HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-25, Page 8rgtataarx.,`,.. 31ISSine3S BrigiltbitSS gS SUO SS Bi,'lnce mc\ssrs-.. ozzas. Gr -reit) awl Ohai Fritz, .nleted. iVarclon. of eanecli, shot a wild ca m eorigratulete .Dr oll b ADM:CrTD AT ANY TIME swee,p je,,,„t, week, Mg appointed to the Werdenship. of , W1 ()purity of Huron; The 1)r. has (---) Celltralr----- e.r /,,, c The folloiying are the officers eh:et- had 1 ,ee ee e..,,eeeee he °omit „... Dom,. WB ard, Ireld in the I own liqi, - oi, Wc-fdriesday eyenin ., I. t Chu, r- qualijie'd t:u fill the 14)sitjun'''w'iffl'ered- STRwrFoliD, oNT, inane:P. I'x'esyne; Trectsttrerl.1" 'tile Colr- It (..t()(!).1)junijistey1.1,81..1(,11 t,°, t'll° bes.?i'1"11.°L'es"f A sohooi that orters advauteges -net found porattO of the Villii e, of Exeter if 'ilato business 11 -taxiing; scores of Eltwlents 't0 th n -die Jibrary 0 ar 43; :'' 4 exii'.•1•olinding country vv'kt loyally man, ,rieeed in goe..1 Paving P9sitiens; students. tene of iliKee years, Dr. Rutz, re-e'lect- .t, .1. 1‘,/ 1,, .1, „d . od other besinoss colleges. They want the ... ,, , JAst, when the entertainments in be an r , ed at the first iiieetine" of the Publie ' I "'re' • r , oil lliatter$,I.Ltid is, we 1 eel certain, well 01s:where ganada. Large staff ot expert secret, J. rigg 11R iiitesentatj.ve Coecert.,•, . • instruotionti; Increased arteudaiiee. up -to- . , f ^. ry) Vitriotisin ' of ciurecitizens and attonda ace from 'places ut which are Wont), '1ASthis was the first meeting. of 1 stec mil• a•Y an' tieS ;IY1111;IM best. it rays 341, the end. New, term ,now. #(0'73441.dttny OR present Year, -1.11Wt .5pen, ghter.as soon eo. jiossibie. of the different day ior et.17 1iaOsel4EA l'r9sP0.. Noother business Was, ; w.4',f4400. rli#V1,1411. The regular monthly 'meetings: 4.0.:0-tavo,NimNimeieeAtevevitifis:of the'Beard 'Will be held in, the Town ' qi Hall, non the - 3ri1, Mond:SY' of each I LOCAL DOL_ xxxortli. . J. GRIO(.+, Sec's". Wl.S/59WItlalitaetta.64s1V ,Thediscussion as to whether We are The Comity Couneill,isl'' eSession he 19th or twentieth Century, •as this voc)k. ' e. liVeomine• monotonous but as.a reader Revival meetlngs are being held in'il.anxl°11s to know which of te two the Main Street, Afethodist church, ,..0e correct, we quote the folla ' •• • . 'When any epoch of time began, it Ratz. Av1ii-adde:6ss a-001:1, 1 had to continue 365 days to Make 1 ecil meeting in Cre,ditOn on the .84 Year. All these days the people were , living in the year 1. They Must ;liVe A movements on !,foqt to establish 100 )3-i these years to make the -first another fturnit,rre factory in century. The first eentury di� it ham. ' close with the year 99, but the year Me. Miners, ot Ellinville, is learning 100. As the first century did not eud the hardware 1 -easiness with Mr. W.: J. until the yee.r with two 00 had con- Heaman. ' tinned until the hist day, so all other') Rev, Hobbs, ee welebam. delivered eenturiesunust likewise wait until the au ;address in the Maill Street. ,'Idifirch two 00 year is 865 ti"Ys °id' WC ole pusde:3,, eveneig, ' e in the 19th century. The 20th century Crows' have elready been sz;!6' a inwill hegin iext 1. january the neihboriMod.This is Stirel,v a Lne officers of Ex,eter Lodge, No. 67, sign of an early eprine- . Independent Order of Odd -Fellows were ins -tailed by Bro. S. A. Popel- Handford Viliott shipped a ear- stone, /3. D. D., ,se followe:72Bro. R. N. load of horses Athe Old Country on Rowe, N. G.; Bro. N. ,T.,,,coeniediee, Tuesday; Mr. El'Aett going with. them. V. G." Bro B. E F k S.; Bro. W. The Provincial:Legislature willeneet irott, Tr • u 'red Ge.ao. Jewell, ebont the middle of February, but the War • Bro, ‘.°4-Eiasiltings,,, on.; Bro. exact date has not yet, beenl!)-46,eided on. Hy'.-Eanibinojk, R. S. N. 0.• Bro. Geo. Mr. Chas. Stewart'of Lauiley,k.illed Heaman, L. S. N. G. Bro. 'W. Johns, is snake orrFriday last eviriehls."0'very R. S. S.; Bro. J Rendle, L. S. S., Bro. rareocearrenee this seescar.ftheryear. Geo. Breoks, Chap. The lodge has Use Winan's Corigh Baisana; for been very sueeessful during the passed Coughs. (..,,:mildsnd BeonchlYidtroliblee. term, large.ameousi.its of beoefiW. H. Trott. Every were For 841e at Lutz's Drug. sehf-.6. • 'Price Paid °"`' by a 25e. p jx) year adds large reserve funds to the . , nand no other itoeedtgieingoliofscittleneh .soctY's exchequer cleety offers better inducements to s•L' those who desire a good financial will be`-liehlln Exeuer.on the. first T.a, es- „dee day in Feliruary. • Mr. Gesi;IManson has -leased the -v- f• -1 p-ty a., o t re i i hit., referring - to the I South halt re, , Aiessrs. Wood Bros. , , ,., • • • _ lna111.1ge of a former well-known gen- ilkick alifi ''‘..,-- 1. 311°7'.`,='111's Sil° stock tleman of Exeter, who now resides in therehlWam„.March-Ist• ee:y ,e, es, London: " A. very pretty weildingr. The Strat*rd Eil&e.ze:4,took place this morning at ,11reord1,6ek,), N'ill. HaNekshafre;tse_%oke'St'',.','iA.F'a•Vys, at St patrick's c nrch,` Rev. Failier will in firtuee trciVelt.V.4.fesKelly &Co.°, Graves offlei - , The erwtracting cigar manufacturers, -London. - partiee,Nyere"'a . sSJ.ncy -Robinson, of The Huron County Ponitry show the-e4Y) and Mr. McPhillips; of Lon - The Evening Leader, of Richmond, will be helcl cit Seaforthe on jaan4ly don, Canada,. The bride is the popu- . 30th,. 31, Februcvey/st. a/3(12nd. Actlieoreelar .and Attractive daughter of Mr. . will be about 10 birds from here 'ex- Christopher Robinson; and looked beautiful in 'a blue. cloth travelline. suit. With hat to match. She Was atteEt,nded Josh)). Tyermaii, or .Seareith, has a by her sister, l'ilie.s• Rebecca. Robinson. ,f a, 'Whip 00 veers old It • . i . . ; . C:,ePiyghsci- 9 ..1-.)o-kul.)-(-.1-s, h•las.1;33e.0.--sp4;•es• anod The groom as. a prominent barrister of London. and and was attended. 1,3 Mr.. co.ntains 14 books not in. the reviSed George ..-... u Robinson, brother Of the edition. ,, : . . bride:: . After the cereniony the couple -, Cluis. ;Johnston, conimitted for one left ror an extended . or thew tour, „ year forhorse -St,ealing and Edward . . after.which. they , will ' reside. in Lon - Hall, six months for shop hrenkmg, done , , were removed from Goderich to King - Within the year the becuitiful love story of Mr. and Mrs: Browning has The social evening which was given become public property and endeared by the Willing \Yorkers of the Trivitt these two poets to all •Ns.lao believe in the Memorial church, an Friday evening uplifting power of human affection. last, was a grand success. • The Pro- America. too, has had in the literary ceeds amounted toabont eight dollars. world a beautiful story, of titc,in last week-. ' J. W. Broderich has jiist received ' a which but little is knownand. nraa- :Bankrupt stock of groceries and. 'dry tidally nothing has been published. goods. The cheap sale will commence The life of Netheniel Hawthorne :and to -day (Thursday)and the balance of his wife 'wee' . Most pine and devot- , our Beet :mei Shoe stock will be. Offer, ed in alt its .relations. sThis Ifitherte ed, Very cheap: . , unpublished romance .delicately J. W. BRODERICK. treated in the February number of The Delineator, under the title "A The'case of Gardiner vs.. Ross which . was entered. to. be tried. at 'Goderich :Romancer's Love. Stery.". rt is illust- before Judge Masson on the 30th. inst. rated with Mrs. 1-lawthorne's picture iers -been settled out of comt. mere_ reproduced by pet inission from a fami- dith 'SI. Co. (London) for the defendants. ly Portrait. The aspect of this de - Collins & Stanbury (Exeter) for def. ilghtfiti woman is almost unknown to By a misplaced comma. a paper in Anaerican WOR1011. Many interesting topics in this issue. Subscription $1.00 Greely county raised a dickens of a row. It said: "Two young men from a year. single copies, Inc. „Delineator Leoti went with their girls to Tribune Pub' ‘C'n.'" Turn', k.4`)'''.; to attend the Teachers"Thstitute and. cut Prices in Law' es soon as they left, the seirls got We wish to state that we. are Pre-, drunk." The comma belonged- after pared to do laundry work at Ilie^rfal-1 the othls. , • lowing prices:—Shirts close fronts The Can;idicanrailroads have decid ere; open fronts e. • culls .c. parr, col - es tars le. All goods must be left at the ed to refuse to allow clubs of societies to /eel excursions over their lines on laundry 4 0:efeck on Vuesday of each ,.)tiblio holidays such as MaY ,The week. THOMPSON BROS. ectilweys-find they get as muck traffic, Dissolved Partnership. as they can handle at ohen own rates, ,The partnership her etofm e exist,n without-.coneestine- -certain sections between Messrs Cobbledick &r, Wit - for special excursions. lianas was last week dissolved, bbleg Mr. Wm. Chepman, of the town- Cointerest havinand the firm in future' puraased Mr: ship of Hay, has a fine black thorn cape which has been ,hand declown win- be Known asj. Cobbledick & on. from fether• to son in the Chapman We -wish the new firm everY success. - family ever since 1792. Mr. Chapman cigarettes. says it has attendedlnany fairs thi, Those who smoke cigarettes should 016 Country, but to the best of his read andponder the following:—David knowledge, has never Cracked any Hurley, a Paris, Onteboyn 19 years old. kulls. died from the effeets of cigarette smok- ing. His father said the boy smoked During the past.few weeks W. Cud - $5 worth of cigarettes a week. He had more, of Kippen, has shipped from shrivelled up until he looked like an different stations in that neighborhood. old Man. His lungs were in bad shape over 40 cars of hay; all destined for the:. oia.Coantre-. Lately- the Depart- and- hisblood very ment of .A grieulture at Ottawa, asked ohm opened the boy'thin. The physt- s arm and found a him to tender for a quantity of hay to the main blIdrep haal dd did not contain p be sent to South Africa, and he wired of ood. t 'artery d lrieu. The boy's father rennestapd that the, case an offer to simply 200 tans or nibre ' be made public' so that it would. serve On Wednesday night of last week as a warning toother boys.. -while Mr. Sames Brmtnell, accompan- ' '."' south n turott Agricuiturat society, led by a number of others, were dThe riv- The annual meeting of the members ing home froni HaY swamp, the horse of the S.outh Huron Agricultural So - took fright mid ra,n a,way. The °nevi- ciety was held in Dixon's Hall, Bruce - pants were hurled out with consider - geld, on Wednesday last, Mr. John able force but luckily all e,scaped 1111- Tietchen, of Stanley, in tie chair. The hart. The horse received a, bad out report of the treasurer and and the sleigh was somewhat darn:aged. auditors show the society to be still in a Turkish Scalp Flood removes dand- perons condition,fiwincially and ogrel,': Tuff, removes itching of the .scalp, re- wise. During the ‘year. about $1,000 stores thc natural color and vitality of had been paid out in prizes and the faded and grey hair and is a most year ,was closed with a surplus of over pleasant dressing, for the hair. Turk- $600 ha the treasury: The following fish Scalp Food. is rapidly growing in officers were elected for the eurrent puddle favor and takes the leed of all year: 'Henry Smith, Hay, president; other preparations on the market. Thomas Thissell, 1.-Tsborne, 1st vice- 7or sale at Lutz's Drug store, Exeter, nresident; Peter McGregor, Brucefield, . . 'end vice-president; directors, John The Patriarchs of Exeter, Encamp- Ketchen and John Murdock. Stanley; men t, No. 33, were installed into their respective offices by Pat. S. A. Popel- Robert McAllister, Hay; Ed: „Christie 'ton 1). Tee officers for and William Bawd:en Exeter; Hugh McCartney ;and ,Tohn AtcNevin, Tuck- for•thisitern) :Ire : --Pet,„ Geo. llearnan, ersmith; Dixoe :and D. Meth - C. P.: Pat.: W. 11. Trott, S. W.; Pot , y W,; pt.t A I, t05311, V. S Brneefield. Thomas Fras- .1";i uke. Seribe: Pate J Spacklra,n Treas.; Pat., FL Buckingham, Conde; Pat. Rd. Crocker, f. 5,; Pat, 5, Popelston, H. P:t Cottarette Lost. „ , ' On the .Lcionon P..oad, eetween Mr, , , ,, Wm. .Rollins mu! town, 2, filt, Conar. .1,t:te;; Finder svill eonfer a 'favor by le'aving smile cat. this office. of the Red Cross Society Fund were given. On Monday nTght the opera house was so coMpletely filled that hundreds were unable id:erect-ire seats it was therefore deaided by the man- aging ''ePPininitte. to repe# the enter- tainment on Tuesday eVening, when anoth-er 'good audience attended. The etitertainmentsi/were excellent and_ most highly enjoyed by the large -num- ber of-i..eople who witnessed them. The citipns, bend, sehoOT children, 101110 teerk all rendered waltieJile assist- ance. 'The talent was lAme talent with tl}d exception of Miss Myra: Pick- ard, of Londca, whose singing delight- ed the audience. The entertainments were cvtainly a ceedit to Exeter and all who kindly assisted by, taking part deserveAhe thanks of the managing eemmittee and of the citizens at large. The proceeds for both evenings, over and above expenses,aanounted to about $175. council Proceedings. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, San. 19. All present. Minutes of previous meet- . ing read , and confirmed. Muir—Arm- strong, that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn: --James Creech, wood to Mrs. Mooreshead, $3.00; the Cletk, P. 0. Box, 51.06; Wm. Creech, labor, 50c.; A. ,Eseues, repair- ing furnace Ns-alls at Tewn Hall, 51.00; Municipal World, subscription for 6 copies 55.00: S. Sanders, postage 51.91. Carried. • Levett—Evans, that the auditors report as presented be adopt- ed. Carried. Levett—Arinstrong, that the auditors be paid the sum of 58.00 each and that orders be drawn on treasurer for same. Muir -Arm - stymie., that the Treasurer be paid the sum of 555.00 as salary for 1900. Car- ried. Muir—Evans, that .Tames Creech be re -appointed street commissioner for the year 1900, at the Sam'e salary as last year and that a By-law he draft- ed confirmingsthe atipointinent. Car- riedeorAlia-L-Arnistrone•, that A. E. Puke, bo assessor for 1900, at same ent-dtairY•as last year aud a By -Law be Milted' confirming same. Carried. Erafis-t,Level),t, that the tender of the Advocate Printing Co., being the low- est, be accepted. --Carried... Armstrong --Levett, that the communication re- garding a donation to the consump- tion sanitarium be filed and the Clerk ask for further information regarding the institution. Carried. Muir-- Evans,that Council adjourn to Friday, February 2nd, 1900, at 7.30 porn.—Car- ried. GEo. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Presbyterian Church Annual Meeting. The annual Congregational church meeting of Cavell Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday evening, San. 23rd, in the basement of the church. After devotional exercises the business for the past year was taken up. Min- utes of former meeting were read and approved. Reports from call organiza- tions of the cburch were duly read, namely:—Managers, Treasurer, Ses- sion, Sabbath School, Ladies' Aid So- ciety, Christian Endeavor Society and the Willing Workers Mission Band. Total amount of receipts per church purposes Were 51143.28; expenditure 51144.98, le,aving a deficit of 51.70 to be met. Total amount receipts Sabbath school, 579.90; expenditure S.S., $68.88; receipts Ladies' Aid Society, 5106.97; expenditare L.A.S., 577.85; receipts Endeavor Society, 568.15; expenditure E.S.. 552.25; receipts Willing Workers Mission Band, 54-2; besides articles of clothing was sent to the Northwest 'territories to the amount of 522.50; receipts for all purposes, 51462.86; ex- penditure do.„ 51343.96. The follow- ingegentlerrien were elected on the imp:aging board, (For two years)—W. MeNeyin and J. A. Stewart; for one years -:-Dr. Lutz. W. D. Weekes and F. W. Glachnan; Treasurer, Mr. James Murray,.(reeeldeted;) Secretary, Joseph Senior; Anditors, Dr. Amos, Mr. Stan - bury; points re. -improvements to church property were freely discussed and all action left in control of manag- ing board. At the close 0 hearty vote of thanks was extended to all officers of the different branches of the church, after which the ladies of the congrega- Vonkindly served refreshments, which yAre enjeyed by the large attendance presg'itt.„, Meeting closed , by singing the Doilo,0'7u1xid 'prayer. Presbytery This Presbyt-44)e,' erin, Henseli on the Igth inst. r1tie,isne,em- pointed moderator forl.fgeWiti)teg, months. Session recordk.,'eil-k-',•ae; arnined and attested. A Conirn1{WA, of Messrs. Masgrave, Sewers and She* \yes cappOinted to visit the following congregations With the view of re -ar- ranging the fieldin order to lessen the aT11011111.; :received by the Presbytery from the Angrnentation. Fund, viz., Leeburn, Goderich township, Union church, Bethany; Mayfield, Varna, Blake, Hills Green, Kippen and Chisel - burst. The annual report of the Women's.Presbyterial Society of For- eign Missies NVa.Ssubnated, :showing that the societY is in a flourishing con- dition. The amount raised .during the past year -Was $1,658: Rev. A, Grant, Al. A., f St. Alarys, is appoint- ed by the Asseinbly Century Fund Conanittee to visit the Presbytery in the interests' of the said fund 'and, the 'following scheme, WaS adopted forhis vieitatiOn of congregations: January 28, Kippeii,'Sr. Hills Green, p. in.; Hensel], eye/nil:0 January 29 30, for committee., cuidnieenvass work; Feb- ruary:L., Grand Betirt:And Corbett; Feb- ruary 4, Thames RO0:114,,, Kirkton, p. Exeter, evening; 'Febralary 5-7, Committee ;1110 COlitiaSS work,.. includ- ing Chiselhurst: February $,, Varna, evening; February 9, Blake, eVening; February 11, Hullett; a. in.; 'Loucks. boro, p. m.; Blyth: evening: February 12 13, conamittee and eanyass „work; February IL Bayfield, °Veiling:. Feb- er,StanleY, and A. T. Scott, Bracefield raary 15, • Bethany, p, An.; Union were elected auditors. At 0 meeting church, evening; February 18, :Bruce - of the new board, held immediately fie d, a. m., Clinton, , exentn r, Fel in - after the annual meeting, M. Y. Me. ary19-20,conimittee clod eanserse work; Lean was Appointed secretaltsy-treasnie' February 21, Manchester; evening, ev, and Thomas Russell and John Mins February 22,Stnith's Ilall, p. trait, Lee - dock to represent the society on the burn, evening; February 25, Seaforth, board of the Western Fair Associa- a. rn.; Winthrop, p, in; Egmendville, tion, r_aindon, It was also decided to --eg; veninFebruary 20-28, coinmittee hokl the usiial sr)ving, fair a t Bruceuield, , •^ nneort end Lectnrc, rho Lecture.r:and Cement held in Gidleys' Opera :House, ander the aus- Ucee of the Ladies' Aid pi the PresbY- -,erlan chureh on.Thursday night last, )roved a grand success both in attend- MeeZU-1,rd the excellence of the pro- gram. 11.1,0 Lectiire entitled om TorontoAQ Belfast,, via way of Salt Lake MY:" by Rev. Patterson, of 'To- x•onto Vas indeed a treat. The speak- er labduire,d ...Under diffieulties, suffer- ing from throat trouble which render- ed his voice soinewhat husky, but not- withstanding this his hearers listened to his interesting discourse with marks, ed attention. The Proceedseamonfiffil to over 550.00. , r'PERSONAL Saturday. John Williams,' •Wa$ ill '170W/1 • - s."Ntr: Geo..Cedmore is visitine. ends in Seaforth. Attss Maggie Sweetis visiting friends in Brudefield.. . Mr, 'Wan. Ress,,, of Clinton, was in tOwn. over Sunday, ' ..Mrs 'Fowell is visithre. .her sister, Mrs. E. j. Speekinare. • Mr.' Jos. ;Senior .;spent Monday in Chabhain on .business. , Me.. Andrew Oke, of .Brudefield; visiting friends in town. Miss' Jessie Elder, of Hensalt, is the guest of Miss Cora Prior. ; • 'Miss Martha, Bett. returned to her horrid inaiPpen on Moiaday. ' Mr. Win. Westeott returned to his home in Seaforth on Satardia.Y. Miss Polly Flake, Who has been in a low State Of health, is recovering. - 'Mrs. P. Bawden, who has been indis- posed forseVeral: recovering.'' Miss Mabel Jamison, of Blyth,,is the guest of Miss Edith Sanders this Week: , , Mr.. Rich. Harris, of Brandon; Man.„ is Visiting friends in town for a few days. Miss Clara Passmore, of Thames Road; is the guest of MiSs. Annie Quanee. Mr. Joseph Seiner has returned 'home, after spending, a few days in Chatham. Mr. Jos. Davis is improving nicely and it is hoped will he out around be- fore long. 1 ..) -AlieS Lida Rollins has retinalect to Rochester, . where she is assisting: her !neither in -his . store. Mr. Win. Davidson, after 0 short visit with his parents in Wiarton, re- turned home last week. " Mr.H. 'DYatt of Leadville president of the 'An:aerie= Mining Go., visited S. A. Popelston this week. . Mr. John Dearing and, daughter, - of Silverwood, Mich., are ,Spendingsa few' days in and around Exeter. Dr.. Rollins and Mr: D. McInnis are attending County Council in then. Official capacity this Week. Mr..Fred Carr, who has been 'visit' ing friends in town returned to his home in 'Dahrth,On' Tuesday. Mr. 'Win. Jeckell, London Road; is in a very low state of 'health. and. the end may come any moineut. ' Wesley :Sanders, of Stephen, left Wednesday for Mitchell where he has accepted a situation as.tailor. . . Mr. John Elliott of Montana, visit- ed in town Mondaw.leAving' for his. old home in Wingtham Tuesday Merit. ing. Mr. Win. Schnar, of Calgary, .Alta., acconipanied by Mr. L. Bertrand, of Crediton, .spent Monday With friends in town. Miss Jennie Gould, who has: been visiting relatives 'arid friencs :in' De- troit .and Pontiac, Mich., returned home Monday evening.. Mrs. Reid and daughter who have been visiting at Mr. Richard Gidley's, left Tuesday evening for London where they will make their home with Mr. Parkinson. Mr. ,Tam es Parkinson antifamily left last Thursday for London, where they will make their future home. They have the well wishes of their many warm friends here. Messrs. J. H. Grieve, Jos. Senior, Frank Wood, accompanied by their WiVeS, will attend the marriage, of Miss Snarling to a Mr. Baker, of Sarnia, at Seaforth to -day, (Thursday.) Miss Charlotte Dearing, who has been in Brucefield for some time, has returned to her home in Stephen. She was accompa,nied by Mies Jessie Gran- ger, who will visit friends here for a few days. Mrs. Brown, Exeter North;returned hoene Tuesday from Hibbert where. 11#;kynt3;41,,,,tending byithe bed side of her ',41-0414:441.0..Dow, who has been suf- fering:h4lkir•e0(,•,,re attack of araly- siS o27theetlAreat. "Mr. and MPeter GOW1111''Exe- ter, visited the foriner,s motherZ, Mrs. Gowan, Vest Ward, this week. --Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard and daiightee Alice, of Exeter, visited the hirmeid,s sister, Mrs. A. Smith, Watere'street south, this week."—St. Marys Jimmie]. Seaforth: The little babo girl of Mr. J. K. Richardson fell on the floor on Saturday and broke her arm. Clinton. Mrs McLeod of town met with a bad accident on Sunday after- noon, as she was retruning from Sun- day school, slipping on the sidewalk, and breaking her leg. at the thigh. On the previous occasion she had the misfortune to'break her arm by falling precisely the same way. The latter accident is 0 serious one, from the fact that she is up in yearsand very frail, so that her chances of recovery are slight. Coderich: A quiet bet pretty wed- ding took place on Wednesday even- ing 10th inst., at the home of the bride, 'The Maples," Bayfield Road', the residence of 'John Salkeld, Esq. 7,116bride;.,whc was given away by her 'father, Was richly attired in a coStunie of blue enssel cord, trimmed' with brocaded' ashes of roses silk. The bridesniaich Miss Jennie Wilson, sister of the geoom, wore pink silk waist end crepon skirt. The groom, Mr. 5. G. Wilsen, was assisted by Mr. /terry Salkeld, brother Of the bride, The marriage ceremony WAS performed by and canvass work, including AlcKillop.. the Rev. jaSper 'Wilson. mmumnammessomme . AT THE CORN • tir'71,' MED JAst 'arrived this week, a large sh Ladies' White Skirts at prices rangin 25. - . 00,4, • 350 yds. of Silks for Spring, in different shades and ratakAsq•.- nOtirprice un from 256. to $1.00a yd. ' We have the best Black Silks made, arid, are glair:a/109rd by the inane- fileteiver,to be ths, bZist. ' The reinitcation of C.., f. Bonak,,&,,'Co's.'131:ick Silkhil').e been sustained for nianY yecirs and these ‘nAl4."(.3. 'den always be . - ' , . '. re,1,,i,elf s c. ', „ e.,•-.''"! • n gko ent of 75c.- KiestlY's Dress ,Goods consist of E .galinke,;tiPopliilf ...Blister Clot ,rges, WOR'tPiques,--Alsacian Cloths,. ''41morirte and:0 hineres. 5,'3 ,, ave. just pladed in stoc,kerlarge go tot, -V. of Piques, Mu n'S, VaE io.l.ke Dykr11;Tging, Few '7,:White,,strie..Cambries, .A-re,,,Afuslins and Sateerig',--Ari ins ' "On or our46/a.'is solicited. 't , l'' ' AciKINIAN ersfor W.'V.,;Sandforcl's,Clothing. Itt.. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP,, 'he pick peel wishes to annomach, tis 11 enesl. 11pa0 blacksmit,O.; bu.p s in• avie'aftl. stand, Main stiiftvheieI1e wilTe prepared to do all kinds of • .21' General Jobbing Blacksmithing. HORSE Sh'OEING A SPECIALTY A CALL SOLICITED. JAS. RUSSELL. OMMON SENSE OMMANDS that you should call end inspect the lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS that we have placed in our store Yon will find. in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a snit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. lIn.ight. Misty Vision Comes with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly fitted glasses. Spectacles ase our specialty. When we fit them, they give satisfaction. Byes examined free. Fit -tor, „GRA,DVATE'0416T-PCIAN, AT T. Fitton's jeweiryStore St. Marys: The firm of Richardson and Webster sustained a severe less Tuesday morning, owing to the roof of then. wareroern Caving in on :eel count of the heavy' pressure „of snow, which had accumulated. on it dUrin the recent MON'? storms. The casualty might have resulted more edrimisly had theroof fallen in during the work.' ing bout's, as workmenwere accustom- ed to pass andere-pass through the in- jured hailding many -times -0, day. Carpenters are now at work putting the fallen bilding into good Shape. Tuckersprith: • We are informed that: W. M. Doig threatees actions against R. B. McLean, for alleged defamation of character. The parties are bethe preipinent and highly -re- spected residentS, of the township, and the tremble irises over statements said to have been made at a, reeent Public Meeting: Hit is unfortunate that, men whb, have hitherto beep 'good' friends and neighbors shearld,..:falL mit over personal Matters, and We think they &Maid try: to heekiffi.V.' breach instead of widening lt .,, Lew is, an ,exe pensiVeluxury, and no Matter he* it, results, is unsatisfactory. :These two men shOtild come tegether and forget their differences. doubt each thinks the other WrOng.1--1t Always is "the Other fellow" 111)1) 15 wrong—but nomatter whichis in ' the hop it. . O'sinfretViti, LOOS /I BOLTS WANT IIIL HIGrllEST PRICES PAID, Cu.stom. Sawing Done, THE SUTHERLAND-INNES (Late Gould's Mill) E. Q. KESSEIdo Forem EXETER, ONT. EXETER 1.1 1,.. BER YARD. East side of Main street, opposite planing mill. —STOCK— We have in stock, dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in., 11 in., 1- in. and 2 in. Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on hand. .A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Call and Examine - Jas. Willis, Proprietor. Light your home with . The Light of all Lights, ACETYLENE CAS - The Radiant Home Automatic Acetylene Gas Generator. The RAdiant I-Iome Automatic Acety--' lene Gas 0 eterator has numerouse.ees-e. timonials and each Machine is Guar-, anteecl to give every satisfaction. Manufactured by MELVILLE & MORRISON,c, EXETER, ONT. ' COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left,at Hawkshaw's Hotel or :At the Livery Stalole, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. . rretms Reasonable rrelephone .1/ 'Connection SOLE L'EATHERL. We wish to impress on the minds of everybody that, we don't sell sole leather, neither do we sell xneat.as tough no sole leather. OUR MEATS Are of the vcry best finality. Try o lig brown Sirloin- IteaSt. It le as toothsome and apnetizing as the lamons neaceek:s rog'st of singly tin) PS. We know how to fix it un 011 nice for the oven. Try Us Once, Yon:11 try us twice. 'You'll find our meats Are choice and nice. John Manning Children 'Cry for CA-STO IA.