Exeter Advocate, 1900-2-1, Page 2Subscribece who do net reeeive their Palma, regularly will please avuly i once Apply at thls,effice for advertising fates, . THE EX ETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1900. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Au flee in the hand is worth four in the peek. A. type w ri ter girl without any bad .spells is a jeevel. The highway with a tollgate there- on is aleci a buy -way. When an earab leaves hi home he always takes it with him. People who soliloquize may hear aome good of theneselveS. Bad habits need. no cultivatiou. One is sure to beget another. It doesn't take a luxury long to volute into an actual necessity. It is a wise fatherwho knows his .ewn son after a terra at college. A hypocrite is a man who in trying 'to foal others fools only himself. Of two evils some people not only 'choose both, but look axound for more. There never was, and never will be, a -universal panacea,. in one remedy, for all Lls to which flesh is heir—the very nature cif many curatives being Flif2.11 that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted iu the system of the patient—VI hat would relieve one 111 in turu would aggravate the ocher. We have, however, in Qui u ine Wine, when obtainable in It SOMICI unadulterated state, a remedy for many and ci re Nilo us ills. By Its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led iu to convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qua nine exerts ori Nature's OWIl restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those -with whom a chronic state of morbid dos- nondency and lack of interest in life is a aisease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes a sound and refreshing sleep— iniparts vigor to the action of the blood, 'hich, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, streugthening the healthy animal functions of the sy'stein, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally idemand increased substance—result, im- proved Etppecite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their auperior Quinine Witte at the usual rate, 'and, gauged by the opiniou of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sell it. Horticultural Notes. The best time to prune the peach is early in the spring. Horses or cattle should never be pastured in the orcharel. Unleached ashes are the best fertil- izer for all stoue fruits. Clear lime water is the best for de- alToying worms in pots and in fern cases. One of the best things to keep rabits away from trees is a mixture of cop- peras and glue. After raspberries have grown two or three crops it pays to apply a little manure around them. As a general rule, after the orchard comes into full bearing, it is best to let it have the benefit of the whole ound ; clover, however, may be gi 'own. The compact form of growth of the currant adopts it to close garden quarters, -while its ability to thrive In a partial shade is greatly in its favor. Sore Feet.—afrs. E. J. Neill, New Arm- agh, P. Q., writes: "For -nearly six months I was troubled with hurtling aches and pains in my feet to such an ex- tent that, Icouicl not sleep at night, and AV" my feet were badly swollen I could mot wear nay boots for weeks. At last I got a bottle of Dr. Thomas"' Eclectric Oil and resolved to try it and to my astonish- ment I got almost instant relief, and the one bottle accomplished a perfect cure. Where Cares are Forgotten. The queen of the Netherlands is an nthnsiastic amateur gardener, and owns a miniature greenhouse which tare manages entirely herself. This is 'within a few minutes' walk of the :Palace, and she visits it daily, no matter what the weather. Once she -rernarked to a friend : "Here, amona /fay flower pots, I can forget that Tin a queen." When children are pale, peevish and Testless at night , they require a dose 0- two of Miller's WOrtil Powders. 'They are pleasant to take; no physic re- quired. Cold and Cruel. Giles—Don't you think sire is rather statuesque? DeGarry—Decicledly. When I pro- posed to her last night she gave me the marble heart. lAinard's Liniment for sale everywhere, Lost in Bart liquefies. About 11000 have been lost by the earth shocks 0± Arclin, in Asia Minor. ' Many towns have been comaletely *wiped out of existence. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Ridney Pills and Pinster. Unusual. Dora—I wonder why Ernest has never thought Seriously of getting married? Fred—Perhaps he has thought of it too Seriously. 'rive Two ,Ifluonces. "It's influence that counts in poli- ties," said the voter, "Yes," answered the practical poll- ician ; "but not so ratich as atria - DOINGS OF TIIE WEEK T EMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Pruned, )eunctuatea .ind Preserved ia Pithy ParagraPha for the Perusal el Practical People Personal, end Profitable. taccaAssusanan. The Methodist Twentieth Century IPued has now passed tae $500,000 marks Nellie Switzer, a girl of .1.5, is mis- sing from Westboro, near Ottawa. A week ago Sunday she disappeared and has not since beemi heard of.' ' The State Boara of Health on Fri- day recieved word that 15 new cases of smallpox had appeared in Clay County, Indiana. iftarialmo, B.C., has a jeweler name,' Joseph M. Brown who stamps every letter he sends out with a big stamp, ' `Rule Britanniae'' Another rainstorm, with a fierce gale, on Sunday prevented the intend- ed effort to recover the bodies of the victims of the Heligoland disaster. Dr. Bryce, secretary of the Pro- vincial Board of Health, has received word that a man at Sharbot Lake is down with smallpox. Measures have been takemi to prevent the spread of the disease. E. T. F. Lovejoy, secretary of the Carnegie Steel Company, has resign- ed, and no longer has ,any official connection with the great corpora - t olt at Pittsburg, Pa. His successor is A. W. Moreland. The municipal nominations took place a.t Montreal on Saturday morn- ing. Mayor Prefontaine, M.P., and W. " Doran are in the field for the mayoralty and twenty aldermen were elected by acclamation. The death rate ford Ontario for 1399 was lower than the previous year. Last year there were 23,426 deaths reported, making a 'percentage or 10.05, while the year before it was over 11 per thousand. The steamer Halifax, outward bound from Boston to Halifax, went ashore on the flats off Spectacle is- land in the lower harbor on Satur- day, but floated when the tide rose and proceeded to her destination. . It is reporied at Shanghai that an agreement has been concluded under which Russia will lend Corea $12,- 000,000, of which S5,000,000 'v. ill be paid immediately, Corea having unsuc- cessfully applied to japan for a loan. . In the Toronto city directory for 1900, to be issued this week, there are 0,500 more names' than in that of last year. Multiplying by three the names in the directory, the city's Population is now 261,087 — 16,500 more than in 1390. The warden of the Kingston Peni- tentiary has issued circulars to wholesale and retail. dealers in all parts of Canada, announcing that twine, in large or small quantities, will be sold from the penitentiary. The output last year was 500 tons. The American Line steamer Paris was on Thursday successfully floated out of the dock at Milford Haven, where she has been undergoing tem- porary repairs, after having been ashore ofr the Manacles, previous to being taken to Belfast for a thor- ough overha,uling. FOR MEN or WAR. The Russian ironclad, Poltava, . of 10,060 tons, is dangerously ashore near Libau, on the Baltic. The cost of her construction was $5,490,000. A special iron Nogales, Mexico, says a battle has been fought by the Mexi- cans and Ya.quis, in which. the Ya- quis were defeated, with heavy loss. Their killed numbered 200. Pive hun- dred were taken prisoners. Imperial officers think the volun- teers from the Canadian militia may be called for duty in the West Indies, relieving the Imperial forces now there. The report caused great com- motion among the militia, officers at Halifax.. The Chicago City Council retains E. B. Andrews, superintendent of the public schools of that city, who naade a speech favoring Britain in the case of the Transvaal war. , Ald. Culler - ton's resolutioa to compel him to re- sign was buried when it came up in council. The Canada Atlantic Railway Com- pany will pay Napoleon Riehers $2,- 000 for injuries received in the acci- dent at Ottawa East last winter, in which the late County Treasurer Cowan and Mr, Holmes Cowan were killed. Judgment was given in the High Court 'at Ottawa by Justice Falconbridge by consent for the amount. CASUALTIES. M. Daily, J. Kelly and al. Palmer, New York Central Sectionmen, were run down at Crittenden, N.Y., dur- ing a heavy fog Friday and killed. John Pearson, an employe of the Grand Trunk on the double track near Trenton, was struck by a train on Thursday and was brought to the hospital at Belleville, where he died In the afternoon. There was a serfous earthquake in Mexican territory on Friday. At Colina 7 people were killed and 60 were injured. The State building at Guadaljara were damaged. Sedan- tiste are studying it. Thursday meaning the sidewalks 'and pa,vements, sheathed in slippery ice, made walking a precarious task in Toronto, and Archibald McG-ui- gan fell and fractured his wrist. Mrs. Norton also fell anci fractured her left 'Wm, A Hamiltcin jury has returned a 'verdict that Percy Carrot was .acci- (fertility scalded to death. Mr. Cer- ro' told his story stre,ightforwardly. He had tested the water with his Inted, but the child's skin eves more sensitive and his little son succumbed to Finn*. There ls tione made So great but he may both need help and service and stand In fear of the power and un- kindness even of the meanest of mor- tals. CoraPaund Iron Pins have 8uch Ether was known to the earlieet id- !1X-tu. ttliAt every one should try theta. entisto. PATENTLY [30RE DISGRACE A Sad Letter From a Lady Whose Husband Was Dissipated— How She Cured Hinn. "I had for years patiently borne the dis- grace, suffering, misery and privations clue to my husbancPs driuking habits. Hearing of your marvelous remedy fer the cure of drunkenness, wheal I could give my hus- band secretly, I decided. to try it. I pro. cured a package and. mixed it in his food 8,nd coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relievea his craving foz liquor. Ile soon began to pick up testa his appetite for solid. food returned, he stuck to his work regalarly, anci we now have a happy ho MU. After he was cone pletely cured I told him of the deception I had practisecl on him, when he ackmow ledgea that it had beefs his saving, as la had nob The resolution to break off of his own accord. I heartily advise all womer afflicted as I was to' give yeasremedy o A pamphlet in plain, sealed envelope; sent free, giving testimonials and full in formation, witli directions how to take 01 administer Samaria Prescription. Corre epondence considered sacredly confidential Address The Samaria liemedy Co., 21 Jordan street, Toronto Ont. Comma the Wrong Place, A misplaced comma has got a Gree- ley county (Kan. ) paper into a peek of trouble. The journal in question recently published an item in which the ,following sentence occurred : 'Two young men from Leoti went with their girls to Tribune to attend the teachers' institute and as soon as they left, the girls got drunk." The comma, belongs after the " girls" and the latter are maleiug it hot for the editor. A ,YOUNG GIRL'S DANGER. How She Overcame it, and Baffled Her Tormentor. Toronto. Dec. 268h.—Miss Ida Holatirk, of 184 Iaarbord street, riles city, is a you rag lady who is exceedingly popular with a very extensive circle 01 triends, all of whom are rejoicina over her recent escape from a terrible dItnger. The story of her ex- perience is deeply interesting, told in her own straightforward way. Here is her narrative 1896 I took o positiou in a down -town store My work was not unusually ha,rd, but I soon found .1 could not stand it, and my health fai lcd I grew very thin, had splitting, headaches continually, 'dizzy ,spells and extreme weakness. My tongue was thickly furred, harsh and dry, every morniug, and I arose tired and aching. I was dull and low- spirited all the time. "My sister had used Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills with remarkable benefit, and I aslo began to take them. I candid- ly state that improvement began almost immediately. Daily I mended, till to -day lam in better health, and much stronger than I have been for years. To Dr. Ar- nold's English Toxin Pills, and to them alone the credit is due." Every girl and woman who suffers as Miss Hohkirk did, should use Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They will give new life and health. Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pins, the only medicine that eUree disease by kitting the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at 75e. a box; samplemox 25c., or sent post-paid on' re- ceipt of price y The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Canada Life Building, 42 King street vrest, Toronto. Recipe for Baking Onions. Butter a baking dish and lay 7.7.1 it raw onions cut in slices half an inch thick. Bake them pale yellow and then take out of the oven. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with one-fourth of an inch of grated crumbs and cheese in equal parts. Return to the oven just long enough to melt the cheese. They are a Powerful Nervine.—Dyspep- sia causes deranaement of the nervous system, and nervous debility once engen- dered is difficult to deal with. There are many testimonials as to the efficacy of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in treating this disorder, showing that they never fail to produce good results. By giving proper tone to the digestive organs, they restore equilibrium to the nerve centres. Copies of Leaves. The remarkably pleasing patterns syhicla adorn the cashmere shawls from the foot of the Himalaya moun- tains are copied from the leaves of the begonia. Sometimes the design is varied slightly, but every cashmere shawl that is genuine represents a de- sign adapted from vegetable life. HIS OWN' FREE WILL. Dear Sirs,—I cannot li'peak too strongly of the excellence of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. It is TI -IE remedy in my hota,e- hold for burns, sprains, etc., and we would not be without it. It is truly a wonderful, medicine jOI-IN A 1VIACDONALD, Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. spring, ceieicees. . "Did that farmer guarantee this to be a, sptinig chicken'?" "Yes, he did. I -le said he could hardly catch it to kill—it Was eo springy. Millard's Liniment Cures DandimfL Lona -laved rwee Loa, In Nor Way the ftveraae lengili of life is Paid to be greater tha,m in any other country on the globe. 1...1MiTS OF SEED VITALITY. No Truth in Stor leE4 of Germination Atter 'Plionsaiude of Velars. ''The ettitement is freqviently made In the popular press," said Professor L. El. Pammel, governmeet botanist, "that Beetle have retaieed their Natality for a long time. Thus it is.stated that wheat• under some conditions bas pre- served its vitality for 50 or 100 years. It has frequently been stated that wheat taken frail Egyptian monu- ments germinated. but in not a single case is this germination authenticated. Not a single glaiu aken from an an- cient Egyptian sarcophagus and sown by various persons Las ever been known to germinate,/ and the condi- tions for preserving the seed in these Egyptian nsonunients are better than In the soil. They are protected from the air and variations of teniperature. The experiment svhich has been most talk- ed of is that of the Count of Sternberg at Prague. He hat1 received the grains from a trustworthy traveler, who told him that they were taken from a sarcophagus. It is said that two of these seeds germivated, but it is a well known fact that impostures are per- petrated by the people wbo dispese of these seeds. In some cases they liave even stripped corn or maize into these sarcop bilge "Many experiments have been made, not only in this country, but in Europe, to determine the vitality or various grain seeds. 'Thus, barley retains its Vitality better Vain any other cereal, and this is said to retain its vitality from eight to ten years. In the case of wheat 90 to 100 per cent germinates In from one to four years; In five to seven years, 85 to 87 per cent. In the case of rye tLie percentage of germina- tion in five years dropped to 55 per cent; in seven years, 36 per cent; nine years, 13 per cent. In the case of corn, I made some experiments a few years ago to deterralne the vitality and found that corn which was kept in tightly closed vessels at the age of 20 years had lost all its power of germination. Experiments also indicate that corn. kept even a few years became largely deteriorated and lost much of its pow- er of germination. Even grass seeds which have been buried at some depth in the soil and in vessels tightly sealed failed to germinate after a dozen or 15 years."—Chicago Chronicle. Even Vfith Mina. A young fellow. just admitted to the barawas walking down to-Wii to his office one morning, when he was joined by an old high-school friend. "Good morning, John!" said the second man, taking him by, the arm. "Well, you've really put out your shingle? And you've taken to carry- ing a bag, I see—like Judas Is- cariot." "Yes," said the youthful lawyer; "but Judas kept better company than Ido." Pale people should take Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Not Lucky at Gambling. farmer, being asked to play poker, excused himself, saying: No, not for me, boys. I never was lucky at gambling. 'When a boy I bought ,one of 150 chances for a crazy quilt, and after I got married I took a chance on a $30 cowand, by jove. I didn't win either." How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To'edo, o. We the undersigned have known F Cheney for the last 15 years, anti believe him perfectly honol able in all business trans ctioes and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEST & Teetrx, Whol es ale Druggi sts,Tol edo,O. WALDING KINNAN & MARVIN, WhOlesale Dmug- gists Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1: taken internally, act- ing directly men the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials ace. 'No Hindrance. Some things should never be omit- ted, if the small boy is to be the judge. "Hans, you mustn't go in bathing to day, as you have the stomachache. "Oh, that won't malc.e any differ- ence, pa; I can swim on my back you know." Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. The Average. ' "Pa, what's an average man?" "One who thinks his employer's business would be run a good deal better if he could have more to say about it himself." Ilinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Hard to Rill. "It is some consolation ,to know," gasped the dying man with his last breath, "that it took three doctors to kill me." . . . No worm medicine acts so nicely as Mil- ler's Worm Powders; no physic required, A Good Thing to iteino Don't forget, in the face of braise, that your enemies outnumber your friends. • THE OV JOHN LABATT London Are undoubtedly THE BEST., Testimonials from 4 chemists, 10 medals. 11. diplomas, The most wholesome Of beverages.. Recommended by Physicians. For sale *very- *kers. erfec ealth can be yours. Do not try experiments with your health. If you are not well use only a medicine known to cure. Dr. \Williams' Pink .Pills are riot an ex- periment. They have cured thous- ands of people, who had tried common medicines and failed to find health. Some of the cured are in your own neighborhood. Mr. F. Mission, Deleau, Man, writes :—"I can speak In tbe highost terms .of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills RS a niedicine for rebuilding the system. Previous to using the pills I was suffering from headaches, loss of appetite and extreme nervousness, which left me in 3 very weak condition. The least work woald fatigue Inc. I can now say, however, that I never felt better in my life than P do at peesent, thifnks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Similar suffefars—and there are many—will find it to their great advantage to use these pills." Do not take anything that does not bear the full name of "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink. Pills for Pale People." It is an experiment and a hazard- ous one to use a substitute. Sold by all dealers or post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. The Polite Policeman. It was crowded on the avenue, and there was a constant stream of vehi- cles coining and going. At the crossing of two of the most congested streets stood a pollee officer, tall and com- manding, irreproachably dressed and with an eye that compelled obedience. When the tide of travel surged thick- est, a:little old lady came to the curb and looked out into the impassable stream of carriages and wagons. Evi- dently she wanted to get across. The gallantry of the big policeman took possession of himIle approached her and held up his band. "Don't be afraid. I'll see that you get across safely," he said. The old 'lady shook her head nerv- ously and seemed more undecided than ever. The policeman came nearer. Taking her arm, be started to lead her across, stopping the steady stream of passersby in wagons and carts. The old lady hung back, protesting. When .the slow way to the other side of the street had been made, the officer re - teased her arrn. She looked at him in a dazed way and said .with some sharp- ness: "What on eartb did you want to drag me across that road for? I had an errand to do on the other side." -- Detroit Pree Press. Experience Verans Arithmetic. eac er— o nny may stem up to re- cite. Now, Johnny. suppose I borrow $50 from your father and agree to pay $5 ta weel . how long will it be before he gets his money? Johnny—Just oue week. Teacher—Oh, think again; that's not right! Johnny—Yesit is. I know my fa- ther. He'd' have you up in the courts by that time. It Looked Suspicions. "Isn't your neighbor BlinkInoff a "1 wouldn't like to give an expert opinion on the subject. I'll fulinit, howeverthat 1 saw him the other night trying to drive 'a spigot Into an ash barrelthinking that it was cider." —Cleveland Plain Dealer. The VI'ay to Handle China. Good China that has gildiug, upon it should not be rubbed, as it is liable to remove the tracery. It only re- quires to be rinsed in warm water, then in. cold. It should be left to drain dry. Very occasionally rub this china gently with a little finely -pow- dered whiting and a soft wash leather. Good desert plates, tea plates, and saucers should be put away in the china cupboard, protected by circles of paper placed between each. This preserves the glaze or painting from scratches.- It should be noted that .An Idea to Revolve. "'Pauline, what made you cut young Noodleton just now?'' "Ua, his face looked so vacuous; 1 thouget I'd give him somethiug to think. about. ' ' Every person suffering from general • debility should take Miller's Uompeund 'Iron Pals. German Bicycle Trains. A new sign has been added to the German railway time tables—a pic- ture of a bicycle indicating WiliCh ex- press trains carry wheers. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Settled for Some Tears. Visiting Carate—Ah, my friend, you should reflect on the fact that we are here to day and gone to morrow Convict—Yon may be—I am t. There is clanger in neglecting a cold. Many who have died of cousunaption dated their troubles from exposure, followed by a cold which settled ou their lungs, and In a short time they were beyond the skill 'of the best physician. Had they usedRickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrap, before it was too late, their lives would have bean spared. This medicine has no equal for curing,coughs, coldiaud all affections of the throat and lungs. Cause and Eft et. Jones—You can't rely upon Smith, he never keeps his word. Brown—That's strange, for I don't know anyone who would take it. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Best Slade. Send for Catalmroe, 000KS1117TT PLOW CO., Eneestrono. 'OCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL Ei:,:!1;',Imff,„, IMPORTSRS OF GROCERIES. 1.5.& 75 Extro,oft Write is. HAMILTON, L.S. a M. SPloes BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO BINDER TWINE 00., 1121 Union Station Arcade. Toronto. ATcH AranBtSe?LpUeXcEuFfiniVreeEr;r7a.tro- BOYS and GIRLS for distributing Adver- tising Matter. Won't cost you a cent. Send address for particulars. Serra Bnos., LONDON. CANVASSERS I, 72. ti,EilibliriBia°7(11(oS/ South Africa (four books in one), anti Dwight L. Moody. the Man and lila Mission. Both reliable works and beautifully illustrated; no rehash of old matter like some 08 thp books offered for sale. Prices away down, terms extra liberal. Prospectus of first book5oes, of second book 35c„ or both for 75c., amount re- funded with first order for five books. Williams " Ilirig,gs,Methodist Book & Pub. House,Toronto. sew" STOPPED FREE. Permanent- ' ol,Y.F4-gsTo.r.I.,,!Lrvoi;iTivrc.ive: for all Nem -vias Diseases, Fits, Epilepsy, Spasms and St Vitus',Dance. No Fits or Nervousne",s after first da is use. Trcatl,e and e2 trial bottl� sent through Canadian Agency FREE to Fit patients, they paying express,eharges only when receive& Send to Dr liline,081 Arch st, Philaclelpliia,Pa. the china cupboard is thoroughly dry, . Evaporator. For MAP.LE SYRUP and STJGAR. Has corrugated pan over firebox dou lin as dampness soon tarnishes the gild- ing Oil line china or crockery. Mild in Their Action .--Parinelee's Veg- etable Pills are very mild iu tueir tuition. They du not cause gripilig in the stonsaeh or CallSe disturbituces titer() as so wetly pills do. tl'herefore, 1110S G delicate midi take theni without fear of unpleasant results, Iha ea cu; too, be adaiiiostered to cbildren without iinpoeing the penalties weicu follow tile sae of pills not so carefulls preeared. Then She Called the Dog. Mies Sothface (to tramp)—Did you ever have a r mance in • 1 ? o youi bailing capacity and saving 'fuel; smart inlet c liana able syrup pans (connected by siphons),easay handled for cleans- ing and storing, and a perfect automatic regulator, whip seem es rasi6 and saallow evapora- tionanapreduces the best quality of syrup. Time Champion IS a perfect evapora. CATALOGUE tor for FREE. SORGHUM,CIDER & FRUIT JELLIES THE CO H GRIMM IVIFC.'CO., St." Montreal. Trainp—Y es mum.;1 hala seveet- T N U • heat once that looiced like yen. Miss aomaace (setting out another piece of pie)—Ane tan she diem' tel amp -1N o, mum. lite fadder wata- ecl me to marry her, so I run away from home. By their action on the Stomach, Liv- er and Bowel, Wenn Powders eorreet all ,tieh troubles as lack of Ap- petite, Biliousness, Drowsiness, Sallow Complexion, etc.; nice to take. liens Hatch tho ugue. In China hens are employed to hatch fish eggs. These are sealed in an egg shell and placed under tile unsuspect- ing hen for a few days. The con- tents of the shell are then emptied into a shallow pool, where they can baelt in tile sunshine until tae min- nows are strong enough to be tinnecl into a lake or river. ilinard's Liniment Cures BurilS et,^ , . • 1 200 C Lau Cleansing and L.:. Washing. Powder'. cOS1' ONLY xolainta.... No .strong Lye, Chloride' of Limo tioneihe or Coal Oil needed For .Dornesfic'use. for tho finest lace to the dirtiest mmasy elethea. Uor Metal 111O111 S118 Of all kinds, Pipes', Sinks, ete-- Washing, Paint, Floors krol. Animals, and for the also for u o aiim dInliirectant. _ For Printers' use, for Washing Type Rollers sad pki,:ty,hiler);,..0 TIT phoNfx bdorliese and Put II; 171 2e1T. ()1,11 ?')“115).°11111a1111t;CgrOlti.Gt 160 P.7 lb. Allberal discount to the trkatio. Coal Savingand Stimke CcineurniniC Compound For floune Stove, tinges and.Purnaeet- and for inanufacturnm concerns. Vile pow Or save* 20 to al per cent of coal, geta up asioadier and stranger heat 111 steam. It is Very '.1, pie to o,se (no einmeing of llremlaces) and is as safe to ha1)(11e 8 the coal Itself. Use 7 lb. portion dISSolvcd le water and sprinkled , on the dosA, pricti 6eents per 18. 00 $11O P08 ton, it your gtocer or druggiet has not got abOve wa am furnish it ma appiicetion 'with f till aired. tiona for ORA. Amid's Celebrated Premitint Mucilage, tithogrania and Litlfograiri Composition to be had, 4t ,fiset eitas tetiottera ete. AULD IMUCILACt 00.• 17 IlletirY et., reoetteali.