HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-25, Page 6Subseribers who do oet resat 13 0101' pa er Tegulfsrly w U1PIOSSQ1101Ify t01(30. Apply St this yaws tos advortising i'ates. .1/ . THTA E FTFR 1.)VOCATF THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1900 IN A BUSY WORLD. The English Thbaceo trade employs to -day 121 women to every 100 men, A line of street ems in 'St. Louis is .1to be run by compressed aix. Li Italy 000,000 people find employ - anent in rearing silkworms, About 0110 German woman in every twenty-seven works in a factory. Somthing like 1,850,000 square yards .of lookine-glase is manufactured in !Etnope anurtally. Daring 1898 Great Britain imported L20,800,000 merchandise from Canada., and exported to it only4...;'5,815,000. Since natural gae was first discover- ed in Indiana 7,208 oil wells and 3,48 gas holes have been sunk. Known to al 0 nsanda—Parinelee's Veg- 'table Pills yegulate tile aCtion of the secretions, purify the Hood and keep the stomach and bowels free fronadeleterious matter. Takei: according to direction .tbey will overcome dyspepsia:, eradicate biliousness, and leave the digestive organs healthy and strong to perform their _functions. Their merits are well-kuoNvu to thousands who enow by 'experience how benefictial they are in giving tone to the sestein. The Smart Xoungster. Ilere are some children's sayings reported'. by the Chicago News: "Now, boys," said the Sunday school teacher, our lesson to -day teaches us that, if we are good while 1.are on earth, when we die we will go to a place of everlasting bliss. But suppose we aro bad, then what will become of us?" "We'll go to a pla,ce of everlasting blister," replied • a small boy at the foot of the class. "Mamma," said small Charlie, "I think be a preacher .when. I grow ap." "Very well, my son," replied the fond mother, "but what put the idea into your head?" "Well," re- plied the little fellow, "1 s'pose I've got to go to church all my life any- -way, and it's a heap more fun to walk around and talk thin it is to sit istill." Health for the children. 'Miller's Worm Powders. Character in Woman's waik. An observing man insists that he can tell a woman's character by her manner of walldiag and the kin.d of 'shoes she -wears. He says that the listless way of lifting one's feet indi- tates laziness or ill-heatlh. A heavy, fiat -footed step means a good house- keeper, bat an aggressive nature. A dragging, shuffling step denotes indo- lence of mind and body. He observes, -further, that the 'woman who likes anannish shoes is not dainty or femin- ine, and that the ideal woman wears well -fitting shoes in the street and 'dainty slippers in the house. Ainard's Liniment Cures Garget 111 Caws. Veritable City of Padlocks. Irkutsk, Siberia, is a city of pad- locks. There are more padlocks on the shutters and doors of an Irkutsk *lore than can be found in an Ameri- can city of 20,000. There are as many pee three padlocks on some store doors, d every lower story shatter bears from one to five. The -padlocks weigh from one to fifteen pounds. The pop- ular size is Ave pounds and 214 inches thick. • New life for a quarter. 111111er's Com- pound Iron Pills. A croft ted, "Remember," said the yo -ung man. with the downy moustache and the foreign title, "I am not a fortune kunter." " No, " answered Mr. C umrox, gloomily, "I discovered that shortly after I became your father-in-law. 'You propose to sit still and have the fortune walk into your bank account. You wouldn't do anything so fatigu- ing as to get up and hunt it." Try I1a-11 would be a gross iejustice.to • 00110011ria that standard healing .agent Dr. Thomas' Eblectric Oil with the ordie- arrunglienta lotions and salves.. They are inflammatory and astring- ent. The Oil is, on the contrary, mein- eintly eooling.and soothing when applied .externally 10 relieve pain, and pawed alty eremedial when swallewed. Coffee Cultureift 9neens1and. The cultivation of coffee on the siortlaern coast of Queensland is stated to be becoming.= important industry. GP:mere are said to be making ready o export to Britain coffee bra. ground and tinned condition. A new back tor 50 cent, Eidney Pills and Plaster. How to Make Potato Si,,,w. Steam the potatoes in their jackets until quite tender, peel them and rub -through a wire sieve or machine into a hot vegetable dish, piling high in the center. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does Met require the bele or any purgative medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. There are 88 canals of business im- portance within the limits of the 'United Slate. They vary in length from one mile to 881, that of tbe Erie, and in eost from $70,000 to $52,000,- 000. If the ebildren requite physic none ants so nice a* Miller's Worm Powders; very pleasant to take. 1)01N(;S ()F \\117i,Elc. TEMS tae INTEREST FROM THE WORLD AROUND Fritned, Punctuated and Preserved In l'itthy Paragraplis for the Perusal of PraCtical People — personal, Political and Pro hrahl e. •The Hamilton Patriotic Eund on Saturday had reached $8,800. The (eueen hes proclaimed a meet- ing of Parliament for Jan. 80. '1'be rate of discount of the Bank of England, was on • Thursday reduced from6 to 5- per cent. Charles , Haywood was • elected Mayor Of Victoria 'with two , to one majority' on Thursday. Li Hung Changhas arrived at Shanghai on his way to assume the viceroyship of Lianglewam The bubonic plague has made its appearance at Rio Julien:6, Brazil. There has, been ono death' 'there. British societies in the United States have raised, and will, contri- bute $230,000 to the Mansion lieluse Fund. ' The U. S, 1 -louse Committee on 'In- ter -a tate Commerce on Friday, re- ported favorably on the Ilepimen NI- ca,ragua Canal bill. Consicleeable fear is .expressedin the. German ,press that • Aaterican autoe, mobiles will invade Germany, and a higher duty is demanded. ' Frank Conricic, secretary of the Chicago Buil dove ' • and Trades Vs - change, fearing hydrophobia, commit- ted suicide by shoating .'en Sunday, The new White Star. Line steamer Oceanic sailed from Queenstown . at 10 a.m. on Thursday for New Yorlc., with 1,381 sacks of -mail on board, The number of deaths at Bombay', largely from the bubonic. plague, jumped .up on Friday from 282 to 376. The normal death rate is '75. ' 'On Dec. 28 Thomas Puller, 25 years cif age,' left the home of Thos. Verley, Dresden, Ont., and no trace of him can' be found. Fuller was slightly denaented. There are over 1,000 entries for the. boultry show itt Cincinnati, 0., this week, including all the -states and Canada. . There will .be exhibits also of dressed Poultry and eggs. Two laundre,d and forty 1<londikers were snow barricaded at I3ennett last 'Friday, when the steamer Rosalie, which has • just arrived at Seattle, Wash., sailed from SkaguaY. Vera, I)oughts, the beautiful Cana- dian woman who has had lords, dukes and princes. in her train, and whose escapades had been the theme of the gossip of two continents, has been buried- at St. Germain, a suburb of Paris, France. ' It is announced from the Fisheries Departinent at Toronto that spear- ing will be allowed on the bay at Hamilton this winter, subject to the condition that each spearer take out a license and that spearing of salmon trout and evhitefish, is prohibited. Advices from White Oaks, N.M., 'in the Sacramento Mountains, 150 miles northeast of El Paso, say that sec- tion was swept by a blizzard on Thursday, the effects of which were. disastrous. Many thousand head of stock were frozen stiff. The Ontario Government haspass-- ed an Order -in -Council placing the manufacturing clause on pulp wood cut in the province. The Order -in - Council provid.e.s that after' May 1 next all pulp- wood cut in the pro- • vince shall :be manufactured in the province. Napoleon Lepine of Ottawa, who was charged with the crime of at- tempted murder, was triumphantly acquitted on Saturday, and -the man who was alleged to have been shot at, Peter Albert, now lies in a felon's cell, with the charge of perjury hang- ing over him. A team belonging to Mr. Walker, a butcher, of Thorndale, took fright on Thursday and dashed into car No. 53 of the Pottersburg line at London, killing one of the horses. The car was damaged, the horse's head and shoulders crashing through the front of the vestibule. The recent demand of the engineers employed by the Lake Shore Road, Ohio, that the salary classification be abolished and a uniform scale of $3.80 be paid for a day's Work, has been granted by the company. The advance granted will benefit, 200 en- gineers and amount to about $20 per month for each man. THE DEAD. Prince Alforio, commander of the Papal Guard of Nobles, died on Sun- day. Alexander Williams, Boston's' pio- neer bookseller and publisher, died on Thursday, aged 81. Prof. .Tames Martineau,. the eminent Unitarian theologian, died on Friday in London. He was in his 95th year., , Mr. Claxton, formerly n leading drygoocls man and noted philanthro- pist of Montreal, died at an early hour on Sunday morning. Hon, Geo. Bryson, Sr., (lied on Sat- urday morning at 10 o'clock at his residence at Port Coulonge, Que. De- ceased was in his 8711i year. A despatch from 13orclighera, on the Riviera, on Saturday, announced the death of iVfanlio Garibaldi, a SOn of the late General Garibaldi. ' Spotted Tail, the well-known Sioux chief, who has been a,t Paris exhibit- ing, died there of heart .disease en Friday. He was S9 years old. Mrs. 'Garreav, znotaer Of the Hon. J. T. Garrow, died on Friday after- noon at the homes legal, near Sea-, forth, at the advancerl ago of 83— CHIME AND ,carlitrNAE,s. Game Inspector Br clew o od had five. men arraigned at Westport for killing deer out Of season. Three were fined $20 and costs each. Alfred Morrison, who shot and kill- ed one of his wives with whom he was living in Mount Vernon, is under arrest at New York. Lewle 11. oldsmith, for years the assistant cashier ef the Port lereis, N.Y., National Bank, who pleaded guilty of having stolen 891,000 frete that institution, Was on Friday Seri- telleed to eery° eight years in be peinitentiarY at Sing Sing, LIRE'S DIFFICULTIES. Penalties of Modern Methods of Living, Picton, Dec. 13.—We road a great deal concerning the hardships and, pufferings endured by the Canadian pioneers in the early days og our Do- minion. But the truth is that natmy of their descendants, in our own times, endure equally as much as did their forefathers. T'he ease of Miss Anna Young; of this town, is an instance. Miss Young is it grand -daughter of Col. Henry Yomag, the United Empire Loyalist, in whose honor Fort Henry itt Kingston, was named. She says: "I had suffered with rhouniatisin for twenty years. My poor body was all twisted out of shape, so you can im- agine the agony I endured. My phy- siciaus could not help me ; 'all, th.e medicines I used were utterly useless. "I read of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, one day, and thought I'd give them it trial. I am. thankful for haying that inspiration, for 1 am now free from very terrible pains ' and aches, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills—and to them alone. cannot, of course, be made young again, for I will be 79 years old in December, yet I feel I can end my days in peace, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Pills." ' Pr. Arnolds' English Toxin Pills, tlie only auediome on earth that cures disease by killing the germs that cause it, axe sold by all druggists at 75c, a box; sample size 25c., or sent prepaid on. receipt of price, by The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Can- ada, Life Buildiug, 42 King Street' West, Toronto. • flew Tuberenho.is Alan Be Communicated, The following from a California paper, is full of terrible suggestive- ness: "A death occurred at Gilroy last'afternoon which presents import- ant facts—that of Elrner Rives, 29 yeara of age. Another man, Burt Haley, is at the point of death, at Gilroy with the same disease—tuber- culosis. A couple of years ago the two men, as hale and hearty as any in the valley, were engaged to kill and dissect cattle affected -with tuber -7 culosis, condemned by Dr. Spencer, at the time veterinary inspector. There is little doubt that the germs from tbe affected cattle spread to the two men, as in neither family* has there ever been the least taint of con- sumption. Rives was an athlete with no trace of any disease, weighing about two hundred pounds, and full six feet talla. He is one of the most popular and 'Widely known 4h of the south end of the county. Tlie disease appeared in both men about seven months ago, ad progressed. rapidly." A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Head. —The high pressure of a nervous life which business men of the present day are Constrained to live makes dre,ntelits 'upon their vitality higi ly detrimental to their heath. It is only by the most care- ful treatment that they are ahls zo keep themselves alert and active in their var- ious callings, many of them kuow the value of Parmelte's VegetaLle Pills in regulatingthe stomach and consequently keeping the head clean Where Soap is Unpopular. I/1 spite of British rule, India isvir- t-aally a soapless country. Through- out the villages of Hindustan soap is, indeed, regarded as a nat-ural curi- osity, and it is rarely if ever kept in stock by the IlaTITS sboplreeper. In the towns it is now sold to it certain extent, but how smell this is nlay be gathered from the fact that the year- ly cons-amption of areal/ in India is about 100,000 Isandredweighe ; that is to say, every 2,500 persons nae On an average only 112 pounds of soap among them; or, itt other words, considerab- ly less than an ounce is the average consumption of it person. If your child is pale, peevish, and does not thrive a close of Miller's Worm Pow- ders occasionally- will cure. Selesting Eggs for Market. There are a number of ways of sel- ecting eggs to seed to market. The best of these ways is to pass each egg before a candle held on the other side of a box or board through which a hole has been made. When we eay candle of course we recoguize the fact that an actual candle is not necessary —any kind of a light will do providetl it be powerful enough to send its light through the egg. Only fresh eggs should be sent to market, especi- ally if private customers are beiug supplied. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Origin of litrids';. Voil. The bride's veil had its °right, it is said, in the Anglo-Saxon custom of performing the ceremony under a square piece of cloth, held at each corner by tall men over the bride- groom end bride to coneeal the lat- ter's blushes. If the bride was a wid- owethe veil was dispensed with. _ THE_-. C a (I orter JOH3 LABATT, London, Are undoubtedly TUE BEST. Tostinionials from 4 chemists; 10 medals, Le diplomas. The most' wholcsorrie of beverages. Recommended by Phyticiana For sale every. where, Saved Two TrainS. It does not take heroies 10 make a hero; it only takes a man bent ondo- ing his duty in the face of odds. Such a man le among the employes of the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia. Be is a 'watchman, and he puts duty first and life second. Not long ago a bridge ou his section of the road caught fire awl tumbled into the raging mountain river. It was midnight, and the watchman was alone iu the mountains. Coming to- ward the yawning gap was tbe limit- ed express from the east, while from the west an excursion train, contain- ing four hundred Americai journal- ists, also deetv near. The excursion train was -due first, and it was coming front the side op- posite that ou which the watchman stood. The man did not hesitate. He Plunged into the swollen stream. reached the other shore, ran to the flag station and signalled the excur- sion train. Then he disappeared in the darkness. l3ack to the river he ran without a moment's pause, cast himself in and orosse again. Another rapid run to the flag station on that side, and the exhausted watchman, ready to sink with fatigue, stood by the Pa- cifio flyer that had been brought to a stop at the flag station oast of the bridge. He had. saved two trains, and perhaps a thonsaud lives. His own cornraent on the occurrence was that lie had done his duty. Genius and Depravity. "I am Writing for posterify,." said the poet. "And I am taking in plain sewing for a living," said the poet's soulless wife.— Chicago Times -Herald. Pretty Good Evidence. "What makes you so sure he is not a successful man?" "He hasn't enough enemies."—Chicago Post. How in Clean Halves. They should be held in a straight Position on the knifeboard and moved back -ward and forward in as direct a line as possible, which will prevent the scratches so often seen on them. Do not put 'too much powder on the board, as that is liable to scratch the blades. The board should be in a sloping position, one side slightly higher than the other. The ivory handles should be just dipped (not left to stand) in warm water and wasbed with a soapy flaneel, and then wiped clean and dry. Blades and handles should be washed separately. Ebony handles may be cleaned with a piece of linen dipped in oil and then well dried. Keep a set of cloths of a coarse, strong texture for use for the knives only. Bick le's Anti -Consumptive Syrup stands at the head of the list for all diseases of the throat and lunge It acts like magic in breaking up a cold. A cough is soon subdued, tightness of the chescis relieved, even the worst case of consnmption 15 re- lieved. while in recent cases it may be said never to fail. It is a medicine pre- pared from the active principles or virtues of several medielnal herbs, and can be de- pended upon for all pulmouary com- plaints. Superstition in India. Legends in India run that if it wo- man stricken with leprosy suffers her- self to be buried alive the disease will not descend to her children. There was in the northwest provinces in India the wife of a gardener on whom the loathsome malady had fallen. Children were born to her. The dis- ease grew worse. She importimed her hnslaand to bury her alive. He, at last,sryielding to her prayers, sum- moned his son. The two (lug the grave, and four neighbors assisted at • the sepulchre. So the woman died. These facts were investigated in it magistrate's court and were proved. The pimples have disappeared. Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. r know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. T3OUTILLIER. French Village. I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Croup. J. F. CUNNINGHAM. Cape Island. I know IIINARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth. JOSEPH A. SNOW. Norway, Me. Shipping Trust in recluse. The consul of ate United States at Birmingham reports as an unusual event in Great Britain the beginning of an inquiry by the board of trade of that city into the shipping trust, which is said to be injurious to Brit- isb industry. My wife is having the best of health now. Milier'S C o7npon n it Iron Pills did it. TWO Aline. She—It MuSt be great to have a tal- ent like Prof. Swaraper's. They Say he can 1111 it house to overflowing at any time. He—Um. So can a ph2mber. A dose of iller's Worm Powders occa- sionally will, keep the children healthy. Itls Sad enfant:on. "My shoes are always it SOUrell of o pain.w "Why ie that?" "New shoes hurt ray foot AO old shoes hurt my eelf-tespect." minard't Liniment Cures Distemper, Healthy, happy girls often become languid and despondent, from no apparent cause, in the early days of their woinan- hood. They drag along, always- tired, never hungry, breathless and with pa/pi- tating hearts after slight exercise, so that to merely walk up stairs is exhausting. Sometimes a short, dry cough leads to the, fear that they are going into consumption.. Doctors tell them they are anzenlic—which • means that they have too little blood. Are you like that? More pale and a.nxrnic people have been made bright, active and strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than any other medicine. Mrs. fa. N. Joncas, Berthler, Que., writes ;.—"My daughter, aged fifteen, has been restored ro good health through the use of Dr. Willianie' Pink :Pills. She was very feeble, her blood wil5 poor and watery, and the was troubled with 'headaches'poor appetite, dizziness and alweys felt tal ed. .A ftta nem, Our boxes ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills she is enjoying as good health as any girl 01 her age, and we are glad to give the credit to your grand medicine. 1\16thees will make no mistake if they insist upon their Young daughters taking Dr. William's Pink Pills." Do not take anything that does not bear the full name of "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People." It is an experiment and a hazard- ous one to use a substitute. Sold b,y all dealers or post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5o, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medic.,ine Co., Brockville. The never failing medicine, Holloway's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of -corns, warts, etc. ; even the most difficult to re- move cannot withstaud this wouderful reelects,. Grenler Liberties. The czar of Russia is going to grant more freedom to the'press in his coun- try. - Hereafter th.e Russian publisher will probably be permitted, says the Chicago Times -Herald,' to fix up his circulation table without the help of the censor. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mertury, .as mercury will surely destroy the sense or smell and 'completely derange the whole system weee entering it through themucous surfaces. Stich articles should never be usea except on prescriptious srom reeutsbie physicians, as the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh .Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney, & Do.. Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buyieg Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure 'you get the a -tamale. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & 0o. Tesamoniale free. ta'Sold by Druggists, price 75e. per bottle. Birmingham turns out every week 300,000,000 cut nails, 100,000,000 but- tons, 4,000 miles of wire of different sizes, five tons of hairpins, 500, tons of nuts and 20,000 spectacles. It Was a Sort of "Meehan leal4.‘nswer. Judge—And what did the'°6prisoner say when you told him that you would have him arrested? Complainant—He answered mechan- ically, yer inonor. Judge—E01ain. Complainant—He hit me on the had with a hammer. A Gordan Highlander, wounded in the right shoulder by a Mauser bullet b said all he felt was a sensation of numbness in the arm; others spoke of feeling only a sharp pick when the bullet passed throng/a arm or her. Knife and Fork Sig os. All the railway stations in Sweden at whiela meals are served are known by a Bien bearing the suggestive em- blem of a crossed laiife and fork. Oh, my! how your complexion has im- proved. Yes, Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. Drink Limit In Norway. No person in. Norway may spend more than six cents at one visit to a drinking place. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. WOMAN'S PLUCK WS A Lady Who 'Cured Her fiusband of the Liquor Habit Writes a Pathetic Letter. • She writes: "I had for a long time been thinking of trying the Samaria rrescrip- tion treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but 1 was afraid he would discover that I was giving film medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but es one day when he came home very much Intoxicated and his Week's. salary nearly all spent, I threw off all fear and determined to make an effort to save out home from the rule I sew corning, at all hazards. I sent for your. &merle. Prescrip- tion and put It in his coffee aS directed next morning, and Watched and preyed for the result. At noon I gave .hirn more and nifto at supper. He. neyee suspected thing, end I thee boldly kept right on giving It regulerlea as I had diseovered something that Set every nerve In my body' tingling with hope and happiness, and 1 Could see a bright future spread out before me—a peaceful, 'Merry home, a share In the good things of 111,e, an nttentive, lovind hut:timed, comforts,. and everything else dear to a woman's beset, for my husband had told Me Vint wlesitey was tile, staff and be was taking n dislike to ea It wee only too true, for before 1 hail given hini the fun emiree lite bail topned deinkIng altogether, but I kept givingtbe medlelne 1111 It was gone, end then Sent for another lot to linve 00 hend if. he ehoule relapseaut he had done from hie promiees befero. He never tins, and I am writing you this letter to tell you hew thenkful I am. I honestly believe It .will euro the worst enses." A lifiniphlet In Mein, seeled envelope sent free, giving testimonials and full In.. formation, with direetione how to bike Or ndminister SoMerle Prescription.' Cert.& imondenee eonshlereri sacredle fionflden-, fiat Address, The Samaria', neineily Co, 211 Jordamstreet, Toronto Ore' A Case ef Forest Preservation. Bohemia is one of the most papu- lous countries ma the globe. Its clim- ato is cool, withrather severe winters. As a consequence. large' quantities of fuel al.'0 used, most of which is taken from the forests that cover the moun- tain sides. For =my centuries these forests have furnished fuel and build- ing material material for it dense pop- ulation and • retained nearly their primeval area. This is due to the forethought of the Government in ordaining that as trees were cut down others should be planted to U. the vacancies. Now vast stretches of dense forests cover the mountain slopes. ANVASSERS 1 TWO NEW SOOKSI The Library of South Africa (four books in 'me), :red DAviellt L. Moody. the Ilan ;tad Hie Mission. Both reliable works and beautifully Illustrated; no rehash 01 old matter like some of the books offered for sale. Prices awn f down, terms extre lib val. Prospectus of first beok Ile., of second book 350,, or both for 75e.'amount re- funded with first order for five books. Williann B rigge,Me thoclist Book &Pub. afouse,Toronto. . ODORLESS CLOSET. 0 The Above Cut Represents Ono or that, Most Useful Inventions of the Age In . the Way of an Indoor Closet. Allesthci have used this Closet pronounce 12 ahteIy1bdor1eS8 and instlical men claim it to be perfec ISt sani ary. flueoreds havebeen sold durtug the past year and have given entire sat, isfaction. . For Catalogue and price list write to THE ODORLESS CREMATORY CLOSET CO., 115 MILTON, ONT. C nfi E, -; Cleansing and E'm . Washing Powder. • . ... COST ONLY NOMINAL t. . . No strong Lye, Chloride of Limo Benzine or Coal Oil needed , a .For Domestic use, for the finest lace to the dirtiest greasy clothes. For Metal T.ftensile of all kinds, Pipes, Sinks, etet—, For weaning Paint, Floors and Animals, and tot the Bath, also for use as a disinfectant. Fo'r Printers' use. for Washing Type, Rollers and, Machinery. The powdsr is odorless and per. fectly harmless to hands or material. Put up in 1 lb.,'2 lb.' and 5' lb. packages, at Ito. per lb. A liberal discount to the trade. Coal Saving and Smoke Consuming , Campound. For }louse Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, and fer manute,oturing coacerns. This powder. saves 20 to 40 per cent. of coal, gets up a steadier and stronger heat and steam. 15 18 very simple to 1156. (O0 changing 01 lire -places) and is as safe to handle as the coal itself. Use 7 lb. portion dissolved In Water and spreareetil Price 0 cents per lb. or $100 per ton. . If your grocer or druggist has not got above we will furnish It on application with full direct. ttoes ter use. '• ' Auld's Celebrated Premium Mucilage, Lithograma and Llthogram Composition to be had at ail first class stationers, 0)0. AULD MUCILACE CO.. 17 Bleary St..; Montreal. PLOWS HOLLERS & HARROWS The Best Maxi e. scowl for Cstaloqoo. COCKSil (ITT PLO W CO., ilittASTPO ED. LUCAS,STEELE & BRISTOL, Ss 13. Coffees Circle Teas IMPORTERS OE oReeeses, 1.5. sb 14. Extract); Write SS. HAMILTON, L.S. St; IL SPiceis BINDER TWINE AND MANILA HOPE ONTARIO BINDER TWINE GO., 11.S Union Station Arcade. Toronto. ATe"n "0-1 uTEr Y FREE, . 'p6rfee,t:' timakeoper7 BOYS an cl GIRLS for distributing A dyer. tieing Matter. Won't cot yon a cent. Send address for particulars. Serra 13003. .Lobo*. 1 sS ST.OPPED FREE. Perms.nent- ly Cured. mt. xratte"s deter. ItEleYli RESTORER. Positive cure . for ,all Nereotie Diseases, Fart, alp lepsy, Speer/et and St. V itus' Dance, Ne Fit or Nereotameei after first day's use. ' Treatise and 82 trial bottle Sent through Canadian Agehey FREE to Fit patient*, they Pay ng express eh a rgesoni y whee received. ' Send to Dr Rime, 23) Arch st, Pleladelphiape. ' , Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We also make steel FIng stairs. ,Grain Griiidera, Iron and Wood l'unona, lice Supplies. fond tor New Cat, aingur. 254