HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-1, Page 5THE M ter vocirratty Is publishea overt' Thursday Morning, at the Office, >rA_NSTRJET , EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PUB<.taliING COMPANY. TERMS OF, SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance *LSO it not eo paid, Zi.di rexts-012,,N' 2va,tw :ora AS,Itlico, ileal Noaper discontinued until all erre rage aro paid. Advertisements without specific directions will he published till forbid and oharged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeient advertisements inserted for long Periods, Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style,' ad at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord ` eeiltko. for advertising,subsoriptione,etc.to be'made payable to Chas. II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L.D.S. & DR. A. R. KINSM tN,L D. ;S., D. D. S., Honor gradnate,of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in 1• arson's Block, west side Main; Street,Eseter. 'r U.D. ALTON'ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D,S.,) 1..fi honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. modes of Dentistry up to date: over Elliot & Elliot's' law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter, Medical 1 tt,T.P. .MCLAUC#HLIN, MEMBER OF !.Y the College of Physicians and Surgeons N,ntario Physician, Surgeon and A000nch- e r. Office, Dashwood, Ont. 1.et;all, T1ttC1ZSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, A.1' Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners; Solicitors for the Molsons -Bank, etc. Money to loan at C, and 53/er cent. oe OOfficeFaneon s Bl k, Main Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at reach Hensel). on Thursday fo week.) I. B.. C,A&LING, B. A. L. R. Drnt:sox, TERS , [ LADMA\. B �LLIOT I ARRIS Rt Eto., Conveyancers, and • Money to Loan. B. V. ELLIO'r, F. W. G -I ADMAN. Auctioneers ''E'�77r� BOSSRNBERRY,G}ranclBend, Licensed 9I1. Auctioneer for County Huron, Sales promptly attended' to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by trail will receive every at- tention. sea BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anct- 1 II . - ioneor for the Counties of Perth and %ltttdlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms res .onbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- ehelsea Insurance. EE L LIO T, E Insurance .Fent, ilfain St. • Exeter illcatkAcal4 iecancaecarictat 11T PAYS `A To read. the big stores' ad 0 s vertisem nt ... e STOP! MINK le Fol• whose good are we in " the furniture business? For yours and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves.• We have got to carry the goods you. want at the prices you want or we can- �l, not make a success of our busi- p' ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which Troves that eye are the right kind of people with the right prices. Conie and see for -yourself.... S. GIDLEY & SON. Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. O1rK. The:Rflolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855. ) Paid up Capital,.:... , .... ,$2,500;000. Rest Func.... , ..1,6s?5,Q00 Head office Montreal. d? WOLI+'ERSTAN THOMAS, Escl.. GENERAL Money ,advanced. to good 'Farmers on their own notes with. cue or more eu,lursers at 7 per cent. per annum, tt ----EXETER Open every lawful day from 10 a.m to 3 m; Saturdays 10a. m. to 1 p.m. .A. general banking Ines iuess transacted, CURRENT BA. TES'allowed. for money'on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 8;',.. DIWICSON & CART. Nq, N.D. 11iiYDox; Solicitors. Manager., TO THE DEAR—A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Di _1V[ch0lsrJn's Artificial Ear Drums,, has sent $1,000 to his In- stitute, so that deaf people unable to procure -the Ear ,'f)ituns may have them free. Apply to Department A.I . S. N, The Institute, � `+Long•Cotb;" Gunnersbury, London, W. England EMULSION rel [71LNH711GPTBON tandl, 7,11.\'4: >t33l1Q ,t F.i9 fir• s f1A°IPC7plOitk aif 01O911A,c4)rilfar LOSS^ ADILIL"Z1L:517i1 ` Al+ i u7em� Deer -431s etc' la..r at 1�i3� • aro Frost aitatail'est. By the }d of The P. & L. Itmut:Ion, 7 h,wo gotten rid of,i Ithelitng couch tphiclthad trout•Ii;d rr;e for over a year, and have gainsai ably in u eiglit. T. il. WINGflA.M C.2 ., Mcntrcul. dbc. and $$tA or Battle DAVISr $ &cLAWR1lvC.. co., Limtteu, MONTaiCAt.. � _ Off oiers, Ii an Oaugier, Thousands of Them Suffer from Nervousness and General.' Dorlity 1J81118's Gtr Co�011lld Strengthens and Tones the System. It Purifies the Blood and Gives Perfect Digestion. Eyes �h i t ens the -lyes and Gies a Clear and Soft Complexion. No medicine in the world has ever done -such a work for weak, nervous, debilitated and suffering women as Paine's Celery Compound. Women of all ages, owing to their delicate and sensitive organisms, ex- pend more nerve energy than men. Their Organs I'equire vigorous nerves to insure healthy action. It is a fact worthy of special:notice that suffering from acute nervousness is caused by weak and inflamed nerves. For such'trouhles, Paine's Celery ColnPn un is d the true medicine for nourishing and strengthening the nerve fibres. ' Weak and rundown worsen find in Paine's Celer y Compound a wander ons strength giver and flesh builder. Sleepless and irritable woman who use Paine'i3 Celery Compound obtain true rest and sweet, refreshing sleep, this eyes becomelustrous and sparkling. 'and the cornplexion clear and bright. Every' , rtindow n and ailing 'woman should"give Paine's Celery Compound an immediate trial. It never disap- points. Arthur E. Laing, clerk Mr. J'. P. I awrason's private bank at St.. George, was arrested on a charge of stealing about $8,000 from his employer. MfI 'IIOL f4Doci. P R We guarantee that thesis Platen will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c. tin boxes and $1.00 yard rolls. The latter allows you to cut the Plaster any size. Every' family should ,have one ready for an emer- gency. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LIMITED, dtONIt1EA1.l Beware of taitatlons Ailsa Craig: Albert Davis, son of Mr. T. Davis, hail the index linger of his right hand caught in one of the machines at the flax 1ni11 on Monday and jamed-so badly as to render am- putation necessary. 9 ...; assn w:It� a )33 M iii 1 S di M di i0 ! 'r: 01.1,-- �ti i4� Thin, pale, anem� ic iris iii 1 need' a fate food to enrich ,� '� Y lu m their blood give color to t thew. cheeks and restore their (I+ ft'. $ healthfir and strength. It is • safe 'to say vP n. that they nearly �,. tie tilt "ail reject fat' with their food. it iv S fp 1't/ COD LIVER O L H'7TH HYPOP//OSP///TES OF L fHE' 4 S ODi 8 4 is exactly what they require; iry a. dr it. not only gty lyes themthe im-. , : portant element (cod-liver oil) a'; gits in a palatable and.easily ` di- ' �, ,y��;7t PY t0:..... ,•,; e � steel fe'l't brat also the hypo- . , � y y c ,,. 4 . . - ii?. ,• phosphites �nlyleh areae value- . mP P ef` m bre in nervous disorders that W l� usually accompany. anilimia. is V t SCSCOTT'Sr, � EftUE{�901V is rJ a 1[r m; fatty food that is more easily 1 digested than any other form v of fat. A'certain amount ol'` i1g W m flesh is necessary for health. ' ri 4) You et it inh' o can this way tt 'We have known per-, ii o gain : sdn ,a,,': r. 5Cu 5 t� o d r 1. daywhile t'a ki a� X P a"t 6 it. lir • 5tr2, and'1,0C til ctruggi.ta, •' SCOTT •& il,JWN[; Gh'tnists, Tornntn'. 1nhA i tlil'Ilt 9 �- 1 ttnii quarters on a -bay and 'Supply [ ere; whichwill leave about the j same Lune is the. . Stlat'1 otla gorse, 1 To 0, lc., . 1t '2i0 Milan. Recruiting gBegins Monday in the Northwest and B.C. 3 SQUADRONS OF 160 MEN EACH, $riti.h Colutnbia's Offer Accepted -.-Force Will Coprirt et Two Troops of Meant-. ed Rifles, or ' About 83 Men and 90 Horses Efforts to'ltaire 1t to erso ]ren. Ottawa, Jan. 30. — Recruiting for Strathcona Horse will commence on Monday, Feb. 5, at the following Mourtted Police posts: In the N.W.'L'.--1t[oosoulitt, Regina, Maple Creek, Medicine Hat, , Calgary, MacLeod, Lethbridge, Pincher Creek, Edmonton, Prince Al bert, Battleford, Itt 'Manitoba—At, Portage la Prair- ie, .Brandon and at the barracks, Winnipeg. • In British Coluurbia-_At Golders, Revelstoke, Vernon, Kamloops, -Fort Steele, Nelson, Vancouver and Vic- toria. When the Trains Will Start, Hon. I'. W. Borden said last night that the first train will star(, from Calgary about February 10 or 12, and the second not later than the 15th. The men, after enlistment, will be permitted to return to their homes in order to clear up their busi- ness before leaving for Ottawa, and will be ordered to return to the 're- cruiting points in time to catch whichever train they may be ap- pointed to travel on. 133' this means Lord Strathcona will be saved ' the expense of fitting up quarters for the troopers while they are Ivaiting• to travel east,.: and, moreover, the men will 'b be given a holiday that will be very acceptable to them. Hon. W. Borden, Col. Steele and Controller White had a long consultation rani t• t iton last evening, at -which the list of officers was drafted, partially, When com- pleted it will be cabled to Lord Strathcona for approval.., Dr. Bor- den also inquired of the IHigit. Com- missioner whether aChaplain and trained nurses would be regiiireci, and if so .how many of the latter. • Representatives of the West. , .... The " three stluadrans of 160 nsen each 'will be ,recruited respectively from .Manitoba anii the eastern part of,Assiniboia, the .eastern elo1e of the Rockies and the central Territor- ies and British Columbia. half of 'the British Columbia squadron will come from the southern portion of the province and half from the coun- try served by the main .line of the Canadian Pacific . Ilatlu ay. There 'will he roost at Ottawa, the point of centralization of the mount- ed rifles, .for about thirty good arm- or ers,•.drivers and . medianics,• Who tt'oidd. be useful. in the field. l l is also intended to pick up ire Ottaw; A number- of surveyors who have practised in the Northwest and who are, capable horsemen and good shots: Some, few officers may be chosen from Manitoba, Insphctor Strickland will brOught from the Yukon, and n I st.ct,. e cr Jarvis-, who ho is now in charge of the customs post on the Dalton Trail, will also he or- dered east. TROOt'S LE.AV:L ON FRIDAY., matchboxes and llIoney for the Troopers Presented in Toronto. Toronto, Jan. 30. — The powers that be at Ottawa have at last, fixed the date of the departure for Halifax of the three 'troops of Mounted :In- fantry stationed at Stanley Bar- racica.' It will be on Friday next. Lieut, -Col, Evans and the officers of the Mounted Infantry held a'farewell at home at the barracks yesterday afternoon and, notwithstanding the intensely cold weather, a. large 11U111- ber of guests were present. The city's gift of.' souvenir. match ox o 1 ) es and money. v. to the Toronto members • of the contingent Was pre- seatedt to'the...nen•esterda � and y a. there was aecordinglye great rejoic- ing. With the serving out of blankets yesterday for the horses the entire kit, for both man and mount is now complete, with the exception of the khaki unifornts, which they will re- ceive upon:arriving. at Halifax. THE ;PATE I OTIC'I't)ND. Has Now Reached Nearly 8188.000 -Out- side Outside Places Still Liaising stoney. Ottawa, .Jan. 30. - The following io the statement of the Canadian 1 atriotic Fund. Association: Amount previously acicnowledged, $84,594.04; Standard Bank of Can- ada, $1,000. Collected by Bank of Montreal; Ann herst, N.S., 1$'163; collected by The Globe, $2,000;` Dr. G. F. Emery, Gan anoque, $1; Dutton, St. Thomas, $L, Total, $87,754.44. Loud., II Sho wig patriotism. London, Ont., Tan. 30. — The sec- ond concert in aid of The Soldiers' Wives' League was •liven .last night in the Grand Opera House, and was' a Fig success, the house being crowd- ed to the doors. trattort' Will do Weill. Stratford, Otrt., .Tan. 30. — A most successful concert, in aid of the Pat- riotic Fund,,.was held in the new City, hall last night upon the •initiative' of the lately organized Canadian Club. A Citizens'' 'Committee was formed, , and under •their auspices the concert was held, Some hundreds of dollars will be added to the fund as a result. 8. C.'S iru ticIR. Acceptance of the 11r,tisli Colltmbia Con- tin3lent I'r;actically 1)«olded Chen. The final disposition: of the British Columbiaforce fol r, Itis not yet been decid- ed. There is practically no doubt now but that they will go. The force willennsi. 'two of t . troops of nrounL riff c t),1 r cs, or about S8 men and JO horses,, Whilst the recruiting of this force c ce will be proceeded with without delay, the British Columbians will Victoria, 13.C., Jan,, ::3U, --< The 'itis G .z ens'`' Ga t I tato . LL � e G of Victoria tot a piLss- d C a L I s( l l k, ) dL1pC1CS ' ,, today morning in- vitint, the Co epe ation of other cities and municipalities in the province to raise and equip 250'mounted niers to supplement the Pr'ovin'cial Govern- ment's offer of 100, Victoria's quota ,to be SO. BIG MONEY EARNED, Gress Earnings of Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company For 1809 I5"9,530,038, With Net Profit 8[0;4.5„372. Montreal, Jan: '30. -- For Decem- ber, 1899, the gross eurn`ings of the G P. R. were $2,970,214, wot'lcing. expenses, $1,591,288; net profits, $,1;375,981, In December, 1898, the net profits were $1,279,111, and for the 12 months ended T)ec. 81, 1.899,. the figures' aro as follows. ' Gross earnings $29,230,085; working ex poises $16;990,873; net profits, $12,230,105, For the 12 rnonths ended Dec. 31., 1898, there was a net prbfit of $1.0,175,372, showing that the , increase in net profits over the stanle period for 1.898 as compared with 1899 is $96,870, and front;;lan: .1 to :Dec. 31 1899, there' was au iri- crease of $1,754,794. DEATH OF ,Ii,HA nl.eVlNS. r1...City Clerk of 'Toronto 1'asres Aa at the Atte of i1 Tears. Toronto, .Jan. 30. — After an ill- ness extending over• months, Mr. John Blcvins, the respected City Clerk of the. City of Toronto, passed away in. the early hotrt's of yesterday ittorninrr at ;his ' home, 257 East Gerrard street His two surviving daughters WOI-e at his bedside' when de tth camte' painlessly. Mr. Blevins had suffered' 'feir' ,years from. rheumatic gout -'at- tacks of which at times entirely in- capacitated hint front 'duty: The' fin al' collapse was due 10 heart failiri•e. '.Cho1 .utr d of Control decided yes- terday afternoon thtt the late City Clerk be given a public funeral. The City' Council wj1l aLtetid in a hods. The ,funom 1 will take place on Thurs- day at 13.80 p.m. to St, James' Ceiue- telt'• The, late Mr. I3lcvins was elected to the; Council .for the old 1}'itrd of St. -David When it was first Constitu- ted. in :1874, and remitiiied as ' one of its representatives till 1934, when he replaced 'the late 'Ir. 'Roddy as City Clerk, The late John Biel' ins was bort on the 11 th July, 1930, within two miles of Armagh, Ireland. HeWas a Free ;Mason and a Member of the Church of England. In 1963.lie "re- visited Ireland. 11 is wife died: ” in' 1.87.2. y Val aro to .'a cure a -l. Montreal, Jan. 80. — L. 'A. Brais, dquio business under the nacre of (riq\ler Brais & Co. Its assigned at. the''reguesf; or Foster, 'For Ler & Co. of T.onclbn,• England. who are credit- ors to the extent of $2,400:06. Mr. George JJ. boss, manufacturers' agent,: ifonere it, has been' named pro tif.iono I guardian. he • total liobi1-' stiess amount to ;$11.4;t3.0,9.-64.'.',.'rt'he'_ greater number of the creditors are Europe n Prins, but aorto Canadian Arias ate: 'ineerestcd to a large ex- tent. ' • St, ueorne 1. a Free ,llsn, Ottawa, Jan. 30. — Edward St. George of Water street, who was ar- rested some time ago on a charge of atterrtptieg to poison the inmates of his house, was honorably acquitted, and Magistrate O'.Keefe in discussing the case said there was ,no evidence to connect St. George .with the a.11og- ed attempt to poison the family,, nor was it even .clear that there was PCIi- Son lit the teapot. 5t. George.Vas ate orciinoly' acquitted, and . received tul f f the gong's ] ation s his •i o 3 friends. Troy Trolley: Strike seined. N lr of I Jan. 30. The strike of mo.toruten and conctuctprs on the Troy branch of the Belted Traction �, Company was. settled 1 L _ ata late hour p v Sunday night -on' the basis of $2 per day fo all rt:gular hien, and to all Others ----trippers', extras, etc. -1$ , ,. cents per hour. • The company resuai eJ business -as usual' yesterday .niorn- l11 Urtnau ll, dna 'in Prison. Cairo, Jail. 30. Osman Digna, the only emir who escapech:.death . 01 captura in the battle at On'ielebrikas, and who has since been captured; was broitght to Cairo on Sunday and was placed in confinement with the other prisoners at.Ilosettaa. T'a'.gnet at laollincwond. Collingwood, Ont:,' Jan. 30. — The Collingwood Board of Trade banquet vv as held in the Grand Central` Hotel here 'last evening. The only Minister of the Crown present was the ' Hon. %%illiain Mulo,ck, Postmaster -General, A letter of regret was read from the Hon. J. I. Tarte, in which he stated that pressing business kept him in Ottawa. In his speech, Hon. Wil- lium 319 ulocic spoke of the transporta- tion question from a purely business standpoint. scree tri 'a Trenton, Ont., Jan. 30. Mrd. Yarrow, an old lady of this place, whilecrossing the 0. P. It. track here yeSiterc'lit.,y afternoon, was struck be a situntitig. engine and instantly ".killed. Third ire', •„.(f Hamburg, Jan. 30. The British steamer Exriedient has run down and sunk a harbor steamer near , Altonaa Thirty' workmen were , drowned. , 11 t, I a ' t O.1tt � o [ `+5'ilOaO Hatt i 4 — Rn 0 i F' 4 1 +, 1 1 1, II0kt 1 .11103 111.13 'uttjlx,t( i 11 still nom" 003 li1.0 ett01110SVilux tilt ' Io3 OA ,1 :.ITS 'OK ,, TOC ;,,{ jsajonc{ nte,Y v pati �aali.�lo;f _,Io puce rr qn&cur oj1(10 no.0 u,no 'totmtODrt '111(10 ' te413 , 9,T0lifX-$1 TItII\i73}56LLr .103 unOCifl t [ i'r .: t t OOd SW., i` 1.0 ti t<, ra.iag4 IIIS T � l T 1 i rnatfso sanoo,isfat/ lIli `11''.11_ -^'rt 's,fi31)1; •0)0 S£>SStlt S0T 01' Quilt. 1060')(111(1 .10 p � .l.1T3 l l .. , `CnO.I :1TLi 12rOUTSCiEi.', fn. caa rk l . u't(f, l T..--7tiCy EXETER MARKETS.. d e Fhaat per-bushel(Change,.very. ,,. ................................. t0 ,I.i lour per cwt 1,65 to 2.00 B rloy i!t to 0 Oats . ,.....:. ,. „,3 to 26 Pe as 10 ButtHr is to lei tottetooy'per bag 40 1lity per ton 7 Dei to Sall Dried Apples per L , 5 Turkeys..:, , fS to :! Chteko:.: ,• sic, 1t, 1)uelc� ..,.... ;. Gees ..........,..• Corn..,„, .,. 40 to 5 t Glu Vel'intort• ,•,.• '..1 0f> to 1 (d)_ 400 to ..95 The warning cough is the faith- ful sentinel. Ittells of the approach of consumption, which has killed more people than war and pestilence com- bined. It 'tells of painful c h e s't s, sore lungs, weak throats, bron- chitis, and pneu- monia. Do not suffer another day. It's useless, for there's a prompt and safe cure. It is i er4 • ctor1 which cures fresh ,colds and coughs in. a single night and masters chronic coughs and bronchitis in a short time. Consump- tion is surely : and cer- tainly prevented, and cured,. too, if taken in time. A 25c. bottle fora' fresh cold; : 50c. size for older colds; '$1'sizefor chronic coughs and ;consumption. '+ I always keep a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral on hand. Then every time I,get cold I' take a'little of it and I aln betxer'at once." • J�1ras 0. Buquoa, r? Oct. 19, 1898. El Paso, Tem. Write the Doctor. If you have any comp(. int whatever and desire •the beat medical advice, write the Doctor freely,. Address Dr. J. C. AT3n; Lowell, Yas.. Beibre. After: , Wood'S , Pllosphod1 o, The GrRtFneh. Iterretlv. Sold and recommended b 1 druggists in Canada. Only by medicine discovered._ Six packages guaranteed to cure all fo ms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse or excess; Mental Worry, Excessive rise of To- bacco. Opinne o-bacco.'Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 81, six, V,. One willpa.,ease, tis toi2L cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company. Windsor,Ont. tt'srwood's PliosphodineIs soli( in Exeter• by G. Lutz, .druggist. A tiorwich correspondent writes as follow s —A'sad accident n,eur red at the home of lir. Geo. 13otri(„ ht, 0n ,a farm netts New Din'h:1nr,. The two, brothers, Charles and William, aged silent, 20 and ' 12 . Years 'espf'cti:tiely,. Went to the barn fee 10:(1 of surae, and as they had to: go. to td •,e t nt part' of the tarot, decided to ta'k;e titaie gun with the:n:fe t. (hance, shot at any- r. straz, •„ true; �Vl '1 allst in the. harp, .. in handing the. gnu up to the younger brother on. the load, the. We:tpoti :1 Muzzle -loader, frilly charged el vvitll powder and buckshot was i,y serine means discharged full into the faceof the young lad, striking hit+1 un the right t 1 dE '. g s and chin fracturing ,the lower jaw in four ." of five plates and blowing the right cheek off all the :pay front the middle of the 1iec:: up to within three quarters 01 110 inch, of the'eye•and`b ick of the, ear, Medical aid was at once called in, and 1411 last relioitsthe:lad was.doing'• 'ninth bet- ter than expected. He may, recover if blood poisoning does not set in. CURE.AL4 YOUR PAINS W1711 Pain -Killer. A Medicine Chest In Melt Slmpie, Safe aadrQulck Cur® fox' CRANIPS, DIARRHOEA, COUDatia, COLDS, RHE'L3 1WiTIStl, NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 cont,Dottlna. BEWARII OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENti1Ni?. PERRY' DAVIS' A fatal .teciderit occurred Wedries- I ty on the f:rrni'of Charles Hitchcock, if R,tlt.igh township, when Charles ainil ass 111'04 by a runaway team. i i,anil WAS Standing OIL :1, loaded farm agou When the horses Milted andhe ,15 throinni f1O t).ter ground a,lightin 0 1 WAS his li 1(l. It , si.ti]l tz i,1 1lacture terrible in4at t(1' and several rills lit el.t'st, 3Le cannot recover. t, t 11 w .a,ci the ,Essex ;murderer, e haven `.t ,1 bice t lig ni the Di) - „en 9.1t3111ts1, tri, Ot t.t wa Thu sda.y, net iir.n l)1' the commutation Of •.•':attic..1 } , brought onr,tlt up: by Hon: Mlruste.' of justice, and discussion it was de-, 1 ItYth ,A9 interfere with the seta - by 1Iragt,tt. Sher•- �:, tztit y t re(:e; ved 'official, in - ' S in- ., ,4 :lie ('snit?ttCt., .,S notion, and 'i 'G 0,3 told lli til the word t t' .,lint •; fll)1'i fig the list r iO 1 1„ , tid bl 1 ,r. t11 ,.1e had � }ta vt,0,ear.ling the -gal- (1003'8'0)11 .gal- (1 O ,r)t•t of th:c cubiti )t , lItti11.1r i,,t': to hien. DO RION front is question that must interest you. "lave yOu your -New Suit ? 1f not, drop in and see us of the first opportunity and let us show you a few prices Of the Fancyt Wpresteds and Scotch .'weeds; ve you seen the new Staples and • Therringbone patterns, ' They Are ixatttieS, . big 1ztnge of Blues and Black, Irish Ser ges at the old prices. If you )Sant ai, black we have what you - want in Twills,: Venetians and Clays. OVERCOATS • l)t t I eoitti to Beavers, iyieltOns, Curls;: Naps 1111(1 M.ontanacts. ,A11 work Clone in the latest style and fit guaranteed. LT. H. GRIEVE, Opposite Post Office DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice 1s hereby ni,-en 11101 the nnii:riershtp here -7 tofere existin between John Williams and Joeepll. Cobbledietc, tarrying on biteiaess the village of Ex'eter, under the name Btyle and firm of C'hbbledlc1 ,o Williams, has this day he -en nutttally 831sa! t•ed. I?rated, Jun. 20,1-x0. Signed .T,7,e9FTetiIitiGOenoLe'AM� �SLi'DICfi,.. Having purchased the interest of John William in the above partnership we 'rill continuo the'said. business in the old stittad. p -All accounts due the late firm must . 1110lindcr)i;ncdf. • n L raid 10 J. COBB.f EDICtE & SON TAKE NOTICE1 . All accounts due; the under siglled must be settled at once.' FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, Fi LAMB, PORE, ti a; SAUSAGi , BOLOGNA„. PRESSED GLC T'+ T - oli 9 CORNED BEEF; SALT., FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, cad} at: The Family Butcher Shop,' one door North of Et.Piokarcl's store. LOUIS DA Proprietor?. SMITH'S Repair Shop. NOW is the time to get your wheel cleaned to store away for . the witttet' Gun Repairs We make gun repairing a specialty in all its branches.. Keys 3 'yV t have a largo stock Ock of keys il'l Si'/,e5. HorseB Gil.,i. p,Frs l otln 1 a c , •t n d M ,a l l t rts good as new. i.,Verytlaing Rt,p4iired If ere. I. SMITE Coo'k's tt` ' C +� on Roots Com' ou0d N s o •fnilyused.mon hl y 0Ve. i9.a)6t)'hadietJ,Safe, efTeotuetl. Ladies ask your drugggrut for Cook a Cotton Roof o ar pms& Take no other, ns all Miituree' ills and imitations are dangerous, Prier+, NO. 1, $1 ” er. box,, No. '2,1.0 degrees efe pp g s e'r.boe; ATo. for 2;1 -nailed iledoh g _,$ P „_.. 0t V receipt of peke: and tWo;B•¢ont, etaft s. Cook c n t nn yndeb>l'Nns, tand -auldann recommended y'd'i responsible leruoglsts fit Cahadd, 1 aril No, 'l sold in Exeter fly 0 Lute Druhgilt.