HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-8, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR.- 07, Ot%i%l1 E X N;'I'Ni;1t° ®1V I A l Iii THURSTDAY FEll3RYJA1Y 8, 1900,'x4r 1 S )1 r The iulloivin LeQI'rPCLre)( ` S N ' Scnom, IttaP L ' following 1S o. cGilli- v1ay, for thee month f JLnitiizy. Re- port is based on work and attendance NI pupils. lianles are in order' of rrlerit -_Nuri Coughlin, :Pearl W_il- son, Clover Short, Ettie Coughlin; Sr. 1 V --G eoegeda Scott, Cora Short, Lily 0 ugh tloot, 'I'onrtria* Lightfoot, May V c(xrory, Willie, Lewis, Josephine Coughlin, Edward Fa ulc 1 sella Lightfoot, Sam Scott, ,;Tr. 1V---Ro- , t, .her Cozrgh- 1iu, Olive Short, harry Lewis; ILC - Erwin Scutt, Nellie Lewis, Pearl Short, Jena:et Meguire, Gladys Short; 1! A:ami l Coughlin, ..&llice Wilson, :Lottie Welsh, Sr; .Pt. 11: -Raymond Coughlin, Aclrai11 Coughlin, 2.fable Lightfoot, Adeline Holtman; Jr. Pt. .Il Clara Lewis, Edw;Lt•d Jones, Fred Lewis, Francis Glavin, Erwin Scott, Eliza Hodgins, Chester Morley. No. on roll 38. Average attencla,nc e 33. J. H. LANE;, ':Teacher. But when , can youbuythe e newest up-to-date at the cl o. be- low goods1110, e believe I Ices e e you will`< quoted be see the value of our baro•alr >: a- 1 NEWEST STYLES BEST MAILERS. — I OOR-S ETS We have just received a shipment of a special line of Corsets from the rnanufrLcturrr at very low prices. We have decided to clear them at 49c. MANTLES We have left, a few Ladies' Jackets which will be cleared out strictly at cost. UNSeAL CUT 12c. to 8c. SEE OUR REMNANT COUNTER. PRINTS Afew American Percales 36 inch wide, English Prints, Washable, will be cleared at 8c. We give you advan- tage of our buying. 75c. now 49c. i 83,00 AND; UP. AMERICAN AND EN(4LISH WASHABLE, REMNANTS of Prints, Gingharns, Dress. Goods. LADIES' $17.00 $t CAPES TO CLEAR $11,99. FURS We have left a few Ruffs, Capes and Jackets which will be sold at cost SPECIA UTTER, - mosecrsta. r=3 mantras: Air TO.LOAN_ We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON &CARLIxci, Barristers; etc., Exeter. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. The nndersi''ned is offerin for. sale or rent his farm i being Lot 14, South: Boundary;. Flay, containing one hundred acres -95 clear- ed and in6,good state of cultivation; 62 acres fall plowing clone and 8 acres fall wheat sown. There is on the premises ai ggood bank barn .and , other out :buildings, ood orchard. two good wells and other conveniences. This is a good farm and wilt be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Ap- ply to - WM. HARRIS, Hay, P.0. iVMONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan' atfrom 4 5 '✓z toper cent, ELLIOT & GLADhrAN, Barristers, solicitors, etc,,. blain St.; Exeter ARLLEY AND PIGS FOR ,,. SALT, The undersigned ed has a.limited mited quantity of .ew Beardless Gar'lef.'ors. l.; Barley sale: also a :num- ber of'sows supposed to he with pig for sale. •Tolinmay, Exeter, 1? 0.,'.Loncion.R A o d. oriI-1ICKS a t IJP l A RING r you want yoltr Repairing well 'don G go to R. f3Tca-Watches Clocks and Jewelry as )Coral. I t),-• StA ZAGS h c RR 1 EN3I; r, Marcia c Licenses i, . b ssueda,ndWetl- dintiro r S.al$Fa6's 1.717 hand. . g. g y d: P'a' ison' s Block, xetez. Clinton: Mrs. Porter 5liplied and fal-- ing,do'n stairs on Friday so 1/1,1(100d r ferself that, she has confined o the hoose. • Children Cry for TOR IA, WILL SOLD LESS THAN COST. MEN'S 817 00 COATS TO CLEAR 811.99, PRICES F EGGS Sharon. COLLINS -& STAN DUB.y, Barristers, Con- veyancers,' Notaries, .Exeter, Ont_:, TL. 0. Col- lins and J. G.;Stan bury, B.A. (late with -Mc- Carthy, Osler & Co., Barristers,, Toronto. First of all we're very glad to see the genial Editor of the ADVOCATE in usual )lace`again, his 1 after his 'confine- ment to the sick room.-Welearn with regret that Sharon is about to lose :air - other of her sons, in theperson of l'V Ed. Kestle. WeaIr. understand it is Mr. 1Cestle's intention n to:return to his '`oc- cupation as harness -maker. As 500 as possible he will t 11 remove his farm] to Crediton. Mr. and Mrs " Kest leave our community' with the:' bo. wishes of a large circle of friends, who wish them every success in their new home. 1iit. Joe Amy has purchased• Mr. Iiestle's young cattle. T -1e has also rented: thefarm. What this mean we shall not 'anticipate.-Despitenarye the stormy -weather ;of the past week the farmers of thisvicinity he vicinity continue to draw sawlogs to Exeter and elsewhere. -The oldstove h pipes in the school have been replaced b on' s -.Mr. John Rowe y new ones. --Mr. owe has cL force of lnc.n. clearing his timber off the land :o of Amy. 111. hoses Stamm. REFO IT, -T he followingis he monthly report of S. S. No.r4 tephen for January. Class 1 ladys Kastle: Class I.f, J`r.-.k1e11a.L chwarz, Tn.lciha: Schwarz. er Eilber 11L Sr. ---Ater- , John Chapman, Leo Hart - tam Edwin Wein, Elde r Mass :I-Wi i AArein. 1 s 1 -- lhe;Preszca>.tor: Class ora Brown. II- «n, llinlnre 1Cestle Deliai, (eStle, Cola Clark, Idella Sir a• ,,, ,, Smith, .t1u-. 1st I•lartulan, Wilber' -Medoc= a . ,. l., lfild- c1 Lllber, Aaron \Vein, Sr. f ' - 1,. Wrl e S»ii t11 • r y.Wein, AVillse-IiOesz= r, Cecil Rowe Aril , me Ilartlnai I+ in Albet't i , X88- .Y, . . Whitakc,2 IIi: class- rthur Amy, Fred Amy, Albe.i'rt Wein ou1itny;Roeszler, Wilber' e v . + et Ain r:: y, UheSl;er.Rowe, ' I+.zrai, Wein, 01bct•t 1Nlorlocl , Mabel Clark, LeS s .,,...:;. , , .110 hesu.ator Alniina Sae, -er, 'eelllan i1EOrloelc > Il,ussel Balstard, o. registered ' 10, verit...e attend , .1. " g y , asses W. Uo.LnIt s, Teacher ETC IUhiva, Oz3Ia'u.t.T.l Y• Death has made 'itself felt again in the home of 'Mr. McDonald on the pion o lith concesslom of Stephen, and. removed from their midst, Alexander, their only son at the age of 10 years ' 3 months and . days. He was a fine ' 3 tell : boy of bllgilt n- ect, and for a boy` of so fey' years was exceptionall well :'c weighing Y sevelopeet g ung 13G pormds, and wets 5 :feet 0 inches iu hei ht.. ' g The deceased was ill scarcely a weel. of inflaru n the bows orals of r- ls <i,ucl stiffer ed` to t en sol Bu - r v ing his shor'tillness. m Y 1e to the fa So greyt a blow mils ss indeed ]:eerily felt a,nd t they have the sympathy of -the whole community in their sad bereavement. The 151110ins were interr'ecl in''the Mount Carmel Cemetery on Monday . The funeral "was lar :eI Y there being g Y yttigs i g rtpwarcls of sixty rigs `iu the concourse. Six or seven cases .<I,SC ' s 0f sttta]]) ;t • reported;:it'Corolate linrction, t q are Stephen The followin . i g s the Correct re or' of the hd t staLnthng cif td10 )n ils.i ' No. 3, 1 p • )eavor, , Steplr.c.n. V -Edwin Beaver, Dau Sanders. Sr. 1V . jr. IV-- ~ :: - Ste]la,PenSale- Iran,,, .Clrebner, Chas. San- clers, Veta Sanders, :Laura ,tory, .I7er- bie Ford, A.S1L Penhale, Monier Bar - shawIv• gg , a Bax, Marshal .Box. SP. I1.I -EIsie Ilanciforcl, Clara°Beaver'; Sadie Willis, Viola Pcnhale Pattie ' Willis Roy 'Parsons- . Jr•. III -Jennie Sain- ders, Minnie ,Sanders Willie Ti ieb nor; Alonzo Ford. Sr. II -Eddie W•Ili Nelson 'Sand , 3 rs- ors, IIerbe Sancicrs,Iter- bie. Beaver, ` herb` te. Dearing, i,izze E3a1T ClerS Lcht` Ll Parsnns: Jr, II - Earl Box, Hari P,t T' c rsous, Samuel slicks. Sl'. Pt. II='.1' r ` ,. coons Sa,udeis, l.Iarry Tr.zebner R•i ,t ., <lp1i Willis, Glatclys .Bissett, At1111e Sandell -, Garnett (Jr•ai . g Int. Pt: lI-Vintlie Cookson, :Linnia,i'i Stanla•kc, S;(;nmol Stat unity, Ieuhale Vico' . ,, 1. r sweet, r<trl i ,hens, ,111111a1 1'r i, 1(1 ,1 Ma• San- ders. No. on .roll 9(3.. r\_v ' g Y Gz1r,c atter= Glance 40. P01 e It s are co ' eel to visit the ny tilt' invit- c school a7.tauy tun0. '1'. B, IlonP1.n. ',Ceacher'. Ohildr- h Children, . 1 ®d1° Y iuche]sea The 'storm has abated and we can loot: Out Mice more. --Mr. D. Esson, ac- rou)panied by his `vile, 01' Stratford, visitecl his brother, George, here on Sunda.. -The funeral of Mo. G. Bailey Saturday was the largest that ever p tssecl 'throngh Sb. Mary s. -111x. find Mrs. Sanibel Peart celebrated then china, wedding anuivei'sftry on Monday night -last. There was a large crowd. of friends in attendance ancl a good time was spent. -Mr. J. C Bell arriv- ed: home on Fr id ay last after attending! the Batter Maker's' Association at Ira nests l T11 1<por'ts a very interesting Mi. Enos Cool. has pur- chased 0 half section of land in Mani- toba and intends going west about March.' Seccess Enos. -While work- ing in the swamp 011 Mondaylast Mr. Hallie Brown was struck on the head by a falling limb, which rendered hint unconscious and inflicted .a painful wound in the face. We trust nothing serious will result. Mr. Hector Brethor is home from Dakota.= -On Saturday the box social held under the auspices of the brass band had a large attendance. The pproceeds were $1S. -Mr. S. Brown has bought' a three-year-old colt from W. H. Marshall at a good figure. -Mr. JamesMtacray conducted the prayer meeting' here Sunday evening and Mr. John Brown, of Anderson, the fellow- ship meeting, -It is expected that the Rey. Philips, of Elinrville, will assist Rev. Ball in the revival services. -Mrs. (Rev.) Ball • is on the sick list. -31r. David Hazlewood is able to; be around. around.-Al"rs. Thos. Bingg, and son, .of Chesiey,, spent a few days of last week, the guest of 'Mrs.' Robert Fletcher. -- 'Miss Mary Urquhart is fiery low with appendiscttis.-Miss Esther Brethour, who isattencling the Collegiate Insti- tute, St. Marys,>spent last week at her home here, owing to the illness of her mother. -Our new teacher here is get- ting along nicely. The scholars speak very highly of him. -Mrs. A. Brethour is improving nicely. -Quite a ntunber took in the box social in Aberdeen hall on Thursday night last, and report having had a•geed tltne.-sir's. Thomp- son North Dakota, is visiting in our burg.-j.7lolling'shead spent Sunday here, the guest of N. Fletcher. G -R eeiiwav The K. 0. T. M. oyster supper -Tuesday night, Jan. 300H, was well attended. The entertainment was a deeicled suc- cess. 1 he anisic by the Crediton Glee club was loudly applauded ancl gave general satisfaction. -111r. John Brown sold a valuable horse last week for. the Handsome price of $150. -John Sher- ritt and. R. Hutchinson, Reeves of Stephen incl i\fcGillivray, respectively; let the contract of gravelling the town line west of this village a few clays ago. -We have plenty of snow and good sleighing now. -Mr, and Mrs. ;Thomas Stewarlson celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day by treating 0 large n•uniberof their friends from Exeter, Lucaap, Parkhill and this Vicinity , to 011 oyster supper last Monday evening..ap ,Y b ; They had a real joyful tune. -Mr. C. M.'. Wilson eui- ployed on the Grand Trunk :Lt Sarnia, visited his parents here last:Satnr .Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiens -ave g the young people a party last Fridayin honor of Miss Marion Ramsay, who leaves here for Chicagoin a few clays. looclhan- Our new flour mill is in fine working order now. The engine and boiler is complete, and the stones turn out a good grist. The .farmers are already bringing their grain 000' speak highly of the work done.. Mr. Ecklin, the new miller, thoroughly understands his trade. Mr. Fred Carr : is engineer and bus the engine e nt,-Miss i,1n0 in line order, ---Miss Annie Fot d, who was sick,` is able to be around again.--l41r. Sana hills is on the go hauling wood to the several re- sidences . ences of the village.--Mr. W1T1 Sutherby is visiting friends here again. -Mr. St. John occasionally- pays _ the village a visit. -Mr. g 1 it. Mr: Sykes is pegging away at the shoe leather. He had a few hands at his large Y ul,e vyood pile this last week and does not intend to freeze now. A number of our yo 1pg people took in the box- p 1 0. social at hr' r. zk o n on Thursday. Mr. Arthur Kirk took , a load over.. -The Misses McI r.' Ce nab of here and their cousins Flor- ence I`lor; ence Angus took p11113 in the program. sS ,i g -Miss unith our new teacher, is work- ing hard now to prepare the pupils for the mid -summer examinations. --Miss May Sinclair is working at' Albert Switzer `or rs r base line. -Me. . r.l. Jas. Sin- clair, of Stratford and wife; are visit- ing los father of this placer -Mx', A. Knapton, 01.12' genial blacksmith is kept busy these days.-t few from cert attended the funeral of Mr, Char- ieBailey, e of 5 1[ ai • 5 1V Ix. Dove Y t, G Ldke, the miller that was here bet. - burnt d flown O N fore, had his fine large 01i11 11) eSeaforth ,r The Inonthl} report of S. S. No • 2e The righto• f -svgs law'semis to ' Ia1 heavy loads. E''iilently the urivt.t,:' seem to think 11101, They have thea 1z9.: to the whole road -w t} a:s rg 1111 1, 14s11" or unloaded teams. Many complaint-. ha.ve leen In,acle irbout :'I>; I;irar;etr<,, „ but if they woalci `consifi' e sta1ttAer, they would find they 1) 44 11) ri33'ht CO', - so -doing: -1[r. A ,'hl ii'er['is has posed of his farm and stock. Mr. Isar- r15'and faLniily ifii'1 010,, to the North-- west about tug middle of March. `''1130 will be gr'ciat1} rjris1(1t fn the Leaccl1L' i(.00 Sunday 3(1(001110,10. B 1Cl;t 11,l pl1 The farmers here e pect a, good trine - at the Farmers' Institute meeting, 1,1 be held in Shamrock- Hall, ;re„, Feb. 9th,-'1Ile snow, tiro boatitltiu snow, has made the 1 u,0is almost Ira - passable. ---Quite 0 nnlzrber of our 1cid-• dulpll contingent has received thei_:r- Feivan Raidmed:Lis '1'lrey\\'ere a long,' time coming but were worth waiting - for. Among the Haunter who receives tlaenl we notice themulles of William, Williams, R. Neil, I. broil, D. _ Neil , T: - G•. Abbott, R. t[`iroiilpson, \lr. Ci'lherts„ L llodgins and W. II. Atkinson.- Vlre- are pleased to hear that Ilia. Albert R. Neil, who has for the last 'twenty-five:.. years been employed a.; train clispattch:. er at Stratford, has been' presented by his associates with a beautiful gold--, headed cane; suitably incribed, on him le:Lying for Toronto where he intends - to reside.' .Nr. Neil is a brother of Mr,_ F. II. Neil, of.fidclnlph, and was for a time station agent in Lucan.--As. scums workmen were digging on the>, farm of 31r. Edward. Hobbs, somefour'- miles south cast of Prospect Hill, l i,te-- ly,they founts the' skeleton of some - animal supposed to be a mastadon._ The horn is over nine feet long ancl, would weigh 105 pounds. Some of the' - bones are over three feet in circuiufe.r-- ence and from. all 'appearances would, stand about eighteen feet high. About. seventeen years ago such a skeleton - was teas on exhibition in Exeter and after- wards sold for•$7000.-There was mar- ried o n V4 eduesday last, in London„ Miss Ettie Dagg, youngest daughter - of the late J,ihn Dagg, of this - place, to 11fr. Earnest Pool, of. London. Hay, for Jatnu Lry is as follows Ntu i,us' little understood by persons h,tulinl are in order of merit: V -•Milton I'. sell; Sr. 1 V--11. F . Johnston, Gerde 1 vev, J. It, O'Brien, Northcott, 11. M. Gould, Luella Minn, Sr. III -Daisy Dining, Cora Munn, Ed- witrd,Goulcl, Jr. III -•A, W. Johnston, Evelyn Gould Albert Carroll. Second Part-Eclg,IJ .li•unu, Iv. W. Northcott Carrie Northcott. First fart -Ruth 1Trildfong.' The best spellers in the monthly spelling were:-I+oirrth,G'er ties Harvey.'Sr. .111, Edward Gould;; Jr. -II,;Willie Russell; second, Mary Jolan- ston; Second Port, Carrie Northcott. Da.sh.bwood The past week has been one of con- tinued storm and no one went out any more than could be helped. The re- vival meetings 'in the Evangelical church here still continue and roach good is being clone. -Mr. Wesley Nors- worthy still continues in 'poor health and itt times hi n recovery is doubtful. - The Masses Laura ancl Ida Goetz rare still visiting among friends at Ham- burg, Tavistock and Sehiingville.- Word has been receivers here this week of the death of the infant child of 11ir. anti' Mrs• Adam ld<Lnsz, of South East Hope. Much sympathy* is ex- pressed for the bereaved parents in the loss of the flower of the households Dai TIC s DOINGS. --This week we r cord the death of Mlrs. Miller, of the 14th concession Hay. We don't know the ago of Mrs hiller, but she was well aclt anted zu years as she wa.s a great grandmother. "Mrs. Miller was mother of M. Christopher Miller, of the 14th concession, from whose resi Bence the funeral took place to the Lutheriau burial plot on the Bronson line. -There passed' away wa. y on Friday night the son of Mr. and Mrs Angus McDonald, at his parents honk, on the 12th concession of Stephen. We. don't know the caes0 of death but the boy was not very robust. He iyaLS about years of age. The school boys of this place was have played 0 football match here Saturday afternoon with the Zurich ys, but the visitors failed to a - tr. What's the matter Zurich? e hope if our juniors. ever platy match with any of the neigh - 16 to 011 bo pe, W a boring teams they will take their vic- tory or defeat glaoefttlly and not get a quibbling in the newspaper colurns as the intelligent public are not interest- ed in items of such description. -lir. John Elhers, of the 14th concession, is confined to the house through illness and the doctor's aid was summoned. We hope John may soon be'around to his usual good health. -Mr. Fred Shettler, who left here some time ago to work on the G. T. R:46 fireman, is back again. We have not learned whether Fred has given up. the job or not. EliInvi%.ie. The Usboi'ne Council are consider the advisability of changing the s ante labor system by commuting labor and having all work .necess for road construction and maintenar done under the direction of road co missioners. Mr. A. W. Cauipb Provincial Road Commissioner, w address a meeting of the ratepayers the Township Hall, here, on Tuesda. Feb 20th, at 2 o'clock and explain t methods adopted by other nlunicip ides that hove male the change. COUNCIL nIELcIN&,-U$borne Mu cipal Council convened at Townsh Hall, on February 3rd. A11 press Minutes of January meeting were ren, appr'ovcd and signed by .the Reev liunkln-Cairtnr that the Collector roll be received and the Collector pa, his salary. -Carried. 1I11wkil s --Cato that the T1e a.surer's bend be approv ter 1000. -Carried. Hunkin-31oi that the Auditors' report, as presence be adopted; that 150 copies of the r. port be printed :for 'clistribirtion an that the Auditors be paid $0, each f their services.-=-Ca2'ried. Hawkins Moir, that W. Brock be Collector to 1000; that he give satisfactory securit to the amount of 510,000, and that b avv No. 1 be amended accordingly,- Carried. ccordingly.- Cei rried. Ilun kin-Camrti, that A. Duncan be Collector for 1000, etc. - Lost. Moir -Hawkins, that the ten- der of the Exeter Times., to do the rifting Usually required by the inlin'- wait fo 52 [ p 1 I 0 . 1 Y, $ C dCCC , ptecL-Car- fed. Hawkins -Hunter, that on ac - omit of the many c.ha,iiges that have sen made in the various' school sec - ions since their' formation in 1872, oin0 d00ht and confusion has arisen s to the proper bonitdaries of some of he sections; the Clerk be instructed to repave 1-.L:by-law consolidating theclif- erent by-laws relating to the various chool sections; setting ;forth the vari-- 0s parcels of land situated :in anis oinposiug;the pool: section, and fixing : elboundarios u the best ofhis ]rncfw- clge from the records avaailable;' and hat he notify the Trustees of each sec - on -setting forththe Various parcels land composing said; section --that e;by-law will be 'considered and, if Lti sfa ctor adopted 1 at Y 1 the meeting. the Connell ori March 3, t 2 o'clock m.-Caxried. 1. unl:in-T [uir: that at ward of 525 be offered for the arrest <1 convu i. cl on of:an person or per-: '- Y1 lex ns steal log frot7i any r'esidcurt of the unicipa,iity.-Catrricd. L Bun- n, that thelircveand TreLs'urer be thorized to borrow on: their note eh stun or sums ars may be ne,1ssar.- Y Meet the eLtrrent expeudit.ure n:e theta. itlicf ialit airnount i' L Y, net to ezceecl 000:-Oati'i't1: Order t,0 > • Orders t a granted Minting to 11110.83, stud 00(0101] ltd: n:aiec1 to nMeet Satm'clay, March 3rd, 1' o'clock, ing ta- tlle try Ice nl- e.11, '111 at Lv, he al - at. 10, e, 's rd 11,1 eci 0, c1, e- or r y y- 1 p r c b t s a 1) f 5 0 c th le b ti of tai sa elf p• re all so 01 ki au 511 to int 51 alb jot at F. 11ioit ,ny, Cler1c. T3:ensnll:; Will Coo;, while skating Th71sd,iy fell x11111 dislocated his shoulder, and will be laid tip to 101. t days: l t tow Children ippptic A Farquhar D. HAY, Farquhar, Ooremissioner and Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. The annual meeting of the members: of the Usborne & Hibbert Fire Insur- ance Co. was held in the Public Hall., here on Monday last. The large at- tendance and good attention given while the lengthy reports were .pre- sented and discussed show the keen interest taken by Inany of the mem- bees. Notwithstanding the heavy losses the company suffered during the year it is yet in a prosperous condi- tion. There are 2,215 policies in force, covering an insurance of 53,668,280, being an increase of 9 policies and of 567,645 of insurance. The assets of the Company, including cash, unpaid. assessments, residue of 'premium notes, amount to $'89,96S.76. There was considerable discussion as to whether heating furnaces were part of the building or contents of the same. It was decided to get legal advice on the matter. The two ,directors, Messrs. John Essery and Thos. Ryan, whose term of office -expired,.: was re-elected by acclamation. Messrs. William Turnbull atud D. Hay, who have safe guarded the Company's interests for - many years in the past, were uuani- inously re-elected Auditors for the en-. suing year. 'Messrs. AV. R. Davis;. editor of the 'Mitchell :Advocate, and M. White, of the. Exeter' Times, at- tended our. insurance mee.ting on Mon- day. last. The former took an active part in the discussions in connection. with the business of the Company -- It appears he is a, policy holder to the amount of 53300. v It will be interest- ing to notewhic h willget the share_ of the on printing.g htor this year: We think it would be more in the in- terests of the Company financiallyCO receive tenders' for the printing and besides' it would be along the lines of well establish .' ed;busiiirss principles.- Miss Rose Passmore sslnore, daughter of Mr:,: Thos. Passmore of ... Churchville • visiting friends and acue.. 2 Lutil,nces here the beginning of the week. -Mr. Rob.• r'a e t Ilogga,rth,: Reeve of . Hibbert, and his wife were g the nests ' of g Mr. and Mrs. D. Hay Monday gxiday aast.-li,ev. Mr. Grant, of St. Marys, exchanged pulpits with our minister Rev. p C. 'Fletcher' Sunday last. A Widow's Love Affair. Receiv • es <L setback, if she has offen- sive breath through Constipation, Bili- ousness or Stomach ch Trouble, tble ” ., but Dr - King's New Life Pills always cure those troubles; clean the ssi. ten 'hebreatl , Y , h, swee- ten 1, garnish headache• best in the e ttrorid for liver, kidneys bowels. Only 25c. at all and. 5 drug stores. BIRTHS. R HS. LEWIS-0u Januar,y 30i,ix to iYIr. and Mrs.,T. J. Lewis, ..2nd 73sde t daughter. l.ilph, a Wrr, ¢T,EN-On January 'iota, h to 1. ' ,sand .Mrs. , aIl, Daniel Whalen of 'I a daughter. ° nCalr, 5 I-IoDe,iNs- Ou' J,i,ii u,Lr 251ih Y to Mr. • ands Mrs. C. C. Iiod,ins a daughter. CAIL> ' , ghter. TN+ >J. In . Ci` _.. 111• Lol 1, on Feb,, le b,, Chas. Cat • aged „ rinse, aged 03 scars and ,m0 9 nths. tit CDONAT; -.. D. At;IChi vati llekander, "Angus un Feb. 3rd- , son of .1.uglts and Cathe- rine _... the- McDonald, aged 16 tl1 . at 6 years, 3 months 3 clays: Mc,C9o)rn-.On Friday January 26010. Wesley McComb, son of Geoe Mc - Lomb, of LlIC f.u, aged one Year. FOTtE AN --4t Granton on Tuesday 7 lruary the 301311, George Forster- ,„.., orema,n, aged 20 years, 8 Months,, and 1:3 days,