HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-2-1, Page 1PiTf
e hear of special sales, clearing sales and January. sales. In fact this ap-
pears to be the time of the year to buy (roods. We combine the above
and ask you to glance over the prices.
... • , .... . ... ... ... .... . .... ...... ... . . . ...... . .. .
REMEMBER our goodsare all new and up-to-date. The styles are the newest shown for
this winter. .We cannot offer you any old goods at a bargain; but are pleased
to submit the following lines on our counters at the prices on the list
1000 yards of American Percales and English prints,
regular 12(:. to clear Sc.
Another line of English Prints at 610.
Special line of Litdiesand Children's Overstocking -s to
clear 30c. and 40.
Ladies' Wrappers, beautiful'new ,goocls, very special
prices, 99c.
Ladies' Cashmere Hose, cheap at 25c., special at 10e.
Men's all wool Socks, regular 20e. very special at 2pr.
for 25c.
Men's Over Rebbers, best quality to clear, za $t 25.
.Men'Sokustralian Deg Gauntlets,reg. $2.50 well sold at:
See onr Rernnant Counter.
Alen'S Cleehing, at prices to glean
We handle the celebrated J. D. King's Boots & Shocs-.
jee our beautiful new r)inner Jets just arrived.
See our very special bargains in Corsets :These goods have just arrived and will be cleared at 49G
Special prices for BUTTER9 EGGS and Etc.
We have unlimited private funds for in
upon farm or yillage property, at
lowest rates of interest,
Barristers, etc.. Exeter.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
SamwelPs 13lock Exete
The undersigned is offering for sale or
rent his farrn, being Lot 14, South Boundary,
Hay, containing one hundred acres --95 clear-
ed and in a good state of' cultivation; 62
zeres fall plowing done and 8 acres fall
wheat sown. There is on the premises a
good bank barn and other out buildings,
good orchard, two good wells and other
conveniences. This is a good farm and will
be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Ap-
ply to WIC HARRIS,
Hay, P. O.
Money to loan at from 4,l4; to 5 per cent,
Barristers., Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
The undersigned has a limited quantity of
nev., Beardless Barley for sale: also a num-
ber of sows supposed to be with pig for sale.
;Tolin May, Exeter, P. 0., London Road.
If You want your Repairing well done
go to R. Ribras—Watches, Clocks
and .Jew elry a specialty:.
:Marriage Licenses issued a,nd Wedding
Rings ahvays on hand.
FaTISM.I's Block, Exeter.
No news worthy of note here this
week excepting the death of Mrs. Pen -
hale, relict of the late John Penhale.
Her death was due to some trouble in
the head. She died on Monday the
29th. This family is having more than
their share of trouble as this is .the
second death within about nine weeks,
her son George having died in Novem-
ber. She leaves two sons and two
daughters to mourn her loss, Richard
who is married and lives on the 3rd
e,on. of Stephen, Fred, Emily and Eva
who reside on the homestead. They
have the sympathy of the entire com-
munity in this their sad bereavement.
—Mr. James Box is improving in
.th•and Bend
lift's. Richard Hamilton is On the sick
list, but we hope eoonto hear of her
:recovery:—.MrS..Neelands has returned
to her home in Paisley, after spending
a few weeks With her sister, 'Mrs. H.
Smith. --Mr. H. Bossenberry went to
Forest Monday on business ---Mr Geo
-Walker, of Exeter, is spending a feiv
days with his sister, Mrs, Geo. Down.-
--Miss Is Yering, has gone to London,
-,,,Vhere she has secnred a position as
—Miss EloWard, of Blake, was
fbe guest oflles.11. Bossenberiy for
the teist Able AE011ard iS
spending this week with friends in
Parkhill and.Brinsley.,—Atiss Wiley, of
Michigan, is the griest of 'AfiSs Alina
Bossenherry and Miss ifilas Brenner.
Mr. VV, H. Bii,rfett, of Parkhill; spent
Sunday with friends here. Johli
'Welsh has sold out his fishing laisiness
to Mr. C. Banore, of Point Edward.
We :Ire Soery ro liaare Mr. Welsh leave
-as as he is an energetie young man
;Ind held In the highest esteem by all
Ivho know Isis':.-- -iih s Duna her from
around inn'e attended the oyster sup-
per given, by the K,03.14. lodge at
St. Joseph
Our thaw has again caught a colci
and we are now experiencing zero
weather.—Mr. John Hyrock, who has
been -visiting his brothers here, has
gone to Hamilton. where he will re-
main for a time before ramming to
his home in Dakota.—We learn that
the contract of finishing the brickwork
of the mammoth building has been
re -let to Mr. P. Contine,brother of Mr.
N. M. Contine, mayor of our town. If
Peter has got as much pluck and en-
terprise as his brother, we expect soon
to see the building completed.—Mr. R.
O'Brien, Jr., spentlSunday at Lumley.
—Mr. C. Rfrock has gone to Elkton,
Mich., to see his father, who is in fail-
ing health.
D. HAY, Farquhar'Commissioner and
Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest.
Mrs. Kaufman, of Brantford, form-
erly known :is Miss Eacrett, of Exeter,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A.
Turnbull.—Miss Laura McNicol re-
turned home last week after a week's
visit at'Mrs.,E'd. Drake's, her cousin,
near Staffa.—The: Hackney Bros., of
the Boundary, disposed. of a nice lot
of cattle to Mr. Snell, of Exeter, for
handsome price.—A son of Mr. Hugh
Spackman, of Exeter, was visiting at
the home of Mr. Thomas Cameron the
-beginning ,of the week,—Owing to the
illness and death of, Mr. Wm. Jeckell,
the senior division of S. S. No. 2 was
closed from Tharsday of last week to
Tuesday of this week, as our teacher,
Mr. Jecke/1, is a son of the departed. --
Mr. Cottle, of Whitechurch, rt nephew
of Mr. John ,Cottle, florist, is visiting
at the beautillnlbome of the latter.
S t Ira.
The sleighing in this neighborhood
e .
is very poor.—Mr. D. Maltman is spend-
ing a few days with friends in Wood-
stock.—Mr. E. Sparling, blacksmith,
who has been in Staffa for some time,
has gone to take charge of a shop in
Harlock.—Mr. and Mrs. 'E. M. Hrimil-
ton entertained their many friends on
Thursday night. A pleasant time was
spent. —Miss LIEUra McNicol, of Fitr-
quhar, spent, last week with Miss Nel-
lie Dntke.—Mr. Will Jeffi y is visiting
fx.iends in Buffitio.—Miss Becky Oliver
is visiting friends in and itround the
village.—Miss Bertha Kemp is visiting
at her grandfather's, Mr. John Kemp.
- Miss Polly Viner is spending, a few
ditys with Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell. --
There will not be any service in the
Staffa Methodist church next Sunday
morning, owing to the quarterly meet-
ing at 'Zion. —Miss Bella Fell took
char,ge of the serviciis in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening last
The home ofthe late John Penhale,
Lake Road, has again been plunged in
sadness. :A few weeks age we record-
ed the death of George Penhale and
this week it is our sad duty to chron-
lets; the death of the main -stay of the
home, Mr -s. Penhale, who died on Mon-
day last, at the age of 59 years: The
dhoe,ased has not enjoyedthe best of
health for some time, but it was little
thought or expected, 'hen taken, ill a
little over it week ago, that she would
be Sumnioned to answer the call of her
Redeetner so sopri. The cause of death
was an abeess formed on the brain and,
during Om last few days of her life she
stiffered intensely. The deceased was.
born at, Isle of 'W ight-.and came to
Canedit about 46 years ago, Marrying
Mr. Peehale about eleven years later.
Mrs. 11enhale WaS of itn amiable :01(1
kindlY disposition, a good wife and
Mother. a, txtio friend and an obliging
neighbor.: tier many friends in this
locality will be deeply pained to hear
of her demise. A bunily of two sons
zurd tWo daughters survive her, all of
' whom will have tbe sympathy of the
community, Her remains' Wel'C' in-
terredhe Exeter cemetery, yeSter-
day (Wednesday) at 2 o clook.
A. Knapton and Mr. J. Stephen-
son were home for Sunday.—Our mill
here will be ready to commence work-
ing about the latter end of: the week:
The new miller is dressing the stones.
Mr. jas. Swallow is kept busy now
platy given by a few of the school
boys at Mr. W. Fletcher's on Frichty
Was a decided suCcess.—Our new teach-
er is getting along nicely andthe schol-
ars speak very highly of hen -LW.
Wm. Wynn is up and around again
after his recent illness, --Mr. Ernest:
Doupe of Kirkton, is back, at his old
place clerking at A.- S. Ford's.' They
:ire busy stock taking. --Mr. A, SILIV7
yer, Who wits kicked by a vicions horse
some time ago, is able to be around
again.—Mr. J. Shier is kept very .busy
superintending the work on, his ,new
miil.—The saw Mill is running now
and hinge loads of logs are daily com-
Mg in.—The Methodists willholdtheir
quarterly meeting at Cooper's church
next Sunday. They have raised over
$200 on the Twentieth Century Fund.
The spectacle man will soon be around
again.—Mrs. J. Copeland iS home again
from .Clinton,' where she has been at-
tending the funeral of her brother's
wife.—The program of the third con-
vention of, the London Conference Ep-;
Worth League,' Which is to be held in
the Central Methodist • cliorchana.rat-
ford, is. new out.—Miss Annie Ford is
visitinag her brother, Dr. Ford, in
Mr. R. A. Davis is residing :it Rus-
selchtle, clerking for Mr. Facey. --Mrs.
Morrison, our httly friend .Ifirccabee,
is 'spending a few days here this week.
—Mr. Wm. Hazelwood got the jub of
running the chopper mit of five ten-
dess.—Mr. David iMfazelwood is iible to
be around (igain.—The Kirkton LO.L.
hand intencl holding a literary enter-
tainment and box social in Aberdeen
hall on the evening of Feb. L—Reviv-
al meetings are being held In the M eth-
odist (An:roll here ander the manage-
ment of Rev. Sohn Ball, Rev. Mr.
Ph elp an d. Rev. Mr. Waddell Eli n vill e.
--The Zion League, which was to have
visited Kirkton League on :Friday
evening-. and take charge of the meet-
ing owing to the stormy VV(llither, did
not'coure.—Alessis. Morrison and Moon,
of Londesboro, who have been spend-
ing a few days with Mr. Thomas Tufts
returned home Monday. --The engine
and boiler are, now M phtce in the new
saw mill iind we may expect to see it
running- in a, few days. --Mrs. A. Breth-
our is seriously ill, but we hope for her
speedy recovery.—Mr. Fred Marshrill,
who has been on the sick list, is con-
valescent.—Miss Etta MurritY, of An-
derson, iS in the village learningdress-
making with Miss Annie Davis. —Mrs.
(Dr.) Our, who hits been in St:Ufa,
attending the; funeral of her mother,
Mrs. Carimbell, has returned home.—
Miss N. Switzer, .11d line, returned
home Monday, :tiler spending. a couple
of weeks with het' sister, Mrs. A.
Thadker, Teeswitter.—Mrs. Thos. Wag
horn, Wilton, spent a few days of last
week, the guest of Mrs. E. N. &der.
, Wingham: W. O. Stuart is one of
victims Of the slippery streets' and
sidewalks. On Tuerglay In: fell break -
the cap of his knee. The :welch:tit
will lay him aside for a while.
I-Iibberb Mr. Canybell Dow met
with rather a painful accident on Sat,
urday last through getting three of
his fingers on the left hand badly
smashed in the straw cutter. Two of
the fingers had to be ampatated.
Clinton: There died at his grand-
mother's, Airs. S. :Holmes, on Tuesday,
jan. 23rd, an exemplary young man in
the person of Geo. James, on of Geo.
Sharman, at the early age of 20 years,
t•tod 8 months,
Children Ory for
Mr. J. Q. Bell, buttermaker, is at-
tending the Buttermitkers' (konvention
Lt Ingersoll this week.—One, Morning
last week a team driven by Mr. Jos.
White ran :may from the store imd
51 0110(1 itt the st )1)lc No darnage
was done StiVe the spilling of a can of
skimmed milk.-- Zion trouble not set-
tled yet. It iippeaas that the Boers
in(i de a fresh attack- on 0 enend Brock's
men, drove them taick and captured
the General and his fOr cos.
Salmon REPORT. —The school repert
of S.S. No. 6, 'Osborne, for the month
of January is as follows: V—Ethel
Godbolt, Linda Ellin ter, Dora Del-
bidge. Sr.TV—lout Miners, Roheab
Wilcox, Ala,y Hawkins itnd Chits. Alin-
ers equed. Jr. IV—Lucy Couch, Mabel
Sawyer, 011 ulse Godbolt. Sr. IR—
Enos Her:dm:in, Cecil Calll Wilbert
Herdmen. Jr. III --Wilfred johns,
Olive Berryhill, Flossie Fraucis. Sr.
II—Willie Veal, Lisle Worden, Wil-
son Hawkins. 3-r. II --Victor Sawyer,
George Coward, Ahnena Heywood.
Sr. Part H—Clareirce Miners, Hattie
Htinteu, :John Kellett. Jr. Part
IVillie Elford, Addie Johns, May Coo-
per. Piutel—Virdit Berryhill Alma
Johns. Arnold, Clark.
E. E. HALLS, l'eachex's.
The storm on FriditYlaSt thtdly bloc-
ktded the roads in some places.—Mr.
Sohn Voelker his been visiting friends
in Metro t Forest the past 'Week.—Mr.
Lotus Kleinstivee has been *irking in
Hens 61 the past week.—Miss Frinny
:Snell, who has Worked in RenSall fax
Some time,spent Sunday -in the villtige;
the guest of her friend Miss Teeman.
-e-Alr. Mark Brokenshirehas been on
the sick list the past week.—Mr. Fred'
Ilse, taxidermist, setup a large: eagle
last week for Mrs Charles Fritz, of
Zurich. Charlie, iS quite it marksman,
having secured. the taeg,e wildcat, We
spoke of in a former issue, and the
e:tgle the same Week.—A. P. :Shettler,
of Exeter, spent Sunday under the
parental roof.—Mrs. C. Kibler, of Cav-
alier, N. D., spent Sunday in the vil-
lage; the guest of Mrs. Wurtz.e-Mr.
Wm. Rhode is busily engaged cutting
Niieod on his farin on the 18th conces-
siona—Mr. P. Lamont was in :the vill-
age'Saturday.—Mr. Herman Ostreicle
er, of Crediton, called on his brother
Godfred of this place Saturday.—Alr.
McLaren, of Smoky Hollow, was in
the village Saturday afteinootneeCer-
tain boys m towel seeni to be bent on
mischief. We don't knew if they are
,guilty of the wrong" doings which
neeple place ttgainst themn but- who
the- thisehiethinakere are.there, is
no credit due them; and if :boys : we
would advise them to be More manly
isa futuee and they won't regret it.—
Boer synipathizers seem to he dimin-
ishing around' here, still there are a
few -who toot that way yet.
Ifensall .
(To la,te for last weak.)
Mr. Percy Carlyle left Monday for
Toronto.—Mrs. Thomas, of Ingersoll,
is Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Carlyle, Hay. —Mr. E. J. Norton left
for his home near London last Week.—
Miss Arsthorp. of St Marys, is visit-
ing friends here.—Mr. R. Ricks, of St.
Marys:, spent Monday in town. --Miss
Lacey, who has been visiting Miss
Mabel Cahill, returned to her battle
in London Alenday.—Miss Jean Dick
is home from St. Catherines for a
couple (0 weeks. ----Miss Pearl Ellis has
yeti:timed toher home in London.—
Misses E. Stoneman and T. Shepherd'
visited friends in Chiselhurst Sunday.
—Mrs, Nicholls, of BruisSels, is visiting
friends and relatives here.. -s -Miss Han-
nah Ortwein spent Sunday in Zurich.—
Miss LayhartKealor, of Zuricheis,visit-
ink at. J. IV, Ortwein's.—Miss Lou
Thomson is in Seaforth, the gutest, of
Miss Gertnrde LloYd.--L-Atise Jessie
Elder spent a few days last weekthe
guest of Miss Prior of Exeter.—J.
Roline§ has accepted a situation in the.
Machine works at, Ingersoll, and 'Will
moVehis family there in the spring,—
Messrs. T. J. Berry and Owen Geiger
heads sold the yell known stallion
"Kilburn" h to Mr. Joseph Kaiser, of
Anita, Iowa. -This horse was import-
ed--fo this country from England by T.
J. Berry and James Bell; "of Henaall.,
He Wa.§: bred.in Licolnshiz:e, England.
His weight; inworking condition'is
2,050 pounds. ' He is One of the lreSt
draught horse that. ever missed the
Atlantic, . -and he has proved a first.
class stock hoese in. every .reSpect. It
is a loss to this conntry to :have such a
noble and valuable animal Sent away..
"Killbuen" has only been shown' three
times in this country, twiceatToronto
and onee'at London, and, gained first
prize and sweepstakes: at each 'show.
The price paid. Was $2,000.
Liman: The firm of Kirk Bros.,
butchers, who made a start in business
here in 1 small -way a short time ago,
have left the. village.
Clinton: On Tuesday evening IN'11110
Mayor Jackson was walking up from
the station, he happened to slip down
on the ice, and made- a nasty cut in
the back of his head.
Hensall: R. Bell, jr., moved his
household effects and' family to Sea -
forth yesterday. Mr. 13ell thus final-
ly severs his connection with Elensall.
Five years in.to, he started a machine
shop IlOre with 011el man, last yeet. he
einployed 18.
Senforth: pretty home wedding
was celebrated at the home of Mr.
Murdock McLeod, of this town, on
Wednesday week, when his daughter,
Miss Effie, WftS united in marriage to
Mr, Alex. McLennan, of the Royal
hotel. The ceremony, which was wit-
nessed by a goodly number of the
friends and eela,tives Of the young
couple, was performed by Rev. Ned
Shaw, of Eginondville. The laid°
was attended by Miss Ella McLennan,
sister of the groom, .vvhile Mr. John
Carde0 acted OS groomsman. The
young collide left os the aftesnooll
train for the east.
The January session of the Coun-
ty Council opened on Tuesday after-
noon, all the members being present,
The clerk called for nominations for
warden for 1900 when Messrs. Kerr
and A. Steivart noinmated P. Holt,
and'Alessrs. Patterson and Connolly,
Dr. Rollins. During the proceedings
a great calm pervadel anl before the
placid feeling had lost its power, Coun-
cillor Kerr aadreesed the nembers on
the necessity of. eschewing political
feeling in, their meeting-,, 4111d then
outlined it plan for the obliteration of
party spirit, one adopted in many
county councils namely that of elect-
mg a Conservative one year and it
Liberal the following. To get over
the difficulty caused by the, nomina-
tion, he suggested, that the Q. C. and
M. D. settle the matter between them-
selves for the present year.
Mr. Kerr was followed by other
councillors, and all agreed as to the
advisibility of catrying out the pro-
gram, and a motion (fgough not min-
uted) WaS Carried by a standing vote
to carry out the plau so far as the pres-
ent members of the Council were con-
cerned. By consent the professional
men of the Council reth•ed and. con-
sulted for about twenty minutes and
on their return Mr. Holt gracefully
announced that he had given way to
his friend Dr. Rollins, who, he under-
stood, might not again aspire to be a
member of the Ciitincil, and was an
older member of that body than him -
The a iinouneement havi ng been
cheered by every member of the Coun-
cil, the Clerk deehired Dr. Rollins
elected Warden for 3900, and after
being duly sworn in by Judge Mas-
son, the newly elected Warden took
the chair and made a treat address
to the Council.
Alessra. MeEwan, Connolly, Holt,-
Bo-wman iud Stuar•t were then amtn-
imonsly elected a Nominating Com-
mittee, :Ind the Council adjourned to
meet itt 10 a. m. on Wednesday.
Council met at 10 a. m., the Warden
in the chilir and members all present.
The following applications for the
position of Auditor were re td and laid
on the table : N. Robson, J. C. Alor-
risen, Geo. W. Holman and A. R.
The presentment of the Grand Jury
at the December Sessions was sent to
Property Committee.
A circular zisking a contribution to
the Patriotic Funcl a request from the
Ontario Rifle Assoc iatien ,for a sub-
scription; the yearly statements from
the Collegiate Institutes of Clinton,
G-oderich and Seaforth, were read and
sent to special committee.
Report of 'Trustees Association was
reitd and sent to Educittion Committee.
The bank statement of county ac-
counts and a number of accounts were
sent to Finance Committee.
School petitions were it id and re-
ferred. to Education Committee, from
'Samuel Cook :aid others, Henry Brier
and others, R J. Driipet. and others,
,Tuo. H. Govier and others, S. Shen -
hard iind others, 'Wm. Weber and
others, Jno. Ball and: others. Wm.
Hiles and others.
Proceeding of arbitration commit-
tee., of which Judge 111:tsson was chair-
Thirteen petitions from different
parts of the c:ounty, asking, the conn-
ed to increase the license fee fi,»? hawk-
ing and peddling, were sent to special
committee. ' selv
The report of Striking, committe,e,
was presented, Mr. McInnes ,in the
chitin The repor-t was adopted in
committee and in Council, as follows:
1. Executive—Messrs. Holt, Mc -
Ewan, Kerr, Hays and Torrance.
a Special—Messrs. Hall lifcEwan,
Kerr, Ifitys mci Toi.rance.
FintInce.r—Messrs. Cook, M'Ile •
-McLean, Stnart and Arch -Ines.
4. Echication--Mesers. Cook. 'Miller,
McLean, Stuityt ilnd AlCinneS.
5. Road and Bridge—Messrs. Snell,
Patterson, BoWnifill. 001121011y rind
Chamber's. '
6. County Properby—Messi-s.
Pettterson, COnnolly crnd
7. Equalization—The whole council
& Warden's Conimittee—Ailessrs.
Holt,McLean, Patterson and Bowman.
9. Rouse or Refuge--Alessrs. Snell,
lifcLeittl find Conn011y.
Moved by Tore:nice, .sisconcled by
Connolly, that the warden and clvek
memorialize the Legislitture to so
amend the, Municipal Act Unit i,11
nurnieip:11 councils be elected for a
term of two yetu.s, said elections to be
held at, the sitme time mid place:is elec-
tions for county councillois. iind also
that the clerk send a cepy of sneh me -
mortal to the clerks of the different
counties in this Province. with a view
of having their co-opersttion in the
matter. Sent to Spy i al (01 11 i ttee.
'Elle council then 1610111 11(1 tn meet
t 4
St. Alarys: I v o regret that it is out'
duty this week:to cltroniele the death
Of it resirectecl resident, of our tovvn in
the person of Mrs. .M.yres, vsUe or 'Air.
Stilphen Myers, Woollen n f 1 toyer,
at, the ago of 76 years and 11 months.
'Phis sad event whiels lw(mglit grief to
this family took piaeo on Seturday
morning after a sllort i th:es,s 1113(11
asth Pia And 111.0/1 eh tr. th C11ll0)(1
great suffevineg, whielt w -as hra vely and
uncomplainingly herrn? hy the de-
Itusseldltle: T)ridllinn. ex -M.
P.'rind R,eeve. J. 1 s easel v 11(3011i
untler the doctor's ispecial ea re i'oeent-
ly, the form0r. for over six NVI471(8 con.
fined to his rooin trovilv. l'esin scia-
tic rlietimittisio, ona rho Ut5 141 ua
within the Iasi, few days reool tho
effects of a, SOVore tt el; of1111,1111110..
tion (if {lie st olanolt. eitliee isise
nothing Seti011w
present, though hoil: it. ,:opi.avanee
sho'w evident trooes or thole 4,1...ez19t
ittid corrfineznent.
Grave Problem-.
SIIhr—Having read ,T. A. "vs,
..1 m
COITITEltlIliC41,Li011 in your last week's
issue, lir which lie sill:mated a ' 'gr'a V e
problem" to the citizens of It'rseter,
viz., the comluct of sonic ot the boys
of our village. I have a suggesthm to
make, which \I'll] ill .'1, larg,e measure.
I think, help to remedy the evils hpol(en ,
of, My proposition is that, the fathers
inake it a point to etas-, at home W i t h.
their families at leit.;:t 'two evoninge
in the week. I know le isiness me::
have many e rig.igernel 1 ts, :r rid besid es
there itre society meetings:.,:ii119
En Oa tld , 3‘1 aSO n s , Fovesters, I0Vor3,•.-
1i1(11, ()chi i'lellows and various other
$0Ciai es Ghat itre doing a good NVOrk.
but while the fathers :Ire investing
money in these Societies so that tlreilt \ ,
families may be supplied with co ulf(lTts "
when they are gone, soure ,. of their..
family are a.t the same time going to ,
destruction. As f see it, would not
the boys cherish the memory of pleas- .
ant evenings with father', more than
so inuch money, when that father is
no more. On the other hand there are
church society nieetings, genet al
prayer meeting,s, week evening classes,
Junior turd Senior.. League, Mission
Bands etc., all good in their place.
With it all, when Will WO as fainilies
ever get acquainted with each other.
If father is out every evening until,
say 11 o'clock, (I do not refer to the
fathers wire spend their evenings , '
drinkhrg :Ind gambling) is not Iiis sons -;
justified in following his example.
The question 1 would put to the fath-
ers and young men of this village is,
"When have you spent an i'\'013 '11' in
your own home?" I close with the old
sitying, •‘Wlicsre there's a -Will there's
a Way," CiTizEx.
A Shining Star.
The strides alticia The.Toronto Daily
Star is making are the features of
newspaperdorn in Canada. Within a
few weeks it has been p11110 the front
rank of city dailies. It has cut awav-
from, the Touonto tra,clition about
afternoon papers, and has enlarged itS
slze and the scope of its news so that
it is now on an even 'keel with its
morning contemporaries.
rt splendid special cable service is
a costly feature of the papef.'s im-
pr()vment. In London, New York,
Chicago, Boston, and Washington it
has its own residentcoreespondents,
as well as in the chief cities of the
Dominion. •
In Wall news The Star has forstalled
its competitors on many important oc-
Its correspondence, from the Cana-
dian contingent in, South. Africa in-
cludes some of the most 'interesting
let ter's that conieto tell the people of
this Dominion of the trials and the
gallantry of 0111' soldiers. •
Seeing that the markets and ex-
changes in the world's great trading
centres aee all closed before the after-
noon papers are printed, it has been
one of the unaccountable things that
the morningpapers should ever have
been looked ,aor and waited upon for
their commercial and financial pages.
The Toinnto Star btkes full advantage
of the time of its publication at 4
o'clock in the afternoon to present full
and reliable reports from all the trading
centres, as well as the local ex -changes.
These reports are published fifteen
hours (dread of the morning papers.
It has lately engitged one of the
best drawing citsels in the -newspaper
business in the person of Satu Hunter,
the ciutoonist, who went over this week
to The Star, -whose front page here-
after his; limner will go to enliyerl.
Another addition to the SI 11 staff of
more than passing interest was the en-
gagement of Mr. Joe Clark, "Mack"
of Saturday Night. The, Star's man-
agement are going the way to make
the paper the most readable in Canada.
. Erreitits.
11 RII1S —10 Craig, on Jan. 22nd.
the wife o.f W. ,A. Harris; of it son.
liensall, on Jan. 21111,
the wife of. Alr, J. R. Elobkirk, of ' a,
son. '
11.uNTER.--In ITsbovne, on the, 29th of
January, the wife of Sitrmn ' Huntei.
of a, son.
_ .„
STEW 11T --A North ounders,- of Us-'
borne, on Jan. 31st,. the wife of Geo.
Stewart, of a son.
SNI-msn—AGNEw---In Clinton,on Jan.
23, by Rev. A. Stewart, Miss May,
daughter of Mrs. Agnew. iitiren St.,
to John Snyder, both of Clinton.
'AlcLENNAN.—MoLE0D- At the re'
side -nee, of the bride's father. on Jan.
24th by Rev. Neil Shaw. Mr. Alex.
Mel:en:ran, to Miss Effie McLeod,
daughter of Mr. Mnrclock McLeod,
all of Srafo.rth.
ANDItnwS.--AIITCHELL,--At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, on Wed-
nesday, Jan. 31st., by the Rev. S.
Salton, Mr. Sidney Andrews, of
Flimville to Miss Mitchell of the
concession Of Bichlulph.
Sari Y. WOO la. —TD elisa, on
'Jan. 2501. by the Rey, Long, Mr. D,
SITlit11, LO Miss Annie, lieyWood, both
of Exeter.
WILSON—In Clinton, on Taesday Jan.
wamsegaret Wilson,relict of the late
Peter -Wilson, aged 70 yeaes.
Si1.1.13MAN---Tn Clinton, OD Jan. 22.
James, son of Geo. Sharman, aged
20 years and 8 months.
I3stracW11.1...—In Exeter on .Tan.
Catharine .\ 5111 beloved if
of Mr. `William Balkswill, aged 12
to:, 10 inoti t 11
1).-D3 11.Jvt.E.---In Stephen. on Jan. 294
lr(51 (i.,.,,(tfrsfli e late
3Emp.r,L.,-- In 17st:orrice on .10 101,'
26th, Wm, ,leckell, aged 66 vases,