp. is told then transfer -it to the cause
We want scientific Christians to cap- of Christ. If they have science and
ture the science, and scholastic Chris- art, it will do as good to rue against
:Hans to capture the scholarship, and Ile
'philosophic Christians to capture the 1. In other words, let es employ the
philosophy, and lecturing Christians world's grindstones, We will listen
to take back the lecturine ple,tfOrm. ! to their music, ` and we will watch
We Want to send out against Schen- , their acumen, and we will use their
Icel. and Strauss and Ilenan a Theo- grindstones and will borrow , their
dore Christlieb of Bonn and against philosophical apparatus to make our
the infidel scientists of the day a experiments, and we will borrow
God worshipping and flitch- • their printing presees to publish our
cod( and Agassiz. Banes, and we will borrow their
Let me of God go out end take rail trains to carry our Christian
possession of the platform. 'Let any literature, and we will borrow their
printing presses that have been cap- ships to transport , our missianaries.
tared by the CLICMY be recaptured for That was what made Paul such a
God and the reporters, and the type- master in his day. He not only got
setters, and thee editors, and the pub- all the learning he .could get of Dr.
Ushers swear allegiance to the Lord Gameliel but afterwards, standing
God of truth. Ale my frun , a on 'Kers hill and in crowded thor-
day must, come, and (if the great body oughfare, quoted their poetry ancl
of Christian men have not the faith, grasped their legie 99,11(1 wielded their
pr the come -tee, or the consecration Iocuence and employed their myth -
to do it, then let some lIona.than on ology until Dionysius the Areopagete,
his heee hands and on his praying learned in the scanols of Athens and
knees climb up on the rocks of ,faincis Heliopolis, went Wave. tinder hie.tre-
rance and in the name of the Lord ineralous pewees,
God of Israel slash to 'nieces theee That Was Whet gave Thomas (Mal-
let -wary Philisetnere If these men niers his Paw°1' in his daY• Ile eon-
wiil not be converted to God, then colored the evorici'S astronomy and
they muet he overthrosern. compelled it to rite, aut ide wisdom
Awatn. 1 learn from this subiect and greatness of tee Lord; until, for
sister and pulled the hair of the
of very ordinary intellectual attain.- Y •
"Oh. you horrid boy!" they both
ments on his knees can storm any-
thing for God and for the truth. We
want something of the determination
of the general who went into the
war and as he eneered his first bat-
tle his knees knocked together, his
physical courage not quite tip eo his
moral courage, and be looked down
at his knees and said: "21.11, if you
icnew •where ana going to take you
you would shake worse than that!"
There is only one question for you
to ask' and for me to ask, What does
God want me to do? Where is the
field? Where is the work? Where is
the anvil? Where is the prayer meet-
ing? Where is the pulpit? And find-
ing out what God wants us to do,
go ahead 'and do it, all the energies
of our body, mind and soul enlisted
in the unclertaking.
Church of God, lift, up your head at
the coming victory! The Philistines
will go down, and the Israelites will
go up. We are on the eveming side.
I think just now the ' king's horses
at•e being hooked up to the chariot,
and whee he does t•ide clown the sky
there will be such a hosanna among
his friends and such a wailing among
his enemies as will make the earth
tremble and tile heavens sing. L See
now the plumes of the Lord's caval-
ryMen tossing in the air. The arch-
angel before the throne has already
burniehed his, erunipet, and en
will put its golden lips to his own,
and he will blow the long, loud
tidiest that will rtialce all the nations
free. Clap your heeds, all ye people!
1 -lard! I hear the falling thrones
and the dashing dowii of demolished
ieiquities. "Halleluiah, the Lord
Cid omnipotent reigneial
ado the kingdoms of this world are
beconie the lc,ingclorns of our Lord
Jesus Christ!'
''There's your grace of speech,"
commented le is Majesty, with a
roguish glance at his teacher.
nar Beyond His Y.tars.
A couple of diminutive newsboys,
both white, got into a scrap at the
corner of Tenth street and Pennsyl-
vania avenue the other night. They
were of about a size, but they were-
n't eveoly matched by a large num-
ber of points. The kid that had the
s.cierice pummeled the other to a
standstill, then picked up his papers
from where he lied thrown them and
walked off. The licked boy dug his
hands into his pockets and surveyed
his papers, lying on the pavement,
thoughtfully. A inan who had wit-
nessed the scrap walked by and said:
"Well, you got it right that time,
The kid looked up, spat, pulled his
hands out of his pockets, picked up
his papers and said, philosophically:
"Aw, wot t'ell. It'll be all one in
liunnei•ed years,"
Then lte plodded on like & little
man, ready to take up the white
man's burden all over again, -,--
Washington Post.
sew A rtftielol 1,,e4tiet; stone,
A new artificial paving stone is
made in Germany. IL is composed
of coal tar, sulehur Lind chlorate of
lime. The tar is mixed with the sul-
phur veld warmed thoroughly and
the lime is added to the semiliquid
mess. After coolie e Lille product is
bretten fine 00(1 is added -With ground
',lass or blast fureoce slag, The
blocks are tion sob eeted to a pres-
sure of 3,000 pounds to the Bowie,:
m Norway o prev.enr men
too lazy to build the fires and shovel nerves. som by ell dealers or sent
off the snow from ea ing ei s , nost paid at 50c. a box or six boxes for
altar, married life would be one $2. 50, by addressing tale Dr. Williams'
grand, sweet song over there, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Do
Nervous people should take Miller's not be persuaded to try something
else saicl to be "just as good."
Compound Iron Pills.
Better T han Chrome.
A firm of English tea merchants
oiler to every married woman who
buys a pound of its 75e. tea for five
consecutive weeks a pension of $2.50
a week in case of the death' of her
husband, provided he was in good
health when she began to buy the tea.
The pension is to continue as long as
slse remains a widow.
Six Oils.—The most conclueive iesti-
mouy, repeatedly laid before the public la
the columns of the daily press, proves that
Dr. Themes' Eeleictric 011—au absolutely
pure eambinatioqof six of the fittest
edial oils n existence --remedies
them -natio pain, eradicates affect,ions of
the throat aud lungs, and cures pace,
wounds, sores, lamenees, tumors, burns,
and injuries of horees and cattle.
His Piatterin,a Explapation.
"Sir " she said, "hat do you
mean by tensing the light down?"
"Pardon me," he replied. "I can-
not stand too much illumination. The
sparkle of your eyes is quite suffici-
ent. ,
Kinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Agreed for Onee.
Mother—No. Johnnie, I don't want
to ever catch you in that jam closet
Johnnie (sobbing) — An' I don't
Want sem to, neither.
Husband—I was driven to drink.
Wiife—Well, you don't balk any,
And George Sold "res."
Maud. (earnestly)—I -want to ask
you a question, G-eorge.
George (also earnestly)—What is it,
Maud (still eareestly)—If von had
never met me, would you have lovai
me just the same?
Impurities in the Blood.--aVhen the so -
tion of the kidneys becomes ,impaired,
itennritees in tile blood are almost s a -re to
fc11 ev, and general dermatement of the
system ensues. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pali will regulate the kidneys, so that
they wilt raisintain healthy action and
prevent the complicatious which certain-
ly conic when there is derangement of
these henliay 0112,11,118, As a restorative
these pills are in the erst reek.
targest of Galapagos Islands.
Alberinarle Island is the largest of
the Galapagos islaucls. Its area is
1,330 square miles and it has a peak
4,700 feet, in height.
increase the power of assimilation, thus
increasing weight and strength.
Partiality of eatita chose.
As far as heard !reale proudly says
the Chicago Record, „ Chicago is the
only city that received e nice, new
river as a Ohrietmas Present.
Minard's Liniment tor sale everywhere,
It is asserted that the wine cellars
of Frence contain chempriene ,enorigh
to supply the world's deemed for
three years ---nearly 1.50,000,000 bottleso